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Chemistry Teaching and Learning Strategies

Lesson Plan
Summarized by

Name ID Class Lecturer

: Hidayat Kesuma : 409332020 : Chemistry Education Bilingual : Drs. Wesly Hutabarat, M.Sc

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science State University of Medan 2011

LESSON PLAN SUBJECT Mata Pelajaran Main Topic Topik Utama Class / Program / Semester Kelas/Program/ Semester Allocation of Time Alokasi waktu Competency Standards : GENERAL CHEMISTRY I : Kimia Umum I : Chemical Equlibrium : Kesetimbangan Kimia : First semester : Semester Pertama : 3 Hours : 3 jam : - Comprehend the chemical equlibrium and factors that inluence the equilibrium movement by Le Chatelier principle. - Able to write concentration equilibrium constant and its calculation - Able to write pressure equilibrium constant and its calculation - Understanding the application of equilibrium concepts : - Memahami kesetimbangan kimia dan faktor yang mempengaruhi pergeseran kesetimbangan berdasarkan prinsip le Chatelier
Mampu menulis tetapan kesetimbangan berdasarkan konsentrasi dan perhitungannya Mampu menulis tetapan kesetimbangan berdasarkan tekanan dan perhitungannya Memahami penerapan konsep kesetimbangan

Kompetensi Standart

Basic Competency

Kompetensi Dasar

: - Comprehend the chemical equlibrium definition, equilibrium constant of homogen phase and heterogen phase - Comprehend the Le Chatelier Principle and factors that influences equilibrium direction -Comprehend to determine concentration equilibrium constant (Kc) and pressure equilibrium constant (Kp) : - Memahami definisi kesetimbangan kimia, tetapan kesetimbangan pada fase homogen dan pada fase heterogen
Memahami prinsip le Chatelier dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi arah reaksi kesetimbangan Memahami untuk menentukan tetapan kesetimbangan berdasarkan konsentrasi (Kc) dan tetapan kesetimbangan berdasarkan tekanan ( Kp)


: 1. Explaining chemical equlibrium 2. Explaining the le Chatelier principle. 3. Explaining the factors that influence chemical equilibrium.


4. Calculating the Kc and Kp in several problems. : 1. Menjelaskan kesetimbangan kimia 2.Menjelaskan prinsip Le Chatelier 3.Menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesetimbangan kimia 4. Menghitung nilai Kc dan Kp pada beberapa soal

I. Learning Objectives 1. Students be able to explain the chemical equilibrium exactly. 2. Students be able to explain the Le Chatelier principle correctly. 3. Students be able to explain the factors that influence chemical equilibrium. 4. Students be able to calculate the Kc and Kp in several problems I. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Murid mampu menjelaskan kesetimbangan kimia dengan tepat 2. Murid mampu menjelaskan prinsip Le Chatelier secara tepat 3. Murid mampu menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesetimbangan Kimia 4. Murid mampu menghitung Kc dan Kp pada beberapa soal II. Learning Matters 1. Chemical equilibrium reaction is reversible reaction, rate of reaction to right is equal to rate of reaction to the left 2. Chemical Equilibrium Constant is the number of chemical equilibrium, chemical equilibrium constant divide into chemical equilibrium constant of homogenous phase, and chemical equilibrium constant of heterogenous phase 3. Le Chatelier Principle states that when a system in chemical equilibrium is disturbed by a change of temperature, pressure, or a concentration, the system shifts in equilibrium composition in a way that tends to counteract this change of variable 4. Chemical Equilibrium Movement, chemical equilibrium can shift to the right and to the left, it influence by concentration, pressure, volume and temperature. 4. Application of Equilibrium Concepts, application of equilibrium concept is related to Le Chatelier principle, by changing the factors that influence equilibrium changing, we can use Le Chatelier to do what we want to the reaction. II. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Reaksi kesetimbangan kimia merupakan reaksi reversibel, laju reaksi ke kanan sama dengan laju reaksi ke kiri 2. Tetapan kesetimbangan kimia adalah angka dari reaksi kesetimbangan, tetapan kesetimbangan terbagi atas tetapan kesetimbangan fase homogen dan tetapan kesetimbangan fase heterogen 3. Prinsip Le Chatelier berbunyi ketika sistem dalam kesetimbangan dipengaruhi oleh suhu, tekanan, atau konsentrasi, sistem di dalam komposisi reaksi bergerak melawan perubahan yang diberikan. 4. Penerapan konsep kesetimbangan, terkait dengan prinsip Le Chatelier, dengan merubah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesetimbangan, kita dapat menggunakan prinsip le Chatelier sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan pada reaksi

