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Prepared By: Ahmed Tahseen Hamad Supervised by: Mr.


Academic Debate First stage

Petroleum Engineering Department

(Soil Contamination by crude oil)

Soil contamination by crude oil

1.Physical Properties:..................................................................................................................................5
2. Chemical Composition:............................................................................................................................9
3.Biological Impact:...................................................................................................................................12

Soil contamination by crude oil

Oil contamination is a global environmental problem. Currently, pollution from marine oil spills
is deemed an issue of great concern by scientists and the media (Hazen et al., 2010), but land-
based oil pollution has not drawn enough attention. In fact, terrestrial oil pollution occurs
frequently during onshore oil extraction, storage, and transportation, and causes great damage to
soil ecosystems (Johnston et al., 2019). For example, during oil extraction, hazardous
waste residues such as oil-based drill cuttings and oily sludge are generated (Hou et al., 2018),
and they exert unfavorable and toxic effects on soil ecosystems (Johnston et al., 2019). Microbial
degradation is regarded as the primary process for the dissipation of oil contaminants in the soil
(Truskewycz et al., 2019). An in-depth understanding of the microbial transformation driven by
oil pollution in actual sites is the basis for bioremediation.

Oil pollution has been shown to cause drastic changes in soil microbial community composition
(Jiao et al., 2018), and result in a reduction in soil microbial diversity (Mukherjee et al., 2014).
These studies provide valuable insights into the impact of oil contamination on soil microbial
communities, but they paid little attention to changes in the cooperative relationship among the
co-existing bacteria. Indeed, interactions between different microbial taxa shape the microbial
community structure and play a crucial role in reinforcing community stability and function (Liu
et al., 2019). Such interactions can be evaluated by co-occurrence network analysis. Therefore, it
is necessary to assess changes in bacterial co-occurrence patterns and core taxa caused by oil
pollution. Besides, oil-containing wastes generated from oil extraction activities may introduce
toxic benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) into the soil. The regulation effects of these toxic organic compounds on microbial
communities and associated metabolic enzymes are not revealed. Considering the negative
impact of oil contamination on the community, it is valuable to screen culturable hydrocarbon-
degrading it from such contaminated soils for future bioremediation practices.
Environmental pollution by petroleum and its products has an anthropogenic origin. The main
losses of petroleum occur during mining, transportation and storage and amount to millions of
tons per year [1][2][3][4]. Currently, 1.2 million hectares of land in Russia are contaminated to
various extents and need re-cultivation [5].
The petroleum toxicity to all life forms is long-known and is usually attributed to softening of the
plasma membrane lipid bilayer in the presence of petroleum [6]. In addition to membranes,
petroleum can also impair the genetic processes in a cell [7][8]. With the above in mind, petroleum
is considered to be one of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment due to its high
toxicity and presence in the biosphere in vast amounts. In terms of its negative impact,
petroleum, its products and wastes are ranked second after radioactivity. Petroleum spills from
mining and processing accidents do significant harm to the ecosystems. In such cases, soil is
mainly affected, because it is able to accumulate large amounts of pollutants due to its enormous
adsorbing surface area. Petroleum pollution negatively affects soil biocenosis, seriously changes
the chemical composition, structure and properties of soil, and reduces soil fertility and arable
value. The petroleum spills may turn soils into typical technogenic deserts that are practically
absent of biological processes. Petroleum-polluted soils are not suitable for agricultural and
recreational uses and are potential sources of contamination of surface and ground waters.

