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Working Memory as a Core Deficit in ADHD:

Preliminary Findings and Implications

Michael J. Kofler, Mark D. Rapport, Jennifer Bolden, and Thomas A. Altro

After conducting child outcome re- ability to temporarily hold, rehearse, ness, poor social skills, delay aversion,
search for 25 years (MDR), it became and manipulate both verbal and visual and hyperactivity/impulsivity. These
clear that treatments for ADHD were information, as when comprehending deficiencies are further assumed to ex-
maintenance therapies at best and that this long sentence, following ert causal influences to varying degrees
a better understanding of the disor- multi–step directions, engaging in a across a variety of other domains. Some
der’s core deficits was needed. This conversation, or solving simple or of these, such as performance on tests
conclusion was supported by findings multi–step verbal or visual problems of cognitive functioning, are directly af-
that methylphenidate–related changes that must be held temporarily in con- fected by working memory processes.
in DSM–IV core variables (attention, sciousness. Collectively, these abilities Others, such as academic achievement
impulsivity, hyperactivity) failed to underlie the capacity to perform com- deficits, reflect the cumulative impact
predict expected changes in associated plex tasks such as learning, compre- of working memory failure and sec-
outcomes such as academic perfor- hension, reasoning, and planning ondary impairments on component ac-
mance (Rapport, Chung, Shore, (Baddeley, 2007). Conversely, deficien- ademic skills combined with a variety
Denney, & Isaacs, 2000). The initial con- cies in working memory are linked to a of other influences (e.g., availability of
ceptualization of working memory as a broad range of disadvantageous out- tutoring, behavioral programming, or
core deficit followed two additional comes, including learning and lan- other compensatory resources).
studies: (a) a structural equation model guage disabilities (De Jong, 1998), hy- The Children’s Learning Clinic
showing that children’s memory was a peractivity (Rapport et al., in press), (CLC–IV) research group planned and
better predictor of long–term scholastic academic performance deficits and designed a series of experimental pro-
outcomes than classroom behavior scholastic underachievement tocols to investigate hypotheses and
(Rapport, Scanlan, & Denney, 1999); (Gathercole, Pickering, Knight, & test specific predictions stemming from
and (b) a comprehensive review of lab- Stegmann, 2004; Rapport et al., 1999), the functional working memory model
oratory–based studies finding that classroom inattention (Gathercole & of ADHD (for details, see Rapport et al.,
ADHD groups were reliably differenti- Alloway, 2008), and social interaction 2001, Rapport, Kofler, Alderson, &
ated from typically developing groups deficits (Alloway, Gathercole, & Raiker, 2008). These studies required
by tasks that placed significant de- Adams, 2005). considerable forethought, planning,
mands on children’s working memory We view working memory as a core, and time investment due to several fac-
(Rapport et al., 2000). Other models of causal cognitive process responsible for tors. The cognitive literature at the time
ADHD view working memory deficits ADHD (Figure 1). Behavioral inhibi- included a wide range of working
as one of several executive functions tion deficits—if present in ADHD memory models; some were empiri-
undermined by deficient behavioral in- (Alderson, Rapport, & Kofler, 2007; cally based and lent themselves to scru-
hibition processes (Barkley, 1997), or as Alderson, Rapport, Sarver, & Kofler, tiny (e.g., Baddeley, 2007), whereas oth-
one of a constellation of executive 2008; Lijffijt, Kenemans, Verbaten, & ers were highly abstract, but largely
function weaknesses that comprise a van Engeland, 2005)—are viewed as a un–testable (e.g., neural node network
neurocognitive profile (Willcutt, Doyle, byproduct of working memory deficits models). Moreover, there were no
Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, 2005). because inhibition is dependent on the child–appropriate working memory
For readers unfamiliar with the con- registration of environmental stimuli tasks that would enable the systematic
struct, working memory is a limited ca- (i.e., information must be activated in manipulation of parameters necessary
pacity system that provides temporary working memory before a decision to to explore the myriad working memory
storage and processing of sensory in- inhibit responding can be made; Rap- processes and mechanisms suspected
formation for use in guiding behavior port, Chung, Shore, & Isaacs, 2001). in ADHD. Finally, an estimated 45
(Baddeley, 2007). Invoking the com- Deficits in working memory are pre- hours per child was required to com-
puter as a metaphor, working memory sumed to account for several associated plete the comprehensive clinical evalu-
might be considered the RAM of con- and secondary features of ADHD, in- ation, psychoeducational assessment,
sciousness—it is responsible for our cluding disorganization, inattentive- and 4–week Saturday testing protocols.

