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Essentials of Marketing Analytics 1st

Edition Hair
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Essentials of Marketing Page i


Joseph F. Hair, Jr.

University of South Alabama

Dana E. Harrison
East Tennessee State University

Haya Ajjan
Elon University
Page ii


Published by McGraw Hill LLC, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New
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ISBN 978-1-264-36366-7
MHID 1-260-59774-1
Cover Image: Ico Maker/Shutterstock

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Dedication Page iii

To my wife Dale, our son Joe III, his wife Kerrie, and grandsons Joe
IV and Declan.
—Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Mobile, Alabama

To my husband John, and our children Mason and Faith, for your
enduring patience, love, and support.
—Dana E. Harrison, Johnson City, Tennessee

To Najwa, Mahdi, Alexander, and Julian for making it all worthwhile.

—Haya Ajjan, Elon, North Carolina
About the Authors Page iv

Joe F. Hair, Jr. is Professor of Marketing, Cleverdon Chair of

Business, and Director of the PhD degree program in the Mitchell
College of Business, at the University of South ­Alabama. In 2018 and
2019, he was recognized by Clarivate Analytics as being in the top
1 percent globally of all Business and Economics professors. He was
selected for the award based on citations of his research and
scholarly accomplishments, which for his career exceed 240,000.
Google Scholar ranks him #1 globally in the categories of Marketing,
Multivariate Data Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling. Joe
formerly held the Copeland Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship at
Louisiana State University. He has published more than 75 editions
of his books, including market leaders Multivariate Data Analysis, 8th
edition, Cengage Learning, UK, 2019, which has been cited more
than 130,000 times; Essentials of Marketing Research, 5th edition,
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2020; MKTG, 13th edition, Cengage, 2021, used
at over 500 universities globally; A Primer in Partial Least Squared
Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), 3rd edition forthcoming,
Sage, 2021; and Essentials of Business Research Methods, 4th
edition, Taylor & Francis, 2020. In addition to publishing numerous
refereed articles in academic journals such as Journal of Marketing
Research, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of
Business/Chicago, Journal of Advertising Research, and Journal of
Retailing, he has presented executive education and management
training programs for numerous companies, has been retained as a
consultant and expert witness for a wide variety of firms, and is
frequently an invited speaker on research methods and multivariate
analysis. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing
Science and the Society for Marketing Advances, and he has served
as president of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, the Society for
Marketing Advances, the Southern Marketing Association, the
Association for Healthcare Research, the Southwestern Marketing
Association, and the American Institute for Decision Sciences,
Southeast Section. Professor Hair was recognized by the Academy of
Marketing ­Science with its Outstanding Marketing Teaching
Excellence Award, and the Louisiana State University
Entrepreneurship Institute under his leadership was recognized
nationally by ­Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the top 12 programs
in the United States.
Dana Eckerle Harrison is an Assistant Professor of Marketing and
the Stanley P. Williams Faculty Fellow at East Tennessee State
University. Prior to her work in academia, Dana spent many years
assisting software companies in the areas of marketing and sales
management. She teaches marketing research, analytics, digital
marketing and strategy courses at the undergraduate and graduate
level. Her scholarly research has been published in journals such as
the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Product and Brand
Management and the ­Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. Her
research focuses on the intersection between customer relationship
management, business ethics, data quality and governance, and
marketing analytics methods. Dana is a co-author on the Essentials
of Marketing Research, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2020. She
currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of ­Marketing
Theory and Practice, as well as on the Editorial Review Board for the
Journal of Business Research and Journal of Marketing Education.
Dana continues to be an active member of prominent marketing
organizations. She has presented and led panel discussions at
conferences such as the Academy of Marketing Science, American
Marketing Association, INFORMS Society for Marketing Science, and
the Society for Marketing Advances, regarding topics such as
Artificial Intelligence and business ethics, social network analysis,
sales management, the impact of analytics techniques and
technology on marketing education and practice, the emergence of
Blockchain in marketing, and information governance. Furthermore,
she has offered certificate programs on marketing analytics and
currently serves as the Proceedings Editor for the Society of
Marketing Advances and the Director of Technology and Data
Management for the Academy of Marketing Science.

Haya Ajjan is an Associate Professor of Management Page v

Information Systems, the Sheldon and Christine Gordon
Professor in Entrepreneurship, and the Director of the Center for
Organizational Analytics at Elon University. Haya joined Elon in 2010
and teaches data analytics courses in the Love School of Business’
undergraduate business, MBA, and M.S. in Business Analytics
programs. She was instrumental in developing the business analytics
undergraduate major and the M.S. in Business Analytics program.
Her research focuses on better understanding the impact of
technology use on individuals, groups, and organizations, and she
has been published in journals such as Journal of Business Research,
Communications of the Association for Information Systems,
European Journal of Operations Research, Business Horizons and
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. She currently serves as an
Associate Editor for the Journal of Marketing Education. Her
commitment to infusing technology and innovation into the
curriculum resulted in her appointment as Faculty Fellow for
Innovation and Assistant to Elon ­University President Constance
Ledoux Book. She also serves as a project lead for Elon’s ­‐
participation in Apple’s Everyone Can Code initiative. Ajjan received
the Love School of ­Business Dean’s Awards for Scholarship and
Service and was named Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professors
in the United States by Poets & Quants. During her tenure at Elon,
she founded the Center for Organizational Analytics, Elon NEXT for
professional advancement and continuing education studies, and the
Elon Innovation Council. She teaches a certificate program on
marketing analytics for the Academy of Marketing Science and
currently serves as a program co-chair for the AIS Special Interest
Group in Decision Support and Analytics.
Preface Page vi

We developed this new book with enthusiasm and great optimism.

Marketing analytics is an exciting field to study, and there are
numerous emerging opportunities for students at the undergraduate
level, and particularly at the master’s level. We live in a global, highly
competitive, rapidly changing world that is increasingly influenced by
digital data, expanded analytical capabilities, information technology,
social media, artificial intelligence, and many other recent
developments. We believe this book will become the premier source
for new and essential knowledge in data analytics, particularly for
situations related to decision making that can benefit from marketing
analytics, which is likely 80 percent of all challenges faced by
Many of you have been asking us to write this book, and we are
confident you will be pleased it is now available. This first edition of
Essentials of Marketing Analytics was written to meet the needs of
you, our customers. The text is concise, highly readable, and value-
priced, yet it delivers the basic knowledge needed for an
introductory text on marketing analytics. We provide you and your
students with an exciting, up-to-date text and an extensive
supplement package. In the following sections, we summarize what
you will find when you examine—and we hope, adopt—the first
edition of Essentials of Marketing Analytics.

Innovative Features of the Book

The past decade or so has witnessed an explosion in data,
particularly digital data—so much so that we are in what has been
named the era of Big Data! The emergence of literally huge amounts
of data has led to the need to develop methods of identifying the
underlying patterns in data so they can be used to solve marketing
problems. At the same time, marketing professionals, like others, are
quite busy. To solve this problem, software has been developed that
enables marketers to drill down into the large amount of data
available, identify relationships, and visually present the results in a
manner that creates marketing knowledge.
Our book introduces students to several of the most popular
analytics software tools, such as Tableau and Python. In addition,
students will learn social network analysis, web analytics, automated
machine learning, neural networks, cognitive analytics, and natural
language ­processing. No other book available provides such
comprehensive coverage of these topics to students. As a professor,
therefore, you can choose to cover all methods to familiarize your
students with the various analysis possibilities. Or, you can select
specific methods and drill down into a limited number of approaches
that are consistent with your course objectives.
The starting point in learning marketing analytics is to understand
the marketing problem. For example, is the ultimate objective of an
analytics approach to create awareness through social media,
develop an effective message strategy, persuade customers to
purchase your product or service in a highly competitive market, or
overcome a service quality crisis situation? The second step in the
marketing analytics process is becoming familiar with what data is
available and whether the data can be directly used to solve
marketing problems. One type, structured data, can be used directly
because the format of the data has a clearly defined structure and is
often made up of numbers stored in rows and columns. Examples
include analyzing the click-through sequence on websites, the time
of day or day of the week a purchase was made, and how much was
paid for the purchase. The other type of data, unstructured, cannot
be directly analyzed because it includes text, images, video, or
sensor data that does not have a consistent format. Before
unstructured data can be used, it is extracted and categorized so it
can be statistically analyzed. For example, online videos, visual
images, and website postings can be coded into numbers or
categories before being used with analytical methods. The challenge
of managing different data types is a major obstacle to working with
marketing analytics, because an estimated 80 percent of the
emerging data is unstructured. We discuss the fundamentals of
analytics, data management, data exploration and data visualization
in applying marketing analytics in Chapters 1 through 4 of this book.

