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Lesson Plan 1

School: Scoala Gimnaziala “Teodor Balan” Gura Humorului

Teacher: Sava Elena Emanuela
Date: 22nd of March 2022
Class: VI B
No. of students: 30 students
Level: elementary (2 classes a week)
Textbook: Limba engleza 1, Clasa a VI-a B, Artklett (pages 92,93)
Topic: Adjectives – comparatives
Exam topic related: Craiova 2014 – Find the descriptive and qualitative adjectives in the text
and comment on their degrees of comparison
Skills: Communicative (Speaking, Reading, Listening, Writing)
Type of lesson: Lesson of teaching with focus on developing grammar abilities
General competence: identify and list adjectives, form comparatives
Specific competence: Differentiate comparatives
Time: 50 minutes
Type of interaction: T – Ss, S - S
Lesson objectives: At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Recognize an adjective;
- Differentiate adjectives and use them in structures of their own (degrees of comparison -
Class management: frontal, individual work activities
Materials / Aids: the whiteboard, the digital and printed textbook, worksheet, notebooks
Preamble: The lesson is part of Unit 7 which focuses on Travel and Transport and the
use of adjectives. The students have already covered an introductory part with the new
vocabulary related to the topic but they have not discussed adjectives and their degrees of
comparison, neither category of adjectives. In order to help them get familiar with adjectives and
their degrees of comparison, a special lesson is required to introduce various grammar structures
and to extend the use of adjectives in other contexts as well. As it is highly recommended,
grammar is taught deductively, with clear examples and a relevant context. To facilitate their
understanding of the abstract notion, this lesson is meant to present Ss with clear and gradual

Main aim: To enable Ss to discover and use adjectives in different structures while using
different types of exercises;
Subsidiary aim: To guide Ss to trigger the degrees of comparison, the category of adjectives by
using inductive methods;
To enable Ss to use different adjectives in various contexts
Assumptions: The Ss are familiar to an accelerated method of grammar practice, they have good
communicative abilities and can be easily stimulated to participate actively in a grammar lesson
if the exercises are challenging and have gradual difficulty. The exercises were created or
selected from different textbooks, with a particular attention to personal life experience, so that a
majority will be motivated to involve in performing the task.
Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulty in using the right comparative form. Special
attention is given to this aspect, with clear rules (regular and irregular adjectives) and specific
details regarding the spelling – info box/92, 93


Stage/Time/ Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Aims

I. Warm up - The T checks the absents. -The S on duty will identify the To get Ss break the ice and
- The T checks the homework . absents. prepare for the new lesson
5 min. -The T appreciates their - Ss had to write an email about
homework and makes their favourite sport
T-Ss corrections if necessary.

II. Introduction The T informs Ss that they are Ss listen to the T and are To trigger the form of an
of the topic going to work with Adjective encouraged to answer the Adjective from Ss (using
structures and asks some questions closely observing the inductive method, from
5 min. questions related to this sentences from their homework specific observations to the
T - Ss grammar issue rule)
III. Controlled To provide practice in
Practice Activity 1: The T gives Ss a Ss scan the text and identify the recognizing and using
worksheet with some sentences adjectives. adjectives.
Oral assignment on it and the task to scan the text
and identify the adjectives. The
T writes all the identified
structures on the whiteboard Ss pay attention to the T’s
using the star method. explanations and write the rules
T explains the rules of forming in their notebooks
comparative structures and
invites Ss to write the rules in
their notebooks

Activity 2: The T invites Ss to Ss carefully read the text and

do some practice and solve performs the tasks mentioned for
exercises 1, 2 and 3 from the each exercise.

Ex. 1/92 The T asks Ss to write Ex. 1 – Ss write the exercise in

the comparative forms of the their notebooks and on the
adjectives in a table of their own whiteboard
assignment Ex. 2/92 The T asks Ss to write
35’ sentences with comparative
adjectives Ex. 2 – Ss write the sentences
T – Ss with comparative adjectives on
S – Ss Ex. 3/92 The T asks Ss to the whiteboard
complete the text with the
comparative form of an adjective Ex. 3 – Ss write the exercise in
in brackets their notebooks and then read it
to their classmates

Activity 3 – The T politely asks

Ss to choose 5 adjectives from
the exercises and use them in
sentences of their own. The T
checks Ss while working on the The Ss perform the tasks –
assignment. The T informs Ss silent, individual activity
that completing these exercises
is their homework.

IV. Feed back The T evaluates Ss orally by To provide Ss with a sense of

5 min. appreciating what they have achievement and feedback
performed in the class. The T about how well they did in the
T-Ss gives marks to the Ss that have class
been more active.
The adjective
Degrees of comparison – comparative adjectives
Have a look at the following sentences. While reading, try to identiufy as many adjectives as possible:

1. Leslie bought new shoes at the busy store.

2. The blue birds built a nest.
3. Mary is a tall girl.
4. That is a large garage.
5. My friend is happy because he has a new and big ball.
6. That is an expensive car.
7. She has a brilliant mind.
8. It is a cheap bike.
9. The pink flower is a rose.
10. Your shoes are newer than mine.
11. The blue bird is bigger than the red bird.
12. This movie is more interesting than the documentary.
13. I am taller than my brother.
14. Today, the weather is worse than yesterday.
15. The blue bike is cheaper than the red bike.
16. He is a better player than my cousin.
How do we form THE COMPARATIVE?:
1. ADJECTIVE + - ER (one syllable adjectives): cheaper, taller, bigger,
RULE! slimmer, larger, earlier, happier, later
2. MORE + ADJECTIVE (two or more syllables): more expensive, more
intelligent, more beautiful
RULE! Irregular adjectives
1. good – better
2. bad – worse
3. far – farther/further
Practice: Ex.: 1, 2, 3/92 (Textbook)

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