III. Learning Method

Method: 1. Expository 2. Group Discussion 3. Problem solving III. Metode Pembelajaran Metode : 1. Ekspositori 2. Diskusi grup 3. Penyelesaian masalah IV. Steps of Learning a. Initial activity:

Greeting Checking students attendance Giving motivation and apperception b. Main Activities: Discuss literature review of the chemical equlibrium, Kc and Kp, Le Chatelier principle and factor that influence equilibrium, review the application of chemical equilibrium concept. Solving some problems of chemical equilibrium, calculate Kc and Kp, solving some problems of equilibrium shift and application of chemical equilibrium concept by group discussion Each group communicate the results. c. Last Activity: Giving task to students Teacher guides student to make conclusion Giving feed back to students

IV. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

a. Aktivitas Awal Memberi Salam Memeriksa kehadiran murid Memberikan motivasi dan apersepsi b. Aktivitas inti Mendiskusikan pemahaman tentang kesetimbangan kimia, Kc dan Kp, Prinsip Le Chatelier dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesetimbangan, pemahaman penerapan konsep kesetimbanagan Menyelesaikan soal-soal kesetimbangan kimia, menhitung Kc dan Kp, menyelesaikan soal-soal pergeseran kesetimbangan dan penerapan konsep kesetibangan kimia berdasarkan diskusi group Setiap grup mengkomunikasikan hasil c. Aktivitas akhir: Memberikan tugas kepada murid Guru memandu murid dalam membuat kesimpulan Memberikan umpan balik kepada murid

V. Equipment / Materials / Resources - Literature. 1.Sutresna, N, 2007, Chemistry for Senior High School Year XI, Bandung, Grafindo Media Tama. 2.Thedore L.Brown, 2006, Chemistry, The Central Science, 10th edition, New york, Prentice Hall - Laptop and Infocus. - White board. - Marker. VI. Assessments - Written test - Performance

: Answer the Question in Objective Test and Essay. : Skills in explaining an answer from one question, and students activeness in discussing.

VI. Penilaian -Tes tertulis -Performa VII. Test

: Menjawab pertanyaan dalam tes pilihan ganda dan essai : Keterampilan dalam menjelaskan jawaban dari pertanyaan dan keaktifan murid dalam berdiskusi

1. Suatu reaksi berada dalam keadaan setimbang apabila... a. reaksi ke kanan dan ke kiri telah berhenti b. mol pereaksi selalu sama dengan mol hasil reaksi c. laju reaksi ke kanan sama dengan laju reaksi ke kiri d. volume zat pereaksi sama dengan volume zat hasil reaksi e. konsentrasi zat pereaksi sama dengan konsentrasi zat hasil reaksi Kunci : C

Alasan : reaksi kesetimbangan disebut sebagai reaksi bolak-balik, pada reaksi kesetimbangan, kedua laju reaksi antara pereaksi dan produk sama, karena pada kondisi tersebut arah reaksi tidak bergeser sehingga reaksi menjadi setimbang,dengan kata lain, suatu reaksi berada dalam keadaan setimbang apabila laju reaksi ke kanan sama dengan laju reaksi ke kiri.
1. A reaction is in equilibrium when ... a. the reaction to the right and left have stopped b. the moles of reactant is always the same as the moles of product c. the reaction rate toward right is equal to the rate of reaction toward left d. the volume of reactant is equal to the volume of product e. the concentration of reactant is equal to the concentration of products Key:C Reason: the equilibrium reaction called as reversible reaction, in the equilibrium reaction, both of reaction rate of reactant is equals to product, because in that condition, the reaction direction isnt shift, so the reaction is equilibrium, in other words, a reaction is in equilibrium when the reaction rate to the right is equal to to the right.

2. Berikut ini yang tidak menggeser kesetimbangan adalah... a. konsentrasi b. volume c. tekanan d. katalis e. suhu

Kunci : D Alasan : Katalis merupakan zat yang dapat mempercepat reaksi. Hal ini berlaku juga untuk reaksi kesetimbangan. Akan tetapi, keberadaan katalis tidak menggeser kesetimbangan. Dengan kata lain, katalis hanya dapat mempercepat tercapainya kesetimbangan, tetapi tidak dapat mengubah komposisi zat-zat dalam kesetimbangan. Dengan ataupun tanpa katalis, komposisi kesetimbangan akan tetap sama. 2.Here's which did not shift the equilibrium is ... a. concentration b. volume c. pressure d. catalyst e. temperature Key:D Reason: A catalyst is a substance that accelerate the reaction. This applies also to reaction equilibrium. However, the presence of a catalyst does not shift the equilibrium. In other words, the catalyst only accelerate the achievement of equilibrium, but can not change the composition of substances in equilibrium. With or without a catalyst, the equilibrium composition will remain the same.
3. Tetapan kesetimbangan yang dinyatakan sebagai Kc = [A]3[B]2 [C]2[D]

sesuai untuk persamaan reaksi kesetimbangan...