Marketing analytics methods can be categorized into two Page vii

groups: supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised
learning methods are applied when the available data includes a
target (outcome) variable that is already identified in a historical
dataset. For example, a ­target variable could be purchase versus
non-purchase, or to post on a website or to not post. When a target
variable is available, the objective is often to see if other variables in
the dataset can predict the target variable. In contrast, unsupervised
learning does not have an identified target variable. Thus, the goal
of unsupervised learning is to examine the underlying structure and
distribution in the data to discover patterns. The three most popular
supervised learning methods—multiple regression, neural networks,
and Automated Machine Learning—are explained in Chapters 5, 6,
and 7. Moreover, to enhance student analytical skills, case studies for
each of these chapters enable students to complete an exercise
using all three of these methods with real-world data.
Unsupervised learning methods are covered in Chapters 8 and 9.
These methods are applied to explore relationships that may exist
when no target variable is available and patterns in the data are
unknown. Cluster analysis, for example, works by learning the
underlying structure of the data to identify distinct groups in the
dataset. In contrast, market basket analysis discovers associations
among items in a “shopping basket.” These associations can help
companies develop marketing strategies by gaining insights into
which items are frequently purchased together by customers.
The final three chapters are devoted to emerging analytical
methods. They include natural language processing, social network
analysis, and web analytics. Chapter 10 provides an overview of two
increasingly popular analytical methods being used in marketing—
topic modeling and sentiment analysis. The implementation of
methods like topic modeling and Vader Sentiment are explained in a
step-by-step approach. Social network analysis, covered in Chapter
11, identifies relationships, influencers, information dissemination
patterns, and behaviors among connections in a network. One
approach to social network analysis, Polinode, analyzes the web of
connections that link people to one another, presents the results
visually, and can identify influencers on social media sites. Finally, in
Chapter 12, we cover the latest developments in web analytics and
introduce a retailer website analysis example using the Google
Analytics platform.
As part of the “applied” emphasis of our text, Essentials of Marketing
Analytics has three pedagogical features that are very helpful to
students’ practical understanding of the topics. One is the
Practitioner Corner that features an industry expert who has applied
the method explained in that chapter. The practitioner summarizes
an applied example using the method and also poses questions for
discussion. Thus, students can truly see how marketing analytics is
being used to improve decision making. A second pedagogical
feature is chapter case studies. Students gain hands-on experience
with step-by-step case studies using datasets representing a variety
of marketing scenarios. A third pedagogical feature is the variety of
analytical software introduced in the book to familiarize the students
with the marketing analyst’s toolbox.

As noted earlier, analytics is rapidly changing the face of Page viii

marketing, and the authors have experience with, and a
strong interest in, the issues associated with data analysis. Other
texts on marketing analytics—and there are very few—have limited
coverage of the field of analytics. In contrast, our text has extensive
coverage of all the most important analytical methods available.
Many marketing analytics texts are readable. An important question,
however, is whether or not students can comprehend the topics they
are reading about. This book offers a wealth of pedagogical features,
all aimed at enhancing students’ comprehension of the material. In
addition—and probably most importantly—the authors are not only
knowledgeable about the field but also experienced in writing at a
level that can easily be understood by students. Our past textbook
publishing success is clearly evident in this book and the case
studies illustrating analytical methods use real datasets.
The following is a list of the major pedagogical elements in this

Learning Objectives. Each chapter begins with a clear set of

Learning Objectives that students can use to assess their
expectations for and understanding of the chapter, in view of the
nature and importance of the chapter material.

Practitioner Corner. Each chapter includes an interesting, relevant

example of a real-world business situation that illustrates the focus
and significance of the chapter material. For example, Chapter 6
features insights on neural network analysis from Stephen Brobst,
the Chief Technology Officer at Teradata Corporation. In Chapter 7,
Elpida Ormanidou, the VP of Advanced Analytics and Insights at
Starbucks, shares lessons learned from the use of Automated
Machine Learning in her work.

Key Terms. These are boldfaced in the text, listed at the end of the
chapters, and included in the comprehensive Glossary at the end of
the book.

Discussion and Review Questions. The Discussion and Review

Questions are carefully designed to enhance the learning process
and to encourage application of the concepts learned in the chapter
to actual marketing decision-making situations. There are five or six
questions in each chapter directly related to clarifying the
understanding of concepts and methods introduced in the chapters,
and particularly to apply them to solve practical marketing and
customer behavior problems. Finally, the questions provide students
with opportunities to enhance their marketing analytics applications
and interpretative skills, and to explore how their knowledge of
analytics can enhance their career success.

Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications. The critical

thinking and marketing applications exercises are carefully designed
to enhance the self-learning process and to encourage application of
the concepts learned in the chapters to real business decision-
making situations. There are two or three questions in each chapter
directly related to the analytical methods and designed to provide
students with opportunities to enhance their analytical and
interpretative skills.

Page ix
An extensive and rich ancillary package accompanies the text. The
following is a brief description of materials in the Connect Instructor

Instructor’s Resources. Specially prepared Instructor’s Manual

and electronic Test Bank and PowerPoint slide presentations provide
an easy transition for instructors teaching with the book the first
time. In addition, there are many other support ­materials to build
upon the notes and teaching enhancement materials available.
Finally, a wealth of extra student projects, real-life examples, and
datasets are available as a
­ dditional classroom resources.

Datasets. Ten datasets are available in the Instructor Resources,

which can be shared with students and used to solve the case
studies in the chapters.

An additional resource available for use with the text is described

Analytical Software. Many software providers offer academic
licenses at low or no-cost for faculty and students. The analytical
software used in the textbook provides a real-life experience for
students in identifying and understanding relationships in data.
These powerful software tools enable students to apply many of the
tools they will need to know when searching for jobs.

The authors took the lead in preparing the first edition of the most
comprehensive book in the field of marketing analytics. But many
other people must be given credit for their significant contributions
in bringing our vision to reality. We thank our colleagues in academia
and industry for their helpful insights over many years on numerous
research topics:
Pia Albinsson
Appalachian State
Chad Autry
University of Tennessee
Barry Babin
University of Mississippi
Nichol Beacham
University of Alabama–Birmingham
James Blair
Eastern Kentucky University
Mike Brady
Florida State University
Angeline Close Scheinbaum
Clemson University
Vicki Crittenden
Boston College
Amit Deokar
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Diane Edmondson
Middle Tennessee State University
Keith Ferguson
Michigan State University
O.C. Ferrell
Auburn University
Prachi Gala
Elon University
Susan Geringer
California State University–Fresno
Anne Gottfried
University of Southern Mississippi
Gohar F. Khan
University of Waikato
Ciara Heavin
Cork University
Jennifer Henderson
Louisiana State University
Bryan Hochstein
The University of Alabama
Phillip Holmes
Pensacola Christian College
Chris Hopkins
Auburn University
Lucas Hopkins
Florida State University
Matt Howard
University of South Alabama
Astrid Keel
University of LaVerne
Scott Keller
University of West Florida
April Kemp
Southeast Louisiana University
Kacy Kim
Bryant University
Anjala Krishen
University of Nevada
Amanda Ledet
Louisiana State University
Britton Leggett
University of South Alabama
Marianne Loes
University of South Alabama
Bryan Lukas
University of Manchester
Greg Marshall
Stetson University
Lucy Matthews
Middle Tennessee State University

Chris Meyers Page x

Texas A&M University, Commerce
Adam Merkle
University of South Alabama
Adam Mills
Loyola University–New Orleans
Dena Mitchell
Troy University
Zach Moore
University of Louisiana–Monroe
Allona Murray
University of Southern Mississippi
Stephanie Noble
University of Tennessee
Obinna Obilo
Central Michigan University
Janna Parker
James Madison University
Mike Peasley
Middle Tennessee State University
Lou Pelton
University of North Texas
Maria Petrescu
ICN Business School–Campus Artem
Torsten Pieper
University of North Carolina–Charlotte
Michael Polonsky
Deakin University
Kelly Price-Rhea
East Tennessee State University
Mary Pritchett Harrison
Birmingham-Southern College
Charlie Ragland
Indiana University
Melanie Richards
East Tennessee State University
Christian Ringle
Hamburg University of Technology
Jeff Risher
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Wendy Ritz
Florida State University
Marko Sarstedt
Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Justin Scott
Pensacola Christian College
Emory Serviss
Auburn University
Stefan Sleep
Kennesaw State University
Donna Smith
Ryerson University
Goran Svensson
University of Oslo
Raghu Tadepalli
Elon University
Drew Thoeni
University of North Florida
Gail Tom
California State University–Sacramento
Ron Tsang
University of South Alabama
Steve Vitucci
University of Central Texas
Alvin Williams
University of South Alabama
David Williams
Dalton State University

