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HPS 401 Final Maps and Narratives

Tessa Moul

Dr. Heidi Brown

The University of Arizona

July 6, 2023
Fluoride Map and Narrative: rt6AEz2LiwRdCcNN5sVpHetdruuU

This map hopefully provides a digestible walk through of major cities in the United States

that do not fluoridate their water. For each city, I included the logo of the city’s water department

and a basic description of the state of fluoridation in each city. I chose the same symbol for each

pin-pointed area because all of the cities share the same status. I hope that my map is able to

give viewers a basic idea of why these cities choose not to add fluoride to their drinking water. I

also hope that my map description is simple enough but also informs on the benefits of

fluoridating drinking water and optimal levels of fluoride to be effective. I mentioned in some of

my pop-up descriptions that some of the cities share similarities in why they don’t add fluoride to

their water so I hope that those details also help to tell the story.

Climate Change Map and Narrative:

This map highlights four areas that will be greatly impacted by climate change. The layer

I chose to accompany these four areas was a layer that showed predicted temperature

increases by 2050. Since many of the places in the article talked about changes in temperature,

I decided that I wanted it to be my layer of focus since it would provide some helpful details to

the viewer. I also chose that layer because the legend was understandable and it portrayed

climate change on a global scale. I hope that this map effectively tells the story of the future

impacts of climate change by focusing on four points.

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