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New Syllabus For B.Com.

As Per NEP With Effect from the
Academic Year 2023-24
Semester - I New Latest Edition

With Objective Study & M.C.Q.

Cheice af Neu Cenevatiun for rilliant Suces..

UNIT-01 Introduction to IKS
1. Indic Knowledge System : Definition 10. History of BES from Ancient to
and Important Aspects 01 Modern 13
2. Importance of Indic Knowledge 11. Domains of Education: Gurukul,
System 03 Pathshala, Vidhyalay,
3. Various Indic Knowledge Systems ...04 Vishvavidyalay 14
4. Meaning and lImportance of 12. Gurukul In Indic Knowledge
Shashtra 05
System 15
5. Classification of Shashtra 06
13. Pathshala In Indic Knowledge
6. Avaidic Shashtra with Importance System 17
of Literature 14. Vidyalay In Indic Knowledge
7. Vaidic Shashtra with Importance System 1
of Literature 09
15. Vishvavidyalay In Indic Knowledge
8. Base of Indic Knowledge 20
System Proliferation 10 System
Multiple Choice Questions
9. Bhartiya Education System and
Its Philosophy
UNIT-02 Contribution of Indic Knowledge System to the World
1. Mathematics of Indic knowledge 15.Angkorvat, Lepakshi Temple,
32 Jagannath Puri Temple, Thanjavur
Temple, Modhera and Konark
2. Concept of Astronomy ln Indic Sun Temple, Hampi Temple. 56
Knowledge System 57
3. Life sciences 40 16. Introduction of Ayurveda ...
42 17. Branches of Ayurveda, Books and
4. Physics Pioneers 58
5. Chemistry 18. Concept of Tri Dosh and
6. Botany 44
Importance of its Balance in the
7. Metal Technology : Definition Body 60
and Important Components 46
47 19. Importance of Balancdng the
8. Mining Techniques Tri Dosha 61
9. Types of Metals. 20. Indic Medical Science Achievement
10. Tools and Techniques for Metal Tools &Technology 61
49 63
Smelting. 21. Art & Traditions.
11. Town Planning and Temple 22. History and Origin of Art and
51 64
Architecture Traditions
12. Indigenous Tools and Technologies 23. 64 Skill Enhancement Kalas with
.. 65
for Town Planning and Temple Explanation
Architecture 52 24. Science Behind our Traditions and 69
13. Science and architecture 53 Rituals
. . .

14. Lothal, Mohan-Jo-Daro, Dholavira .... 55 > Multiple Choice Questions.
progress in various fields.

) Multiple Choice Questions

Select the correct option from the given options.
(Answers are given in Bold letters)
(1) What is the term used to describe the traditional Indic system of knowledge ?
(a) Yogic Science (b) Ayurveda
(c) Vedic Wisdom (d) Ancient Alchemy
(2) Which ancient Indian texts are considered the foundation of Indic knowledge
system ?
(a) Bhagavad Gita (b) Mahabharata
(c) Vedas (d) Ramayana
Kumar's " Indic Knoledge sSystem
22 foliowing
system is deeply rooted in which of the
(3) The Indic knowledge
philosophies ? (b) Confucianism
(a) Existentialism (d) Humanism
(c) Vedanta pursuit of righteousness andduty ?
Which ancient Indian concept emphasizes(C) Moksha (d) Bhakti
(4) ?
(a) Dharma (b) Karma
Upanishads in the Indicknowledge system
significance of the
(5) What is the records of ancient
are historical
(a) They
contain principles of political governance.
(b) They nature of reality and consciousness.
(c) They explore the
guidelines for trade and commerce. modern healthcare ?
(d) They provide contributed to
traditional medicine, Ayurveda,
(6) How has Indic
By promoting surgical procedures
(a) syntheticdrugs
(b) By introducing holistic well-being
(c) By emphasizingpsychological therapies
had a lasting imnpact
(d) By focusing on concept, discovered in ancient India, has
(7) Which mathematics ? (d) Geometry
on modern (c) Algebra
(a) Calculus
(b) Trigonometry phlosophy infiuenced which
from Indian
concept of "Ahimsa" (non-violence)
(8) The resistance ?
leader's philosophy of Jr.
(b) Martin Luther King
(a) Nelson Mandela (d) Mao Zedong
(c) Winston Churchill
rooted in which ancient Indian texts ?
Indian music anddance are (b) The Ramayana
(9) (a) The Arthashastra
(d) The Natya Shashtra astronomy?
(c) The Upanishads
knowiedge systems play in shaping the field of
(10) What role did Indic telescopes (b) Created accurate
(a) Developed advancedmotion (d) Discovered gravitational waves
(c) Established laws
"VasudhaivaKutumbakam" emphasizes:
(11) The concept of
family ties
(a) The importance of
(b) The interconnectedness of all beings
(c) The need for personal
(d) The significance of ancient
knowledge system emphasizes the practice of breath conrol and
(12) Which Indic
meditation ?
(d) Naturopathy
(a) Jyotish Shashtra (b) Tantra (c) Yoga
. .Introduction to IKS 23