Our sincere thanks to the analytics industry experts who contributed

to the Practitioner Corner of each chapter:
Stephen Brobst
Nikola Cuculovski
William Disch
Peter Drewes
Lockheed Martin
Jasmine Jones
Theresa Kushner
Kaitlin Marvin
Progressive Insurance
Aran Moultrop
Elpida Ormanidou
Jessica Owens
Marc Smith
Social Media Research Foundation
Jim Sterne
Digital Analytics Association
Rob Taylor

Our sincere thanks also go to the helpful reviewers who made

suggestions and shared their ideas for the first edition:
George Bernard
Seminole State University
Ali Besharat
University of South Florida
Julie Blose
College of Charleston
Jennifer Burton
University of Tampa
Mark Case
Florida Gulf Coast University
Nikola Cuculovski
Bill Disch
Chris Hopkins
Auburn University
Chris Huseman
Liberty University

Kacy Kim Page xi

Bryant University
Judy Ma
California State University–East Bay
Maria Petrescu
ICN Business School
Emily J. Plant
University of Montana
Jeffrey Risher
Southeastern Oklahoma University
Gail Tom
California State University–Sacramento
Gina Tran
Florida Gulf Coast University
Tuo Wang
Kent State University
Finally, we would like to thank our editors and advisors at McGraw-
Hill Education. Thanks go to Laura Hurst Spell, associate portfolio
manager; Meredith Fossel, executive portfolio manager; Allison
Marker, product coordinator; Nicole Young, marketing manager; and
Sarah Blasco, developmental editor. We also are grateful to our
professional production team: Harvey Yep, project manager; Beth
Blech, designer; Mark Christianson, program manager; and Emily
Windelborn, assessments project manager.
Joseph F. Hair, Jr.Dana
E. Harrison
Haya Ajjan
Page xii

Page xiii
Brief Table of Contents Page xiv

PART 1 Overview of Marketing Analytics and Data

Management 1
1 Introduction to Marketing Analytics 2
2 Data Management 28

PART 2 Exploring and Visualizing Data Patterns 64

3 Exploratory Data Analysis Using Cognitive Analytics 65
4 Data Visualization 95

PART 3 Analytical Methods for Supervised Learning 140

5 Regression Analysis 141
6 Neural Networks 184
7 Automated Machine Learning 230

PART 4 Analytical Methods for Unsupervised Learning

8 Cluster Analysis 266
9 Market Basket Analysis 304

PART 5 Emerging Analytical Approaches 334

10 Natural Language Processing 335
11 Social Network Analysis 372
12 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Analytics 406
Glossary 444
Index 451
Page xv


PART 1 Overview of Marketing Analytics and Data

Management 1

1 Introduction to Marketing Analytics 2

1.1 Introduction to Marketing Analytics 3
Marketing Analytics Defined 3
Analytics Levels and Their Impact on Competitive
Advantage 5
1.2 Defining the Right Business Problems 7
1.3 Data Sources 11
1.4 Data Types 13
Types of Data 13
Data Measurement 13
Metric Measurement Scales 15
1.5 Predictors versus Target Variable 15
Types of Variables 15
1.6 Modeling Types: Supervised Learning versus Unsupervised
Learning 15
1.7 The 7-Step Marketing Analytics Process 17
Step 1: Business Problem Understanding 17
Step 2: Data Understanding and Collection 18
Step 3: Data Preparation and Feature Selection 19
Step 4: Modeling Development 20
Step 5: Model Evaluation and Interpretation 20
Step 6: Model and Results Communication 20
Step 7: Model Deployment 21
1.8 Setting Yourself Apart 22
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 25
Discussion and Review Questions 25
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 25

2 Data Management 28
2.1 The Era of Big Data Is Here 29
2.2 Database Management Systems (DBMS) 33
2.3 Enterprise Data Architecture 35
Traditional ETL 36
ETL Using Hadoop 36
A Closer Look at Data Storage 36
2.4 Data Quality 39
2.5 Data Understanding, Preparation, and Transformation 42
Data Understanding 42
Data Preparation 43
Data Transformation 46
Getting Started 47
Understanding the Dataset 47
Applying the Concepts 48
Aggregation 55
Build Your Own Supplier Table 56
Add Data to Your Table 57
Join the Two Tables (MERGE) 57
Update the Data 58
Delete Values 59
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 61
Discussion and Review Questions 61
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 61

PART 2 Exploring and Visualizing Data Patterns 64

3 Exploratory Data Analysis Using Cognitive Analytics 65

3.1 The Importance of Exploratory Data Analysis 66
3.2 Defining Cognitive Analytics and Knowledge Discovery 67
The Cognitive Analytics Technology that Won Jeopardy 67
3.3 Discovering Different Use Cases for Cognitive Analytics 69
Cognitive Analytics to Interface with the Customer 69
Cognitive Analytics to Support Internal Operations and
Decision Making 69
3.4 Combining Internal and External Data Sources for
Improved Insights 72
Understanding the Business Problem 75
Understanding the Dataset 75
Applying the Concepts 76
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 91
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 93
Discussion and Review Questions 93
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 93

4 Data Visualization 95 Page xvi

4.1 What Is Data Visualization? 96
4.2 Principles and Elements of Design for Data Visualization
Principles of Design 99
The Basic Elements of Design 100
4.3 Fundamental Considerations When Developing Data
Visualizations 104
Common Types of Charts and Graphs 104
4.4 So, What’s Your Story? 112
Understanding the Business Problem 114
Understanding the Dataset 114
Data Preparation 116
Applying the Concepts 117
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 137
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 138
Discussion and Review Questions 138
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 138

PART 3 Analytical Methods for Supervised Learning 140

5 Regression Analysis 141

5.1 What Is Regression Modeling? 142
Simple Linear Regression 143
Multiple Linear Regression 145
Evaluating the Ability of the Regression Model to Predict
5.2 The Predictive Regression Model 147
5.3 Predictive Regression Performance 148
5.4 Model Validation 150
5.5 Modeling Categorical Variables 151
5.6 Model Independent Variable Selection 152
Detecting Multicollinearity 153
Feature Selection 153
Understanding the Business Problem 155
Understanding the Dataset 155
Data Preparation 156
Applying the Concepts 157
Step 1: Preparing the Data for Modeling 158
Step 2: Setting Up the Training Model and Cross Validation
Step 3: Evaluating the Model Results 174
Step 4: Applying the Model to New Dataset 175
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 181
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 183
Discussion and Review Questions 183
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 183

6 Neural Networks 184

6.1 Introduction to Neural Networks 185
6.2 How Are Neural Networks Used in Practice? 186
6.3 What Are the Basic Elements of a Neural Network? 188
6.4 How Does a Neural Network Learn? 191
What Does This Process Look Like in Action? 192
How Does the Network Learn? 194
When Does the Network Stop Learning? 195
6.5 Key Reminders When Using Neural Networks 195
Understanding the Business Problem 197
Understanding the Dataset 197
Preparing the Data 198
Applying the Concepts 199
Stage 1: Preparing the Data for Modeling 201
Stage 2: Setting Up the Training Model and Cross
Validation 212
Stage 3: Evaluating the Model Results 218
Stage 4: Applying the Model to a New Dataset 221
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 227
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 228
Discussion and Review Questions 228
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 228

7 Automated Machine Learning 230

7.1 What Is Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)? 231
What Questions Might Arise? 232
7.2 AutoML in Marketing 234
Which Companies Are Actively Using AutoML? 234
7.3 What Are Key Steps in the Automated Machine Learning
Process? 237
Data Preparation 237
Model Building 237
Creating Ensemble Models 238

Advanced Ensemble Methods 239 Page xvii

Model Recommendation 240
Understanding the Business Problem 242
Understanding the Dataset 242
Uploading the Data 243
Examining the Features 246
Defining the Target Variable 249
Running the Model 252
Evaluating the Model Results 256
Applying the Model to predict new cases 259
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 262
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 263
Discussion and Review Questions 263
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 263

PART 4 Analytical Methods for Unsupervised Learning 265

8 Cluster Analysis 266

8.1 What Is Cluster Analysis? 267
8.2 How Is Cluster Analysis Used in Practice? 268
8.3 How Does a Cluster Analysis Function? 269
8.4 What Are the Types of Cluster Analysis? 271
K-Means Clustering 271
K-Means Issues to Remember 273
Hierarchical Clustering 273
Hierarchical Clustering Issues to Remember 276
Understanding the Business Problem 277
Understanding the Dataset 277
Applying the Concepts 278
Opening Python Using Anaconda 279
Preparing the Python Environment 283
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 302
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 303
Discussion and Review Questions 303
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 303