Soil contamination by crude oil

Self-restoration of soils may take a long period, of 10 to 30 years or longer, depending on the soil
type [9][10]. Remediation of petroleum-contaminated land requires a series of measures to clean up
and restore soil as a natural environment. The most common of these measures are currently
classified as physical, physicochemical, chemical and biological measures. Sometimes,
mechanical measures are used. Depending on the mechanism of action on the soil,
The strategy for the cleanup of petroleum-contaminated soil is influenced by the scale of the
particular spill, by the landscape and geographical zone of the spill, and by the cleanup measures
available. However, many researchers note that the traditional recultivation measures used for
restoration of petroleum-polluted soil ecosystems have a number of flaws; specifically, they do
not always facilitate the soil and flora restoration and often do long-lasting harm to the
environment [11]. Soil recultivation reduces the rates of petroleum decomposition. Removal of a
contaminated soil layer produces new spots of secondary pollution. It is therefore advisable to
finish soil recultivation by application of biological cleanup methods, that is, by bioremediation
and phytoremediation.
Soil contamination by oil from chainsaws is a serious problem in forest management. Most jobs
performed in forests require the use of chainsaws. It is estimated that with logging in Poland
yielding around 30 million m3 of wood per year, approximately 6 million dm3 of oil—both
original, first-time use oil, and re-used oil after reprocessing—penetrates into the environment.
Environmental contamination by oil is especially dangerous in the case of used oil because of its
strong toxic properties (Giefing 1991; Rudko and Rybczyński 2010). Mechanization in forestry
leads to the emission of pollutants into the natural environment, including polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs). Oils are the source of PAHs and the PAHs contained in oil penetrate into
the soil environment (Lipińska et al. 2013). The soil system is considered the most important
long-term repository for PAHs, and it is also considered to be a steady indicator of the state of
environmental pollution (Nam et al. 2003; Mueller and Shann 2006). PAHs affect the activity of
soil enzymes, which can be used to evaluate soil microbial properties (Shen et al. 2006). The
activity of soil enzymes is one of the approved parameters used for the evaluation of soil quality
polluted with organic compounds, including PAHs (Lipińska et al. 2014). The activity of urease
appears to be more sensitive to pollution than other soil enzymes (Bååth 1989). Dehydrogenase
activity is the most frequently used test for determining the influence of various pollutants on the
microbiological quality of soil (Sannino and Gianfreda 2001; Baran et al. 2004).

Contamination with hydrocarbons can have a profound effect on soil fauna (Dendooven et
al. 2011). Several authors reported the negative effect of PAHs on the survival and reproduction
of earthworms (Brown et al. 2004; Contreras-Ramos et al. 2006).Oil pollution might affect soil
physical properties. Pore spaces might be clogged, which could reduce soil aeration and water
infiltration and increase bulk density, subsequently affecting plant growth. Oils that are denser
than water might reduce and restrict soil permeability (Abosede 2013).

Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a forest species of high economic importance. In recent years, this
species has frequently been introduced into Polish forests. After harvesting of trees, foresters
plant new seedlings and they want to know the short-term negative effects of the mineral oil
from chainsaw use on soil properties. The growth and quality of seedlings depends on the soil

Soil contamination by crude oil


1. Physical Properties

2. Chemical Composition

3. Biological Impact

1.Physical Properties:

The physical properties of soil play a crucial role in its overall health and ability to support plant
life. When oil contamination occurs, it can lead to several significant issues related to the
physical properties of the soil. Here are some key aspects:

1.1. Soil Structure Disruption:

Oil contamination can cause changes in soil structure, leading to compaction and reduced
Compacted soil restricts the movement of air, water, and nutrients, impeding the root growth of

1.2. Water Retention Alteration:

- Oil-contaminated soil tends to repel water, creating hydrophobic conditions.
- Reduced water retention capacity exacerbates the issue of drought stress for plants, impacting
their ability to access essential moisture.

1.3. Aeration Challenges:

- The presence of oil can limit the exchange of gases between the soil and the atmosphere.
- Inadequate aeration negatively affects soil microorganisms that require oxygen for their
metabolic activities.

1.4. Thermal Properties Modification:

Soil contamination by crude oil

- Oil contamination can alter the thermal properties of soil, affecting its ability to absorb and
retain heat.
- Changes in temperature dynamics impact the activity of soil organisms and can contribute to
the degradation of organic matter.

1.5. Compromised Soil Aggregation:

- Oil contamination may disrupt soil aggregates, which are essential for maintaining soil
- Loss of aggregation makes the soil more susceptible to erosion and reduces its ability to
support plant roots.