(13) The lnac Knowedge system recognizes how many main paths to Spiitua
realization ?
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
(14) The princ1ples of sustainable agriculture and farming are deeply embedded in:
(a) Manusmriti (b) Arthashastra (c) Rigveda (d) Upanishads
(15) What important lesson do the Indian epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata, teach ?
(a) Military strategy and tactics (b) Moral and ethical dilemmas
(c) Geographical knowledge (d) Architectural principles
(16) What is the term used for the traditional system of education in ancient India
where students lived with their teacher and received holistic education ?
(a) Gurukul (b) Vidyalaya (c) Pathshala (d) Vishvavidyalay
(17) Which ancient Indian text is known for its profound philosophical teachings and
is considered the end part of the Vedas ?
(a) Ramayana (b) Bhagavad Gita (c) Upanishads (d) Manusmriti
(18) Which school of Indian philosophy emphasizes the practice of meditation and
self-realization ?
(a) Nyaya (b) Yoga (c) Samkhya (d) Vedanta
(19) Which Indian numeral system, with the use of zero, revolutionized mathematics
and is widely used today ?
(a) Ronan numerals (b) Greek numerals
(c) Babylonian numerals (d) Hindu-Arabic numerals
(20) In which ancient Indian text would you find guidelines for statecraft, politics,
and governance ?
(a) Arthashastra (b) Manusmriti (c) Bhagavad Gita (d) Mahabharata
(21) Which classical dance form of India is known for its expressive hand gestures and
facial expressions ?
(a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kathakali (c) Odissi (d) Kuchipudi
(22) The ancient universities of Nalanda and Takshashila were centers of learning and
scholarship during which period ?
(a) Vedic Period (b) Mauryan Period
(c) Gupta Period (d) Mughal Period
(23) What is the term for the moral and ethical guidelines that individuals should
follow in their lives according to Indian philosophy ?
(a) Karma (b) Dharma (c) Moksha (d) Nirvana
(24) Who was the ancient Indian mathematician known for his contributions to algebra
and number theory ?
(a) Aryabhata (b) Bhaskara I
(c) Brahmagupta (d) Srinivasa Ramanujan
Indic Knowledge
Kumar's System
24 darkness and is ko
celebrates the victory of light over (3
(25) Which Indian decorations and lamps ? (d) Eid
(c) Navratri
for its colorful (b) Diwali Politics" and d.
(a) Holi the "Science of
Indian scripture is known as
(26) Which governance ? (c) Arthashastra (d) Bhagavad Gita (
with statecraft and (b) Upanishads
(a) Vedas elaborates on :
Shashtra is atext that (b) Mathematics
(27) The Natya
(a) Astronomy (d) Military strategies
(c) Performing arts architecture, sculpture, and town planning
Which Shashtra provides guidance on (b) Agamas
(a) Kamasutra (d) Yoga Sutras
(c) Vastu Shashtra
Dhanurveda is the ancient Indian science of: archery
(29) The (b) Warfare and
(a) Agriculture (d) Astronomy
(c) Medicine lays down principles for the
Patanjali and
(30) Which Shashtra is attributed to sage
practice of yoga? (b) Yoga Sutras
(a) Nyaya Sutras (d) Vedanta Sutras
(c) Mimamsa Sutras
principles of economics, trade, and commerce are discussed in:
(31) The (b) Nyaya Sutras
(a) Dharma Shashtras
(d) Arthashastra
(c) Manusmriti
that discuss thephilosophy of non
(32) Which scripture is a collection of aphorisms
dualism (Advaita) ?
(a) Upanishads (b) Bhagavad Gita (c) Brahma Sutras (d) Shiva
(33) The Shilpa Shashtra primarily focuses on :
(a) Medical treatments (b) Sculpture and arts
(c) Rules of governance (d) Astrology
(34) The Kalpa Sutras are associated with :
(a) Rituals and ceremonies (b) Linguistics and grammar
(c) Military tactics (d) Agricultural techniques
(35) The Shashtras known as "Vedangas" are auxiliary texts related to the study of te
(a) Epics (b) Upanishads (c) Vedas (d) Puranas
