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December 2023, VOLUME 8| Issue 77

Natural Health Response


Warning! THESE Weight Loss Drugs Could Bea

The Government-Approved Health CATASTROPHE
Richard Gerhauser, M.D.
Editor. Natural Health Response

If something sounds too good to be

true, it probably is.
So, you'veprobably heard about
the exciting new weight loss drugs
that are all the rage right now.

If so, you might want to pause 20 21 22 23

4 15 16 17 18 19
before jumnping on the bandwagon.
People are flocking to their doctors
to get prescriptions to help them
finally win the battle of the bulge.
Unfortunately, some of these
people are also flocking to hospi People are flocking to their doctors to get prescriptions to help them lose weight, however there
tals and doctor's offices because of are many severe, and potentially permanent side effects they should be aware of first.
severe, potentially permanent side
effects caused by the drug. The HIDDEN COst of from the G.l. tract after eating.
Consider this your warning to "Easy" Weight Loss The result is dramatic weight loss.
But it can come at a cost.
STAY AWAY from this latest goverm GLP-1 agonists are diabetes drugs
ment-approved health DISASTER. that improve bloodsugar and GLP-1drugs are radical in their
HbA1Clevels. However, the FDA effects and in their potential side
Because, if you don't, you could be has now approved two GLP-1 effects (just like the commonly
jumping outof the frying pan and drugs specifically for weight loss:
into the fire. used gastricsurgical procedures).
Semaglutide Part of the way GLP-1 agonists
Liraglutide "work" to achieve weight loss is
WHAT'S INSIDE by decreasing hunger. It does this
GLP-1 agonist drugs stimulate the by slowing the movement of food
Is the Flu Shot Right for YOU? GLP-1 receptor. This has three key through the stomach.
effects: lIt influences reward centers
6 DODGE Age-Related
in the brain, delays gastric empty Called delayed gastric emptying
ing, and affects hormones released this can help you feel full after
cung l lood nhhondna Demanent Sde Fffects? svmptoms
stoy takng the dug
None of thus isasUpISC.
The problem is that dklavvd gasiC (One woman ledalawslLnl
In lat, vhen the dug companies the drugompy becusc ot
cmpmgcn leadlo gastroparesis
werequcstioned about these scvere adverse sTmptoms, indng scvore
oTstema hparalsis lhis leads ellets, they responded with the voming. stomach pun muluple
to isses ike a fechng ot ullncss. cquivalent of "No, duh. CmcrgeICV toOm and hosptal vists
Ihloaing. vomiting, abdominal tceth talling out, and vomitng up
Dan, and nausca. That's because in thc clinical trials whole fo00d hours aftere
of one of them, 44 perccnt ol
In scveC cases, il causcs dehvdra patients had nausca, 24 percent And in her casc, gong oflthe dugs
lion and malnutrition.
Cxperienced vomiting, and 20 did not relieve her assumed sde
percent had abdominal pain. ellects of taking the medcatlon
And it can rin vour lile.
The package insert for the drug You may have noticed that the
CNNcovered a story detailing even warns of possible side effects. package insertalso warncd thout
numeroUs peoplc who werecxpe These include acute pancreatitis. an increasedrisk ofsucidal behar.
ior and ideation.
riencing vclicvomiting syndrome hypoglycenmia, gallbladder disease,
(throwing up muliple times a day) allergic rcactions, diabetic retinop People tend to think, Oh, that wont
and ongoing nausca and vomiting athy complications, andsuicidal huppen to me.
severe enough to result in misscd behavior and idcation.
Tell that to the l50-plus cases of
work and severely impacting What has been surprising is that suicidal ideation or reports ol self
quality of lile. for some of these individuals-the harm connected with these drugs
that the European Medical Agency
is currently investigating.

A Better (re: Safer)

Look, I understand that successtul
weight loss can take more than
self-discipline alone
So, while I willalwavs advocate tor
lifestyle changes hrsl, some pcople
value the extra support that can
come trom aprescription drug
But there are sater, more cttecive
drugs thal can help vou lose the
weight und kep it off.
A new studv from the lInivcIsi[N
of British Colunnbia gives us more
GLP-1 agonist drugs stimulate the GLP-1l receptor, delaying gastriC empty ing and affecting evidence against GLP-l agonists
hormones released from the GI. tract after eating This cancause yastroparesis, or stomich while also highlighting d safer
paralysIS, which leads to issues like a feeling of fullness, bloating. vomiting. abdominal pan altemative.

