Games Card

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Pingpong Susun Ayat Sendal Spider Kertas Blind

1 vs 10 5 vs 9 6 vs 7 2 vs 4 3 vs 8
2 vs 3 1 vs 8 4 vs 5 6 vs 9 7 vs 10
4 vs 7 2 vs 5 1 vs 6 3 vs 8
6 vs 8 3 vs 4 2 vs 7 1 vs 9 5 vs 10
5 vs 9 6 vs 7 4 vs 8 2 vs 10 1 vs 3
9 vs 10 3 vs 6 4 vs 7 1 vs 5

Pingpong Susun Ayat Sendal Spider Kertas Blind

1 vs 2 4 vs 10 3 vs 9 5 vs 7 6 vs 8
5 vs 8 1 vs 3 2 vs 6 4 vs 9 7 vs 10
3 vs 7 6 vs 8 1 vs 4 9 vs 10 2 vs 5
7 vs 9 5 vs 10 1 vs 6 2 vs 4 3 vs 8
4 vs 10 7 vs 8 2 vs 3 1 vs 5 6 vs 9
6 vs 9 2 vs 5 8 vs 10 3 vs 7 1 vs 4

Pingpong Susun Ayat Sendal Spider Web Kertas Blind Straw

Blow The Row and Sent Safe Papers
Papsball Snake Slippers
1 vs 6 5 vs 8 4 vs 10 3 vs 7 2 vs 9
2 vs 7 1 vs 10 8 vs 9 4 vs 5 3 vs 6
3 vs 8 2 vs 9 1 vs 7 6 vs 10 4 vs 5
4 vs 9 3 vs 7 2 vs 6 1 vs 5 8 vs 10
5 vs 10 4 vs 8 3 vs 9 6 vs 7 1 vs 2
5 vs 6 4 vs 10 2 vs 3 8 vs 9 1 vs 7

Pingpong Susun Ayat Sendal Spider Web Kertas Blind Straw

Blow The Row and Sent Safe Papers
Papsball Snake Slippers
1 vs 6 4 vs 7 2 vs 8 5 vs 9 3 vs 10
2 vs 7 6 vs 9 3 vs 4 1 vs 10 5 vs 8
3 vs 8 2 vs 10 1 vs 5 6 vs 7 4 vs 9
4 vs 9 1 vs 3 6 vs 8 2 vs 5 7 vs 10
5 vs 10 7 vs 9 2 vs 4 1 vs 8 3 vs 6
5 vs 8 6 vs 10 3 vs 7 4 vs 9 1 vs 2
Kelompok 1
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Blow The Papsball

Spider Web

Sent Slippers

Row and Snake

Safe Papers

Blind Straw
Kelompok 2
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Sent Slippers

Blow The Papsball

Row and Snake

Safe Papers

Spider Web

Blind Straw
Kelompok 3
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Safe Papers

Sent Slippers

Blow The Papsball

Row and Snake

Blind Straw

Spider Web
Kelompok 4
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Row and Snake

Sent Slippers

Blind Straw

Blow The Papsball

Spider Web

Safe Papers
Kelompok 5
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Spider Web

Blind Straw

Sent Slippers

Safe Papers

Blow The Papsball

Row and Snake

Kelompok 6
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Blow The Papsball

Row and Snake

Safe Papers


Blind Straw

Sent Slippers
Kelompok 7
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Row and Snake

Blow The Papsball

Safe Papers

Blind Straw

Sent Slippers

Spider Web
Kelompok 8
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Sent Slippers

Blind Straw

Blow The Papsball

Spider Web

Safe Papers

Row and Snake

Kelompok 9
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Spider Web

Row and Snake

Blind Straw

Blow The Papsball

Sent Slippers

Safe Papers
Kelompok 10
Panitia Pembimbing :

Seksi Seksi
Games Win
Acara Acara

Safe Papers

Spider Web

Row and Snake

Blind Straw

Blow The Papsball

Sent Slippers

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