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Enrollment No.


102003405: Entrepreneurship Skills
Date: 05-04-2023 Time: 4 to 5 pm Maximum Marks: 20
1. Figures on the right indicate full marks.
2.. Be brief and to the point in answers.
Q. 1 (A) Select the most suitable answer from given option. Write in supplementary. [08]
(1) The business enterprise is completely owned by single individual
(a) Own company (b) Franchise
(c) Partnership (G Proprietor
(2) Acompany has separate legal entity from its owners and will continue to operate even if the
Owncrs and managers are changcd, means it has perpetual existence.
(a) True 6) False
(3) Outlining the task, duties, responsibilities,qualifications, methods and relationships required
to perform the given set of a job
(a) Job simplification e Job design
(c) Job rotation (d) Job enrichment
(4) It verticalliy structures each department grouped based on their specific skills and knowiedge
t a Line structure (b) Lateral structure
( functional structure (d) Mixed structure
(5) The process of raising capital through the sale of shares is caled
(a) Equity financing (b) Dèbt financing
(C) Borrowing of money (a Bànk Loan
(6) Which is not a function of Human Resource Management
(a) Training & Development (b) Selection and Staffing
(c) Employee assistance Ld) Job Search
(7) The patent can be applied for
(a) Design innovations (b) process innovations
(c) Method innovations Tt) Allof these
(8) Aword, phrase, symbol,and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the
goods of one party from those of others.
(a) Patent (b) Copyright
C) Trade mark (d) Trade secret

Q. 2 Briefly attermpt any four questions. [12)

(A) What market research? Write two features of agood marketing plan.
B) What are the significant features of Partnership business format?
(C) Explain the role of commercial bank as financial intuitions.
) Explain the meaning of Patent with an example.
E) Brief about contents to be mentioned in a 'Business Proposal'.
(F) Write a success story on your role model Entrepreneur.

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