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lhe resca hes compadthe sde
clleeepots to pattents aking a
Ireatmcnt hat|sCaComba
tion ol iWo olde drugs tor wenght
loss, susaned relcase elbuunn
(bupropon) and nal1rexone
(opate antagonis)
Compared to the paticnts pre
scribed hupropion/naltrexonc,
those laking the GPLTagonist
therapy hal
9 times the risk ol panereatitis
+.2 timcs the risk lor bowel
obsruction, and
The combination of buoropion and naltrexone is offectiye because together they ddross two
3.67 times the risk of gastropa very different aspects of weiaht management: the bran's appetite requlation center ant it
resis (paralyzed stomach) reward center. This reduces food cravings and makes etingless pleasurable

The cost of this treatment is also used to curb how much you cat by That's because, while drugs in
considerably less than the typical acting on the reward centers of thc this clSS only locus on incresing
GLP-1 agonist. brain to make it less pleasurable. GLP-Tactivity, here's now a related
drug in phase 2 randomized trials
GLP-1agonists typically cost This can be helpful for folks who called pemvidutide that acts on
about Sl000 per month, while the battle with reward-based eating GLP-1 and glucagon (a hormone
bupropion/naltrexone combination behavior or emotional eating. that raises blood sugar levels)
is available in a generic lorm that In fact, a recent study shovwed that the
cOsts around $30.00 per nmonth. If that's not enough, one drug
bupropion/nalrexone combination company has developed survodu
Another reason this study is was effective for improving binge tide, a triple agonist, with GLP-1,
important is because the random eating disorder when taken regularly
after weight loss has been achieved GIP,and glucagon eflects.
ized trials lor using GLP-1 agonist
drugs for obesity tended to be of A new drug will have to be on the
short duration. That means they Overall, studies show about a five market for a while to see if long
might not pick up on side efects percent reduction in weight with
term problemsoccur with is use.
that can occur with longer use bupropion/naltrexone.
(like what's happening in real life). However, when used with serious
In the meantime, don't be Big
diet and lifestyle changes, folks
Pharma's guinea pig
For this studv, researchers analyzed
data spanning 14 years.
achieved 10and even 15 percent If you have conditions like d1a
weight loss. betes, heart disease, fattv liver, or
hypertension, the GLP-l agonist
That's closer to the weight loss might be worth considering.
ALittle Boost to Fight seen with some GLP-lagonist
the Battle of the Bulge medications. Talk to your doctor about the risk
vs. beneit for vour individual situ
The combination of bupropion ation. And, as alwavs, Iencourage
and nalrexone is effective because you to clo your oWn rescarch
together, they address two very differ
REFUSE to Be Big
ent aspects of weight management. Pharma's Guinea Pig But for a healthy person who just
wants to look better and lose some
Bupropion is an antidepressant that Despite the trail of sick people that weight, it doesn't make sense tw
influences the brain's appetite regula GLP-Idrugs may be leaving in risk your health for the rare
tion centers to reduce food cravings. their wake, the drug companies are but very realsevere side etlecs
not giving up on the GLP-l agonist caused by these drugs.
Naltrexone is an opiate antagonis1 idea for obesity.
primarily used to treat opioid and JUST SAY NO.
alcohol dependence by blocking And whal they're working on next
opiate receptors. But it can alsobe could be even wvorse. Visit the website for a full reference list.
Is the FluShot Right for YOU?
6 Reasons Why Dr. G Says, "No Way!"
There's a LOT of pressure to "roll
up your sleeves" for the annual lu
lour doctor will likcly look at
you with stern disapproval if you
haven't gotten it yet. 1Dose

But you'd get nothing but praise Influenz

from me. Vaccine
Personally, I NEVER get the flu
shot. My wife doesn't get it. And I
don't recommend it to my patients, unlnmlu'u

