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I wome up early around 04:50am to fetch water because by 05:00am the tap would be overcrowded
and by 06:00am there won't be any water . I wore my socks and torn boots . I check my mother who
was sleeping on the floor and she was still asleep . Next to her was my baby sister Hlelokuhle who is
just 4years old. I took a wheelbarrow and 3 waterbuckets and went to the tap which is 10 minutes
away from home. As usual I was the first to arrive. After me then came all the girls of this village . It
is a tradition that all girls wake up eary to fetch water , luckily the tap isn't far away from my house.
After filling up my buckets I had a morning chats with the other girls as we separated because we
need to make fire and cook. It is know that in this village , girls don't sleep till late even the laziest
one will end up as a hard worker. I arrived home and started making fire using the coal stove. I put a
pot with water so I'd make tea for my mom when she wakes up . The water got Warmer and mom
started groaning in pain.
Kea:"Mama are you okay?"
Mama:"my leg is in pain again."
Kea:"ohh mama, when will we take you to the hospital?"
Mama:"you know it's forbidden for us to go to the city, even if it means going to the hospital'"
Kea:"what am I supposed to do?"
Mama:"Lutho ,thatha nansi ulucu . Luzokuvikela kuko konke okubi" (nothing , take this necklace , it
will protect you.)
Kea:"no mama , this is yours. I don't wanna keep it."
Mama:"I am sick Keabetswe , anything can happen to me. I want you to fight for the truth and never
forget who you are. You are a rare gem and once people find out , they will kill you for their own
advantage. I want you to live and die with that secrete or else you will be killed because nobody
believes in what you are."
Kea:"but mom all my life I have been hiding it from the people , why cant my gift help you?"
Mama:"it's my time Kea , this is God's doing and you can't do anything about it."
I took the necklace and wore it. It started glowing.
Mama:"prophecy says when the true owner wears it , it will glow...It's yours , always put it under
your t-shirt.". She couched!
Mama:"UHlelokuhle usemncane , umunakelele ngabe yam".(Hlelokuhle is still young , please take
Care of her.)
Kea:"Mama don't talk like that , you are scaring me."
Mama:"you will be fine My rare gem. I will always be with you., now make your mother a tea."
I got up to make tea for her . I took the tea to her."
Kea:"Mama are you sleeping?" She didn't respond. I looked at her and admired her beauty . It's true ,
I really do take after my mother. I checked her pulses and there was nothing. I covered her with her
with her blanket. I sat down next to the stove and started drinking the tea I have made for my mother
but she ended up not drinking it. As soon as it was lights outside , I went to the chief to tell him my
mother has passed on. Almost every woman from this village came to pay their respect. They took
my mother's body with them . I was at the door looking at them as they head to the chief's house.
Hlelo was confused .
Hello:"where are they taking mom?"
Kea:"Mama is tired , she needs to rest. In the meantime let's bath you and do your hair ,okay?".
I went inside the house and folded all of mom's blankets. I bathe hlelo and I also took a bath . I swept
and mopped the floor and after that wore a head scarf and went to the chief's house. They had already
dig a hole at the village grave yards because we dont have mortgage. They put her in and covered the
hole. It was hard for me to digest the fact that mama is gone. My dream was to be successful at the
city , I wished I had money to give my mom her deserved funeral. What will happen to me and my
sister now. I am only 20 years old . The only thing I have right now is the hut we live in and the
necklace , and Hlelo. People donated veggies and all that but what will happen when we run out of
My name is Keabetswe Magagula.


3 months later
I woke up early hoping to see Mama next to me but she wasn't there. Today is Hlelo's birthday , she
is turning 5 years old. She was still sleeping when I went to fetch water. After filling up my buckets ,
Nokubonga a "friend" of mine came.
Nokubonga:"haaaa you have abandoned me wena!"
Kea:"No , I've been busy trying to figure out my next move"
Nokubonga:"im sorry about what happened to your mother shame. Now what are you going to do?"
Kea:"I don't know Bonga but I'll make a plan. I cant stay here for too long. Hlelo might wake up and
she'll freak out if she doesn't find me."
Nokubonga:"I'll see you around keh".- I pushed the wheelbarrow to my house. Hlelo was still
sleeping. I quickly made fire and made a pancake with the flour I've been saving. I woke her up and
she kept on rubbing her eyes.
Hlelo:"Kea I'm still sleeping!"
Kea:"guess who's 5 today?". She widely opened her eyes.
Hlelo:"Meeee!" I picked her up and sang her a happy birthday song.
Kea;"I made you a Pancake!".- I gave her the pancake.
Hlelo:"but Keke , there's only one Pancake. Ain't you hungry?"- I was hungry, but MY sister comes
Kea:"no , I'm not hungry...besides I made it for the birthday girl."- she split the pancake into two.
Hlelo:"we have run out of food haven't we? You're hungry ain't you? I will share my pancake with
you". - I looked at her as tears tried to escape.
Kea:"You wanna grow and be like your Keke? Then you'll have to eat your pancake . Keke is not
Hlelo:"are you sure?"
Kea:"yes."- I watched her eating her pancake. How I wish I could afford a cake and give her the
birthday party she deserves.
I kept on drinking water the whole day to ease the hunger. I decided to sweep the yard to keep myself
busy. The chief and his men came. I quickly dropped the broom and went inside the house. They
came in.
Chief:"Keabetswe my child. How are you holding up?"
Kea:"we have run out of food."
Chief:"I have figured that out. We have brought you food."
Kea:"thank you."
Chief:"people around this village say you're a hard working child ..."
Kea:" yes?"
Chief:"my son Kamvelihle would like to have your hand in marriage."
Kea:"with all due respect, I would like Kamva to come here himself and ask for my hand in
marriage. I would like to talk to him regarding terms and conditions of this marriage."
Chief:"your wish is my command , he will come here and talk to you."
Kea:"thank you." - he left the groceries and they went out.
Hlelo:"who is getting married Keke?"
Kea:"no one, uhm why dont you check the plastic bags and see what they have bought for your
I can't believe the chief's son would want my hand in marriage. He Is every girl's dream in this
village but not mine. Why would he choose a girl with nothing. I will ask him a lot of questions . At
the end of the day I might have no choice but marry him .
My father and his men came back from Keabetswe's house.
Chief:"Kea would like to talk to you ".
Chief:"I did n stutter now , did I ?"
Kamva:"yess Father."
Chief:"why did you choose her out of everyone , you know you had a choice and choose any girl you
Kamva:"I know father but there's something about her that I find attractive. She's unique , all these
girls fail to hold themselves when I pass by them but Kea never looks at me. She has manners and a
hardworker. Just the girl suitable for me.". - my mother chuckled.
MaNgwenya:" You never fail to amaze me Kamva. Out of all the girls in this village you're bringing
us an orphan."
Kamva:"mother don't talk like that."
MaNgwenya:"No Kamva you will not disrespect me like that."
Kamva:"I am going to see Kea and i want her as my bride ,not a girl you'll choose for me!"
MaNgwenya:"we'll see about that."
I changed my clothes and wore something warm. I wasn't ready to see Kea but I have no choice.
Later on I walked to her house.
Hlelo and I were eating . I made her place to sleep and tuck her in. I then washed our dishes that's
when I heard a knock. I wipe my hands dry and open the door. It was Kamvelihle .
Kamva:"may I come in?"
Kea:"yes you may."- he came in and sat down on an empty pale.
Kea:"your father said you're asking for my hand in marriage?"
Kamva:"yess ."
Kea:"why? , you didn't even come to me first and ask me if it's something I want or not."
Kamva:"I know and I am sorry. Just that I was under pressure. If I didn't choose a girl , my mother
would've chosen a girl of her choice and I don't like these girls around this village."
Kea:"so lemme guess,Kea was your first choice? "
Kamva:"I'm really sorry I did this behind your back but Kea ,I like you a lot. From the time we were
young. I like you and would like you to be my wife."
Kea:"what about Hlelokuhle , she is my responsibility."
Kamva:"I am willing to take the both of you into my house. Hlelo will be enrolled at school. This
marriage will benefit you. If you don't like me then take this marriage as an opportunity to change
your life. I will understand , I just Don't want to marry the girl mother chose for me. We will be
Kea:"okay Kamva , I will marry you."
Kamva:"thank you so much". - he got up and bid me goodbye
Judge me all you want but I'm doing this for hlelo, she won't sleep in hunger . I have no choice but to
take this opportunity , besides Kamva is a nice guy . We might be friends."
Today I woke up early attending Hlelo who had an upset stomach.
Kea:"what did you eat?"
Hlelo:"I ate sweets Keke !"
Kea:"where did you get sweets?"
Hlelo:"I found them behind the stove , they are the worst sweets I've ever eaten ." - she was sweating
and her temperature was high. I went to check behind the stove and it was a rat poison mom had put
for rats. How did she find it because it was under the mat. I started panicking and giving her milk.
She vomited the milk out. Her eyes were turning white and he mouth was getting dry. I started
crying. I touched my Necklace.
Kea:"I'm sorry mom, no one will see me". -- I made sure the window was fully covered and the door
was locked but it's still early in the morning and everyone is asleep. I removed the gloves that I
always wear . I helped her take off her t-shirt. Her stomach was raising and it scared me. I touched
her stomach and my hands started glowing. The whole room was white. I heard her gasping for air
and she slowly calmed down. I remember myself falling.
I opened my eyes . Kamva and Hlelo were looking at me. I got up and hugged Hlelo.
Kea:"you're okay."
Hlelo:"what was that Keke , the blue light....
Kea:"the milk helped you."
Kamva:"are you okay?"
Kamva:"then why did you faint ?"
Kea:"I don't know , I just had a terrible headache."
Kamva:"staying by yourself is NOT safe Kea. You scared this poor kid."
Kea:"I'm really sorry , I am fine now. What are you doing here?"
Kamva:"you'll have to stay at the royal house until the wedding. I came to fetch you."
Kamva:"I forgot to tell you that the wedding is in a week."
Kea:"are you kidding me?"
Kamva:"no , pack your bags. I've already packed for Hlelo."
Kea:"this is happening too fast. I thought I had a month to prepare."
Kamva:"my sister and her friends will help you prepare . Even mother will help you."
Kea:"so , I have to go with you? As in like now?"
Kamva:"yeah. I'm not leaving without you."
I got up and asked Kamva to go outside because I need a bath. He listened to me . After bathing I
wore my ordinary clothes and A heard scarf . I let Kamva in.
Kamva:"you're the most beautiful girl in this village, do you know that?"
Kea:"ohh so you're marrying me for my beauty?"
Kamva:"I didn't mean it like that hau.". I laughed and let him take my bags and put them in his car .
Kea:"hhaybo Kamva , why did you come here with a car. It's not like you live far!"
Kamva:"I want this whole thing to be a little private. I don't want people ruining this marriage ,
people are witches here ."- I laughed.
He drove to his house.
The guards took our bags inside. As soon as I entered the house , the necklace started glowing. I put
it under my shirt so no one would see it. I met the Chief
Chief:"You look beautiful Kea."
Kea:"Thank you Chief."
Kamva's father is royalty but he doesn't wanna be called a King , he prefers being called Chief
instead and I don't know why.
Chief:"the maid will show you your room. You can go shopping with Kamva at the city later on
today. To get whatever you want both for you and your sister. "
Kea:" the city? I thought we're not allowed to go to the city."
Chief:" we are Royals , we do whatever we want. It's not bad to go to the city but this rule was to
protect young girls like you. Girls go to the big cities and after that they never return , if they do it's
either in a coffin or they completely change . The city is a bad & cruel place for young girls.".
Kea:"I understand your majesty ".
A helper showed me my room , I put my bags down and sighed . Hlehle came in running.
Kea:"no running Hlehle!
Hlelo:"sorry Keke. What was that light.I saw it and after that my stomach stopped aching.".
Kea:"do you love your Keke?"
Hlelo:"I love my Keke more than anything.!"
Kea:"then listen. That light was your angel , It came to help you but don't tell anyone else about it.
It's a secret ".
Hlelo:"a secret?"
Kea:"mhmm! A very deep secret . Do you promise you won't tell anyone?"
Hlelo:"I promise."
Kea:"now be a good girl hlehle and please , don't eat anything without my permission okay?"
Kea:"now go outside and play with your friends."~. Hlelo walked outside. The Queen mother came
in without knocking.
MaNgwenya:"listen here , you will tell the king and Kamva that you don't want this marriage."
Kea:"why Queen mother?"
MaNgwenya:"you want to take the throne from me and I will never let a lowlife girl take the throne
from me. I can see you're being too comfortable in this house. It won't take days before I kick you out
and send you back to your slum...nxx!". ~ I watched her walk out shaking her saggy ass. That was
very rude of her , I always thought she was a good person. But I understand, this is happening way
too fast . Kamva came in my room.
Kamva:"shall we go?"
Kea:"uhm , yeah."
Kamva:"are you okay?"
Kea:"uhm yeah I'm fine. Let's go get Hlelo."
Kamva:"okay. Lets go." ~ we walked downstairs , the Queen mother was there shouting at the maids.
She then looked at me.
MaNgwenya:"and you , make sure these idiots do their job."
Kea:"yess Queen mother."
Kamva:"actually we were about to go out mother."
MaNgwenya:"we'll she's got a job to do now ".
kamva:"unfortunately she's coming with me , we won't get another chance to go to the mall. The
wedding is in 5 days. Come let's go Kea."~ I didn't wanna disrespect the Queen mother.
Kea:"no , I'll stay you can go."
Kamva:"I wasn't asking you."
Chief:"you should always listen to your husband to be. Go child , your soon to be mom in law will
handle everything in this house, right MaNgwenya?"
Kamva:"see , everything is sorted , let's go Keke." ~ I smiled to the fact that he called me Keke. We
walked to the car . Hlehle was staring at her reflection in water.
Kea:"Hlehle?"~ she didn't respond.
Hlelo:" shh!"
Kea:"what are yoi doing?"
Hlelo:"huh? "
Kea:"come on we're going to the city."
Kea:"thank Uncle Kamva".
Hlelo:"thank you uncle kamva."
Kamva:"you're welcome, Princess. Now let's go."
***in the car***
Kamva:"so what's your big dream?"
Kea:(chuckles) " dreams never come true Kamva."
Kamva:"alright, if they did come tru, what would've been your big dream?"
Kea:"I always wanted to be independent , I wanted to give Mama And Hlehle a better life , fall in
love and have my dream wedding. "
Kamva:"I see , I'm sorry for ruining your dreams."
Kea:"you didn't ."
Kamva:"you are going to be my wife Kea and that's not something to take lightly. Many people wont
approve of our marriage and that's because you're beautiful. You will have so much responsibilities.
You are marrying a Prince which means one day you will be a Queen mother. "
Kea:"I know Kamvelihle , this village is small I don't think I'll fail taking care of it."
Kamva:"no Kea, this village is only a branch. After marriage we'll have to move and live at the Main
castle ."
Kea:"a main castle?"
Kamva:"it's a huge palace at the city , it was built by my forefathers and I as the chosen one will have
to stay there and take the throne from my mother and father."
Kea:"what does that mean?"
Kamva:"it means I'll deprive them the King and Queen title , my father will only be a chief of the
village and nothing more."
Kea:"that's why he prefers everyone calling him a chief?"
Kamva:"yes because he knows he wasn't born to be a king . Prophesy said His son will rule and not
him. He was waiting for me to grow and now he is ready to give the throne to me."
Kea:"this is a big thing Kamva. Why didn't you tell me from the start. I mean we'll be moving to the
city? What about my sister.?"
Kamva:"she will be coming along with us. There is a Queen mother at the castle , my grandmother
and her other grandsons, my cousins and their wives. You will do fine."
Kea:"wow , I , I don't think I'm ready."
Kamva:"I think I'll have to tell you this. A month back , Mangcobo our spiritual healer had told me
that there's a girl whose destiny is written in the stars that she will end up with me. I kept asking her
who's the girl. I went as far as forcing her to tell me & it's you. My chosen one!"
Kea:"do you really believe in such?"
Kamva:"I still follow the footprints of our ancestors Kea , I believe in everything."
Kea:"wow I ,I don't know what to say."
Kamva:"don't say Anything. Just walk this journey with me."
Kea:"promise me I won't regret it."
Kamva:"that goes without saying."
Hlelo:"you are marrying my Keke?"
Kamva:(making a cute face)"yess Hlehle "
Hlelo:"but you didn't ask for my permission. Keke is mine alone."
Kamva;"ohh really? I'm sorry your highness , can you please share Keke with me?"
Hlelo:"if you only promise to never make her cry!"
Kamva:"I promise."
Hlelo:"okay now we can share my Keke."
Kamva:"uyezwa Kea? The majesty has agreed."
Kea just smiled.
Kamva:"now let's go shopping."
Hlelo was very happy, she bought a lot of things and Kamvelihle didn't complain. They came back to
the village. Hlelo got out of the car running to the house while Kea and Kamva stayed In the car.
Kamva:"what's wrong?"
Kea:"what if I'm not a good wife , what if I'll make mistakes and..."
Kamva:"we all make mistakes , I'll always be there with you. We'll rectify those mistakes together. "
Kea:"would you do that for me?"' She asked in a polite voice.
Kamva:"I just want to see you happy. I know you're strong and expect ups and downs in our
marriage but please, don't give up on me."
Kea:" then I'll marry you Kamva , I'll be your wife. As long as you keep me happy."
Kamva:"what do you mean by that?"
Kea:"see those hands, your hands." Kamva looked at his hands.
Kea:"they are holding my heart. Don't drop it." Kea got out of the car leaving Kamva smiling all
Kamva:"I'll never drop your heart Kea. Ever!"
The chief was with uMamNgcobo.
Chief:I just don't understand why he chose her.
MaNgcobo: "you will never u understand Ngwenya. It's all written in the stars."
Chief:"what do you mean?"
MaNgcobo:"Keabetswe is Kamvelihle's chosen bride. Meaning she is chosen by the ancestors. Their
love will be deeper than anything. She was chosen since she was in her mother's womb and there's
nothing ypu can do about it but to respect her because she is your queen. A queen chosen by the
ancestors with a very rare gift. She is the gem of the Ngwenya family. She is Kamva's heart. Kamva
will fall soo deep that he will always choose his wife over anyone. This is only the beginning.
Chief:"wow , I didn't know the ancestors chooses a wife for you."
MaNgcobo:"Kamva is soon going to rule , he needs a strong woman next to him , a woman who will
bear him children and that's Kea. Their marriage will have flaws like every marriage out there
...They'll need to be strong. This is the beginning Ngwenya. They are falling for each other and it's
beyond their control."
Kea:"hhay Hlehle sleep , I need to go to the kitchen. The Queen mother has called me ."
Hlelo:"I don't like her , she is rude."
Kea:"you shouldn't say such things Hlelo . The Queen mother is a nice person." The Queen
mother barged in my room.
MaNgwenya:"I have called you an hour ago !"
Kea:"I was still telling a bedtime story to my sister."
MaNgwenya:"she is old for bedtime stories. Come on now the dishes won't wash themselves."-
she left.
Hlelo:"you still think she's nice?" I smiled.
Hlelo:"do you sometimes miss Mama?" I touched my Necklace.
Kea:"every single day, whenever you miss her. I want you to close your eyes... as soon as you
start feeling uneasy , just know she has arrived. I want you to talk to her , tell her everything."
Hlelo:"but you're always here."
Kea:"you are growing , at some point you won't feel like telling me your problems. I want you to
tell mother. Goodnight , I love you."
Hlelo:" I love you too." I opened the door ...
Hlelo:"Brother Kamva is a nice person. I Like him." I smiled and switched off the light. I went to
the kitchen . The Queen mother was waiting for me . She pointed the dishes . There were soo
many dishes and pots yet so many cleaners in the house . She must've deliberately told the
cleaners to not wash the dishes. I smiled and started washing the dishes.
MaNgwenya:"I'm going to sleep , I want you to wake up early and help cleaning then we'll start
with your pre-wedding ceremony."
Kea:"yess Queen mother." She walked to her room.
I was busy washing the dishes when I felt Kamva's presence.
Kea:"stalking is not good!"
Kamva:"how did you know I was here?"
Kea :"the same way you'll know when I'm standing behind you.". He walked towards me.
Kamva:"what are you doing?"
Kea :"your mother asked me to wash these dishes."
Kamva:"so many dishes. Where are the helpers?"
Kea:"probably asleep."
Kamva:"I'm going to wake them up."
Kea :"no , it's okay I'll wash the dishes."
Kamva:"are you sure?"
Kea:"yes." I continued washing the dishes. He folded his shirt up his arms and took a dish cloth.
Kea:"what are you doing?"
Kamva:"helping my wife with the dishes."
Kea:"I'm not your wife yet."
Kamva:"I don't see anything stopping you from marrying me."
We washed all the dishes talking about random staffs n talking about when we were young.
Kamva:"it's 01:38am !"
Kea:"today is the first pre wedding ceremony."
Kamva:"from today, I am not allowed to see or talk to you."
Kea:"so this is a Goodnight?" - he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on my lips.
Kamva:"this is a goodnight." My heart did a mini vosho. The feelings I had for him were unusual
but strong . I blushed and walked away. I got in my room and closed the door thinking about the
kiss which felt so good .

Today is Kea's first pre wedding ceremony. Today all the women of this village will come look at the
beautiful bride to be and hand out gifts and have tea then leave. Kea will just have to sit down with a
mini blanket covering her face. She was woken up early , she helped cleaning the house which was
already clean but for some reason , MaNgwenya didn't find it clean.
MaNgwenya:"you're too lazy Kea. Now sit down , tge guests are coming."
Kea:"yess Queen mother."
The first four guests came.
On the other side , Hlelo just woke up , she looked for Kea but didn't find her.
The Queen mother went to the kitchen and poisoned a cupcake of which she intends to give
MaNgwenya:"after eating this , this stupid Kea will be busy attending that brat due to stomach ache."
THE QUEEN mother walked to the room Hlelo was sleeping at. She found her crying.
MaNgwenya:"why are you crying?"
Hlelo:"I can't find my keke."
MaNgwenya:"she is busy right now and she forgot to tell you. You will see her later on today. But
look I brought you a cupcake."
Hlehle:"I love cupcakes."
MaNgwenya:"take it, it's yours." Hlelo took it , she remembered Kea's words and she put it back in
the tray."
Hlelo:"my Keke said I should never eat things without her permission."
MaNgwenya:"but we stay in the same house my dear."
Hlelo:"I am not hungry Queen mother , I will not eat till me Keke tells me to." - the Queen mother
clicked her tongue in anger ans left the room. A maid came in and bath Hlelo and made her hair ,
made her wear her new clothes. Hlelo decided to walk around the house. She passed Kamva's room
and fortunately Kamva saw him.
Kamva:"Hlelo?" Hlelo smiled .
Kamva:"come in." She came in and sat next to Kamva who was eating his breakfast.
Kamva:"what's wrong?"
Hlelo:"I haven't seen my Keke today."
Kamva:"hmm , so I see why the majesty is sad. Your Keke is busy at the moment , but you can stay
here with me."
Hlelo:"really ?"
Kamva:"yess, have you eaten?"
Hlelo:"no , queen mother brought me a cupcake but I didn't eat it."
Hlelo:"because my Keke said I should not eat food without her permission.".
Kamva:"don't you want to eat my food with me?"
Hlelo:"no , I will only eat after my keke comes back."
Kamva:"she's in this house.. you do know Keke is going to marry me right?"
Kamva:"she is going to be busy , but that's okay because I'm here. Now let's eat my food. A princess
shouldn't stay hungry."
Hlelo:"no , I want to eat with my Kea."
Kamva:"you shared your Keke with me and I will share my food with you. Okay?"
They both started eating.
***On the lounge where Kea is. ****
The women were admiring her beauty. Some don't even know her because Kea has always been an
indoors girl. Her mothee has been sick for too long that Kea stopped living her life to nurse her
mother .
Woman1:" you really do look like your mother dear. You are beautiful." - Kea smiled and looked
down. She is not supposed to say anything.
Woman1: " this is a dress , as married women we wear dresses. I believe you will love this one." -
she put the dress down and ler other women see her.
Kea was just sitting there the whole day. Some liked her , some were jealous amd believed the Prince
should've married their daughters. Some had beautiful gifts . It was really a long day for Keabetswe.
After all the people were gone , she got up and went tk her room to bath. She then wore her long
pijama dress. She breaded her afro so it doesn't tangle when she sleeps. She then went to the kitchen
to make food for herself.
Kamva:" look Hlelo , she forgot about us."
Kea:(giggles)" no I didn't , don't listen to him Hlehle , come here I missed you ." - Hlelo ran to Kea's
arms and hugged .
Kamva:"what are you doing here , you shouldn't be here."
Kamva:"I'm here to see you."
Kea:"your mother..."
Kamva:"mother is asleep. Let's go tuck Hlelo in her bed."' Kamva picked up Hlelo and tucked her In
Kea:"I love you okay?"
Hlelo:"I love you too."
Keke:"I'll see you In the morning.". Kamva kissed Hlelo's forehead and went out to give the sisters
Hlelo:"you spend longer time with Mama, why didn't God let me spebd time with her?"
Kea:"God knew exactly what he was doing. Mom was in pain and she was tired. She needed her
beauty sleep."
Hlelo:"I miss her Keke." - Hlelo shed a tear. Kea was heartbroken seeing her sister crying. She
wanted to cry too but became strong for her sister.
Kea:"when I was your age , mom used to sing me a song. Do you wanna hear it ?"
Hlelo:"yes please."
Kea:"close your eyes and Do not open them."
Kea:(singing) "sleep my little Princess....close your eyes and don't be afraid mom is watching you......
I will chase those nightmares for your beauty sleep. ..... Let me carry the burdens for you. ...( she kept
on singing with tears in her eyes. Kamva was at the door witnessing everything and listening to Kea's
beautiful singing voice. He had tears in his eyes , he quickly wiped them. Kea kissed Hlelo who was
now asleep . She got up and switched off the light.)
Kamva:"now let's go tuck you in."- Kea Giggles. They went to her room. She got in bed and Kamva
sat next to her.
Kea:"I sometimes feel like mom's death affected Hlelo more than it affected me."
Kamva:" Don't worry , she's still young and we'll make sure she stays happy. Hlelo needs motherly
love and she's lucky she has you as a sister."
Kea:"I sometimes get surprised with the things she say , she's young yet knows so much."
Kamva:"she takes after you."- Kea giggled.
Kamva:"we will walk this road , together. ...with Hlehle in between us."
Kea:"I trust you."
Kamva:"now sleep, or do you also want me to sing you a Lullaby?"
Kea:"hhaybo Kamva." - they both laughed.
Kamva:"now there's that smile. You're beautiful , you should be always smiling."
Kea:"do you really think our marriage will work?"
Kamva:(mimicking Kea's voice)" yess Hlehle , it will work only if you give it a chance."- Kea
laughed so much! Kamva leaned over to kiss her , they kissed and Kea ended up hugging him.
Kea:"I feel much warmer in your arms."
She let go of him . Kamva covers her with a blanket and brushes her hair until she fell asleep. He
then kisses her on her forehead and looks at her.
Kamva:"I think I love you." He then switches off the light and closes the door and goes to his room.
He gets a call from his cousins that lives in a Palace.
Kabelo:"yess baba, we are coming tomorrow in the morning."
Kabelo:"do I ever joke?"
Kamva:"yeah right!"
Kabelo:"I hope she's beautiful."
Kamva:"she is ,travel safe keh I'll let Mother and Father know you're coming."
Kabelo:"okay, bye!"- Kamva hung up and sighed.
Kamva:"it's soo gonna be the longest 3 days of my life! ".
I was told that the daughters in law of this family will join me in this room. I was sitting quietly
bored. There were 7 sponges prepared. One for me, one for Hlehle and the other 5 for the coming
Daughters in law. They told me that everyone is allowed to come see me except Kamva.
I heard noise and I knew it was the newly wedded daughters in law of this family. The all came in
looking all hot and smelling nice. They had so many bags . They all sat on the sponges.
Buhle:"you must be Keabetswe. You are beautiful."
Khanyi:"she indeed is."
Kea:"thank you." I was a little bit shy.
Buhle:"and who is this beautiful doll?" _ she was referring to Hlehle.
Kea:"my younger sister Hlelokuhle."
Buhle:"Hlelo., can you please go outside and play. We want to talk with your sister regarding adult
Hlelo looked at me.
Kea:"yess baby , you can go out."
Hlelo:"okay.". She ran outside.
Buhle:"okay , we are supposed to be telling you about Marriage and all that but the truth is ,we are
also newly weds so we don't know much but we'll share our experiences with you."
Buhle:"so I am Nobuhle 23,I'm the first daughter in law here. I am married to Kenneth , he is 24 &
we have been married for a 11 months."
Nthabiseng:"I am Nthabiseng 21, the second daughter in law. I am married to Kwazi , he is 23 and
we have been married for 8¹/² months."
Khanyi:"I am Khanyisile 20 , married to Kabelo 23, & we have been married for 7months."
Thando:"I am Thando 24 , married to Kamogelo 25 & we have been married for 4 months."
Lerato:"I'm the last daughter in law before you . I am Lerato ,22 . Married to Katlego 24 & we have
been married for 2 months"
Kea:"wow , we are all young now that's a relief .I mean all of you are in your early 20's. I am
Keabetswe and I am 20 years old."
Khanyi:"you & I are the youngest."
Nobuhle:"so as the first daughter in law , I am going to tell you everything you'll need to know. I
want y'all to also listen because you are all new to this. Being married at Ngwenya clan is very
difficult and especially since this is a royal family. They do a lot of unnecessary ceremonies. If the
ceremony is at Mpumalanga ,all the 12 daughters in law will have to go there."
Lerato:"I was also surprised".
Buhle:"yess 12. The other 6 lives in a different palace at a different city. Out husbands's grandfather
has 12 son's. All the sons have sons too. And those sons are our husbands. Grandfather Ngwenya's
sons which are Kamva's father , Kabelo's father , Kenneth's father e.t.c and the fathers of all the 6
sons all have a crowned son. For Kamva's father.. Kamva is the crowned Prince , for Kenneth's father
, out of all his son's Kenneth is the oldest and the crowned prince. So all the 12 princes are grouped
to live in a family palace. You are the last daughter in law out of all the 12. I'm not sure if you get it
but I'm trying my best to make this as clear as possible.
Kea:"no I understand."
Khanyi:"really? , it took me 3 months to finally understand what she was saying."- we laughed.
Buhle:"all I'm trying to say is , this is a huge family . It's a tradition that all the first born grandsons
marry at their early 20's . So all the grandsons are now married and Kamva is the last to finally get
married which means now we'll have our vacations , fun and all that.
Thando:"we are young and still growing. We were all chosen to marry the princes which means put
our lives at hold for them . Grandfather Ngwenya gave us the right to have vacations with our
husbands , travel and have fun. Continue with our studies as much as we want as long as we will be
with OUr husbands and participate in the family ceremonies. Just like this wedding , the other
Grandsons are coming with their wives , along with Grandfather. "
Nthabiseng:"we're gonna have fun girls. It wasn't so long since we were attending Lerato's wedding
and finally now we are attending the last daughter in law's wedding.,"
Buhle:"Kea respect is the most important thing in this family. Whatever you do , make sure you
respect our elders... we're all gonna make mistakes at some point but as a married woman you need to
fix those mistakes . You are gonna have fights and arguments with your husband. Do not walk away ,
it's okay to ask for help. Talk to any of the brothers for help or talk to any of us or if your problems
are deep , it's okay to call for a family meeting wherw omkhulu no Aunty will come and give you
advices. This is a huge family and at some point you'll gain yourself a new parent. It might not be
exactly your mom in law but eventually you'll find someone your heart likes."
Kea:"wow, thank you so much Buhle."
Lerato:"you're gonna get used to her , Both her and Khanyi are the chatterboxes here!"- we laughed.
Thando:"if you want to continue with your studies, we will apply for you at Unisa because it is an
online institutions so you get to learn online. Many of us study there including our husbands , even
Kamva is a UNISA student so I'd advise you to apply and we'll help you with that ".
Kea:"thank you Thando."
Khanyi:"do you know what I like about this family?.. that all the grandsons have vibe , yeey those
people can drink. You stick with them you get to see places dear. Now it's gonna be the 24 of us
which will be more fun."
Kea:"im still shocked that there are 12 daughters in law ."
Buhle:"it's scary and none of us is older than 25. Out of all the 11daughters in law , I am the 6th."
Kea:"and I will be the 12th."
Buhle:"yess , any advice you want to give her?"
Nthabiseng:"marriage doesn't have to be about love to work , I believe that if we stick together as
family , this Ngwenya generation will be big. I want you to feel comfortable because you're home.
You're a sister and you've just gained yourself a new family ."
Kea:"thank you so much."
Lerato:"I heard you lost your mom not so long ago and the only person in your life is your little
Kea:"yeah ."
Nthabi:"then my dear , Both you and your sister have found a new Family."
Khanyi:"do you know the perks of being the daughter in law of this family? You get a black card
with no limited shopping. You get your own car!"
Thando:"wuuu UKhanyi!" - we all laughed.
Lerato:"I have no advice for you , I'm still a newlywed and I'm still learning too...just be the best of
friends with your husband and you'll see how nice it is.".
Khanyi:"hee I remember fighting with Kabelo on our wedding. His evil mother made the decor
orange and I wanted it to be white and gold. I argued with him and threatened to run away from my
wedding. You should've seen his face!" -
we all laughed. This Khanyi girl is talkative.
Buhle:"I remember I was asked to make a traditional beer . I didn't even know how to make one. I
googled it and made it , people couldn't stop shitting on themselves , including grandfather. Did I not
die that day!" - we all laughed really hard.
Nthabi:"we all make mistakes! I was told to wash all the dishes after Thando's marriage . I
accidentally kicked the table and the dishes fell and broke. All the aunties accused me of being lazy. I
swear I've survived a lot." - we continued laughing.
Khanyi:" and ohh , I wanted to warn you about mothers In law. They are shit my dear ! I'm not
saying all of them but most of them in this family are just wicked!"
Lerato:"hhayi Khanyi!"
Buhle:"hhaysuka she's telling the truth! Most of them are mean and they all have unnecessary
competition. They all wanna prove that their daughter in law is better than all the other daughters in
law !"
Khanyi:"my dear , your mother in law looks like the voodoo typa mom in law."- she winked at me.
Nthabi:(laughing) hhayi Khanyi!"
Khanyi:"I can spot a witch from the distance and something doesn't sit right with me about her. You
can tell by the way she walks that she knows all type of voodoos." ~ the laughter! We laughed till we
had tears in our eyes !!
Buhle:"and my dear , since you couldn't come to the city we thought why not bring the city to you!
They started opening the bags. They had glasses and wine. They had all the nail tools needed for my
nails , the lashes.
Thando:"I will do your lashes and Nthabi & Lerato will do your nails."
They got busy doing my lashes and nails while Khanyi and Buhle kept on talking. My future mother
in law barge in.
MaNgwenya:"ohh you're busy, I needed someone to massage my feets."
Buhle:"as you can see aunt , she is busy and there are professionals who massage people's feets. Not
daughters in law especially a Princess to be."- she said that with a smile on her face."
MaNgwenya:"there are-6 other sponges for the other daughters in law. Make sure you prepare them."
~ she closed the door. Khanyi was covering her nose.
Buhle:"hhaybo Khanyi , what is it now?"
We all laughed like hell!
We were sitting in the men's room with the brothers drinking some alcohol. The ladies on the other
room were laughing.
KamvA:" I didn't get the chance to congratulate you properly at your wedding Katlego , how has
everything been?"
Katlego:"great , I'm enjoying and it feels good to settle down with 1 woman."
Kamva:"and the parties , booze?"
Kabelo:"hehehe , you're slow boy. We go to the clubs with OUr wives! We are still young my man!"
Kamva:"we indeed are "
Kenneth:"the other brothers are on their way , it's soo going to be fun !"
Kamva:"I also like it when we're all together. Have you met my wife?"
Kabelo:"she's not yet your wife! She can still say no to this marriage."
Kamva:"anganya!"- we laughed.
Kenneth:"we will go see her , let's just drink for now."
Kamo:"the last Ngwenya bride. I cant believe we're all married now. I mean it still feels like a dream
Kamva:"how is married life treating y'all?"
Kabelo:"just pray you're not about to marry a crazy wife. Khanyi fought with me on our wedding day
and made a scene! She doesn't like my mother , she complains about everything! Bruh marriage is a
scam!"- we laughed!
Kwazi:"Nthabi likes sleeping with the light on and I like sleeping with it off , we used to fight about
it and as you all know...women always win. Women are evil im telling you!"
Kenneth:"Buhle will humble you at times. She made me attend her friends party and forced me to
wear pink. Bruh I swear I wanted a divorce. A whole Kenneth wearing Pink. It was soo
embarrassing."~ We continued laughing .
Kamva:"and you Kamo?"
Kamo:"scam bro!Scam!! Call me when y'all finally decides to kill women!"
We laughed.
Kabelo:" you have no idea how much we all fight at the palace. We fight about who took whose
chocolate that she left at the fridge . Who didn't refill cold water ?, who scratched whose car?! Bro
you'll see for yourself but what I can say that this marriage changed my life. I found the woman I
Kenneth:"true that , I heard that after the last wedding which is this one , the 12 grandsons will move
at the Main palace all together and from there we will grow together . They say a future king is
already chosen and only grandpa knows who is he, he won't tell a soul until he dies and a future King
is written on his will."
Kabelo:"true , amongst all the 12 brothers there is one king. Grandpa will train him and teach him!"
Kamo:"but Grandpa teaches everyone and he disciplines everyone so no one will know who the real
king is. But that doesn't matter. All that matters is all the honeymoons we've been saving "
Kamva:"no one really went to their honeymoons?"
Kwazi:"no ,we were waiting for all the sons to get married so that we will all go to our
Kamva:"I'll have to admit , this was a year of Ngwenya marriage. It's gonna be fun!"
Kabelo:"I'm soo ready , now let's go meet wifey so that when the other brothers come they'll meet her
too. As well as the other daughters in law."
Kamo:"imagine 12 women in one room , they are probably making fun of our mothers. You know
how daughters in law are. Umamami shem! (My mother, shame!).
Kabelo:"(in a low voice)"especially my wife shame!".
We continued talking bdriving about random things until they got up to see Keabetswe

After they were done. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had no make up , just the lashes and the
doek. The boys knocked and it was the ladies queue to leave.
Khayi:"we'll come back."
Kabelo:"aww madoda! Aww isiphalaphala!"( such a beautiful woman)
Khanyi:"baby warasa!!"(babe you're making noise!)
Kabelo:"who are you sesi?"
Khanyi:"yewena Kabelo!! I'll.."
Kabelo:"don't talk to me , talk to the hand!"
Khanyi:"mxm!" ~ she opened the door to leave and she slammed it.
Kabelo:"I love you too!!"
They all sat down in front of me.
Kabelo:"Keabetswe! You are beautiful!"
Kea:"thank you."
They all introduced themselves and I understood who is whose husband.
Kamogelo:"thank you for agreeing to be part of the family. It really means a lot to us."
Kabelo:"that fool chose right this time.not that ngovolo.."
Kenneth:"Kabelo!" ~ I wanted to know more about the Ngovolo story but that's not my business.
Kenneth:"we have seen you Mrs Ngwenya the 12th. It's an honour!".~ I smiled.
Kenneth:"we are welcoming you into the family. I would like you to know that you're not alone.
We are all with you in every step of the way. I want you to know we love you and looking
forward this journey with you. "
Kea:"thank you all for welcoming me. I truly do feel Like I've found my long lost family.
Kenneth touched my cheek and smiled. He then kissed my forehead.
Kenneth:"welcome mrs Ngwenya." He stood up and all the other brothers kissed me on my
Kabelo:"I will not kiss where these folks have kissed. Never!".~ he kissed me on my cheek.
Kabelo:"welcome to the family of pranks , fun and culture or so will my wife say "voodoo".
I giggled. He smiled at me and they all left. A few minutes later My Hlehle came in.
Kea:"what are you doing here?
Hlelo:"I figured my Keke is missing me so I came to see her."
Kea:"come sit on my lap " .~ She sat on my lap and I covered her with my arms.
Kea:"after my wedding. We are leaving ."
Hlelo:"Brother Kamvelihle told me. "
Kea:"we are going to live in the city , we will be leaving mom behind."
Hlelo:"brother kamva said mama's bed is in this village hence we are leaving her here, he said
mama's spirit will always look after us ." ~ I hugged her.
Kea:"he is right. Why ain't u sleeping. It's already midnight."
Hlehle:"I will sleep now Keke ,I was having a conversation with brother Kabelo."
Kea:"you've already met him?"
Hlehle:"yes and more brothers and sisters came."
Kea:"the Lord took our mother and in return he gave us a huge family. Ain't we lucky?"
Hlelo:"we are! "
~I noticed Hlehle's hair is sort of wet.
Kea:"why is your hair wet?"
Hlelo:"I wAs playing with water Keke!"
Hlelo has always been a water person. Sometimes she gets lost in her thoughts while
concentrating at the water. I sometimes feel like she is communicating with the waters.
Kea:"don't play near water when keke is not around , okay?"
Hlelo:"okay. Can I now sleep?
Kea:"sleep nana" ~ she slept on her sponge and the other Daughters in law came. I smiled.
They introduced themselves as :Phindile(25)
The first 6daughters in law of the Ngwenya clan
Thandeka:"am I glad we're finally having the last wedding. I can't wait for the honeymoon.
Phindile:"all you'll have to know is that sex is very important in a relationship ,trust your partner
, be faithful & committed. Never go to bed angry at your husband."
Kea:"I hear you."
Phindile:"I'm hoping oBuhle have already had this conversation with you. I'm guessing this is it."
Amanda:"our husbands will meet you early in the morning tomorrow. For now we as daughters
in law will be busy with the vegetables because in the morning , more family members are
coming. You can relax and have your beauty sleep because today later we're having a
bachelorette's party mogirl !
Phindile:"sleep ,we will join you after we are done."
They all got up and left. I don't wanna lie. The daughters in law of this family seem nice.
Everyone is bubbly but ofcourse they have different Personalities. It still feels like a dream. I am
getting married to a Princess which I apparently love! Everything is happening too fast yet im
loving every change. Today later is my bachelorette party and tomorrow I am getting married.
It's all happening way too fast . KEABETSWE is getting married.!
Kamva:"y'all saw her?"
Kabelo:"I don't wanna lie , she's beautiful. Hat's off bro!"
Kamva:"I choose my crops wisely."
Kabelo: " I can tell!"
Our other cousins came in.
:Thapelo (25) Phindile.s husband.
:Thabiso(24)-Amanda's husband
:Thami(23)- Nonhlanhla's husband.
:Thabang(25)- Dineo's husband
:Thabo(24)-Thandeka's husband
:Thato(25)-Nomusa's husband.
Kabelo:"THE bosses are here!!"
Thami:"you know it!"
We greeted each other as we catch up , drinking and everone sharing their marriage experience
which I found funny.
Thabang:"you're definitely having a bachelor's party and we're not taking no as an answer."
Kabelo:"this has to be the most awesome bachelor's party , remember this is our last bachelor's
party so we'll have to make it worth it!"
Thami:"you just read my mind!"
Thapelo:"boy you'll have to have fun for the last time as a single man because after tomorrow...yi
Stress!" ~ we all laughed.
It is likely to confuse the names as there are so many characters here but we'll figure that out.

