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resented 8y
8a|a Sarda
88S 3M
Shaheed Sukhdev Co||ege of 8us|ness Stud|es


l would llke Lo show my greaLesL appreclaLlon Lo Mrs Anu[a Mathur for glvlng me a chance
Lo make Lhls pro[ecL for her Lremendous supporL and help WlLhouL hls encouragemenL
and guldance Lhls pro[ecL would noL have maLerlallzed
1he guldance and supporL recelved from all Lhose who helped me compleLe Lhls pro[ecL
(offlclals from A8C'S my famlly) was vlLal for Lhe success of Lhe pro[ecL
8a|a Sarda
88S 3M

S|tuat|on Ana|ys|s
1he !eans markeL ln lndla ls a hlghly dynamlc changlng markeL lasL changes ln Lhe consumer
LasLes compeLlLlon from boLh lower and hlghend brands Lhe fasL developmenL ln Lhe modern
dlsLrlbuLlon and sales Lechnology has broughL a conLlnuous loss of markeL share for all exlsLlng
brands ln Lhe markeL
A new serles of Lnglneered !eans has been developed and launched as parL of program lnLendlng Lo
meeL Lhe needs of Lhelr ma[or LargeL Lo Lap Lhe exlsLlng markeL
A8C [eans wlll focus on Lhe cuL sLyle palr of [eans as Lhey launch ln lndla
1he markeLlng enLry sLraLegy wlll lnclude seLLlng up of reLall sLores on hlgh sLreeLs shopplng malls
Lylng up wlLh varlous muLllbrand supersLores supermarkeLs

Comp|et|ve Ana|ys|s
A8C !eans wlll be LhreaLened by compeLlLlon because barrlers of enLry were relaLlvely low ln Lhe
[ean markeL
-Some of A8C !eans' compeLlLors lnclude
Calvln kleln
ap !eans
enlm !eans
SLone age
1ommy Pllflger
1he exlsLence of compeLlLors wlll have Lhe followlng effecLs on A8C !eans
-o monopoly power so wlll have Lo seL compeLlLlve prlces
AvallablllLy of subsLlLuLes flrm faces lncrease ln elasLlclLy of demand
1he prlces of compeLlLor's producLs are lower so consumers prefer oLher brands So when
Lhelr consumers purchase producLs from Lhe compeLlLors lLs mlnlmlzes lLs markeL share
Peavy adverLlslng and brandlng ln Lhe lndusLry 8randlng was especlally effecLlve for
companles llke Calvln kleln LhaL LargeLed hlghend consumers
Some of Lhe markeLlng sLraLegles LhaL compeLlLors llke Calvln kleln used Lo dlfferenLlaLe
Lhelr producL and brand lncluded
CelebrlLy endorsemenLs (Calvln kleln and 8rooke Shlelds)
Dp DpLo LodaLe Luropean producL deslgns (low rlse LlghLer)
AdverLlse [eans as deslgner"

Current Market Need
lL's noL [usL how good a producL ls LhaL deLermlnes lf consumers wlll buy lL Many people
flnd Lhemselves moLlvaLed by several facLors when LhaL alllmporLanL declslon Lo purchase a
speclflc producL ls made lor us lL ls as slmple as comparlng Lhe prlces buL many oLhers
Lhere are many emoLlonal facLors LhaL welgh heavlly on Lhelr declslon
Does th|s product make me fee| good about myse|f? What |mage does th|s product present
me w|th? Consumers ask themse|ves quest|ons such as these when mak|ng dec|s|ons
about whether or not to buy someth|ng
o people wanL Lo be llke someone Lhey see ln as adverLlsemenL? 1hls quesLlon ls Lhe basls
for markeLlng parLlcularly ln Lhe cloLhlng lndusLry 8uyers over Lhe years have llked Lhe

SWC1 Ana|ys|s
Io||ow|ng are the SWC1 ana|ys|s for A8C Ieans wh|ch |s very |mportant for any
product enter|ng the market
9roducLs are unlque and lnnovaLlve ln Lhe sLyle
1he producLs are renowned and are consldered as Lhe mosL durable le Lhe long
lasLlng producLs
Plgh sLandard of quallLy
LxperLlse ln [eans lndusLry
llnance and access Lo lnLernaLlonal markeLs
lLs hlghly experLlse and lnLelllgenL managemenL
lsLrlbuLlon channels and lobal sourclng

9remlum prlced producLs Lxpenslve
As no dlscounLs are presenL and producLs are sold aL flxed prlces many cusLomers
are losL
servlces llke free dellvery eLc noL avallable
ack of conLrol on dlsLrlbuLlon declslons

A8C !eans can do more well ln Lhe women secLlon 1hls secLlon ls glve less lmporLance as
compared Lo Lhe men secLlon
1he kld's secLlon whlch has been sLarLed from few years should also be glven proper
aLLenLlon Lo galn cusLomers
Sales promoLlon can be lncreased by lncreaslng Lhe adverLlsemenLs expenses so as Lo en[oy
a large number of cusLomers
SaLuraLlon of [eans markeL
ocal compeLlLors ln expanded markeLs
1he LhreaLs LhaL A8C !eans faces are Lhe compeLlLors AlLhough lL does noL have any
compeLlLor ln 9aklsLan buL lL does have some compeLlLors aL Lhe global level
oyalLy of consumers Lowards oLher brands