But that doesnt mean you should

blindly follow my lead.
Today, Il share 6 fundamental Flushots rake in billions of dollars in profits EVERY year. Pfizer alone reached $100 billion in
annual revenue last year.
problems I have with the flu shot.
It's information I hope will help
you make your OWN informed vaccine's effectiveness varies dra Flushots rake in billions of
decision about this seasonal matically based on who is funding dollars in profits EVERY year.
vaccine. the study. Pfizer alone reached S100 billion
in annual revenue last year.
Then (regardless of your decision), A published paper looking at
Tlgo over my top treatment studies from 2000 to 2005 found Pharmaceutical companies have
options that can reduce the duration that 65.5 percent of the phar the highest profits of any other
and severity of the cold or flu if you maceutical- industry-sponsored industry of publicly traded compa
do get sick. studies showed benefits of newer nies and over double the profit of
treatment over the standard of the average of the S&&P 500.
Problem #1: Funding care.' (Newer treatments mean Conllics of interest run rampant
I'm considered an expert in the more money for Big Pharma.) in the medical system. There is
field of public health, as I'm a well-known revolving door
board-certified in that arena and a However, only 39.5 percent of
non-profit-funded studies favored between government offcials and
fellow of the American College of newer treatments.
private industry.
Preventive Medicine.
Ten percent of govemment appointees
Ialso have experience working in When Ilook into the efficacy of fMu for the Centers for Disease Control
vaccine research trials. shots, Iwant to see data Irom an and Prevention (CDC) and the
unbiased source that isn't funded by National lnstitutes of Health (NIH)
In other words, Iknow what Im the drug companies. are recruited from private industry:.
talking about.
And much of that unbiased And when government employees
My main reason for avoiding the research actually proves the lu leave their jobs, 50 percent of those
shot is philosophical-and not shot is junk. officials get a nice cushy job in Big
necessarily related to the evidence in
medical literature. Problem #2: Conflicts of
Interest That means that government
Why? workers are trying to get brownie
Because you can't trust HALF of Any time money is involved, there points to get these lucrative posi
is ALWAYS a conflict of interest.
what the so-called science says. tions in Big Pharma. And, there
And with lu shots, there's a LOT fore, are biased toward helping Big
The truth is research showing a of money involved. Pharma get their way.
I's also been shown that mosI
ol the nnembes ol he Adlisory
Comitlee on Immunizalon Pac:
(ices (ACIT)he comnnittee thal
decides on vaccine schedules
have financial ties othe pharma
ceutical industr.
Problem #3:
No Accountability
Did you know that pharmaccuti
cal companics aren't liablec for any
injuricscaused by a vaccinc?
Because vaccines arc sccn as an
cssential part of modern life-and
because they have known inherent
risks-the government protects
drug makers from liability lawsuits.
People with chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune
Then, when vaccine injurics disease are at a higher risk of a bad outcome from contracting the flu.
happen, the primary mechanism to
identify vaccine problems is wholly controlled trials required lor any Imagine how this would incentiv
inadequate. other FDA-approved medications ize centralized media to downplay
The FDA and CDCco-sponsor
are never done for vaccines. vaccine injuries while touting
vaccine effectiveness.
a program lor reporting adverse That means we'll never know
cffects called the Vaccine Adverse lor sure just how significant the
Events Reporting System. vaccine risk really is. Is the Flu Shot
This is a complete failure of adher Right for YOU?
Many people don't even know ing to the Hippocratic oath to first
about this system. And for those dono harm. I've just listed a LOT of reasons to
who DO, i's extremely difficult question what you see and hear
and time-consuming to navigate. Problem #5: Little Benefit about the salety and effectiveness
of the seasonal flu vaccine.
When I personally tried reporting In2014, the highly respected
a vaccine injury to VAERS recently, Cochrane Review examined flu But at the end of the day, Istill
it took a week of going back to the vaccinations todetermine just how don't try to talk my patients out of
website daily before Ifinally was effective they really were at pre getting the flu shot.
able to report the injury. venting the flu. Why?
Based on my own experience, Their data found that you need to Because the flu itself can be deadly
Iwould guess there is rampant vaccinate 7lpeople to prevent ONE for certain individuals.
under-reporting of adverse efects case of flu.*
of vaccines because most patients The age groups most likely to have
In other words, this unbiased a bad outcome from contracting
don't have the tenacity to use this review revealed that 70 out of 71 influenza and colds are the very
archaic reporting system. people get ZERO benefits from the young and old (those over 65).
But of the cases that do get report flu shot.
People with chronic diseases like
ed, the CDC collects the data using obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular
taxpayer funds, and then (likely by Problem #6: Media Bias
design) it never filters down to the disease, and autoinmmune disease
If you're wondering why you've are also at a higher risk.
public. never heard any of the things I'm
telling you, it's because the media has In fact, several large studies of
Problem #4: No Long-Term people with pre-existing cardio
billions of reasons to look the other
Studies way when it comes to vaccine risks. vascular disease showed that being
Because of the universal push to vaccinated could provide signil
Big Pharma pays billions of dollars to icant protection rom an acute
get everyone vaccinated, long-term event (heart attack).*
safety studieslike the randomized the media for drug adverisements.
The bestlcan do is lo give vou he The second step is to be prepared. include mouthwash,colloidal silver.
lacts andl let you make vour OWN honey/apple cider vincgar, nitric
judgment call. Most studies showthat start oxide sprays, and a probiotic rinse.
ing treatment at the first sign of
However, il yousill decide to get a illness-before the virus has sprcad Other remedies that show efec
Ilu shot, just ensure its NOT from throughout your body--is much tivencss in some studies include
more cffective than trcatmcnts the following:
amuliple-dose vial. These contain started after 48 hours.
mercury, which is highly toxiC. vitamin C
This is true cven for antiviral drugs
that can be prescribed by your echinacea
Dr. G's General doctor, like oseltamivir, zanamivir,
Guidelines for Cold and peramivir.
and Flu Season That's why it's best to get the elderberry
prescription before you become ill,
Regardless of whether you gel a especially if you're in a high-risk garlic
flu vaccine, you can take steps to group. Andrographis (Indian ginseng)
reduce your risk ol contracting a The same goes lor more natural
cold or flu--or to speed recovery if interventions like a simple gargle/
youdo get sick. nasal irrigation with saltwater. Certain strains of oral probiotics.
The first step is to practice my Starting treatment early can Ultimately, deciding whether or
recommended lifestyle measures. improve symptoms while flushing
the virus from the mucosal surfac not to get a flu shot is a decision
These include getting adequate you need to make with the help of
es of the nose, sinuses, mouth, and
sunexposure, reducing exposure your doctor.
toartificial light at night,staying
active, getting plenty of rest, eating Doing so can reduce the viral load But don't get caught unprepared
this winter. Take steps NOW to
a healthy diet,and easing the stress and decrease the severity of the
in your life. disease. prevent getting slammed bv a nastv
cold or flu.
These steps will help your immune There are more specialized irri
syslem maintain optimal function. gation choices available. These Visit the website for a full reference list.