(36) Which Shashtra is dedicated to theart of love and sensual pleasure ?
(a) Agamas (b) Kamasutra
(C) Nyaya Sutras (d) Mimamsa Sutras
4eIntroduction to IKS
(37) The principles of logic and
(a) Yoga Sutras reasoning are (c)expounded
(b) Kamasutra in the:
Nyaya Sutras (d) Agamas
(38) The Dharmashastra
(a) Military strategy texts provide guidelines for :
(c) Ethical conduct and law (b) Political administration
(29) Which Shashtra is (d) Medical practices
(a) Natya Shashtra
dedicated to the science of
phonetics and linguistics 1
(c) Shiksha Shashtra (b) Kalpa Sutras
(d) Mimamsa Sutras
(A0) The Agamas are texts that
(a) Astronomy primarily pertain to :
(b) Rituals and worship
(c) Yoga philosophy (d) Ethics and morality
(41) Which ancient Indian text expoundsthe
duty ?
concepts of karma, dharma, and spiritual
(a) Upanishads (b) Bhagavad Gita (c) Vedanta Sutras (d) Yoga Sutras
(42) The "Brahma Sutras" are foundational texts in
which philosophical school ?
(a) Nyaya (b) Vedanta (c) Sankhya (d) Mimamsa
(43) The "Shiva Sutras" are associated with the
(a) Advaita Vedanta (b) Shaivism
philosophy of :
(C) Vaishnavism (d) Buddhism
(44) The "Sushruta Samhita" is an ancient Indian text that
primarily deals with:
(a) Astronomy (b) Mathematics
(c) Medicine and surgery (d) Architecture
(45) "Aryabhatiya" is a significant work in the field of :
(a) Grammar and linguistics (b) Astronomy and mathematics
(c) Ethics and morality (d) Music and arts
(46) The "Brihat Samhita" written by Varahamihira is a comprehensive text on :
(a) Yoga philosophy (b) Architecture and town planning
(c) Vedic rituals (d) Military strategies
(47) "Natya Shashtra" is a treatise that elaborates on the :
(a) Science of politics (b) Science of dance and drama
(c) Science of warfare (d) Science of agriculture
(48) The "Vastu Shashtra" provides guidelines for :
(a) Music composition
(b) Architectural design and construction
(c) Healing and medicine (d) Ethical behavior
(49) The "Manusmriti" or "Laws of Manu" is a text that discuSses:
(a) Political philosophy (b) Medical practices
(c) Ethical conduct and moral principles
(d) Environmental science
26 Kumar's Indic Knowlsdge
(50) "Arthashastra" is a treatiseon the science of:
(a) Medicine and healing (b) Governance and economices
(c) Astronomy and astrology (d) Metaphysics and spirituality
(51) The "Paniniya Shiksha" is associated with :
(a) Music theory (b) Sanskrit grammar
(c) Architectural principles (d) Political science
(52) "Katyayana'sShrauta Sutra" is related to the rituals and practices of :
(a) Dance and music (b) Astrology
(c) Sacrificial ceremonies (d) Linguistics
(53) The Shashtras that provide guidelines for ethical conduct and righteous liye.
are knoWn as :
(a) Artha Shashtras (b) Dharma Shashtras
(c) Kama Shashtras (d) Moksha Shashtras
(54) Texts that primarily focus on the principles of art, aesthetics, and performiatte
are classified as:
(a) Artha Shashtras (b) Kama Shashtras
(c) Natya Shashtras (d) Dharma Shashtras
(55) Which classification of Shashtras is associated with the study of econoni.
principles and statecraft ?
(a) Dharma Shashtras (b) Artha Shashtras
(c) Kama Shashtras (d) Yoga Shashtras
(56) The Shashtras that deal with the study of sound, phonetics, and pronunciatinn
are categorized as:
(a) Shiksha Shashtras (b) Kalpa Shashtras
(c) Jyotish Shashtras (d) Vyakarana Shashtras
(57) Which group of Shashtras primarily deals with rituals, ceremonies, and sacrilir.idl
(a) Dharma Shashtras (b) Artha Shashtras
(c) Kalpa Shashtras (d) Yoga Shashtras
(58) The Shashtras related to the study of architecture,sculpture, and town planning
are known as:
(a) Shilpa Shashtras (b) Jyotish Shashtras
(c) Vyakarana Shashtras (d) Dharmashastra
(59) The Shashtras associated with the philosophical school of Nyaya primarily locu