I woke up around 05:00am , everyone was still sleeping . Shame they must be all tired because they
all slept late. I woke up , folded my blankets and went to kamva's room to shower , he wasn't there
coz he slept in the men's room with the others. I showered and wore my respective clothes. I went to
the kitchen and made myself a coffee since it was a bit cold. I swear this December is really going to
be cold. It was hard doing anything with these long nails but Khanyi said I'll get use to them. The
daughters in law have cooked almost everything last night. The salads and all that. I decided to cook
the traditional beer that I made a day ago. I went outside and gathered woods. It was a bit windy so
making fire was a struggle. I was about to give up , I threw the matches down and punched my
mouth. I was annoyed.. when this cute guy came ..
Thami:(laughs)" hhaybo! Chill!"
I just looked at him and picked up the matches.
Thami:"trying to make fire?"
Thami:"well let me help you." He fetched a zink to block the wind from blowing off the fire. I
gathered sticks and he gathered strong woods. I fetched the black traditional pot and he helped me
with it.
Thami:"what else?"
Kea:"I was about to fetch the traditional beer and cook it.".
Thami:"okay let's fetch it!" ~ we went inside and he helped me pick up two 20litres of the traditional
beer I made. We poured it in the pot
Kea:"thank you."
Thami:"just helping my sister in law .".
Kea:"ohhh so you're Kamva's cousin?"
Thami:"shame , you were already eyeing on me?"
Kea:(laughs)"I'm getting married wena maarn!".
Thami:"I am Thami 23 years. Married to Nonhlanhla.".
Kea:(smiling)"nice to meet you and yes I've met your wife yesterday, we JUST didn't get the chance
to sit down and talk."
Thami:"congratulations , finally the family is complete and all thanks to you Kea . Hopefully we will
get along.".
Kea:"yeah, and thank you for helping me!"..
Thami:"don't mention it ,why did u wake up so early?"
Kea:"we're having a bachelorette party so I wanted to cook this beer before the girls wake up."
Thami:"a party?" ~ ohh fuck I forgot I wasn't supposed to tell the boys. Kea you are an idiot!
Kea:"uhmm nice meeting you Thami , forget I said anything."
~he legit laughed at me!! I walked back inside and came across one of the maids. I instructed her to
keep watch on the traditional beer , she agreed. I went to the kitchen to make tea for Hlehle because
she'll wake up anytime soon and will request a tea. Boom , my mood changed when my soon to be
mother in law came.
MaNgwenya:"you're lucky my husband likes you . But listen here , just because you're marrying my
son it doesn't mean you're better than me."
Kea:"with all due respect , I didn't know we were in a competition mother. Your son is old enough to
make his own decisions, I didn't force him to choose me in fact he did that on his own will. Now
please, excuse me ."
~ I took the cup of tea and baked cookies to the room . It was still quiet in the room.
Hlelo:"where's my tea Keke?"
Kea:"right here!"~ I gave her the tea and cookies and she started eating.
Kea:"tomorrow Keke is getting married , meaning tomorrow is our last day in this village."
Hlelo:"can we go to our house one last time , I will miss our house."
Kea:"it was small but it was filled with love. I will miss it too and yes we will go tomorrow morning
before the wedding, okay?".
Kea:"now finish up and ask SesiThandi the maid to bath you , you will be spending the day with
Hlelo:"where are you going my keke?"
Kea;"keke has to do some things along with the ladies and it's adults staffs, okay sweetheart?"
Hlelo:"okay."~ she got up with her tea cup and went out and when I turned , everyone was looking at
me with puppy eyes.
Buhle:"you're good at this , I mean you had to step up as the older sister and be a mother to her. This
is really sweet."
Kea:"I try , I don't want her to miss our mother too much. I just want her to grow."
Buhle:"she will."
Khanyi:"looks like our bride has already took a shower."
Kea:"yeah I had to cook a traditional beer'
Khanyi:"a what?nvm ladies get up we need to go."
Thandeka:"so where are we going?" ~ everyone looked at Nhlanhla.
Buhle:"Nhlanhla you're a party/ wedding planner"
Nhlanhla:"relax ladies , everything is going out fine. I have made perfect arrangements . So there is
this club , it's deep underground at the mall. I have booked it for us meaning no one else will be there
but us. "
~ everyone kept on staring at Nhlanhla , no one was amused by what she said.
Nhlanhla:"ive hired male strippers ."
Everyone screamed in joy these ladies are wicked ,one will not believe they are married.
Khanyi:"okay ladies, dress to kill and Kea , what the hell are you wearing?"
Kea:"traditional dress , doek..."
Khanyi:"darling , we are not in 1918 , okay! Take that shit off!"
Kea:"but I am supposed to be wearing this."
Khanyi:"not under my watch , Undress now!!"
I took off the clothes. Khanyi gave me the shortest skirt I've ever worn in my whole life. She gave me
peach heels , peach tintop .
Nhlanhla:"now you look like Mrs Ngwenya!"
Khanyi:"not gog'Ngwenya!" ~ They all laughed. Everyone was wearing heels and mini skirt. Thando
did my make up. I was looking hot one would swear I wasn't Kea !. I comb my huge afro and made 2
fluffly minimouse pony tails. did the edges and wow I was ready.
Khanyi:"time to leave ladies."
Nhlanhla:"I've hired 2 limos ."
Khanyi:"heard that Kea , Limos not horses!".
Kea:"that's mean Khanyi!" ~ They all laughed.
We woke up to bath and Thami wasn't in the room ,he came back after some time all smelling nice.
Kamva:" where were you?".
Thami:"I was helping my soon to be sister-in-law play her wifey duties while the soon to be husband
was sleeping."
Kabelo:"so you've met her? Tell the others how beautiful she is."
Thami:"she is hot!"
Kamva:"should I be worried?"
Kabelo:"I might divorce Khanyi for Kea!"
Kamva:"you'd be asking for your death!"~ everyone laughed.
Thapelo:"we'll go meet her after we're done. I really want to see her!"
Thami:(chuckles)" they are leaving shame!"
Kamva:"where are they going?"
Thami:"kant where are we going? To have a bachelor's party right? They are also having a
barchelorette's party!"
Kabelo:"what? Wow they are sneaky , I cant believe Khanyi didn't tell me about that!"
Kenneth:"I feel betrayed bro! Where do you think they are going?"
Thami:"I know for a fact that my wife is the event planner and knowing her taste , she might have
invited male strippers. I know her!"
Thapelo:"I won't allow another man strip for my wife!"
Kwazi:"what's wrong with y'all? We also invited female strippers right? So what's wrong with them
helping Kea celebrate her last day as a single lady?"
Kabelo:"think about it Thami , those strippers probably have bigger abs than yours!?
Thami:"yabonake! Mxm someone find out where they are going.?"~we all laughed.
We heard laughter outside , we all ran to peep at the window and Wow , I didn't believe my eyes. My
Kea was so beautiful . I think I'll buy mini skirts for her everyday because they look good on her.
They were all looking beautiful and classy shame.
Thabo:"I'm getting jealous."
I opened the door and the gents all followed me. 2 limos arrived , I just went to Kea , she was looking
beautiful. I hugged her.
Kea:"are you okay?"~ people I was getting emotional . She is wayy too beautiful.
Kamva:"yeah I'm okay, you just look pretty."
Kea:"thank you , you're looking hot too!"
Kamva:"I mean it's my last day as an unmarried man!"
Kamva:"can I kiss you?"
Kea:"do you even have to as.... "~ I kissed her before she even finished her sentence.
Khanyi:"okay lovebirds , times up!"
Kamva:"where's are y'all going?"
Kea:"some underground club at the mall , I don't know." ~ Khanyi dragged Kea and they got in the
Limo and it left.
Thato:"she's beautiful bafo! Hat's off to you."
Thato:"she is indeed!"
Kamva:"thank you!"
Thami:"do you know where they are going?"
Kamva:"Kea said An underground club at the mall , I know exactly where they are going!"
Thami:"I know that club , fuck my wife has got style !!"
Thami:"now what?"
Kamva:"now we surprise the ladies!"
Kabelo:"I like the sound of that."
We firstly shopped at the mall , took about an hour then we went to the club. The lights were dim ,
only disco lights.
Nhlanhla: "girls, you can scream as much as you want , this place has a sound proof."
We started drinking when the male strippers started Dancing on the stage. The lights were dim so we
couldn't see them . We could see them when the disco lights were pointing on them but they were
wearing masks.
Khanyi:"why are they wearing masks. I wanna see those sexys!"
Buhle:"you're married wena!"-~ They laughed.
Nhlanhla:"who cares , let's go join them!!"
Some went to the stage and dance , twerk . I stayed behind with Thandeka and Thabiseng. We
continued drinking . I stood up and realized I was drunk , it was now hard walking on heels but I
didn't take them off.
In my head all I could think about is from tomorrow I will be someone's wife , I need to make the
best of today. I found myself walking on the stage and this guy dragged me and put his hands around
my waist. I smiled.
Kea:"Kamva what are you doing here?"
Kamva:"fuck , how did you know?"
Kea:"if I could feel your presence while only standing behind me , didn't you think I'll know your
Kamva:"you're creepy at times , wait are you drunk?"
Kea:"I just had a couple of drinks. , I think the other side of me is slowly starting to show up."
Kamva :"which side?"
Kea:"the hoe in me!" ~ he licked his lips.
Kamva:"let the hoe out baby!!"
I made him sit on the chair and started tweaking on him. I wasn't shy and I didn't care what anyone
else will say. I'm tweaking for my man. Wait is he my man? I am going to marry him but is he my
man? Okay now that's awkward.
I continued twerking , the other guys removed their masks too and no one was surprised .seemed like
the girls also recognized their husbands but kept it cool. I made Kamva stand up and we all started
Dancing like there's no tomorrow . We were all drunk. At that point all the sorrows were gone , I was
happy . I'm with the guy I love and going to marry. I'm with the people I'm gonna spend my whole
life with. I love the fact that they appreciated me and welcomed me. I thought it was gonna be like in
most families where daughters in laws hate each other . The sons fight for the throne but it wasn't like
that. Everyone got along with everyone.
From tomorrow I'm taking a new turn in life. I'm going to be a wife, not just a wife but a Princess
too. Maybe this was all meant to happen.
Kamva:"what are you thinking about?"
Kea:"about us , I mean we are really getting married!"
Kamva:"yes and I'm happy , are you?"
Kea:"I am."
He hugged me.
Kamva:"did I tell you how beautiful you are today?
Kea:(making a baby face)"no you didn't!"
Kamva:(giggles)"you are beautiful".
Fuck! I felt my clit vibrating.
I just took another bottle and we all danced. It was nice. We were all falling , we all couldn't walk.
We were all a mess but it was fun.
Kabelo:(on a phone call)" come fetch us bro , we're all fucked up!!)
To the wedding
I woke up with my head banging!! I have no idea how we arrived back at the house. Everyone
was still sleeping. I wore my shoes and woke Hlelokuhle up.
Kea:"we have to go to our house Hlehle."
Hlelo:"okay Keke!"~ she wore her shoes and we walked to our house. The girls of the village
were at the tap fetching water.
Nokubonga:"so tell me Kea , how come you were the chosen one?"
Kea:"I don't know just happened."
Nokubonga:"so vele you're leaving us , you'll be living the luxurious life at the city."
Kea:"you said it."
Nokubonga:"hhay congrats , our day is also coming ."
Kea:"and I'll be waiting for that day , I have to go Bonga it's my wedding today sooo.."
Nokubonga:"mxm".~ I laughed as I passed her. Some girls we congratulating me , some were
not speaking to me , not that I CARE. We arrived at the house and I looked at our small hut. This
may be a small house but I have most of my lovely memories here. This was home .
Hlelo:" I am going to miss this house'"
Kea:"me too! We can always come back to visit it."
Hlelo:"no, mom said we must always leave the past in the past. I don't wanna come back here ".
Kea:"I understand." ~ I looked at it one more time and I locked it. We then walked to the
graveyards. I looked at Mama's grave.
Kea:"you used to carry all the burdens and now you're carrying the weight of the earth. I am
getting married today Mama. I know if you were here , you would've been happy. Guide me
mama as a new journey awaits me. I am leaving with Hlehle , she will find a better school in the
city and she will be educated. I am going to further my studies. I am leaving you behind but I
know spirituality you're leaving with us. I came here to tell you that im leaving , this is not
goodbye. I know you will forever be with me in spirit , goodbyes are for those who love with
their eyes because those who love with their hearts and soul there is no such thing as separation .
I love you mom and Rest in peace."
Hlelo:"rest In peace." ~ we held hands as we walked back to the chief's house. When I opened
the door , gosh Khanyi pulled me in.
Khanyi:" where the hell have you been? Arrgg fuck that , there's no time. ". She pulled me to the
room where I took a shower and they made me wear my traditional wedding dress. They put on
my make up and took pictures of me..!
Buhle:"I just posted on instagram and people are crazily in love with the new bride."
Thandeka:"you look beautiful Kea."
Kea:"thank you."
Thando:"lemme go dress Hlelo up."
Khanyi:"you do that! Kea do you know what you'll say? Your wedding vows?"
Kea:"I thought I'll repeat what the pastor will say!"
Khanyi:"fuck that! Be creative mogirl!"
Kea:"yah but Kamva and I have no story to tell. We just fell in love 3 days before our wedding!"
Khanyi:"then make a story up. Be like " I used to watch you when you were walking by and I
knew you were the one."~ Everyone laughed.
Phindile:"now that's crazy!"
Khanyi:"okay you'll figure that out !"
Lerato:"I know you must be scared. I was too , but you'll be fine. Promise."~ I smiled, I mean I
am scared. This is my future we're talking about.
Phindile:"you will be fine. We all went through this and I can guarantee you that everything will
go just fine. Just put on the smile and walk down the aisle like a queen you are. ."
Khanyi:"just don't faint okay!"
Kea:(laughs)" I'll try!"
Phindile:"you are ready! We're all with you. Don't worry!"
Kea:"thank you guys."
I don't know why but I was scared. The boys were all grumpy today I mean hangover is no joke
but keh the show must go on!
Kabelo:"relax bro! No need to be scared."
Kamva:"it's not like I get married everyday . I am scared. What if I hurt her and..."
Thami:"that's nonsense . Don't think negatively okay. Youre gonna marry that chick and we all
get the fuck outta here!"
Kamva:"got it!"
Kenneth:"now smile! If you can't at least fake it!"
Kamva:(laughs) ~ my brothers hugged me.
Thapelo:"we are proud of you. Don't forget that!"
Thabo:"and we'll always be with you. You'll do fine . Just be yourself."
Everyone had gathered at the chief's house. Kamva was already waiting for Kea to walk down
the aisle . A song played by Wiz khalif "see you again" when Kea walked in walking slowly. She
was looking like a goddess. Kamva smiled , He looked at his Infinity coming towards him. He
couldn't help but cry tears of joy. He knew he will one day get married but he didn't know it
would be a girl he's fall in love with soo deeply. Kea stood infront of Kamva and everyone sat
down. The whole village was there to witness another girl taking away their dream boy. Kamva
removed the vail on Kea's head and he smiled seeing her looking that beautiful.
He whispered ,"you are beautiful."
Kea:"thank you."
The pastor started preaching about lovebirds while Kea and Kamva were looking at each other
deep in their eyes. It was time to echange rings and wedding vows. Kamva held Kea's hand while
slowly putting the ring on her finger.
Kamva:"This is the phase in life that we call growth. Sometimes it might feel a bit slow but I am
honoured to be your husband lawfully and by heart. This is the part where I need you the most
and it is important to know that my love for you goes from coast to coast. I promise to Love ,
Cherish you forever. I'm not promising to be the perfect husband but I promise to be the best.
Kea I want you to know that we're in this for life. I wanna grow old with you , I want you to bear
me lots and lots of children , I want you to wake up everyday next to my side and hear the words
I Love you. I will always pray for you and remember when you hear my Amen , so hold on
because this going to be one hell of a ride. I'll love you till death do us apart."~ The ring was
fully in and Kea's eyes were filled with tears.
Kea:" few months back if someone told me I would be getting married I would've laughed at
them. It's funny how I have known you all my life but not once did I think I'll fall in love with
you. Yes I have fallen in love with you. This was supposed to be an arranged marriage but it
turned out to be a love marriage. I am lawfully and Spiritually accepting to be your wife. I
promise to respect and love you genuinely . I promise to stick with you even in hard times. In
sickness or health , in poverty and wealth. Thank you for choosing me to be by your side , love
you endlessly. Forgive me for all the mistakes I will make willingly or unwillingly. We're in this
for life Kamva ! You break my heart I'll take out your eyeballs nd chew them!" ~ everyone
Kea:"I love you!" ~ she had inserted the ring in Kamva's finger.
Pastor:"you are now pronounced husband and wife , you may kiss the bride!"
Kamva didn't waste any time , he kissed Kea with tears flowing off his eyes. People were happy,
some were not but like the pastor said " speak out now or forever hold your peace!"
Kamva couldn't believe that Kea is now his wife. Everyone took pictures , ate the cake. Everyone
had to change where Kea had to do a ritual. She was poured with a chicken bile on her head .
Chief:"you are now a Ngwenya!" People cheered in joy. The chief poured little Hlelo with a bile
too to accept her as part of the family. After the ritual , everyone packed their bags and the
transports came. Kamva bid goodbye to his parents.
Chief:"this will always be your home my're no longer a child , I want you to love and
respect HAVE my blessings."
Kamva:"thank you dad!"
Chief:"and you Makoti , take care of my boy!"
Kea:"I will baba!"
MaNGWENYA:"fare well my child , I will miss you. Do come BACK if things dont go as
Chief:"hhayi MaNgwenya! SON IF thing starts twisting , sit down with your wife and talk to her
. Ask for the help of the elders . Thank the ancestors and I want you to always pray my son
nothing beats prayers."
Kamva:"Thank you father."
Chief:"you may now leave!"
Hlelo:"bye Uncle!"
Chief:"byebye sweetheart."
Hlelo:"bye Queen mother , don't be grumpy you'll have a heart attack."
Kea:"hhay Hlelo." ~ Hlelo ran to the Taxi and sat on Kabelo's lap. Kea and Kamva also went
into the Taxi . >>>>>>>>>> To the city
The gaang arrived at the beautiful Palace located at the city. The gaang decided to rest while the
others went to their palace at the other side of the city. They said their goodbyes and promised to
meet soon.
Kea and Kamva went to their room. Kamva hugged Kea so tight.
Kea:"what's wrong now?"
Kamva:"thank you MrsNgwenya. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive."
Kea:"well Mr , you're welcome."
They kissed and the kiss ended up awakening some things. Kamva slowly took off Kea's clothes and
slowly mad her lie down on bed. He kissed Kea everywhere causing Her breathing pattern to change.
Kea was wet ready for Kamva. He went down on muff town causing Kea to moan. He kissed Kea on
his mouth making Kea tasting her own p*ssy. He tried inserting himself in and it was a fail. He again
tried but it was too tight.
Kamva:"are you a virgin?"
Kamva:"ohh shit! Thank you thank you thank you baby thank you so much!"
Kea:(laughs)"what's wrong?"
Kamva:"you have are giving me the honour to be your first. Yoy have no idea how big this is to me
thank you so much!"
Kea:(giggle)"woah , easy tiger!"
Kamva:"I'll try not to hurt you."
He slowly inserted himself in as Kea groan in pain. He decided to fit it all in in one go as he pushed
harder and Kea screamed.
Kamva:(laughs)" next time you scream , please let it be my name.
Kamva increase the pace as he pumps Kea faster. Kea started feeling pleasure. A feeling she has
never felt before. She moaned as Kamva kissed her and goes deep in her. Kea started screaming out
Kamva's name which made Kamva smile , revealing his dimples .
Kamva had his head on Kea's chest and Kea was brushing his hair.
Kamva:"Thank you. This was soo good!."
He realized Kea had stopped brushing his hair. He got up to look at her and found her fast asleep.
Kamva got up and went to shower. It was already dark outside. He wore his PJ's and went
downstairs. He found Kabelo and his wife , Nthabiseng and Hlelo who was now wearing Her new
PJ's. Hlelo ran to Kamva , he picked her UP and kissed her.
Hlelo:"where's Keke?"
Kamva:"Keke is asleep my dear. You will see her in the morning okay?"
Kamva:"who bathe you?"
Hlelo:"Sis Nthabiseng. "
Kamva:"thank You Thabi ."
Nthabiseng:"why are you making me a stranger now? , she's our responsibilities and we'll all take
care of her."
Khanyi:"since it's December holidays, how about tomorrow I fetch my sister to come visit. She's
your age and she'll love to have a new friend."
Hlelo:"yaaa! Yes please Sis Khanyi ."
Khanyi:"consider it done."
Nthabiseng:"now let's go tuck you in ,Okay?"
Hlelo:"okay , Goodnight Bhuti KB ."
Kabelo:"that's not how you say goodbye now !"~ Kabelo pointed at his cheek. Hlelo kissed his
Hlelo:"goodnight Sis Khanyi."
Khanyi:"goodnight baby girl."~ she then hugged my hip because she's short.
Hlelo:"goodnight Bhut Kamva." ~ I kissed her forehead , Goodnight sweetheart , I love you."
Nthabi held her hand as they went to Hlelo's room.
Kabelo:"so? How was the wedding gift?"~ I acted like I have no idea what he's talking about as I
took a knife and poked it on Khanyi's sausage.
Kamva:"what gift?"
Kabelo:"you know exactly what I'm talking about."
Kamva:"I will not share my sex life with you!"~ they both laughed.
Khanyi:"I bet she's tired."
Kamva:"she is , she was fast asleep when I left the room!"
Kabelo:"you're the man!"
Kamva:"where are the others?"
Khanyi:"in their rooms , tomorrow is Monday so everyone will be busy. I also have to go sleep
because early in the morning I need to drive home and fetch Amahle so Hlelo will have a friend to
play with ."
Kabelo:"and I need to get new rims for my car and ohh....Grandpa sent a new car For Kea. Your car
will also be delivered early in the morning. "
Kamva:"okay Thanks bro , Goodnight then."
They went to their rooms. I fried 2 sausages and eggs for Kea. No wife of mine will sleep in hunger.
I took a glass of water and the plate and went upstairs. I woke her up by kissing her all over her face.
She smiled in her sleep.
Kea:"not now , I need to sleep!"
Kamva:"shame , too bad. Wake up I made you food. " ~ she slowly got up and I put the plate on her.
Kea:"where's the bread?"
Kamva:"aii baby I forgot it , now eat up . I'll prepare YOUR bath ".
Kea:"what If I told you I don't wanna take a bath?".
Kamva:"ehh , we have about 6 more empty rooms."
Kea:"what's that supposed to mean?"
Kamva:"exactly how you heard it."~ I went into the bathroom to prepare her bath ,I put in Mangoli
leaves they will help her not feel pain when she pees. I went back to the bedroom and she was still
eating. So slow or Maybe she was shy eating around me. I bet the food was now cold.
Kamva:"my job is done here , I am sleeping."
Kea:"so you're leaving me all alone?"
Kamva:"I'm right herw njena?"
Kea:"yah but you'll be asleep ."
Kamva:"aii Kea I'm tired!"
Kea:"now you're tired after eating up my pussy? I fear men shame. They will chow you and leave
Kamva:"the fuck? I am not leaving you ."
Kea:(pouting her lips)" whatever it's fine!"
Kamva:(sighs)"congratulations we just had our first fight."~ she got up and walked to the bathroom. I
got up and followed her.
Kamva:"okay Kea I'm here , you won't be bored keh!"~ she smiled. Women are evil I'm telling you.

*after the driving lessons***
Kabelo:"you're a fast learner."
Kea:"thank you."
Kabelo:"now let's go grab something to eat. I'm starving."
All this entire time I was starving but he didn't Care. We went to the mall and he ordered a large
pizza and drinks. We sat down and he took a picture and captioned it "a day with my Boring Sister-
in-law." Kamva commented "im jealous "
Kabelo:" now lets go back home , it's really late."
Kea:"What's the time?"
We went back to the car and he drove back to the house. Khanyi's & Buhle's cars were parked . We
got in. Khanyi hugged Kabelo so tight. Hlehle was playing dolls with a cute girl I'm guessing that's
Kabelo:"my two favourite girls". He said looking at Amahle and Hlehle. They smiled.
Amahle:"Bhut KB !"
Kabelo:"how's my second wife?"
Khanyi:"Mahle this is sis Kea , she is Hlelo's sister."
Amahle:"nice to meet you Keke."
Amahle:"yess , Hlelo told me a lot about you."
Kea:"okay , you girls are hungry?"
Hlelo:"not yet."
I went to the kitchen , I washed my hands and picked out pots. They seemed new , like nobody has
used them before. I washed it and put it on the stove to cook pap. Buhle came downstairs , she was
still wearing her heels and all that.
Buhle:"what are you doing?"
Buhle:"no one really cooks here you know."
Kea:"I have noticed. Men love homecook cooked food Buhle."
Buhle:"I know that , just what annoys me is that when you cook, you'll have to cook for everyone not
just your husband."
Kea:"I don't mind."
Buhle:"what are you making?"
Kea:"goat stew , I have already put the meat on the stove. Can you please chop the potatoes for me?"
She fetched the potatoes and started chopping them. I added soup to make a stew . After some time I
made the Pap. I am a very good cook. Mom taught me well.
After some time everyone else arrived.
Kenneth:"What's that nice smell?"
Khanyi:"they are cooking!"
Kenneth:"who is 'they?"
Khanyi:"your wife and Kea."
Kamva walked straight to me , he kissed me on my forehead .
Kamva:"I have missed you."
Kea:"I missed you too."
Kamva:"you're looking beautiful today."
Kea:"thank you baby, you look tired. Let me take that for you." (His briefcase and Jersey.)
Kamva:"no it's okay , you're busy. I'll go upstairs freshen up and come back to eat. Can't wait to taste
that." He said stealing a potato.
Kamva:"askisi." He said climbing the stairs.
After some time everyone came downstairs. Buhle and I dished up and we sat at the family table and
Kenneth:"when last did I have such great food?!"
Kamogelo:"I really missed home cooked food , thank you Kea."
Thando:"I'm jealous "
We all laughed.
Katlego:"we should do this more often , you know... sitting here together and eating as a family."
Kabelo:"yeah , it's December and I believe everyone will take a break from work. We need to go to
our honeymoons , all of us."
Kwazi:"where do y'all think we should go?"
Kamogelo : we'll discuss that with the other brothers & sisters-in-law then all come up with
Kamva:"you're right , I can't believe today was my last day at work."
Kabelo:"at least now you don't have to travel far everyday just to come to work."
Kamva:"yeah eey!"
Khanyi:"this food is great , thanks Kea."
Kea:"it's really nothing."
After eating , the boys went to sleep because they were tired.
Nthabiseng went to tuck in Amahle and Hlehle in bed then came back. Thandi and Khanyi were
washing dishes while the rest of us were sitting on the kitchen counter.
Buhle:"you've been awfully quiet Lerato , what's wrong?"
Lerato:"I don't know , it only has been two months since our marriage but he's acting up!"
Buhle:"what do u mean?"
Lerato:"Katlego wakes up early , go to works ,comes back late and sleep. That's all he ever does.".
Buhle:"what about sex?"
Lerato:"like I said , he comes back and sleeps."
Khanyi:(chuckles)"so you're angry because you're not getting some while some of us squirt 3 times!"
Buhle:"hhay Khanyi! He must be tired Lerato. I mean he goes to work everyday and Kenneth told me
he was facing something regarding his company so he must be really working a lot to fix whatever
the matter is."
Khanyi:"why lie to her. Bonna Lerato , if he's not getting it from you Then he's getting it from
someone else mogirl , trust me!".
Buhle:"Khanyi!! Be positive!"
Khanyi:"im just telling her the truth yabona girl if you want your man to be only yours. Feed him! Im
not talking about pap(she looked at me and we laughed) I'm talking about the world's powerful
weapon. Feed him mntase , as soon as you arrive in your room. Wake him up with a blowjob. Dont
let that nigga sleep without giving you some. If you have to rape him then do it mogirl. Ride him!
Akere he's tired , fine Ride him. Don't be shy , he's your husband."
We were all laughing although she had a point.
Khanyi:"feed him , he won't even dare think of cheating on you."
After washing dishes we said our goodnight and went to our respective rooms.
Kamva had already passed out. I looked at him peacefully sleeping and smiled. My yellow bone is
cute , I don't wanna lie ....almost everyone is a yellow bone in this Ngwenya family and some are
light. I'm like a coffe with 1 teaspoon of milk and he's like a coffee with lots of milk.
I looked at his perfect shaped eyebrows . His soft pink lips. I brushed his hair and went to shower. I
showered and wore my PJ's . I looked myself in the mirror as I was wearing my head scarf and my
necklace started glowing. I looked at the mirror and saw mom behind me. I tried to turn and look
back and she stopped me.
Mama:"don't! Don't look back! See that necklace , it's yours nana. When you were born , your great
grandmother died . Before she dies , she gave my mother the necklace and told her that a girl child
will be born . She will have powers , power to heal , power to destroy. Power to bring back life and
power to take it. You have the gift of the gods. Your touch is pure and godly. You have the hands of
a goddess my child . Whatever you touch , you bring life to it. I kept your powers a secret because
people were going to think it's witchcraft. People were gonna use you to do their dirty deeds. People
were going to kill you once they found out who you are. I stopped you from using your gift for your
own good."
Kea:"why didn't I save you then?"
Mama :"yes you have the powers Kea but you can't change what's meant to be. If it is God's doing
Then you can't change it."
Kea:"What's this necklace for?"
Mama:"my grandmother said the necklace was made by an old granny from my family 300 years
back . That granny said she is making this necklace for the Queen. People asked "which Queen?"
And she replied ,"the Queen of everything.". People asked"where is she?" The granny replied and
said ," she is yet to be born by someone who's also not yet born ". People thought she was crazy. She
said this necklace will circulate from generation to generation until it reaches its owner.
"Worn by the owner , it will glow!"
Mama:"you are the owner Kea , she made it for you."
Kea:"but I'm no Queen of everything!"
Mama:"you are , you just don't know it yet. When it glows , it could mean anything I don't know
what ,but the fact that it's glowing means it's yours . Don't give it away." She disappeared.
Kea:"mama?" She was gone.
I got in the room , Katlego was already sleeping but the slut in me didn't wanna sleep. I took out his
dick from his sleeping pants and started licking it. He moved a little. I put it in my mouth and start
pumping with my mouth in and out. He moans in his sleep. I increased the pace and he cursed which
turned me on . He opened his eyes moaning and cursing. He held my hair up and fucked my mouth. I
decided to take this to the next level as I got on top of him and did the deed.
Katlego :"ohh fuvk I love you , oh shit , oh fuck!"
Khanyi and I were just chilling on bed talking about our day. I was busy on my instagram , you know
checking out people's pictures.
Khanyi:"and she didn't want me to leave".
Kabelo:(looking at the phone)" oh."
Khanyi:"my mom was dramatic , she even said she's expecting grandkids anytime soon and I was
like "jeez mom I'm still 20."
Kabelo:"oh" . She continued talking and I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. I saw a
picture of this girl I went to school with.She was wearing a bikini. People grow eey. Khanyi saw it .
Khanyi:"ohh , so that's why you were ignoring me? Because your mind is lost somewhere in
someone's naked picture?"
Kabelo:"no babe ,this is my old friend."
Khanyi:"who asked you?" Ouch.
Khanyi:"so I'm a clown talking to myself while you're fucking someone's daughter with your eyes.
Such disrespect Kabelo!"
Kabelo:"Khanyi I wasn't fucking her with my eyes!"
Khanyi:"ohh so you want to fuck her physically?"
Khanyi:"is that a yes?"
Kabelo:"ayybo Khanyi!"
Khanyi:"don't hhaybo
Khanyi me , I am telling you I'll start searching for buffy men and save their pictures and
complement their body and v-line. Akere you also watch naked girls infront of me , I'll show you".
Kabelo:"jesu , it's not what you're thinking. This is an old friend....I was just looking at her to see
how much she has grown "
Khanyi:"yess her boobs have grown , what else did you want to see?"
Kabelo:"futh nami I have got abs mos."
Khanyi:"I can't see the V-line , where is it Kabelo?"
Kabelo:"yoh! ...and buffy people have small dicks!.
Khanyi:"and cheating husbands are sleeping on the couches as we speak."
Yuuh I quickly unfollowed her and log out on IG and put my phone away.
Khanyi:"if you're cheating on me , I will kill your girlfriend and as for you , I'll poke your dick with a
needle in your peeing hole! Try me !"
Does anyone have medicines for bipolar?
My phone rang unexpectedly and My wife here answered it without checking the caller ID .
Khanyi:"This is Khanyi , Kabelo's wife till death do us apart , Hello?"
Amen , I want a divorce with immediate effect!! She's crazy!
Khanyi:"ohh Kwazi it's you?"
I heard Kwazi laughing and I laughed too.
Kabelo:"come on let's sleep Sthandwa sam. I'm sorry keh now you can tell me everything. You said
your mother is pregnant?"
Khanyi:"no! I said she wants me to...nvm I have more news."
We cuddled.
Kabelo:"im listening.
Khanyi:"my ex bestfriend didn't believe it when I parked my car at the gate and................"
I woke up around 07:00am my wife wasn't In bed , that one is an early bird. I washed my face and
went downstairs. Everyone was there because we Will be returning to work in January. The Gents
were laughing about something Khanyi said last night. My eyes were looking for Kea but I didn't see
Kamva:"hhaybo , Khanyi where's Kea?"
Khanyi:"she went to the driving school."
Kamva:"so early?"
Kabelo:"I booked her up for the whole day, THAT guy will be teaching her the whole day. She's a
fast learner I think we should get her a license."
Kamva:"you want my wife to crash , I'm not ready to be wifeless ."
Khanyi:"that's not even a word."
Kamva:"it is now."
Everyone was eating pizza and after that everyone got busy with whatever. Some were just lazy and
I took a shower and headed to the mall with Kwazi. We went to McDonald's and ordered something
to eat. While waiting for our order two girls came by , not just any girls but my high school ex
girlfriend & Prom date Anelisa & her bestfriend Akhona. They saw us after ordering whatsoever they
ordered and came towards us.
Anelisa:"gosh I cant believe my eyes."
Anelisa:"is this really you?"
Kamva:"the one and only."
Anelisa:"oh my god." She hugged me .
Anelisa:"can we join you guys."
Kamva:"sure." They sat down opposite to us.
Kwazi:"you look beautiful girls, where have you been?"
Anelisa:"around, you know trying to secure the bag."
Kwazi:"that's really a great thing."
Anelisa:"how about y'all both?"
Kwazi:"we own our own companies abroad "
Akhona:"wow , that's really a great thing especially at the age of 23." Our order was called out and
Kwazi went to fetch them.
Anelisa:"it's really nice seeing you again. I mean you were my first love Lihle." ( yes guys, she calls
me that.)
Kamva:"it's really nice seeing you again Lisa , kinda remind me of all the old times."
Anelisa:"you moved in at the palace?"
Anelisa:"ohh, we should really hang out some time you know, especially now that you've moved in
Kamva:"uhm , I can't Lisa . I am now married and it would be inappropriate to hang out with my ex."
Anelisa:"ohh really? I haven't heard , when did you get married?"
Kamva:"this past SUNDAY."
Anelisa:"ohh I guess we do grow to fall in love with someone else."
Kamva:"yeah , uhm look I gotta go. My brother is waiting for me."
Anelisa:"congratulation Lihle , I hope we do meet again. "
Kamva;"okay cool , bye Guys. Akhona."
Anelisa:"uhm Lihle , would it be inappropriate if I ask for your numbers.?"
Kamva:" If it's just a friendly number exchanging then yah we can exchange."
Lisa:"send me the numbers on instagram. @Lisa013
Kamva:"got it." ( I got up and joined Kwazi who was awkwardly looking at me.)
Kwazi:"you're married now , tell her to back off."
Kamva:" it's not like we are getting back with each other. She's my past , I was a student and young
besides , she's understanding and all that."
Kwazi:"im just warning you , I don't want you making mistakes."
Kamva:"relax Kwazi".
( kwazi should take a chill pill, I mean I love Kea , I have married her so Anelisa is just a high school
ex girlfriend. Yes she is a very lovely girl , she's that one girl I loved deeply back then but it's all
over. I have grown now and pass highschool shit.)
seeing Kamvelihle brought back all those memories and feelings I had for him. He is my virgin
breaker and I don't know but at some point I felt like he was my forever. I was smiling to myself
when our order was called out.
Akhona:"don't tell me you're thinking about him!"
Anelisa:"I just can't believe we met again. I thought I'd never see him again."
Akhona:"sadly he is married."
Anelisa:"clearly he forgot about me. I loved this guy with everything I had . Seeing him just made
my day."
Akhona:"then better forget about him. He is married and you heard him. He just got married."
Anelisa:"yeah , uhm we should go."
I was at my beauty salon when this pregnant lady walked in . She was smiling and all bubbly and she
looked beautiful.
Thando:"greetings , how can we help you today.?"
Lady:"my feets are killing me , Gosh!"
Thando:(giggles)" we can help you with that."
Lady:"and a pedicure please."
Thando:(smiling) " okay. You can sit down I'll go inside and get someone to help you out."
My beauty Therapy salon is big , it's a 2 floor building , my husband bought it for me. I went to the
other room to call Melinda , she is white and also works here. The rest of the girls were busy full
body massaging two ladies. Others were putting lashes on some women , others were doing Nails. Re
busy guys. I called Melinda since she was free to help this lady out.
Melinda:"yes maam."
Thando:"help our lady out here , she's pregnant so make her feel welcomed."'
Melinda:"yes maam"
I went to sit next to her as she was reading a magazine. Melinda came and started massaging her
Lady:" this pregnancy will be the death of me I swear."
Thando:"how many moths?"
Lady:"7 and I already feel like death."
Lady:"im craving for something sour.
Thando:"I'll sort you out. "
I brought Her Salt and Vinegar lays.
Lady:"omg thank you so much , wow I love this beauty salon. I really do."
Thando:"a special treatment for a pregnant Lady."
Lady:"anyways my name is Khabo."
Thando:"im Thando, the owner here. Nice to meet you.".
Khabo:"nice to meet you too."
Thando:"so ,you look very young ,how old are you?"
Khabo:"I am 22 years , I just got pregnant and it really wasn't my intention. "
Thando:"I'm sorry to hear that, but look on the bright side.... a little soul is coming."
Khabo:"my boyfriend acts up a lot and I'd be surprised if we make it as a couple before I give birth.".
Thando:"aww , don't stress yourself. Men act up a lot and you shouldn't put that to heart."
Khabo:"Okay from today this is my first best beauty salon . I mean beauty Therapy really helps."
Thando:"especially if you're pregnant."
Khabo:(laughs)" yeah."
It was 16:00pm and my lesson ends here. I bid goodbye and called Kamva.
**phone call**
Kea:"hey babe?"
Kamva:"hey hun."
Kea:"where you're at?"
Kamva:"Kwazi and I were just driving around , we're out of town."
Kea:"I thought you were gonna fetch me."
Kamva:"sorry sthandwa but you can call anyone else from the house , they won't mind. "
Kea:"ayy okay Kamva."
Kamva:"I'm really sorry , I'll be home by 20:00pm."
Kea:"oky, see you later."
Kamva:"bye I love you."
Kea:"love you too"
***end call***
I decided to walk to the mall that was nearby and buy myself something to eat . I had R500 with me...
I pass by McDonald's , I order a burger and a drink then decide to walk deeper. I got bored and
decided to log in Instagram. Kamva posted a picture of himself looking all kind of hot and lava. I
smiled when I accidentally bumped into someone and her phone and my phone fell.
Anelisa:"watch where you're going!"
Kea:"excuse me?"
Anelisa:"you made me drop my phone!"
Kea:"as you can see, my phone also fell meaning you also made me drop my phone." She crossed her
Anelisa:"my phone cracked!"
Anelisa:"I want a new screen."
Kea:"sisi weee!! , we were both looking down on our phones when we bumped into each other. It
was an accident and I'm sorry. Just because your phone broke and mine didn't, it doesn't mean that
I'm at fault."
Akhona:"friend just leave it , let's go."
Anelisa:"next time watch where you're going !"
Kea:"me? You know what , it's a good thing that your phone broke and if you continue pushing me ,
it won't be the only thing that will ne broken. Nxx!" I walked passed her as she followed me.
Anelisa:"you can't talk to me like that, do you know who I am!"
Kea:"even If you were the president's daughter I would have still said what I said. "
Anelisa:"mxm , you're right friend. Let's go , she's not even the type of people I argue with."
Kea:(chuckles)" leave for your own good missy!" ( she walked away furious , such a disrespectful
Thando:"I didn't know you had so much fire in you.! ( I jumped in fright)
Kea:"jeez , don't sneak up on me like that. I nearly had a heart attack."
Thando:(laughing)" im sorry. What are you doing here?"
Kea:"I came to grap something to eat and head back home , then a little accident happened."
Thando:(laughs)" she's just a pet having a bad day but hey nvm that lucky you , I was just heading
out to my car , let's go."
Kea:"thank god!"
We walked out of the mall
Anelisa:"who does she think she is?! She cant talk to me like that!
Akhona:"but friend she had a point, you were also looking down on your phone. It's not her fault
Anelisa:"I know I'm just having a bad day."
Akhona:"I thought you said you were having a good day!?"
Anelisa:"I was , I don't know Akhona . I mean I know He is now married but I just miss what we
had. How could he forget about me just like thay while I was thinking about him all these years."
Akhona:"obviously you have your prom pictures all over your room, you were bound to not forget
him. Who forget their virgin breaker, first lover and prom partner?"
Anelisa:"I miss how crazily in love I was with him . Kamva was that wild boy who everyone liked. "
Akhona:"I know but now you should just forget about him."
Anelisa:"I can't, at least we could be friends or hang out just once . And talk about the old days. Have
Akhona:"that sounds great Lisa but he has a wife now. Meaning it's inappropriate of him to hang out
with girls especially if that girl is his ex!"
Anelisa:"that's some lucky bitch I swear."
Akhona:"look , here's that girl you were arguing with."
Anelisa:"she's with Thando."
Akhona:"who's Thando?"
Anelisa:"Kamva's sister-in-law."
Akhona:"so you were arguing with your lover's sister-in-law's friend ?"
Anelisa:"it looks like that."
Akhona:"great !
Anelisa:"whatever, just drive!"
We arrived home . Hlehle and Amahle were playing with Kabelo and Kenneth. Kabelo and Kenneth
were the horses while the girls were on their backs. You should've seen how funny they were. Hlehle
saw me and ran to me.
Hlelo:"I missed you Keke."
Kea:"I missed you too. Have you taken a bath?"
Hlelo:"Sesi Nthabiseng bathe me."
Kea:"did you thank Sis Nthabiseng?"
Hlelo:"of course , I even gave her a kiss."
Kea:"that's my girl."
She quickly ran back to Kabelo the horse. I went to the kitchen to grab some water.
Nthabiseng:"bad day?"
Kea:"ohh Nthabi , I didn't see you there."
Nthabi:"you look tired , driving shouldn't be that tiring."
Kea:"oh trust me it was , I just wann learn as quickly as I can because Kamva won't just get off my
back about this driving thing."
Nthabiseng:",grandpa bought you a car as a wedding gift , who will drive it? And everyone is always
busy here who will be your driver? You need to learn."
Kea:"I haven't even seen the car!"
Nthabiseng:"it's beautiful , a white Mercedes Benz AMG g63 , it's in the Garage."
Kea:"no ways, are you kidding me?"
Nthabiseng:"no , it's beautiful girl , I'm jealous."
Kea:"ohh and Nthabi thank you for always looking after Hlelo for me in my absence. I really
appreciate it."
Nthabiseng:"I hate it when you talk like that! Ain't you family? Hlelo is family and she's my little
sister too , besides I love kids."
Kea:"I just wanted to let you know I appreciate It."
Nthabiseng:"it's okay Kea."
Kea:"I'm going upstairs , see yaa!
I went to my room , I took a long bubble bath.

