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MODULE 104 1


Due to the emerging technology that is being integrated into classrooms around the globe,

a “cutting edge” media that instantly came to mind is Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs. A

successful implementation of AI can revolutionize the way education is conveyed in the

classroom setting. Students can learn in new ways, as well as teachers practicing new teaching

strategies. As a resource in the classroom, AI can provide students with personalized learning,

instant feedback, and provide adaptations for students with disabilities.


One of the key benefits of incorporating AI into the classroom is the ability to provide

students with a more personalized learning experience. AI algorithms can analyze student data

and adapt to their learning styles, providing feedback and recommendations that are tailored to

their individual needs and abilities. This can help to keep students engaged and motivated and

can lead to improved academic performance (Melo, 2023). With some of the AI-powered

educational tools on the market currently, systems can consolidate all student data across various

media platforms. In return, AI algorithms can personalize feedback and recommendations that

cater to individual learning styles. As a result, students are more motivated and engaged, leading

to improved academic performance.

Not only can AI help students in a typical self-contained classroom, but this is cutting

edge technology for special education classrooms as well. AI can provide students of all abilities

with adaptive learning technologies that adjust the pace, difficulty, and content of lessons in

response to a student's performance. Additionally, AI-powered tools such as speech recognition

and natural language processing software can help students with language-based disabilities,

such as dyslexia, by providing real-time text-to-speech conversion and other features.

MODULE 104 2

Additionally, AI can assist with physical disabilities by providing adaptive technology such as

eye-tracking software or specialized input devices (Zdravkova et al., 2022). By using AI,

students with severe disabilities can have greater access to education and a more inclusive

learning experience. Educators can provide students with the support and resources they need to

succeed in the classroom and beyond.


Although the benefits of Artificial Intelligence are plentiful, there are challenges which

are halting many school districts from implementing AI in classrooms. The cost of these

programs remains on the top of the list of the many challenges. The cost of developing and

implementing AI-powered educational tools can be a significant barrier for schools and teachers.

Since there are many different AI-powered educational tools, it is hard to pinpoint an exact cost

that schools should expect to pay for these services. Edtech companies should work to make AI

technology accessible to a broader range of schools and teachers and explore alternative funding

options, such as grants or partnerships, to help offset the costs (Shonubi, 2023).
MODULE 104 3


3 ways AI can help students with disabilities. EDUCAUSE Review. (2022, June 3).

Melo, Dr. N. (2023, February 14). Incorporating artificial intelligence into the classroom:
An examination of benefits, challenges, and best practices. eLearning Industry.

Shonubi, O. (2023, February 22). Council post: AI in the classroom: Pros, cons and the role
of Edtech Companies. Forbes.

Zdravkova, K., Krasniqi, V., Dalipi, F., & Ferati, M. (2022, September 27). Cutting-edge
communication and learning assistive technologies for disabled children: An artificial
intelligence perspective. Frontiers.

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