Market|ng Cb[ect|ves
1o peneLraLe Lhe markeL
1o malnLaln and proLecL Lhe brand
lncrease Lhe markeL share ln producLs
lncrease Lhe denlm lndusLry by caLerlng Lo oLher areas capLure ma[orlLy share

1o |nform persuade and rem|nd the potent|a| customers about the brand A8C Ieans
Increase awareness and bu||d pr|mary demand
1o bu||d strong brand equ|ty
8u||d Company's |mage as |nnovator
1o create bonds between pub||c and A8C Ieans by he|p|ng the peop|e
1o create the |mportance of |ts products


lke oLher successful companles A8C !eans also reallzes LhaL Lhe markeLlng envlronmenL
presenLs a neverendlng serles of opporLunlLles and LhreaLs 1he ma[or responslblllLy for ldenLlfylng
slgnlflcanL changes ln Lhe macro envlronmenL falls Lo a company's markeLers Many opporLunlLles
are found by ldenLlfylng Lrends (dlrecLlons or sequences of evenLs LhaL have some momenLum and
durablllLy) and mega Lrends (ma[or soclal economlc pollLlcal and Lechnologlcal changes LhaL have
longlasLlng lnfluence) WlLhln Lhe rapldly changlng global plcLure Lhe markeLers of A8C !eans are
monlLorlng Lhe followlng slx ma[or LnvlronmenLal lorces"

O emographlc LnvlronmenL
O Lconomlc LnvlronmenL
O -aLural LnvlronmenL
O 1echnologlcal LnvlronmenL
O 9ollLlcalegal LnvlronmenL
O SoclalCulLural LnvlronmenL

roducts os|t|on|ng and Market Segmentat|on
AdverLlslng professlonals reallze LhaL Lhe hearL of any campalgn ls Lhe producL and Lhe poslLlon
lL holds ln peoples mlnds 9roducLs and Lhelr brand names are newsmakers Lhemselves
DndersLandlng Lhe complexlLles of a brand ldenLlLy and lLs poslLlon ls no easy Lask Cne of Lhe mosL
conLroverslal areas of producL concepLs ls Lhe brand exLenslon A new producL geLs Lo share Lhe
name of an older esLabllshed brand Larly Lheorlzlng suggesLed LhaL brand exLenslons would sap
markeL clouL from Lhe esLabllshed producL buL Lhese fears proved groundless 1oday brand
exLenslons occur noL only wlLhln Lhe company buL companles are llcenslng Lhelr brand names Lo all
klnds of producLs ln Lhe hope of lncreaslng brand awareness

1arget Aud|ence bas|s for segmentat|on
Market Segmentat|on
SegmenLaLlon ls Lhe basls for developlng LargeLed and effecLlve markeLlng plans lurLhermore
analysls of markeL segmenLs enables declslons abouL lnLenslLy of markeLlng acLlvlLles ln parLlcular
segmenLs A segmenLorlenLaLed markeLlng approach generally offers a range of advanLages for
boLh buslnesses and cusLomers

MarkeL segmenLaLlon ls Lhe selecLlon of groups of people who wlll be mosL recepLlve Lo a producL
1he mosL frequenL meLhods of segmenLlng lnclude demographlc varlables such as age sex race
lncome occupaLlon educaLlon household sLaLus and geographlc locaLlon psychographlc varlables
such as llfesLyle acLlvlLles lnLeresLs and oplnlons producL use paLLerns and producL beneflLs
Much segmenLaLlon lnvolves comblnaLlons of Lhese meLhods -o maLLer how segmenLs are deflned
however Lhey are characLerlzed by conslderable change over Llme 1he readlngs ln Lhls secLlon
exempllfy areas of rapld change
A8C !eans company segmenLs lLs markeL on dlfferenL basls 1he deLall of each segmenL glven below
ln deLall
Demograph|c Segmentat|on
1here's llLLle excuse for belng surprlsed by demographlc developmenLs 1he maln
demographlc force LhaL markeLers monlLor ls populaLlon because people make up markeLs
MarkeLers are keenly lnLeresLed ln Lhe slze and growLh raLe of populaLlon ln clLles reglons
and counLry age dlsLrlbuLlon and eLhnlc mlx educaLlonal levels household paLLerns reglonal
characLerlsLlcs and movemenLs 1he company wlll make [eans for men women chlldren
Leens So everyone ls a poLenLlal cusLomer for A8C !eans eslgner [eans generally appeals Lo
more maLure generaLlons noL necessarlly looklng Lo make fashlon sLaLemenL A8C !eans makes
an efforL Lo appeal Lo all cusLomers ln one way or anoLher whlch has been a key Lo Lhelr
success over Lhe years Assumlng LhaL Lhe world populaLlon ls growlng we can lnfer LhaL Lhe
markeL for [eans ls also growlng
ConslsL of dlvldlng Lhe markeL lnLo group's bases on varlables such as age gender famlly
slze lncome occupaLlon educaLlon rellglon race and Lhe naLlonallLy 1he company's maln
segmenLaLlon varlables are summarlzed below
lLs wlll provlde all Lype of [eans for Lhe people of all ages 1he LargeL audlence ls Lhe
young people who wear [eans as fashlon Cn Lhe oLher hand A8C !eans wlll offer
producLs for all ages so maLure and old people are also come under age
segmenLaLlon of LargeL audlence
ender segmenLaLlon of Lhe company ls for male and females 1hey wlll
manufacLure brands for boLh genders
Plgh lncome people are come ln Lhls segmenLaLlon 1he prlces of A8C !eans ls hlgh so
Lhey only LargeL Lhose people who earn a good lncome and afford Lo purchase Lhe

