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Total: ___ / 70

5A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Listening to the polling station. Anyway, in the end I did. Firstly, I’ve
always felt it was an honour to be able to have a truly
1 Listen to the conversation between Millie and democratic say in the way the country is run. Plus, I knew I’d
get a lot of stick from friends and family if I didn’t use my vote.
Adam. Are the statements 1–5 true (T) or false (F)? Ultimately though, I have to say it was one of the smaller
1 You must be aged fifteen or over to form a citizens’ independent parties that really won me over and lead to me
committee. T/F voting for a different party for the first time in years. They had
2 One million online signatures need to be collected for sound convincing policies overall, and their three-pronged
each committee’s initiative. T/F approach to health, education and the environment really
impressed me. I know the polls said they didn’t have a chance,
3 Citizens' initiatives must be presented in person before the but I did begin to believe for a little while they could defy the
European Parliament. T/F odds. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be.
4 Some places in Europe still don’t not have 100% safe
drinking water. T/F C
I am eighteen years old and today I voted for the first time in
5 50% of countries in South Central Asia are without
my life. I decided early on to keep an open mind and not
adequate safe water supplies. T/F
simply be loyal to the party that my family have always
__ / 5 voted for – I considered it far too important to just do
somebody else’s bidding. No – before I cast a vote, I was
determined from the outset to have as full an understanding
Reading as possible on the voting options open to me and the policies
the parties were pursuing. I made a list of all the pressing
2 Read the blog entries and match texts (A‒C) with issues that I felt concerned me most and started reading party
the questions (1-5). manifestos. This enabled me to quite quickly eliminate
Which person a number of parties. The next step was to talk face-to-face
with candidates from the remaining parties. I have to tell you,
1 talked to politicians when they visited his house? ___ I had vastly overestimated their knowledge. More than once
2 wrote that voting is a privilege? ___ I found myself knowing more than they did about their own
3 voted for a political party that would come down hard on parties and seemingly meretricious policies. In the end, there
a type of crime? ___ were very few candidates left, but I still waited until the last
4 was convinced by the party’s policies on a number of minute before committing. Those I voted for didn’t get
issues? ___ elected, but I believe I deserve a pat on the back for sticking
to my guns and voting for the party that best reflects my
5 chose to break with traditional loyalty to a party? ___ actual beliefs.

I’ve always voted for the same party, and the last election __ / 5
was no different. I do, however, always weigh the
consequences of my vote and am aware of the patently false
facts and blindingly obvious tactics being employed in the
war for voters. And I’ve always been willing to have a heated
debate on the door step with the local candidates when they
go canvassing the constituency. But I voted for the same
party again, and here’s why: there is a dearth of employment
opportunities in this country at present, and I believe that
a good workforce is the foundation of a strong country. Solid
industries, combined with efficient services, provide jobs for
all and, in turn, tax revenues to keep the country growing.
And that’s what I believe my vote will help to achieve.
The party has a solid policy on grass roots activities to help
communities and local businesses, is committed to providing
more funding for local authorities, and has a very strict
policy on company tax evasion. It looked slightly worrying at
one stage as they lost some ground to the opposition. But in
the end we won.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been somebody to simply toe
the party line devotedly and without reason. The fact is, the
amount of barefaced lies and underhanded tactics the party
employed in these elections simply made my blood boil.
I developed a real distrust of those that wanted my vote. There
was so much hot air throughout the whole campaign and in the
run up to elections that I seriously thought about not even going
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5A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Language functions 6 Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as
3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English. the first, using the word in bold. Don’t change the words
provided. Write no more than five words.
1 Don’t worry about it Nick. It’s no use
__________________ (płakać nad rozlanym mlekiem). 1 Members of the parliamentary committee are extremely
busy with preparing a draft of the new tax bill. EARS
2 You’ve passed the entrance exam! I suppose
__________________ (należą ci się gratulacje). Members of the parliamentary committee are
__________________ preparing a draft of the new tax
3 Well, what's __________________ (co się stało, to się nie bill.
odstanie). Let’s go and try to apologise to them.
2 The prime minister’s resignation has surprised everyone.
4 The initiative would __________________ (dostarczyłaby BOLT
ludziom okazję) to get involved in the local community.
The prime minister’s resignation came like
5 The implementation of this initiative __________________.
__________________ (najprawdopodobniej doprowadzi)
further inter-party conflict. 3 The monarch ruled the country in a very strict and cruel
way. FIST
__ / 5 The monarch ruled the country __________________.
Vocabulary __ / 3
4 Complete the sentences with the missing verbs.
1 Due to its commitment to the women's rights, the party is
likely to ______ ground among female voters.
2 According to the Constitution, only a natural born citizen 7 Complete the definitions below, using the correct
is eligible to ______ for the office of President of the
United States. expressions with stick.
3 The audit has shown that the management was destroying 1 When you _______________, you refuse to change your
documents in an effort to ______ up the fraud scheme. position even though people attack or criticise you.
4 Disabled people are allowed to ______ their votes by 2 When you _______________, you come in for strong
post. criticism because of something that you do.
5 I always ______ out when I hear short-term populist 3 When you _______________ a task or challenge, you
promises which rarely serve national interest. continue working on it until it’s completed.
6 The members who do not ______ the leader's bidding risk 4 If someone is _______________, they are likely to steal
being expelled from the party. something.
7 All parties should ______ a commitment to encourage __ / 4
young people to become interested in politics.
8 Replace the words or phrases in brackets with suitable
8 He has shown a remarkable ability to ______ the odds and
land on his feet in the most critical situations. words so that the meaning of the sentence remains
the same. The first letters have been given.
__ / 8 1 If he had any v___________ (remaining; very limited)
decency left, he would admit to his misdeeds and resign
5 Complete the sentences with the words below. from public life.
There are five extra words. 2 Social and cultural divisions are often caused by
i___________ (unjust) distribution of wealth, opportunity
undercurrent patent incontrovertible undergrowth or education.
slender sham hardened underhand formidable
3 The alleged corruption charge turned out to be a malicious
1 The country’s history of communist surveillance has f________________ (lie) calculated to damage the
contributed to citizens’ deep-rooted ___________ of reputation of the foundation.
distrust towards authorities and institutions. 4 Following ignominious defeat in the elections, he decided
2 The veracity of the accusation was confirmed based on to c________________ (secretly plan illegal action)
___________ evidence collected by objective against the new government.
international observers. 5 The p___________ (wealth and success) of the region
3 The latest tax reform has infuriated even the most was boosted by creating favourable conditions for trade
___________ supporters of the government. and investment.
4 With no evidence and witness statements, the trial was
a(n) ___________. __ / 5