8 • The ADHD Report © 2008 The Guilford Press

Pre–calculated power analysis indi-
cated that we would need a minimum
of 20 children (10 ADHD and 10 typi-
cally developing children) to test the
most basic hypotheses, which trans-
lated into 900 hours of direct partici-
pant contact for the initial studies.
Thus, seven years elapsed between the
initial conceptualization (Rapport et
al., 2001) and the publication of our first
working memory study (Rapport,
Alderson et al., 2008).
We selected Alan Baddeley’s (2007)
working memory model as the basis for
testing working memory hypotheses
for several reasons. Extant empirical
studies based on adult samples pro-
vided compelling empirical support
for the model’s basic tenets, and the
model served as a useful conduit for ex-
ploring a wide array of working mem-
ory mechanisms and processes. More-
over, experimental protocols could be FIGURE 1. The Working Memory Model of ADHD.
programmed readily using commer-
cially available software. Baddeley’s
(2007) model describes three primary
components of working memory: a do- Aldersen, Kofler et al., 2008) and dis- tive processes, respectively. The pro-
main–general central executive and cuss some of the implications of these cess has the added benefit of reducing
two subsystems for the temporary stor- findings. or eliminating variance related to
age and rehearsal of modality–specific non–working memory processes and
information (Figure 2). The central ex- OUR METHODS measurement error (Swanson & Kim,
ecutive is an attentional controller re- The present study examined working 2007).
sponsible for oversight and coordina- memory functioning in children with
tion of the subsidiary systems. Its ADHD relative to typically developing Our Participants
primary functions are focusing atten- children. We initially examined Two groups of boys aged 8 to 12 (M =
tion, dividing attention among concur- whether systematically increasing 9.04, SD = 1.36; n= 23) participated in
rent tasks, and providing an interface memory load (set size) differentially af- the study: children with ADHD–Com-
between long–term memory and work- fects either of the two subsystems. Each bined Type (n = 12), and typically de-
ing memory. The phonological subsys- subsystem was examined subse- veloping (n = 11) children without a
tem is responsible for the temporary quently using latent variable analysis psychological disorder. All parents and
storage (25s) and rehearsal of verbal to ascertain the extent to which central children gave informed consent/as-
material, whereas the visuospatial sub- executive processes and/or specific sent, and IRB approval was obtained
system provides this function for components (input, storage/rehearsal prior to data collection. Diagnosis was
non–verbal visual and spatial stimuli. processes) account for working mem- based on best practice and included de-
Extensive neuropsychological, neuro- ory deficits in children with ADHD. Be- tailed developmental histories, parent
anatomical, neuroimaging, and factor cause no one task or measure is likely to and child semi–structured interviews,
analytic investigations support the provide an uncontaminated estimate of and parent and teacher rating scales
distinct functioning of the two central executive functioning due to its (for additional details, see Rapport,
subsystems, their storage/rehearsal multiple functions, cognitive scientists Alderson et al., 2008).
components, and the domain–general have recently embraced latent variable
central executive (Baddeley, 2007). analysis to address this conundrum. Visuospatial and Phonological
Here we wish to summarize the re- This approach uses regression or struc- Working Memory Tasks
sults of our recent research into this tural equation techniques to isolate
working memory model of ADHD unique and shared variance among Our tasks are shown in Figure 3 and de-
published earlier this year in the Journal working memory tasks that represent tailed in Rapport, Alderson et al. (2008).
of Abnormal Child Psychology (Rapport, storage/rehearsal and central execu- (continued on p. 12)

© 2008 The Guilford Press The ADHD Report • 9

Working Memory as a Core Deficit in ADHD
(continued from page 9)

Briefly, 4 set sizes (3, 4, 5, & 6 stimuli per

trial) of both tasks were administered
in counterbalanced order, with 24 trials
at each set size. Both tasks require chil- Shared Variance
Central Executive

dren to mentally store, rehearse, and Ce ntr al Visuo-

P honologic Exe cutive Auditory Visual Visual
manipulate the serial order of verbal al task Inp ut
P roc ess
sp atial
task Input Input Input
(phonological task) or spatial P honological Visuospatial
buffe r/rehearsal bu ffe r/rehearsal Phonological Visuospatial
(visuospatial task) stimuli. The col- loop loop Analysis Analysis

umns on the visuospatial task were off- Visual analysis

set from a standard 3x3 grid to Phonological Visuospatial
minimize the likelihood of phonologi-
cal coding of the stimuli (e.g., by equat- Orthographic
to phonological
Inferior parietal
ing the squares to numbers on a lobe recoding Right hemisphere
telephone pad). The primary depend- Rehearsal Rehearsal
Process Process
ent variable was stimuli correct per
Phonological output Visuospatial output
trial. Separate central executive, pho- buffer buffer
nological storage/rehearsal, and Broca’s area-premotor Right premotor cortex
visuospatial storage/rehearsal compo-
nent variables were derived using Spoken Output Motor Output

latent variable analysis.