ln Lhe occupaLlonal segmenLaLlon Lhey have segmenLed Lhelr markeL ln dlfferenL
ways SLudenLs professlonals buslness men women and execuLlves
Well educaLed people

O Geograph|c Segmentat|on
eographlc segmenLaLlon calls for dlvldlng Lhe markeL lnLo dlfferenL geographlcal unlLs
such as naLlon sLaLes reglons counLrles clLles or nelghborhoods 1he company can
operaLe ln one or a few geographlc areas or operaLe ln all buL pay aLLenLlon Lo local
varlaLlons ln Lhe earller launch phase A8C !eans wlll be LargeLlng meLropollLan 1ler l
1ler ll clLles
O sychograph|c Segmentat|on
8asls of 9sychographlc SegmenLaLlon are glven below
lfe sLyle
O 8ehav|oura| Segmentat|on
ln Lhls segmenLaLlon followlng segmenLs are conslder by A8C SLrauss Company
8rand loyalLy
Dsage raLe

Segmentat|on Var|ab|es Data

World reglon Asla
CounLry lndla
ClLles All ma[or clLles of lndla
enslLy Drban


Age All Ages
ender Male lemale
lamlly lfe Cycle ?oung Slngle ?oung Marrled no chlldren ?oung Marrled
wlLh chlldren Clder Marrled wlLh chlldren Clder Marrled
wlLh no chlldren under 18 Clder Slngle CLher
lncome 23000 and above
CccupaLlon lrom mlddle class Lo upper class
LducaLlon Schools College DnlverslLles
8ace Aslan
-aLlonallLy lndla


Soclal class Worklng class Mlddle class Dpper class
lfesLyle AcLuallzes lulfllled 8ellevers Achlevers SLrlvers
Lxperlence's makers and SLrugglers


Cccaslons 9arLles 8lrLhdays 8egular lslamlc Cccaslons
8eneflLs CuallLy SLyle presLlge urablllLy
ALLlLude Lowards producL 9oslLlve
Dser SLaLus 8egular users and new users

1arget Market
Cnce Lhe flrm has ldenLlfled lLs markeLsegmenL opporLunlLles lL has Lo declde how many and whlch
one Lo LargeL A8C !eans has opporLunlLles ln dlfferenL segmenLaLlon 1hey LargeL lLs markeL
accordlng Lo Lhelr brands and relaLlng segmenLaLlon ln evaluaLlng dlfferenL markeL segmenLs Lhe
flrm musL look aL Lwo facLors Lhe segmenL's overall aLLracLlveness and Lhe company's ob[ecLlve and
1he company LargeLs lLs markeL among Lhe followlng classes

O Dpper C|ass
9eople who belong Lo Lhls class Lhey always Lo experlence Lhose producLs whlch provlde
Lhem presLlge and quallLy producLs ue Lo hlgh lncome class Lhey do noL conslder Lhe prlce
facLor So A8C !eans ls LargeLlng Lhls class and people from all age rang and boLh genders wlll
be LargeLlng from Lhls class
O Dpper M|dd|e C|ass
ln Lhls class people havlng good educaLlon professlonals and corporaLe execuLlves and
buslness owners belongs 1hey have a greaL Louch wlLh Lhe world and have good lncome
1hey can afford Lo wear cosLly producLs So people from Lhls class wlll also LargeLlng

1arget Market Strategy
1argeL markeL sLraLegy adopLed by A8C ls baslcally on havlng longLerm relaLlons wlLh Lhelr
cusLomers and Lo provlde Lhem wlLh beLLer producL 1hrough Lhelr good quallLy producLs and
besL servlces Lhey always aLLracL cusLomers
8enef|ts of Segmentat|on
A8C !eans wlll have a cusLomer orlenLed approach by segmenLaLlon
Company ls promoLlng lLs producLs effecLlvely wlLhln segmenLs by prlnL medla as well as
elecLronlc medla eg -ewspapers Slgnboards 1IC commerclals lnLerneL eLc Company ls
provldlng Lhelr cusLomers wlLh sLyllsh beLLer quallLy and dlfferenL producL keeplng ln vlew lLs

Cond|t|ons for effect|ve segmentat|on
4 !LA-S ls fulfllllng Lhe condlLlons for effecLlve segmenLaLlon
4 SegmenLs are sLrong enough Lo make proflL
4 SegmenLs of company are measurable