It was a very beautiful morning for everyone. It's the day everyone goes to Their honeymoon.
Grandpa Ngwenya called last night and told everyone to pack because he booked a cruise ship for
Kamva:"baby we are only going away for this month , not two years why are you packing the whole
Kea:"leave me alone Kamva!"
Kamva:"yuu ayy abafazi!"
Khanyi and Kabelo were also packing. Khanyi was very happy because she loves vacations and this
is her first baecation .
Kabelo:"2 hairdryers , really babe?"
Khanyi:"what if the first one breaks?"
Kabelo:"a tiara ? So much jewellery? , hair straightener? Hair curlers? Baby!?"
Khanyi:"you won't understand babe , I'm going on abroad a cruise! You have no idea how cool that
Kabelo:"you know what, you'll find me in the car. We are going along with Kea and Kamva."
She continued packing lots of things.
On the other hand a car has come to fetch Hlehle and Amahle who will be on the Main palace
visiting Grandpa and Grandma who are so happy to spend time with their grand daughters in law's
sisters. Not only amahle and Hlelo but also Phindile , Nomusa and Nhlanhla's younger sisters will be
there .
The gaang met up at the side of the beach where the cruises is loading in people. They all met up and
were given special treatment because they are royalty. They were given their own side floor which
has 14 rooms. The ship is heading to USA , the glass beach in California.
The gaans settled in and put their bags in their rooms... the ship will leave in an hour so they have
about 40 minutes to do whatever they want. Kea and Kamva went to the mall
Kamva was wearing sun glasses , black jean and peach Adidas tshirt with Nude AF1 . I was wearing
a denim short , white AF1 , a white oversized Tshirt and we were holding hands.
The rest of the couples were also somewhere in this mall buying whatever they are in short of.
Kea:"baby I want an icecream."
Kamva:"lets go buy it." ( we went to the ice cream shop and bought 2 ice creams. His phone rang ,he
looked at the number and he ignored it )
Kea:"who is it? Why ain't you answering?"
Kamva:"I don't answer private numbers."
Kea:"ohh okay!"
(We went to different shops buying clothes and everything else we'll need. His phone again rang and
this time he picked it up)
Kamva:"who are you and please next time you call , don't use a private number and I ain't expecting
any phone calls." ( he hung up.)
Kea:"why are you so rude?"
Kamva:"people should understand that I just got married and now going to our very first vacation
and they should give us privacy. I really don't want anyone to call me because I should be focusing
on us "
Kea:"ok mr husband, let's go or they'll leave us behind!"
Kamva:"my grandpa would make just one phone call and the ship will take a u-turn for us!"
Kea:(laughs)" whatever, let's go.!
The ship started moving. I have never been to a cruise liner before , yes I have been to boats but not
this big! The fam was already having a busy day as usual, some were in their rooms. Kea , Khanyi ,
Thando , Nhlanhla & Thandeka were out on a spa treatment. Some of the boys and I were just
outside on a VIP spot reserved for us. My phone rang and I walked to the edge to answer it.
**phone call**
Kamva:"can you please stop calling me!"
Anelisa:"ouch , that hurts!"
Kamva:"Anelisa I thought you understood it when I said I have a wife!"
Anelisa:"I was just checking up on you!"
Kamva:"well listen, I am currently on a vacation , on A cruise liner to USA with my family n wife to
enjoy our honeymoon , that should tell you something."
Anelisa:"Why are you being mean?"
Kamva:"im trying to tell you im spending time with my family and wife. Please don't just call me I
don't want her to think I am cheating on her with my highschool mistake!"
Kamva:"you heard me , bye!" - I hung up.
**end call**
Kwazi:"I told you to watch out!"
Kamva:"it's nothing!"
Kwazi:"that didn't sound like nothing to me! Bro delete her, don't give her access to your life. Bro I
know we all had our personal lives before our dad's married us off.I had a girlfriend I loved but I had
to break up with her because my marriage with Nthabi was already arranged. I had to give up my life
for her , to love her because she's now my wife. Don't ruin what you have."
Kamva:"yeah I wont, it was just a stupid mistake. Won't happen again "
Kwazi:"good because if this happens again I will tell Kea ". (He was serious, he meant what he said.)
I was with the girls Khanyi , Thando , Thandeka & Nhlanhla at a spa/beauty salon
We were inside in a Jacuzzi tub , our faces had a turmoil , we were holding glasses of wine.
Khanyi:"this is the life!"
Nhlanhla:"it indeed is ! "
Kea:"this has gotta be one of my happiest days. "
Khanyi:"thatha Mrs Ngwenya!" (We all laughed).
Thando:"happiness is suffocating me, I might surprise y'all with a baby soon!"
Khanyi:"wuu faka u zero maam , andizi I mean imagine a whole Khanyi with a baby bump!"
Kea:"at some point you'll have to bare Kabelo children!"
Khanyi:"not now , I mean I still have more 9 cruise ships vacations to go and 20 flights!"
Thandeka"(laughing) "hhay Khanyi!"
Khanyi:"struu nasi!"
Thando:"Kabelo wabantu shame , how did you both even meet?"
Khanyi:"hee! We met at our wedding arrangements. I was arranging my own wedding , my mother
suggested that I should ask my husband-to-be to help me out because his opinions matter too , since
his mom was always at our door steps , I asked her to tell Kabelo to come help me out. To be honest
with y'all if he was ugly , I was gonna run away on my wedding day. He was gonna wait for me to
walk down the aisle till Jesus comes.! Ayyi he came looking all hot and delicious , immediately when
I saw him ....I knew I couldn't live without him yoh! We planned our own wedding and got the
chance to actually know each other a lil bit. That's how we met and his mother had to ruin everything
. I mean I was planning my wedding and she also was secretly planning our wedding . Boom after
marriage the deco is orange. I will never forgive that voodoo woman by profession. Nxx!"
(We all laughed so hard!)
AKHONA (Anelisa's friend)
I came to Lisa's room because I heard her crying.Lisa and I live in an apartment. I opened the door
and she was legit sitting on the floor crying.
Akhona:"friend, what's wrong?"
Lisa:(crying)" this is nor fair!"
Akhona:"what's not fair".
Anelisa:(wiping her tears)"I called him and he told me to never call him again because I will cause
fights between him and his wife!"
Akhona:"you what!? How could you just call him outta the blue?"
Anelisa:"I was just checking up on him!"
Akhona:"you should've asked for his permission. He is married for Godsake , what's wrong with
Anelisa:"I don't know! I just wanted to hear his voice. Do u know what he told me.? He said he is in
a cruise liner to USA , a baecation to Their honeymoon . That should have been me on this trip , this
ain't fair!"
Akhona:"life is not fair darling, he is not yours anymore!"
Anelisa:"do you know what he called me? A highschool mistake!"
Akhona:"well you shouldn't have called him. Leave him alone Lisa. You're not like that!"
Anelisa:"I don't know what got over me , I guess I should just take it easy!"
Anelisa is acting like an obsessed ex and its not right !
I was with my boyfriend Andile.
Khabo:"baby I am craving for a something sour".
Andile:"ay ay Khabo here we go again , I just gave you a strawberry. What do you want now!"
Khabo:"why are you shouting at me?"
Andile:"I'm tired, that's why. I've been acting baby daddy all along while the baby isn't mine!"
Khabo:"I thought we talked about that!"
Andile:"then stop asking me to feed your cravings. Why don't you just tell your prince boyfriend that
you are carrying his child."
Khabo:"he is not my boyfriend anymore and yes he has a wife , I don't wanna ruin things for him!"
Andile:"it's his child , how are you going to ruin things for him? That nigga has got money, give birth
to that thing and give it to its father because I will not raise another man's sperms!"
Khabo:"you're asking me to give my baby up. If you love me , you'll love me with my baby!"
Andile:"giving the baby to its father is not giving it up. You're just giving the baby a better future
with its real dad!"
Khabo:"he will not accept it , he hates me and everything about me. I hurt him a lot and I don't think
he will believe this is his child ."
Andile:"so now who must suffer? Me?for whose sins? Khabo I will not raise that thing.!"
Khabo :"but...." (he handed me a phone)
Andile:"call him , now!"
I was chilling in the room watching TV when a call I thought I'd never ever get in my whole life
I looked at my phone thinking whether to answer it or not , I mean we're talking about someone I
once truly loved. Someone I would even buy the world for but she broke my heart and cheated on me
with a drug dealer whose name is Andile. She broke my heart into million pieces that I started hating
her. Thando came into my life and I learned to love her , she made me move on from Khabo and start
all over . Im glad I met her , she's way better than that Khabo.
I answered the phone.
Kamogelo:"I thought I made it clear that I don't ever wanna hear from you."
Khabo:"I know but listen to me!;
Kamogelo:"let it be the last time you call me , what if I was with my wife?"
Khabo:"I'm sorry Kamo but it's important!"
Kamogelo:"make it snappy!"
Khabo:"I am pregnant with your child , it's now 7 months im on my last trimester. I'm sorry I didn't
tell you earlier but that was because I didn't want to bother you again!"
My heart literally skipped a beat.
Kamogelo:"what did you say!?"
Khabo:"im pregnant!"
Kamogelo:"you're a liar , I don't believe that child is mine , don't ever call me again Khabo. You
cheated on me with different men then when they all deny you you call me and tell me it's mine!
You're crazy , I am not involving myself in your mess. Don't ever call me I have a wife who doesn't
go around opening her thighs to every men out there! Nxxx bye!"
Khabo:(crying)"Kamo I am not lying , first of all Andile doesn't want this baby because it's not his
what will I do now?"
Kamogelo:"I don't know and I don't Care , I am blocking your numbers . You want to ruin things for
me . Go find your real baby's father and leave me alone." ( I hung up and blocked her numbers
immediately . What the hell!)
After what Kamogelo said to me, I felt like a stupid , I embarrassed myself. What the hell was I
thinking telling him the truth. Now I am crying because of the words he said . Why am I taking
them all in?. I wiped my tears when I heard Andile coming in. He had plastic bags with him.
Andile:"ay ay ay Khabo , you are still crying over what that crab said?"
Khabo:"I shouldn't have called him!"
Andile:"you should have told him from the very first day he knocked you out. You better find a
way of convincing him because I'm still not changing my mind."
Khabo:"you heard him , he wants nothing to do with this baby! What must I do keh Andile?"
Andile:"baby I am trying, I commit crime to survive and with a baby in this house. .. Don't you
think it's a little unsafe?"
Khabo:"Fine Andile I will leave , I will leave you all alone!"
Andile:(chuckles) "who's going to feed you? "
Khabo:"i Don't know Andile , all I know is this baby needs me , if you don't want us then fine,
I'll move out!"
Andile:"you know I love you right?"
Khabo:"mxm!" ( I walked out taking the plastic bags he brought. There were Salt and Vinegar
Lays and green grapes which have become my addiction lately. I sat down on the couch eating
those lays. I just wanna be alone at the moment. Andile won't accept this baby but that's okay
because it's not his baby but as for Kamogelo , I have no words left to say .)
Andile:"hey baby are you mad?" ( I kept quiet)
Andile:"okay let's do this, I will pay rent for an apartment for you ,you need a break and I'll
come check up on you . I'm going on an important Heist , I may or may not come back but I just
want you to know that I love you. Babe I don't hate your baby, just that you're part of my life and
if my enemies found out you're having a baby they'll use that baby to get to me. And I am doing
the right thing here trying to connect a baby with its father , it's the right thing. Just pack up okay
." (He kissed me on my cheek and went out , I love Andile with all my heart I mean he is not the
best boyfriend but atleast he cares. He is being here for me , he feeds my cravings and all that.
Sometimes I wish he was the baby daddy.)
**in the cruise**
You all know what goes down in cruise ships at night. There are casinos , whatever the fuck you
wanna do , turn up clubs, it's always Lit.
The gaang was enjoying themselves. Kea was in her room preparing to go out clubbing with
Kamva and the others.
Kamva:"ohh wow , you look beautiful."
Kea:"thank you babe. You look hot too."
Kamva:"better pray they don't take me away from you."
Kea:"not if they take me away from you first."
Kamva hugged Kea from Behind and they both looked at their reflections on the mirror.
Kea:"do you sometimes feel like this was meant to be , I mean look at us . This feels soo right!"
Kea:(smiling)" can you promise me that we'll always concur everything that comes our way, you
won't let go right?"
Kea:"I'll never let go Rose , I promise" (they both laughed.)
Kamva:"if something were to happen , something like my past finally catching up on me, I want
you to understand that everything happened before you were in the picture and now I am a loyal
Kea:"I trust you with everything I have babe, now let's go."
They locked the room and head out to Parttaaaaayyyyyyy!
Last night I packed my bags so now I was waiting for Andile to come fetch me and take me to
that apartment. Speaking of the devil , he came.
Khabo:"what took you so long?"
Andile:"I was buying groceries for you . And some snacks ."
Khabo:"thank you babe, we can go now. Im ready."
Andile:"okay , I'll take your bags for you. Go wait for me in the car. I went to the car and he
came with my bags. We drove to this hotel , the securities helped me with my bags. I went to the
reception to get my keys and they told me the floor and room number. Andile and I went up to
the room. It was really beautiful shame and space is what I need right now. He put the bags down
Andile:"that should be everything. I hope you like this place."
Khabo:"I do , thank you."
Andile:"you look worried."
Khabo:"just please promise me you'll come back in one piece."
Andile:(smiles)" I promise , now can I go?"
Khabo:"I love you "
Andile:"I loved you first". (He gave me one of the warmest hugs ever.)
I woke up early , we have like a week or something to reach California or whatsoever I don't
know much about these things. I was feeling nauseous , I went to the bathroom and did what
everyone does in the morning. Kamva was deep asleep , he did numbers on me yesterday this
man is a sex addict I'm telling y'all. His phone beeped , I didn't wanna be nosy but no secrets
right. I took his phone and checked it , it was an instagram message from a girl named Lisa and
the message was saying "I'm sorry about yesterday , just don't be angry at me I understand you're
married but give us time to talk." I didn't know what the message meant but my heart literally
broke. I put his phone away . I then call my Hlehle because she's the only person who manages
to light my soul .
Kea:"hey Angel."
Hlelo:"hi Keke, I miss you a lot , are you having fun?"
Kea:"yeah Your keke is having fun , a lot!" (I was literally trying not to sound like I'm crying but
I was crying)
Hlelo:"is my Keke crying?"
Kea:"no , no I am not crying. I just miss you a lot."
Hlelo:"my keke is lying to me , is bhuti Kamva making my keke cry?"
Kea:"no , definitely not . Kamva is a good man my love. "
Hlelo:"is Keke missing Mom?"
Kea:(trying so hard to not sound like I'm crying)"yeah , I miss mom a lot."
Hlelo:"but mom said she's WITH us! Don't cry keke ."
Kea:"she did? When?"
Hlelo:"mom came to me and told me that she's always going to be with us. She sang me a song ."
Kea:"what are you talking about Hlehle?"
Hlelo:"you said when I miss mom I must close my eyes and talk to her , when I opened my eyes
she was in front of me."
Hlelo:"yess really, if u also miss mom.... close your eyes my keke and she will listen to you."
Kea:(sniffing)"you have grown so much do you know that?"
Hlehle:"I want to grow and be tall like you "
Kea:"you will , for now be a good girl and listen to grandma and grandpa okay?"
Hlelo:"okay , have a great day my keke . Your Hlehle loves you so much ".
Kea:"and your Keke loves you a lot ".
Hlehle:"say hi to bhut Kamva and kiss him for me."
Hlelo:"my job is done , my Keke is now smiling. (Tf , how did she know)
Kea:"bye Hlelo"
Hlelo:"bye Kea". I hung up. My mood changed , I told you Hlelo is the only person who lightens
up my mood.
Kamva:"my kiss?"
Kea:"you were eavesdropping?"
Kamva:"stop asking me questions, Hlelo said you should kiss me." (I kissed him on his cheek)
Kamva:"not fair!"
Kea:"that's all you'll get from Hlelo."
Kamva:"you're mean!" (I laughed. I watched him brushing his teeth. He looked descent , a man
of his words. Could it be that he's cheating on me? But is it possible for someone to be such a
good actor?
Kamva:"what are you thinking about?"
Kea:"our future."
Kamva:"then there's nothing to think about."
Kea:"will there be a future?"
Kamva:"Kea, I thought we talked about this. "
Kamva:"you are my future . Happy?"
Kamo has been acting strange lately , yesterday night at the club when he was drunk , he said
something about "she is lying, she wants to ruin my relationship". I kept on asking myself who is
that "she"! He didn't sleep turning and tossing the whole night. Something is not okay , there is
something he isn't telling me. He woke up with his eyes red, hangover.
Thando:"finally you're awake, I was starting to think you're dead!"
(He smiled and looked soo yummy )
Kamo:"it's still early for me to die."
Thando:"what's wrong, you didn't sleep last night "
Kamo:"I had a stomach ache don't worry I'm okay now ."
Thando:"okay Then so who's that bitch trying to ruin your relationship?"
Thando:"that's what you said when you were drunk!".
Kamo:(he faked a laugh)"I said that? , ayy I must've been really drunk because I have no idea
what I was talking about , I don't even remember that ."
-(he got up and walked to the bathroom and closed the door. He is definitely hiding something
from me. It would break me if there's a woman involved because I have put everything behind
for this guy. I made him my first Priority , he better be not cheating on me because I don't know
what I'll do. I might lose it!"
**4 weeks later in CALIFORNIA**

(Fast forward)
It has been 4 weeks in CA . The gaang has been having fun non-stop. Everyone was having the fun
of a lifetime. They were drinking and partying at a house they've booked . TODAY midnight they
will be celebrating a New year. Everyone was happy. Kea decided to not confront her husband about
the message she saw , she trusts her husband and she thought asking him will cause doubts in their
marriage so she decided to keep quiet about the message.
Thando has stopped doubting her husband of cheating. She realized that Kamogelo was just drunk
and didn't know what he was saying. Things became cool between them.
Kamva:"this is our first new year together as a couple. I hope this year brings only happiness and lots
of love . I love you Keabetswe and I want you to know that I'll always love you. There are so Many
new years coming our way. Let's enjoy sthandwa sam."
Kea:"that's soo sweet , I love you so much."
Kamva:"let's face time Hlelo."
**face time**
Kea:" happy new year Hlehle". Hlehle looked sleepy.
Hlelo:"Keke, but we did the Happy new year thing last night."
Kea:"that's because in SOUTH Africa it's 07:00am and here it's 00:00am.
Hlelo:"Kea I wanna sleep , you'll tell me about the clock when you come back."
Kea:(laughs)" okay , I'll call you later. Love you."
Hlelo:"love you too."
**End call**
Kamo:"happy new year sthandwa sam. I promise to love you for many more years to come. Mina
nawe we have a long way ahead of us and no one will separate us."
Khanyi:"attention everyone!"
Everyone listened.
Khanyi:"all of you raise your glasses. I wanna thank you all for being nice. In this family I've found a
husband , brothers and sisters and that means a lot to me. Thank you all for being generous and
loving. I hope we will grow old together and have kids. I'm in this family for life. So cheers to that!
Kea:"I didn't know you can speak like that!"
Khanyi:"there's a lot you don't know darling."
Everyone spend the rest of the night partying indoors. They slept the whole day because they were
tired and on the next day They all packed and catch a flight back to SA.
3 months back when we came back from that vacation. I started preparing for my restaurant that will
open anytime soon. I now can drive around with my car thanks to Kabelo for pushing me into doing
it. Everyone said Grandpa bought that fancy building for me to open my own restaurant and I am
really thankful for that.
A guy named Alex Mabuza has been helping me with all this restaurant thing. He is 24 years old , he
owns a very fancy restaurant . He said it was his birth right his father left for him when he passed on.
With all the experience, he has been helping me and teaching me some of the things. I have
registered my Restaurant , everything is going smoothly. Today Alex and I went to order all the
equipment needed for my restaurant including tables and Sofas. We were on our way to grab some
food at a shisa nyama.
Kea:"Couches? Really Alex?"
Alex:"Kea you need to be fancy. People will love your restaurant trust me."
Kea:"okay . Hope you're right."
Alex:"I'm a pro, trust me."
Kea:"I do."
Alex:" you do?"
Kea:(smiles)" yeah!" Alex smiled at me ,for some reason I found it weird. .
Kea:"uhm , ain't you going to order?"
Alex:"yeah uhm lemme go order ."
I have a 2month old baby in the house , Andile is still not anywhere to be found. I always look at his
pictures and cry , I think something happened to him . His friends came at the beginning of this
month to tell me that this is the last money they are sending. They gave me R5000 to buy everything
I'll need including the baby's needs. I don't know what to do but this is not the life I had planned for
my son . I'd rather suffer than my son to suffer. I have named him Khumo Ngwenya. He looks
exactly like his father, only if Kamo could see him but he denied him way before he was born. My
son was peacefully sleeping. i had run out of money but thank God I bought everything he'll need. I
have no job, I can't go back home with a baby , my family would kill me because I came here to
study , for a better life . I haven't told anyone from my family that I was pregnant. My father would
disown me I swear. I could look for a job but who will take care of Khumo? I checked Kamo's
instagram. He is happy with his wife and im cool with that but it's my baby we're talking about , he
doesn't deserve all the hate from his dad! I don't wanna personally go to his house and give him his
baby because that would cause a misunderstanding in his marriage and it would be wrong of me to
ruin things for him after I broke his heart. What will happen if Khumo's medicine runs out , his Milks
and everything. He is growing and soon these clothes won't fit. I have no plan for me but I have a
plan for Khumo. He doesn't deserve this.
He started crying , I picked him up and he kept quiet. I looked at him. He is so innocent and deserves
only the best. Yes I wasn't ready to have a child but he is here now . I will take him to his father and
then leave this city and go back home. I have long stopped breastfeeding him so the milk in my
breasts would dry up. I have no choice but to leave him with his father. He didn't wanna accept him
but now that he's here...He will. I won't give him any choice..
It was late around 19;00pm and we were in the lounge just chilling and chit chatting. Others were not
around including Kea , Buhle but after some few minutes they arrived. Kamva looked mad. There
was a knock on the door and we argued on who's going to get the door.
Thando:"arrg you guys, the person is still out the door ".-(she got up and went to open. )
Thando:"there's no one here ... it's all your f...." ( she stopped talking)
Thando:"whose baby is this? Why here on our doorstep?"
I prayed to god to please be not what I think it is.
I got up along with the others. There was a baby on our doorstep. He was peacefully sleeping on his
basket thing.")
Khanyi:"Kabelo do you have a baby I don't know about?"
Thando picked up the letter that was placed on top of the baby and read it out loud."
Thando:" dear Kamogelo , I am sorry I had to bring the baby to you like this but you gave me no
choice. When I told you the baby is yours you didn't believe me and you wanted nothing to do with
me. But Kamo you're forgetting that a child is innocent . I have no choice but to bring him to you. If
only you agreed to co-parent with me , things wouldn't have turned out to be like this. I am really
sorry but I have nothing to offer the child. I have nothing at all. I am going back to my hometown
back at home and I am leaving him with you. There are papers I have signed,you have the full
custody of him. Please take care of him , I have no idea if I'll ever heal for leaving my son but I had
to do it. His name is Khumo , I hope you and your wife will raise him to be a good man . Do not tell
him about me when he grows up. I love him so much , please take care of him."
( tears were already on Thando's eyes. She dropped the letter and looked at me")
Thando:"how could you hide such a thing from me.?"
Kamo:"baby please, I didn't know she was pregnant either,." . ( she clicked her tongue and went back
inside ."I followed her back in)
I can't imagine how Thando must be feeling. They are both in their emotions and left the baby
outside with us. I took him and held him in my arms. Kabelo and Kenneth took the baby staffs back
inside the house. We could hear Kamo and Thando arguing. This was a messed up situation but the
baby is here now. There's nothing they both can do. Kamva wasn't talking to me, I have no idea
what's wrong with him. I decided to let him be. I took the baby into my room and changed his diaper
and fed him his bottle milk his mother made for him. He looked like Kamo no doubts. He was soo
cute. After his bottle he slept right away. I decided to sleep with him to give Kamo and Thando a
chance to speak about this matter. I hope in the morning they would've made peace with this .
Kamva came back .
Kamva:" he's sleeping?"
Kamva:"mhmm , I'll sleep in the spare room."
Kea:"this bed is huge for the 3 of us."
Kamva:" I'm a terrible sleeper , what if I hurt him. I'll go sleep in the spare room."
(He took his pillow)
He is angry about something but he doesn't wanna tell me what. I let him be and locked the door on
his way out and slept.
My life felt like it was falling apart. I felt like im losing my wife, everything happened in just a blink
of an eye. She was not taking this lightly. Last night she even slept at a spare room. I was in my room
on my bed. I needed to go to work coz everyone else had left for work but my wife comes first. I
could hear Khumo crying. I went downstairs to see what the problem is. Kea was feeding him his
bottle milk then he stopped crying.
Kea:"hey , you're awake?"
Kamo:"yeah , uhm I heard him crying..."
Kea:"look at him , he looks like you."
Kamo:"he does?"
Kea:"yeah , take him." ( she gave me the baby , the moment I held him. Everything felt so right. He
indeed looked like me. I felt tears trying to approach me but I stopped them. He looked so tiny and
adorable. He was sucking his pacifier looking at me.
Kea:"Thando is still angry at the moment but she'll be okay."
Kamo:"I'm afraid she'll leave me."
Kea:"she wont. This happened when you weren't together so you did not cheat on her. It would have
been worse of it happened right under her nose but no. She's just still angry and hurting . She's your
wife and she's bound to feel that way. I mean what if she had plans to give you your first baby , she's
just shocked at the moment and it's hard for her. "
Kamo:"wow, thanks Kea. I really appreciate your help and everything else. I'll give her a time to cool
Kea:"you do that."
Kamo:"you can leave, I'll take care of him."
Kea:"are you sure?"
Kamva:"yes , I'm his father after all." (Kea smiled at me)
Kea:"a child is innocent, don't forget that." ( she kissed Khumo on his forehead and took her bag and
car keys.)
I drove to my restaurant because today they are delivering all the equipment and I was late. I saw
Alex's car and few trucks. I walked inside the building and half of the things were already packed.
Kea:"hi Alex."
Alex:"ohh , hey Kea."
Kea:"what are you doing here?"
Alex:"I mean I'm helping my bestfriend out.She's late first of all."
Kea:(laughs) " family problems but It's all taken care of , thank you so much ."
Alex:"no it's okay."
People were setting everything up. Decorating this whole place. The Freezer room was working just
fine , the food was delivered ,spices , pots ,gas , knives , veggies, drinks , everything in general. I was
really happy because I've always wanted to be Independent & I wouldn't have done it without my
husband's family. Speaking of my husband , for the first time he left without bidding me goodbye
this morning. He's just acting up and it's annoying. Maybe he's on his periods.
Alex:"are you okay?"
Kea:(smiles) "im fine."
Alex:"spit it out!"
Kea:fine, Something's wrong with Kamva. He has been giving me the cold shoulder lately and it's
Alex:"ohh it's about your marriage."
Kea:"im sorry if you don't feel comfortable with me talking about my marriage but you're the only
friend I have Alex."
Alex:"no , trust me I'm all ears. How about we talk about this at McDonald's. I'm really hungry."
Kea:"what about here..?"
Alex:"I've hired these people to do this job so do not worry , everything we'll go smoothly. Let's go ,
we are using your car." (We drove to McDonald's and ordered food. I ordered Fries and a Coke while
he ordered a lot of food, men like food."
Alex:"so , do you know why he's acting up ? Tried asking him?"
Kea:"no , I didn't ask him anything. The same thing that told him to stop talking to me will tell him to
start talking to me ."
Alex:"unfortunately you're married and it doesn't work like that Kea. He is your husband so Every
time you notice something , talk to him and find out what's wrong'"
Kea:"shouldn't it be the same thing to him , if I did something wrong , he must also talk to me '"
Alex:"yes but you should take the first step , even though you don't necessarily have to but do it.
Maybe Kamva is an introvert. Maybe that's his way of dealing with whatever is happening on his
mind. Talk to him, don't let stupid things make you guys fight. He loves you and you can tell by the
way he looks at you."
Kea:"thanks Alex , I'll definitely talk to him."
Alex:"look , you're my friend and I want what's best for you. Always ."
Kea:"thank you."
Alex:"so , how was USA?"
Kea:"you've never asked me that before."
Alex :"I know, that's why im asking now."
Kea:"okay , so first day ..........
I was in my office when Kabelo walked in.
Kamva:"I'm busy what do you want?;
Kabelo:"ouch. That hurts."
Kamva:"what do you want.?"
Kabelo:"what has she done?"
Kamva:(sighs)"I don't know , I just dont approve of her spending so much time with that Alex guy'"
Kabelo:"he's helping her with her restaurant thing moc right? So what's wrong with that?"
Kamva:"it just doesn't feel right "
Kamva:"do you know shit about restaurants? No , so let Alex help Kea."
Kamva:"they are just spending way too much time together."
Kabelo:"they are working together, obviously they are bound to go get some drinks , snacks or
whatsoever and He knows Kea is married. Kea doesn't have friends around here. Let her make
Kamva:"not with a guy!"
Kabelo:"what's wrong with a guy?"
Kamva:"I'm a guy , I know what I'm talking about."
Kabelo:"jeez , take a chill pill. You're fussing over nothing. Let's just go grab something at
McDonald's. We'll talk about this on our way."
Kamva:"the worse part is I've been ignoring her."
Kabelo:"talk to her , communication is the key to a better relationship. Don't just keep quiet and let
her guess. Tell her if you don't like something and Both come with a way out."
Kamva:(sigh) and apologize."
We drove to McDonald's. Hhaybo , nang Kea wami. She was with Alex , they were laughing about
something. I don't like this friendship thing and definitely don't approve.
Kabelo:"be calm , please."
Kamva:"don't start nawe!" ( I walked to them ,)
Kamva:"I didn't know my wife is also here."
Kea:"ohh, hey Babe. Guess what? Today the deli...
Kamva:"I dont care, get up we're leaving!"
Kea:"excuse me?"
Kamva:"you heard me , get up."
Kabelo:"Kamva she's still..
Kamva:"I'm not talking to you wena!"
Kea:"but baby..."
Kamva:"we're leaving."
Alex:"she's still at work..."
Kamva:"are you Kea?"
Kamva:"are you getting up or should I carry you?"
Kea:"I still need to drive Alex back to my restaurant ...that's where his car is."
Kamva:"shame , He'll make a plan. Get up!"
Kea:"what's wrong with you.?"
Kamva:"don't make me carry you because I will."
Kea:"are you for real?"
Kamva:"get up woman!"
Alex:"it's okay Kea , I'll request an uber "
Kea:"are you sure?"
Kamva:"why wouldn't he be?"
Alex:"it's okay."
Kea:"I'm sorry for this , I'll talk to you some time."
Alex:"no it's okay , I'll make sure everything is in order at your place then lock up. "
Kea:"okay , but I'm really so...
Kamva:"time's up!" (I Carried her to my car. )
Kea:"are YOU serious right now , what the hell was that?"
Kamva:"I should be asking you the same!"
Kea:"me? What the hell have I done?"
Kamva:(I didn't answer her and continued driving)
Kea:(chuckles)" are you on your periods?"
Kamva:why are u laughing wena?.
Kea:"wow, just wow!"
Kamva:"wow(iza) mogurl .
We arrived in my office after Kea greeting all my brothers which took forever.
Kamva:"you're my wife , I missed you so I had the right to take you with me!"
Kea:"I was still at work!"
Kamva:"you work at McDonald's now?"
Kea:"arrgg you know what I mean. "
Kamva:(while pressing my MacBook) no I don't. Explain it to me please."
Kea:"babe? Are you jealous?"
Kamva:"is that a question?"
Kea:"you're jealous of Alex ain't you? "
Kamva:"shouldn't I be?"
Kea:"are you kidding me , he is my friend baby , I mean eeeww he's not even my type!"
Kamva:"ohh , am I ?"
Kea:"you think I would've married you if you weren't?"
Kamva:"I'm listening."
Kea:"He is just not the type I fuck with. Yes he's my friend but that's it. I am married to you and only
you ."
I slowly got up and walked to her. She kept on going backwards until she hit the door .
Kamva:"so why is he spending time with you?"
Kea:"he's the only friend I have at the moment and he is helping me with my restaurant. You should
be thanking him and besides, even if I cheat ...It wont be him."
Kamva:"even if you what?"
Kea:(smiles)"cheating on you would be so damn easy baby!"
Kamva:(kissing her neck)"huh?"
Kea:"mhmm cheating on u would be easy."
I slid my hand under her mini skirt and massaged her clit.
Kamva:"what did you say?"
Kea :" cheat...ahhh , on you would be....mhhhm ...
I picked her up and slid down everything on my desk. I bent down to lick her coochie. She started
Kamva:"so cheating on me is still a possibility."
Kamva:"what was that?"
I took out big Ngwenya and slid him in Kea's warm and tight cookie. She gasped for air and wrapped
her legs around me.I smiled a little. I pumped her hard and she moaned which turned me on. I took
big Ngwenya out .
Kamva:"get dressed."
Kea:"are you kidding me?"
Kamva:"no , you said cheating on me is still a possibility."
Kea:"baby please, I was kidding."
Kamva:"im at work woman ,Get dressed."
Kea:"uyanya"! She grabbed me close and kissed me. I don't wanna lie I didn't wanna pull out but keh
she's too forward. I found myself fucking her real hard.
Kamva:"this is mine do you hear me!? Mine alone!"
Kea:"yess Daddy , ohh shit!"
I was legit crying in my room. I have never in thousand years imagined Kamo having a child outside
our marriage. The baby was crying I could hear him in this room I've locked myself in. I came out
and Kamo was pacing up and down with the baby not knowing what to do.
Kamo:"what do I do?"
I wanted to ask him a lot of questions like did he change his diaper , did he feed him? But I
remembered I'm supposed to be angry
Thando:"I don't know!"
( I walked to the fridge and took a bottle of water and went back to the room. He continued pacing up
and down not knowing what to do.,)

[Crop top& unedited]
My heart broke a thousand times when I left my Khumo. I apologised a thousand times to him before
leaving him but a mother didn't have a choice. I know my son will get the best education and best life
in that family. Since the morning I have been traveling back home. I am a terrible mother, I left my
son. I arrived at home really late with so many bags. My mother saw me .
Khabo:"mom." She hugged me and I felt loved , I missed her touch and in moments like these I need
my mom. I just broke down and cried. I cried for leaving my baby , I cried for Andile not knowing
what's wrong with him, I cried. My older brother Sandile (27) came out and took my bags in. After
some time inside the HOUSE.
Mama:"talk to us Khabo , what's wrong?"
Khabo:"nothing mother , I have missed y'all. I haven't seen you guys in 1 year."
Baba:"then stop crying, you should be happy. For a moment I was thinking you were crying over a
guy. I was going to kill you Khabo."
Khabo:"no dad , I would never cry over a guy ."
Dad:"good Khabo , we are glad you are back home without a baby and all that which shows you've
been a good girl my baby. You've even gained weight."
If only he knew I have a son, he was going to kill me.
Dad:"now that you're back , it means I must tell Sizwe's family that their soon to be bride is back."
With all the stress , I even forgot that Sizwe's family paid Lobola for me about 3 years back. I
thought he had forgotten about this.
Dad:"you're old enough now , you are ready. I don't want these boys sleeping with you. You will
finally be Sizwe's wife.,"
Khabo:"yes father." I stood up and went to my room . Ohh Andile where are you , save me from this
madness. I got a text from Andile's friend "he didn't make it. He was stabbed and shot , he did
survive and we thought he'd heal in these few months but he passed away today morning . He left a
message for you. He said never forget who you are , he loves you a lot and proud of you for taking
the child back to it's father."
I dropped the phone and knelt down in shock. I couldn't believe it.
I was mine and Kamo's room watching a movie coz Kenneth is watching something at the lounge.
Kamo walked in with his baby , he put him next to ne me on the bed and disappeared in the bathroom
. I looked at him and indeed he looked like Kamo. He was crying so painfully. It's been a long time
since he was crying, I'm even afraid he'll have a headache. I took him to pacify him but still. I went
downstairs to make a bottle for him. I waited for it to cool down and went back into my room. I gave
him his Milk and he roughly started sucking it to show he was hungry. I can't believe Kamo didn't
feed a child. He wad sleepy while sucking his bottles on my arms. I'm not a mother but for a moment
I felt like he's mine.
Kamo:"he is stuck with us for life , you are his mother!"
Thando:"how dare you eat 6 times a day and forgets to feed a baby?"
Kamo:"he didn't want anything I fed him , he cried more when I tried feeding him"
Thando:"are you stupid, he only drinks milk and watery porridge. Are you insane?"
Kamo:"I didn't know that!"
Thando:"bring his Panado , he must be suffering from a headache! "
Kamo:"I swear I didn't know "
Thando:"shut up!"
Kamo:"look , I'm really sorry but I didn't know Khabo was carrying my child, yes she told me when
she was 7months but I didn't believe her and told her to stay away from me. If you know you'll never
accept him then you're free to leave Khabo but there's nothing I can do. He is my son and I wont
throw him out just because I'm afraid to lose you. I really hoped you will understand.,"
Thando:"yes I was angry but I have nothing against your child. He is a baby and is innocent . I'm
sorry of how I acted but I was really hurting. Now that he's here I guess we'll have to raise him.
What's mine is yours Kamo , no matter what.!" He kissed me on my cheek.
Kamo:"I didn't cheat on you, I love you Thando never doubt that."
Thando:"I know. I love you too , both of u."
Kamo:"you heard that Khumo? Mommy won't leave us"
It felt weird but right. I didn't know I'll sleep and wake up as a mother one day. I guess this is a new
road for me.,
I took an uber to take me to McDonald's where I left my car . I drove to the mall. I wanted to get
HleHle a new school bag. Yes guys , she now goes to pre school with Amahle around Town. My
baby Is growing y'all. She wanted a School bag with princesses and all that. I bought the bag and
bought her a pair of Jeans and shoes. Now that she goes to school, she will need lots of clothes.
Winter is coming. I decided to get myself something too , I bought a new set of undies when
someone bumped into me.
Kea:"you! Again?"
Anelisa:"ohh , it's you."
Kea:"are you following me?"
Anelisa:"you're not my role model, so...."
Kea:"whatever now please watch where you're going.!"
Anelisa:"I said sorry!"
Kea:"whatever, move!"
Anelisa:"this is not your father's shop!"
Kea:"will you move or should I make you move?"
Anelisa:"mxm" (she moved)
I'm sick and tired of bumping into this girl!!!
hearing the news of Andile's death did not just shock me , it broke my heart into million pieces. I
have lost everyone I ever loved . Now I'm back home where no one understands me or at least
ask me what I want. I am not getting married to that Sizwe , no matter what they say. My father
called me , I quickly went to the dining room and gosh Sizwe and his Brothers were there.
Khabo:"you called me dad?"
Baba:"yebo , Sizwe would like to take you out for the day so you guys will get to know each
other. You go get ready in the meantime."
This guy is not even giving me the chance to disagree with what he's saying. Like u dude is
telling me to go get dressed, he's not asking me. I went to my room . I wore my black velvet
tracksuits and came back.
Baba:"what the hell are you wearing?"
Sizwe:"it's okay baba , it's a new world. She can wear whatever she wants and besides we are not
yet married.
Baba:"that's bullshit , she should be a respectable woman."
Sizwe:"it's really okay , shall we go Khabo?"
Baba:"sure? Yeeee abo Khabo."
I mentally rolled my eyes. He kindly opened the car door for me. We dropped off his Brothers
and continued driving to A small restaurant.
Sizwe:"why did you do it?"
Khabo:"do what?"
Sizwe:"agree to this marriage, you know you didn't have to."
Khabo:"what else did I have to do? My father forced me into this and there's no way out unless
of course you have a plan"
Sizwe:"okay look, we don't have to do this. I will marry you and when we move to the ******
city we will separate and live our normal lives."
I understand what he's saying but that actually means I'll have to go back to the place where I
abandoned my daughter.
Khabo:"I can't go back there. I just cant."
Sizwe:"why? Or ofcourse you have a better plan!"
Khabo:"I don't have a plan."
Sizwe:"look Khabo I don't wanna lie to you. I don't love you and marrying you would be wrong.
So I'm telling you we'll separate at the city even if we live under the same roof , you'll do your
thing and I'll do mine."
It really sounded like a good plan. This marriage is just to fool our parents into thinking that we'll
make it work and this marriage could be my only escape.
Khabo:"okay , let's do it."
Sizwe:"and Khabo ,I have a child but my baby mama and I broke up ."
Khabo:"how old are you?"
Khabo:"and your child?"
Sizwe:"he is 2months old."
I nearly choked on my own saliva when he said that.
Sizwe:"yeah, it wasn't planned. It was a 1 night stand thing and everything went wrong soo yah ,
a baby is a baby after all."
Khabo:"ohh , what's his name?"
Sizwe:" Khwezi"
Khabo:"uhm. That's good so basically you're leaving the baby mama?"
Sizwe:"yah , angith I'll send them money every month."
A part of me wanted to tell him that I have a baby too and I just lost my boyfriend. But I decided
not to tell him .
Sizwe:"what's eating u up?"
Khabo:"nothing. I just wasn't ready to be married."
Sizwe:"don't worry , this is not a marriage. We are both trying to escape this entanglement our
parents are forcing us on."
Khabo:"yeah , you're right."
Sizwe:"I only wanted to tell you this , unless you also want to order something?"
Khabo:"no , I'm cool. You can take me back home."
Sizwe :"okay let's exchange numbers. "
We exchanged numbers and as promised he drove me back home. He bid me goodbye . I walked
Baba:"hau , that wae quick."
Khabo:"uhm yeah, he just wanted to tell me some few details about himself."
Baba:"what kind?"
Khabo:"he has a 2month baby he assured me that he is not dating his baby mama so we are
Baba:"that's good to hear. I'm proud of you Khabonina. I'm really proud."
Khabo:"I'll just go rest in my room"
I walked to my room , closed the door and locked it , I took a pillow and covered my face while I
let out a cry. My heart was in so much pain. Nobody knows the pain that's in my heart. I've lost
the only man that made me feel loved , the man that stood by me through thick and thin. I lost
my baby I just gave away . I lost 2 people in such a short time. My heart cant take all the pain.
Why do I have to lose everything and now I am going back to that same place I promised myself
that I'll never go back there. Why am I being punished like this. How do I marry someone I do
not love? How? My life is just a mess!
I was on my way to grab a pie at the mall when I came across Anelisa. She looked good , just
like the old times. She was wearing a ripped black jean with heels and I saggy t-shirt. Anelisa is
a bit chubby and I really liked that few years back. Not anymore. My Kea looks like all the food
she eats goes to her ass because her waist is soo small. Her thighs are not small nor big , just
right for her. Anelisa is like 2 times bigger than Kea but she's beautiful.
Anelisa:"where are u going?"
Kamva:"I don't know , was just going to grab something to eat."
Anelisa :"