FIGURE 2. Adapted and expanded version of Baddeley’s (2007) working memory model
and associated anatomical loci. The insert shows the component processes related to the
Phonological and Visuospatial
phonological and visuospatial tasks. STS = short-term store. Reprinted from Rapport et al.
Encoding (2008). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 825-837, with the kind permission of
Springer Science and Business Media.
The Reading Speed task provided an
index of children’s ability to rapidly en-
code, process, and articulate visually
ables were derived using best practice
presented words. Children read a
Tier I: Set Size latent variable analysis to estimate
203–word second grade reading pas-
ADHD–related impairment in the indi-
sage. Completion time (ms) was re- The first level of analysis examined the
vidual components of working mem-
corded by computer, and words per effect of increasing set size on phono-
ory. Independent samples t–tests on the
second were used in the current study. logical (Figure 4a) and visuospatial
Scores from the Symbol Search B derived variables revealed significant
(Figure 4b) working memory perfor-
subtest of the WISC–III or WISC–IV mance across groups. Separate ADHD–related deficits in phonological
provide an index of how rapidly chil- mixed–model ANOVAs for the phono- storage/rehearsal (Hedges’ g effect size
dren process, encode, and distinguish logical and visuospatial tasks were (ES) = 0.55; 95% CI = 0.51 – 0.59),
unfamiliar visual symbols. both significant for group, set size, and visuospatial storage/rehearsal (ES =
Visuospatial encoding was defined as the group by set size interaction. Post 0.89; 95% CI = 0.80 – 0.98), and central
raw score divided by task duration (i.e., hoc pairwise comparisons revealed executive processes (ES = 2.76; 95% CI =
symbols per second). that children with ADHD performed 2.64 – 2.88).
significantly worse across all set sizes
WHAT WE FOUND compared to TD children; however, the IMPLICATIONS OF OUR
Children with ADHD did not differ performance patterns for the two FINDINGS
from typically developing (TD) chil- groups was appreciably different as The current study examined overall,
dren on age or intelligence, but read depicted in Figure 4. domain–general (central executive),
slower and had lower socio–economic and subsidiary (phonological and
status (SES) scores than TD children. visuospatial storage/rehearsal) work-
Tier II: Components
Symbol Search group differences were ing memory processes in children with
of Working Memory
non–significant. Reading Speed, Sym- ADHD–Combined Type relative to
bol Search, IQ, age, and SES were not Separate central executive, phonologi- typically developing children.
significant covariates of any of the cal storage/rehearsal, and visuospatial ADHD–related working memory defi-
analyses. storage/rehearsal performance vari- cits were apparent across all three