9 Market Basket Analysis 304

9.1 What Is Market Basket Analysis? 305
9.2 How Is Market Basket Analysis Used in Practice? 306
9.3 Association Rules: How Does a Market Basket Analysis
Identify Product Relationships? 308
9.4 Special Topics in Market Basket Analysis 311
Understanding the Business Problem 314
Understanding the Dataset 314
Data Preparation 315
Applying the Concepts 315
Loading Data 321
Preparing the Data 323
Running FP-Growth 326
Creating Association Rules 327
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 331
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 332
Discussion and Review Questions 332
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 332

PART 5 Emerging Analytical Approaches 334

10 Natural Language Processing 335

10.1 What Is Natural Language Processing? 336
10.2 How Is Natural Language Processing Used in Practice?
Optimize Inventory and Engage Customers in Marketing
Campaigns 338
Produce New Products to Meet Customer Needs 338
Simplify Guest Travel to Improve Hospitality 339
Create a Better Experience for Customers 339
Add Unique Features to Products 339
Improve Customer Service 339
Facilitate Customer Ordering 339
Strengthen Customer Relationships 340
10.3 How Is Text Analytics Applied? 340
Step 1: Text Acquisition and Aggregation 340
Step 2: Text Preprocessing 341
Tokenization 341
Stemming 341
Lemmatization 342
Stop Words Removal 342
N-Grams 342
Bag of Words 342
Term-Document Matrix 342

Step 3: Text Exploration 344 Page xviii

Frequency Bar Chart 344
Word Clouds 345
Step 4: Text Modeling 345
10.4 Special Topics in Text Analytics 347
Understanding the Business Problem 349
Understanding the Dataset 349
Data Preparation 350
Applying the Concepts 350
Opening Python Using Anaconda 351
Preparing the Python Environment 355
Text Preprocessing 361
Topic Modeling 364
Sentiment Analysis Using TextBlob 365
Sentiment Analysis Using Vader 366
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 368
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 369
Discussion and Review Questions 369
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 369

11 Social Network Analysis 372

11.1 What Is Social Network Analysis? 373
11.2 Social Network Analysis in Practice 374
11.3 How Does a Social Network Analysis Function? 379
Network Measures 380
Measures of Centrality 381
Network Structures 383
11.4 Link Prediction Using Social Network Analysis 384
Understanding the Business Problem 386
Understanding the Dataset 386
Data Preparation 386
Applying the Concepts 388
Step 1: Getting Started with Polinode 388
Step 2: Uploading Data to Polinode 389
Step 3: Viewing the Network Graph 391
Step 4: Measuring Network Properties 394
Step 5: Updating Nodes Graph View 397
Step 6: Running a Network Report and Downloading
Results 400
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 403
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 404
Discussion and Review Questions 404
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 404

12 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Analytics 406

12.1 What Are the Basics of Digital Marketing? 407
What Is Owned Digital Media? 407
What Is Paid Digital Media? 407
What Is Earned Digital Media? 407
How Is Digital Marketing Used? 408
12.2 Digital Marketing Analytics in Practice 408
Owned Digital Marketing Media 410
Paid Digital Marketing Media 412
Earned Digital Marketing Media 413
12.3 Digital Marketing Analytics Measures 415
Audience Analysis 416
Acquisition Analysis 417
Behavior Analysis 417
Conversion Analysis 418
A/B Testing 419
Multivariate Testing 419
Multichannel Attribution 419
12.4 How Does A/B Testing Work? 420
Understanding the Business Problem 422
Understanding the Dataset 422
Applying the Concepts 423
Getting Started with Google Analytics 423
Step 1: Accessing the Demo Account 424
Step 2: Reviewing the Main Dashboard 426
Step 3: Reviewing the Reports 428
Insights Learned from Applying the Concepts 440
A Final Note 441
Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Terms 442
Discussion and Review Questions 442
Critical Thinking and Marketing Applications 442

Glossary 444

Index 451
Page 1

Overview of Marketing
Analytics and Data
Page 2

1 Introduction to Marketing


1.1 Discuss marketing analytics.

1.2 Discuss how to identify the right business
1.3 Identify and compare different data sources.
1.4 Describe different data types.
1.5 Explain the difference between predictors and
target variables.
1.6 Differentiate between supervised and
unsupervised modeling.
1.7 Investigate the 7-step marketing analytics
1.8 Explain the value of learning marketing analytics.

1.1 Introduction to Marketing Analytics Page 3

A primary responsibility of marketing is to properly manage the wants and

needs of customers. This can be accomplished through strategic decisions
about products, pricing, distribution, and communications that are based on
insights from marketing analytics. This chapter will introduce you to the
exciting possibilities of marketing analytics, which companies are increasingly
using to satisfy customers and maintain a competitive advantage.
Have you ever wondered how, Spotify, or Stitch Fix obtain and
provide the information customers want so fast? As examples, consider the
three situations below:
• How does Expedia, Orbitz, or determine the price to
quote when you are shopping for a hotel room? Prices of hotel
rooms are frequently updated based on demand, seasonality, day of the
week, time of the day, and even the type of technology being used to find
accommodations. For instance, Orbitz Worldwide Inc. knows that Mac
computer users spend as much as 30 percent more a night on hotels, so
Orbitz shows its Mac customers different travel options, and sometimes
even more expensive rooms than Windows users.1
• How does Spotify know what songs to suggest for you? From user-
generated playlists, listener preferences, and advanced data analytics,
Spotify, an audio streaming platform, can build collections of music their
listeners enjoy and help users find their new favorite music.2
• How does Stitch Fix achieve the highest-ever rate of purchased
items per “Fix” for its female customers? Stitch Fix is only 7 years old
and in 2018, it generated $1.2 billion in sales. Their stylists work closely
with the analytics algorithm suggestions, and then match results with the
customer’s style. Over time, the analytics algorithm learns and continuously
becomes more accurate when making clothing suggestions, stocking
decisions, packing at the warehouse, and shipping.3
In the rest of this chapter, we describe and explain an analytics framework,
the relevant marketing analytics concepts, and industry best practices.
Building on this foundation, you will continue to work through practical
exercises and develop the mindset of a marketing analyst.

Marketing Analytics Defined

Marketing analytics uses data, statistics, mathematics, and technology to
solve marketing business problems. It involves modeling and software to
drive marketing decision making. Not long ago, marketing analytics was a
highly specialized field for individuals who had in-depth knowledge of
mathematical modeling, computer programming, and specialized software
packages. Today, however, the availability of large amounts of data,
improvements in analytics techniques, substantial increases in computer
processing power, and affordability have made marketing analytics more
practical and available to a much larger audience. To survive, companies
increasingly need to differentiate products and services, optimize processes,
and understand the drivers for business performance, and marketing
analytics can help them to do that.
Marketing analytics is one of the fastest growing fields of analytics
applications. This growth can be attributed to the increase in user-generated
data from social media (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), mobile
applications (e.g., weather, text, maps), and multiple search and shopping
channels now accessible by customers (e.g., phone, in-store, online).
Marketers can use insights from analytics to increase company performance
through various marketing capabilities such as pricing, product development,
channel management, marketing communications, and selling. Restaurants
are even beginning to apply marketing analytics to optimize the selection of
new locations. For example, the restaurant chain Roy Rogers Franchise Co.
uses advanced analytics to expand into new markets, determine their next
site locations, and forecast sales.4 Their machine learning platform integrates
internal and external data to ensure restaurant locations match the needs
and wants of the geographical area. Internal data such as the current
location of stores, sales, and competitor locations are integrated with external
data such as demographics, traffic near the store, and social media activity
(e.g., geo-tagged posts) to gain a more holistic view of the site potential.

Marketing analytics is increasingly being applied in numerous Page 4

industries and functional departments, and the impact and benefits
are evident. Exhibit 1-1 compares the interest in marketing analytics to
analytics use in other business functions. Results are measured based on the
search volume for the word “Marketing Analytics” using Google Trends from
2004 to 2020 (estimated). The search for marketing analytics has been
consistently higher than other fields, with financial analytics, HR analytics,
and supply chain analytics being much lower.

