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to look? She shook her head. I thought it might, she said, thinking back to her dreams.

But it hurts not to. He

sighed, relieved. I want you to feel safe with me. The glittering light around them fell like confetti, and
Daniel pulled her to him. itis a lot for you to take in. She bent her head back and parted her lips, cager to do
just that. The loud slam of a door interrupted them. Miss Sophia had found the stairs. Daniel gave a slight
nod and a blazing figure of light darted through the secret door after the woman. What was that? Luce asked,
gaping at the trail of light fast fading through the open door. A helper. Daniel guided her chin back. And
then, even though Daniel was with her and she felt loved and protected and saved, she also felt a sharp stab
of uncertainty, remembering all the dark things that had just happened, and Cam and his thundering black
minions. There were still so many unanswerable questions running through her mind, so many awful events
she felt sheid never understand. Like Pennis death, poor sweet innocent Penn, her violent, senseless end. It
overwhelmed Luce, and her lip began to quiver. Pennis gone, Daniel, she said, Miss Sophia killed her. And
for a moment, I thought sheid killed me, too. I would never let that happen. How did you know to find me
here? How do you always know how to save me? She shook her head. Oh my God, she whispered slowly as
the truth slammed into her. You’re my guardian angel. Daniel chuckled. not exactly. Though I think you
were giving me a compliment Luce Clashed. Then what kind of angel are you? Jim sort of in between gigs
right now, Daniel said. Behind him, the remaining silver light in the room pooled and split in half. Luce
turned to watch it, her heart thumping, as the glow finally gathered, as it had around Daniel’s figure, around
two distinct shapes: Arriane and Gabbe. Gabbeis wings were already unfurled. They were broad and plush
and three times the size of her body. Feathery, with softly scalloped edges, the way angels wings looked on
greeting cards and in movies, and with just a hint of the palest pink around the tips. Luce noticed them
beating very lightly and that Gabbeis feet were a few inches off the ground. Arrianeis wings were smoother,
sleeker and with more pronounced edges, almost like a giant butterflies. Partially translucent, they glowed
and cast shifting opalescent prisms of light on the stone floor beneath them. Like Arriane herself, they were
strange and alluring, and totally badass. I should have known, Luce said, a smile sweeping across her face.
Gabbe smiled back, and Arriane gave Luce a little curtsy. What's going on out there? Daniel asked,
registering the worried expression on Gabbeis face. We need to get Luce out of here. The battle. Was it not
over yet? If Daniel and Gabbe and Arriane were all here, they must have won right? Luceis eyes flashed
over to Danielis. His expression gave nothing away. And someone needs to go after Sophia, Arriane said.
She could not have been working alone. Luce swallowed. Is she on Cami’s side? Is she some kind of...
devil? A fallen angel? It was one of the few terms that had stuck with her from Miss Sophia’s lecture.
Daniels teeth were clenched. Even his wings looked stiff with fury. no devil, he mattered, bat hardly an
angel, either. We thought she was with us. We should never have let her get this close. She was one of the
twenty-four elders, Gabbe added. She lowered her feet to the ground and tacked her pale pink wings behind
her back so she could sit down on the altar. A very respectable position. She kept this part of her well-
hidden. As soon as we got up here, it was like she just went crazy, Luce said. She rubbed her neck where the
dagger had nicked her. They are crazy, Gabbe said. But very ambitious. Sheis part of a secret sect. I should
have realized it sooner, but the signs are very clear now. They call themselves the Zhsmaelim. They dress
alike, and all have a certain ... elegance. I always thought they were more show than anything else. No one
took them too seriously in Heaven, i she informed Luce, bat they will now. What she did tonight was
grounds for exile. She might be seeing more of Cam and Molly than she bargained for. So Mollyis a fallen
angel too, Luce said slowly. Out of everything sheid learned today, this made the most sense. Luce, were all
fallen angels, Daniel said. It’s just that some of us are on one side... and some of us are on the other. is
anyone else here onto she swallowed the other side? Roland, Gabbe said. Roland? Luce was stunned. But
you were friends with him. He was always so charismatic and great. Daniel only shrugged. It was Arriane
who looked concerned. Her wings beat in a sad, agitated way and sent forth a brush of dusty wind. Well get
him back someday, she said quietly. What about Penn? Luce asked, feeling a knot of tears in the back of her
throat. But Daniel shook his head, squeezing her hand. Penn was mortal. An innocent victim in a long,
pointless war. Tim so sorry, Luce

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