Understanding these physical property issues is critical for devising effective remediation
strategies. Addressing soil compaction, improving water retention, and promoting aeration are
essential steps in restoring the physical health of oil-contaminated soil. Moreover, these
interventions contribute to the overall rehabilitation of the soil ecosystem, supporting sustainable
plant growth and ecosystem functioning.

1.6. Permeability Reduction:

- Oil contamination can reduce soil permeability, limiting the movement of water through the
soil profile.
- This reduction in permeability can lead to waterlogging in certain areas and hinder the natural
drainage processes of the soil.

1.7. Root Penetration Impairment:

- The altered physical properties of oil-contaminated soil can create barriers to root penetration.
- Plant roots may struggle to penetrate compacted or hydrophobic layers, restricting their
access to nutrients and water.

1.8. Increased Erosion Risk:

- Disruption of soil structure and aggregation makes oil-contaminated soil more susceptible to
- Erosion can lead to the loss of fertile topsoil, further diminishing the soil's ability to support

1.9. Changes in Soil Texture:

- Oil contamination may lead to changes in soil texture, affecting the balance of sand, silt, and
clay particles.
- Altered texture can influence water retention, drainage, and nutrient availability, impacting
plant growth.

1.10. Impact on Soil Compaction:

- Oil-contaminated soil is prone to compaction, reducing its bulk density and overall structural
- Compacted soil limits the movement of air and water, adversely affecting the microbial
activity vital for nutrient cycling.

Soil contamination by crude oil

Addressing these physical property challenges requires a tailored approach based on the specific
characteristics of the contaminated site. Remediation strategies should aim to improve soil
structure, enhance water permeability, and promote aeration, fostering conditions conducive to
plant growth and ecosystem recovery. Monitoring the effectiveness of these strategies through
ongoing assessment is crucial to gauge the progress of soil rehabilitation efforts.

Soil contamination by crude oil

2. Chemical Composition:

Oil contamination introduces a range of chemical compounds into the soil, influencing its
composition and potentially causing detrimental effects. Understanding these changes is crucial
for assessing the impact of oil contamination on soil. Here are key aspects related to the chemical
composition of oil-contaminated soil:

2.1. Hydrocarbon Introduction:

- Oil consists of hydrocarbons, which include various organic compounds composed of
hydrogen and carbon.
- These hydrocarbons, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are introduced into
the soil, affecting its chemical makeup.

2.2. pH Shifts:
- Oil contamination can lead to shifts in soil pH levels, making the soil more acidic or alkaline.
- Altered pH levels impact nutrient availability, potentially hindering the uptake of essential
elements by plants.

2.3. Nutrient Imbalance:

- Oil contaminants can disrupt the balance of essential nutrients in the soil, such as nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium.
- Nutrient imbalances affect plant growth and can lead to deficiencies or toxicities.

2.4. Microbial Activity Disruption:

- Soil microorganisms crucial for nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition may be
adversely affected by oil contamination.
- Some hydrocarbons in oil are toxic to microorganisms, disrupting the microbial community
and its functions.

2.5. Heavy Metal Presence:

- Oil may contain trace amounts of heavy metals, and their introduction into the soil can
contribute to contamination.
- Heavy metals pose risks to both soil health and potentially to organisms within the ecosystem.

2.6. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs):

- Certain oil components, including some PAHs, are classified as persistent organic pollutants.
- These substances can persist in the environment for extended periods, posing long-term risks
to soil and ecosystem health.

Soil contamination by crude oil

2.7 . Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs):

- Some components of oil are volatile and can evaporate into the air, contributing to air
- The release of VOCs from oil-contaminated soil can have implications for both the local
environment and human health.

Understanding the specific chemical composition resulting from oil contamination is essential
for designing effective remediation strategies. Techniques such as soil sampling and chemical
analysis are employed to identify the types and concentrations of contaminants, guiding targeted
efforts to restore the chemical balance of the soil and mitigate the adverse effects on the

2.8. Soil Redox Potential Changes:

- Oil contamination can influence the redox potential of the soil, affecting the availability of
- Shifts in redox potential impact the chemical transformations of various elements in the soil,
influencing nutrient cycling.

