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Assignment of HRM
Submitted to: Ma’am Baneen
Submitted by:
 Zainab Batool
 Fariha Habib
 Esha Inam
 Qirat Gumman

Discipline: BS. IT
Semester: 7th semester
Course code: HRM-763

Submission Date: 25th, January, 2023

The Standard Girls College Paris Road

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Health and Safety Management ............................................................................................... 3

1. Introduction: ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Legal Obligations for Workplace Safety and Health .................................................. 3

1.2. OSHA Record‐Keeping Requirements......................................................................... 3

1.2.1. OSHA Inspection and Enforcement ...................................................................... 4

1.2.2. OSHA Penalties ....................................................................................................... 4

1.3. Creating Safer Workplace ............................................................................................. 4

1.4. Issues: .............................................................................................................................. 5

1.4.1. Health and Safety Issues ......................................................................................... 5

1.4.2. Workplace violence:................................................................................................ 5

1.4.3. Bullying: ................................................................................................................... 6

1.4.4. Indoor quality: ........................................................................................................ 6

1.4.5. Stress: ....................................................................................................................... 6

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Health and Safety Management

1. Introduction:

Employers have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that the workplace is safe for
employee’s physical and mental health. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and should be part
of the organization’s culture. Top management must show its commitment to safety by
providing resources to purchase safety devices and maintain equipment. HRM should provide
training and make sure that safety is a part of every employee’s performance goals.

1.1. Legal Obligations for Workplace Safety and Health

The passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act dramatically changed HRM’s role in
ensuring that physical working conditions meet adequate standards. The impact of the OSH Act
on the workplace has been profound. Since the act became law in 1970, annual workplace
fatalities have fallen from 14,000 to under 5,000.

1.2. OSHA Record‐Keeping Requirements

 Employers in industries where a high percentage of accidents and injuries occur must
maintain safety and health records.
 Some organizations such as universities and retail establishments are exempt from record
keeping because of the low incidence of injury.

 It’s important to understand that organizations exempt from record‐keeping requirements

must still comply with the law itself; their only exception is the reduction of time spent on
maintaining safety records

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1.2.1. OSHA Inspection and Enforcement

Because limited time and resources make it impractical for OSHA to investigate every safety
concern in every workplace, it’s necessary to prioritize investigations. OSHA has established a
six‐item priority listing with the goal of making resources available for the most urgent
situations and investigating others as resources permit.

1.2.2. OSHA Penalties

Employers who have been found to violate OSHA regulations are issued fines based on the seriousness
of the violation and the actions or history of the employer. Serious violations exist when the workplace
hazard either caused or could have caused an accident or illness that would have resulted in death or
serious physical harm.

1.3. Creating Safer Workplace

Although inspection, regulation enforcement, record keeping, and processes for violations are
major areas of emphasis for OSHA, the organization provides many other services to workers
and employers. OSHA makes it clear in its mission statement:

OSHA’s role is to promote the safety and health of American

working men and women by setting and enforcing standards;
providing training, outreach, and education; establishing
partnerships; and encouraging continual process improvement in
workplace safety and health .

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1.4. Issues:
1.4.1. Health and Safety Issues

Safety is everyone’s responsibility and should be part of the organization’s culture. Top
management must show its commitment to safety by providing resources to purchase safety
devices and maintaining equipment.

HRM should provide training and make sure that safety is a part of every employee’s
performance goals. If something isn’t included, there’s a tendency to diminish its importance.
Employers must always be aware of trends and developments that may produce concerns for
the health and safety of employees. Let’s examine several topics of current concern to

1.4.2. Workplace violence:

 According to OSHA, employees at increased risk of violence are workers who exchange
money with the public, make deliveries, work alone or in small groups, work late night or
early morning hours, or work settings where alcohol is served.
 This would include restaurant, health care and social service workers, probation officers,
gas and utility employees, phone and cable installers, retail workers, letter carriers, and taxi
drivers, to name a few.
 Workers in late‐night retail establishments and health care employees are also at a high risk
of violence from customers and patients. Polices:

Organizations must develop a plan to prevent workplace violence before it occurs. This should
include a workplace violence prevention policy that outlines the types of behaviors that are

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1.4.3. Bullying:

The Workplace Bullying Institute defines bullying as repeated, health‐harming mistreatment

of one or more persons by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is threatening,
humiliating, or intimidating or work interference which prevents work from getting done, or
verbal abuse. It may be called incivility, personality conflicts, or disrespect Employers can
reduce bullying behaviors by creating a culture of respect and educating employees on the
nature and effects of bullying in the workplace. Creating a policy that explains the definition
of bullying with specific examples of behaviors that are not tolerated help bullies and victims
to identify it. Procedures for reporting, investigating, and disciplinary actions should be clearly
communicated on a regular basis.

1.4.4. Indoor quality:

 Unhealthy work environments are a concern to everyone.

 If workers cannot function properly at their jobs because of constant headaches, watering
eyes, breathing difficulties, or fear of exposure to materials that may cause long‐term
health problems, productivity will decrease.
 Some suggestions for keeping the workplace environment healthy include the following:
 Provide a smoke‐free environment.
 Keep air ducts clean and dry.
 Water in air ducts is a fertile breeding ground for molds and fungi.
 Pay attention to workers’ complaints.

1.4.5. Stress:

Stress occurs when we recognize an opportunity, constraint, or demand related to something

we want, but we perceive the outcome as both uncertain and important. Stress can manifest
itself in both positive and negative ways

 Reducing stress:
 Monitor employee workloads and deadlines.

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 Have a zero‐tolerance policy toward employee aggression.
 Establish and encourage the use of wellness programs.
 Encourage vacations and discourage working on weekends and vacations.
 Sponsor seminars, workshops, and programs on stress management.
 Review job descriptions.
 Provide a safe workplace
 Establish work–life balance programs

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