Exhibit 1-1 Google Search Trends for the

Terms Marketing Analytics, Supply Chain
Analytics, Financial Analytics, and HR
Analytics (2020 estimated)
Source: Google Trends.
A large amount of marketing data exists, which explains the interest in
learning more about the area. A lack of marketing analytics skills, however,
has left many companies in a situation described as “data rich but
information poor.” Until recently, many organizations were making decisions
based upon intuition or opinion versus data-driven knowledge. Data analytics
techniques provide an excellent opportunity to bridge the gap between
information and insights.

As technology continues to improve and dominate innovative Page 5

processes, analytics will become a ubiquitous part of everything we
do. To prepare you for this, we explain how to creatively approach a problem,
comprehend the essence of communication and collaboration, understand
key elements of project management, and complete a successful project.
These skills are the most critical in the age of data analytics.
Analytics Levels and Their Impact on Competitive
Analytics involves techniques as simple as descriptive statistics and
visualization, as well as more advanced predictive modeling, prescriptive, and
newly emerging artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive analytics. As
organizations adopt more advanced techniques (i.e., predictive, prescriptive,
and AI methods), higher data management maturity is required to achieve a
competitive advantage, as depicted in Exhibit 1-2.

Exhibit 1-2 The Competitive Advantage of

Marketing Analytics

Source: Adapted from SAS.

Descriptive analytics are a set of techniques used to explain or quantify

the past. Several examples of descriptive analytics include: data queries,
visual reports, and descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, mode, median, variance,
standard deviation). This type of information is essential to summarize
questions related to how many and how often situations occur. For example,
how many customers use a mobile app each day, and how often do they visit
a website within the same month? Customer needs and motivations are not
always understood, but these fundamental insights provide a foundation for
marketers to explore what is fueling the behavior. Descriptive analysis can be
especially helpful when marketers collect data from a survey. Retailers such
as Dick’s Sporting Goods and Dunkin’ survey customers in return for a
coupon code or free product following a recent experience. The survey
questions focus on capturing whether customers feel stores maintained
correct levels of stock or were satisfied with the purchase experience. Overall
averages and trends resulting from this technique can be beneficial in
reinforcing existing practices and determining how the company might
improve the customer’s experience moving forward.