(a) Logic and reasoning (b) Astrology and astronomy

(c) Ethics and morality (d) Metaphysics and spirituality
Introduction to IKS 27

(60) In which philosophical school is the study of Advaita Vedanta covered by the
Shashtras ?
(a) Sankhya (b) Yoga (c) Mimamsa (d) Vedanta
(61) Which classification of Shashtras is centered around the teachings of yoga,
meditation, and spiritual practices?
(a) Dharma Shashtras (b) Yoga Shashtras
(c) Artha Shashtras (d) Kama Shashtras
E2) The ancient Indic education system was known as:
(a) Guru-Kula system (b) Boarding school system
(c) Montessori system (d) Online learning system
(63) The traditional Indic system of education emphasized the study of which subjects
(a) Science and technology (b) Social sciences only
(c) Arts and aesthetics
(d) All aspects of human life and knowledge
(64) In the traditional Gurukula system, students lived:
(a) In dormitories (b) In hostels
(c) With their families (d) In the forests
(65) The philosophy that advocates selfless action, duty, and responsibility is known

(a) Dvaita (b) Advaita (c) Karma Yoga (d) Bhakti

(66) The concept of "Vidya DadaatiVinayam" emphasizes:
(a) Knowledge ispower (b) Education requires discipline
(c) Learning from experience (d) Teachers are role models
(67) The Indian education system emphasizes the holistic development of individuals,
(a) Academic excellenceonly (b) Physical fitness and health
(c) Social status (d) Wealth accumulation
(68) The philosophy that believes education should be tailored to the unique needs
and interests of each student is:
(a) Progressivism (b) Essentialism
(c) Perennialism (d) Constructivism
(69) Which philosophy of education is rooted in the idea that learning should focus
on understanding fundamental principles?
(a) Pragmatism (b) Perennialism (c) Existentialism (d) Humanism
(70) The Indian concept of "Adhyatma" in education emphasizes:
(a) Vocational skills (b) Physical fitness
(c) Spiritual growth and self-realization (d) Worldly success
Kumar's " Indic Knowledge
28 Syste
Policy 2020" of Indiaaims to promote:
( ) The "Natlonal exclusively
(b) Rote learning
(a) Tradittonal multidisciplinary education
(c) Holisticand
(d) Foreign educational systems focusing on promoting:
system is increasingly
(72) The Indianeducationranking (b) Memorization of facts
(u) Competitionand creativity
(d) Cultural homogenization
(c) Critical thinking and
"Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan" initiative in India aims to:
(73) TIhe (b) Provide free laptops to studet:
(a) Promoteadult education
quality education
(c) Ensure universal access to
(d) Implement private school was characterized by:
(74) The Gurukul systen of education
discipline and regimentation (b) Focus on vocational training
(a) Strict natural environment
(c) Teacher-student
collaboration in a
(d) Emphasis on theoretical learning only typically live and learn?
(75) In the Gurukul system, where did students
(b) In formal classrooms
(a) In hostels
(c) In their own hones (d) In the teacher's residence
historical period of India?
(76) The Gurukul system was prevalent in which
(b) Colonial era
(a) Ancient and medieval times
(c) Modern era (d) Post-independence period
(77) The term "Pathshala" refers to:
(a) A traditional Indian dance form (b) A religious pilgrimage site
(c) A place of study or learning (d) Amartial arts training center
(78) Pathshalas were often asso ciated with the teaching of:
(a) Highly specialized subjects (b) Military strategies
(c) Traditional art forms (d) Basic literacy and numeracy
(79) Which historical figure is known for establishing a network of pathshalas actos
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Swami Vivekananda (d) DayanandaSaraswati
(80) The term "Vidyalay" is commonly used in India to refer to a:
(a) Spiritual retreat (b) Library
(c) School or educatiónal institution (d) Community center
(81) In amodern Indian context, a Vidyalay typically follows:
(a) A traditional Gurukul system (b) Online learning platforms ony
(c) A formal curriculum and structured classroom teaching
(d) Experiential learning methods
1"Introduction to IKS
(a2) 29
(a) Termple
1S a sanskrit term
that means:
(c) Marketplace (b) Knowledge center
n The term (d) Pilgrimage site
(a) A traditional
is used to refer to:"
(c) A university (b) A research institute
(84) AVishvavidyalay (d) A vocational training center
(a) Has a typically offers education in a wide range of
(b) Focuses decentralized
structure disciplines and:
exclusively on arts and humanities
(c) Emphasizes
(85) The concept of vocational courses (d) Grants degrees at various levels
(a) Modern colonialVishvavidyalay
has its roots in:
(c) British literature education (b) Ancient Vedic texts
(86) What is the traditional Indian system of (d) Mughal architecture
teacher and receive holistic education where students live with their
(a) Pathshala (b) Gurukul
(c) Vidyalaya (d) Vishvavidyalay
(87) The Vedas, Upanishads, and other
ancient texts were typically taught in which
language in traditional Indian education?
(a) Sanskrit (b) Pali (c) Prakrit
(d) Tamil
(88) Which classical Indian language is known for its
rich literature, including the
works of Kalidasa and Bhasa?
(a) Sanskrit (b) Tamil (c) Pali (d) Kannada
(89) Which system of Indian philosophy emphasizes the
study of logic and
(a) Nyaya (b) Yoga (c) Samkhya (d) Mimamsa
(90) What is the traditional Indian art of healing and medicine that
has its roots in
ancient texts like the Charaka Samhita ?
(a) Yoga (b) Ayurveda (c) Siddha (d) Naturopathy
(91) Which Indian mathematician is knoWn for his pioneering work in the field of zero
and the decimal numeral system ?
(a) Aryabhata (b) Brahmagupta (c) Bhaskara II (d) Ramanujan
(92) The ancient universities of Nalanda and Takshashila were centers of learning
during which historical period ?
(a) VedicPeriod (b) Gupta Period
(c) Mauryan Period (d) Mughal Period
93) Which term represents the concept of duty, righteousness, and moral
responsibility in Indian philosophy ?
(a) Dharma (b) Karma (c) Moksha (d) Nirvana
30 Kumar's " Indic Knowledge
(94) Which classical Indian dance form originated inthe state of Kerala and is
for its elaborate costumes and facial expressions ? known
(a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kathakali (c) Odissi (d) Kuchipudi
(95) The ancient Indian text "Arthashastra" is a treatise on which subject ?
(a) Music (b) Mathematics
(c) Politics and statecraft (d) Medicine
(96) Which of the following is one of the oldest and most revered texts in the Vedic
(a) Upanishads (b) Ramayana (c) Bhagavad Gita (d) Arthashastra
(97) The Vedic text known for its hymns, pravers, and rituals is called the:
(a) Bhagavad Gita (b) Ramayana (c) Rigveda (d) Manusmriti
(98) WVhich Vedic text contains philosophical discussions and is often considered the
culmination of Vedic thought?
(a) Samaveda (b) Atharvaveda (c) Yajurveda (d) Upanishads
(99) The ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, politics, and governance,
attributed to
Kautilya, is known as:
(a) Yoga Sutras (b) Bhagavad Gita (c) Arthashastra (d) Manusmriti
(100) Which non-Vedic scripture forms the basis of Jain philosophy and ethics?
(a) Tirukkural (b) Tripitaka (c) Agamas (d) Dhammapada
(101) The "Tolkappiyam" is a foundational work in which non-Vedic tradition of India?
(a) Jainism (b) Buddhism
(c) Tamil literature and grammar (d) Sikhism
(102) The ancient text "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" is a significant work that combines
elements of both Vedic andnon-Vedic thought. It primarily deals with:
(a) Rituals and ceremonies
(b) Meditation andspiritual practices
(c) Epic narratives (d) Political philosophy
(103) Which ancient Indian text combines both religious and philosophical teachings
and is often referred to as the "Song of God" ?
(a) Ramayana (b) Mahabharata (c) Bhagavad Gita (d) Manusmriti

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