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Very Good Good Fair Poor
(5) (4) (3) (1)
Topic Choice Topic is of high interest Topic is of interest to Appropriate topic Inappropriate topic.
and educational value; the audience.
teaches new ideas and Teaches some
information. information.

Highly detailed; well Reports all the basic Reports some of the Incomplete, reports
organized; shows facts in an organized basic facts. few details, too brief,
strong understanding way. disorganized or
of the topic. confusing.

Voice and Manner Loud, clear, and Loud, clear, with Varies from loud Difficult to hear or
relaxed with few some pauses to and clear to difficult understand; seems
pauses; well prepared. gather thoughts; to understand; unprepared or has
seems well prepared; seems prepared; body movement that
somewhat nervous. may have nervous has significantly
and distancing distracts listeners

Eye Contact Consistent eye contact Eye contact mainly Sometimes looks at Little or no eye contact
with many members of with the teacher or the audience; often with the audience
the audience; rarely one member of the looks at notes or
looks at notes audience; elsewhere
occasionally refers to

On Time Ready on assigned One day late Two days late Not ready on the
date following week

Audience Listens attentively and Listens but attention Listens but Does not listen
attention is caught is not entirely on the distracted and
reporter attention is not

Total Score:


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