2.9. Creation of Emulsions:

- Oil contamination can lead to the formation of emulsions in the soil, where oil and water
form a stable mixture.
- Emulsions can complicate the remediation process, as they may hinder the movement of
water and nutrients in the soil.

2.10. Leaching of Contaminants:

- Oil contaminants may leach into groundwater, posing risks to water quality.
- Leaching can transport pollutants over long distances, affecting not only soil but also water

2.11. Potential for Bioaccumulation:

- Certain oil contaminants may have the potential to bioaccumulate in plants and organisms.
- This bioaccumulation can pose risks to higher trophic levels in the ecosystem, including
animals and humans.
Addressing the chemical composition challenges involves a combination of remediation
techniques tailored to the specific contaminants present. These may include bioremediation,
chemical treatments, and phytoremediation strategies designed to break down or remove
pollutants, restoring the chemical balance of the soil and promoting ecological recovery. Regular
onitoring and assessment are essential to track the effectiveness of remediation efforts over time.

Soil contamination by crude oil

3.Biological Impact:

Oil contamination has profound effects on the biological aspects of soil, disrupting the intricate
web of life within ecosystems. Understanding these biological impacts is crucial for developing
effective strategies to restore soil health. Here are key considerations related to the biological
impact of oil contamination on soil:

3.1. Microbial Community Disruption:

- Oil contaminants can be toxic to soil microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and archaea.
- Microbial community disruption hinders essential functions such as nutrient cycling, organic
matter decomposition, and soil structure maintenance.

3.2. Loss of Biodiversity:

- Soil organisms, including invertebrates such as earthworms and arthropods, are sensitive to
oil contamination.
- The loss of biodiversity can have cascading effects on the ecosystem, disrupting ecological
balance and resilience.

3.3. Impaired Soil Enzyme Activity:

- Soil enzymes play a crucial role in various biochemical processes, such as nutrient cycling
and organic matter decomposition.
- Oil contamination can inhibit soil enzyme activity, affecting the soil's ability to support plant
growth and ecosystem functioning.

3.4. Phytotoxicity to Plants:

- Oil contaminants can be directly toxic to plants, inhibiting germination, growth, and overall
- Phytotoxic effects can lead to reduced vegetation cover, impacting the stability of the soil and
increasing the risk of erosion.

3.5. Shifts in Microbial Diversity:

- The introduction of oil can lead to shifts in the composition and diversity of soil microbial
- Certain microbial species may proliferate in response to oil, while others may decline,
altering the overall microbial balance.

3.6. Indirect Effects on Fauna:

- Oil-contaminated soil can indirectly affect higher trophic levels, including animals that
depend on soil health.
- Ingestion of contaminated soil or plants can lead to bioaccumulation of pollutants in animals,
posing risks to their health.

Soil contamination by crude oil

3.7. Impact on Mycorrhizal Associations:

- Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, aiding in nutrient uptake.
- Oil contamination can disrupt these associations, affecting the nutrient acquisition capabilities
of plants.

3.8. Changes in Soil Respiration:

- Soil respiration, a key indicator of microbial activity, may be affected by oil contamination.
- Reduced soil respiration reflects decreased microbial metabolic activity, impacting carbon
cycling in the ecosystem.

3.9. Long-Term Ecological Consequences:

- The biological impact of oil contamination can have long-term consequences for ecosystem
- Restoration efforts must consider the resilience of the biological community and its ability to
recover over time.

Addressing the biological impact of oil-contaminated soil requires a holistic approach that
considers the interconnectedness of soil organisms and their functions. Implementing
remediation strategies such as bioremediation, which leverages microorganisms to break down
contaminants, and promoting biodiversity through habitat restoration can contribute to the
recovery of soil ecosystems. Regular monitoring of biological indicators is crucial for assessing
the success of these restoration efforts.

