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GERMANY The German government will always maintain its distinct standpoint about the international cooperation: all governments ought to face the international issues jointly after the financial crisis and humanitarian relief should be regarded as the cornerstone. Confronted with such situations, the Germany government has well-implemented its first immigrant law issued in 2004, which agrees to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This law represents the shift perspectives towards protecting immigrants rights. In current times, the government of German actively participate in the International governmental organizations (Egos), sharing the burden of housing the refugees from turbulent area in Egypt and installing Chinese citizens evacuated from Libya. Suggestions Affirms a more inclusive framework on the international level For the sake of preserving human rights, the refugees will be allowed to stay temporarily, Encouraging cooperation with third world countries, assisting them to recover from financial crisis, Fostering the third world countries to supervise domestic population migration by tightening the border control, Optimizing the information-exchange system among countries


Nigeria recognized that immigration has remained a problem. It is high time to protect and promote migrants rights and improve their working conditions. Recently Switzerland and Nigeria have successfully concluded negotiations on a migration partnership between two countries. In the area of migration and development Therefore we look forward to organize migrants more effectively by some practical action plan in particular by insisting on the framework by collective negotiations but also in partnership with NGOs and other players of the civil society concerned. FRANCE France speaks highly of migrants contribution to the world economy and firmly believes that all the migrants should enjoy equality and rights as local citizens do.

France released a new migration policyanti-discrimination policy, in which the specific rights that legal migrants enjoy are further clarified and illegal migration are aimed to be eliminated.

France would like to utilize the power of international legislation to protect legal migration and to optimize the information-exchange system among countries to enhance the efficiency in solving migration issues. France is convinced that with the cooperation among countries, legal migrants will be well protected and international migration will contribute more to the world and cause less trouble.


China will persist to accelerate the revision of economic patterns, national policies, industrialization inclinations and widely acceptable social reforms.

The Chinese government has made radical changes in its macroeconomic policy ensuring financial stability and economic balances-- revised the national budget in reference to fiscal policy, monetary policy and taxation policy

China will go all the way to carry out and establish a sustainable development for its nation and the rest of the human society and recover from the post crisis era by setting up even more remarkable benchmarks and marking out more milestones for itself.

In the case of China, the government has adopted a very proactive approach, emphasizing the maintenance of a Chinese identity within the diaspora and seeking to foster trade and investment through preferential policies.

Continent/Country Asia Thailand Malaysia Indonesia Singapore Vietnam Cambodia Philippines Myanmar Japan South Korea Kazakhstan Thai Chinese Malaysian Chinese, Peranakan Chinese Indonesian/Tionghoa Chinese Singaporean Hoa, Ngi, San Diu Chinese Cambodian, Cambodian Hokkien Burmese Chinese, Panthay Chinese in Japan Chinese in South Korea Chinese in Kazakhstan Articles about Chinese population Overseas Chinese Population 31,279,797 7,053,240 6,390,900 10,000,000 2,794,000 1,200,000 1,180,000 Year of the data 2006 2005[53] 2010[54] 2008[55] 2010[56] 2005[53] 2008[39] 2005[53] 2005[53] 2008[57] 2009[58] 2009

Chinese Filipino, Tornatras, Sangley 1,100,000 1,100,000 655,377 1 624,994 2 300,000

India Laos United Arab Emirates Brunei Israel North Korea Pakistan Sri Lanka Iran Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Bangladesh Americas United States Canada Peru Brazil Panama Cuba Argentina Mexico Nicaragua Suriname Jamaica Dominican Republic Costa Rica Chile Trinidad & Tobago Guyana Belize Puerto Rico Haiti Europe Russia

Chinese in India Laotian Chinese Chinese people in the United Arab Emirates Ethnic Chinese in Brunei Chinese people in Israel Chinese in North Korea Chinese people in Pakistan Chinese people in Sri Lanka Chinese people in Iran Chinese people in Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Chinese in Mongolia Chinese in Bangladesh Chinese American, American-born Chinese Chinese Canadian, Canadian-born Chinese Chinese-Peruvian Chinese Brazilian Chinese-Panamanian Chinese Cuban Chinese Argentine Chinese Mexican Chinese Nicaraguan Chinese-Surinamese Chinese Jamaican Ethnic Chinese in the Dominican Republic Chinese-Costa Rican Chinese people in Chile Chinese Trinidadian and Tobagonian Chinese Guyanese Chinese-Puerto Rican Chinese Haitian Chinese people in Russia, Dungan

189,470 185,765 180,000 43,000 23,000 10,000 10,000 3,500 3,000 1,813 1,323 1,200 6,059,240 3,500,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 151,649 135,000 114,240 100,000 23,000 12,000 40,000 70,000 15,000 7,873 5,000 3,800 2,722 1,716 -230 1,716,233 998,000