18 continuation
Anelisa:"ohkay , can I join you?."
Kamva:"uhm , I don't think that's appropriate..."
Anelisa:"hhaybo Kamva , I don't bite. It's not like we are strangers. Come on. Maybe one drink?"
Kamva:"uhm , I have to go back to work."
Anelisa:"come on Kamva , for old time's sake!?"
Kamva:"okay , just one drink."
Anelisa:"perfect. "
We went to this small restaurant I don't even know but it's In this mall. We ordered Wine and some
solid food .
Anelisa:"so how is married life?"
Kamva:"good , I'm really enjoying. I mean waking up everyday with the love of my life was in my
wish list."
Kamva:"ohh, I'm sorry if ..."
Anelisa:"no ,it's okay Lihle. I mean what we had is in the past. We were young and like you said I
was your mistake."
Kamva:"im sorry , I didn't mean to say it like that. Just that I didn't like it when you called me
without my permission. "
Anelisa:"it's okay Lihle, I understand everything I mean we were just wasting time with each other
Kamva:"Lisa look, I had great time with you and I just want you to know that I truly loved you. But
we were young ."
Anelisa:"you're 23 Lihle , we broke up when you were 19. Ohh wait , we didn't break up you just
went AWOL."
Kamva:"I know but what we had was already over , I mean yah we dated for such a long time
but....why are we even talking about this?"
Anelisa:"im sorry , let's change the topic ."
Kamva:"I just want you to know you were great and beautiful . You still are beautiful but I have
moved on. I met someone who I love more than anything. I am planning a future with her , she will
carry my kids. She is my everything. "
Anelisa:(smiles)"I understand , I'm happy for you. There's nothing in this world that I want than
seeing you happy. Even if it means being happy with another woman. I just want what's best for you
and I just want you to know you'll always hold a special place In my heart. Whenever you need
someone to talk to , just know I'll always be there for you."
Kamva:"thank you Lisa ,I'll keep that in mind. So uhm friends?"
Anelisa:(smiles) "friends"
Kamva:"great, I gotta go back to work. See you around." ( I got up and left the money on the table.
She smiled at me and I left.
Today was an interview. Alex was doing the interview thing and I was at home just chilling with
Thando and Khanyi.
Kea:"I am really proud of you Thando. I mean Khumo is just a baby and he is innocent. Not to forget
being Cute"
Thando:"it's scary though . I never imagined myself as a mom so soon."
Khanyi:"you are married, so at some point you were going to be a mother ."
Kea:"what about my career.?"
Kea:"you are the boss, you can always go with Khumo to work. Plus it's not a bad place."
Khanyi:"relax Thando , you got this. I mean This is God's doing. Khumo lost a mom and look , he
found a mom again."
Thando:"what if I'm not good enough."
Kea:"blood DOESN'T make us family . You can raise Khumo as your own Son and he'll call you
Mama. That's is the biggest blessing of all times. I know you can do this."
Thando:"I am Learning I mean I feel the pain when he cries , it's like he's mine."
Kea:"he is yours."
Thando:"thanks girls , this talk kinda helped me."
Kea:"don't worry , we got you mommy."
Khanyi:"and wena mommy , ain't you supposed to be at work . You said it's an interview today."
Kea:"perks of being the boss."
Thando:"tell her!
We all laughed.
When I arrived home. My parents and Brothers were not around . I Called them and they told me
they went to my older brothers house. Shit , I even forgot he invited us to his anniversary . I'm such a
bad brother.
I parked my car and went inside boom Nomsa barges in. FYI Nomsa is my crazy baby momma.
Sizwe:"and Then?"
Nomsa:"you are really getting married?"
Sizwe:"yeah , you have a problem?"
Nomsa:"I can't believe this . What about us , what about our baby?"
Sizwe:"Look baby , I love you. But you know I can't say no to my father."
Nomsa:"what now? What do I do? Do I celebrate my boyfriend's wedding?"
Sizwe:"why are you shouting, you'll scare my baby. Now I get married and you and Khwezi move in
with my wife and I "
Nomsa:"mxm..your wife.?"
Sizwe:(laughs)"you're jealous? Look baby calm down. I got this. You and I will be happy at the
city....away from this hood."
Sizwe:"yeah , now let's go to my room. I missed this pussy."
I arrived at my hotel and cried. How could he!? He told me right on my face that he loves his wife
and she is his future. He broke my heart. Can't he see I love him? Why am I being punished so much
for loving someone?. She is living my life and I hate it. Who is that girl? Is she really better than me?
Lihle doesn't even look at me the way he used to.
A leopard doesn't change it's spots so maybe if I remind him of all the old times he will remember
how fun it was , he will remember why he fell in love with me from the start.
I was in the shower , playing some music when I felt his cold hands on my boobs. I smiled and
turned to look at him. He smiled at me and his dimples popped . Nigga is cute asf. I hugged him.
Kamva:"missed me?"
Kea:"yeah , a lot."
Kamva:"and I missed you so much. You look beautiful by the way."
I smiled guys. He kissed me on my hair.
Kamva:"I love you yezwa?" I nodded.
He started washing my back while kissing me everywhere. I started feeling hot , it was like I'm
burning or something.
Kamva:"what's wrong?"
Kea:"I have a headache."
Kamva:"I have some tablets that will help , just come out of the shower and dry yourself up. "
He went out . I was feeling so hot like I was going to pass out. I got out of the shower and wrapped
myself in a towel. I lotioned myself and wore a gown and walked to the bed.
Kamva:"are you okay?"
Kea:"yeah , im fine!" (I was lying . The room was spinning. I sat on the bed .)
Kamva:"are you sure you're okay babe? We can always go see a doctor ."
Kea:"no I'm fine baby. Just a slight headache , it will go away."
Kamva:"I don't like it when you get sick. I'm calling a doctor ."
Kea:"babe I'm fine. I just need to lay down for a moment."
Kamva:"okay , I'll be downstairs if u need me."
Kea:"okay." _I smiled. I didn't want him to go though.
Kamva:"or we'll just cuddle and watch a movie."
He got on the bed and cuddled me. His cologne is to die for. He constantly kissed me on my forehead
and repeatedly asked if I'm okay. Arrg I wish I could get sick everyday. I love this.
I was deep sleeping when I felt hot. I woke up and damn I was thirsty. I checked the time on my
phone and it was 01:00am . I wore my sleepers and went downstairs to get water. I took a bottle of
water from the fridge to cool myself down. They have left the kitchen messy so I decided to clean it.
Around 02:15 I was done. Something in me told me to go check Hlelo . I went into her room and she
was peacefully sleeping , her face was wet though. The AC was on so....I don't understand. I wiped
the sweat from her face and she started talking in her sleep.
Hlelo:"don't leave me keke, please don't leave me."
I kept quiet because I realized she was dreaming.
Hlelo:"keke don't leave us , I wanna go with you. Keke it's me your Hlehle don't you recognize me?"
Her eyes were now flowing tears. I hugged her tight and she woke up in fright .
Kea:"shhh, it's okay. Im here sweetheart. "
Hlelo:(crying)"please don't leave me."
Kea:"I'm not leaving you , Hlelo we stay in the same house and I will never leave you. You're with
me for life."
Hlelo:"but in my dream you were Leaving me, you said you don't know me . Why Keke? "
Kea:"it was just a dream sweetheart . Relax I would never leave you. Not now and not ever. You
were dreaming ."
Hlelo:"can you please sleep with me, just for tonight."
I got in bed and switched off the light.
Kea:"I will never leave you. Ever!"promise
I woke up and realized Kea is not in bed . It was normal for me because she's an early bird. I made
the bed and went to the bathroom to bath , after bathing I went downstairs because I was hungry.
Everyone was there .
Kamva:"goodmorning guys. Seen my wife?"
Kabelo:"They went to drop Hlelo to school."
Kabelo:"yah , noThando."
Kamva:"ohh." I went to KG who was smiling on his phone.
Kamva:"and then?"
Kamo:"my wife just sent me a video with him and Khumo and Kea singing along to some music."
Kamva:"lemme watch the video." (I Watched it )
Kamva:"she's beautiful."
Kamo:"I know right. I've been saying I married the most beautiful girl."
Kamva:"im talking about Kea "
Kamva:"I'm glad you guys finally sorted the baby thing out."
Kamo:"for a second I thought my past is catching up on me. I wouldn't want an ex coming between
me and my wife."
Kamva:"atleast she wasn't dramatic and all that."
Kamo:"yeah, Khabo is one of the sweetest human beings on earth."
Kamva:"I see."
Kamo:"im glad she's permanently out of the picture. Bro I swear I thought I was gonna lose my wife
but no , she's understanding and treats Khumo like her own Son."
Kamva:" so you are a father now. Wow ."
Kamo:"trust me I wasn't ready but there's nothing I can do. "
Kamva:"true , I need to get medicine for Kea. Yesterday she was dizzy and all that."
Kamo:"is she okay now?"
Kamva:"I haven't seen her yet but by the look of things in this video , she seems fine."
Kamo:"I gotta bounce to the mall. I need to get Khumo's chemist at cliks. Mind to tag along ?"
Kamva:"why not.?"
kwazi:"where are you guys going?"
Kamva:"the mall?"
Kwazi:"can I tag along too?"
Kamo:"sure , lets go."
We drove to the mall and went to Clicks. Kamo was talking to that desk lady helping him with baby
medicines and after that we decided to tour around and have a productive day. We were at The fix
because Kwazi wanted to buy Nthabi some t-shirt she was bugging him about. Boom look who's
here. Obviously Anelisa. I avoided her and acted like I didn't see her at all.
Kamva:"Kwazi you're done?"
Kwazi:"no , I'm still looking for the right size."
Kamva:"let me also buy my wife and Hlelo something nice."
Kamo:"you guys are weird , it should be a normal thing buying your wives something nice not a once
in a while thing."
Kwazi:"yes sir "
Anelisa:"hey Lihle!"
Here we go again.
Kamva:"ohh Lisa , what are you doing here?"
Anelisa:"I came to buy something nice for myself."
Kamva:"ohh okay. Nice to see you."
Kwazi:"you look great Lisa but actually we are busy here so yah , do you mind?"
Anelisa:"no , I was actually leaving."
Kwazi:"have a nice day Lisa". She faked a smile and you could see she was annoyed.
Kamva:"what the hell was that?"
Kwazi:"she's your ex and you're married."
Kamva:"yess she's my ex I know that , so?"
Kwazi:"so stay away!"
Kamva:"it's not me who keeps on bumping on her , she keeps on bumping on me!"
Kwazi:"she's doing it deliberately cant you see?"
Kamva:"I am not giving her that satisfaction."
Kwazi:"really?now why did a little bird told me that you were having a drink with her at the
restaurant yesterday?"
Kamva:"you snitch! Are you stalking me?"
Kwazi:"no , Nthabiseng was the one who saw you and I was with her at the moment."
Kamva:"I didn't plan the drink thing, she insisted."
Kwazi:"I warned you 4months back that if something like this happens again, I will tell Kea and you
assured me that it wont , but you keep on letting her come closer to you the next thing you guys will
be under the same bed sheets."
Kamva:"it won't lead to that Kwazi , I swear."
Kwazi:"I'm warning you!"
Kamo:"what are you guys talking about?"
Kwazi:"your brother here is hooking up with his ex!"
Kamo:"are you for real Kamva?"
Kamva;"it's not like that. Arrg Kwazi why are you putting it like that!"
Kwazi:"firstly he gave his ex his numbers and he answers her calls. Secondly they are having private
dates on restaurants. Isn't that hooking up?"
Kamo:"bro , an ex almost ruined my relationship. Why are you sacrificing what you have? You will
never find another girl like Kea trust me. Stop what you're doing . An ex should always stay in the
past . Show this girl that you are with someone now. You have grown up Kamva now act like it!"
Kamva:"I swear it wasn't like that but yeah , I'll push her away. Thanks guys."
Kwazi:"I see you with her again. I'll tell Kea!"
I was cooking when Father told me to get dressed my inlaws are coming.
Khabo:"what in-laws?"
Baba:"don't act dumb"
Khabo:"we ain't married yet. "
Baba:"said who?"
Khabo:" What do you mean?"
Baba:"you are getting married in this house today. Get dressed"
He left me with those words. I had to go to my room and change. After some time Sizwe and his
parents came along with a priest. I couldn't believe it.
Baba:"now priest, do what you're good at."
we came back , I had plastic bags with me.
Kamva:"hey babe?"
Kamva:"how are you feeling today?"
Kamva:"here are some things I bought for you and Hlehle."
Kea:"Thanks Baby ."
Nthabi:"I suppose you also bought me something Kwazi"
Khanyi:"some wives are lucky"
We laughed.
Kabelo:"you're making me look like a bad husband."
We laughed.
Thando came downstairs holding a baby.
Kamo:"my people, he's awake?"
Thando:"yeah , Hold him."
Kamo took his baby, I don't know maarn it felt right. They seemed complete."
I looked at Kea and I imagined us having our own kids one day. Not just yet but one day.
Khanyi:"can I hold him?"
Kamo:"Yes sure."
Kea:"I made A salad , who once some?"
Everyone in this house shouted "me!"
Kamva:"hha hhay hhay!"
They all laughed.
Kea:"I'll dish up."
Nthabi:"I'll help you."
They both got up. KEA held her head for a moment.
Kwazi:"are u okay Kea?"
Kea:"yeah , im fi.." boom she fell down. My heart skipped a beat.
Nthabiseng:"Somebody call an ambulance!"
Hlelo just came back from school. She screamed at the door.
Kabelo:"no no no Hlelo , Your keke is going to be okay."
Hlelo:"why is she on the floor. She promised to never leave me."
Kabelo:"Kea is sleeping, somebody take Hlelo upstairs."
Kamva:"where the fuck is an ambulance!"
The ambulance took its time so we decided to drive her to the hospital. It was just me and Kwazi and
Nthabi. We told the others to stay back. She was admitted. We literally spent 2 hours at the hospital
and no one was updating us. I was literally going insane .
The doctor came out .
Kamva:"doctor is she okay? What's wrong with her?"
Nthabiseng:"is she pregnant?"
Doctor:"no she's not pregnant. We have run some few tests and there is definitely nothing wrong
with her."
Kamva:"you can't say there's nothing wrong with her , she fainted!"
Doctor:"there could be a reason. Maybe her blood pressure dropped or she hasn't eaten or she stood
up quite fast and her brain wasn't ready for it. She is awake and discharged."
Kwazi:"wait , that's it?"
Doctor:"yes , one of you can sign the papers n then get her."
Nthabiseng:"I'll go sign."
Kwazi:"okay, lets go get her Kamva."
We went to her , she was drinking water when we came in.
Kea:"im fine, im okay!"
Kamva:"you scared me!"
Kea:"im fine baby."
I hugged her , and for a moment I did really think I'm going to lose her."
Kwazi:"you're okay Kee?"
Kea:"im fine Kwazi , guys really I'm fine."
Kwazi:" Lemme guess, last time you said you were fine you fainted."
Kea:"im really fine."
Kamva:"you scared Hlelo."
Kea:" take me back home."
She got up and we walked out , Nthabiseng was waiting for us outside. We drove back home and
everyone was really worried.
Buhle:"what did the doctor say?"
Kamva:"it was nothing serious."
Buhle:"so why did she faint?"
Kea:"I don't know, but I'm fine now."
Hlelo came downstairs and hugged Kea.
Hlelo:"I told you to not leave me . They want to take you away from me!"
Everyone paid attention to what little Hlelo was saying.
Kea:"who wants to take me away from you?"
Hlelo:"I don't know them , they want to take you far from us! Don't let them Keke! Don't let them
take you away. I don't want you to leave."
Kea looked at me and I shrug my shoulders.
Kea:"let's go to my room and tell me more."
They both went upstairs.
Buhle:"what was that?"
Kamva:"I don't know but all I know is that, Hlehle never lies."
Kwazi:"do you guys think maybe Kea has a calling.?"
They all looked at me.
Kamva:"I don't know guys, I have no idea all I know is that this family has an ancestral gift and all
the wives were chosen for a reason."
Kwazi:"do you think what grandpa said is starting now?"
Kamva:"I don't know. I'll find out."
I made Hlelo sit down on bed.
Kea:"now talk to me , what were you saying?"
Hlelo:"they want to take you away from me Keke. I told them No! I won't Let my kea go!"
Hlelo:"these old people. I don't know who they are. They said they are borrowing you from me and I
told them No!"
Kea:"it's okay, you can go play now. KEA is fine."
She ran outside leaving me with million questions. What was she talking about? How do I
communicate with them? How do I find out what's wrong? I am a God believer and also I believe in
my ancestors , and whatever is happening right now has to do with ancestors. I took my car keys and
called Alex while going downstairs.
Kea:"Alex , I need you ASAP."
Alex:"what's wrong Kee?"
Alex:"I need you to send me a location of any traditional healer you know."
Alex:"wtf , I don't know the exact location but I'll send you something. "
Alex:"this is a location of Butcher store , opposite to the store there is a Traditional medicine shop ,
you'll go there and ask them for MaZulu. They will tell you where she is ."
Kea:"thank you Alex."
***end call***
Kamva:"woaw , babe where are you going?"
Kwazi:"you just came from the hospital, ain't you supposed to be resting?"
Kea:"no uhm. I need to find out what's wrong with me. This is an ancestral thing and I'm going to
seek answers."
Kamva:"okay I'll go with you."
Kea:" no , it's okay. I'll go."
Kamva:"don't shut me out , you are my wife and I deserve to know."
Kea:"I'll tell you whatever is happening. Babe I need to do this."
Kamva:"you are my wife Kea, what are you hiding from me?"
Kea:"Hlelo let's go.... I'm sorry Kamva."
Kamva:"Kea what's wrong?"
I grabbed Hlelo by her hand and went to my car. And drove off!"
Kea:"I want you to be a good girl okay ,don't tell anyone anything without Kea's permission okay!"
We arrived to that shop and there were 3 old women.
Kea:"I'll be right back Hlelo."
I stepped out of the car and went to them.
Kea:"sanibonani! ( greetings)
Woman1:"Ngwana wabadimo" (the child of the ancestors.")
They all bowed down to me which kind of scared me.
Kea:"I am looking for MaZulu , where can I find her?"
Woman2 : " get ready for a 5 hour drive , she stays far from this city. She is waiting for you."
Kea:"but Ma , how do I find her.?"
Woman2:"I will go with you Child , anything for the Queen."
Kea:"the queen?"
Woman2:"let's go."
Okay this was weird , I called Alex while the granny took a sit in the car.
Kea:"Alex why didn't you tell me your MaZulu stays far?"
Alex:"far? She also works in that shop just that she stays in the secret room."
Kea:" well no, eish I'll talk to you some time. I gotta go."
I went into the car and started driving.
Woman2:"I am MaGumede"
Kea:"Keabetswe. And this is my little sister Hlelokuhle."
MaGumede:" you are very blessed child. You are the child that was predicted many generations
I kept quiet , I didn't know what to say.
It was getting late still there wasn't a sign of Kea. I tried calling her but her phone was off. This
woman wants me dead I swear. Everyone in this house tried calling her but still.
After 5 long hours of driving we finally arrived. I was a bit scared but I needed consultation.
MaGumede:" let's go in."' We knocked and a very beautiful woman who looked like she's in the early
40s showed up. She has all the traditional beads but wearing prophet's clothes.
MaZulu: ( speaking in tongues)
She legit bowed down to me .
Kea:"Ma , I need to know...
MaZulu :"I know exactly why you're here. Come."
We walked inside. She insisted the I go with her in her consulting room alone . Hlehle and
MaGumede stayed behind.
I removed my shoes and sat down.
MaZulu:" you are are very blessed child Kea."
Kea:" how did u know my name?"
MaZulu:"My child , I know everything. Where's the necklace?"
Kea:(mumbling)"I thought you know everything."
MaZulu:"what was that?"
Kea:"the necklace is with me , I never take it off."
MaZulu:"YOUR mother's womb was blessed. She gave birth to two talented girls. You are the
Goddess my child. YOUR hands have a healing gift which is a gift non of us have. "
Kea:"my mother told me the little bit she knew about my gift."
MaZulu:"many years ago , I mean wayy too many years ago , about 300 years ago. A very beautiful
lady Named Keabetswe , the most beautiful girl in that village. She was the first to have the healing
hands. She used her gift in a good way by helping the sick . One day , people found out about her gift
and wanted to kill her for it. They believed that if they kill her , the gift would be transferred to them.
She loved the gift and wanted to protect it. She knew that people will never stop hunting her until
she's dead. She transferred the gift to a new born baby and unfortunately for Kea , she was killed.
Before she died ...She said . Never let anyone die with that gift because I will come back again and
this gift will be waiting for me.
People worshipped her after her a queen.
The baby girl whose name was Abita grew up , she used the gift to heal but soon discovered that
theres a lot one can do with this. She wiped everyone she didn't like."
Kea:"wipe as in like Killed?"
MaZulu:"yes , she would touch people and they would get sick , or lose their memories ,or go crazy ,
she had a complete control on humans , Plants and Animals. Everything that's alive. Unfortunately
she mistakenly made herself sick. She was dying when she was forced to transfer the gift on a
necklace in that way , no one will abuse it's power. She transferred it and died. The necklace was
made for you. It was transferred from generation to generation and no one could use its powers
because it was not meant for them. When your mother was born , the necklace had to be given to
her... she grew up and when you were born , IT glowed after 300 long years. The gift is back on its
rightful owner ."
Kea:"why is it making me sick.? "
MaZulu:"because you're too strong for it!"
MaZulu:" Kea you are bigger than what you think. You were born for many purposes. You are not
just a Goddess but a THE QUEEN OF HEARTS."
Kea:"I don't understand."
MaZulu:"you have a blessed blood , you easily win everyone's love because you are the light , you
are love. You were born a ruler and with these hands of yours , you own the world."
Kea:"what if I don't want this gift?"
MaZulu:"who doesn't want it.? "
Kea:" I wanna be normal MaZulu. I don't wanna have some magic what what!"
Mazulu:"it's not Magic , Kea use your gift. It was given to you. Accept it."
Kea:"I don't want it. "
MaZulu:"the good news is , nothing will happen to you even if you don't want it. It's yours anyways
so it's okay if you die with it. Yes you don't want to use it but your hands will always be blessed until
the end my child."
Kea:"I hear you Ma. Hlelo has been dreaming , she said there are people who wants to take me away
from her. I don't understand."
MaZulu:"Hlelo has a gift , I have no idea what kind but She's still young and not ready to use her gift
but by the look of things the ancestors are rushing her into it.
Kea:"so what do I do?"
MaZulu:"nothing, let her be. Her dreams ....I can't interpret because she's still young and it could
mean nothing or something. We don't know."
Kea:"traditionally we don't thank our helpers. So Ma , until we meet again."
MaZulu:"go child , your husband is waiting for you."
Kea:(giggles) " what do I tell him?"
MaZulu:"it's up to you , remember...whatever you say may be used against you in the future. "
She was indirectly telling me not to tell Kamva and I understood.
Kea:"what do I do when I need you?"
MaZulu:"I will know when you need me , but here (a card with her numbers) "
I put them in my phone and saved them , I then called her so she'll have my numbers.
MaZulu:"it's dark outside, drive safely."
I came back and it was around 01:00am and Hlelo has to go to school. I tuck her in her bed and she
slept right away. I walked to my room upstairs. I thought Kamva was already asleep but I found him
sitting on the bed.
Kea:"ohh, uhm hey?"
Kamva:"why was your phone off?"
Kea:"must've ran out of battery."
Kamva:"where were you?"
Kea:"out of town"- I said walking to the bathroom. He followed me.
Kamva:"do you know you are married now or must I remind you?"
Kea:"I'm tired , can we talk about this in the morning?"
Kamva:"no , we are going to talk about it now!" -nazoke , amen bazalwane. I was really tired and not
ready for this talk.
Kamva:"you can't just leave Keabetswe and not tell anyone about your whereabouts. You just fainted
and I was worried about you driving."
Kea:"im back moc , safe and sound . So please Kamva not tonight. Please!"
Kamva:"I thought you loved me!"
Kea:"and I do."
Kamva:"then what's up with keeping secretes from each other?"
Kea:"I should be asking you the same question".
He seemed shocked but at the same time he wasn't sure what I was talking about, instead he didn't
question me further , he clicked his tongue and went to bed.
I showered and got in bed.
I woke up pretty late but Thank God Nthabiseng Did wake Hlelo up and got her ready for school
before she also went to work. Kamva was already gone to work and I also needed to go to work. It
was my first time at my restaurant after everything was sorted out , I mean the restaurant has already
started running. Thanks to Alex he has been handling everything here and wow I must say I love it.
There were so many costumers and that alone surprised me. The customers were complaining about
slow service. My so called employees were chit chatting while customers were waiting for orders. I
walked to Some Woman who seemed Wow and by wow I mean fancy.
Kea:"goodmorning Maam , can I ask how long have you been here?"
Lady:"it has been 30 minutes and my order hasn't arrived. I'm even starting to lose appetite . I walked
to my so called employees and to my surprise , That girl's friend I kept on bumping to was here . (
Kea :" excuse me , people are waiting for their orders."
This lady with horsey teeth replied.
Lady:"why don't you serve them?" - they started Laughing.
Kea:"I thought you people valued your jobs."
Lady:"what are you gonna do , report us?"
Kea:"right, do you know who I am?" - she folded her arms and looked at me.
Kea:"your boss , the owner of this restaurant you have turned into Twitter."
Lady:"im soryy I ..."
Kea:"you are fired!"
Lady:"maam , I , I please , I'm the only breadwinner at home"
Kea:"do I look like I care?"'- I did care.
Lady:"maam I'm sorry!"
Kea:"attention people, I am really sorry you had to wait for such a long time. I am the owner and my
employees were not doing their job. They will assist you and I promise a better & fast service. And
you guys get back to work!" - they started doing their job , I can't believe these people.
The lady I firstly talked to raised her hand and I walked to her..
Lady:"sit down"- is she f#cken kidding me!
I sat down.
Kea:"do you know me?"
Lady:"no, I just wanted to complement you. This is a very beautiful and Fancy restaurant I mean
we're seating on couches. "
Kea:"I try!"
Lady:"My name is Zoe Masango. I am a brand ambassador and a fashion designer too."
Kea:"Nice to meet you Zoe , I am Kea. "
Zoe:"nice to meet you " her order came , it was Wine .
Zoe:" just what I needed to start my day."
Kea:"we all need it darling trust me."
Zoe:"you're the boss , so what are you doing here?"
Kea:"well for a change I decided to comw check how things are going here and I'm glad I did
because I caught some lazy employees."
Zoe:"so you organised this while at home?"
Kea:"no , a friend helped me out. He has his own restaurant so he had experience and he did all of
Zoe:"so it's a he?"
Kea:"yah ,we kinda became friends during the making of this eatery"
Zoe:"I can see the big rock on your finger. You're married?"
Zoe:"no ways , how old are you?"
Kea:"21 this year"
Zoe:"are you perhaps married to One of the Ngwenya royal sons?"
Kea:"yeah, the 12th bride."
Zoe:"I knew it. I mean I did see you somewhere. But where?...ohh yah , the main royal palace. Your
pictures with your husband are at the wall. "
Kea:"what were you doing at the main royal palace. ?"
Zoe:"I was taking pictures there."
Zoe:"it's a pleasure to meet you skat , you and I are gonna be the best of friends."
Kea:(laughs)- I like her , I mean she has the Khanyi flavour and who the hell doesn't like Khanyi.?
Alex walked in , he spotted us and walked to us.
Alex:"hey ladies?"
Kea:"oohh hey Alex , Zoe meet my friend Alex , the one I was TELLING you about!"
Zoe handed out her hand and surprisingly Alex kissed it.
Alex:"nice to meet you."
Kea:"what brings you here?"
Alex:"I thought you weren't in so I came to check how things are . "
Kea:"don't worry, Thank you so much Alex but you can now focus on your restaurant. You really
helped me a lot."
Alex:"ayt , I guess I gotta bounce , see you around neh "
Alex:"ohh it was nice meeting you Zoe"
Zoe:"always a pleasure."
Alex walked out
Zoe:"you are friends with such a cute guy , oh my word!"
Zoe:"and you chased him away?"
Kea:(laughs)" he is also busy bathong!"
Zoe:"you are such a party pooper!"
I laughed I mean is she Really having a crush on Alex ?
Zoe:"what's his IG handles?"
Zoe:"what's wrong with a girl asking?"
Kea:"you know what @Alex_P "
Zoe:"oh Gosh he's single!"
I rolled my eyes and laughed. Yes , she has the Khanyi flavour.
We arrived at this city as husband and wife. The house was a 4 bedroom apartment so it was big
enough for the both of us.
Sizwe:"home sweet home , so glad I'm back!"
Sizwe:"can you at least pretend like you're happy ?"
Sizwe:"why are you such a moody person?"
Khabo:"I'll go unpack in my room. And ohh , don't disturb!"
He rolled his eyes!
I learned that Kea is the name of my boss who happened to have a small beef with my best friend. I
was really tired but atleast I got a tip worth R500 from customers. I drove back to the apartment and
Found Anelisa drowning herself in popcorns.
Anelisa:"yaay you're back" - she wasn't acting happy .
Akhona:"yess, back to feed your ass while you do nothing."
Anelisa:"wow , how ironic"
Akhona:"Anelisa I am trying here but you on the other side , no. You're are failing your modules
with flying colours , you spend the money your family sends you on useless things , and here I am on
a part time job that's atleast paying way more than I thought and guess who's my boss?"
Akhona:"the same girl you saw walking with Thando."
Anelisa:"why can't you say the one I had an argument with?"
Akhona:"that's not the point."
Anelisa:"useless information."
Akhona:"whatever, look for a job . You want fancy clothes start working for them."
Anelisa:"easy for you to say , your family bought you a car "
Akhona:"you know what , I'm tired Im going to shower"
I had a lovely conversation with Zoe and we promised to keep in touch. I went to my husband's
office , I mean he was mad last night and I hate seeing him mad. I came across Kwazi
Kwazi:"Hey champ , what brings you here?"
Kea:"can't a wife bring a pussy to the office?"
Kwazi:"dude we eat on that table!"
Kea:"not anymore."
Kwazi:"you're nasty. Eeww!"
Kea:(laughs)" lemme bounce."
I walked to his office. I stood at the door and watched him type whatever he was typing . He looked
cute yena shame except for the facts that he missed me.
Kamva:"what are you doing here?" - he wasn't even looking at me.
Kea:"how did you know I was here?"
Kamva:"the same way you always know when I'm standing behind you."
I smiled and walked towards him. He didn't even wanna look at me.
Kamva:"I'm listening."
Kea:"are you mad at me?"
Kamva:"no!" - he's lying.
I closed his laptop and he sighed. I sat on his lab and crossed my arms around his neck. I baby kissed
his lips for like multiple times. He didn't smile at all but wrapped his arms around me.
Kamva:"you look beautiful."
Kea:"and you look extra cute when you're this mad."
Kamva:"is that supposed to "unmad me" - nigga and creating new words , same w/app group.
Kea:"I am sorry , I was wrong not to include you in one of the important events of my life. I was
being a bad wife. I promise from now on I'll include you in everything."
Kamva:"well im still mad , so What did the sangoma say.?"
Kea:"I have a gift of healing people. It's optional for me to use it or not. Nothing will happen to me."
- don't look at me like that guys nna I cant hide a shif from my husband .
Kamva:"so you have a calling?"
Kea:"not really but something like that. I can heal people by touching them. I know it's creepy but it's
Kamva:"okay I'm lost , but keh whether you decide to use your gift it will be entirely up to you. Im
with whatever you decide. KEA I want you to know that it breaks me to see you doing things by
yourself while I'm still around . I am your husband babe , get used to that!!"
Kea:"I know, I was wrong and I'm sorry "
He smiled at me and "pop" his dimples. I'll never get used to the fact that he has dimples. I leaned to
kiss him.
Kamva:"mrs Me , how about we paint this office with me cum?"
Kea:(laughs)" I love how you think!"
I was waken up by baby cries.
Khabo:"Khumo I'm coming baby , don't cry!". I ran and found Sizwe with a lady I didn't know .
Sizwe:"ohh Khabo you're awake, meet my baby Khwezi and his Mom Nomsa.
Khabo:"ohh hey guys , I'll just make something to eat."
Nomsa:"she's staying here Sizwe?"
Sizwe:"where do you expect her to go , anyways she's like my housemate. Right Khabo."
Khabo:"yeah cool whatever."
Sizwe:"don't mind her , she's grumpy."
I ignored them and made food. I looked at that baby boy and he reminded me of my Khumo. I got
lost in my thoughts.
Sizwe:"ayybo Khabo , you're burning the eggs and why are you crying?" _ I didn't even realise I was
Sizwe:"lemme make another eggs for you. Are you okay?" I wiped my tears .
Khabo:"uhm sorry ,it was a mistake. "
Sizwe:"no no it's okay , I'll make you another one. Just sit down and relax ."
I sat down looking at the baby that was sleeping on the couches.
Sizwe:"here" -he handed me a plate with fresh eggs and bread and a soft drink.
Khabo:"thank you."
Sizwe:"so , uhm mind talking about it?"
Khabo:"no , im fine. Thank you for the food."
Sizwe:"sure. If you ever wanna talk. I'm around neh."
Khabo:"I'll keep that in mind."
I was with little Hlehle.
Thando:"you're done? We don't want you getting late for school now do we?"
Hlelo: "nooo!"
Thando:"No , now let's pack your lunchbox."
Hlelo:"okay Ndondo."
I packed her lunchbox and drove her to School with my Khumo.
Sex with Kea always feels good. , she's a natural and I ain't going to share my sex life with you all.
Today I didn't go to work , I decided to work from home just like most of the brothers . Kamogelo
was on a phone call outside , Thando was feeding our little champ . Kea was laying the couch next to
me busy on her phone.
Kamogelo came back.
Kamo:"okay guys listen up , I was talking to Grandpa and he said we should make imbeleko
ceremony to introduce Khumo to the ancestors."
Kamva:"ohh, so we'll have to Go to the Main palace?"
Kamo:"yeah and Kea is needed too . Both Kea and Lerato because they haven't been to the main
palace to be finally introduced to the Ngwenya ancestors so yah Grandpa wants to fix that too."
Kamva:"ohh , I guess we'll have to go then."
Kamo:"yah, first thing in the morning."
Thando:" what?"
Kamo:"you know Grandpa , he doesn't like delaying things. He needs all of us there "
Kamva:"I guess we should start packing."
Kea:"What about Hlelo?"
Kamva:"Hlelo cant skip school."
Kamo:"Grandpa introduced Hlelo to the ancestors when we were on our honeymoon so there's no
need for her to be there."
Khanyi:"I'll organize a transport that will take her to my home , Amahle would be happy plus they go
to the same school."
Kea:"Dankiie Khanyi"
Thando:"you heard that Khumo, We are taking you to your great grandpa. Be a goodboy"
Landing my feets on this land made me Believe that I am now someone's wife. I belong to another
family. All the daughters in law of this family were wearing doeks , long skirts and a shore to be
respectful. We walked in the main door . Zoleka(zoe) was right.... a huge picture of me and Kamva
was hanged by the Entrance and when we got in deeper, there were pictures of everyone else.
GRANdpa was seating on his throne when we all walked to him and bowed. He is old but still strong
and somehow still handsome. Wow! Now I see where the Ngwenya Sons get their light complexion.
Grandpa:"welcome grandsons and daughters. It's an honour to have you all here!" Give the baby to
Thando walked forward and gave the baby to Grandpa. He said his clan names.
Grandpa:"what's his name?"
Thando:"HIS mother named him Khumo."
Grandpa:"that's a beautiful name, his second name will be given by his mother."
Kamo:"but we don't know where she is."
Grandpa:"here she is , standing in front of me."-(he pointed Thando , she smiled in tears)
Thando: "Mpedulo"
Grandpa:"Khumo Mpendulo Ngwenya ,our first great grandson in the Great grand generation that is
Everyone cheered in happiness. I really thought we were going to work our butts off but no , there
were so many helpers doing everything. It's nice being a Royal.
Grandpa:"come closer" I walked closer and knelt down in front of him. He placed his hand on my
cheek and smiled .
Grandpa:"The last Grand daughter in law of the Ngwenya are beautiful child. "
Kea:"Thank you". His guards were holding a plate which had a chicken bile. He poured it on my
head. He then poured it on Lerato's head then on baby Khumo.
Grandpa:"you are now a Ngwenya."
It was a beautiful moment. A lady helper came pushing the Queen who was on her wheelchair.
Everyone went to greet her but she didn't respond.
Kea:"what's wrong with her?"
Kamva:"she lost the ability to speak and walk years ago. The doctors said she'll forever be like this.
It's like we have a grandma but she's gone."
Both Kamva and I walked to Grandma.
Kamva:"I told you I'll marry the most beautiful woman. LOOK at her Grandma. Isn't she cute?" (She
kept on staring deep in the thin air)
Kamva:"don't worry, she isn't a great cook like you were. No one will cook as good as my grandma."
(He kissed his grandma's hand and wAlked away to join the crowd."
I pushed her with her Wheelchair to Mkhulu who was now seating on his throne.
KEA:"I thought I'd bring Grandma to you."
Grandpa:"thank you child. [I tried to walk away] Kea listen.... I want you to know that we are your
family. Never in million years think you're alone. We are growing old and one day I will die. As the
daughter in law, carry this family . Mend broken relationships, be a great leader, a great woman and a
good wife. You are a strong young woman and I am honoured to have your ancestors here with us
Someone did say Mkhulu has a special gift. I looked at Grandma.
Grandpa:"she's fine , don't worry. She once was a strong young lady who bared me 12 Sons, she was
the leader of this family and taught all the daughters in law everything about the Ngwenya's. The
daughters in laws which are your mothers in law gave birth to healthy sons (your husbands) . And
you all will have to carry the tradition of the Ngwenya to the next generation which will be YOUR
Kea:"I hear you Mkhulu." I tried to walk away when I heard a voice of an old lady calling out my
name. I looked back to see who it is but I didn't see anyone.
Voice:"Keabetswe it's me , Grandma. Listen to me."'(i mean it can't be her talking, right? I mean her
mouth isn't moving and she's still lost In her own world looking at nothing.)
I bent down and touched her hands.
Kea:" im listening."
Grandpa looked confused but he didn't say anything.
Voice:"you are beautiful my child , we are truly blessed to have you as the daughter in law of this
family. I want you to know that marriage aint easy , there are gonna be times where you'll feel like
walking away but that's how it is. Be strong, mend broken relationships. Bring the family closer if it
happens they drift apart. You have a Heart of Gold my child. A rare gem. Be The Queen you are
because one day this throne will be yours and on that day. I want you to know that I'll be with you
spiritually. I want you to stand your ground and claim the title of a queen because you are the world's
greatest invention. Our Keabetswe. The Queen of this land , the Queen of Everything that has life!
Welcome my child.
And tell My husband that I can hear him every time he talks to me about his problems. I can see him
evertime he cries thinking I am a wAlking corpse. Tell him to be strong , because I am still the
Queen he married. I have played my part and it's time for him to let me go. My goal was to see the
next Queen and now that I have, I am ready to rest."
I didn't even know I was crying.
Kea:"yess Grandma. I will."
(I didn't hear her voice again.)
Grandpa:"you were communicating with her?"
Grandpa:"wow Kea , that's, that's wonderful. You have a gift. What did she say?
Kea : " she appreciated my presence then sent a message to you. She said do not think she can't hear
nor see anything because she can. Everything you tell her, she listens . She can see you crying
thinking she's a living dead. She...she said it's time to let her rest , to let her go because she....uhm her
goal is achieved."
Grandpa:"what goal?"
Kea:"I , I don't know. She just said that "
Grandpa:"I knew this day will come . A day where I'll have to let her go but I just can't."
Kea:"she is tired. Let her go. Whenever you're ready."
Grandpa:"Thank you Kea. Thank you."
I smiled and walked to Kamva.
Kamva:"Grandpa seems to like you!."
Kea:"I'm the last daughter in law"
Kamva:"Grandpa never talks to the daughters in law unless it's something serious but with you, it
was different."
Kamva:"yeah. Come on let's take you to a tour. Call me a travel agent ".
Kea:"okay that was whack babe!"
We both laughed.
[Not edited]
2 Weeks later.
I woke up around 05:00 because I have to Wake Hlelo up and help her get ready for Preschool.
Kamva was sleeping peacefully next to me. These days it's hard waking up , I feel like killing
everyone. Lately I've been feeling weird , I get annoyed quickly even Hlelo calls me grumpy. I
wash my face to wake my body up. I go to Hlelo's room and wake her up.
Hlelo:"It's still early."
Kea:"no , it's time to go to school my love."
Hlelo:"1 more minute Keke!"
Kea:(shouting)" Ye Hlelo , I don't have time for this. Get up !"- she popped her eyes and she
started crying.
Kea:"now who beat you up? Rather cry and get up than to cry and look at me!"
Kea:(crying)" you're soo mean!" - I realized my temper was getting out of control and calmed
myself down.
Kea:"okay I'm sorry ,Kea is just having a bad morning. Now get up ."
Hlelo:"but My Keke always shouts at me these days. She yells at me everyday in the morning."
Kea:"I'm sorry, now let's go take a bath"
I helped her bath and got her ready. We went to the kitchen to make her breakfast and her
lunchbox. Some were already awake getting ready for work, including Kenneth and Kwazi.
Kwazi:"hey Champ."
Kwazi:"woaw, you look...a mess!" I didn't comb my crazy hair and wasn't wearing a doek .
Kea:"just lazy to drive Hlelo to school"
Kwazi:"then go back to sleep, I will drive her. "
Kea:"wow, Thanks Champ."
Hlelo:"let's go Zizi ,before this grumpy sissy shouts. "
Kea:"I heard that!"
Hlelo:"that was the aim. Let's go Zizi."
Kea:"yes, go Zizi!"
Kwazi:"ye Kea, I'm not Zizi to you!!"
[I laughed]
I went to my room , Kamva was still sleeping. I showered and texted Zoe because for some
reason I felt overwhelmed in this house. I was suffocating. I went downstairs to make food for
me .
Nthabiseng:"can you please also make me something to eat?"
Kea:"you see that thing (pointing at the bread bin) you open it and you'll find a bread. And you
see that thing (pointing at the fridge) you open it , don't be surprised by the light, it lights up
when you open it and you'll find some eggs and sausages. Ohh and this is a stove , I'm sure you'll
figure it out how it works. Ohh and look , you have hands too. Bye"
I walked upstairs leaving her confused as hell.
I sat down infront of a mirror and Damn Kea , you are beautiful. I hated the fact that Kamva is
sleeping peacefully and here I am , woke up early in the morning. I took tge glass of cold drink
and poured it on him. He woke up gasping for air in shock.
Kamva:"what the hell Kea!"
Kea:"goodmorning to you too , now get up dear husband and thank you for volunteering to make
the bed. You're so sweet."
Kea:"thank you for also volunteering to sweep up this room , you're such a darling."
Kamva:"what the..."
Kea:"what was that? You'll also make your own breakfast? Ohh thank you so much . In that case
let me eat up and go meet my friend. "
Kea:"I love you too , you can eat my breakfast if you want. Im not hungry anymore."
I got up and went to my car. I drove to the location we are supposed to meet , a Chinese
restaurant. I spotted her and went to join her.
Kea:"hey Zoe"
Zoe:"hey , look at you all glowing . Must be the dick."
Kea:"haha not funny."
Zoe:"you look, tired."
Kea:"I feel tired."
Zoe:"do you have a fever or something?"
Kea:"I don't know." ( I started sniffing)
Zoe:"yin manje?" ("What now?")
Kea:"do you smell that?"
Kea:"it smells cheesy!"
Zoe:"it's a restaurant, how do u expect it to smell?"
Kea:"it smells horrible. I am going outside. I'll throw up I swear!"
I quickly got up and went outside. Zoe came to me with a bottle of water
Zoe:"here , drink this." I took the water and drank it.
Zoe:"friend are you sure you're okay? I mean you can still drive back home and we'll meet some
other time."
Kea:"yeah, I think that will do. I don't feel good."
Zoe:"firstly let's go see a doctor and I'm not asking you."
We arrived at the doctor. She did her thing and came back 20 minutes after.
Doc:"im sorry I took time, I was helping a very serious problem. Ohh and Mrs Ngwenya
congratulations , you are 3 weeks pregnant.
I wasn't ready to hear that, I was shocked.
Doc:"yes , you can come back here for check ups but firstly make an appointment. Here's my
card ."
Zoleka took the card. I slowly got up from the bed.
Kea:"uhm thanks I guess." She gave me a pile of Medication. We went outside.
Zoleka:"that explains the moody Behaviour. Congratulations friend."
I didn't know how to act , I mean yes I love Kamva but I wasn't ready to start a family. Not so
Zoe:"you don't look happy."
Kea:"I , I am friend. I just still can't believe it."
Zoe:"Congratulations Friend, you deserve some extra happiness maarn."
Kea :"Thanks Choms."
Her phone rang , and it was Alex , I could telk by the way she was blushing. Yes guys they are
Zoe:"we just found out Kea is pregnant."
I snatched her phone away from her.
Kea:"Zoe, don't tell anyone."
Alex:"oopsie , she just did." Alex was on loud speaker.
Alex:"Congratulations Kea , I'm really happy for you."
Kea:"Thank Alex but can it stay just between us. "
Zoe:"but you are going to tell Kamva , right?"
Kea:"obviously. Just not the other family members yet!"
After sweeping our bedroom and changing the baby sheets because someone made them wet I
went downstairs to join my brothers.
Kabelo:"hhaybo , having a bad morning?"
Kamva:"something like that."
Kabelo:"what's wrong?"
Kamva:"you know how rude Kea is these days , can yoy believe she woke me up by pouring me
with a cold drink."
Everyone laughed.
Kabelo:"that's marriage for you !"
Kamogelo:"yesterday you said she woke you up hitting you with a broom and called you lazy."
Kamva:" she did, I'm afraid tomorrow she'll wake me up with a knife"
Kea:"is that how you think of me, a murderer?" - fuck she heard me.
Kamva:"baby , you're back?"
Kea:"I'm not invisible mos , you can see me !"
Kamva:"I , uhm missed you." I faked a smile.
Kea:"mxm!" She climbed the stairs.
Kabelo:"someone is going to sleep on the couches today."
Kamva:"tell me about it!"
[The Gents laughed at me] yah neh!!
Grandpa Ngwenya was talking with his trusted Lawyer.
Grandpa:"it's time we divided the shares. I have changed the shares prospectus and all that is
needed is announce this to the grandchildren. "
Lawyer:"all the wives have shares now?"
Grandpa:"yess, I am doing what's right for them and I have more news to share. "
Lawyer:"you call all the Grandchildren and I'll fix the papers."
2 days later
The family has gathered at the main palace . Everyone was seated on the throne room not
knowing why Grandpa has called them.
Grandpa:"welcome ,I know you are all not aware of why I called you here. Well let me get into
details. I have decided to split the shares."
Everyone was shocked wondering where this is going. The Ngwenya sons are sweet and lovely
but there is something they are greedy about... the family business shares. Everyone wants more
shares than the other , no one wants to share their shares with someone else. Everyone likes
owning their business 100%.
Thapelo:"with all due respect Mkhulu , how do you divide the shared without our permission? "
Grandpa:"I built this legacy and I won't ask for Permission and you don't cut me when speaking.I
was still talking."
Everyone kept quiet.
Grandpa:"you all know that Family business is only family business. You all are married and
what's yours belong to your wives."
Everyone now understood where this is going.yes they love their wives but to share their
inheritance was something they did not see comie.
The wives looked happy because they always wanted to work hand in hand with their husbands
expect for Kea & Thando.
Grandpa:"your wives own 50% of what you have!"
Some almost fainted.
Thami:"did you say 50%?"
Katlego:"This is a joke!"
The wives looked soo happy. Kea and Thando looked worried because they know this will cause
so much problems in everyone's marriage.
Grandpa:"get up daughters in law and sign the papers."
They Did not waste time and signed the papers. On the other hand the husbands were not happy
about this.
Kea hesitated to sign the papers.
Grandpa:"Kea , you have a different paper to sign dear. I will announce it."
Kea was wondering what Grandpa will say. Everyone started arguing amongst themselves as to
why must the shares be divided while Grandpa was talking to Kea.
Grandpa:"please do not refuse this gift I'm about to give you. I have a reason to do this therefore
as the daughter in law you will obey me."
Kea:"yess Grandpa."
Everyone paid attention to him.
Thapelo:"Grandpa since all of us have our own complany and now you have decided to cut our
shares....what will happen to the main company"
Grandpa:"your companies are branches of the Main company that I own 100%. I would like to
give my shares to Keabetswe which means Kamva you still owN 100% of your company."
Everyone was shocked, even Kamva. How could grandpa Give the most earning and important
company to a stranger. Everyone way eyeing for that company. Even the other daughters in law
asked themselves that what Does Kea have that they dont!