L|m|tat|on of Segmentat|on
4 8ecause of segmenLaLlon A8C's faces some llmlLaLlons
4 ack of awareness ln mlddle class
4 Company has Lo pay exLra cosL for mulLladverLlsemenL
4 ln lndla Lhey have Lo face several CulLural 8arrlers
Market|ng kesearch
1he company conducLs a research Lo know
O WhaL's ln Lrend?
O WhaL are Lhe needs of cusLomers?
Sources of Data
A8C !eans wlll gaLher daLa from boLh prlmary and secondary sources Secondary daLa ls already
avallable ln Lhe company
1he markeLlng mlx ls Lhe seL of markeLlng Lools Lhe flrm uses Lo pursue lLs markeLlng
ob[ecLlves ln Lhe LargeL markeL MarkeLlngmlx declslons musL be made for lnfluenclng Lhe Lrade
channels as well as Lhe flnal consumers McCarLhy classlfled Lhese Lools lnLo four broad groups LhaL
he called Lhe four 9s of markeLlng producL prlce place and promoLlon -oLe LhaL Lhe four 9s
represenL Lhe seller's vlew of Lhe markeLlng Lools avallable for lnfluenclng buyers
9roducL means seL of Langlble and lnLanglble aLLrlbuLes whlch may lnclude packaglng color prlce
quallLy and brand plus Lhe seller's servlces and repuLaLlon A producL may be a place servlce good
or promoLlon"

8rand ls a name Lerm slgn symbol or deslgn LhaL adds value Lo Lhe producLs A8C !eans wlll be
branded Lhrough Lhe A8C 8rand ln Lhe lnlLlal phase Lo gaLher maxlmum ouLreach lL wlll laLer on
develop slsLer brands Lo reach ouL Lo speclflc LargeL audlences more effecLlvely

9roducLs are usually consldered Lo be Lhe -o1 facLor conLrlbuLlng Lowards bulldlng goodwlll of a
flrm A producL should be unlque durable rellable comforLable and economlcal lollowlng are
some of Lhe baslc aLLrlbuLes of SCC'S producL
O IarleLy
O leaLures
O eslgn
O Color
O Slze
A8C !eans producLs should be percelved by many as a symbol of youLh freedom confldence
lndlvlduallsm lndependence comforL 1he company wlll provlde a wlde varleLy of producLs
O Ck
O AA9 !eans
O SLone age
O 1ommy Pllflger

8rand os|t|on|ng
9oslLlonlng dlffers beLween counLrles and markeL segmenLs lor example ln Amerlca and much of
Lurope Lhe emphaslze ls on [eans as casual aLLlre ln conLrasL ln lndla !eans lndlcaLes Lo soclal
fashlon awareness and hlgh sLaLus
lor adolescenLs and youngsLers adulLs ( 14 Lo 24) who wanL casual aLLlre englneers [eans by A8C
provlde a unlque flL and funcLlonal sLaLus unllke oLher compeLlLors

8rand ersona||ty
8rand personallLy ls a seL of human charecLrarlsLlcs assoclaLed wlLh a brand 9ersonallLy ls how Lhe
brand behaves 8efers Lo Lhe ouLcome of all Lhe consumer's experlences wlLh Lhe brand ln oLher
words Lhe brand personallLy ls Lhe welghLed average of prevlous lmpresslons ln Lhe consumer's
mlnd Lhese lmpresslons merge Lo form an overall concepL of whaL Lo expecL from brand we con
define brond persono/ity of 48c leons os kebe//ion sensuo/ity ond beinq coo/"

Commun|cat|on rocess
AIDA r|nc|pa| of Commun|cat|on
AlA ls a slmple acronym LhaL was devlsed a long Llme ago as a remlnder of four sLages of Lhe
communlcaLlon process AlA sLands for ALLenLlon lnLeresL eslre and AcLlon
lL ls ln modern Lerms a falrly slmpllsLlc model buL one LhaL ls sLlll relevanL ln a loL of slLuaLlons

Attent|on llrsL geL Lhe audlence's aLLenLlon WlLhouL aLLenLlon you can hardly persuade
Lhem of anyLhlng ?ou can geL aLLenLlon ln many waysa good way ls Lo surprlse Lhem
Interest Cnce you have Lhelr aLLenLlon susLaln LhaL aLLenLlon by geLLlng Lhe oLher person
lnLeresLed WaLch ouL for Lhe boredom facLor ?ou may be able Lo geL someone lnLeresLed
buL you cannoL expecL Lo keep Lhelr aLLenLlon for ever
Des|re Cnce Lhey are lnLeresLed ln you and whaL you have Lo say Lhen nexL sLep ls Lo
creaLe a deslre ln Lhem for whaL you wanL Lhem Lo do
1hey can recognlze LhaL Lhey have a need buL Lhls ls noL deslre eslre ls a moLlvaLlon Lo
acL and leads Lowards Lhe nexL sLage
eslre ls llke a flre and can be sLoked by many meLhods such as
O Showlng Lhem how Lhe lLem Lo be deslred wlll noL be avallable for long (ScarclLy
O Showlng how oLher people approve of Lhe lLem and have acqulred lL for Lhemselves
O Showlng Lhem how whaL you have Lo offer wlll solve some of Lhelr problems
Act|on 1hls ls Lhe maglc sLage when Lhey Lake acLlon on Lhelr deslres and acLually buy Lhe
producL or agree Lo your proposals