DODGE Age-Related Blindness

Slash Macular Degeneration Risk Up to 49%
of AMD--including one of MY driving to recognizing your loved
The older you get, the worse your ones faces.
odds are of experiencing vision loss. lavorites that could slash AMD
The leading cause of vision prob risk by nearly 50 percent. Eventually, it can render you
lems in people over 50 is age-relat
legally blind.
ed macular degeneration (AMD). There are two types of AMD.
The first (and most common)
Itaffects about 18 percent of folks Central Vision is called dry AMD. This type is
in their early 70s, 24 percent of caused by a gradual deterioration
those in their mid-to late-70s, and AMD causes damage to the macula, of the macula as retinal cells die off
jumps to more than 32 percent of leading to the loss of central vision. and arent renewed.
people over 80. It's like having a smudge perma
nently blocking the sight in the However, dry AMD can convert to
But you don't have to be one of wet AMD at any time. This type
them... no matter how old you are. center ol your eye. develops when abnormal blood
Many natural eye-protective nuri You can imagine how this would vessels grow in the back of the eye
impact everything, from reading to and damage the macula.
ents are proven to reduce your risk
Block the Blue to
Reduce Your Risk of
Age-Related Blindness
There are sorne risk factors for
age-related macular degeneration
that youcan't change ... like age
and a family history of AMD.