To even say I was shocked is an understatement. I was trembling. I Didn't expect grandpa to give
everything away . Ever since I signed , everthing changed . Less people speak to me. Thando ,Kwazi
and Kamo were talking to me. The rest were avoiding me and Kamva. It's been 2 weeks and
everything is awkward.
Kabelo came downstairs and it was awkward because I am surrounded with people who don't talk to
me anymore. Hlelo has started to Notice the tension.
Hlelo:"is everyone angry at my Keke?"
Kabelo:"no Hlehle , come here."
Hlelo:"No, I don't want to talk to you. You and Khanyi were talking bad about my Keke in your
I didn't know how to respond to this.
Hlelo:"I don't want to speak to you Anymore." She went to her room.
Kabelo:"look Kea, it's...."
Kea:"save it Kabelo. I don't want any explanation. It's cool , I get it!"
Kamva:"she said save it. I feel suffocated in this house. Maybe Kea and I should move out."
Kwazi:"Bro , you don't have to do that."
Nthabiseng:"if they want to leave , let them."
Kamogelo:"what's all the fuss about vele? Grandpa also gave you guys shares. What else do you
want. You want Kea's shares. The funny thing is even if they gave them to a different daughter in law
. Y'all would've made it an issue."
Thando:"and you girls, I can't believe you have been so cruel towards Kea just because of the shares
grandpa gave her. What's her fault in that? She didn't know Grandpa was going to give her the shares
and it's not her fault. If you really consider moving out , please count us in. I don't wanna live with
people like you."
Kenneth:" it's not about Kea having the complete ownership of our Grandpa's hard work. Why did he
choose a girl instead and let alone an outsider "
Kamva:"she's no outsider. Look I also don't know why the hell grandpa would do that , I am Still
trying to understand but you all KNOW grandpa."
Kenneth:"I just can't believe this. And you Kamva get to own your company 100% why the
Kea:"Kenneth I don't mean to burst your bubble but you were supposed to ask grandpa all of those
questions and to make things easier. I don't want the company and I am not going to use any of the
money from the company .I am as shocked as you all . "
Buhle:"this is not fair. Something must be done."
Thando:" you are free to go Ask grandpa to do something but please Leave Kea alone."' Khumo
started crying and Thando ran to attend him.
I knew that this will cause division in this family. This is all stressful and to make things less
complicated , it's best I go to grandpa and tell him I don't want the shares . He can have them back
and give them to someone else.
I went to my room and packed an overnight bag.
Kamva:"grandpa will not change his mind."
Kea:"it's worth a try."
Kamva:"fine, I will also go home to my parents just to check up on them. I need to clear my head
after all this drama.".
I took my bag .
Kea:"I love you". He just smiled at me and disappeared into the bathroom. He just broke my heart by
doing that. Kamva has been acting strange. He tries hiding it but I know him. He is also affected by
the fact that I got his grandpa's inheritance. He was supposed to be happy for me but no , he isn't but
acts as if he is.
I went downstairs and took Hlelo's bag because I am going with her. No one will look after Hlelo for
me now that everyone switched sides and I can't ask Thando , she has baby Khumo to take care of.
We went into my car and I drove to the Main palace. A full 3 hours drive.
We arrived at the Palace in 3 hours .
Grandpa:"Kea, I wasn't expecting you to be here."
Kea:"Grandpa I don't want the shares. Take them back and give them to someone else or at least
divide them equally."
Grandpa:"I knew you'd say this. Kea I didn't do anything wrong . I made them share what they
already had with their wives. Then I gave you what I had and IT belonged to non of them. Kea I will
leave this world and I don't want my inheritance to be divided. If I gave my shares to any of the sons
they would've fought for it."
Kea:"what's the difference? , they are fighting me for it. "
Grandpa:" I know , they think I'm being unfair when I'm only trying to secure their future. You are
responsible and will make a good queen one day therefore I trust you with this. It's either they accept
it or not. Kea can't you see what I gave you.? You even have access to sell any of their companies if
you want . "
Kea :"I am really thankful for what you gave me but please. I came here as the daughter in law. Not
to inherit what's yours or not to be a queen."
Grandpa:"it's who you are Keabetswe. The shares belong to you and I trust you with them. The
papers are safe here with me for your safety . I know I have caused you enemies but it will all go
away. "
Kea:(sighs)"where is grandma?"
Grandpa:"in her room, she refuses to eat these days."..
Kea:"she is tired , you are not letting her go and she wants to leave!"
Grandpa:"I want her to leave in peace Kea, I won't suffocate her with a pillow or something. I won't
be able to do it."
Kea:"show me the room."
We walked to her room, she was on her bed. Looking skinny this time."
Kea:"Say your goodbyes."
Grandpa:"I already had.. what are you going to do Kea?"
I started brushing her hair .
Kea:"close your eyes Grandma, Iet the sleep take over. You are going to be okay. It won't hurt ."
She listened to me.
I brushed her hair and slowly slid my hand to where her heart is.
Kea:"rest my Queen. Find your beauty sleep." For the first time in 2 years she smiled which made
grandpa cry.
Grandma:"thank you my child." She then closed her eyes . She was gone. I did it, I used my powers
Grandpa was now on his kneed trying to digest what's happening.
Grandpa:"how did you do that?"
Kea:"it doesn't matter, prepare for the funeral."
Grandpa:"no , we will creminate her and keep her ashes. There wont be a funeral."
Kea:"I'll sleep here tonight with Hlelo."
Grandpa:"okay child."
I don't know how fo react on this , that's why I seek wisdom from my parents. I arrived at home as
drained as I was.
Father:"my son. Good thing you remembered us. Did you congratulate Kea on my behalf.?"
Kamva:"that's why I'm here."
Dad:"come , sit down."
Kamva:"Grandpa gave everything to Kea. The same Kea who had nothing , the same kea I brought
there. Why would he do that?"
Dad:"my father has a reason and he won't share it with you. You should be happy for your wife."
Kamva:"I want to, I really do but Baba it's hard. Kea is a woman , She knows nothing about
businesses and to think I was the one who brought her to my family. "
Dad;"u still own your company. You Didn't lose , nor gain anything. Nothing has changed."
Kamva:"can I have a bottle of whiskey?"
Dad:"sure."' He got up to fetch it.
Mom:"this is ridiculous. KEA must've said something to your grandpa. We all know your grandpa
sleeps with his Maids and why wouldn't he do it with Kea?"
Kamva:"mom, no!"
Mom:"think about it, he doesn't know Kea. Kea married you for your wealth child. Test her , ask her
to transfer the Inheritance to you and if she refuses. You'll get your answer, she married you for your
Money . She will milk you all dry and you'll be left with nothing. "
Dad came back with the whiskey and I started driving .
Dad:"don't let this make you think otherwise. She's still Kea. She didn't know she was going to be
gifted with such."
Kamva:"let's find out ."
I got up with the bottle of whiskey and said goodbye to my parents .
.as I was driving, I kept on drinking . This was driving me insane , I needed something to take my
frustration out on , or someone.
I took my phone and called someone.
Anelisa:"what a surprise?"
Kamva:"send your location I'm picking you up."
Anelisa:(screaming)" okay okay!"
She sent her location and I kept on drinking. She was waiting for me wearing one shot dress I bought
her many years ago but now it was much tighter on her. She got in the car and we drove to a hotel.
She kept on talking about how she doesn't believe this is actually happening. I shut her up with a
kiss. I teared the dress up , that's how much in power I was.
Kamva:"let's do this just like in those days ." She smiled and lay down. I suppressed her hands with
mine so she'd not move while she opened her thighs for me. I inserted myself In and started pumping
her. She was moaning and I shut her up with a kiss. Just like the old days .
I woke up and realized I wasn't in my room. Ohh shit!
I quickly woke up and woke Anelisa up.
Anelisa:"please tell me you ain't leaving after what you did to me."
Kamva:"shut up, what we did doesn't mean Anything. Take this money and buy yourself the M/after
pills. "
Shit I was regretting everything I did with Anelisa , what was I thinking! I didn't even use a condom .
Kamva you are an idiot. Kea must be back home now , I have to go home.
Kamva;"call someone to bring you clothes. I'm leaving and this never happened!"
I walked out and went downstairs. I came across Khanyi. Shit I forgot she works here.
Khanyi:"I thought u were at your home."
Kamva:"nvm that what are you doing here, you own 50% of your husband's company!"
Khanyi:"ohh yah , I came to submit my resignation letter."
Kamva:"ohh, goodluck. Bye."
I could see it in her eyes that she was suspecting something. I drove back home to find Kea's car
outside. The guilt in me was killing me. How can I do this to her. I should've listened to Kwazi and
stayed away from Anelisa. I got a grip of myself and walked in. Hlehle ran to hug me and Kea was
just moody as Usual.
Kamva:"hey babe?" - she legit ignored me.
Kamva:"so how did it go?"
Kea:"not good , is there something else you wanna know?"
Kamva:"uhm, no. Can I talk to you for a minute. Privately."
She wiped her wet hands and followed me to my room.
Kamva:"I know Grandpa didn't agree to your offer ."
Kamva:"why is everyone down today?"
Kea:"Grandma passed away ."
Kamva:"why wasn't I told?"
Kea:"lemme guess , because we called your parents and they said you left last night. I mean where
would my husband go at night?"
Fuck , she knows.
Kamva:"I booked a hotel , the house felt so big without you and with the drama that has been going
on ...I didn't wanna come back."
Kea:"okay. Is there anything else you wanna talk about?"
Kamva:"don't take this the wrong way. What will happen if you were to transfer everything to me."
You should've seen her face changing.
Kea:(shouting)"I can't believe you right now! Are you insane? That's what you're thinking about.
How could you even think about that?! Kamva you are supposed to be helping me in this but you
also want the shares to yourself. You will make the situation worse!"
Kamva:"I thought it won't be a problem since we are married and we share everything!"
Kea:(shouting)"my foot ! You are also selfish like your brothers! " (she wasn't shouting at me , she
was Screaming at me. I'm sure everyone could hear her. I quickly closed the door.)
Kamva:"don't shout at me , I mean why is it a problem?"
Kea:"you are not solving this , you will make everything worse! That's why grandpa didn't give any
of you guys because it wouldn't be fair and here you are asking for me to give everything off to you.
Are you even serious?"
Kamva:"you know what! Nvm now I know why you married me!"
Kea:"are you fucking serious?"
Kamva:"move!" I pushed her away and she fell down. She quickly got up and dragged me by my
shirt and Slapped the shit out of me.
Kea:"how dare you push me?! "
Kamva:"babe I'm sorry , I , I "
Kea:"shut up, Leave my room Kamva you disgust me right now!"
I shouldn't have asked her that. I have never seen Kea this angry. I am supposed to be supportive but
here I am taking my mom's advices. I'm an idiot.
The drama has been on going. Kea and Kamva are not seeing eye to eye at the moment, they keep on
arguing .Kea hasn't even told Kamva about her Pregnancy. On the other hand Anelisa has been
calling Kamva and he has been ignoring her calls.
Kea has been open to Zoe about her problems and being the great friend she is supportive . Today
she came to visit Kea.
Everyone noticed the tension between Kamva and Kea. Some didn't care but some did..
KEABETSWE was folding hers and Kamvas clothes on the lounge while others were also there
including Hlelo.
Kamva and Kwazi were fighting for the remote when a message popped on Kamva's phone. Kea
picked the phone and read the message. "Answer your phone, I think I'm pregnant Kamva please tell
me what to do. I have no money to raise a child!"
Kea's eyes were filled with tears and she dropped the phone. Everyone looked at her confused. Zoe
picked the phone and read the message.
Zoe:"you are a bastard Kamva!"
Kea:"how could you do this to me?"
Kamva:"wh-what are you t-talking about?"
Kea:"you've made another bitch pregnant! "
Kwazi:"what?" Kwazi took the phone from Zoe and read the message."
He didn't even say anything, he Punched Kamva on his face..
Hlelo:"why is my Keke crying?"
Thando:"come to Ndondo."
Kea:(crying)"how could you?" Kamva was so scared. He started shedding tears as he regretted his
Kamva:"it was an accident baby , I , I gave her money for morning after pills , I , I....
Blood was flowing on Kea's legs , followed by A terrible Pain in her abdomen . She fell down and
Kwazi:"move away from her! Kea what's wrong!?"
Kea couldn't utter a word. She was in pain.
Zoe:"she's 7 weeks pregnant Kamva!!"
Kamva felt the wold on his shoulders as he knelt down with tears on his face.
Hlelo was crying seeing her sister losing so much blood and Screaming .Thando took her Upstairs
while Nthabiseng called an ambulance. An Ambulance arrived after Kea had already passed out.
They took her to the hospital.
2 hours in the waiting room.
Kwazi:"I told you to stay away from her!You're a kid bro , a kid!"
Kamva had no words , he was regretting everything he did and wished it never happened. He was
crying regretting everything and how he didn't know Kea is pregnant.
Kamva suspected that Anelisa is an obsessed bitch so she wouldn't drink the pills but he turned a
blind eye on this. He didn't know Anelisa would rather choose to get pregnant than lose him.
After hours of waiting the doctor came out.
Doctor:"I am sorry but she lost the baby."
That's when Kamva cried on Kwazi's shoulder who pushed him away.
Kwazi:"don't come near me!"
Kamva:(crying)"she's never going to forgive me!"
Kea was being discharged today. Nthabiseng and Khanyi offered to go get her along with Hlelo.
Kea knows she had lost the baby and blames it all on herself for being too angry forgetting she's
Kea:"I'm a murderer!"
Thando:"no Kea , it wasn't your fault. Don't think It was your fault.
Kea:(crying)"but I was the one carrying it. I failed my baby."
Nthabiseng:"Kea stop crying, you were not at fault. Let's go home."
Kea:"which Home? I don't have a home.I don't wanna go back to that house and to that man."
Thando:"we will talk about this when we get home, for now let's go please." Hlelo was standing at
the door feeling sorry for her sister.
They drove back home.
Kamva tried repenting for what he did. He was cooking food for Kea. He hasn't even solved the
Anelisa matter. Kea came in and everyone welcomed her once again. She ignored everyone trying to
make a conversation with her. She went to her room and packed her bags and moved in to the spare
room that's next to Hlehle's room. She closed the door and locked it.
Kamva tried talking to her but she wouldn't respond. He begged her to open the door and eat but she
Kamva:"Hlehle , talk to her."
Hlelo:"leave me alone. I hate you! You made her cry!" Hlehle ran to Thando and cried .
Kwazi:"make sure she eats or you'll see the worst of me. Nxx!"
Thapelo:"if Kea dies , then obviously the shares will go to Kamva and he is our brother, we can
manipulate him to share them."
Thato:"so we Kill Kea?"
Thapelo:"we Kill Kea , we will need connection from the inside . Find out who isn't close to Kea ."
Thato:"Kea is close to our brothers, it will be best we ask A woman instead."
Back At our Palace.
Kea hasn't opened the door for anyone. Everyone else was melting and feeling sorry for her Except
for Buhle who still thinks Kea is a newbie here and doesn't deserve all this.
Little Hlelo took a plate from Thando and walked to Kea's room and knocked.
Kea was sitting at her corner crying her soul out.
Hlehle:"my Keke wont open the door for Hlehle?"
Everyone was watching Hlelo standing at the door with a plate of food. They wanted Kea to open up
and eat especially Kamva whose eyes were so red from crying.
Hlelo:"Hlehle hasn't eaten anything today, you know why?. ..because my Keke hasn't eaten too and
Hlehle will not eat anything until Keke eats!"
Kea could hear Hlehle talking which made her cry more.
Hlelo:"When Hlehle feels sick , Kea makes sure Hlehle feels better , Kea doesn't sleep all night
recording Hlehle's temperature. Kea makes food for Hlehle and makes sure Hlehle eats. KEKE even
sacrificed a Pancake on Hlehle's birthday. She said she wasn't hungry but my keke was Hungry yet
she chose to give Hlehle the Pancake. Now my Keke is sick she closes the door and cries all alone.
She doesn't want Hlehle to come in? . ( Hlelo starts crying )
Hlelo:"It's only the 2 of us until the end , Keke told me that and I told Keke that No , we have a
family now. But Keke they have made you cry and now I take back my words . I won't share my
Keke with Kamva, he made you cry. Now can you please open the door. "
Kea's heart broke hearing her sister crying outside the door. She opened the door and hugged Hlehle.
She started Feeding Hlehle the food she brought for her.
Hlelo:"but that's your food!"
Kea:"Hlehle needs to grow and be like Keke . So you eat..." she didn't have the appetite but Hlelo
forcefully fed her.
Hlelo:"I hate it when my Keke cries. Are they making you cry?"
Kea:"no , they are all nice people. KEA is just sick. They are our family."
Hlelo:"Kamva apologize to my Keke now!"
Kea:"Kamva made a mistake. He deserves a second chance now dont he?"
Hlelo:"but he made my keke cry! I HATE everyone who makes you cry."
Kea:"he is a human after all. Hlelo shall not be angry at anyone."
Hlelo:" We have a family now , we have clothes , bed and nice food. But Keke , even though we had
nothing at our old house.... Keke never cried , even when Mama passed Keke didn't cry. If this place
makes you cry like this then I want to go back Home."
Kea hugged her little sister .
Everyone was watching the scene. To even think some had tears in their eyes.
Kea wiped her tears.
Khanyi came in with Amahle who hugged Hlelo
Khanyi:"did I miss something?"
Kea:"no , uhm I'll go rest. "
Hlelo:"but we want Ice cream.
Kea:"I'm not in a mood of driving "
Buhle:"come on Kea, The kids want ice cream and you deserve some fresh air. "
Kamva:"I don't think she should go."
Kea:"not today!"
Khanyi:",we're not talking no for an answer."
Amahle:"please Keke?"
Kea:"okay let's go."
Buhle:"Khanyi can you stay behind. I'll be bored. Please."
Khanyi:"no ,I'm going . "
Kea, Khanyi and Hlelo & Amahle went outside."
Khanyi:" lets use your car. I'm driving."
They all got in. And Khanyi drove off.
Khanyi:"You are strong. How do you do it?"
Kea:"Hlelo is my weakness. I have to act strong for her and not influence her into hating anyone. "
Khanyi:"and Kamva?"
Kea;"I don't think it will be that easy to forgive him. He cheated on me over a stupid thing.... he...
The car started moving sideways.
Khanyi:"what's wrong with the wheels and brakes?
Kea:(panicking)'i don't know."
Khanyi tried her best controlling the car until it went off road and started rolling with Khanyi , Kea ,
Little Hlelo and Amahle.
Kabelo got a call and he dropped his phone.
Kamva:"what's wrong?"
Kabelo:"they crashed!"
Kwazi:" what crashed? Who crashed?"
Kabelo:"Kh-Khanyi and Kea crashed."
Kamva dropped whatever he was doing and grabbed his car keys. Kwazi management to stop him
Kwazi:"you can't drive like this. Relax bro, Relax!"
They all drove to the hospital. Seeing Kea's car , one would believe that no one made it alive in that
The doctors were running left and right not updating anyone about anything.
Kea on the other hand woke up and she screamed.
Doctor:"you're okay , you're okay ."
Kea:" Khanyi? The girls are they okay?"
Doctor:"People who were seating on the right side are brutally injured. "
On the waiting room Kamva and Kabelo were pacing up and down.
Kamva:"she just got out of the hospital and now she's back. What's going on?"
The doctor came.
Kabelo:"doctor, are they okay.?"
Doctor:"Keabetswe is fine , she has a dislocated leg but that will be fixed. Khanyi suffered and
internal bleeding and she underwent surgery. It is not that bad but we'll see. And I'm sorry to say we
have lost 1 girl child"
**At The hospital**
Immediately the doctor told them that they've lost one child , everyone was shocked.
Kamva:"no , no ,please no."
Doctor:"I'm sorry but she suffered a Deep cut in her stomach. But the other girl is fine. Just cuts there
and there, excuse me."
Everyone was shocked. They didn't know who has passed on and whoever it is , she did not deserve
to die like that. Buhle on the other hand was feeling guilty, her aim was to Hurt Kea and not kill
anyone. The other brothers told her to mess with her car to HURT her , not KILL her because they
would've KILLED her at the hospital . She was feeling guilty because it's her fault a child is no more.
Kwazi stopped the doctor and asked him the name of the child.
Doctor:" we don't know her name yet but before she died she kept on calling someone named Keke.
She kept on saying "I want to see my keke."
Kamva fell down in shock. A grown man crying at the hospital while Kwazi try to comfort him. The
others were pacing up and down not knowing what to do.
Keabetswe came to the waiting room limping. She saw the looks on their faces.
Kea:"are they okay? Where is Hlelo?"
No one answered.
Kea:(screaming)" where the hell is she?"
She kept on shooking Kamva who was crying and not responding Kea.
The police and Mechanic company came.
Police:"Young royals. The car was tempered. Someone tempered the brakes and unscrew the wheel.
This is a crime scene."
Kenneth:" what? Who did that? Find out who did it and Put them in bars and throw the key away!"
Buhle swallowed hard.
Kenneth:"who would want Kea dead?"
Kabelo;(crying)"everyone is a suspect okay , y'all were fighting her regarding the Inheritance and in
the process my wife got hurt and we've lost Hlehle!"
Kea's ears became deaf. She fell down losing the ability to stand. Nthabiseng rushes to her and hug
her tight.
She wasn't crying but her heart was broken. Broken to a point that she hated everything. Kamva felt
the pain of his wife and hugged her while crying. Kea wasn't paying attention to anyone at all.
Thando was watching the scene , crying. KEABETSWE got up and asked the nurse.
Kea:"the 2 kids that were involved in a car accident? Where are they?"
Nurse:" one of them is in that room ,they are nursing her wound and the other one is in the I.C.U but
we have lost her."
Kea ran like it dependent on her life.
Kwazi:"Kea wait!" He and Kamva followed Kea who was running to the ICU. The others tried to
follow but the nurses stopped them.
There was a " do not enter" sign on the door but Kea pushed the door open. What she saw made her
feel like the Earth just stood still , goosebumps everywhere , the hairs of the back of her Neck stood
up. Little Hlelo was laying there , her mouth dry and her stomach had a huge cut. They had taken the
bottle out but it was too late. All Kea was thinking about is her sister felt so much pain . She didn't
believe Hlelo was gone. The Love in Kea's heart faded , the sweetness of her voice disappeared .
Kwazi:"Kea please let's leave. Don't look at her it will torture you."
KEA didn't respond.
Kwazi:"I know you're hurting , but please. Let's go from here. She is gone."
All she could hear was Kwazi speaking and Kamva's sniffings.
Kea:"I suffered in the hands of your family Kamva. This is all because of a stupid company? My
sister suffered for it!"
Kwazi:"Kea I swear we are going to make sure that we find the one who did it and trust me he will
Kea:"get out! I need some alone time with her!"
Kwazi:" Kea ....
Kea:"I said Get out!!!!"
Kwazi:"No , I am not Leaving you here. !"
Kea:" it wasn't her time! Yess it wasn't her time. I can still fix this!"
Kwazi:"Kea? What are YOU talking about?.
Kea started removing all the drips on Hlehle , She looked at the wound and remembered that she
can't save what's meant to be and this right here was not meant to be. It was not God's plan....or was
Kwazi:"Kea what are trying to do?"
Kea:"Get out Kwazi , go out there and find the Person who did this. Make it your goal or I will do it.
I don't mind spending the rest of my life in Jail."
Kamva felt like he has failed Kea as her husband. He didn't say anything .
Kea:"I want you guys to get out. I need my sister back !"
Kwazi:"Kea she's gone!"
Kea:"not until I say so!"
At this point, Kea was furious.
Kwazi:"let's go Kamva!"
They both left the room Leaving Kea alone with Hlelo.
Kea:"I love you and I'm sorry for what you went through. You will never go through that pain
She put her hands on Hlehle's wound and nothing happened.
Kea:"no , no , no! Why isn't it working?"
MaZulu:"because you have already once used your powers on her. It doesn't work twice on the same
MaZulu:"I'm sorry child. I came here to help you become I knew you'd need me but theres nothing
we can do. SHE'S GONE!!!"
Keabetswe collapsed.
*At The Waiting room*
Kamva had buried his head deep in his thighs thinking about how did the Happy moments turned into
nightmares so quickly! After some time Hlelo's body was fetched by the morgue . They all stood up
watching her body being taken to the back door .
Everyone felt the pain. Thando broke down thinking about all the Happy moments with Hlehle .
Buhle was feeling guilty because it's all her fault .
Alex & Zoe ran to the waiting room asking about Kea until they learnt that Little Hlelo passed on . It
was shocking .
The nurses ran to Kea attending her. She was broken. She lost her mother, she lost her baby and now
she lost Hlelo. Her heart couldn't take all the pain. It was just too much for a young person like her.
She was given water to drink but she refused. Alex Nd Zoe walked in. They hugged her.
Zoe:"it's all because of them Kea! It's their fault! How will you continue to stay in that house?"
Kea didn't respond. Instead she got up and went to her family.
Kea:"Take me home Kamva."
Kamva didn't argue. Him and Kwazi took Kea Home while the others followed. They arrived home
Finding the other brothers n wives and Grandpa.
Kea didn't greet anyone instead she went upstairs.
Grandpa:"how could you be so wicked?How could you do such a thing?"
Kwazi:"speak up! We all know the person who did this is from this family! You had many reasons to
kill Kea but in return a child's life was lost. Our Hlehle! Whoever did this has no remorse , I hate him
and will never forgive him."
Kamva:(sniffing)"this is not a family , this is a house of group of snakes! You have caused me and
her Pain that will never go away! You have broken us way beyond repair!.
Kabelo:"whoever did this needs to face justice. I want justice!"
Grandpa:"who did it! Speak up or you'll see the worst of me!"
Buhle was panicking. Deep down she wanted to confess but the thought of going to jail stopped her .
Kea just locked herself in her room to cry. No pain in the world could be compared to what she's
feeling. She couldn't even think , she was hurting.
2 days later.
Kea hasn't eaten anything and now the family was worried about her.
She was in her room in shower . The running hot water is now cold. She gets up and wear her black
long skirt and black polyneck with a black head scarf to mourn her sister.
She request an Uber then leaves the room. Kamva wanted to be there for Kea but he was afraid she'll
push him away because she hasn't talked to him.
Kwazi:"let me go with you."
Kea:"no, im fine."
Kwazi:"cancel your uber request. I will drive you.".
Kwazi takes his car keys and they both leave. They went to the Mortgage to bath Hlelo's to pay for
Hlelo's stay .
Kwazi:"so after her funeral, what are you going to do?"
Kea:"thank you so much for always having my back. What I will do might put me in jail so that's
why I'll leave. Without a fight."
Kwazi:"you need justice!"
Kea:"Buhle ,Thapelo and Thato are responsible. "
Kwazi:"how do you know?"
Kea:"I have my ways of finding out shit. Now thanks for having my back . I need to go see
Kea requested an Uber and went to MaZulu's Apartment.
MaZulu:"how are you holding up?"
Kea:"it's painful, I am trying to be strong but it's not working."
MaZulu:"this family has costed you your happiness."
Kea:"I know , and they will pay!"
MaZulu:"Kea don't use your powers for evil , they will destroy you!"..
Kea:"which is why I want to get rid of these powers, permanently. "
MaZulu:"Hhaybo Kea!"
Kea:"My sister is gone , she was the reason why I was keeping my powers. I want to lose them
permanently because if I dont. I will kill people and not even God will stop me. Killing is not my
nature, it's not who I am and I dont want to be that person!".
MaZulu:"I told you it's impossible."..
Kea:"you,were lying , now tell me the truth."
MaZulu:"how did u know? "
Kea:"it doesn't matter."
MaZulu:"the necklace, take your powers out on that necklace and put it away. I can keep it for you if
you want."
Kea:"No , I will keep it. Thanks MaZulu for your help but my journey with you ends right here'"
MaZulu:"fine, I'll leave. If you need help. Call."
Kea Nodded and walked out.
*The palace*
Lwazi walked in furious. He went straight to Thapelo and started Hitting him. Everyone was stunned
by his actions.
Nthabi:"Kwazi stop! What's wrong?"
Kwazi:"He is responsible for Hlelo's death. Him , Kenneth's wife and Thato!"
Kamva lost his cool and started Hitting Thato so badly. Kabelo joined in Hitting Thapelo.
They were hitting them while Buhle was crying. Kenneth observed his wife wondering what kind of
monster did He marry.
Buhle:"please listen to me baby , I didn't mean to kill her. "
Kenneth:"I want a divorce!"
Buhle:(crying) Kenneth please. Someone please hear me out."
Thando gave the baby to Kamo and went straight to Buhle. She whooped the hell out of her.!
Thapelo: " it's your fault Grandpa. Of you didn't give her our family rights we wouldn't have tried
killing her!"..
Kwazi:"you are disgusting do you know that? All for money ! You're sick and you disgust me!"
Kwazi spit on Thapelo who was laying down with blood all over his face.
Phindile:"really Thapelo, you tried killing Kea just for money. OH my word , now that I own 50% of
your company what are you going to do? Kill me?".
Thapelo:"Phindi no , it's not like that. We only just wanted to hurt her!"
Phindile:"a child is dead!! How do you feel about that? A child is dead Thapelo , a child! Do you
have feelings? Are you even human? You disgust me right now nxxx!"
Thapelo just kept quiet.
Nthabi:"you are a disgust to womanhood. How can a woman do that to another woman? You are a
murderer Buhle! A cold blooded murderer! I HATE you so much right now!"
Grandpa realized that he put Kea's life in danger for a simple gift. Grandpa saw strength in Kea and
he knew Kea is the great future of this family. he saw something in KEA that he never saw in anyone
else. He wanted Kea to grow this family's empire alongside with his grandsons but no one
participated. Everyone started seeing Kea as a competition.
Grandpa:"I will take back the shares and share them to all of you equally!"
Kea:"That's what you should've done from the beginning!"
Everyone turned to look at Kea who was standing at the Main door.
Grandpa:"Kea I'm really sorry, please forgive me. I Didn't know they will turn into cold blooded
murderers. I always thought my grandchildren were natured well. But I will fix this. Sign back the
shares to me."
Kea:"Hlelo was everything to me , I lost her in the hands of this family. This business is everything
to y'all and you will lose it in the hands of Kea! My Hlelo already suffered for a business she doesn't
even know and for that you will pay. I am not signing anything to anyone and you grandpa. I'm sorry
you won't be around to see your grandsons falling on their feets to ask for my mercy . Kea Touched
grandpa and he started suffocating.
Kea:"I'm sorry! But you don't deserve to see your sons turning into monsters and thank you for the
Company. " she walked out leaving everyone stunned.
Kwazi checked Grandpa's pulse.
Kwazi:"he's gone!"
[Not Edited]
I arrived at Zoe's house and she was welcoming. I needed my own time to think about my next
I locked myself in "my" room and cried.
Kea:"I'm sorry Grandpa, you meant well . " I took Grandpa's life because he was dying anyways.
The reason he was in a hurry to give the shares to someone he trust is because he was losing his
life and only left with few days to live. I knew this the moment I went to him to return the shares.
As soon as I touched him , I was able to read his thoughts and that alone broke my heart. He was
going to die and it would have been a painful death. I made him face a harmless death. I hope he
forgives me.
I looked at the necklace and took it off. This is it , I am letting the powers go. I will be a normal
person with no powers and what's so ever. MaZulu thinks she's smart , I don't trust her. Yes she
had pure intentions at first but she knows the necklace is powerful. I will hide it where no one
will find it.
I am broken. My Hlelo was innocent and wanted what's best for everyone. I will never forgive
them for what they have costed me. Never!! I was crying when I felt a warm touch on my cheek
and there's only one person who have this kind of touch.
Hlelo:"is my Kea crying?"
Hlelo:"why is my Kea grumpy now? Kea is sweet and Kea is love. Don't allow this to change
who you are. Don't let pain make decisions for you. Be happy and Hlehle will be happy too ."
Kea:(crying)"you felt pain ...I couldn't save you!"
Hlelo:"maybe it wad God's plan , yes I did feel pain it was soo painful but Keke, after that ..I felt
lighter and happy. I even saw mama. "
Hlelo:"yess, I'm leaving Keke mom is calling me. Take care of yourself and just know that it's
nobody's fault. Don't be bitter Keke , it's not who you are. You are Love and I love you ."
Kea:"I love....(she disappeared) you too."
My heart felt much at peace but the fact that I will never see l her again pains me. She is gone
and that I should accept.
I sighed . I called the Mortgage to deliver Hlelo's body and I will pay them double the amount. It
was hard convincing them but they finally gave in.
Kea:"can I borrow your car.?"
Zoe:" ofcourse , are you feeling better?"
Kea:" yeah." She gave me her car keys and went to the location where they'll deliver her. They
arrived and she was in her little coffin. I had already asked people to privately dig a grave at our
old village. Next to mama. I arrived at the village and it was 01:00am. They took the coffin out ,
I quickly opened it and put the necklace around her in that way no one will abuse it's power ,
including me. I closed the coffin as it was my last time seeing my Baby Sis.
I called father in law to tell him it's about to start. He came and honestly he was supportive. I
cried to my heart's content .
Chief:"it's all going to be fine Child. Believe in God , this is not the end."
I continued crying feeling my heart sinking down with her!.
It was over. Hlelo was buried and it was only me , father in law and the Mortgage people.
I drove back to Zoe's house , tired , drained. I haven't slept in days and all I wanted to do was to
close my eyes and never open them again.
I felt incomplete without Kea and the thought of her not talking to me a bit after this whole
incident makes me Wanna cry. She miscarried and still she said nothing to me and now she lost
her sister. I can't even imagine how she's feeling. It's all my fault. I brought her here , I cheated
on her , and now this. I will never forgive myself for the pain I've coursed her. I only want to tell
her how sorry I am and I'll support her through this. Yes we had our differences but that doesn't
mean she's not my wife. She's my wife and I love her , I always will!
I was tossing and turning not able to sleep thinking about Kea. I don't know how she is , It
would've been better if she was in this house In that way my heart would've been at peace.
**In the Lounge**
Now everyone was worried about Kea and Grandpa. To even think that no one really noticed that
Kea's touch made Grandpa have a heart attack. They all think Grandpa was too stressed about
this matter that his heart couldn't take it. They blame themselves.
Kabelo is at the hospital next to his wife.
The rest are still in the house trying to find a way out. Kenneth wants a divorce and Buhle regrets
everything she did. She wished things didn't happen the way they have. The rest of the family is
not talking to Thapelo and Thato because of their wicked ways but at some point they'll have to
talk about the way forward.
Thapelo's phone beeped . Followed by Thato. The message confirms that they have sold their
shares .
Thapelo:"no , no!"
Thato:"it can't be!"
Kenneth:"yin manje!"
Thapelo:"the message says we have sold our shares!"
Kwazi:"it's Kea , she has 100% control in all our companies. She's selling your shares and you
deserve it."
Kenneth:"if anything happen to my shares because of you , you'll regret it!"
Kwazi:"why is she still here? Wesisi, you are lucky you're not in jail. Just leave before we make
you leave. You are a dentist and you earn. You'll be able to afford life unless of course you
wanna go to jail for murder because you are a murderer. That's what you are!"
Kenneth:"Leave, I don't ever wanna see your face." Kenneth's phone beeped.
Kenneth:"I swear If I lost my shares you have no Idea what I'll do to you."
He checked the message and to his surprise, he gained his other50% that belonged to Buhle. He
now owns 100% again.
Kenneth:" look at that, I just gained my other 50% and you Buhle you are no longer welcomed
here!" Buhle took her bags and car and left.
Phindile:"I'm sorry but I cant do this , I won't stay with a murderer. I am divorcing you wena !
Im done with you."
Thapelo:"Phindi please , please. I'm sorry I let this whole thing get to me , I'm sorry. Just please
don't leave me!"
Phindile:" until you mend your ways Thapelo , stay the hell away from me. "
Kwazi:"go to the main Palace , along with Nomusa. Take care of that place for a moment until
you have decided what you want. Just don't take decisions in this current state of mind. "
Phindile went to her room to pack along with Nomusa. All the other daughters in law decided to
join the girls to give the guys some space to think . Except for our girls who stay in this palace.
Kamogelo:"what went wrong Thapelo, why did the thought of killing even cross your mind?
How could you do this mara yee?"
Thapelo:"I am sorry , I don't know what got to me but I really wasn't planning to kill her. I , I just
wanted to hurt her so she'd be scared and back off"' - Thapelo was lying.
Kwazi:"well a Child is dead, our Hlelo is dead and for that I will never forgive you. You both are
dead to me. Just leave this house."
Kwazi:"you're lucky I'm calm because im this close to losing my cool. Take your brothers and
leave. I never wanna see you all near us. You are wicked.
Thami:"hhaybo we were not involved thina abanye!"
Thami:"then stay. It's time we choose sides. If you go along with Thapelo and Thato then you're
dead to me! If you stay.... we will work on building our own empire and if you stay , you are
committing yourself to this brotherhood. We protect each other , we protect each other's wives ,
we support Kea in everything she's going through . Both Kea and Kamva and lastly I find you
communicating with these 2, you might as well consider yourself dead to me. Let's go
He went into his bedroom.
Thami:"I am staying, you brought this on yourselves Thato ."
Thabo:"I am staying."
Thabiso:"I am leaving with my brothers. Y'all can go to hell!" Thabiso was the only one to leave
with Thato and Thapelo while the others stayed behind.!
4 Weeks later.
It has been 4 weeks and to say it was easy, I'd be lying. It was hard adjusting to the fact that Hlehle is
no more. In these 4 weeks only Kwazi has been checking up on me because I have been staying at
And the main Palace. I dream about it every single night and I feel like something is calling me
I woke up to such a lovely Smell coming from the Kitchen and Woaw Alex was cooking.
Kea:"Good morning."
Alex:"ohh here comes the Cry baby."
Kea:(laughs)"shut up."
Alex:"how are you feeling today?"
Kea:"much better. I just wanna move on , start life afresh."
Alex:"what about the shares you own?"
Kea:"everthing is going well. The boys are doing everything in the Company and ...I will keep the
Company's shares. Grandpa gave them to me."
Alex:"but you're divorcing Kamva!"
Kea:"yeah, I will still keep the shares."
Alex:"this will not end well."
Kea:"I know, that's why I'm planning on leaving....the country."
Kea:"I deserve a break from all of this and this is my way of dealing with pain."
Alex:"you'll keep in touch, right?"
Kea:"im sorry but I don't want anyone to know where I'm going. I'm going to start afresh. I'm already
in the process of them owning their companies without it linking to the main one. I'll go with what
grandpa gave me without affecting what they have. And I really dont want anyone to know my
Alex:"whatever you do , I support you ."
Kea:"I know"
Alex:"did u send the divorce papers?"
Kea :"yeah , just now. Hopefully he signs."
Alex:"have you talked to him after the miscarriage thing?"
Today I woke up to divorce papers. How could Kea even think of divorcing me? Yes we've had our
ups and downs , I gave her time to grieve and Heal. Full 4 weeks I didn't bother her and what does
she do? Throw me with divorce papers. She's crazy. I showered and took my car keys.
Kwazi:"where are you going?"
Kamva:"Kea , could you believe she sent divorce papers! Who the hell does she think she is?!"
Kwazi:"mhmmm lemme guess , a woman who has had enough of this family and Wants nothing to
do with it. Oh and you cheated , and because of that she miscarried. So before going there think
about the disgusting things you did to her. Nxx!"
I left Kwazi there and drove to Zoe's house!
I parked my car and let myself in. Kea was eating with Alex.
Kamva:"what the hell is this?" I threw the papers on the table.
Alex:"what are you doing here?"
Kamva:"I am not talking to you."
Kea:"fine , these are divorce papers that you should've signed by now!"
Kamva:"I am not signing anything. You think you're gonna leave me just like that? You're crazy !" I
grabbed her by her arm and dragged her to my car. She kept on screaming and hitting me but nothing
will stop me from taking my wife back home not even this good for nothing Alex.
Alex:"I am calling the cops!"
Kamva:"do whatever suits you but this is my wife , nxx!"
I forcefully put her in the car and drove back to the mansion. She was quiet which made me think
what she's thinking. I again dragged her out of the car.
Kea:"Leave me , you're hurting me!!"
Kamva:"no , I am tired of you not wanting us to talk about us. I gave you enough time to think and
be yourself and what do you do? Send divorce papers! Are you insane? Do you have an idea how
much I have been suffering In these past 4 weeks?"
Kea:(shouting)" I don't care! I don't care how much you were suffering . What about me? Do you
have an idea how hard it was for me?" Her eyes were now streaming with tears and that alone broke
my heart . I dragged her to the house. She kept on fighting me but I didn't give in.
Kwazi:"Kea? Kamva what the hell?"
Nthabiseng:"Kamva leave her alone!!" I ignored everyone and dragged her straight to my room and
locked the door.
Kamva:"you're not going anywhere!"
Kea:"you can't force me to stay here with you. I want to leave I don't wanna be with you anymore."
Kamva:"Kea listen, I can't live without you. I love you baby and you know very well that I wouldn't
have let anything happen to Hlehle if I knew!"
Kea:(crying and shouting) "this is not about Hlehle for damn sake! This is about you cheating on me!
You cheated Kamva and worse part you impregnated her! She's pregnant with your baby and in the
process I lost mine! Do you have any idea how painful that is? Do you have any idea how much I
loved you and trusted you with my heart? You killed your own child Kamva! YOU ARE A
HOME MY HLEHLE WOULD HAVE BEEN ALIVE ! After killing your own child YOUR
FAMILY KILLED MY SISTER !! What did I do nothing! You cheated on me , what did I do?
Nothing! You killed your own child and what did I do ?Nothing!! "
She had a point, I killed my own child . I brought this on myself all because of Anelisa. I brought so
much pain in her life and I didn't want to accept that.
Kamva:"no , I didn't kill my child , I , I..
Kea:(crying)"you are a murderer and I will never ever forgive you. I HATE you so much. I
Kamva:(screaming)"Nooooo!" I was holding my head trying to change how I feel about myself right
now. I am a bad husband. I cheated on my wife and this costed me my happiness with my only true
love. I love her so much and right now I hate the fact that I love her! I don't deserve her yet I wont let
her leave me. She's my wife.
I got closer to her and pushed her against the wall.
Kea:"you're hurting me!"
Kamva:"tell me you won't leave me , please tell me we'll fix our relationship!"
Kea:"no , I hate you. I don't want anything to do with you."
The more she said those things it's the more I felt angry and empty. I strangle her and she starts
fighting me off.
Kamva:"tell me we'll be fine!"
She wasn't able to speak. She was suffocating . I let go of her and she fell down gasping for air!"
Kea:"you're a sick monster. You almost killed me and for that I will never get back with you. You
can have your sick throne!"
She ran to the door and unlocked.
Kamva:"you don't want to leave me! I will fucken kill you once you leave from the door."
Kea:"go to hell!" She got out , running.
My heart couldn't let her go. I ran after her and caught up with her. She fought me off and continued
Kamva:"ye Kea!"
I grabbed her by her hair as we both hit a stance table that broke. She broke free and climbed down
the stairs.
Everyone stood up .
Kwazi :"what's going on? Kea hold up , what's wrong?"
Kea:"tell your crazy brother to sign the papers because I don't wanna be with him. "
Kamva:"Kea please!"
Kea:"you strangled me!"
Kwazi:"you what?"
Kea:"just fix your life Kamva, you brought pain in my life and I wish I never met you . Just go raise
your kid with that bitch but don't forget you killed your own! Nxxx!"
She left , leaving me broken. I hated everything and everyone and there's only one person responsible
for this.
Kamva:"nxx!" I took my car keys.
Kwazi:"if I find out you laid your hands on her, I'll forget you're my brother."
Kamva:"go to hell!"
I head to my car to find Alex collecting Kea at the gate. I drive to Anelisa's apartment. I opened the
door without knocking . I found Lisa and Akhona chilling.
I went straight to her and dragged her by her clothes and suppress her against the wall.
Akhona:"Kamva leave her alone!"
Kamva:"why did you do it? I gave you money for the pills and why didn't you buy them?"
Anelisa:(crying) " I'm sorry , I. I ...
Kamva:"you're what? You knew I was married. I love my wife Lisa and you Better take that thing
out! I dont want it and I will not raise it! I gave you money for pills and you chose not to buy them. I
thought you have grown and now much clever. ..That's the difference between you and Kea. You are
an idiot and always will be. And I don't go around marrying Idiots and as for you ,Forget about
marrying me I will not even date you again. A girl who easily opens her legs for a married man. Sies!
Lisa:"(crying)"how could you say that!?"
Kamva:"get rid of that thing or I will dig it out myself , try me!" I put the money for abortion on the
table and left that place . Hopefully she listens to me or I will dig that baby out!"
Curiosity killed a cat they say and here I am so Curious about the dreams I've been having. I decided
to drive to The Main palace borrowing Alex's car this time.
Hours later I arrived finding the other daughters in law im not used to. We kinda had a conversation
over a tea.
Phindile:"I am really sorry for what my husband put you through, even I am shocked."
Kea :"it's okay Phindi , no one really knew they would do that. Let's rather not talk about it."
Phindile;"what brings you here?"
Kea:"there's something I'm looking for so if you can excuse me ladies." I got up and started walking
around the house. I went to Grandpa's room to find an old man. He had a necklace made out of bones
or goat horns. Only he knows. He had so many beads on his neck wrists and ankles.
Kea:"who are you?"
Man:"the one who called you here. You took long responding to my call."
Kea:"what do u want from me.?"
Man:"You seek questions and I will tell you everything. Sit down!"
I sat down.I wasn't comfortable with him , he looked scary no lies.
Man:"I don't bite, I hardly have teeth."
Sense of humour I see!
Man:"With or without the necklace, your presence is too strong. Your late Grandpa in law was
looking for someone he will give his wealth to unfortunately when he saw you. He chose you ."
Kea:"why was I told that I am the Queen!"
Man:"by the Queen , it meant you are the ruler. Whether the ruler of hearts , the bravest and wisest
person. Being called a queen doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to sit on a throne and lead people.
Kea the throne thing doesn't work anymore. Yes this Ngwenya family is a royal family but the
royalty ended with Your Grandpa-in-law.
Kea:"I don't understand....
Man:"Grandpa is a son of a chief and by chief it means his father was half royal and half not but his
grandfather was a royal. Grandpa's mother isn't a royal at all and his father is half a royal which
makes him NOT royal. He was called a chief although he didn't deserve to , he had a dream to have
his own empire, his own legacy and set a record no one will ever make!
He met your Grandma in law who happened to be a 100% royal blood. He knew his blood was far
weak to be a royal so he took this chance to bear lots and lots of children who will carry their
mother's royal blood. His children had children making them not royals at all. Your husband has
about 10% of royal blood but that doesn't make him a prince and you not a princess.
People feared grandpa and worshipped him! He was the King , the King he never was but people
believed he was. He took this chance to build his own empire with a set of 12 sons who left
everything for their sons. "
Kea:"why are you telling me this."
Man:"to let you know that Grandpa only wanted you to step up as "Queen" and follow the "tradition"
he made , to bear 12 children!"
Man:"yes , he made this tradition and he never wanted it to die , he wanted to be in the history
greatest books . A man who started the tradition of the chosen wives to bear 12 children. They made
you believe that you're a queen and it's your birth right to walk on their footsteps and keep the
tradition alive."
Kea:"But , but the gift. I was told...
Man:"they lied to you Kea, they wanted you to believe that you're a queen because they knew about
your special gift. You're gifted my child, yes. But you're not the Ngwenya chosen on. It's entirely up
to you if you wanna give your marriage another try but you're not obligated to it."
Kea:"I was told that I am the most powerful thing..."
Man:"and they didn't lie to you. While wearing the necklace , you had the powers of the first
Keabetswe to own it and her spirit was with you in that way you were powerful. But now that you
chose you don't want anything to do with the necklace, you are a normal person . The gift is with the
little one. No one is abusing the gift because if you didn't decide to get rid of it, you would've used it
for revenge and it would've distroyed you. Fight your battles like a normal person with a normal gift.
Maybe you have a gift of communicating with the dead , or the gift of foreseeing the future , or don't
have a gift at all. We don't know child. But from here on you are Keabetswe. Not entitled to
anything. It's up to you what you do with your life.
Kea:"I can't believe this! And my husband , I want to leave him and start Somewhere far. I don't
wanna go back to that Family....they costed me so much."
Man:"I know , but it won't be easy. He is obsessed with you and wants you right by his side. I don't
blame him , yours and his ancestors have a love history that's why you loved him so much and trust
me he loves you. It's up to you what you do but he will definitely not accept you leaving."
Kea:"he strangled me after sending him divorce papers , I saw a monster in him. He was letting his
emotions control him !"
Man:"then leave! With his emotions so uncontrollable, he might kill you than having to see you with
another man."
Kea:"I am leaving and he'll have to accept that."
The man nodded.
Man:"I have told you what I had to , I am leaving."
Kea:"I should also leave , I need to start packing.
Man:"go child, good awaits you!"'
I got up and left the room , I realized I forgot my phone .I went back and he wasn't there.
Kea:"the underground gaang. So I can communicate with them."
I smiled and thanked him for the wise words. I left the room.
I need to pack , I need to leave this place. Let me call Kwazi.
I was thinking of a plan to get my wife back but my mind was blank. The only plan I had was to
forcefully make her stay here with me but people like Kwazi would never allow that. What do I do?
Kwazi's phone rang.
Nthabiseng:"who is it?" Aii abafazi.
Kwazi:"it's Kea."
Nthabiseng:"ohh , put her on loud speaker."
Kwazi :"hi Kee!"
Kea:"Hey champ , can you put me on loud speaker?"
Kwazi:"you're on."
Kea:"right, I wanted to thank everyone who was so kind and loving to me. Especially you Kwazi,
thank you for having my back like a brother. I will never forget you. Nthabiseng thanks for being the
sis , for taking care of , of , of Hlehle. You would do her hair , dress her up and for that I'll forever be
grateful. AND Ndondo , thank you for always being there whenever I needed a person to talk to , for
taking care of Hlehle. Is Kabelo there?
Kwazi:"no , he's at the hospital."
Kea:"right, after this call I'll go check them up at the hospital...Is he there?"
Kwazi looked at me.
Kwazi:"yeah , he's here!"
Kea:"we're just not meant to be , let me do this. It's a road I need to take. I have suffered enough in
the name of love. You brought this on yourself. Raise your child, he's innocent. Hopefully we don't
meet again but I just want you to know you'll always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for
the little happy moments we had...I'll carry them in my heart forever. Bye Kamva. And bye guys ."
Kwazi:"where are youu going Kee?"
Kea:"I just want you to know that wherever I am going, I will be fine. I will heal. It was nice meeting
She hung up.
I was feeling so much pain in my heart.why do I have a feeling that she's Leaving the country and for
Kwazi:"let's forget about Kea , we have hurt her enough." He was indirectly talking to me.
Kamva:"Fine , I just want to look at her one more time. Apologize, maybe my heart will be at peace."
Kwazi:"go brother , but closure is a scam!"
It was 18:00pm when I arrived at the hospital.
I went to Khanyi's ward who was soooo happy to see me. She looked a lot better. She was with KB
Kea:"Hey Love."
Khanyi:"Kea , it's soo good to see you. I heard about..... uhm I am really sorry. I somehow blame
myself. If we didn't force you to..."
Kea:"shhh! We will not talk about that today. "
Khanyi:(crying)"I still wish we could go back and change things..."
Kea:"it's God's will.I came here to thank you for everything you have done for me. To the both of
you actually."
Kabelo:"sounds serious."
Kea:"it would have been rude of me to leave without saying goodbye to everyone who has been good
to me. Thank you guys , Khanyi you always made me laugh when I was down and KB you always
pushed me whenever I felt like giving up . You guys were everything a girl needs in her life. Thank
you so much. Kabelo you would be a horse for Hlehle and Khanyi sometimes you would be a mom
to her! "
Kabelo:"we genuinely loved Hlehle and I am broken that she's no more all because of our family. No
one should ever go through what that child went through. She was a sweetheart and may she rest in
peace. We love you Kea , never forget that."
Khanyi:"we love you babes AND we'll never forget you. Just promise us you'll be safe!"
Kea:"I will."
Khanyi:" don't be a stranger, keep in touch'"
Kea:"I will." I was lying.
I hugged Khanyi and looked at her for the last time.
I took my phone and pressed send. Everyone will get a message that their companies are now not
controlled by the one I own . I didn't sell it but I closed it!. With all the money that it has ....all in my
new accounts. I walked out of the hospital and Kamva was there. Leaning on his car waiting for me.
Kea:"Kamva I am not gonna argue with you. Just not today!"
Kamva:"I come in peace. I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. It wasn't my intention. Kea I
want you to know that you are a wonderful person and I was a fool to mess up. I promise you I will
find you , and I will prove to you how much I love you. I will not give up on our love ! For now Go
but I will find you and when I do , not even the Gods will stop me from making you mine. This is the
road you need to take so I'm letting you go."
He looked so cute, no lies I loved Kamva with all my heart but he broke my trust. His family broke
me and going back to him would be an insult to Hlehle.
Kea:"fix your life. Make sure you'll treat the next person in your life with love and loyalty. And your
baby momma ? Make sure she doesn't bump on your next girlfriend."
I could tell he was confused as hell.
He got closer to me and hugged me. I felt like crying. Maybe I should stay! Hhay Kea , simple hug
wena u want to stay , sies!
He kissed me and for some reason I let him. He looked me straight in my eyes.
Kamva:"I will make it my responsibility to find you. And wife you again. KEA BELONGS TO
Okay maybe I should stay! Hhay Kea , no Kea. Remember what he did to you.!
He got in his car and drove off , leaving me with all sort of mixed emotions.
Chapter 3
The fresh air of this country , the Green Leaves and Tall trees. I love
I was in my apartment building at the balcony. How I wish Hlehle was here. She would've been
running around . Hlelo's death has hurt me more than our mother's death has. Mother was sick and I
expected her to die. But For Hlelo , I had big dream for her , I thought she was always gonna be by
my side. I hate them so much and I'd be crazy if I associate myself with that Family. Enough is
I have changed my phone numbers , deleted my instagram page. New start right .
It has been 5 days since I arrived in Botswana and in those 5 days , I would cry at night. My heart is
still bleeding , how do I stop feeling this way?!
I got a call from my new Lawyer.
Ofentse:"Ms Magagula Hi , I am Ofentse Zikhona your new Lawyer."
Kea:"ohh yes..."
Ofentse:"Right , we need to discuss about you transferring your company to Botswana and I think
we'll have to discuss about this face-to-face so I'd explain everything to you."
Kea:"okay cool, when?"
Ofentse :"how about around 15:00pm today , I'll send you the location."
Kea:"Ok Mr Zikhona , thank you."
Ofentse:"it's always a pleasure."
I hung up. What to wear? , I need to look professional right? But how does one look professional?
I went to my closet and the only "professional" outfit I had was a ripped black jean .
Kea you suck!. I took a black Nike trackpant and a white tight croptop . I made 2 fluffy Mickey
mouse pony tails out of my Huge AFRO and some white no name sneakers.
Kea:"wow kea, you look professional!"
Bitch left with my heart! I truly loved her and to think I'd loose her... I didn't see it coming. I was in
the lounge drowning myself in alcohol , it has been a hobby these days. Kenneth came to me and sat
next to me. He took the bottle of Alcohol from me!
Kenneth:"you know why I hate an alcoholic? because you become a different man! A drunkard
thinks with his heart and not head. If your heart says cry , you cry. If it says hit someone , you do it.
Get back to work Kamva and get hold of yourself."
Kamva:"you don't understand."
Kenneth:"I think I do understand. I loved my wife Kamva. Just because she did that terrible thing , it
doesn't mean that I immediately lost my feelings for her. No! I told her to leave while I truly loved
her. I learned to live without her and I'm pretty doing fine. Yes it hurts but at some point you gotta let
shit be for what it is! This breakup shouldn't be your fall , let it be your rise. Let it be your lesson . Be
Like Kea , this is her Rise. She had broken down a lot and this is her Rise. She needs her strength
back. Just let her be but I promise you as soon as we have given her enough time to heal. I will help
you hunt her down and by fire by force, we will bring her back home. This is my promise to you.
Now get ready and do your work!"
Ofentse Zikhona
I have been a lawyer for 3months now could you imagine. I have no idea how this girl chose me but
it must've been my professional profile . I was getting ready to meet up with her in my house when I
saw my best friend's car pulling in . Luvuyo has no timing , I told him I'm meeting a client in an
hour. He let himself in all the way to my room.
He looks at me from the bottom up to my head and laughs.
Luvuyo:(laughs)"I'll never get used to seeing you in a suit!"
Ofentse:"not funny , what are you doing here? I have a client!"
Luvuyo:"so it's my fault that a brother misses a brother? I was bored Ofentse and you're the only
nigga I fuck with!"
Ofentse:"while getting used to me wearing a suit , please get used to me being a lawyer!"
Luvuyo:"you are our company's lawyer , it's so weird seeing you having personal clients."
Kamva:"she didn't know that , she just chose me and I cant disappoint a young lady but I'll clarify it
to her."
Luvuyo:"so what's this meeting about?"
Ofentse:"she's transferring her company that's in SA to here ,Botswana."
Luvuyo:"interesting! Lemme tag along!"
Ofentse:"this is soo unprofessional!"
Luvuyo:"we have a business, maybe we might find a new business deal or something. Let's go ."
Ofentse:"and there he is , rushing me!"
Luvuyo:"I love you too!"
Ofentse:"ohh my gosh I hate it when you say that! I feel gay!"
He laughs at me
So mogurl is looking hot. I take my handbag . My phone rang.
Ofentse:"you want to be a business woman. You should really work on answering your phone
I rolled my eyes.
Ofentse:"let's do this again!"
Kea:(rolling my eyes)"Ms Magagula , Hello how can I help you?"
Ofentse:"much better!"
Kea:"cool ...I mean Right."
Ofentse: "we're on our way , hope you are on yours already."
Kea:"yes, I'm on my way."
Ofentse:"don't be late."
He hung up. Kea you're still in your apartment what the hell. I take the Elevator because now it's
go go go! I don't wanna be late. I go straight to my hired car and drive to the location. Mind you
I have no idea who I'm meeting, I have never met him and seems like he's not alone coz he said
"we're on our way". I step out of "my" car and go in this building. Wow I must say it's soo
refreshing , it's so quiet and clean. It smells lovely , there were couches everywhere and I spot 2
guys next to the couch over the window. They both look at me and now I'm confused if it's them
I'm meeting or not.
This is tricky, I don't wanna make myself a fool and ask them. Probably it's them. I walk to them
, they seemed like they were busy talking business.
Kea:"uhm , hi"
They look at me without even smiling. Scary! I don't like them shem they have this terrifying
look. Intimidating.
Guy1:"how can we help you?"
Kea:"uhm...are playing a trick on me?"
Waitress:"Ms Magagula?"
Waitress:"the people you're looking for are upstairs. "
Kea:"ohh , thanks. Sorry gentlemen."
I quickly walked away, now that was embarrassing. I climb the stairs . I reach the second floor
and there were two Guys on one of the couches . What to do? The waitress said they are on this
floor. Kea , be professional. I walk to them and as soon as I arrive they stood up.
Ofentse:"Miss Magagula. you're late! So unprofessional!
Kea:"im sorry"
Ofentse:"Nice to meet you."
He offered a handshake . This other guy also offered a handshake.
Ofentse:"you may sit down."' Mhmm what a gentleman.
Kea:"thank you." I sat down.
Ofentse:"before we start I am Ofentse Zikhona and this is my Bestfriend , more like a brother
and my business partner.
Luvuyo:"I am Luvuyo Xaba"
Nice to meet you. He smiled a lil and boom , he has dimples. Kea respect men with dimples ,
they cheat and impregnate a side chick. Stay away! Red flag!!!
Ofentse:"uhmm okay let's I will make some legal papers for you to transfer the
company and .......
He went on talking and talking and I was getting sleepy. I kept on yawning yet he was so
professional. I don't know what happened all I heard was Ofentse shouting at me and I freaked
Ofentse:"this is not...
Kea:"....professional yes I know , I know. Thanks for explain the procedure I pretty much
understand. You just over explained."
Ofentse:"okay I'm done , hope you understood."
Kea:"I did , thank you."
Ofentse:"that brings us to the end , I'll keep in contact."
I stood up and handshakes with them and walked away. What a speech.!
After she left, Luvuyo and I stayed behind and ordered something to drink.
Ofentse:"that went well , soon she'll be running her business this side."
Luvuyo was holding his glass of brandy and he was continuously rotating it.
Ofentse:"speak mr Know it all."
Luvuyo:"she's not the business owner kinda girl. Let me see those papers." He took the papers
which had information about Keabetswe and the company.
Luvuyo:"what the hell! I know this company. One of the huge companies in SA that has
branches abroad. How the hell did she manage to get such a huge company on her finger tips?"
Ofentse:"I don't know?"
Luvuyo:"this is big , this is the main company and how did ways!"
Luvuyo is one smart Motherfucker. His suspension are never wrong, wrong by mistake.
Ofentse:"let's me just help her get this company to SA , we don't know this girl and you're not
going to dig up information about her!"
Luvuyo:"yes sir!"
He's going to dig information about her, Luvuyo always does the opposite of what I tell him!
I was at our palace with Thato & Thabiso. The other brothers have turned their backs on us .
They don't want us near them all because of that Kea. Ever since Thato and I got our business
back , everything has been going smoothly except for the fact that this motherfucker left the
country with our inheritance. We will do whatever we can for revenge! No one cross the
Ngwenya brothers and gets away with it. We will find her , and when we do....we will end her!
Thato:"so how do we find out where she is?"
Thapelo:"I'll call my guy to find that OUT and trust me he will. "
Thabiso:"so if she's too far?"
Thapelo:"I'll use connection to get her killed. Kamva won't know what hit him!."
As soon as I arrived in my house, I started digging up information about her. She's married to
one of the Ngwenya Sons. What the hell . 1 year ago I signed a business deal with one of the
Ngwenya Sons Thapelo. He seems like a genuine guy but does illegal transportation. He once
offered me a deal where he'll use my trucks to transfer drugs to Nigeria and when I refused, he
threatened me. That guy is like a dog with no teeth. All he knows is to bark. I didn't have time to
play this game with newbies so I let him be. How come Keabetswe fully owns the main
company? Something is not right. I dig up more information about her. I am a good computer
hacker but not as good as my guys. I call one of the bad motherfucker I know , Flame.! Flame is
known for hunting a person down and trust me he never fails his mission. He has connections
everywhere , he is determined to this work and that makes him one of my trusted buddies.
Flames:"The Cheetah!"
Luvuyo:"How's it my bro!"
Flames:"all good, say the word."
Flames:"I want you to find out about a girl named Keabetswe Magagula , from SA. She is or was
married to one of the Ngwenya Motherfuckers. I know you're on good terms with one of those
motherfuckers so find out who she was married to , find out every shit about her and by every
shit I mean EVERYTHING! How many times she goes to the toilet a day type of shit!"
Flames:"I got you my man. And when I find out, what do I do?"
Luvuyo:"this is not a hunting mission , she's here. This is a find out who she is mission. No
Flames:"consider it done....but Cheetah , how did you know I'm in contact with one of the sons?"
Luvuyo:"I'm a motherfucker!"
I hung up.
After the cheetah hung up , I let out a huge sigh. I wonder what he's on about. I have known
Luvuyo my whole life and when I say he's a motherfucker you better believe me. I have
connections everywhere and people fear me , people don't want me as their enemy because I
shoot to kill. I am a bullshit but Luvuyo is a bullshitter! I act like we're on the same level but the
truth is , he is that one guy I never wish to cross , he's that guy I never wanna make an enemy.
My phone rang .I looked at it and sighed.
Flames:"shoot your shot."
Thapelo:"old friend, I want you to find someone for me. For R1million."
Flames:"whats so important.?"
Thapelo:"she's holding something that belongs to me."
Flames:"ohh so it's a she! Name and surname and consider it done."
Thapelo:"Keabetswe Magagula!"
Flames:"okay "
Thapelo:"I want her dead and I want you to deliver her body right at some bullshit's doorsteps."
He hung up. Wait a minute , The cheetah told me to dig up information about the same girl. Why
is she worth so much? Who is this girl?