a. b. c. d. e. C+DA+B 3A +2 B 2C + D C + D 3A + B 3A + B C + D 2C + D 3A + 2B Kunci : E Alasan : Sesuai dengan rumus penulisan tetapan kesetimbangan : pA + qB rC + sD Kc= [C]r [D]s [A]p[B]q maka, sesuai rumus tersebut, untuk Kc = [A]3[B]2 [C]2[D] berlaku pada reaksi 2C + D 3A + 2B

3.Equilibrium constant expressed as

Kc = [A]3[B]2 [C]2[D]

it is suitable to equlibirum raction equation of...

f. g. h. i. j. C+DA+B 3A +2 B 2C + D C + D 3A + B 3A + B C + D 2C + D 3A + 2B

Key : E Reason : formula of equlibrium constant expressed : pA + qB rC + sD Kc= [C]r [D]s [A]p[B]q so, the suitable formula of equilibrium constant for
Kc = [A]3[B]2 [C]2[D]

exist for reaction of 2C + D 3A + 2B

4. Untuk reaksi H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

diketahui konsentrasi awal H2= 0,20 mol/L dan I2= 0,15 mol/L. Jika pada saat kesetimbangan masih tersisa I2 sebanyak 0,05 mol/L, nilai tetapan kesetimbangannya adalah...
a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16 e. 32

Kunci : C Alasan : diketahui konsentrasi awal H2=0,20 mol/L dan I2= 0,15 mol/L. pada saat kesetimbangan masih tersisa I2 sebanyak 0,05 mol/L.
H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) awal 0,20 0,15 reaksi 0,10 0,10 setimbang 0,1 0,05 Kc = [HI]2 = (0,2)2 = 8 [H2][I2] (0,1)(0,05) 0,2 0,2

4.For reactions
H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

known the initial concentration of H2 is 0.20 mol/L and initial concentration of I2 is 0.15 mol/L . At equilibrium condition, there is concentration I2 of 0.05 mol/L, the equlibrium constant is...
d. 2 e. 4 f. 8 d. 16 e. 32

Key : C Reason : known the initial concentration of H2 gas is 0.20 mol/L and I2 gas is 0.15 mol/L. at equlibrium condition there is I2 gas of 0.05 mol/L.
H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

initial 0,20 0,15 react 0,10 0,10 equilibrium 0,1 0,05 2 2 Kc = [HI] = (0,2) = 8 [H2][I2] (0,1)(0,05)

0,2 0,2

5. Diketahui reaksi kesetimbangan 2NaHCO3 (s) Na2CO3(s) + H2O(g) + CO2(g)

Jika pada keadaan setimbang tekanan total 6 atm, harga Kp adalah...

a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 8,5 e.10

Kunci : B Alasan : Data yang diketahui berupa persamaan reaksi sehingga untuk menghitung Kp tidak digunakan perbandingan mol, melainkan perbandingan koefisien.
Tekanan parsial pada gas, P H2O = koefisien gas (H2O) koefisien total gas = x 6 atm = 3 atm P CO2 = koefisien gas (CO2 ) koefisien total gas = x 6 atm = 3 atm x P total

x P total

Kp = P H2O x P CO2 = 3 x3 = 9 atm

5.Known equilibrium reaction of 2NaHCO3 (s) Na2CO3(s) + H2O(g) + CO2(g)

At equlibrium condition, the total gas pressure is 6 atm, Kp number is...

d. 8 e. 9 f. 7 d. 8,5 e.10

Key : B Reason : known the data of reaction equation, so to calculate the Kp number we use the comparison of mole and cofficient

Partial pressure gas, P H2O = coefficient of gas ( H2O ) total gases coefficient = x 6 atm = 3 atm P CO2 = coefficient of gas ( CO2 ) total gases coefficient = x 6 atm = 3 atm Kp = P H2O x P CO2 = 3 x3 = 9 atm

x P total x P total

6. Pembuatan NH3 menurut proses Haber Bosch, sesuai dengan persamaan reaksi N2(g) + 2H2(g) 2NH3(g) H= -188,19 kj

Agar reaksi bergeser ke arah NH3, perubahan yang benar dari perubahan keadaan berikut ini adalah...
a. b. c. d. e. tekanan ditingkatkan volume diperbesar suhu ditingkatkan konsentrasi N2(g) dan H2(g) dikurangi ditambah katalis Kunci : A