Predictive analytics is used to build models based on the past to Page 6

explain the future. Mathematical models examine historical data to
predict new values, needs, and opportunities. For example, historical
customer sales data can be used to predict future sales. You might recall
when Target predicted a teen girl was pregnant before her father was aware.5
How does this happen? Target Corporation collected data from customer
purchases and used predictive modeling to classify customers as “pregnant”
or “not pregnant.” Customers identified as pregnant based on their purchases
were then sent sales promotions for early pregnancy to capitalize on a
significant revenue stream. Zillow, an online real estate database and
analytics platform, also develops predictive models from publicly available city
housing data. Zillow predicts a “Zestimate” or value for every home based on
over 100 predictors for each of the 100 million homes in its database.6
Prescriptive analytics identifies the best optimal course of action or
decision. Consider, for example, how UPS efficiently maps drivers through a
city using optimized routes that reduce the number of left turns, or how
airlines maintain productivity, reduce costs, and increase customer
satisfaction by optimizing flight and crew scheduling. Price optimization, also
a growing e-commerce practice, is used by Amazon to develop pricing
strategies and remain competitive in the retail industry. In fact, the company
has reported changing prices more than 2.5 million times a day7 to influence
customer behavior and maximize revenue. Kellogg Company is the world’s
leading cereal company and second-largest producer of cookies in the world,
with annual revenues exceeding $14 billion. In the cereal business alone,
Kellogg Company has more than 90 production lines and 180 packaging lines.
This requires tremendous coordination to meet customers’ demand at a low
cost. Kellogg uses optimization models to forecast sales and determine what
should be produced and shipped on a daily basis. The company also uses
optimization modeling to improve supply chain infrastructure. To do this,
Kellogg must identify the number and location of plants to produce the
required level of production that minimizes excess capacity and provides the
inventory to meet customer demand. Using this modeling, Kellogg estimates
a savings of over $475 million a year.8
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Faustus, Dr (Marlowe), v. 202, 203, 206, 207, 247; vii. 36; x. 274.
Faux, Guy, iv. 249, 365; vii. 69, 129; x. 245; xi. 317; xii. 26, 37.
—— Moll, vi. 510, 511.
Fauxbourg St Germain, The, xi. 384.
Favourite Kitten (Miss Geddes’), xi. 245.
—— Lamb (Collins’s), xi. 191.
Fawcett, John, vi. 453; viii. 244, 251, 252, 262, 266, 291, 319, 386,
443; xi. 277, 304, 305, 370, 397, 402; xii. 140 n., 152 n.
—— Rev. Joseph, ii. 171 n.; iii. 337; iv. 210, 283 n.; vi. 224, 225, 304;
vii. 133.
—— Mrs, viii. 413, 426.
Fawn, The, or Parisitaster (Marston’s), v. 225, 226.
Fazio (by Milman), v. 147; viii. 416; xi. 419.
Fear of Death, On the, vi. 321.
—— Odes to (Collins), v. 116, 374.
Fears in Solitude (Coleridge’s), iii. 242.
Fearn, John, vi. 64, 65; xi. 181 n.; xii. 345.
Fearne, Charles, vii. 26.
Fearon, Miss, ix. 278.
Feast of the Poets (Leigh Hunt’s), i. 377; iv. 302, 361; v. 378.
Feeble (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), viii. 33.
Felice (in Marston’s Antonio and Mellida), v. 225.
Felix Mudberry (in Ups and Downs), xi. 387, 388.
Felton, John, ix. 354.
Female head (Leonardo da Vinci’s), ix. 35.
Female Seducers, Fable of the (Moore’s), vi. 368.
—— Vagrant, The (Wordsworth’s), viii. 233 n.
Fenella (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 537.
Fénélon (François de Salignac de la Motte), vii. 321; ix. 119; x. 323,
Fennings, The, iii. 420.
Fenwick, Mr, ii. 173, 192, 205.
Ferdinand of Sicily, iii. 179; xii. 242, 446.
—— VII. of Spain, iii. 106, 119, 157, 158, 160, 290, 309; vi. 156; vii.
149; viii. 267; x. 316; xi. 339, 551, 558; xii. 104, 204.
—— the Beloved, viii. 539.
—— (a play). See Faulkener.
—— (in Scott’s Yellow Dwarf), xii. 246 n.
—— (in Shakespeare’s Tempest), vii. 213; xi. 417.
—— Count Fathom. See Count Fathom.
Fergusson, Robert, v. 139.
Feriole (town), ix. 278.
Ferrara (town), ix. 264, 265, 266, 277, 302.
—— Duke Hercules of, x. 69.
Ferraw (a knight) (from Ariosto), v. 224.
Ferrers, Lord, x. 168.
Ferret, Mr (in Cherry’s Soldier’s Daughter), xi. 298.
Ferrex and Porrex (Thomas Sackville’s), v. 193, 195.
Ferry-bridge, The Inn at, xii. 203.
Fesch, Cardinal, ix. 363 n.
Fesole (town), ix. 211, 217.
Fête Champêtre (Watteau’s), ix. 22.
—— —— See Carronside.
Feudal Times (George Colman, jnr.), ii. 228.
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, iv. 218; x. 141, 145.
Fidelia (in Wycherley’s Plain Dealer), viii. 78.
Field, Master John, ii. 226.
Fielding, Anthony Vandyke Copley, ix. 127; xi. 245, 246, 248.
—— Henry, i. 28; ii. 171 n., 280, 391; iii. 234; iv. 365, 367; v. 284; vi.
225, 236, 413, 426, 448, 452, 457, 458; vii. 36, 214, 322, 363; viii.
79, 107, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 133, 144, 158, 163, 287,
454, 506; ix. 78, 118, 243 n., 391; x. 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
37, 167, 168, 206, 328; xi. 223, 225, 273 n., 374, 403, 435, 501,
543; xii. 22, 32, 46, 63, 98, 155 n., 226, 274, 310, 364, 374.
—— William, Mr Justice, vii. 84.
—— and Walker (booksellers), ii. 95.
Fife, ii. 314.
Figalon (painter), ix. 128.
Figaro, The Marriage of, or The Follies of a Day (Holcroft’s), ii. 113;
viii. 355; xi. p. viii.
Fight, The, xii. 1.
Filch (in Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera), vi. 286; viii. 255, 315, 387; xi.
373; xii. 24.
Filmer, Sir Robert, iii. 240, 284.
Finch, Daniel (second Earl of Nottingham), iii. 402.
—— Sir Heneage, and his son, iii. 394, 399.
Finche dal Vino (a song), viii. 365.
Fine Arts, The, ix. 377;
also in ix. 408; xi. 195.
—— —— whether they are promoted by Academies, ix. 470.
—— —— British Institution, xi. 187.
—— —— The Louvre, xi. 195.
—— —— (E. B. Article), ix. 464; xi. 567, 568.
Fingal, The Son of (Ossian), xi. 300.
Finger-Post, The (a play), xi. 367.
Finland, iii. 158, 216.
Finnerty, Peter, iii. 236, 237; xii. 307.
Fire of London, vii. 69.
—— Famine, and Slaughter (Coleridge), iii. 157, 205; v. 166, 377.
Firense la bella, ix. 207.
Firmian, Joseph, Count de, ix. 419.
First Elements (Nicholson’s), ii. 173.
Firth of Forth, ii. 252, 314; iv. 244.
Fish-street-hill, xi. 385.
Fisher (Catherine Maria), ix. 473.
—— of Duke Street, vii. 486.
—— Mr, viii. 465, 513.
Fittler, James, ii. 201.
Fitzgerald, Thomas Judkin, iii. 237, 240, 241.
Fitzharding, Mr (in Smiles and Tears), viii. 266.
—— Miss (in Smiles and Tears), viii. 266.
Fitz-Osborn’s Letters (by William Melmoth the younger), i. 93.
Fitzpatrick, Mrs (Fielding’s Tom Jones), vi. 457; viii. 114, 115; x. 33.
Fitzwilliam (2nd Earl of) (Wentworth, Wm.), ii. 169, 225.
Five Patron-Saints of Bologna, Guido’s, ix. 206.
Fives Court, The, xii. 8, 325.
—— —— St Martin’s St., The, vi. 88.
Flageolet, The (in Liber Amoris), ii. 291.
Flamborough Family (in Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield), v. 119; viii.
Flamineo (in Webster’s White Devil), v. 243, 245.
Flaminius, ix. 262.
Flash, Theodore (? Theodore Hook), xii. 276.
Flaxman, John, vii. 90, 95; ix. 168, 490.
Flaxman’s Lectures on Sculpture, x. 330.
Flech Horr, The, ix. 279, 280.
Flecknoe (Marvell’s), viii. 54.
Fleet-Ditch, vii. 69.
—— Prison, ii. 216; v. 84 n.; vi. 89; viii. 463.
—— Street, iv. 342; vi. 59, 415; viii. 104; xii. 35 n.
Fleetwood (Godwin’s), iv. 209.
Flemish School, i. 26; ix. 314, 386.
Fletcher, Andrew (of Saltoun), iv. 98 n.
—— George, vii. 263, 504.
—— John, v. 248;
also referred to in iv. 367; v. 175, 176, 181, 189, 193, 224, 296, 297,
346; vi. 203, 218 n.; vii. 134, 229, 320, 321; viii. 48, 69, 89, 264,
353; x. 118, 205, 261; xii. 34.
—— P., v. 295, 311.
Fleur de Lys, Order of, viii. 20.
Fleuri, Joli de, iii. 290.
Flight into Egypt (Poussin’s), ix. 24.
—— —— (Rubens’s), ix. 72.
—— of Paris and Helen, The (Guido’s), vii. 283.
Flippanta (in Vanbrugh’s The Provoked Wife), viii. 80, 156.
Flitch of Bacon, The (Henry Bates’s), ii. 85; vi. 432.
Flora (the goddess), iv. 310; ix. 216.
—— (in Rowe’s Jane Shore), viii. 537.
—— (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), xi. 402; xii. 24.
—— MacIvor (in Scott’s Waverley), iii. 32; iv. 247; viii. 129.
