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Democratic Interventions in y J Social Institutions ‘LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Explain social democracy; 2. Describe social institution; and 3. Appraise vital interventions existing in social democracy &) What’s In ? Congratulations for completing the activities in ready for the next lesson which will tackle the ways and cratic institutions. So, fasten your seatbelt and have @ joy in politics? What’s New Picture Analysis: Analyze the pictures and identify if its a demoes or undemocratic society. Write your answer on a separate shest of hs 1. What do you notice with the pictures? How they differ with one another? 2. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a society where you would want to five in? Q -) What is It SS What is Social Democracy? 1 political pattern adhering a continuous and peaceful transi snd Rocialist practices by organiring damocvatic welfare, of capital ‘What is Social Institutions? Jusvasterisu: gradual maeshanisms to build ue social crdar that exopharices on achieving societal needs and stabilities, like family, education, heslthears, religion, economy, and governs Their function i n order to come up with one purpose and geal. Thay alse contribute a lot in making society and people work ‘together to attain democratic principler and practices, SOCIAL INTERVENTIONS ‘These ave programs designed asdrezting social welfare and develep suman status of ving to alleviate poverty, ensure public health, child protection, sutritonal care, financial assistance, bteracy. and emplayment Social Interventions can be any of the following; 1. Social Welfare: to equip the status of ving and securing the ering of every citizen, te cncure and provide the best pezcible supper: among people i times of hardship and sthor unprastoeable enti 3. Social Protection. maling = set of program: md poverty and wulnerability factors, promot sent of people ta risks, Eaieguard or protect themselves against any identified hazards inchiding crimes, traficking, discrimination, and even inadequate income. 10 &) What's More Activity 1.1: I can! We can! Direction: Give your democratic participation in your community from least thing to greatest thing you can do. Copy the diagram on a separate sheet of paper for your answer. tatements based on your understanding. Write your f paper, 4 What I Can Do Activity 1.2: Tweet Me! Direction: Create a simple tweet using hachtag (¢] on different cocial interventions and explain why you say #9. Use the circle for your hashtag and planation on the given space. Draw this on a separate sheet of paper for

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