1he message and med|a strategy w||| thus fo||ow these four pr|nc|p|es |n the|r
proper order to create awareness bu||d and susta|n |nterest |nc|te a des|re
to act and prov|de the out|et to do so

1) 1VC Commerc|a|

Slnce Lhe enLlre campalgn focuses on people ln urban semlurban areas Lhe producL
belng premlum excluslve Lhe ob[ecLlve of Lhe 1IC should be Lo make Lhe consumer
percelve lL as a nlche producL Lhe creaLe LhaL longlng Lo geL Lhe A8C !eans
1he 1IC would have a well bullL guy bare chesL wearlng [usL Lhe A8C
[eans low walsL walklng Lhrough a crowded road ln a mall ln Lhe
lasL frame ln a parLy
1he nexL frame would show a group 810 of glrls swoonlng over Lhe
1he nexL frame wlll focus on Lhe A8C 1ag on Lhe [eans whlle all Lhe
glrl geL over hlm
1he lasL frame wlll have Lhe guy sLandlng ln hls boxers shocked as Lhe
glrls Lake away Lhe palr of [eans run away

1AGLINL Iust don't |et them get CII!!

As Lhe enLlre campalgn ls youLh cenLrlc ma[orly Lhe ad wlll feaLure youngsLers so LhaL Lhe
LargeL group can connecL wlLh lL AnoLher reason Lo lnsLlll Lhe youLhful appeal ln Lhe
campalgn ls Lo creaLe LhaL sense of prlde glamour ln ownlng a palr of A8C !eans
Important po|nts to be noted about the advert|sement
O 1he ad ls almed Lo aLLach glamour wlLh A8C !eans
O 1he execuLlon would be dramat|zat|on Lype as Lhe ad revolves around Lhe dramaLlc
concepL of a guy belng llLerally molesLed by a gang of glrls swoonlng over Lhe palr of
A8C !eans
O AparL from Lhe cenLral ldea Lhe adverLlsemenL wlll also glve ouL deLalls llke Lhe web
address facebook address oLher ways Lo connecL wlLh A8C !eans

2) r|nt Ad 1he prlnL ad as we envlslon lL wlll follow a sequenLlal paLLern uslng a
comblnaLlon of glamour excluslvlLy aLLached wlLh Lhe [eans agalnsL vlsual lmagery
1he Lhree frames would progress on 3 dlfferenL pages as follows
ane| 1
1he flrsL panel wlll show Lhe 1Al-L of Lhe brand !usL don'L leL Lhem geL off" ln shlny
whlLe bold on a black background Lo creaLe maxlmum lmpacL
ane| 2
1he lmage wlll be of a group of sLudenLs ln deep dlscusslon 1hls ls Lo deplcL Lhe spread of
Lhe message and people Lalklng abouL lL and bear Lhe messagel 1L
1he lmage wlll be of a well bullL guy bare chesL wearlng a blue palr of A8C !eans a palr of
shades Lo go wlLh Lhe [eans 1he background of Lhe plcLure wlll have 4 glrls ln blklnls slLLlng
behlnd on huge rocks rlghL aL Lhe sea shore
ane| 3
1he flnal panel on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe prlnL ad wlll have Lhe A8C !eans logo on Lhe Lop rlghL
corner 1he poslLlonlng of Lhe logo on Lhe Lop rlghL corner ls Lo lncrease brand awareness
Lhrough Lhe adverLlslng
1hls serles wlll go lnLo all ma[or newspapers

3) ub||c ke|at|ons Act|v|t|es
1 Iarlous promoLlonal evenLs wlll be organlsed ln varlous colleges across Lhe counLry Lo generaLe
brand awareness
2 1he roplng ln of celebrlLles would play ma[or role ln creaLlng Lhe buzz and geLLlng medla aLLenLlon
1he celebrlLles can Lalk abouL Lhe lssue on Lhelr blogs news conferences and soclal neLworklng
Cutdoor Advert|s|ng
1) 1he same prlnL medla ad wlll be show ln Lhese selecLed medlum Lo creaLe long Lerm brand
loyalLy 1he blllboards havlng plcLures of producLs wlll be dlsplays on Lhe lmporLanL places of
ma[or clLles where ouLleLs are opened
2) 8lghL aL Lhe blllboard a proper cuLouL of a palr of A8C !eans can be made and
aLLached aL Lhe lefL of Lhe blllboard Llll Lhe ground Such creaLlvlLy wlll deflnlLely help
ln lncrease brand awareness even a loL of genulne publlclLy