Florence, i. 332; v. 189; vi. 353, 368, 404; vii. 369; ix. 111 n., 187, 197,
198, 207, 211, 212, 217, 218, 219, 221, 224, 227, 229, 233, 240, 241,
249, 256, 260, 262, 263, 277, 363 n., 409, 417, 429; x. 63, 68, 300,
301, 302, 354; xii. 20, 134, 172 n.
—— History of (Guicciardini’s), vii. 229.
Florentine Observer, The, x. 270.
—— School, ix. 222.
Florestan (early romance), x. 57.
Florid (Holcroft’s), ii. 191, 222.
Florimel (Spenser), ii. 347; v. 38; vii. 193; x. 81; xi. 235.
Floris (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 265, 266.
Florismarte of Hircania (early romance), x. 57.
Florizel (in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale), viii. 354.
Floscel, Mr, ii. 114.
Flower, Benjamin, i. 423; ii. 177, 190.
—— and the Leaf (Chaucer’s), i. 162; v. 27, 82, 370; x. 75; xi. 269; xii.
Flute (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 275.
Fly drowned in Treacle, Lines to a (Peter Pindar’s), xii. 350.
Flying Mercury, John of Bologna’s, ix. 222.
Fodor, Madame Mainville, viii. 297, 327, 364, 370, 371; xi. 307, 308,
427, 500, 501.
Foe, Daniel (see Defoe).
—— James, x. 356, 357.
Foible (Congreve’s The Way of the World), viii. 75.
Foligno, ix. 260, 261, 365.
—— Picture, The (Raphael’s), ix. 240.
Folle par Amour, La (opera), ix. 174.
Follies of a Day (see Figaro), ii. 113; viii. 355; xi. p. viii.
Fontainebleau, ix. 175, 176.
Fontaine, Jean de la, i. 46; iv. 190; vi. 109; viii. 29; x. 109.
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, ii. 393; iii. 319 n.
Fonthill Abbey, ix. 348;
also referred to in vii. 135, 292; ix. 55, 56, 58, 60, 61; xii. 83.
Fool, The (in Shakespeare’s Lear), viii. 24.
—— of Quality, The (Henry Brooke’s), viii. 123 n.
Foote, Maria, viii. 196, 231, 266, 268, 275, 426, 428, 457, 540; xi.
207, 208, 364, 402.
Foote, Samuel, ii. 59, 60, 77 n., 87, 170; viii. 166, 167, 241, 242, 319.
——, Garrick, Letters of, xi. p. viii.
Footmen, xii. 131.
Force of Conscience. See Ravens.
—— of Ridicule, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 159.
Ford, John, v. 248;
also referred to in v. 193, 265 et seq., 268, 318; vi. 218 n.; vii. 134;
x. 205.
—— Mr, ii. 173.
—— (in Cooke’s Green’s Tu Quoque), v. 290.
—— Miss, xii. 122.
Foresight (in Congreve’s Love for Love), vi. 287; viii. 279.
—— (Munden’s), viii. 71, 72.
Forest of Merry Sherwood, The, viii. 425.
—— Scene (Stark’s), xi. 249.
Forester (the horse), ii. 31, 41.
Forli (town), vi. 238.
Fornarina (Raphael’s), i. 92; ix. 73, 223, 224; xii. 36, 332.
Forrest (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), v. 188.
Forsyth, Joseph, ix. 221, 253.
Forth, The river, v. 300.
Fortunate Mistress. See Roxana.
Fortunatus’s Wishing Cap, vii. 221.
Fortune (Salvator Rosa’s), x. 301.
Fortune-Teller (Northcote’s), vi. 404.
Fortunes of Nigel (Scott’s), iv. 248; xi. 538.
Foster, James, iv. 204 n.; vi. 367.
—— Thomas, vi. 360, 509.
Fouché, Joseph, iii. 192.
Foulkes, Mr, ii. 145, 176, 183, 225.
—— Mrs, ii. 193, 194.
Foundling, History of a. See Tom Jones.
Four Ages (Titian’s), ix. 31, 38, 270.
Four Orations for the Oracles of God (Edward Irving’s), iv. 228.
—— P’s, The, v. 274.
—— Seasons of Life, The (Giorgioni’s), v. 321.
Fourth Estate, iv. 334.
Fox, Charles James, i. 103, 127, 384, 429; ii. 200, 217, 227, 374; iii. 15
n., 17, 108, 324, 328 n., 336, 337, 347 n., 349, 391, 416, 421, 424,
461, 466; iv. 190, 231–2, 237; vi. 109, 455; vii. 7, 8 n., 184, 200,
267, 269, 273, 274–5, 364; x. 151–2, 213, 232; xi. 436, 522–3; xii.
274, 292–3, 346, 369.
—— Character of Mr, iii. 337.
—— George, iii. 112; x. 145.
—— Henry (Lord Holland), iii. 416.
—— John, vi. 364, 365, 366.
—— Joseph, iii. 111.
—— William Johnson, iv. 227.
—— at the Point of Death, The (Gay’s), v. 107.
—— Dogs (Gainsborough’s), xi. 204.
—— hunted with Greyhounds (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203.
Foxe, John, vii. 129, 320; xi. 443.
Frail, Mrs (in Congreve’s Love for Love), viii. 72, 279.
Francanzani, Francesco, x. 283, 287.
France, iii. 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 22, 31, 36, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 63, 65, 68, 71,
77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103,
104, 106, 108, 109, 111, 119, 129, 158, 164, 179, 180, 181, 216, 227,
240, 285, 290, 335, 347 n., 399, 415; iv. 93, 323; v. 354; xi. 184,
—— and Italy, Notes on a Journey Through, ix. 83; xi. 568.
—— Travels in (Holcroft’s), ii. 232–4.
Francesca of Rimini (Dante), x. 405.
Francesca of Rimini (Leigh Hunt), x. 409.
Francesco (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 391.
—— (in Massinger’s The Duke of Milan), v. 267; viii. 289, 290.
Francis I., i. 133.
—— Sir Philip, ii. 172, 182, 199.
Franciscan Friars, The, xii. 224.
Francken, Frans, ix. 354.
Frank Osbaldistone (in Scott’s Rob Roy), xii. 66.
—— and Clara (Holcroft’s), ii. 176, 182.
—— Henley (in Holcroft’s Anna St Ives), ii. 129, 131.
—— Jerningham (in Merry Devil), v. 293, 294.
Franks. See Francken, Frans.
Franks’s Hotel at Rome, ix. 231.
Frankelein, The (Chaucer), v. 24.
Frankenstein (Mrs Shelley), x. 311.
Frankford, Mrs (in Heywood’s A Woman Killed with Kindness), v.
212, 213.
Frankfort, ii. 187.
Franklin, Dr Benjamin, ii. 203, 205; iv. 9 n., 190; x. 251, 314; xi. 472
Frascati (town), ix. 254.
Frates Poloni, The, i. 82; ii. 165; iii. 266.
Frati Church, in Venice, ix. 270.
Frazer, Mr, ii. 218.
Frederic (in The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376.
Frederick the Great, ii. 115, 116, 116 n., 179; iii. 106, 160; vi. 445.
—— William I., vi. 445.
Frederigo Alberigi. See Alberigi.
Free Admission, The, xii. 119.
—— Thoughts on Public Affairs in a letter addressed to a Member of
the Old Opposition, iii. 1;
also referred to in i. 383 n.
Freeman, Mr, of Bath, ii. 259–61, 266.
Freeman, Mr (in Double Gallant), viii. 361.
Freemasons, The, iii. 106.
Freethinkers, i. 48.
Frejus (town), i. p. xxxi.
French, The, viii. 309; ix. 80, 89, 138 et seq.; xi. 195, 196, 256, 258,
339, 353.
—— Academy, Discourses of the (Coypel’s), xi. 208 n.
—— Art, ix. 29, 389, 404, 407; xi. 188, 209, 220, 238, 240, 244.
—— Exhibition, ix. 108.
—— Opera, The, ix. 169.
—— Philosophy, xi. 162, 285.
—— Plays, xi. 352.
—— Poetry, xi. 162.
—— Revolution (Mignet’s), ix. 186.
—— —— The, i. 89 n., 105 n., 117, 138, 214, 427, 430; ii. 133, 156, 162,
176; iii. 32 n., 114, 116, 146, 157, 160, 169, 179, 205, 206, 210, 221,
246, 250, 279, 281, 302, 304, 343, 460; iv. 218, 237, 263, 282,
338; v. 83, 161, 359; vi. 55, 147, 150, 151, 155, 198; vii. 51, 240, 257;
viii. 309, 347, 416; x. 128, 150, 151; xi. 306, 311, 374, 418, 420; xii.
157, 170, 236, 269, 287, 288, 291, 459.
—— —— Reflections on (Burke’s), i. 71 n., 214; iii. 100, 170, 255, 335;
iv. 284 n.; vi. 33; vii. 118, 227–8, 247, 257; viii. 347; xi. 458; xii.
—— Writers, iv. 277.
Frere, Mr, ii. 232.
Freres, The (Frere, John Hookham), x. 139.
Freybourg, ix. 298.
Friar, The (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), viii. 199.
—— John (in Rabelais), i. 52, 131; v. 112, 113, 277; xii. 348.
—— Lawrence (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), viii. 209.
—— Onion (in Rabelais), v. 277.
—— Tuck (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), iv. 223; viii. 424, 426.
Fribble (Miss in her Teens), ii. 80.
Fribourg, ix. 285.
Friedland, iii. 112.
Friend (Coleridge’s), iii. 130 n., 139, 159, 294 n.; vii. 374; x. 123, 135,
141, 150; xi. 452, 516.
—— Where to Find a, viii. 258.
Friends of Revolution, xi. p. vii.
Friendly Reproof to Ben Jonson (by Carew), v. 312.
Frightened to Death (Oulton’s), viii. 358.
Friscobaldo, Signor Orlando, vi. 192; vii. 121.
Froissart, Jean, i. 87, 100; vii. 229; xii. 16.
Frontiniac (a wine), xi. 487.
Frontispiece (Hogarth’s), ix. 357.
Fry, Mrs, ix. 91.
Fudge Family (Moore’s), iii. 311, 312; iv. 359, 360; vii. 380; viii. 176
n.; xi. 440.
—— —— in Paris, The, iii. 311.
Fuessly, Johann Heinrich. See Fuseli.
Fugitive Writings, xi. 1.
Fulham, ii. 221.
Fullarton (? William), ii. 186.
Fuller, Thomas, iv. 331, 365; vi. 245; vii. 16; xii. 137, 392.
Fulmer (in The West Indian), ii. 83.
Fulvia (in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), i. 229.
Funeral, The (Donne’s poem), viii. 52.
—— (Steele’s), viii. 158.
Furies (in Æschylus), viii. 159; xi. 506.
Furor (Spenser’s), x. 245.
Fuseli, Henry, ii. 180; iv. 208 n., 233; vi. 10, 270, 296, 336, 340, 342,
363, 365, 379, 385, 389, 393, 400, 403, 428, 434; vii. 41, 89, 90,
93, 94, 104; viii. 99, 307; ix. 15, 131, 226, 427; x. 197, 200; xii. 168.
Fusina (town), ix. 266.