2005[53] 2005[53] 2009[59] 2006[60] 2001[citation needed] 2009[61] 2009[62] ?[63] -2009 2000[citation needed] 2011[64] 2008 2007[65] 2006[66] 2005[53] 2005[53] 2003[citation needed] 2008[67] 2008[68] 2003[69] --[70] 2011[71] --[72] --[73] 2009[citation needed] --[citation needed] 2000[citation needed] 1921[74] 2000[75] --2006 2005[53]

people France United Kingdom Italy Spain Netherlands Germany Serbia Ireland Denmark Bulgaria Portugal Sweden Finland Czech Republic Romania Turkey Oceania Australia New Zealand Samoa Papua New Guinea Fiji Tonga Palau Africa South Africa Angola Egypt Madagascar Nigeria Mauritius Runion Zambia Sino-Mauritian Chinois Chinese people in Egypt Chinese people in Madagascar Chinese South Africans Chinese Australian Chinese New Zealander Chinese in Samoa Chinese people in Papua New Guinea Chinese in Fiji Chinese in Tonga Chinese in Palau Chinese diaspora in France, Chinois 700,000 (Runion) British Chinese Chinese people in Italy Chinese people in Spain Chinese people in the Netherlands Chinese people in Germany Chinese people in Serbia -Chinese people in Denmark Chinese people in Bulgaria Chinese people in Portugal --Chinese people in the Czech Republic Chinese of Romania Chinese people in Turkey 500,000 201,000 128,022 76,960 71,639 20,000 16,533 10,247 10,000 9,689 14,134 7,546 4,986 2,249 1,000 1,021,019 669,896 147,570 30,000 20,000 6,000 3,000 1,019 734,000 350,000 100,000 100,000 60,000 50,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 2010[53] 2008[76] 2011[77] 2008[78] 2011[79] 2004[80] 2008[81] 2006[82] 2009[83] 2005[84] 2007[85] 2010[86] 2010[87] 2007[88] 2002[89] 2009 2003 2006[90] 2006[91] --[citation needed] 2008[92][93] 2000[citation needed] 2001[94][95] 2001[96] 2009 2009[97] 2007[98][dubious

2010[99] 2007[100][101] 2008[102] 2007[103] 1999[104] 2003[105]

Mozambique Kenya Tanzania Ghana Botswana Cameroon Senegal Seychelles Total Sino-Seychellois --

12,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 40,382,279

2007[106] 2007[107] 2008[108] 2008[109] 2009[110] 2008[111] 2008[112] 1999[113]

SOUTH AFRICA The Republic of South Africa can only accommodate a certain number of immigrants. The country has a vast reserve of unskilled and semi-skilled workers who are entitled to employment opportunities and to an economically viable lifestyle therefore foreigners in the unskilled and the semi-skilled categories cannot be accepted as immigrant workers. On the other hand, based on the recognition of human rights, South Africa is willing to provide adequate help for migrants suffer from financial crisis and other problems.

In 2001, the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance was hold in South Africa. In September 1993, the South African government signed a basic agreement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. On 10 April 2009, South Africa's Department of Home Affairs introduced a permit that could regularize the status of thousands of undocumented migrants. The Employment Equity Act in South Africa also forbid discriminate against a worker based on ethnic or social origin.

1. Capacity building for developing countries so that developing countries would be able to implement comprehensive immigration policy. 2. Establishment of institutionalized programs designed to create the necessary conditions for the integration of migrants. 3. Funding to solve urgent migrants protecting problems.

4. Construction of database concerning not only migrant present in the country but also the needs of the labor market and demand for the services of migrant workers.


The USA recognizes the deterioration of the migration issue after the global financial crisis. The USA firmly believes the migrants deserve their human rights and they should be protected from discrimination, abuse, inequity. The USA calls on the international community to coordinate on the issue and formulate a sound strategy and carry it through.

The USA government is dedicating to solve the migrant problem, especially the unauthorized migrant problem. To address the issue, ex-President George W. Bush proposed a temporary worker program as an alternative.

1) Set up employer sanction system to warn and punish those who continue to employ unauthorized migrants as workers, and; 2) Enact temporary worker program for newcomers and the unauthorized.

INDIA The Republic of India believes that migrants should be entitled to the same level of rights that citizens of member nations are given. Indias financial remittances have had considerable systemic effects on Indias balance of payments, allowing much greater trade deficits than would otherwise have been possible, stabilizing the rupee exchange rate and thereby giving Indias central bank greater monetary policy autonomy. Another advantage of migration that India enjoys is the increase of skilled workers and an increase in human capital. India has created a program called Aadhaar which will help migrant workers get access to a range of essential services like banking and social protection. India urges member nations to work together towards rectifying the lack of rights and protection given to migrants.

ARGENTINA Argentina believes that priority needs to be placed on the promotion and protection of all human rights: civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. The Republic of Argentina acknowledges the migration trend and has launched targeted political initiatives aimed at reforming key institutions. Implementing both short and longterm policies. Argentina has also launched a program called Patria Grande (Greater Homeland) and National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, a National Plan against Discrimination, and a proposal for a National Action-Plan for Children and Adolescents Rights. All countries should strive for governmental transparency regarding the protection of migrants to combat racism and xenophobia. We recommend all nations to collaborate on universal government policies that effectively educate and protect migrants


Because of growing disparities among countries, migration looms big nowadays. Spain praises the work of international community on protection of the human rights of migration and asserts that whether migration could be beneficial to countries of both origin and destination depends on the willingness of Governments to cooperate and communicate.

Spain always insists on encouraging the social integration of immigrants and peaceful coexistence. The previous decade witnessed a great increase in the population of immigrants in Spain. Spain also launched a Humanitarian Return Plan in 2008, according to which unemployed legal immigrants from non-EU countries may receive benefits by choosing to go back home.

1) Member States should provide instruments to be used against black labor market, and;

2) Spain calls upon countries of origin and destination, to strengthen collaborations in the fighting against irregular immigration, and; 3) Spain suggests that Member States adopt efficient return policies to solve the new immigration problems.

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