12 • The ADHD Report © 2008 The Guilford Press

visuospatial relative to phonological
subsystem in children with ADHD.
The difference in central executive
functioning between the two groups
was remarkable (ES = 2.76) and high-
lights the critical role played by the cen-
tral executive in directing and focusing
attention, while providing the neces-
sary oversight and coordination for the
two subsidiary systems in addition to
serving as a conduit between working
memory and long–term memory. One
or more of these abilities are clearly im-
paired in children with ADHD. The
finding that both systems remained im-
paired after removing the central exec-
utive’s contribution provided addi-
tional confirmation of phonological
FIGURE 3. Visual schematics of the phonological (top) and visuospatial (bottom) tasks. . and visuospatial storage/rehearsal
Reprinted from Rapport et al. (2008). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 825-837, with processing deficiencies in ADHD.
the kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media.
The current results have both applied
and heuristic implications for the field,
working memory components—with stimuli to be recalled will eventually assuming the findings generalize to the
the largest magnitude deficits apparent overwhelm even an intact working larger population of affected children.
in the central executive—even after memory system, and conscious strate- Impaired central executive processing
controlling for reading speed, nonver- gies must be employed to optimize and phonological/visuospatial stor-
bal visual encoding, age, IQ, and SES. recall under these circumstances. age/rehearsal deficits likely disrupt
These deficiencies were apparent un- Parsing the central executive’s basic learning processes, as well as the
der even the lowest stimulus set size shared contribution from the phono- incremental acquisition of skill and
conditions, and they became more logical and visuospatial subsystems re- knowledge obtained in educational set-
pronounced under higher memory vealed several interesting findings. The tings that are highly dependent on
load conditions. magnitude of group differences associ- working memory (Alloway et al.,
Typically developing children ated with the two subsidiary systems 2005). The association between work-
showed initial gains in both subsystems indicated a more dysfunctional ing memory functioning and academic
as set size increased from 3 to 4 stimuli,
and either recalled additional stimuli
(phonological) or maintained their level
of recall performance (visuospatial) un-
der the higher (5, 6) stimulus set size
conditions. In contrast, the phonological
and visuospatial recall performance of
children with ADHD peaked under the
set size 4 condition, and it declined un-
der higher set size conditions. The
ADHD group’s visuospatial subsystem
recall never exceeded 1.6 stimuli on av-
erage, and it significantly deteriorated
under high set size conditions. Collec-
tively, these results suggest an underly-
ing impairment in the storage/rehearsal
functioning in both subsystems, as well
as possible differences in the use of
FIGURE 4. Number of (a) phonological and (b) visuospatial stimuli correct as a function of
meta–memory strategies to maintain set size and group: TD (triangles) and ADHD children (circles). Vertical bars represent
gains under higher set size conditions. standard error. Reprinted from Rapport et al. (2008). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,
Systematically increasing the number of 36, 825-837, with the kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media.

© 2008 The Guilford Press The ADHD Report • 13

achievement is well established (e.g., stop–signal paradigm. Journal of Abnormal Sarver, D. E., Raiker, J. S., & Alderson,
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thought, and action. New York: Oxford Uni- ing the science and technology of assess-
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processes likely contributes to the lon- clinic–based assessment of children with
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formance, significant scholastic sustained attention, and executive function:
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Constructing a unifying theory of ADHD.
underachievement, and low high
Psychological Bulletin, 121, 65–94. Rapport, M. D., Chung, K. M., Shore, G., &
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Fletcher, K. (2006). Young adult outcome of child psychopathology: Implications for
Fletcher, 2006). Additional research is
hyperactive children: Adaptive functioning understanding attention–deficit/hyperac-
needed to examine which elements of
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working memory are associated with can Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychia-
specific academic skill deficits and cacy. Journal of Clinical Child
try, 45, 192–202.
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anticipation of designing proactive Rapport, M. D., Kofler, M. J., Alderson,
cits of reading disabled children. Journal of
interventions to enhance working Experimental Child Psychology, 70, 75–96. R. M., & Raiker, J. S. (2008). Attention–Defi-
memory performance. cit/Hyperactivity Disorder. In M. Hersen &
Gathercole, S. E., & Alloway, T. P. (2008).
Working memory and learning: A practical D. Reitman (Eds.), Handbook of Psychological
Dr. Rapport is Professor of Psychology and guide for teachers. New York: Sage. Assessment, Case Conceptualization and Treat-
Director of the Children’s Learning Gathercole, S. E., Pickering, S. J., Knight, C., ment, Volume 2: Children and Adolescents (pp.
Clinic–IV at the University of Central & Stegmann, Z. (2004). Working memory 349–404). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Florida ( Michael skills and educational attainment: Evidence
Rapport, M. D., Scanlan, S. W., & Denney,
Kofler ( and from national curriculum assessment at 7
C. B. (1999). Attention–deficit/hyperactiv-
Jennifer Bolden (jenniferbolden@ and 14 years of age. Applied Cognitive Psy-
ity disorder and scholastic achievement: A are doctoral students in the chology, 18, 1–16.
model of dual developmental pathways.
University of Central Florida (UCF) Doc- Lijffijt, M., Kenemans, L., Verbaten, M. N.,
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 40,
toral Training Program in Clinical Psy- & van Engeland, H. (2005). A meta–analytic
chology, and Thomas Altro (tomaltro@ review of stopping performance in atten- is an advanced undergraduate tion–deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Defi- Shaw, P., Eckstrand, K., Sharp, W.,
psychology major at UCF. cient inhibitory motor control? Journal of Blumenthal, J., Lerch, J. P., Greenstein, D.,
Abnormal Psychology, 114, 216–222.
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Mann, C. A., Lubar, J. F., Zimmerman, ity disorder is characterized by a delay in
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14 • The ADHD Report © 2008 The Guilford Press

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