Alasan : sesuai reaksi diatas, agar reaksi bergeser ke arah NH3 , hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah meningkatkan tekanan. Jika tekanan ditingkatkan, arah reaksi bergeser ke jumlah koefisien yang lebih kecil, dengan demikian reaksi bergeser ke kanan. jika kita memperbesar volume, meningkatkan suhu, reaksi akan bergeser ke kiri. Sedangkan katalis tidak mempengaruhi pergeseran arah kesetimbangan. 6.Synthesis of NH3 by Haber Bosch process, expressed as
N2(g) + 2H2(g) 2NH3(g) H= -188,19 kj

to make the reaction shifts to NH3 direction, the right change of condition changing is...
f. g. h. i. j. increasing the pressure increasing the volume increasing temperature decreasing the concentration of N2(g) and H2(g) adding catalyst

Key : A Reason : based on the reaction above, to make reaction shifts to NH3 , the right condition changing is increasing the pressure. If the pressure increase, the reaction direction is shift to smaller sum of coefficient, so the reaction shifts to the right. if we increase the volume and temperature, reaction will shift to the left. While catalyst isnt influence the equlibrium direction.
7. 1. Suhu rendah 3. Tekanan rendah 5. diberi katalis 2. Suhu tinggi 4. Tekanan tinggi 6. tidak diberi katalis Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal pada pembuatan asam sulfat cara Proses Kontak yang berlangsung eksoterm, harus dilakukan pada keadaan...

a. 1,4,5 b. 2,3,5 c. 1,3,5

d. 1,3,6 e. 2,3,6

Kunci : A Alasan : Kita dapat mengambil kata kunci pada soal tersebut reaksi yang berlangsung eksoterm . Artinya, arah reaksi condong ke produk ( kanan ). dengan demikian, untuk membuat reaksi tersebut ke arah kanan, hal yang dapat kita lakukan adalah melakukan reaksi pada suhu rendah ( reaksi ke arah reaksi eksoterm ), tekanan tinggi, reaksi bergeser ke arah jumlah koefisien yang lebih kecil, dan katalis untuk mempercepat reaksi.
Persamaan reaksi pembuatan asam sulfat dengan cara proses kontak : 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) SO3(g) + H2SO4(l) H2S2O7(l) (oleum)

H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) H2SO4(l)


8. 1. Low temperature 3. Low pressure 5. add catalyst 2. High temperature 4. High pressure 6. dont add catalyst to get optimal product in synthesis of sulfuric acid by contact process that be done in exoterm reaction, it must be done in condition... d. 1,4,5 d. 1,3,6 e. 2,3,5 e. 2,3,6 f. 1,3,5

Key: A Reason : We can take the keyword reaction is in exoterm . Entalphy of reaction is minus, It means that, the reation direction is to the product (right). So, to make the reaction shift to the right, we can do the reaction in low temperature ( reaction shift to the exotermic direction ), high pressure, reaction shift to smaller sum of coefficient, and catalyst to accelerate the reaction. Reaction equation in sulfuric acid synthesis by contact process : 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) SO3(g) + H2SO4(l) H2S2O7(l) (oleum) H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) H2SO4(l) (98%)

1. Synthesize of sulfuric acid done by contact process done in exotermic reaction. Explain what to do to produce the sulfuric acid optimally !

Answer. Reaction equation in sulfuric acid synthesis by contact process : 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) SO3(g) + H2SO4(l) H2S2O7(l) (oleum) H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) H2SO4(l) (98%) We can take the keyword reaction is in exoterm . It means that, the reation direction is to the product (right). So, to make the reaction move to the right, the thing that we can do is do the reaction low temperature ( reaction mive to

the exoterm direction ), high pressure, reaction move to smaller sum of coefficient, and catalyst to accelerate the reaction.
2. Deacon process in chlorine synthesis done in 3450C and it is exotermic reaction.The reaction equation is: 4HCl(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g) + Cl2(g) H= -1.471 kJ To optimize the production of chlorine gas, what to do?