Marrying Sizwe has to be those good decisions of my life. He takes good care of me. He treats
me with respect even though his Baby mama Nomsa stays in this house , he respect me. I haven't
told him about Khumo but hopefully one day I will. Their Son Khwezi is a healthy energetic
baby and everytime I look at him , I remember my Khumo. I have seen Thando's instagram page
and all I see are videos of my Baby and pictures. She is a good mom to him , no doubts. I am
happy he got a better life and a better mommy but I still wish he was with me. I gave my baby
away and I regret it. A part of me wants to go and claim him back but that would make me a bad
person , how can I separate a child from his mother. I am not Selfish. One day when im ready I
will have my own kids.
I don't care who says what but it was wrong of Anelisa to give her cookie to a married man like
that. She degraded her status.
Anelisa:"he insulted me!"
Akhona:"you deserved it! How could you do that to another woman. What did you gain by
falling pregnant deliberately? Kamva doesn't want the child and now what are you going to do?"
Anelisa:"abortion, I have no choice . You know for a second I thought Kamva would have a
change of heart!"
Akhona:"he hates you for ruining his marriage. Now I have a new boss all because of you!"
Anelisa:"mxm , they didn't even look good together!"
Akhona:"you wish. Mogurl has better fashion sense than you. Seen the car she was driving?
Something you wouldn't afford! Enhlek bye I'm going to work. Don't want to make Zoe angry ,
and wena. The abortion or else he'll dig the baby out. You heard him!"
How I miss Kea ,I mean she was that sweet friend. I will never find a friend like Kea and to even
think I met Alex through her.
Alex:"what are you thinking about?"
Zoe:"Kea "
Alex:"she has been through a lot yaz ,I cant even imagine the pain of being cheated on"
Zoe;"promise me you'll never cheat on me!"
Alex:"come here , I promise" I hugged him so tight and he kissed me on my forehead .
My employees were taking coal to the US so I was quite busy in these past 2 days. Today I was
in my house , resting when I got the call I have been waiting for.
Luvuyo:"I'm listening."
Flames:"She is a normal girl from a small village . She lost her mother and had to raise her 5
year old sister alone. She got a marriage proposal from the Ngwenya family to marry their Son
Kamva Ngwenya who happens to be the last son out of the 12 to get married. She got pregnant
and That Kamva cheated causing the girl to lose the baby!"
Luvuyo:"that's it?"
Flames:(clears throat)"no , uhm The grandpa gave her the Company as a gift. So that she'd take
the throne and Lead the Ngwenya clan .Unfortunately the grandpa died".
Luvuyo:"so why she's here?"
Flames:"they started fighting for that company , the brothers planned to kill her by tempering
with her car and in the process , her Sister in law , her Sister and Her sister in law's sister got
hurt. Unfortunately her Little sister named Hlelo didn't make it.
Luvuyo:"she passed on?"
Flames:"yes , she buried her and filled a divorce . Kamva didn't want to sign the papers but that
didn't stop the girl from leaving the country . She came here to Botswana and no one knows she's
here. It's like she doesn't want to be found or is trying to forget her past!."
Luvuyo:"these people are cruel , I mean a child's life is lost and.... they make me sick!"
Flames:"that's all I know ."
Luvuyo:"I'll send your money!"
Flames:"The cheater !"
I hung up! So Kea has their precious inheritance that was given to her by the late grandfather.
She is here to start a new life away from those people. Shame , they will find her and she won't
know what hit her.
I got another call from My bro.
Ofentse:"we're coming over!"
Luvuyo:"who's We?"
Ofentse:"My client and I ."
Luvuyo:"you hang out with your clients now?"
Ofentse:"bro don't make this worse than it already is, you have no idea how stubborn she is. I
mean we met for business , after that I told her I'm spending the rest of my day with you and she
asked to tag along."
Luvuyo:"and you said Yes madam , come!"
Ofentse:"no , you know how girls are good at emotional blackmail ."
Luvuyo:"she used the ' I am lonely, I dont have any friends around here and you are the only
people I know".
Ofentse:"wow , you're good!"
Luvuyo:"I know. How far are you?"
Ofentse:" open the gate."
Luvuyo:"what the hell!" I got up to check and Ofentse's car was at the gate. I press open and he
pulls in. I watch them get out . Kea was wearing a black jean , nude bra , or croptop whatever
and she had the same hairstyle. My nigga on the other hand was wearing a suit. I laughed at
him!.- he called me.
Ofentse:"stop laughing at me!"
People with unlimited airtime neh. I go downstairs and ohh my gosh look who's sitting on my
kitchen counter.
Luvuyo:"hey Kea"
Kea:"ohh Hi."
Luvuyo:(laughs)" what the hell are you wearing? Go change bro !"
Ofentse:"I'll punch you!" He walks away.
Luvuyo:"I love you tooo!"
I could hear him cursing, he hates it when I say that. I looked at Kea who was laughing.
Kea:"did you just say you love him?"
Luvuyo:"is there a problem? He's my best friend and I love him."
Kea:"it's soo weird coming from a guy."
Luvuyo:"I know!"
Kea:"I like your house."
Luvuyo:"you can move in with me if you like!"
Kea:"is that a request?"
Luvuyo:"you can't take a joke , can you?"
Kea:"who jokes about such a beautiful house , I mean I can imagine myself in that glass balcony
wearing a bikini and holding Ze glass of Ze wines.
Wtf , I laughed so much!
Luvuyo:"keep on dreaming!"
Kea:"you live alone?"
Luvuyo:"Ofentse is always around so...not completely but yes ."
Kea:"what snacks do you have ?, I'm craving for something sweet."
I opened one cupboard filled with sweets and you should've seen the baby look on her face.
She jumped off the kitchen counter and took a pack of jelly sweets.
She has a lovely personality considering the fact that she went through so much. I don't know
man there's something about her that's soo attractive.
Kea:"where's Ofentse?"
Luvuyo :"probably upstairs next to the pool, that's his favourite spot."
Kea:"there's a pool upstairs?"
She screamed and started climbing the stairs. What the hell has Ofentse gotten me into.
I took the Elevator and waited for her. Indeed Ofentse was now shirtless next to the glass pool .
Kea arrived and she looked tired.
Kea:"how the hell did you get up here so fast?"
I pointed the Elevator.
Kea:"ohh" (she faked a laugh)
Kea:(screaming)"Glass pool! Oh my gosh my dream house!
Arrggg Lord! I looked at Ofentse and he shrug his shoulders.
Luvuyo:"dont you ever get tired of screaming?"
Kea:(screaming)"OHH MY GOD , A POOL SLIDE!!"
Luvuyo:"this is gonna be the longest day of my life!"
Ofentse:(sighs)"tell me about it!"
We both sighed watching Kea sliding down to the ground pool.
Kea:(shouting)"how the hell do I get up there again?"
Both of us:(sigh)