G——, xii. 355, 369.

Gabriel, the Angel, xii. 199.
Gabrielle (in Morton’s Henri Quatre), viii. 443.
—— ix. 175.
Gadshill, i. 285; vi. 318, 403; viii. 33.
Gaffer Gray (in Holcroft’s Hugh Trevor), ii. 137, 138.
Gainsborough, Thomas, ii. 189; vi. 128, 129, 369, 437, 438; ix. 38,
395; xi. 202, 248.
Gainsborough’s Pictures, On, xi. 202.
Galaor (early romance), x. 57.
Galatea (Cervantes’), vii. 229; viii. 110.
—— (Raphael’s), i. 76, 134; ix. 239, 419, 429; x. 278.
Galba, ix. 221.
Galicia, xi. 317.
Galignani’s, vi. 422; ix. 287.
Galileo, vi. 466; vii. 306; ix. 211, 212 n., 429; xi. 424; xii. 134.
Gall, Dr, vii. 19, 137, 138, 144, 155, 231; ix. 206 n.
Gallantry, or Adventures at Madrid, viii. 399.
Gallaspy, Mr (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142.
Galley, Mdlle., i. 90.
Galt, John, vii. 134.
Gamaliel, iv. 202.
Gamble, Andrew (Irish boxer), xi. 487.
Gamester, The (E. Moore’s), ii. 265; v. 359; vii. 299; viii. 198.
Gammer Gurton’s Needle (John Still), v. 274;
also referred to in v. 286.
Gandy, William, vi. 21, 345, 367; x. 181.
Ganges, vi. 64.
Ganlesse (Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 540.
Ganymede (Titian’s), ix. 11 n.
Garat, Dominique Joseph Comte, ii. 180.
Garda, The Lake of, ix. 277.
Gardiner, Sir Allan, iv. 231, 232.
Gargantua (Rabelais), iii. 287 n.; v. 113; viii. 29, 200.
Garnish (in Kenney’s Touchstone), viii. 369.
Garofalo (Tisi, Benvenuto), ix. 238, 239.
Garrard, George, iii. 121 n.
Garrick, David, i. 156–8, 290, 335; ii. 72–80, 358, 367; iii. 389; vi. 46
n., 50, 273, 275, 301, 322, 342, 350, 399, 404, 405, 418, 438, 444,
453; vii. 305, 306; viii. 83, 103, 144, 163, 173, 174, 180, 198, 209,
261, 263, 273, 285, 313, 345, 384, 406, 429, 435, 443, 454, 514; ix.
46; xi. 349, 363, 393, 449; xii. 33, 34, 207.
—— (Gainsborough’s portrait of), xi. 203.
—— between Tragedy and Comedy (Reynolds’s), ix. 402.
Garrow, Sir William, ii. 186; iii. 164; xi. 476.
Gas Lights, i. 139.
—— Man, The, xii. 4 et seq.
Gasparo (Webster’s White Devil), v. 241, 245.
Gassendi, Peter, xi. 48.
Gaston de Foix (Giorgione’s), ix. 271.
Gate Beautiful (Raphael’s), viii. 147; ix. 47.
—— of Galienas, The (Verona), ix. 277.
Gates, General, iii. 422.
Gathering of Manna (Rubens’s), ix. 52.
Gatti, Signor, ix. 205.
Gattie, Henry, viii. 229, 245, 403.
Gatton, Borough of, ii. 154 n.
Gatty (actor), xi. 364.
Gaveston (in Marlowe’s Edward II.), v. 211.
Gay, John, i. 46, 65; iv. 365; v. 83, 98, 104, 106, 108, 129, 164, 369,
373; vi. 96, 367; vii. 36; viii. 56, 158, 193, 255, 256, 323; x. 375; xi.
273, 375; xii. 32, 35, 121, 355.
Gayrard, Raymond, ix. 168.
Gazette, The, x. 161.
Gazza Ladra, The (Rossini’s opera), ix. 174.
Gebir (Landor’s), x. 255.
Geddes, Dr, ii. 177, 178.
—— Miss, xi. 245.
Geese that cackled in the Capitol (bronze), ix. 239.
Geiseveiller, Mr, ii. 173, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 192, 193,
194, 195, 201.
Gelamont (a town), ix. 285, 287.
Gelling, Rev. Isaac, vi. 364.
General Advertiser, The (newspaper), ii. 92.
—— Savage (Wycherley’s School for Wives), ii. 83.
—— Torrington (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258, 259,
—— Warrants, Lord Chatham’s speech on, iv. 210.
Genesis, v. 183.
Geneva, i. 92; ix. 182, 197, 280, 281, 285, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297; x.
Genevieve (Coleridge’s), v. 377; xii. 436.
Genevra, The Story of, x. 56, 62, 62 n.
Genius and Common Sense, vi. 31, 42.
—— is Conscious of its Powers? Whether, vii. 117.
—— and Originality, On (Reynolds’ Discourse), xi. 210.
Genoa, iii. 158, 234; iv. 281; vi. 384, 385; ix. 198, 207, 267; xi. 467;
xii. 223.
Gensano Girls, vii. 175; ix. 236, 376.
Gentle Geordie (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), vii. 137; xi. 534
—— Shepherd (Allan Ramsay’s), ii. 77–8.
Gentleman Comedian, The, or Alwyn. See Alwyn.
—— Dancing Master, The (a farce), viii. 78.
—— On the Look of a, vii. 209.
Gentleman’s Magazine, i. 374, 376, iv. 365; x. 221, 222.
Geoffrey Crayon, iv. 362.
—— of Monmouth, x. 20.
George I., i. 425; iii. 405, 409; iv. 343 n.; v. 359; vi. 59 n., 445; xii.
—— II., i. 25, 156; iii. 285 n., 414; vi. 445, 521; vii. 211; viii. 106, 121,
122, 134, 263; ix. 76; x. 26, 40; xii. 269.
—— III., iii. 114, 123, 221, 360, 445; vi. 322, 387; vii. 16, 88; viii. 122;
ix. 465; x. 40, 41, 152; xi. 555; xii. 24, 242.
—— IV., iv. 338; vi. 55, 482; xi. 547; xii. 56, 168, 249.
—— the Fourth, A Portrait of, ix. 367.
—— Prince, x. 377.
—— a Green, or The Pinner of Wakefield (by Robert Greene), v. 289,
—— Barnwell (by George Lillo), viii. 268;
also referred to in i. 154.
—— Dandin (Molière’s), viii. 28.
—— of Douglas (Scott’s Abbot), iv. 248.
—— St., vi. 120.
Georges, Mademoiselle, ix. 154.
Georgics (Virgil’s), xi. 492; xii. 273.
Georgium Sidus, x. 331.
Gerald (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 265, 266.
Geraldine (in Coleridge’s Christabel), x. 413.
Gérard, François Pascal Simon, Baron, ix. 123, 124, 125, 137.
Gerardeschi, The, ix. 211.
Gerat (the singer), viii. 363.
German Drama, contrasted with that of the Age of Elizabeth, On the,
v. 345.
German Hotel, The (a play from Brandes), ii. 116.
—— Painters, xi. 209.
—— Philosophy and Literature, Account of (Madame de Staël’s), xi.
—— Play, The (Mr Canning’s), xi. 341.
—— Poetry, xi. 162.
—— School of Singing, xi. 428, 501.
Germany, iii. 53, 55; iv. 218; v. 182, 362; xi. 162, 289.
Gertrude (in Jonson, Marston, and Chapman’s Eastward Hoe), vi.
164, 165.
—— (in Cooke’s Green’s Tu Quoque), v. 290.
—— (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 264, 265.
—— of Wyoming (Campbell’s), iv. 345, 346; v. 149, 150, 377; viii. 153;
x. 15; xii. 239.
Gerusalemme liberata, The (Ariosto’s), x. 14.
Gessner, Mr, ii. 186.
Ghengis Khan, xii. 37.
Ghent, ix. 302.
Ghetto Judaico, xii. 462.
Ghibellines, The, xi. 443.
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, iv. 217; vii. 254; ix. 205, 261, 409; xi. 238;
xii. 36, 38.
Ghost, The (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), viii. 186, 188, 189.
—— of King of Ormus (in Fulke Greville’s Mustapha), vii. 255.
Giannuzzi, Giulio dei. See Romano, Julio.
Giant Despair (in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress), iv. 337; vi. 54; ix.
Giant’s Causeway, xii. 273.
Giaour, The (Byron’s), v. 153.
Giardini, Felice, vi. 373.
Gib the Cat (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286.
Gibbet (in Farquhar’s Beaux’ Stratagem), viii. 10.
Gibbon, Edward, i. 138; iii. 144; iv. 365; vi. 222; ix. 153 n., 375.
Gibbons, Grinling, ix. 67.
Gibbs, Vicary, ii. 147.
—— Mrs, viii. 251, 252, 319, 333, 465, 468; xi. 397, 402.
Gibby (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156, 333; xi. 402.
Gibson’s Field, vi. 418.
Gifford, John, iii. 206, 295.
—— William, iv. 298;
also referred to in i. p. xxx., 166; iii. 45, 206, 219, 262, 295; iv. 421;
vi. 212, 475, 494; vii. 121, 207, 301, 516; ix. 247; x. 139, 228; xii.
—— A Letter to William, i. 363.
Gil Blas (Le Sage’s), i. 12, 136, 138, 160; v. 91; vi. 118, 224–5, 457; vii.
33, 36, 74, 173, 303, 311, 380; viii. 111, 112, 116, 141, 151, 315; ix. 29,
99 n.; x. 30, 31, 34, 214; xi. 252, 458; xii. 141.
Giles (in Bickerstaffe’s Maid of the Mill), ii. 83.
—— Arbe (in Miss Burney’s The Wanderer), x. 44.
Gillies, Mr, ii. 176, 231.
Gilray, James, ii. 185; vi. 455; viii. 330, 400; xii. 20, 363.
Gin Lane (Hogarth’s), viii. 142; ix. 323; xii. 364.
Ginevra, a fragment (Shelley), x. 270, 271.
Giordano, Luca, vi. 128 n.; ix. 67.
Giorgione, vi. 11 n.; ix. 26, 31, 225, 226, 239, 271, 386; xii. 36.
Giotto, iv. 217; vii. 254; ix. 205, 206, 261; xii. 36, 38, 347.
Giovanni in London (Moncrieff’s), viii. 461, 462.
Girard & Co., ii. 113.
Girl with Beer (picture), ii. 228.
—— drawing with a Pencil (Reynolds’), ix. 399.
—— and Pigs (Gainsborough’s), xi. 204.
Girl feeding Pigs (Watteau’s), vi. 437.
—— Reading (Correggio’s), ix. 41.
—— going to the Well (Gainsborough’s), xi. 204.
—— at a Window (Rembrandt’s), ix. 22.
Girodet-Trioson, Anne Louis, vii. 331; ix. 131; xi. 241; xii. 190.

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