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“Murders of the Family Manson”
Charles Manson was born on november 12, 1934 in Cincinnati, ohaio. He had a hard life,
his mother sold him to a woman that couldn´t have her own children his uncle had to find
the woman in order to get his nephew back.
According to the California parole board, Manson had a history of manipulation controlling
behavior and mental illnesses that included schizophrenia and parnoia delusional behavior.
In the public´s imaginatio, the “Manson girls”, as they came to be know, loomed almost as
large as Manson himself. Mostly Young women in their late teens and early 20´s, Manson
family members were in the 1960´s, not specially unusual whit, middle-class women all
over the country were heading for cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, inspired by
other hippies to “turn on, tune in and drop out” Manson used his female followers to lure
other men to both join the group and to support it-it was several of the women that initially
met Dennis Wilson and brought Manson to his home.
Manson and the family bounced around Los Angeles, eventually settling at spahn Rancha n
old film and televisión set in the western San Fernando Valley.
At spahn, Manson exercised total domination over the group members were reportedly
forbidden from wearing eyelasses or carrying money and also they used to have long nights
of lectures in wich Manson instructed others at the ranch to take LSD and listen to him
preach about the past, present and future of humanity.
At the night of August 8, 1969, Manson family members Tex Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel,
Susan Atkinsand Linda Kasabian, drove to tate and Polanski´s home. The eight months
pregnant tate, who appeared in 1967´s Valley of the dolls and was considere done of
Hollywood´s most promising up and comers, was relaxing at home with her friend:
celebrity hairstylist, Jay sebring, coffe heires, Abigail Folger and folger´s boyfriend Voytek
Frykowski. None of the family other tan being physically in the house previously occupied
by someone Manson Knew (TerryMelcher).
According to the boo Helter Skelter. The true story of the Manson Murders by vincent
bugliosi clead prosecutor of the case and curt Gentry Charles Manson directed charles
Watson, susan atkins, linda kasabian and patricia krenwinkle to enter the tate residence,
who rejected manson´s music compilation and to gain entrance into the property. While
they were trespassing, Steven parent a visitor or the residence´s caretaker, William
Garretson was leaving the property in his vehicle, Watson stopped parent, swung a knife at
him and then shot him four times in the ches´t and abdomen.
Watson entered the residence by cutting the screen of a window and opened the front door
for Atkins and Krenwinkel, kasabian was at the end of the driveway to “keep watch”
Watson and the group entered the residence and found tate, folger frykowski and sebring.
Tate and sebring were tied together by their necks and folger was shot and stabbed seven
times. Frikowsky was bound by a towel but managet free himself.
After doing so, he became involved in a physical altercation whit Atkins resulting in her
stabbing him in the legs. Frykowsky continued to fleed but Watson struck him with the gun
multiple time. The gun grip broke off as a result of Watson strinking frykowski over the
Folger fled the room she was taken to and the was chased by krenwinkel folger was stabbed
a total of 28 times by both krenwinkel and Watson came to stab him again, Frykowski ws
stabbed a total of 51 times.
Two off the members died in prisión (Charles Manson and Susan Atkins) three ot them
remain in prisión nowadays (Tex Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten).


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