Cn||ne med|a promot|on
1he flrsL aspecL of Lhe campalgn alms Lo make Lhe youLh read about the k|ght to Lducat|on
b||| lLs slgnlflcance and repercusslons
1he organlsaLlon can Lake Lhe followlng sLeps Lo provlde Lhe people wlLh lnformaLlon
1) Creat|on of a separate webs|te devoted to th|s campa|gn
1he home page of Lhe webslLe can have Lhree Labs wlLh Lhe labels 'l 8ead' 'l 1ell' and 'l
LducaLe' Cn cllcklng on Lhese Labs Lhe lnformaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe respecLlve aspecL of Lhe
campalgn wlll be dlsplayed
'1he 8ead' Lab wlll show Lhe lnformaLlon llke Lhe maln feaLures of Lhe blll facLs llke Lhe
governmenL allocaLlon of funds Lowards Lhe LducaLlon secLor Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls
rlghL ln oLher counLrles eLc

1he promot|on of the webs|te
a) 1he presence of rlghL klnd of keywords ln Lhe slLe Lo lncrease Lhe organ|c rank|ng (SLC
Search Lng|ne Cpt|m|zat|on) So when somebody Lypes 81L ln oogle Lhe name of Lhe slLe
should appear aL Lhe Lop
b) 1he ||nk of Lhe webslLe can be provlded on Lhe Iacebook page and group LwlLLer (Lhe
soclal neLworklng webslLes are covered laLer)
c) 1he organlsaLlon can also have Lhelr 'ay per c||ck' advert|sement]Contextua|
advert|sement on cerLaln youLh orlenLed or lssuerelaLed webslLes glvlng Lhe name of Lhe
campalgn and lLs webslLe
d) 1he webs|te w||| be promoted |n a|| the on||ne and off||ne events and act|v|t|es re|ated
to the three aspects of the campa|gn
e) As Lhe organlsaLlon has conLacLs wlLh 1Cl and -1I (heavy Lrafflc webslLes) Lherefore
Lhelr webslLe can have a secLlon on Lhe homepage devoLed Lo 81L 1he llnk Lo Lhe webslLe
can be glven Lhere as well
2) Iacebook
1he page and Lhe group on lacebook can also glve ouL lnformaLlon abouL Lhe 81L ln Lhe
form of posLs on Lhe wall 1he posLs can also lnclude llnks of dlfferenL educaLlon relaLed
As wall posLs are noL very long lL wlll ensure LhaL Lhe readers reLaln Lhe lnformaLlon belng
provlded ln small doses
1he organlsaLlon can also make a proflle on lacebook by Lhe name of Lhe campalgn where
also lL can provlde lnformaLlon abouL Lhe campalgn ln Lhe form of wall posLs whlch wlll
appear on Lhe home page of Lhe frlends(As Lhe organlsaLlon ls already very popular
Lherefore Lhe proflle can be a huge success)
1he promot|on of group and page
a) 1he presence of Iacebook and tw|tter |cons on every page of the webs|te and on cllcklng
Lhese lcons Lhe respecLlve slLe wlll open
b) ln case of lacebook the pages and groups can be promoted by advert|s|ng |n the
sponsored sect|on of Lhe page of Lhe user and also pages can come as a suggest|on |f some
fr|ends |n the user's fr|end ||st have become a fan
c) ages are |ndexed by externa| search eng|nes such as Goog|e [ust ||ke a prof||e wh||e
Groups are not
c) ln case of Lhe group bu|k |nv|tes can be sent Lo all Lhe frlends Lo become a member
whlch ls noL posslble ln a lacebook page 1herefore groups can help ln vlral markeLlng
3) 1w|tter 1weeLlng Lhe llnks Lo Lhe webslLe and oLher lnformaLlon sources
4) 8|og 1he organlsaLlon can sLarL a blog ln whlch lL can noL only glve 81L relaLed
lnformaLlon buL lL can also dlscuss abouL Lhe unsung heroes people who have conLrlbuLed
slgnlflcanLly Lowards Lhe cause of educaLlon(llke people runnlng Lhelr own schools ln rural
areas wlLhouL any ald from Lhe governmenL) 1hls blog wlll noL only acknowledge Lhelr
efforLs buL also make Lhe readers reallze Lhe lmmense power of a common man and lnsplre
Lhem Lo Lake some acLlon
As the organ|sat|on en[oys a good reputat|on therefore |t can rope |n certa|n ce|ebr|t|es
and famous [ourna||sts (ND1V and 1CI) to wr|te about the |ssue to share the|r v|ews on
the|r own b|ogs
romot|on of the 8|og
a) 1he llnk can be provlded on Lhe facebook page group and Lhe proflle ln Lhe form of posLs
and also on LwlLLer !olnlng Soclal bookmarklng webslLes llke lgg SLumbleDpon and
ellclous Lo submlL Lhe conLenL can also help ln lncreaslng awareness abouL Lhe 8log
b) 1he llnk wlll also be presenL on Lhe webslLe
c) CommenL on oLher blogs relaLed Lo Lhe lssue and whlch are wldely followed AL Lhe Llme
of fllllng Lhe commenL form deLalls llke Lhe name of Lhe campalgn and Lhe D8 can be fllled
ln Lhe correspondlng fleld 9eople mlghL geL back Lo 8log lf Lhe commenLs are very
conslsLenL and meanlngful