we can take the keyword that the reaction is in exotermic reaction, H number is negative . it means ,the reaction direction is to the product ( right ). Chlorine is the product ( in the right side ). So, to make the reaction to the right, the thing that we can do is do the reaction in low temperature ( reaction to the exoterm direction), high pressure, reaction move to smaller sum of coefficient ( sum of coefficient in the left;5 > sum of coefficient in the right; 3 ) and catalyst to make faster the reaction. VII. Appendix Summary of Topic Chemical equilibrium Definition Chemical equilibrium is the reversible reaction, it means that chemical equlibrium occurs when a reaction and its reverse reaction proceed at the same rate. Chemical equilibrium applies to reactions that can occur in both directions. In a reaction such as: CH4(g) + H2O(g) CO(g) + 3H2(g) The reaction can happen both ways. So after some of the products are created the products begin to react to form the reactants. At the beginning of the reaction, the rate that the reactants are changing into the products is higher than the rate that the products are changing into the reactants. Therefore, the net change is a higher number of products. Even though the reactants are constantly forming products and vice-versa the amount of reactants and products does become steady. When the net change of the products and reactants is zero the reaction has reached equilibrium. The equilibrium is a dynamic equilibrium. The definition for a dynamic equilibrium is when the amount of products and reactants are constant. (They are not equal but constant. Also, both reactions are still occurring.)

Equilibrium Constant
To determine the amount of each compound that will be present at equilibrium you must know the equilibrium constant. To determine the equilibrium constant you must consider the generic equation: aA + bB cC + dD

The upper case letters are the molar concentrations of the reactants and products. The lower case letters are the coefficients that balance the equation. Use the following equation to determine the equilibrium constant (Kc).

For example, determining the equilibrium constant of the following equation can be accomplished by using the Kc equation. Using the following equation, calculate the equilibrium constant. N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) A one-liter vessel contains 1.60 moles NH3, .800 moles N2, and 1.20 moles of H2. What is the equilibrium constant?

a. Kc for homogen equilibrium aA (g) + bB(g) cC(g) + dD(g)

b. Kc for Heterogenous Equilibrium In heterogenous equilibrium, there is different phase in the composition. There are rules in Kc writting in heterogenous equilibrium : If there is a gas phase and solid phase, Kc is from gas phase If there is gas phase and liquid phase, Kc id from gas phase If there is aqueous phase and solid phase, Kc is from aqueos phase If there is gas phase, liquid phase, and solid phase, Kc is from gas phase

Beside Kc, there is pressure equlibrium constant ( Kp ).

pA (g) + qB(g) rC(g) + sD(g) Kp= (Pc)r (Pd)s (Pa)p(Pb)q

Relationship between Kp and Kc Kp= Kc ( RxT)x-y

Le Chatelier's Principle
Le Chatelier's principle states that when a system in chemical equilibrium is disturbed by a change of temperature, pressure, or a concentration, the system shifts in equilibrium composition in a way that tends to counteract this change of variable. The three ways that Le Chatelier's principle says you can affect the outcome of the equilibrium are as follows:

Changing concentrations by adding or removing products or reactants to the reaction vessel. Changing partial pressure of gaseous reactants and products. Changing the temperature.

These actions change each equilibrium differently, therefore you must determine what needs to happen for the reaction to get back in equilibrium. Example involving change of concentration: In the equation 2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g) If you add more NO(g) the equilibrium shifts to the right producing more NO2(g) If you add more O2(g) the equilibrium shifts to the right producing more NO2(g) If you add more NO2(g) the equilibrium shifts to the left producing more NO(g) and O2(g) Example involving pressure change: In the equation 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g), an increase in pressure will cause the reaction to shift in the direction that reduces pressure, that is the side with the fewer number of gas molecules. Therefore an

increase in pressure will cause a shift to the right, producing more product. (A decrease in volume is one way of increasing pressure.) Example involving temperature change: In the equation N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3 (g) H= + 91.8 kJ,

an increase in temperature will cause a shift to the left because the reverse reaction uses the excess heat. An increase in forward reaction would produce even more heat since the forward reaction is exothermic. Therefore the shift caused by a change in temperature depends upon whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. Application of Chemical Equilibrium It is easy to understand if explain with example
Deacon process in chlorine synthesis done in 3450C and it is exoterm reaction.The reaction equation is: 4HCl(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g) + Cl2(g) H= -1.471 kJ

to increase the chlorine gas produce, the thing that be done is...
a. b. c. d. e. reaction done in low temperature, high pressure, and added catalyst reaction done in high temperature, low pressure and added catalyst reaction done in low temperature, low pressure and added catalyst reaction done in low temperature, low pressure and didnt add catalyst reaction done in high temperature, low pressure and didnt add catalyst

Key : A Reason : we can take the keyword that the reaction is in exotermic reaction, H number is negative . it means ,the reaction direction is to the product ( right ). Chlorine is the product ( in the right side ). So, to make the reaction to the right, the thing that we can do is do the reaction in low temperature ( reaction to the exoterm direction), high pressure, reaction move to smaller sum of coefficient ( sum of coefficient in the left;5 > sum of coefficient in the right; 3 ) and catalyst to make faster the reaction.

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