Chapter 3 Strain and Materials Properties

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3.1 Deformation
3 3.2 Normal Strain
3.3 Shear Strain
3.4 Components of Strain
3.6 Stress–Strain Diagrams
3.7 True Stress and True Strain
3.8 Elastic versus Plastic Behavior
3.9 Hooke’s Law
3.10 Poisson’s Ratio
3.11 Generalized Hooke’s Law
3.12 Strain Energy
3.1 Deformation:
Consider a body subjected to external forces
that cause it to take up the positions shown by
dashed lines in Figure 3.1.Observed that, the
deformation (straining) can be described by
the following two types:
1. Rigid body displacement
• Translation
• Rotation
• Combination of these
2. Elastic deformation
• Occurs due to a change in shape when acted up on by a load (strain) in the axial, bending or
torsion (angle of twist) directions.
Deformation versus strain (ε or γ):
– Change in the relative position of two points within a body
• Axial strain, ε (elongation (+) or contraction (-))
• Bending strain, ε (can be zero, positive or negative)
• Torsional strain, γ (can be positive or negative)
• Combination of the above
Principle of superposition: is the small displacement assumption and linear behaviour of
materials, which is valid whenevere the following conditions are satisfied:
– The quantity (displacement or stress) to be determined is directly proportional to the loads
that produce it (linear elasticity; be in the linear elastic range (Hooke‘s law) of the stress
strain diagram).
– The loading does not significantly change the size and shape of the member.

3.2 Normal Strain:

The concept of normal strain is illustrated by considering the deformation
of a prismatic bar as shown in Figure 3.2: (a) original bar; with original
length, L. (b) loaded bar, the length increases an amount δ. Defining the
normal strain ε, as the unit change in length. Strain in the axial direction
is called normal strain; and is calculated as:
c h ange ∈lengt h , δ δ
ε= , ε = … … … … … … … .(3.1)
original lengt h , L L
Normal strain is positive(+) when there is elongation, otherwise
(contraction) negative (-).

Example 3.1:
Given: A stepped round bar as shown is subjected to a load P that
0. produces axial deformation in each portion of the bar as shown.
A B 45 3 C P bar.
Find: the strain in portions AB and BC and the total strain in the

m1. c Assumptions: the bar weight is neglected.

0. m
0.0045 m
5 5 ε = =0 . 009 AB
0 .5 m

m m ε BC =
0.013 5 m
1 .5 m
=0. 00 87

ε total=ε A B + ε BC
Using the superposition principle: total Strain,
ε AC =0 . 009+0 . 00 87=0.0177
On the otherhand, if we use the definition of strain (change in
length / original length) as applied to the entire bar,
(0.0045 m+0.013 m)
ε AC = =0.00875
(1.5 m+ 0.5 m)
Why is this result different than the previous one? Which is
correct? How do we explain this?

Example 3.2:

3.3 Shear Strain:
The shearing or shear strain (γ) is the tangent of the total change in angle
occuring between two originally perpendicular lines(n and t) in a body
during deformation as shown in Figure 3.3.
Shearing strain is positive (+) if the right angle between the reference
lines decrease, otherwise, the shearing strain is negative(-).
γ nt =0.5 π – θ … … … …..( 2)
 Both normal and shear strains are indicated as dimensionless

Example 3.3:

Given: A thin, triangular plate ABC is uniformly deformed into a
shape ABC′, as shown by the dashed lines. (Figure 3.6)
(a)The normal strain along the centerline OC.
(b)The normal strain along the edge AC.
(c)The shear strain between the edges AC and BC.
Assumptions: the edge AB is rigidly attached to the frame. The
´ Ć are straight lines.
deformed edges A Ć=B

3.4 Components of Strains:

 For one-dimensional strain, the concidering deformation of a bar
under axial loading as shown in Figure 3.2, is represented by the
end points of the lines which experience displacement u and u+
Δu. Thus the normal strain at a point is:
∆ u du
ε x = lim = … … … … .(3.3)
∆ x →0 ∆ x dx
 In the case of two-dimentional strain as shown in Figure 3.7, the
normal and shear strains at a point are:
∂u ∂v ∂u ∂ v
ε x= ,ε = ,γ = + … …(3.4 )
∂ x y ∂ y xy ∂ x ∂ y
 Average Strains:
∆u ∆v ∆u ∆v
ε x= , ε y= , γ xy = + … … (3.5)
∆x ∆y ∆x ∆ y

Example 3.4:

Properties of engineering materials


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