Finally she got tired , she went to get water from the Kitchen an hour ago and never came back.
Ofentse:" she looked, happy!"
Ofentse:" so what'd you find out?"
Ofentse:"quit the act , I know you dig up some information about her."
Luvuyo:"she left the country for...
I continued briefing Ofentse all the information about Kea while walking downstairs.
We found Kea on the couches, she was asleep , peacefully like a baby. It's like she hasn't slept for
Ofentse:"she really did go through a lot.!"
Ofentse:"what are you going to do?"
Luvuyo;"what am I supposed to do? She's not anyhow related to me."
Ofentse:"she could be in danger, knowing those Brothers ...they won't let it slide."
Luvuyo:"I know. "
Ofentse:"she's not safe and she doesn't even know that."
Luvuyo:" I know , she's too naive . She doesn't even know the danger she might be in. What do I do ,
tell her?"
Ofentse:"you said she has faced a lot and it's good that today we saw her all bubbly and happy. I
mean it would be too bad if we were to burst that bubble."
Luvuyo:" no I will tell her, she needs to know!"
Ofentse:"then what? You try protecting her?"
Luvuyo:" I really don't wanna include myself in this mess okay! "
Ofentse:"I'll just leave bro , see you tomorrow."
Luvuyo:" what about her?"
Ofentse:" how many rooms do you have? Im sure you'll figure it out."
He left.
I looked at her sleeping , what to do? I bring a blanket and cover her up because she was in her
bikini. I picked her up bridal style and she woke up.
Kea:"what are you doing?"
Luvuyo:"taking the baby to bed?"
I pushed the door with my feet and it opened. I then put her down.
Kea:"uhm , I , can still go to my apartment."
Luvuyo:"no uhm , it's too late and not safe. You can stay for the night. There's a gown in that closet
incase you need it."
Kea:" so I get to sleep in this house?"
Luvuyo:" well , yeah!?"
Kea:( screams)
Does she ever get tired?
Luvuyo:" I have to talk to you about something."
Kea:" okay."
She looked bubbly, happy and free. Telling her to watch her back might make her scared. Maybe
Ofentse is right.
Luvuyo:"uhm... you are welcomed in this house and uhm.... ( I had to think of something) uhm and ,
and Ofentse and I could be your friends so yah you've made yourself some new friends around."
Luvuyo:"yeah. I mean why not?"
She hugged me , I hesitated to hug her back. I felt a really different feeling. A feeling I thought I had
buried deep inside of me. I hugged her back .
Luvuyo:"good night"
Kea:"I can't believe I'm sleeping here!"
I smiled and went to my room . I opened the drawer where I put all my girlfriends pictures. She was
murdered a year ago . My heart broke into many pieces. It's all my fault , I have way too many
enemies and they used her to break me and yes they succeeded. They broke me. I loved Selina with
all my heart but I lost her. I couldn't keep her safe.
I felt tears streaming down and wiped them . For some reason , Kea opened that old wound.
I woke up early in the morning and showered. I didn't bring any clothes so I opened the closet and
found trackpants. I wore one , they were a bit loose but who cares. I found some saggy T-shirt . I
walked out and I got lost ,I can't find the stairs. After 2 minutes of search I found the stairs and went
down. This is the most beautiful house I've ever seen , I don't mind spending all my life here. I
laughed to that thought. I walked to the kitchen. I was really hungry but had no idea what to eat.
Luvuyo:"What's wrong?"
Kea:"ohh , uhm ...I am really hungry and have no idea what to eat."
Luvuyo:" how about cereals? I'll make them for you."
Kea :"sure."
He is sweet but there's so much darkness in him. It's like he's empty inside, just like me.
His dimples really remind me of Kamva. He's a Dark chocolate in complexion, the 1 teaspoon of
cremora kind of dark. So cute, no lies.
I eat my cereals .
Kea:"can you drive me back to my apartment.?"
Luvuyo:"Uhm , sure. Send the location on my numbers. He gave me his numbers and I sent the
He took his car keys and we both went out.
He got a phone call.
Luvuyo:"shit, something came up and I have to go."
Kea:"it's okay , I'll request an uber."
Luvuyo;"take my car keys. I'll fetch my car later. I have the location."
I wanted to scream but kept it cool.
Luvuyo:"it's okay you can Scream"
He legit laughed and shook his head and took another car. Damn the garage had all sort of cool cars.
How rich is this guy?.
I got a call from Flames , he said it's urgent so I had to go meet up with him.
I arrived at his location and found him there, he had the worried look which made me certain that it's
bad news
Flames:"remember the day you called and asked about the girl?"
Luvuyo:"just get to the point!"
Flame:"someone made a R1million on her!"
Luvuyo:"for you to do what?"
Flames:"to kill her!"
I felt my blood boiling , my veins were popping.
Flame:"I , I will not Kill her Cheetah , I had already told him that I won't be able to and I'm afraid he
might have asked someone else to do it!"
Luvuyo:" shit!" I got up and went to get my phone in my car and called Kea.
Luvuyo:"where are you?"
Kea:"im in my apartment. I just arrived!"
Luvuyo:"pack your bags , Ofentse will come get you!"
Kea:"is something wrong?"
Luvuyo:"no uhm, we , we thought it'd be really cool if you'd stay in my house with me uhm since
you're new here and knows no one....
Damn she screamed!
I called Ofentse.
Luvuyo:"I'll explain everything but now I need you to take an uber and fetch Kea. My car is with her.
She's in danger "
Luvuyo:"just don't tell her shit. !"
Yuuuh after that call I jumped up and down! Who doesn't wanna stay in that house. It's my dream
house. I don't think I've ever been this happy. I packed and checked out of the hotel. In no time ,
Ofentse arrived.
Ofentse:"hey Kea."
Ofentse:"I came to fetch you."
Kea:"I know, I'm soo happy."
Ofentse:"I'll drive."
He drove to Luvuyo's HQ ! I'll never get used to this house I swear. It's like he bought a piece of
Land where they'll build his house. Its mostly made out of Glass than a brick.I could see Luvuyo on
the balcony shirtless. Yuuuh I cant get enough of this sight , it's beautiful. I ran to the house like a
kid. I go to the kitchen and took out another packets of sweets. I was soo curious about what the
other drawers and Cupboards have. I opened them all and I almost fainted . All kinds of Snacks
brand , all brands of sweets. I screamed so much! I opened the fridge . Yoghurts , ice creams , drinks
, all a girl needs. I am sooooo going to enjoy my stay!
I watched her from the balcony dropping all her bags and running into the house. I could hear her
screams all the way from down there. Ofentse comes holding a whiskey. He pours for the both of us
and give me my glass.
Ofentse:(laughs)" Kea is loud man!"
Luvuyo:(smiles)"I couldn't do it, I couldn't tell her she's in danger "
Ofentse:"it would've broken her heart , it would've made her sad , by the look of things... She's a
broken soul trying to heal. So tell me , what's up?"
Luvuyo:" The motherfucker Thapelo put out a price on her! R1Million to kill her. Unfortunately he
asked Flames to do it . He declined his offer and now he'll ask for someone else which means Kea is
in danger!"
Ofentse:"so , what do we do now?"
Luvuyo:"we protect her! I will make sure nothing happens to her."
Ofentse smiled a little bit.
Ofentse:"doesn't she remind you of Selina?"
Luvuyo:"they are 2 different people. Selina was a God fearing woman , she didn't like nonsense . I
had to live a double life for her so she'd not find out about the crimes I committed but I loved her.
She was my first true love. And Kea , she's herself . She hides lot of pain yet share her smile with the
rest of the world. "
Ofentse:"what if they get to her? I mean she's safe here but what about your enemies? What if they
use her?"
Luvuyo:"I am not letting another woman die because of my battles . I will protect her , mark my
Ofentse:"welcome back to the game brother!"
Luvuyo:"how about we send that Dick Thapelo something he'd like?"
Ofentse:(smiling)"I'm on it!"
Kea came to the balcony and she had the whole pack of Jelly sweets. "
Luvuyo:"you'll get sick wena!"
Kea:"well im hungry!"
Ofentse:"then go to the Kitchen that leads to the Backdoor , there is a chef! "
Kea:"a chef?" She wanted to scream.
Luvuyo:"shall I do it or you will?"
All of us:(screaming)
Today I am meeting Anelisa. The other day I called her and stopped her from proceeding with the
abortion. We were supposed to meet out the mall in my car. She came and got in the car.
Anelisa:"what do you want?"
Kamva:"to apologize, I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I was hurting and I took out my
frustration on you."
Anelisa:"well you broke my heart!"
Kamva:"I know and I'm sorry , I mean Anelisa you should've listened to me but you chose to do
things your way. That was wrong."
Anelisa:well Kamva maybe you should'nt have slept with me! I didn't force you remember? You
came on your own. "
Kamva:"I'm sorry , the reason I called you here is to tell you not to go ahead with the abortion. I have
decided that I will take responsibility of my mistakes. I will participate in this pregnancy. I have
already lost one child and I don't want to lose this one."
You should've seen the look on her face. She hugged me!"
Kamva:"I decided to move on with my life ."
Anelisa:"by moving on you mean..."
Kamva:"yess!" She was so excited.
Kamva:"but let me clear up something. You wont and will never replace Kea. I will always love her!
I hope you're cool with that?"
Anelisa:"I am cool , as long as I have you. " she got closer and we kissed.
2 days later
How could Flame refuse me? Flame never refuses a deal , he never questions about the deal . Fuck! I
called another Bastard I know, he is good at his job that I wont lie. His nickname is Spider . His
attacks are deadly! He is my option number 2 although Flame was my no.1
Spider:(Russian accent)" What can I do for you my man?"
Thapelo:"are you ready for hunting?"
I explained to him about this hunt although I had no information about Kea's whereabouts. He
assured me he will leave no stone unturned and find out everything about her , where she is , with
who , and then attack her.!
I went downstairs to my brothers.
Thato:"any luck?"
Thapelo:"yeah! I called someone else."
Thato:"but you know no one is as good as Flame , right?"
Thapelo:"I know that. But Spider is also good at his work. He's just a bit slow!"
The doorbell rang. Thabiso got up to check and there was a box on the door! He picked the box up
and came inside with it. It had my name so it was for me.
Thabiso:"expecting something?"
Thapelo:"no , but im curious. Open it!"
Thabiso:"ehh open it yourself. You want a bomb that's for you to kill me? Curiosity killed a cat my
man. You open it up."
They backed away and I opened the box.
There were pictures of Phindile... and a thumb , a bloody thumb! I dropped it .
Thato:"what is it?" They both got closer , Thabiso almost threw up.
I got a call from Thabiso's wife.
Amanda:"hello Thapelo , Phindi is at the hospital. Someone cut her Thumb . We have no idea who it
was. He just came in and...
Thapelo:"okay calm down , I'll, I'll find out who did it . Take care of Phindi". I hung up.
There was a small letter. I picked it up and read it.
"Next time it will be her body delivered instead of Kea's. Welcome to the game Newbie!"
Who the hell has the guts to cut my wife's finger! Who the hell thinks he can threaten me and how
did he know about my attack on Kea! This is not Good!
Ofentse wasn't around today and Miss Kea here is sick. Im not surprised, who the hell eat the whole
pack of sweets a day? She was having a stomach ache but refuses to go see the doctor. Instead she's
been crying non-stop .the chef made her a bitter soup and assured us she will feel better after
drinking it.
Luvuyo:"Kea I have tried everything for Christ sake! I don't know what to do now!"
She looked at me and continued crying. She looked soo cute , damn."
Luvuyo:"okay okay , how about you finish that bitter soup and after that we go uhm... sky diving?"
Ohh Lord! AMEN!

KEABETSWE: Chapter 3
2 Days Later
I have succeeded in transferring the company to Botswana with the help of Luvuyo and Ofentse.
Those 2 have been so good to me you'd swear they are God sent!
It's even greater news that I have decided to work hand in hand with them . I've signed a huge
business deal with their company that is worth Billions. I am planning on building my own
Empire , to take my career into another level the best part is I still get to work from home.
Luvuyo and I have been bonding, he is a good friend. Ofentse has been working a lot these days.
I was touring around the house and wow , I am Still amazed. I walked to this passage and there
was a huge portrait of a girl. She looked beautiful. It was made out of glass , I wonder how much
it took to make a picture out of a glass. I touched it to feel the fabric. It was smooth. I let it go
and it swang. I tried holding it but it slipped and Fell.Luvuyo came running.
Kea:"I am so sorry, it slipped and...
Luvuyo:"what have you done!? What were you doing here to begin with?"
Kea:"I'm sorry I ..."
Luvuyo:"shut up! You broke it! I will never forgive you for this. Just leave!"
Kea:"I am sorry I ..."
He had a furious face, his eyes were shining with tears and that's something I've never seen on
I walked away. For some reason I felt his pain , it's like the Portrait meant a lot to him!
I logged in IG with my fake account of course . I've been stalking Kamva and today he posted a
picture of him and Anelisa with a caption "bump"
My heart felt a sting. The picture itself broke me. I shouldn't have stalked him because stalking is
not part of moving on. I lost my Baby and here he is going to have fun with his. I unfollowed
him and wiped my tears. Maybe I should go apologize to Luvuyo.
I looked for him everywhere and I couldn't find him. I then went to the roof , I've seen him
sitting there a couple of times. I climbed from the balcony to the roof and crawled to him. His
legs were leaning down. Some people are not afraid of falling.
I sit next to him looking at the view , it was sunset.
Luvuyo:"be careful, you'll fall."
Kea:"I know you will never let that happen."-he smiled a little.
Kea:"I wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier on. I swear it was a mistake."
Luvuyo:"no , I am sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you."
Kea:"something tells me you had a really deep connection with that glass portrait."
He chuckled.
Kea:"it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I'll leave."
I tried standing up and he held my hand.
Luvuyo:"her name was Selina. My first love. She died a year ago for my sins , they wanted to
hurt me by hurting her! From then , I wasn't able to forgive myself. I blamed myself for her
death. I tried letting go of everything because she's no longer coming back but it's hard. I was
hurt when the potrait broke but I guess letting go of the past is part of moving on.
He was right, letting go of the past is part of moving on. And I am letting Kamva go.
Luvuyo:"penny for your thoughts?"
Kea:"moving on takes place when you accept a certain situation and tell yourself that I'm never
looking back. Moving on doesn't necessarily mean you have to get rid of all the memories
because some are permanently glued to your heart. Get rid of material things because when you
love a person, it's impossible to delete their memories.
I lost my sister about a month back. She died in my place. I have been suffering emotionally and
at some point I felt like im going insane. (Sniffs) losing the person you love doesn't only break
you. It changes who you are and how you think. It kills faith in you. It creates a scar that will
never heal . "
Luvuyo:"do you think im a bad person?"
Kea:"no. I'll always be grateful for meeting you. "
He smiled.
Luvuyo:"and again I'm sorry I overreacted!"
Kea:"I'm sorry for your loss!"
Luvuyo:"don't be , great things come to those who wait. The dead will never come back but that
doesn't stop us from leaving our loves and for some reason , something in me changed."
Kea:"what changed?"
Luvuyo:"you won't understand."
Kea:"try me."
Luvuyo:"you know how tricky life is?"
Kea:"you tell me."
Luvuyo:"sometimes we fight people's battles without them knowing , do you know why?"
I shook my head.
Luvuyo:"maybe we care a lot about them than what we thought. Maybe we love them. Until I'm
sure she's safe , I'll never stop fighting for her!"
Kea:"Lucky girl."
He has been holding my hand all along. I let go and for some reason my heart broke a little.
Why? Because he is in love with another girl? Why am taking it personal ? Luvuyo is just a
friend Kea! ...or is he?
Kea:"im going inside."
Luvuyo:"I'll just stay here for a while."
I walk to my room and shut the door.
He loves someone else , but why does it hurt so much!!?