But other risk factors you can work

on correcting include poor diet,
high blood pressure, and smoking.
However, if you really want to slash
your risk of AMD, you MUST reduce
your exposure to the blue light
Fish is hands down the best source of omega-3 fatty acids (especially EPA and DHA),and that's present in artificial indoor
this healthy fat is your eyes' best friend.
lighting and tech screens.
The wet form is more likely to with the highest dietary intake of The average American spends
cause vision loss because these omega-3s from fish had a... about seven hours a day ex
vessels leak blood and other posed to tech screens, including
14 percent lower risk of
fluids,which leads to scarring of carly-stage AMD, and a TVs, Computers, tablets, and cel
the maculaand the loss of central phones.
vision. 29 percent lower risk of
late-stage AMD. Indoor lighting has moved from
Certain treatments can slow the
incandescent light to compact fluo
progress of AMD if you catch it The more omega-3s they ate, the rescent and LED lights. While these
early enough, but there's no cure more their risk dropped. are more energy-efficient, they're
for late-stage dry AMD. also more damaging.
Another meta-analysis looked
But today, Im going to share some hope. specifically at the inmpact of dietary In the visible spectrum, blue light
omega-3s on wet AMD and found has more energy and can break the
that people with the highest intake covalent bond between the nonvi
Your Eyes' Best Friend of omega-3s had a 49 percent sual photoreceptor melanopsin and
lower risk of this more severe vitamin A.
If you want to keep your vision form of the condition.
sharp and intact as you age, eat This process releases free retinal,
more fish. The study also confirmed that both which is highly reactive and acts
Fish is hands down the best source
DHAand EPA provided protection like a bull in a China closet, damag
separately... but that they worked
of omega-3 fatty acids (especially better together.
ing everything it touches.
EPA and DHA), and this healthy The good news is that animal
lat is your eyes' best friend. In addition,a post-mortemn study studies now show that wearing
Notice I didn't say take an omega-3 revealed that the eyes of people blue-light-blocking glasses helps
with AMD had lower omega-3 protect against this blue-light
blood levels than average.
Studies consistently show that We haven't seen the same consistent
people who eat fish regularly results with fish oil supplements. Irecommend these glasses to my
have a lower risk of AMD com patients to prevent eye damage
pared to folks who don't eat fish. from artificial light.
But research does not yet support The Secret to
omega-3 supplements having the Although UV light from the sun can
same protective efect.! Eyesight Success damage the retina, epidemiologic
studies, and meta-analyses have
One large meta-analysis of 21 clin Omega-3s can have such a dramat not found that natural light expo
ical trials that included more than ic impact on your vision for several sure raises the risk of AMD.
190,000 people showed that those reasons.


One of the mossigniicn is thal simply educing i), allowing the could increase the risk of atrial
the omega-3 DHA (docosahex tissues to TRULY heal. fibrillation. The analysis of this
aCnOiC dci) is mostabundant in 0ssue is ongoing.
brain and neural tissues. Ofthese,
vour retina has the highest DHA How IGet My Omega-3s Ipreler geting omega-3s naturally
concentration. from scalood because of the added
The body can make its oWn EPA nutricnts that are combincd with
Dr. Nicholas Bazin did a lot of the and DHA, but the process is slow the omega-3s.
initial investigations into the loops and generally leads to low levels
that presene theomcga-3 fats that of these critical ats if they're not a Fish with the highest omega-3
get uscd inreinal ganglion cells. regular part of your diet. levels include cold-water oilyfish
like trout, salmon, sardines, mack
Onc is dcsignated the short loop, You could choose to take an
erel, cod, and light tuna.
which is within the retinal ganglion omega-3 supplement.
ccll. The other is a long loop, which However, avoid high mercury fish
However, there's been a recent
supplies omega3s from the liver. like shark, tilefish, swordfish, and
warning suggesting the triglyceride king mackerel.
This means the eyes recycle their form of omega-3s that are in pre
own DHA to retain the higher con scription omega-3 oil supplements Visit the website for a full reference list.
centration essential for eye health.
Omega-3s also battle chronic
inflammation, which is believed to
play a major role in the develop
ment of AMD.

In fact, the omega-3 fatty acids EPA

and DHA can form molecules that
lead to the resolution of inflamma
tion. (See my June 2023 issue to
read about this in more detail.)

From EPA are the E-series

resolvins RvEs.

From DHAare the D series

resolvins, as well as protecins
and maresins.

These compounds help resolve Omega-3s battle chronic inflammation, which is believed to play a major role in the
inflammation (as opposed to development of AMD.

The BEST Supplement to Support Your Vision

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sponsored a land The AREDS 2 formula consisted of the following:
mark study called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 10 mg of lutein
(AREDS). This large multicenter trial found a specific com
bination of nutrients reduced the five-year risk of AMD by 2mg of zeaxanthin
about 25 percent. 500 mg of vitamin C
The original AREDS cocktail consisted of oral supplements 400 international units of vitamin E
of vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, zinc, and copper.
80 mg of zinc
However, because beta-carotene was later shown to in
crease the risk of lung cancer in smokers and former smok 2 mg of copper
ers, the AREDS 2 study researchers substituted lutein and
Youcan now purchase these nutrients-in the proper dosag
zeaxanthin for beta-carotene. es-in single supplements.
This new formula produced a similar reduction in the risk of PreserVision"", for example, sells an eye and mineral supple
developing AMD-but did not raise the risk of lung cancer. ment called the AREDS 2 Formula. It's available on Amazon.


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