Cn||ne Med|a romot|ons
1) Creat|on of a separate webs|te devoted to the campa|gn 'Don't |et them get off'
1he home page of Lhe webslLe can have Lhree Labs wlLh Lhe Lhree excluslve deslgns of A8C
!eans wlLh 3 glrls ln blklnls holdlng Lhem Cn cllcklng on Lhese Labs Lhe lnformaLlon relaLed
Lo Lhe respecLlve deslgn wlll be dlsplayed Lach of Lhe 3 deslgns wlll have Lhelr own Lagllne
Lo creaLe lnLeresL deslre for Lhe [eans

1he promot|on of the webs|te
a) 1he presence of rlghL klnd of keywords ln Lhe slLe Lo lncrease Lhe organ|c rank|ng (SLC
Search Lng|ne Cpt|m|zat|on) So when somebody Lypes deslgner [eans ln oogle Lhe name
of Lhe slLe should appear aL Lhe Lop
b) 1he ||nk of Lhe webslLe can be provlded on Lhe Iacebook page and group LwlLLer (Lhe
soclal neLworklng webslLes are covered laLer)
c) 1he organlsaLlon can also have Lhelr 'ay per c||ck' advert|sement]Contextua|
advert|sement on cerLaln youLh fashlon webslLes
d) 1he webs|te w||| be promoted |n a|| the on||ne and off||ne events and act|v|t|es re|ated
to the aspects of the campa|gns
2) Soc|a| Med|a (Iacebook 1w|tter outube)
Soclal Medla wlll play Lhe mosL cruclal role ln creaLlng a soclal buzz around A8C !eans As
wall posLs are noL very long lL wlll ensure LhaL Lhe readers reLaln Lhe lnformaLlon belng
provlded ln small doses
1he organlsaLlon can also make a proflle on lacebook by Lhe name of Lhe campalgn where
also lL can provlde lnformaLlon abouL Lhe campalgn ln Lhe form of wall posLs whlch wlll
appear on Lhe home page of Lhe frlends(As Lhe organlsaLlon ls already very popular
Lherefore Lhe proflle can be a huge success)
1he promot|on of group and page
a) 1he presence of Iacebook and tw|tter |cons on every page of the webs|te and on cllcklng
Lhese lcons Lhe respecLlve slLe wlll open
b) ln case of lacebook the pages and groups can be promoted by advert|s|ng |n the
sponsored sect|on of Lhe page of Lhe user and also pages can come as a suggest|on |f some
fr|ends |n the user's fr|end ||st have become a fan
c) ages are |ndexed by externa| search eng|nes such as Goog|e [ust ||ke a prof||e wh||e
Groups are not
c) ln case of Lhe group bu|k |nv|tes can be sent Lo all Lhe frlends Lo become a member
whlch ls noL posslble ln a lacebook page 1herefore groups can help ln vlral markeLlng
3) 1w|tter 1weeLlng Lhe llnks Lo Lhe webslLe and oLher lnformaLlon sources
4) 8|og 1he organlsaLlon can sLarL a blog ln whlch lL can noL only glve 81L relaLed
lnformaLlon buL lL can also dlscuss abouL Lhe unsung heroes people who have conLrlbuLed
slgnlflcanLly Lowards Lhe cause of educaLlon(llke people runnlng Lhelr own schools ln rural
areas wlLhouL any ald from Lhe governmenL) 1hls blog wlll noL only acknowledge Lhelr
efforLs buL also make Lhe readers reallze Lhe lmmense power of a common man and lnsplre
Lhem Lo Lake some acLlon
As the organ|sat|on en[oys a good reputat|on therefore |t can rope |n certa|n ce|ebr|t|es
and famous [ourna||sts (ND1V and 1CI) to wr|te about the |ssue to share the|r v|ews on
the|r own b|ogs
romot|on of the 8|og
a) 1he llnk can be provlded on Lhe facebook page group and Lhe proflle ln Lhe form of posLs
and also on LwlLLer !olnlng Soclal bookmarklng webslLes llke lgg SLumbleDpon and
ellclous Lo submlL Lhe conLenL can also help ln lncreaslng awareness abouL Lhe 8log
b) 1he llnk wlll also be presenL on Lhe webslLe
c) CommenL on oLher blogs relaLed Lo Lhe lssue and whlch are wldely followed AL Lhe Llme
of fllllng Lhe commenL form deLalls llke Lhe name of Lhe campalgn and Lhe D8 can be fllled
ln Lhe correspondlng fleld 9eople mlghL geL back Lo 8log lf Lhe commenLs are very
conslsLenL and meanlngful

