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Subject : International Human Resource Management

Class : BBA-8 (A,B,C)

Instructor : Ms. Zehra A. Sayyid

Assignment : 2

Submission Date : March 25, 2024

Read the Case Study and answer the questions at the end

Tayal Corporation Ltd

Tayal Corporation Ltd is a large scale manufacturing enterprise with staff strength
of 900 operative employees and 125 executives. The staffing policy of the
company is to employ trainees at the lowest intake level and absorb them after
successful completion of training. Higher posts are normally filled by promotion
and such posts are advertised only if suitable internal candidates are not available.

The electrical division of the company was created in 1992 and seven junior
Engineers (Electrical) joined as management Trainees in July 1992 and were
absorbed after completion of six months training. The J.E. were put under the
charge of an Assistant Engineer (AE) who in turn reported to the Project Manager.
As per Board decision, an executive must have at least four years of experience on
his job to be considered for promotion to the higher job.

Because of increase in workload of the electrical division, the company advertised

a post of J.E. (Electrical) seeking applications from those with at least 2 years of
experience as J.E. One Mr. Bharat Bhushan who had 3 ½ years of experience in
another firm applied and got selected for the said job. He joined the company in
August 1993. After two years the Asstt. Engineer left his job and the company
inserted an advertisement in a leading paper in October 1995 inviting applications
from candidate with at least four years of experience as Junior Engineer. Mr.
Bharat Bhushan who fulfilled this requirement applied for the post through proper
channel. He was called for the interview along with ten other external candidates.

Mr. Bhushan’s performance at the interview was outstanding and he was

congratulated by the General Manager who was the Chairman of the Selection
Committee. The Selection Committee forwarded its recommendations on Mr.
Bhushan’s selection to the Human Resource Department. But the next day three of
the other Junior Engineers met the GM and threatened to resign if Mr. Bhushan
becomes their boss. The GM asked the Human Resource Manager not to issue the
appointment letter to Mr. Bhushan because of the following reasons.

(i) Mr. Bhushan can’t be promoted to a higher post without completing four
years of service in the organization
(ii) Mr. Bhushan who is junior to the seven J.E. in the electrical division
would supersede them all which might lead to frictions in the division.
Moreover, the G.M. did not want to lose any of the J.E.

Answer the following questions:

Q.1 If Mr. Bhushan had been an external candidate, would he have got the
job of
Assistant Engineer? Why?

Q.2 In an open vacancy, is it justified to treat the internal and external

candidates differently?

Q.3 How far do you agree with the employment/promotion policies of the

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