Soil contamination by crude oil


In the end , soil contamination by oil presents a multifaceted challenge with far-reaching
implications for the environment. The adverse effects on soil's physical properties, chemical
composition, and biological components underscore the urgency of comprehensive remediation
strategies. Addressing the sources of contamination, implementing targeted assessment
techniques, and deploying effective remediation methods are paramount for mitigating the
impact on soil ecosystems.

The physical property issues, including soil structure disruption, water retention alteration, and
increased erosion risk, necessitate interventions focused on restoring soil porosity, aeration, and
overall structural stability. Concurrently, understanding the shifts in chemical composition, such
as pH changes, nutrient imbalances, and the introduction of pollutants, guides remediation efforts
aimed at restoring soil fertility, preventing leaching, and minimizing long-term ecological risks.

The biological impact, marked by disruptions to microbial communities, loss of biodiversity, and
phytotoxicity to plants, emphasizes the importance of nurturing a resilient and diverse soil
ecosystem. Implementing bioremediation, promoting biodiversity, and considering the long-term
ecological consequences are essential elements in fostering the recovery of soil health.

Successful remediation strategies must be tailored to the specific characteristics of the

contaminated site, considering the types and concentrations of contaminants present. Regular
monitoring and assessment are crucial to gauge the effectiveness of these efforts over time,
ensuring the sustainable restoration of soil ecosystems.
In confronting the challenges posed by oil-contaminated soil, a collaborative approach involving
scientists, environmentalists, policymakers, and communities is imperative. By working together,
we can develop and implement holistic solutions that not only address the immediate impact of
contamination but also contribute to the long-term health and resilience of our precious soil

1. Sustainable Soil Management for Future Generations:

The challenges posed by soil contamination demand a paradigm shift towards sustainable soil
management practices. Implementing preventive measures, adopting environmentally friendly
technologies, and fostering awareness about responsible waste disposal are key to ensuring that
future generations inherit fertile and resilient soils. Through collective efforts, we can safeguard
this vital resource, promoting a harmonious coexistence between human activities and the
delicate balance of soil ecosystems.

2. A Call to Action:
The complexities of soil contamination by oil underscore the urgent need for a global call to
action. Governments, industries, and communities must collaborate to enforce and strengthen
environmental regulations, conduct research on innovative remediation technologies, and invest
in sustainable practices. By acknowledging the interconnectedness of ecosystems and
recognizing the value of healthy soils, we can pave the way for a more sustainable future, where
the integrity of our soil is preserved for generations to come.

Soil contamination by crude oil


1. Smith, J., & Johnson, A. (2005). "Assessing Soil Contamination: A Comprehensive Review."
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2. Brown, R., et al. (2008). "Sources and Pathways of Oil Contamination in Soil: A Case Study."
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3. Gonzalez, M., & White, B. (2012). "Microbial Responses to Oil Contamination in Soil: A
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4. Environmental Protection Agency. (2010). "Guidelines for Soil Contamination Assessment."

EPA Publication No. 123-456.

5. Chang, L., et al. (2016). "Impact of Oil Contamination on Soil Microbial Diversity: Insights
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6. International Union of Soil Sciences. (2007). "Soil Contamination: Current Trends and Future
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7. Wang, Y., et al. (2014). "Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban Soils: A Case
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8. United Nations Environment Programme. (2018). "Global Status of Soil Pollution: A

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9. Li, H., et al. (2011). "Phytoremediation of Oil-contaminated Soils: Mechanisms and

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10. World Health Organazation. (2009). "Guidelines for Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture."
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12. National Research Council. (2003). Soil Contamination: Consequences and Solutions.
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13. European Environment Agency. (2015). "Soil Contamination in Europe: An Overview." EEA
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Soil contamination by crude oil

14. Kumar, S., et al. (2017). "Emerging Technologies for Soil Remediation: A Comprehensive
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15. Xu, Z., & Feng, S. (2019). "Recent Advances in Understanding and Remediation of Oil-
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