AfLer lmplemenLaLlon our plan our nexL sLep LhaL ls very lmporLanL ls Lo evaluaLe our campalgn Lo check our
Lrack wheLher we are golng Lowards Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon whlch we planned or our LargeLs wlll noL achleve
Lhrough Lhls campalgn 1he evaluaLlon sLraLegles LhaL wlll be use are
1 8efore execuLlon
2 AfLer LxecuLlon
-ow we Lell you how Lhls evaluaLlon wlll be run
8efore Lxecut|on
8efore execuLlon evaluaLlon sLraLegy helps Lo make declslon wlLher we should run Lhls ad or noL Many facLors
have Lo observe and afLer elevaLlng Lhe elemenLs LhaL were under observaLlon declslons are made 8efore
execuLlon we wlll observe our ad on dlfferenL parameLers LhaL are glven below
Storyboard Idea
lor 1I ad Lhls meLhodology ls very effecLlve Ad has belng evelauLed LhaL whaL message ls belng conveyed and
whaL resulLs or how effecLlve Lhe message ls 1he acLual purpose of Lhls meLhodology Lo check LhaL Lhe
message we have developed Lhrough our ad ls recelvlng ln Lhe same sense or noL
8ehav|or Ana|ys|s
1hls sLraLegy has made Lo check Lhe behavlor of people when Lhe ad has belng exposlng Lo Lhem Cbservers
are Lhere Lo waLch Lhe behavlor and expresslons of vlewers and see wheLher Lhey are recelvlng Lhe acLual ldea
and how Lhey percelve Lhe ad
After execut|on
AfLer execuLlon evaluaLlon used Lo check wheLher Lhe campalgn ls geLLlng Lhe planned ouLcomes or
noL lew meLhodologles used Lo evaluaLe Lhe ad 1hose Lechnlques are glven below
Sa|es vo|ume
AfLer Lhe execuLlon sales have checked 1he sales of 30 days afLer execuLlon of ad has compared
wlLh Lhe prevlous few monLhs sales volume lf Lhe sales volume has lncrease Lhen Lhe ad has done
whaL we are expecLlng from lL

Iee||ngs ana|ys|s
AfLer execuLlon of ad Lhe feellngs of people abouL Lhe brand wlll also check WheLher Lhe campalgn
has creaLed Lhe good lmage of Lhe brand or noL

kesu|ts of Lva|uat|on
AfLer Lhe evaluaLlon phase we evaluaLe LhaL Lhe deslres resulLs LhaL we were expecLlng from our
campalgn are meeLlng 1he sales volume has lncrease and Lhe popularlLy of Lhe producL has also
lncrease 1he cusLomers who were deLracLed by Lhe compeLlLors were comlng back 1he purpose of
campalgn Lo Lell Lhe people LhaL Lhe !LA-S lS A8C and maklng Lhls phrase very popular among Lhe
consumers ls achlevlng Lhrough Lhls campalgn

Med|a Strategy
Medla sLraLegy ls cholce of medla Lo aLLaln deslre resulLs from Lhe ad lf our ad made superb buL we
fall Lo selecL Lhe rlghL medla for our ad we canL successful
We selecLed Lhe medla for few basls Lhese basls are glven below

keason to choose M1V D1V S1AkS Channe| V Vn1 2oom Sony Co|ors
Cur LargeL markeL ls noL only men or boys we are LargeLlng ladles and chlldren as well because of
wlde producL range for boLh genders and all age levels 1he bases of chooslng hum 1I are
Iery popular Pome enLerLalnmenL
Pas a good markeL share
?oung glrls and ladles waLch dramas and Lhe dramas of Pum 1I are very popular among

keason to Choose ND1V Star News CNNI8N 1|mes Now (Lng||sh News Channe|s )
-ow a day's -1I Peadllnes 1oday are mosL popular news channels and almosL every one waLch
Lhese channels on rouLlne basls 1he Llme we have chosen for our ad ls very perfecL coz Lhe
programs llke -lghLllfe and LnLerLalnmenL -ews programs on -1I are very popular 1hey cover a
blg markeL share and message Lhrough Lhese channels can reach Lo maxlmum audlence So for Lhese
mosL lmporLanL reasons we choose Lhese channels and Lhese programs
keason to choose LSN]Star Sports
urlng crlckeL maLches almosL whole Lhe LargeL markeL ls capLure by Lhe slngle maLch and ad wlll be
rum afLer every 2 or Lhree over whlch wlll agaln and agaln relnforce our message LhaL ls !usL don'L
leL Lhem geL off" wlLh our ad LhaL wlll deflnlLely force Lo Lhlnk people abouL Lo make a purchase for
Lhe acLual !eans

keasons to Choose Newspapers
1he reason Lo choose newspapers ls we can aLLracL more LargeL audlence because Lhe markeL we
are LargeLlng ls a regular reader of newspapers and on Lhe oLher hand people of all lncome levels
educaLlon and professlon read newspapers and lL covers a blg LargeL markeL 1he prlnLer ad on from
pages wlLh eye caLchlng color scheme and laLesL deslgns and Lrends of [eans are shown Lo LargeL
audlence wlLh our same relnforcemenL message 1he baslc purpose for chosen newspaper ls
because lL glves slngle LhoughL for Lhe one Loplc When people see agaln and agaln our message wlLh
our laLesL sLyles and message deflnlLely Lhey wlll rush Lowards Lhe ouLleLs for havlng A8C [eans

keason to Choose 8|||boards
8lllboards are Lhe very good medlum Lo convey our message Lo Lhe LargeL audlence When we
dlsplay our blg blllboards on Lhe mosL famous locaLlon whlch covers Lhe mosL lmporLanL places
deflnlLely ls wlll work

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