__ / 4

Password 4 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2018 Photocopiable

5A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Grammar __ / 5
9 Complete the conditional clauses with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. English in use
1 More people ________________ (pin) hopes on his
present political declarations if he ________________ 12 Complete the text with appropriate words. Put one word
(not be) such a flip-flopper throughout his career. in each space.
2 If the candidate ________________ (not win) the most To vote or not to vote is a sticking 1______ many people face
votes in the last election, she ________________ (not be) when having to choose the lesser evil in each and every
the sole representative of her constituency now. parliamentary election. You probably expect your perfect
3 If the road ________________ (not be) so slippery candidate to be morally impeccable and to be able to 2______
yesterday, the truck driver ________________ (not lose) their ground on issues that are important to you. What you
control of the vehicle. get instead is a gang of calculated politicians with dubious
4 If the president ________________ (continue) to moral standards, hurling personal insults at each other
ruthlessly taunt his political opponents, he throughout the pre-election campaign. As a matter of fact,
________________ (put off) the more moderate part of some of them should end up 3______ bars rather than on a
his electorate. parliamentary seat, like, for example, last year’s candidate
who was eventually convicted 4______ tax evasion and
5 She ________________ (not emerge) unscathed from the
sentenced to five years in prison. The good news 5______
recent turmoil in the party if she ________________ (not
that you do have the right to vote, which is not the case in
be) a born diplomat.
many countries. So off to the polling station!
__ / 5
__ / 5
10 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or zero article (-). Writing
1 ___ young tend to prioritise the sense of ___ personal 13 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
freedom over financial gains and social position.
2 Amsterdam is the capital of ___ Netherlands while ___ Międzynarodowe czasopismo młodzieżowe opublikowało
Hague is the seat of the government and the international ranking najbardziej kontrowersyjnych zachowań polityków
city of justice. z różnych krajów. Więszość przykładów pochodziła
3 As a result of secularisation, there has been a steady z kampanii wyborczych, podczas których kandydaci nie
decline in ___ number of people attending ___ church on koncentrowali się na prezentacji własnych programów, ale
a regular basis. na ośmieszaniu i oczernianiu swoich przeciwników, także
w konteście ich życia prywatnego. Napisz list do czasopisma,
__ / 6 w którym wyrazisz i uzasadnisz swoje zdanie na temat tzw.
negatywnych kampanii wyborczych, a także zaproponujesz
sposoby na poprawę jakości debaty politycznej.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać
wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.
11 Choose the correct option.
__ / 10
1 The new healthcare bill may put ___ risk the financial
stability of smaller hospitals.
a at a b in a
c at d into
2 We were just ___ way to hospital when the accident
a in a b on a
c on the d off the
3 All ___ the elderly woman went pale and fell onto
the ground.
a of a sudden b of blue
c of the bolt in the blue d of suddenly
4 ___ me for advice then, you would have avoided the dire
straits you found yourself in.
a If you asked b Were you to ask
c But for asking d Had you asked
5 Feel free to borrow my car ___ as you remember to fill
it up before returning it.
a as soon b as long
c on condition d provided

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