Luvuyo woke up in the morning and showered.he kept on smiling by imagining Kea smiling. He
opens the drawer and takes out pictures of his late girlfriend Selina and goes downstairs with them.
He finds Kea in the kitchen.
Kea:"ohh hey!"
Luvuyo takes out the lighter and burn the pictures.
Kea:"what are you doing? Why are you burning them?"
Luvuyo:"I guess I have no reason to hold on to them anymore."
Kea:" what do you mean?"
Luvuyo:"nevermind , you're looking beautiful today."
Kea:" thank you "
She smiled which made Luvuyo feel like her smile just hit the right spot in his heart.
Luvuyo:" uhm, Kea I have to go somewhere. Promise me you won't leave the house."
Kea:" where are you going? To your new girlfriend ?"
Luvuyo:"Kea what the fuck? What girlfriend? Which girlfriend?"
Kea left Luvuyo standing all alone.
Luvuyo:"ohh fuck! Kea thinks I was referring to another girl yesterday."
Luvuyo smiles to the thought of Kea being jealous.
"I'll make it up to you." He said.
Luvuyo walks out and strictly told the guards to keep an eye on Kea. He then drives to his
Warehouse where he's meeting with his trusted Motherfuckers.
He goes in and immediately they sing him information..
Guy1:"a guy who goes by the name Spider is busy searching inf. About the girl."
Flames:"he's slow , so we managed to delete everything about the girl before he could get anything.
We deleted everything there is to KNOW about Kea , including her Flight details and birth details. "
Ofentse:"I then replaced her inf. With wrong one. The spider guy will go to the wrong country. He
really deserves a vacation for trying."
They laughed .
Luvuyo:"good work. " he goes to his personal room and sighed in relief.
Ofentse:" what's wrong?"
Luvuyo:"for a moment I was scared that they've tracked her down."
Ofentse:" she's safe for now. Relax!"
Luvuyo:" yeah, you're right."
Ofentse:" what's going on with you. Are you falling for her?"
Luvuyo:"is that a bad thing?"
Ofentse:"damn! You're a motherfucker!"
Luvuyo:"tell me something I don't know."
They both laughed and went back to the others.
Luvuyo:"if something happens and this guy locates Kea. I want you to find him and End him! And if
something happens to Kea I want you to Find That good for nothing Thapelo and his brothers. I will
deal with them my way. And should something happen to her , you'll see the worst of me."
Luvuyo and Ofentse walked out leaving Flames and the other guys.
Guy1:" he's down for that girl, The cheetah never threatened us before!"
Flames:"he meant everything he said so please. No mistakes . You don't wanna make the cheetah
Guy3:"that girl is Lucky! The cheetah never goes back on its words ."
Ofentse and Luvuyo were in a car.
Ofentse:"so what happened to "I will never replace Selina"..
Luvuyo:"I grew some balls. Selina is gone. I can't spend the rest of my life mourning her death. I
need to set her free and knowing her , she would've wanted me to move on."
Ofentse:" so , does Kea know you...."
Luvuyo:"no , yesterday we had an argument. She came to apologize. I ended up telling her there's a
girl I'll always protect. She took it the wrong way and now she thinks I'm here with a girl."
Ofentse:"so she's jealous?"
Luvuyo:" which means she feels the same about me...I just need to push her to the point of
confessing "
Ofentse:"why don't you just tell her?"
Luvuyo:"I will , let's just see if she pushes me to that point."
Ofentse:"we both know you're about to call her , right?"
Luvuyo:" you know me well."
He calls Kea.
Kea:"what will your girlfriend say if you keep on calling me?"
Luvuyo:"she really doesn't mind, I mean my girlfriend is listening to us talk currently!"
Luvuyo and Ofentse laugh.
Kea:"hey Fentse!"
Ofentse:"hey Kea."
Luvuyo:" something will be delivered. I want you to wear it for me."
Luvuyo:" Kea?"
Luvuyo:"Be sexy."
He hung up.
Kea on the other hand just smiled. Indeed a dress was delivered.
She took the dress , it was White. A Short ,tight white long sleeve dress. And Black heels.
Kea:"wow!" The heels were designed in such a way Kea wouldn't have imagined.
She did her hair and Make up. Mogurl was looking fire.
She had a glass of wine waiting for Luvuyo . Indeed Luvuyo came wearing a white tshirt and a white
Denim jacket , blue jeans and White sneakers. They were matching.
He couldn't take off his eyes on Kea as soon as he saw her. Damn he even thought of confessing to
her right then.!
Luvuyo:"you look beautiful."
Kea:"thank you, you're not bad yourself."
Luvuyo takes out the most expensive Gold necklace .
Kea:"wow , it's beautiful."
Luvuyo:" I know , I bought it for you."
Kea:" thank you."
Luvuyo:" what happened to screaming?"
Kea:" I got used to everything here!"
Luvuyo:"may I ?"
He meant putting the necklace around Kea's neck.
Luvuyo:"don't take it off okay."
Kea nodded. He curved his arm and Kea put hers around Luvuyo's . They walked out when a white
Limo fetched them.
Luvuyo had booked a whole restaurant for Kea. The room had dim lights and a satisfying hip hop
Kea:"hip hop?"
Luvuyo:"I'm doing it my style Minnie mouse." He called her that because of her 2 pony's.
They were eating silently until Luvuyo broke the ice.
Luvuyo:" so tell me more about your past
Kea:"what's there to know , I mean everything about my past hurts me to the core. I was married to
this man , I loved him I don't wanna lie. He cheated on me and ended up getting the girl pregnant
while I was pregnant too. I lost my Baby due to stress. Then came his family, they took away what I
deeply loved. My sister , she died in an accident after they tempered with my car wheels and brakes.
The aim was to kill me but she died in my place. I was hurt and decided to go away. Away from
those people because love ain't supposed to hurt like that."
Luvuyo:"are you over him?"
Kea:"yeah , I am. The aim is to never go back to SA!"
Luvuyo:"did you divorce him?"
Kea:"he didn't sign! "
Luvuyo:"but I'm glad you decided to move on , if love hurts Kea then it's not Love. You don't cheat
on a woman you love no matter how drunk you are. You are too naive and believe everything you
see while there's a lot you don't know behind the scenes. A guy can tell you he loves you and you'd
believe it just because he looked" sincere " . Love is shown through actions and love is not a feeling
you can just get rid of. "
Kea:"I needed to hear this , so what's the occasion. You got me wearing the shortest dress!"
Luvuyo:" exactly how I like it ! I told you we're doing this my style!"
Kea:"is that why you booked the whole restaurant."
Luvuyo:"I hate being disturbed sweetheart!"
Kea Smiled.
Kea;" we'll Iet's do this my way!" She got and offered Luvuyo's hand.
Kea:"mind joining the lady for a dance?"
He smiled a little and his dimples just popped.
He got up and wrapped his hands around Kea's ass.
Luvuyo:"I told you we're doing everything MY way!"
Kea leaned her head on Vuyo's chest while they swang dance a little. She could hear Luvuyo's
heartbeat playing the tune only her heart understood. She closed her eyes allowing herself to feel the
Air of Love.
Luvuyo was just thinking about how Kea makes him feel. The more he spent time with her was the
more he realised he loved her.
Luvuyo:"look at me!"
Kea slowly raised her head.
Luvuyo:"you're beautiful!"
Luvuyo leaned over for a kiss while Kea closed her eyes to feel the warmth of his lips but Vuyo
kissed her on her forehead instead and hugged her.
Luvuyo:"I know you must be asking yourself million questions and I have all the answers."
Kea:"what's going on , between us."
Luvuyo:" when 2 hearts connect , it's love! This is love. I love you Keabetswe!"
Keabetswe couldn't believe that the man he had feelings for actually loves her back!"
Kea :"I , I
Kea:"I love you Luvuyo , I came here with the intentions of starting my life all over and heal but ,
but I feel ready. My first relationship didn't work out but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't give
myself a....
Luvuyo shut her up with a kiss.
Luvuyo:"you talk a lot!
Kea jumped on him , hugging him and Luvuyo held her tight.
Luvuyo:"you're not heavy for a person who eats a lot."
Kea laughed.
Luvuyo:" Let's go home Minnie mouse!"
Kea:"I thought you were gonna say Mrs You."
Luvuyo:"next time!"
They drove back home with Kea ontop of Luvuyo hugging him tight like she's never going to let go!
As soon as they arrived. Luvuyo carried Kea bridal style and took her into his bedroom. Kea took off
her dress now with a bra and a matching panty.
Luvuyo takes off his clothes too and starts kissing Kea. Things get heated up . Luvuyo slid his hands
into Kea's cookie
Luvuyo:"damn you're ready for me!"
Kea was now breathing heavily! She was ready for Luvuyo's touch . Luvuyo took out his hand from
Kea and Kissed her forehead and cuddled her. Kea was on , she was in the mood!"
Luvuyo:"as much as I want to have you right now, I can't. We need to send the divorce papers to that
idiotic husband of yours. I will not have sex with a married woman.!
That alone made Kea love Luvuyo even more!. They cuddled the whole night listening to each
other's heartbeats.
KEABETSWE: Chapter 3
Hlehle was sitting on my lap.
Kea:"you are heavy!"
Hlelo:"But I dont wanna get off!"
Kea:"I didn't say get off!"
Hleli:"but you're complaining."
We look at each other and laugh. She hugs me so tight resulting to me crying!
Hlelo:"Dont cry , I miss my Kea so much!"
Kea:"you're here njena!"
Hlelo:"but I don't belong here. My Keke is happy and not crying. When my Keke is happy , I am
I wipe my tears.
Kea:"please don't leave, I love your touch"
Hlelo:"I'm always with you. It's Keke and Hlehle forever remember...when you need me , I'll always
be with you."
I spot the necklace around her neck.
Hlelo:"I love you Keke , I love it when you're happy and I pray your happiness lasts."
Kea:"don't leave me!"...
Voice:"babe? Baby...."
I woke up in fright! Luvuyo hugs me tight.
Luvuyo:"it's okay, you were dreaming!"
Kea:(in a low voice)" it felt so real."
Luvuyo:"mind talking about it? I mean you were crying and I couldn't watch you cry anymore."
Kea:"my sister was in my dream. It felt so real , I felt her touch and , and it was only a dream." I was
now crying.
Luvuyo:"you were not dreaming. She did come to see you babe."
Kea:"you're a believer?"
Luvuyo:"yes. Now stop crying about it. You should be happy. "
Kea:"for a moment I thought she'll stay with me forever but she left. Why does everyone I love end
up leaving me?"
Luvuyo gave me a warm hug.
Luvuyo:"I will never leave you. You are my family Kea ,when I said I love you , I meant it. There's
nowhere you're going because you are stuck with me for life!-(I started smiling) you are my burden."
Kea:"your what?"
I start chasing him with a pillow and he starts running away from me , he end up grabbing his pillow
and we start hitting each other. He deliberately let me win. When I'm with him , all the heavy feeling
in my heart disappears. He is that One soul that I find happiness in. In these past 4 months with
him...I've learnt to read his thoughts , I've learned to share my thoughts with him. I made him my
bestfriend . He includes me in every small decision he takes which I find attractive. He brings out the
craziness in me and it's something I never had with Kamva. I've never dated anyone before marrying
Kamva and maybe I was too naive . I always thought marriage vows can never be broken because
they are made infront of God but I was wrong. Kamva is sweet but he failed to be faithful. This
means whenever we were gonna have problems he was going to go out and seek a pussy from
another woman instead of being a man and talk about it. That's why I say even if I was forced to go
back to him , I wouldn't. I am happy with Luvuyo. I don't know where this journey leads us but I pray
and hope that it doesn't take us to the thorns.
Luvuyo:"penny for your thoughts?"
I didn't even realise I was lost in his eyes thinking about how happy he makes me. I throw the pillow
away and hug him and closed my eyes as drops of tearsc streamed.I love how his strong arms make
me feel. Whenever he hugs me , I feel safe , I feel loved , I feel at home, whenever I hug him I feel
like he's the one, I feel scared to lose him and my love for him overwhelms me. I open my eyes and
see Hlehle at the balcony . She was smiling and I smiled back. She waved goodbye and for the first
time , I let her go by winking at her. What more could a girl want when she's with the man who
makes her happy? She disappeared and that's when I sighed in peace. I am at peace.
I break free from the hug and spot some wetness in his eyelashes. Was he crying? Was he feeling the
same thing I feel whenever I hug him?
Luvuyo:"you look beautiful by the way!"
Kea:"thank you." He kissed my cheek and went downstairs.
I went to the balcony to think. I have always asked him how he got Kamva's signature kuma divorce
papers and he never gives me a straightforward answer. The only thing he tells me is "don't worry
about that , just be happy he's no longer your husband".
Knowing Luvuyo , I really hope he didn't harm him. I have never seen Luvuyo angry , Crying . The
only thing I see everyday is his smile and dimples. They say be aware of such people. They've got
the most bitter heart ...even though my man is sweet , something tells me I would never love his
bitter side.
Having Khumo in our lives changed the way I thought about my marriage. Having Khumo made me
see the Dad side of Kamo. Everything has been going great between us and I am happy. My son has
even grown some 2 teeth. He crawls around the house like a maniac. Khumo is the best thing that has
ever happened to me, my first Son. I wouldn't trade anything for that nigga. I was looking at him
playing with his toys while daddy was being daddy , always on his laptop.
"Ma-ma" he said!
I dropped everything I was doing.
Thando:"you heard him Babe? He said Mama! His first word! "
Kamogelo wrote the date down to remember When and what Khumo's first words were.
I picked him up and Kissed him. They joy of being a mother brings peace and happiness!
Kamogelo:"ohh I love you guys!"
As we were busy having our family bonding session , Kamva walks in with this Anelisa girl who
claims She is pregnant but still we all can't see a baby bump.
I nod and smile.
Kamogelo greets back and they pass us heading to Kamva's room.
Kamogelo:"was he born stupid or he became stupid after Kea divorced him?"
Thando:"I have never been Pregnant but the bitch is not pregnant."
Kamogelo:"kodwa you Know Kamva , we'd try reasoning with him and he'll just lose it!...anyways
this calls for celebration, let's go to the park or something."
We got ready to leave. Atleast Kamva and Anelisa will have some privacy because no one was in the
house. Wonder where everyone is.
The thought of Kea not being my wife anymore doesn't sit well with me.
I remember the day some men sent the divorce papers , they found me in the public toilets at the mall
. I was about to pee when one of them put the scissor around my manhood and the other gave me the
divorce papers. I didn't hesitate to sign because they meant business. That's how I let Kea go!
Everytime when I'm with Anelisa I look for Kea in her and I can't find her which makes me
frustrated. There's nothing she has that's similar to Kea , not even a simple complexion!
He was looking at me like I was disgusting. He was thinking on me. I looked at him back.
Kamva:"what are you looking at?"
Anelisa:"im looking at you! Why are you looking at me like I'm somehow disgusting?"
Kamva:"did I say you're disgusting?".
Anelisa:"you know what , I'm going to leave. Call me once you get rid of that attitude." I took my
handbag and just as I touch the door handle....
Kamva:"were you ever pregnant?"
I stopped and closed my eyes , I swallowed hard.
Kamva:"were you ever pregnant?"
Anelisa:"I said I'm leaving !"
Kamva:"that's not the answer I'm looking for , today you're going to tell me everything."
I felt him pulling me with my hair , he got closer to my ear.
Kamva:"I've been watching you Anelisa , I am no stupid! Today you're going to tell me everything
and you better think twice before lying to me!"
I was scared. What do I tell him.? He strangled me and looked at me straight in my eyes! I saw anger
in his eyes.
I couldn't talk, he was suffocating me. He let go of me and I coughed.
Anelisa:"okay, okay! I , I thought I was Pregnant b-because I ,I didn't buy those pills but I found out
that I wasn't pregnant.!"
Kamva:"are you kidding me?-do you know what you have done?! You ruined everything for me!"
Anelisa:"you ruined everything for you! You were the one who couldn't sit down and talk with your
wife , instead you came to another woman! "
Kamva hates the truth!
Kamva:"you lied to me Anelisa , you made me believe you were carrying my child, you made me let
Kea go because for a moment I thought she's better off without me. You are at fault and you're going
to pay!"
He took off his belt and started undressing me. He forcefully grabbed me to his bathroom. He smiled
a little.
Kamva:"Kamo's car is leaving. I think we both know what this means!"
I knew exactly what it meant...That he's going to beat the hell out of me and no one will save me!
He runs the shower with cold water and told me to get in. I got in , after I was fully wet... he dragged
me out and started beating me up with his belt. The pain I was feeling was unbearable. He was
beating me up like he was beating another man. I screamed to my heart's content but still he didn't
Kamva:"I hate you so much!"
He beat me up till he started crying , he was taking it all out on me and I took it all in. I didn't have
the strength to scream or move! He started Kicking me . I could hear him cursing and crying. I've
never seen Kamva crying! I felt my body getting cold and this point I just wanted to die! The pain I
was feeling was too much for me. I brought this on myself, why did I do it? I forced things and now
I'm getting punished for Swimming in another woman's tears!
I felt my eyes shutting while he was screaming how much he Hates me!
Today spider returned from his mission. We met with him along with my brothers.
Spider:"boss I looked for her but there's no trace of her. I even got spies in Nigeria but she's not
there, matter of fact she never went there!"
Thapelo:"what do you mean? Didn't you say she was in Nigeria?"
Spider:"I did but she wasn't! I just don't understand How!"
Thapelo:"you are useless, you should've been called cockroach instead of a spider!"
We drove to Spider's house where I had all of my guys wait up for me. One was good with
computers so he was trying to track Kea.
Thato:"you found anything?"
Guy:"yes , all her accurate information was deleted I have no idea. There's no information
about her even in the home affairs. "
Thapelo:"but the Nigeria inf ?"
Guy:"it was all fake!"
Thapelo:"Damn! So she knows I'm looking for her! But how?"
Spider:"Flames! Besides us he's the only one who knows!"
Thapelo:"but why would Flames tell her? What's his deal with her?"
Thato:"where does this Flames of yours stay?"
Thato:"maybe Flames know Kea , that's why he aborted the mission. Why else would he cancel ? He
knows Kea which means Kea might be in Botswana!"
Thapelo:"Spider get your ass in Botswana!"
Kea is out at the moment, for the past months she has been getting professional training about the
business. I want her to be involved in business as much as possible. I need her to build her career,
attend board meetings with me . I need her by my side. Build an empire together. I was now chilling
with Ofentse , Flames and all my guys talking business. We normally don't meet up at my house but
it's whatever.
Luvuyo:"okay majita , enough about the business. Any changes on our mission?"
Flames:"they had started digging up information about kea and by now they have found out that she's
not in Nigeria."
Luvuyo:"that Thapelo guy is really going to annoy me I swear! "
Ofentse:"let him be, he still doesn't know where Kea is I mean he has way too many countries to look
for her! Calm down!"
Luvuyo:"okay , you're right. I should come down."
Flames:"aii Cheetah we are leaving."
Ofentse:"sharp magents I'm staying behind!"
They all left..
Ofentse:"you need to control your anger Luvuyo. Calm the fuck down!"
I was getting anxious, something in me tells me to NOT calm down!
Ofentse:(chuckles)"Kea must be riding it well for you to care this much!"
Luvuyo:"you won't understand. Yabona this one's either I wife her or no one will!"
Ofentse:"are you indirectly telling me you're going to propose?"
Luvuyo:"no , I am trying to tell you that I love her! She's my baby , it's either she goes down this
road with me or there's no road!"
Ofentse:"what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
Luvuyo:"I ain't letting her go!"
Ofentse:"I don't like it when you talk like this!"
Luvuyo:"trust me, I don't like it too! Come on let's get a drink!"
I was feeling heavy , my eyes were heavy . I tried opening them and wow it took a lot of energy. I
finally opened them and the lighting of this room blinded me. I opened them again and realised im in
a hospital . How is it even possible , I thought I died.
His voice alone gave me a fright! I panicked.
Kamva:"shhhh! Don't move you have a broken rib . Whoever did this to you doesn't have mercy!"
Anelisa:"y-you are a d-dog , you have n-no h-heart."
Kamva:"shhh , don't say much. Anything might happen I mean a pillow might mistakenly suffocate
I cried in silent.
Kamva:"look , I never wanted things to turn out this way and I'm sorry. Women deserves to be
treated like royalty but you pushed it. This is a lesson Lisa. Never ever hook up with a married man!
You're lucky that I felt sorry for you and brought you to the hospital! I want you to listen to me very
He got closer to me.
Kamva:"stay the hell away from me , I don't ever wanna see your face. Do you hear me?"
I nodded!
Kamva:"good, now enjoy your stay here! Im out."
He left the room. I thanked god a thousand times for being alive. I really thought I had died. I
couldn't even move my head it hurt a lot to even move a finger.
Now that Lisa is out of the way , it's time to go get what's mine! By fire by force! Kamva is back !
I called an old friend who owed me a favour.
5days later.
I was with Kwazi when I went to meet Richards. He is a business man , a bad businessman who
means business! A guy I can trust.
Kamva:"please tell me you've got good news!"
Richard:"I don't know it it's good news ..."
Kwazi:"just say it!"
Richard: I found the girl."
Kwazi:" is she okay?"
Kamva:"where is she?"
Richard:"Botswana! She lives with a guy , we couldn't get the picture of his face but I'm working on
that! "
Kamva:"she lives with a what?"
Richard:"by the look of things the guy is super rich , his house and cars says it all. "
Kamva:"How rich? Richer than me or..?"
Richard looked at me from my shoes to my hair.
Richard:(chuckles)" richer than your whole family combined!"
Kamva:"you wish , now get me the location of that place!"
Richard:"no need , the business conference is at Botswana this year. And it's in a week so you might
have a chance!"
Kamva:"then pack up Richard because the business conference will find us in Botswana. I'm getting
what's mine back."
Kwazi:"Kamva no, this is not how you do things. You don't force someone to get back with you!"..
Kamva:"who said I'll force her! She'll come back on her own.!"
Kwazi:"Kamva I thought we had left that life a long time back!"
Kamva:"mee too , untill your brothers showed us that a leopard never changes its spots."
Richard:"speaking of brothers , I've heard something on the streets. He put a hit on the same girl to
get her killed for R1million."
Kwazi& Kamva:" what!?"
Richard:"don't say you heard from me though!"
Kamva:"he wanted to kill My wife!"
Kamva:"shut up wena! How dare he?!"
Richard:"that's my queue to leave.!"
Kamva:"I cant believe this has been going on and I didn't even know about it! KEA is in Danger!"
Kwazi:" Kea is no longer your responsibility Kamva, maybe she's better off with that man! Away
from our family she's not safe here!"
Kamva:"I am getting Kea back! I still believe she loves me! She has to come back with me!"
Kwazi:"and if she doesn't love you anymore and doesn't want to come back?"
Kamva:"it's either she comes back with me willingly....or ..
Kwazi:"or what?"
Kamva:"or forcefully!
I was holding a white rose behind me when I tip toed to Kea. She was folding our clothes.
Kea:"why are you tip toeing?
Luvuyo:"vele how do you do that? Everytime I try sneaking up on you , you already know I'm
She looked back at me.
Kea:"the same way you know when I'm behind you." Then something happened. Her facial
expression changed. It's like she said something that reminded her of something.
Luvuyo:"what's wrong?"
Kea:"it's nothing, so what do you have behind your back.?"
Luvuyo:"take a guess, it's white and smells lovely."
Kea:"a white rose!"
Luvuyo:"happy birthday!"
Kea:"it's my birthday? What day is it. ?"
She checks on her phone!"
Kea:"wow , I forgot!"
I gave her the rose and the smile on her face is something I could die for...priceless!
She hugs me so tight allowing our hearts to connect. Why do I love her so much my God?
Kea:"Thank you."
Luvuyo:"how old is my baby again?"
Luvuyo:"Babies grow nowadays don't they?"
Kea:(laughing)"they do!"
Luvuyo:"I love you. I love you a lot!"
Kea:"I love you more!"
Luvuyo:"trust me, you don't love me like I love you!"
Kea:"are you saying I don't love you?"
Luvuyo:"there! You said it!"
Kea:"baby I love you more!"
Luvuyo:"but I love you way more. More than more!"
Kea:"but I love you more that your more than more!"
We looked at each other and laugh.
Luvuyo:"okay , we are dumb !"
Kea:(laughing)" I KNOW!"
Luvuyo:"I'm going to shower, wanna join?"
Kea:"we do have to save water so...
I picked her up and went to the bathroom. We took off our clothes and got in the shower. She looked
at me with those beautiful black eyes. I kissed her slowly allowing her to feel me.
I loved Selina but why does love with Kea feels so different? I broke down when Selina died, now
the question is....what will I do if I lose Kea?
Kea:penny for your thoughts?"
Luvuyo:"It's nothing!"
I picked her up inserting my manhood deep inside her.
Luvuyo:"hold on tight!"
Kea:"I'll never let go!"
I slow f*ck her allowing our souls to connect. She hugs me tighter biting my shoulder. The warm
water hits us soo good making the mood for sex to increase.
Is it normal to love a dying thing this way? Is she my lifetime mate because if not then she has to.
Was she made for me because if not then God needs to reconsider!
Kea:(moaning) I , I said penny for your thoughts?"
I pump her harder as I felt her nails digging on my back in my skin.
After meeting up with Kamva I go to My apartment to pack for Botswana. I got a message from one
of my spies and it was the photo of the guy who stays with this Kea girl. I dropped my phone!!
Richard:"The Cheetah!" Shit I Called one of my guys
Richard:"stop stalking the girl , I repeat stop stalking her!
Richard:"don't ask me questions!! Do you want to die? Just abort the mission!
Wtf , I cant believe I've been helping Kamva against the Cheetah. Does he have any idea who he's
dealing with?! I don't think I'll be able to help him on his mission. I know that motherfucker very
well , he is the devil himself!!
A day before the conference.
I was with Luvuyo in his house. We were preparing for the conference which will be held at our
company. We were upstairs next to the pool. He was shirtless and damn he had so many Love bites
abd scratches at the back. They looked painful to me.
Ofentse:"were you guys having sex or Fighting?"
He laughs.
Luvuyo:"Kea is wild! I don't know why but for some reason every time we have sex...she leaves a
Ofentse:"why Mr Know it all!"
Luvuyo:"I don't know but to me it's like she's marking her territory!"
Ofentse:"you leave marks on her too?"
Luvuyo:"no , she'd cry if I were to leave marks on her. There's no way imma do that!"
Ofentse:"you love her! I've seen it in your eyes! Don't promise yourself too much. Anything can
Luvuyo:"her Ex husband is here in town !"
Luvuyo:"not really! What surprises me is , he came few days before the conference. "
Ofentse:"So mr ex husby is also here for some reason."
Ofentse:"so why do u look worried? You think Kea might change how she feels about you and go
back to him?"
Luvuyo:" it's really so hard to tell . That's why I'll have to sit back and watch...let's see how naive
Kea really is."
Ofentse:"but according to you think Kea would....
Luvuyo:"I don't know brother , this is a test. Let's hope she passes it!"
He stood up with his glass and went to the edge of the balcony watching Kea who was down there
with her tutor.
Many of you may ask yourselves who is Luvuyo and honestly sometimes I ask myself the same shit.
I grew up with this dude , he became my family. Shit got real when he started dating my sister Selina.
I've seen him falling deep for Selina and now I'm seeing him falling deep for Kea. Luvuyo is sweet ,
loving and very caring. What I love about him is that he is the realist nigga . I remember how we
both started this company , yes we had to do a couple of bad things to get where we are today . He
had a rough childhood and at some point I really thought he wasn't going to love again. Kea better
pass the test because even I am scared of what he might do. It's funny how I know he won't hurt Kea
but there's something he will do. Luvuyo is like a 2 headed snake , I know him better than anyone but
when he's angry....even I low-key get scared of him. He becomes a completely different person . A
person you don't wanna mess with and he becomes dangerous ESPECIALLY WHERE HIS
I was with Richard. He has been telling me that he can't help me and I refuse to get a No as an
Kamva:"Richard I know you're scared of the Cheetah but I am not! After the conference I am getting
her back and you are Going to help me. You owe me one , remember?"
Richard:"if anything happens and you get caught. Just don't include me, I was never there! Deal?"
We were on our way to Botswana when my spider told me he spotted Kea at a mall the past few
days. Spider is a slow dude, I was hoping he was going to find Kea's hiding place and he tells me
they spotted her at the mall. So she's busy chowing my money!
Thapelo:"let's attend this conference shit , I swear to you before we leave. I would've already
strangled Kea to death myself mark my words.
Kea was ready to go to her first huge business board meetings with foreign business partners.
Your girl was looking hot and ready on the other hand Luvuyo was making plans on a phone call.
Luvuyo:"I want y'all to be alert. I sense trouble.
[ I was watching Kea taking pictures of herself . I'm not afraid nor insecure about this Kamva guy but
rather afraid of what Kea will do. She doesn't know it yet but she's about to see her ex husband. That
guy is her virgin breaker , her first love and I know women never forget their virgin breakers and first
lovers. I went to her and hugged her from Behind.]
Luvuyo:" you look beautiful my love."
Kea:"thank you, you have never called me that before."
Luvuyo :"there's always a first time for everything babe. Let's go. My driver will drive us today."
Kea smiled , leading the way to the car.
Kamva has no idea he's about to see that girl he loves so much, even Thapelo is not aware. They all
arrived at Ofentse& Vuyo's company and admired the beauty. Even Thapelo doesn't know that this is
The one and only company of the guy he wants to kill his girl. Kamva and Richards were both just
chatting getting to know other businessmen before the conference actually starts. All the Ngwenya
brothers were there . Kamva and Richard walked to Thapelo who was having a talk with Spider . ..
Thapelo:"young brother, how's it?"
Kamva:"I heard you planned a hit on my girl!"
Thapelo:"News really fly hey!"
Kamva:"so it's true?"
Thapelo:"if I recall, she's not your wife anymore....
Kamva:"well you won't get your hands on her!"
Thapelo:"that's if you find her first."
Kamva was boiling but he had to keep it cool for the sake of his reputation in front of so many
businessmen .
Keabetswe walked in with Ofentse because Luvuyo used the private door to set up his files upstairs
since he came in late.
I know this feeling, I know it when she's behind me. I turned to look and there was my true love. My
Kea. As soon as I saw her my heart bled for her. I might be everything else but the truth is I loved
Kea. I loved her so much. To even think she trusted me and gave me the honour of being her first guy
to have sex with. The feelings I have for her made me wanna go hug her but she wasn't alone. She
was with this guy who looked good actually. Is he the one I lost my Kea to? Kea wasn't even looking
my direction and there was something about her , she has changed a lot. The way she wad dressed
just proved that she was here for the business. What does Kea know about a business. The guy was
introducing her to some people when her eyes landed on me.
It can't be! Am I dreaming? It was him. When I looked around I spotted all the brothers and realised
they came here for the conference. My heart started beating up in a strange way , a way I felt hot .
Was I panicking?
Ofentse:"are you okay?"
Attention was on me . I put on a fake smile.
Kea:"im fine, it's kinda hot In here!"
Kamva walked towards us when Kwazi stopped him. I sighed.
Ofentse:"you don't look okay."
Kea:"no I'm fine."
Ofentse:"Let me help you the Elevator."
I wanted to go to her , I couldn't stop myself.
Kwazi:"are you crazy!? This is a conference . You don't come with your feelings in this building. Act
cool bro!"
Kamva:"it's hard , it really is. What is she doing here?"
Kwazi:"I don't know, but that doesn't matter. Just stay away for now. You have way too many days
to deal with this."
I sighed as I watch this guy putting his hands on Kea's Shoulder.
What the hell is she doing here!!
Thato:"this means she transferred the company to Botswana! "
Thapelo:"she is here because of the same company. She's busy swimming in my money with her
boyfriend... who was that guy?
Thapelo:"the same motherfucker I wanted to use his trucks for drugs."
Thato:",so what happened?",
Thapelo:"his business partner refused.,"
Thato:"what's he doing with Kea?"
Thapelo:"I don't know, but we'll find out."
I didn't know how to act around them, it was overwhelming. I just thought about My Hlehle and my
unborn baby. Kea this is business, you leave emotions at home. Ofentse brings water to me. We both
sit down on a chair written our names. I look at the chair on the left , at least I was going to sit next to
Luvuyo and I look at the other chair. It had Kamva's name. I was going to sit in between Kamva and
Kea:w-w-where's Vuyo?"
Ofentse:"prolly went to greet the others downstairs.
Luvuyo arrived downstairs. He doesn't do handshakes so he had his hands in his pockets looking so
fine and calm. You'd swear he's an Angel.
Richard saw him and immediately felt the hairs at the back of his neck stood up. He had goosebumps
Flames walked in ,in his suit too and spotted Spider & Thapelo. They looked at each other while
Flames walked to Luvuyo and whispered something on his ear.
Thato:"who's that guy?"
Spider:"the question is , when are we leaving this building!?"
Thapelo:"I know him , he's that motherfucker that refused my deal."
Kamva:"who is he?"
Richard:"the God of the streets"
Spider:"people worship the ground he steps on!!
Thapelo:"you're kidding, right?"
Spider:"I wish I was , he's that enemy you don't want trust me!"
Thapelo:"if you were describing Flames then it would've been Believable because Flame is that one
motherfucker I don't wanna cross!"
Spider:"even Flames is scared of this guy je even works for him and obeys him, they call him "The
Thapelo:"Flames works for this guy and why do they call him that?"
Spider:"he's loyal asf to him and you don't wanna find out why they call him that."
Kamva:"The God of what?"
Richard:"He's the King of this game , a winner without even playing! It's either his way or no way at
Kamva:" are you kidding me? Look at him!"
Richard:"don't be fooled by looks , he is the calmest person on earth yet the most dangerous and I'm
afraid to tell you we're on his territory! He's the guy that Kea lives with!"
On the other side , Luvuyo was calm as fuck looking cheesy with his hands on his pockets.
Now enemies were in one room. !
Everyone had gathered up at the huge board room. The meeting is starting exactly 18:00pm until
20:00pm. Some were gonna partner up with others, some offer business deals e.t.c
Kea was now sitting inbetween Luvuyo and Kamva. She doesn't even know that Luvuyo knows
Kamvelihle, infact he knows everything. This one man Said they should start with a prayer hence
they should hold hands.
Now she had to hold both Vuyo & Kamva's hands. These are both the men Kea ever loved! Both the
Men who knows Kea naked. How awkward is it for her!
I feel her hand shaking, her hand is sweaty , she is scared. People's eyes were closed because this
other lady was praying. I turned to look at Kea who was constantly swallowing her saliva. My eyes
land on Kamva who was also looking at Kea. Now both of us were looking at each other. A part of
me wanted to end his life right there but that would be uncalled for!
Kea opened her eyes and you could tell she was uncomfortable. Shame my woman! Luvuyo you're
so bad! Why did you made her sit in between yourself and Kamva. You're very bad! Naughty. I
smiled to that thought.
When we were praying , Luvuyo was softly rubbing my hand while Kamva squeezed it tight , he
didn't want to let go. I could feel both their eyes on me! Why is this even happening to me!?
For some reason Luvuyo was smiling . Is he showing off his dimples? I swear to god because of both
Kamva and Luvuyo I now love dimples. Is it a coincidence that both of them have dimples?
Luvuyo slowly got closer to my ear and whispered "penny for your thoughts?" I smiled and shook
my head no!
The meeting went on and on and since im partnership with Vuyo and Ofentse , I turned down many
deals. I don't wanna rush this and besides I am learning. After the meeting we met downstairs where
there it was decorated ,there were tables and chairs and some nice music and Drinks & food. I took A
glass of wine.
I was sitting on the same round chair with Luvuyo , Ofentse & the Flames guy.
I could see Kwazi ,Kamva and this other dude I don't know and the rest of the brothers. All I wanted
was to go home and forget about this night.
I felt the urge to pee and I went to the bathroom. I did my business, washed my hands and looked at
myself in the mirror. You can do this Kea.
After some time I felt hot hands on my mouth. Only Kamva has this kind of Hot hands.
Kamva:"shhhhhh! Let's go outside"
He let go of my mouth and gently takes my hand.
Kea has been at the bathroom for way too long.
Flames:"I don't see this Kamva guy anywhere!"
Luvuyo:"fuck!" I tried getting up and Ofentse held my hand.
Ofentse:" Don't! Be calm!"
Luvuyo:"I need to get some fresh air! Im going to the terrace".
I needed to breathe. I went to the terrace for fresh air when I saw Kamva pulling Kea . The funny
thing is...he wasn't forcing her!
Seeing him this close to me made me think back on our happy memories.
Kamva:"I missed you so much , I knew I'd find you Kea I , I
I break free from his grip .
Kea:"look, we shouldn't be here!"
Kamva:"I know I have caused pain but Kea everyone makes mistakes. I know I fucked up and I have
no excuse for that but I would've fixed everything. Kea one mistake wena you decide to leave and
give up on everything?"
Kea:"you don't understand!"
Kamva:"then make me understand!"
Kea:"just let me go , I am not doing this with you."
Kamva:"I love you damn it. I always have and I always will. You are the only woman I love
Keabetswe. Do you know how empty I was without you? You left with my heart!"
Kea:"and you broke mine! Family is family, not even you suggested thay we get your brothers
arrested for everything . How do I stay with my sister's murderers? How do I stay with a husband that
cheated on me few months after our wedding? I thought I knew love but clearly I didn't! All I knew
was that love wasn't supposed to feel like that. If you loved me , you would've thought about me
before removing her pants. !"
Kamva:"I understand that You're angry , but please. Don't do this to me , come back home with me. I
know you still love me! You could've chosen any nigga but you chose the very same nigga who has
dimples why? Because you saw me in him!"
He said that as he slowly came closer to me , he had tears In his eyes."
Kamva:"if only you could feel what I feel , then you'd know how much I love you. You are my
everything Kea. My whole life! Without you my life has no direction."
Kea:"stop crying, I , I uhm have to go!"
Kamva:"do you really want to go? Do you?"
Kea:"I , I ..Kamva move back!"
Kamva:"why , my presence changes the way you breathe , I could hear your heartbeat. Do I make
such a huge impact in your heart?.
He kept on getting closer until I hit a car.
Kea:(in a low voice)"please, let me be , leave this country Kamva! I am happy here!"
He put his hands on both my cheeks.
Kamva:"are you? Mhm?"
He leaned over for a kiss , I closed my eyes and I felt his lips on mine
I closed my eyes as I saw him Kissing her , she didn't move nor pushed him. That broke me! I didn't
wanna look at them again. I turned away and went downstairs.
Ofentse:"ohh no, I know that look!"
Luvuyo:"just drive me home , I want to sleep!"
Ofentse:"we can't leave all these people here!"
Luvuyo:"then I'll drive myself!."
Ofentse:"no, Luvuyo look at me! I know you drive crazily when you....what happened?"
Luvuyo:"bye Bro, don't worry. Everything is okay."
Ofentse:promise me you'll arrive home safely!
I just smiled at him and touched his shoulder. I took my jacket and went out.
It started raining pretty bad. Is God feeling what I feel?"' I stand infront of my car and give myself
another shot. I know I can end up in the hospital if I drive like this so I decided to hit the road by
foot. Slowly.
I realised I was crying and I pulled out from the kiss.
Kamva:"what's wrong? We were...
I slapped him so hard! It started raining.
Kea:"don't you ever kiss me again! I don't want you near me!"
Kamva:"Kea what are you saying. Kea you love me and you know it! You Didn't pull back from the
kiss the moment I kissed you , you let me which proves you still feel something for me!"
Kea:(shouting)" shut the hell up. Yess I kissed you but that doesn't mean I love you. I had no idea I
was going to see you today , I was still digesting the fact that You're here and....look Kamva , I never
said I didn't love you. I broke up with you while I loved you so much yes I admit it. But Kamva I
found real love , someone who loves me for real , someone who makes me happy, he brings out the
best in me! He plays with me when needed! He protects my feelings which is something you couldn't
The rain was hitting down so bad. I heard Ofentse calling my name . He was running towards me.
Ofentse:"what the hell bro , you're gonna catch a cold! Talk to me what happened?"
Luvuyo:"I , I want to go rest! "
Ofentse:"are you okay?"
Luvuyo:"I'm fine "
Ofentse:"why are you walking so slowly? LUVUYO IT'S FUCKING RAINING FOR GOD'S
Luvuyo:(chuckles) I want Kea to catch up."
Ofentse:"I don't understand."
Luvuyo:"leave brother , you'll catch a cold. "
Ofentse:"if Kea is the reason why you're like this then I swear.....
Luvuyo:"no one threatens my woman Ofentse."
Ofentse:(shouting) Are you hearing
Ofentse:"you mean she's....
Luvuyo:"just go!"
He looks at me for the longest time and walks away.
Kamva:"Kea you don't mean that....
Kea:"no actually I do! I am not gonna lose Him over you just like you lost me over her! He makes
me happy Kamva , he makes me feel in such a way I have never felt before! (Sniffing) I , I love him
so much. I am happy here , what we had was great Kamva and I'll never forget it but what me and
him have , it's magical. It's beautiful. I wouldn't wanna be with anyone else besides him. Now please,
leave for my sake. You claim you love me , if you do then please Leave. For my peace Mr Ngwenya!
For my peace!
He looked at me for the longest time and cursed.
Kea(whispering) "please!?"
He was holding my hand so tight and crying.
"please , I love him. I wanna be with him. Just let me go. Please!"
Kamva:(screaming) fuuuuuck! "' he let go of my hand and kneels down while he let out a very
painful cry. I looked at him for the longest time. I walked away. At the door I came across Ofentse ,
he was soo wet.
Kea:"where's Vuyo?"
Ofentse:"he left , whatever you did Kea... he saw you!!"
Kea:"ohh no , can you borrow me your car?"
Ofentse:"he left by foot , if you can run. You will catch up with him. "
Kea:" which way did he go?"
Ofentse:" that way!
As I was about to run...
Kea:"yess ?"
Ofentse:"go get your man!"
I smiled.
I ran like my life depended on it. The rain got harder that it was so hard to see but that didn't stop me.
The road was quiet and empty. I kept on running till I spotted him walking so much slow holding a
I ran so fast until I reached up to him. It was now so hard to breathe, my chest was breaking .
[Breathing heavily]
Kea:"Why were you walking like someone broke your heart?"
Luvuyo:"I was waiting for you to catch up dummy!"
His eyes were red , he was crying!
Kea:"you didn't think you were gonna leave without me now did you?"
He put the bottle down and put his hands in his pockets and looked at me. I like it when he does that ,
he looks so cute!
Luvuyo:"you're done playing Mrs me because now it's either you're walking this path with me or
with him"
Kea:(smiles)" is that even a Question!?"
He got closer to me while saying... "you will never ever let a lowlife kiss you, do you hear me?" I
kept on moving back. It was exactly how Kamva kept on Coming closer to me.
He put his hands around my waist nd slowly put me down. I felt the rain hard on my face. He got in
between my thighs and whispered. " I am not going to do this his way , there's one thing you need to
know. It's either my way , or no way!"
I smiled , he was blocking the rain from pouring on me. I wrap my hands around his neck and he
slowly dragged my dress up. Weirdly he firstly kissed my stomach and slowly went down to my
Kea:"we're on a road Vuyo What if a car comes by.?"
Luvuyo:"then we die together , isn't that the best way to die.?"
I kept quiet.
Luvuyo:"thought so!"
he didn't undress himself he just pulled his D out and slowly picked me up.
Luvuyo:"hold on tight!"
Kea:"I would never let go!"
He smiled and started pumping me while I hugged him tight biting his shoulder. It felt like Sex in the
shower except of course the rain was cold but it felt good!
Kamva on the other hand was watching from the distance. He drank his alcohol in tears and turned to
walk away.
[Not Edited, I was too tired to Edit sorry]
I woke with my head banging , Kea has been coughing all night long. Shame , she has flu .
I slowly got off the bed , carefully not to wake her up . I went to the kitchen and asked the Chef to
make some yummy hot soup for my woman. After The chef prepared the soup I took it upstairs to
her. Kea is an early bird but today , mogurl overslept. So my hands were occupied , I woke her up
with my feet. Running my toes on her face. She opens her eyes annoyed.
Kea:couldn't you just call out my name?"
Luvuyo:"it's much fun when I wake you up this way!"
Kea:"what's that?"
Luvuyo:"a soup , it will make you feel better!"
Kea:"how come you don't have a cold!"
Luvuyo:"sisi we! We are not cut from the same cloth."
She takes her soup helps herself in it. She was feeling it I mean she had her eyes closed the entire
time. I smiled.
Luvuyo:"thank you for following your heart yesterday!"
Kea:"you didn't think I'd choose him now did you?"
Luvuyo:"honestly no , I just got scared when you kissed."
Kea:"I'm sorry for that , it was wrong allowing another man to touch me."
Luvuyo:"I understand... I am going to check up on my mom , mind tagging along?"
Kea:"I would love to , but for some reason I am feeling tired. I just want to sleep. "
Luvuyo:"okay , sleep or whatever I am leaving ."
KEA:"You haven't taken a bath!"
Luvuyo:"I was going to shower, you spoke too soon hau!"
I went to the bathroom and showered , brushed my teeth . Then Tell Kea im heading out but seems
like she was already asleep. I walked out of our room. I remembered I haven't kissed her and went
back to the room and kissed her cheek. Yinhle lento maarn! I took a drive to my Mom's house. I
bought my mom this house years ago when the business started getting noticed and made money and
as for my dad , he lives in his own house. My parents divorced when I was young and for years my
parents were fighting over me until I was old enough to make my own decisions. The security opens
the gate for me , I thank him and drives in. I park my car and got inside.
"Mom! Im home!"
Mom:"Luh ! You're home." She gives me a hug.
Luvuyo:"I just came to check on my favourite woman!"
Mom:"how's the new girl , Ofentse told me everything!"
Luvuyo:"that snitch!"
Mom:"well at least he checks up on his mom regulary , other than someone."
Luvuyo:"come on mom, I have been busy you know. With work but now I promise I'll check up on
you more regularly!"
Mom:"why didn't you come with her?"
Luvuyo:(I brushed my hair)"eish , she's feeling sick. "
Luvuyo:"yeah sick , I don't know how to tell you this...there's a slightly possibility that I might have
knocked her up!"
Mom:"knocked her up as in like....eeew Luh!" She hit me slightly on my shoulder.
Luvuyo:"that's the most respectful way I've ever described it!"
Mom:"don't play with me! Are you serious?"
Luvuyo:"im serious ma!"
She screams in happiness.
Mom:"do you have any idea how long I have waited for this day? I need to meet up with her! Luh are
you serious?"
Luvuyo:(laughs)"ofcourse I'm serious but I'm not sure if she's actually pregnant but by the way she's
been sleeping lately , I might start believing she is!"
Mom:I'm soo happy, I'm gonna be a grandma!"
Luvuyo:"great , the only thing to do now is to tell her!"
Mom:"what do you mean tell her?"
Luvuyo:(faking a laugh)" she uhm , doesn't know it yet!"
Mom:"Luh! You're so mean!"
We both laugh!
I swear something is wrong with me , I just know it!I have been feeling weird. I get dizzy in the
mornings and apparently "It's those unhealthy food you've been eating!" Luvuyo's words , not mine.
I've always been a junkie and why is it making me sick now. Whenever I eat something with cooking
oil , I throw up but when I eat the rabbit food nothing happens....that's because "ayeye baby your
body is rejection unhealthy food , it must be because you have eaten a lot of junkie and your junkie
pipe is full" his words again. I legit laughed at him because that didn't make any sense. Today I was
feeling worse...when ever I feel like burping , the burp comes up with puke! I am tired.
Since I showered in the morning I wear my black socks and my fluffy push in sandals. I took My
card and took some keys to one of Luvuyo's car. Luvuyo is meeting up with his other friend from SA
because today all the people who came for a conference are leaving!. That's great news. I arrived at
the private doctor and I came in , it was a female Doc.
Kea:"im sorry for not making an appointment....
Doc:"you're here now, that's all that matters. So what's the matter."
Kea:"I thought it was flu , then I thought it was a stomach bug and now I get dizzy in the mornings
She laughs at me!
Doc:"okay , go easy . Let's start with a pregnancy test.
Kea:"could I be pregnant? I mean I had a miscarriage before...
Doc:"but that doesn't mean you can't get pregnant again. Depends on how much damage a
miscarriage can make or no damage at all. So hete are 2 pregnancy tests. Go do the deed!
I went to the bathroom and did the deed. I waited and waited and the first one showed me 2 lines.
The second one also. I popped my eyes and cried! Oh my God I can't believe this , I am really
pregnant! I washed my hands and went back to the doctor and found myself hugging her.
Doc:"im guessing that's a positive?"
Kea:"yes , I can't believe this!"
Kea:"thank you so much. "
She prescribed some medication and some pregnancy guides . I put everything in the plastic bag and
deposited the money.
I think about how weirdly I've been acting lately and How Vuyo and his mom have been
manipulating me into eating Rabbit food. That Sneak , he knew!
I found myself calling him!
Kea:"don't baby me! How long did you know I was pregnant?"
Luvuyo:"you're pregnant?"
Kea:"don't act surprised!
Luvuyo:"Baby are you serious? I mean I knew but I wasn't sure..."
Kea:"get your ass home!!"
Luvuyo:"okay I'm coming!"
I hung up , who does he think he is?! I go to my care when I felt someone putting a cloth on my nose
and mouth. I panicked and inhaled. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I dropped my phone and car
keys. That was lights out for me
After Kea's call I was soo happy I mean now I'm sure she's pregnant! I called my mom to let her
know and she screamed. I called Ofentse and he was happy for me. This has gotta be the happiness
day of my life.
I bid goodbye to my business partners as I rushed home. I was still thinking of an excuse ...How will
I explain it to her that I knocked her up deliberately? Today I'm a dead man I swear.
I arrived home and surprisingly she wasn't home. I asked the chef and he said she went to the doctor.
Ohh , that's how she found out! Maybe she's still on her way. I saw Ofentse's car pulling up. He came
to me holding flowers.
Luvuyo:"are those for me?"
Ofentse:uyasangana? Those are for Kea. Where is she?"
Luvuyo:"the chef said she went to the doctor.
4 hours later
Kea hasn't come back and her phone sends we straight to Voicemail. It's so unlike her. Even Ofentse
and Mom tried calling her from their own phones.
Finally I get a call from her.
Luvuyo:"babe don't ever do that you....
Voice:"uhm I'm sorry I'm not the person you're looking for.
Luvuyo:"that's my girlfriend's phone!"
Voice:"ohh I'm the doctor , I found her phone and car keys next to her car at our private parking lot
on the floor. The adress is ********"
I don't know how the phone slipped from my hands.
Ofentse:"are you okay? What's wrong?"
Luvuyo:"this was the doctor, she found her phone and car keys next to her car but she wasn't!"
Ofentse:"fuck! What the hell!? Who did this?"
Luvuyo:"I don't know , but he better ask his ancestors to accept him because that's where he's
going...Ofentse make the call."
I was trembling , even my mother moved away from me!!
Mom:"Luh , calm down ...we're going to find her and she's going to be okay!"
Luvuyo:"she's pregnant! "
I felt my veins popping out as sitting in one ace became impossible.
Ofentse called the whole crew to meet us at the warehouse. Ofentse drives to the warehouse and all
this time I was In my thoughts. She's pregnant and what if they touch her? What if they hurt her!"
Luvuyo and Ofentse arrived at the warehouse . The guys started arriving 1 by 1
Luvuyo:"what fucken took you so long?"
Flames:"we uhm , came here as fast as possible. What's wrong?"
Luvuyo:"do you believe in God.?"
Flames:"y-yes I , I do."
Luvuyo:"you better start praying y'all find out where the fuck is Kea and who took her because if you
don't! He will be so happy to meet y'all.!"
Ofentse:"calm down bro!"
Luvuyo:"and you , don't fucking tell me what to do!"
Ofentse backed away and got busy with his computer.
Guy:"the tracker on her neclace shows that they took a flight to SA!"
Kamva kept on pacing up and down while Flames did his best to find out who did it.
Guy1:" who the hell Made the cheetah angry?"
Guy2:"RIP to him in advance!"
Ofentse:"why is their camera not showing . We cant see the guy's face!"
Luvuyo:"between Kamva and Thapelo. One of them crossed the line! No one touched what belongs
to me! No one! Get ready for a Flight to SA."
Flames:"eish my passport is...
Luvuyo:"private jet, don't worry about it! "
Ofentse, Flames and Luvuyo walked out leaving the other guys stunned.
Guy3:" wow , The Cheetah is mad!"
Guy1:"his feelings are involved . Not even the badimos can stop him now!"
Guy 3:"I hate it when he gets like this . I feel like he's going to shoot all of us!"
Guy1:"right now, The Cheetah mode is activated!... let's just do our job!"
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I heard a voice praying and hoping it's Luvuyo. I slowly opened my eyes and was shocked to see
Kamva in front of me.
Kea:"where am I ?"
Kamva:"back to your home country baby. "
I stood up and the room was occupied with guys I don't even know including Kamva and Thapelo ,
Thato & Thabiso.
Kea;"what do you want from me?"
Thapelo:"we all want something from you sweetheart. I want what belongs to us and Kamva wants
you. Give us the company and Then I don't give a fuck what you and your husband will do."
Kea:"he is not my husband and I am not giving anyone anything. Just let me go !"
Kamva:"took me long enough to find you. I cant just let you go!"
Kea:"Kamva are you crazy? I am no longer married to you , you don't own mw so stop acting like
you own me!"
Kamva:"that was rude Kea!"
Thapelo:"Thato bring the papers and a Pen."
I looked at Kamva to see exactly what kind of monster have I married.
Kamva:"now will you sign so we'll get the hell away from here? We don't need the money Kea, give
it to them! You and I will go somewhere far and start afresh!"
I slapped him so hard that he almost fell!!"
Kea:"you are insane if you think I'll go with you. I told you I don't want you anymore. Can this
family leave me alone!? I don't want anything to do with y'all. Just leave me alone!"
Kamva looked at me for the longest time and walked up to me pushing me to the wall.
Kamva:"look me in the eye and say you don't love me!"
I looked him deep in his eyes.
Kea:"I have lost feelings for you! I don't love you , I love him!"
He lost it when he heard that. He hit the wall and I closed my eyes because I thought he was going to
hit me.
Kea:"y'all bunch of psychos . You don't own the world ...You're not even real royals for God's sake!"
Kamva:"Kea shut up! "
Kea:"or what Mr ex-husband?"
Kamva: " Kea , I am trying my best not to lose my cool with you because I love you. I don't wanna
hurt you. Just be a good girl , sign the papers after that you and I will go far away from this place.!"
Kea:"no! I will not sign anything...matter of fact. I have transferred everything to Luvuyo. It belongs
to him now!"
Thapelo:"you did what?"
Kea:"you heard me!"
Thapelo:"Kamva fix this shit of yours or I will do it myself!"
Kamva:"Kea why did you do that!? "
I looked at him. There I saw the plastic that had all the pregnancy staff. Kamva turned and saw it. He
went to take it.
Kamva:"is this yours?"
Kea:"give it back!"
He opened the plastic and saw all the pregnancy tests and pills and looked at ne with teary eyes.
Kamva:"you're pregnant with his child!"
I kept quiet and he started Shouting.
Kea:"WASN'T I PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD? You Killed your own child....not everyone is
a bastard like you. You killed it , you are a murderer. All of you are murderers."
Thapelo:"we need to get This Luvuyo guy so he'd sing the Papers!"
Richards:"I am sorry but I am leaving. I have done my part !"
Thapelo:"let's make a video of little Kea , that will make him come !"
It's been hours and my brain seems to be not functioning. We had booked a hotel . Flames got a
video. It was Kea , she was tied up and forced to drink something.
Kamva:"you will not have another man's child do you hear me ! Drink up!"
Kea:(crying)"nooo please nooo!"
Thapelo:"hey Mr luvuyo , if you want to ever see your Kea alive. You will have to come to the the
mall and sign some few papers.
Kamva:"drink it!!"
I felt Tears approaching, They are making her drink something that will abort my child. Who does
this motherfuckers think they are!"
Luvuyo:"flames, call this Thapelo freak and tell him to watch his for Kamva ayy angazi!"
I wore my leather jacket and took my phone and went out. The phone has the exact location of where
the Kea is. Hang on baby , you will not sleep in that place. Not under my watch.
He made me drink up 2 pills that were going to make me lose my baby. I wast starting to have some
terrible stomach ache , they had poured me with cold water and I was shivering. The room itself was
Kamva:"when we come back in the morning, I want to see blood do you hear me. That thing of yours
needs to get out!"
Thapelo:"enjoy spending time with the rats Kea. Hopefully we will find you alive in the morning!"
Kea:"y-youre leaving me here all alone?"
Kamva:"that's your punishment for opening you thighs for another man!"
I watched them leave and locked up the place. I sat down in the corner freezing , it was cold. I had
terrible stomach cramps , they felt like death. I started groaning all alone.
Kea:"please help me God , protect my child. Protect my baby!"
I felt my eyes shutting.
Voice:"don't Close your eyed Keke, he is coming. "
Kea:"hl-Hlelo is t-that you?"
Hlehle:"don't close your eyes my Kea , he is Coming. He is really close. You will be fine."
I tried keeping them open but the pains were just unbearable... I felt my nose wet , I touched it and it
was blood."
Hlelo:"don't close your eyes! Listen to the sound of my voice.-don't sleep Keke!"
I heard a loud Bang and footsteps. I smiled because I felt his presence. The paramedics ran in and
picked me up. I saw something in Luvuyo's eyes. He touched my stomach and he had tears in his
Luvuyo:"w-will you (Sniffs) forgive me for what I will do now?"
I just nodded because I was crying too. Seeing his tears broke my heart. They put me in an
ambulance and we left him standing there with his hands in his pockets.
She had blood coming out from her nose. She looked pale and cold . My heart just couldn't tolerate
the sight . After she was taken to the hospital I hired 10 guards to keep watch on her. I hired people
to abduct Kamva and Thapelo for me and bring them to the same place they kept Kea!"
I went to pay a little visit to my Girls at the main Palace with few of my guys.
Luvuyo:"Knock Knock" I said as I let myself in! I went straight to Thapelo's wife!"
Luvuyo:"let me see that hand."
She showed me.
Luvuyo:"do you even know how you lost your thumb? You should've asked your husband."
She swallowed hard.
Luvuyo:"do you know where he is? Someone in the city upside down. Shame I feel for him!"
Phindile:"who are you...?"
Luvuyo:"that Person your husband shouldn't have messed with. He messed with my woman
forgetting he has his woman.! I am sorry Ladies . Jesus died for our sins and you will die for your
husband's sins. No wait , let me forgive the other except if your name is Phindile. Take her!"
My guys grabbed Phindile and put her in the car.
We drove back to where our boys are. Today I wanna make a huge example of them , this is not
about Me anymore ... it's about Hlehle! The girl died a terrible death despite being so innocent and
her Killers will face justice. I have managed to track down the Buhle girl . I arrived at the location.
Thapelo and Kamva were hanged upside down the whole night. I told my guys to bring them down.!
Few minutes later our star Buhle showed up.
Richards and Spider were also caught!
Flames and Ofentse walked in with Thato & Thabiso
Luvuyo:"wow , is it a coincidence that all of us in this room are going to hell?"
Kamva was now shocked how did Luvuyo find Kea and how the hell did he get here!
Luvuyo took a chair and sat down facing Thapelo and Kamva.
Luvuyo:"Let's talk like Men , not a bunch of men kidnapping a defenceless woman. Where did you
buy that liver that made you kidnap my girl?"
Kamva:"she's not your girl!"
Luvuyo:"she's not yours either. See Kamva let me tell you something , an advice actually. You
having problems with your wife, you sit her down and talk about it. But our Kamva is still a boy , he
went out to seek pleasure from another woman and that doesn't make you a man. !"
Luvuyo:"and you Thapelo , you should've stopped this game when I got your wife's thumb cut ,
speaking of wife I have got a surprise for you!"
Luvuyo's gaang walked In with Phindile who was crying .
Thapelo:"how did you find my wife? Please Luvuyo this Fight is between us, don't include her.
Please don't do anything to her. "
Luvuyo:"ohh , but why do the rules change when it's your wife in this room but when it was my
woman there were no rules! Well fortunately I'm in a forgiving mood today. I am not going to kill
your wife. YOU ARE!"
Thapelo:"what , I will never do that!"
Luvuyo:"I know , that why I will make you do that."
They made Phindile sit down on a chair and tied her up. Buhle was watching the scene crying.
Ofentse took a gun and loaded it with only one bullet.
Luvuyo:" so we're going to play a game. You miss her , Ofentse will shoot you ohh and yes , He
never misses a target!"
Thapelo was shaking thinking about how he was going to shoot his wife. He looks at Luvuyo
thinking that as soon as they give him the gun , he will shoot them.
Luvuyo laughs.
Luvuyo:"I can read minds, thats a hidden talent of mine. See here Thapelo. This gun has only 1
bullet. You shoot your wife or you shoot any of us , you're a dead man. I want you to feel the pain of
killing someone you love , angisho you kill children wena , you were also planning to kill MY
WOMAN! and I am sorry maphindi phindi that you had to be in his mess but y'all vowed in your
wedding day that till death do y'all apart. Undress Thapelo!"
Thapelo:" what are you doing?"
Luvuyo's guys started undressing Thapelo who had no idea what they were about to do to him.
Luvuyo:"or you want to have sex before killing her? No? Okay.
Luvuyo walked to Thapelo holding a Needle and a gun.
Luvuyo:"let me explain this game. We have only one bullet and it's either it will kill you or her.
Right now I am pointing a gun on your head and im giving you this needle. I want you to shove it in
your peeing hole , all of it!"
Thapelo popped his eyes out.
Luvuyo:"and if you don't, I pull the trigger I mean imagine the news headline " a man died because
he didn't wanna shove a Needle in his peeing hole" stupid, right?"
Ofentse:"really stupid!"
Kamva was silently watching praying in silent that at least it's not him in this situation.
Luvuyo gave Thapelo a Needle and pointed a gun on his brain. He wasn't kidding. He was really
going to do it!
Thapelo slowly put the needle on his hole but hesitated to shove it in!
Luvuyo:"you need someone to help you?"
He shook no
Luvuyo:"then I'm counting down to 5 , I promise I will Pull the trigger."
Thapelo:"okay okay!" He gathered strength and shoved it all in and screamed in pain. He screamed
so much as blood started to come out!
The other guys held their manhood and thanked God it's not them in this position.
Luvuyo:"level 1 complete. Now let's go to Level 2!"
Thapelo was still groaning in pain!
Luvuyo:"don't be scared guys, this is a game. Call it a One bullet game. So Thapelo you were saved
from a bullet now lets see if you can save wifey. "
Luvuyo's 2 guys made Thapelo stand up while Phindile was a crying mess.
Luvuyo:"this is Level 2, you are going to put your leg in this machine... you know what it does? Is
crushes your bone! I am going to be cycling it while it puts a lot of pressure on your leg. And I am
going to give you a gun! In the next 5min your leg will crush . But since I told you, today im in a
forgiving mood I am going to give you the most unbearable pain of your life for just 2 minutes. From
there, it will be up to you if you want me to stop or continue. But to make me stop you will have to
shoot your wife, should you miss her we go back to Level 1. Or you tolerate the pain for 3 more
minutes then your wife is saved!"
They forcefully put Thapelo's leg in the machine and Luvuyo starts hand cycling it! It keeps on
pressing His leg Harder and he screamed like a baby! Ut hasn't been a minute but he was screaming
as if he was dying. The pain he was feeling was worse than anything in the world.
Thapelo:(crying) "please no, please I will leave Kea alone!"
Luvuyo:"but I'm still having fun. Don't be a party pooper! Just hold on , it's almost 2minutes. You
will make the decision."
Thapelo cried so much feeling pain making the other brothers panick. He was begging Luvuyo to
stop but there's only 1 way to stop him. "
Luvuyo continued cycling the machine amd Thapelo's bones started making a cracking sound.
Thapelo:(crying)"I am sorry Phindi , I am soo sorrry!"
Phindi:(crying)"nooo! Please noo , Thapelo no!"
Thapelo aimed the gun at her and pulls off the trigger. It hit Phindile right on her Neck.!
Luvuyo stopped the machine and took Thapelo's leg out! He fell down and started crying.
Spider:(whispering)" how's he not feeling sorry for him?"
Thapelo looked at Phindile whose head was leaning loose. She was dead.
Thapelo cried so much.
Luvuyo:"ukhalelani? You killed her , couldn't you take pain for 3 more minutes... now stop crying
like a baby!"
Luvuyo:"Now lets go to Level 3 shall we?!"
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Thapelo was crying out loud to the fact that he killed his wife.
Luvuyo:"damn , if it was Kea on that chair, I would've rather sacrificed my leg. That's how much
I love her!.. anyway Kamva!!"
Kamva closed his eyes not ready for what Luvuyo will say.
Luvuyo:"how dare you force her to Drink those pills , if anything happens to her.... nc nc nc ,you
don't wanna know what I'll do to you!,"
Flames took Phindile's body and put it in a body bag!
Luvuyo on the other hand walked to Buhle.
Buhle almost peed on herself when Luvuyo got closer.
Luvuyo:"like I said , relax this is a game. Y'all should be enjoying but some of you are crying
like Babies.!
Luvuyo:"so Mrs Ngwenya , you do know that you'll be found guilty in court. You are
responsible for a child's death yet got away with it! That's not fair right? "
Buhle:"I- I -am sorry!"
Luvuyo:"that's all you're gonna say after a whole child is dead!?"
Buhle:"they promised me a share...
Luvuyo:" so you love money...ohh that's okay. I've got a game for you. "
Luvuyo took out some coins. Enough coins that can make R100 he placed them on the table.
Luvuyo:" you were hungry for money right? Eat it all and when I'm done with all of them I want
you done as well or don't wanna know!
Ofentse was now sitting on a chair eating popcorns .
Luvuyo walked to Richard and Spider whistling.
Luvuyo:"you out of everyone dare to mess with me?"
Richard:"cheetah I tried to stop them!"
Luvuyo:"trying isn't enough. Do you also wanna join the game?"
Richard:"n-no cheetah!"
Luvuyo:"come on , don't be a pussy! Spider , why do they call you spider vele?"
Spider:"I , I don't know.."
Luvuyo:"you're an idiot, do you wanna know why they call me Cheetah!? Do you?"
Luvuyo:"good answer! I'll be right back!"
He goes to Thato and Thabiso.
Luvuyo:"I might actually forgive you 2... I didn't say I will , I said I might. Flames play some
music and ask these 2 to dance!"
Luvuyo walks back TO Thapelo who was still on the floor feeling the pain coming from his
manhood and heart.
Luvuyo:"I might actually keep you alive but for me to do that , I need to torture you so Bad! It's
your choice. Death or torture? While thinking about it let me go say hi to Kamva. He looks
He goes to Kamva and Ask him to stand up. Kamva stood up .
Luvuyo:"do you know the difference between us? I think with my brain but you think with your
dick! "
Kamva looks at Luvuyo like he's about to eat him alive.
Luvuyo:"a little bird told me that you hit your woman and she landed at the hospital, is it true?"
Kamva:"where did you find out ab...
Luvuyo:"you're not answering my question!!"
Kamva:"yess it's true!"
Luvuyo:"we'll too good I don't care about that bitch , but then you touched my bitch. You forced
her into drinking up pills. You make me sick do you hear that.?"
He takes out his hands from his pockets and he had Pills with him!
Luvuyo:"Let me elaborate , these pills here are for intoxicating an elephant but you as a human ,
they will make you poop your stomach and livers. You will poop your own orgarns. You forced
my Bitch to kill her child , do you know that if I haven't found her in time she would've died?"
Kamva:"look I am sorry okay, I will leave Kea alone. I will never cause you any trouble ever
again I swear."
Luvuyo:"I don't trust you!"
Flames came in pushing a braaistand.
Luvuyo:" let the party begin!"
Kamva:"please Luvuyo!"
Luvuyo:"I want y'all near this braaistand , ausi we , iyadleka lemali?"
Luvuyo:"shame, somebody pull out the needle.
Thapelo;"please don't!".
Luvuyo:"hau , u still alive? That's good!"
Luvuyo:"Richard , you should've been named poorchard .!
Luvuyo:"this is a joke , all of you laugh!.
Thapelo started faking a laugh.
Luvuyo:"I want to see y'all laughing so hard.
Shame they started Laughing... Ofentse was laughing at the fact that they all were faking their
Ofentse:"cut cut!
Luvuyo:"okay Game over!"
He took out a gun and shot both Richard and Spider on their heads.
Richard:"I don't shoot women , yoi do it Kamva since you even know how to kick them!
Ofentse stood up with his gun and pointed it on Kamva while Luvuyo gives Kamva the Gun to
shoot Buhle.
Kamva quickly turns the gun on Luvuyo's face and pulls off the trigger but there wasn't a bullet.
Luvuyo:"nc nc nc Kamva. I knew you'd do that. Are you stupid , this is the same gun your
brother killed jis wife with. No bullet remember?"
"Fuck" said Kamva.
Flames was braaing Phindi's breast on the other side.
Luvuyo;"is anyone here hungry, except for that sis chowing money?"
Ofentse:"I think Thapelo would love eating his wife's breast. !"
Thapelo:(crying) "please....!"
Luvuyo :"eat!"
Luvuyo:" Ofentse shoot this motherfucker!"
Thapelo :"okay I'll eat it!"
He took the breast and started eating it. He was crying and Throwing up.
Luvuyo:"eat your puke , I want to see the floor clean!"
He started eating everything he threw up. His brothers on the other hand were disgusted by the
Luvuyo:"are you going to drink those pills or Should I force you just like you forced my woman?
Luvuyo:"even she said Please!...Flames, make him drink the pills!
Flames:yess boss!

Luvuyo:"a part of me wants to kill you Thapelo , but then again I am going to spare your life you
know why? Because I want you to live with the guilt of choosing your leg over your wife , you
wanted to kill my woman but congratulations you killed yours . And wena Kamva , just pray you
make it in time at the hospital hopefully they help you because Kea would really hate to know that
you've passed on. And Buhle , there's no way I'm letting you go. How many coins did you eat?
Luvuyo:"The little girl died in your hands , it's just soo hard to forgive you. " he looked at Flames
who shot Buhle on her forehead.
Ofentse:"2coins yamasepa!"
Luvuyo:"Thato &Thabiso are not harmed, why?"
Ofentse:"should I ?"
Thato:"we don't know anything, we , we.....
Ofentse:"I wont take long, I promise!"
Flames and Ofentse forcefully cut their big Toe. They screamed like they were giving birth.
Kamva was sweating, he was getting weak and his stomach was making weird sounds.
Luvuyo:"lets get the hell outta here!"
Luvuyo's guys and Flames stay behind cleaning up the mess and getting rid of the evidence.
Flames:"Honestly, he did Nothing to the both of you , you have no idea how cruel this man can be!
You should be greatful he let you live. He never leaves anyone alive! I am even surprised."
Luvuyo:"you should go back to the flat to rest, I'll go to the hospital to check up on Kea."
Ofentse:"you're my brother , I will always be with you in hard times. Let's go to this damn hospital."
I was just praying that Kea is fine.
Ofentse:"why didn't you kill them?"
Luvuyo:"I didn't kill Thapelo because I want him to live with the pain of shooting his wife. Yes he'll
eventually heal but that image of his wife begging him will never go away!"
Ofentse:"and Kamva?"
Luvuyo:"for Kea. Yes Kea might have moved on from Kamva but trust me when I say he'll always
hold a special place in her heart. He's Kea's first love and first heartbreak and it would've Broke her
to find out he's dead.!
Ofentse:"what if he don't make it?"
Luvuyo:"he will , after experiencing the most painful shit in the world. He will feel his stomach
burning ! He will go crazy I'm telling you!"
We arrived at the hospital and I was showed Kea's ward. The door was closed and all I could hear
was her screaming. I looked at her from the window , she was sweating wet and breathing heavily .
For the first time in life I knelt down and prayed.
Luvuyo:"Dear Lord , I know I don't normally do this with you and I am not doing this for myself. My
woman is on that bed in pain! Take away her pain rather punish me , I have done way too many bad
things in my life and rather take me! Keep her strong! " I felt Ofentse's hand on my shoulder and I
hugged him. For the first time I cried in his sholder. I saw a child , she came to me and wiped my
tears and smiled. She opened the door from Kea's ward and got inside. Kea stopped screaming.
Doctors:"miracles , the baby is fine!"
I stood up and the girl child was nowhere.
Luvuyo:"did you see her?"
Ofentse:"see who?"
Luvuyo:"the child , she was right here. She , she wiped my tears and went inside Kea's ward."
Ofentse:"are these the side effects of crying?"
I started scrolling the gallery on Kea's Phone . I saw a picture of The child, that's her...that's the girl I
saw, Hlehle!"
I felt Tears on my eyes and smiled.
"Thank you" I said by heart!
The doctor came out
Doctor:"good news the mother and child are both okay!"
I ran inside the room , she looked at me and smiled. I got in between her thighs and put my head on
her stomach. I felt her kissing my Hair.
Kea:"y-you're going to be a dad."
I squeezed her tighter and the thought of almost losing her and my child almost Killed me! I tried
holding it in but it was just so hard! Yes I cried but I'm happy that I am crying on my woman , the
person I love.
Kea:"you didn't kill him , did you?"
I shook my head.
Kea:"well you should have!"
I closed my eyes , feeling her hands around me. She's my baby. MINE! .
KAMVA & THAPELO and the other brothers were admitted to the hospital. They had to pull the
needle out from his D and he had a cracked bone on his leg! Thato & Thabiso had to be stopped
bleeding and stitch their wounds. Kamva was having terrible stomach cramps , he was even afraid of
going to the toilet because he thought he was going to shit his stomach out. He ended up messing on
himself and the smell was terrible.
Nurse:"What did you eat? A Cat?"
Ofentse left to the apartment and I was still sleeping with Kea on the hospital Bed."
Kea:"Tell me the truth, what did you do to them?"
I raised my head up and looked at her.
Luvuyo:"can we not talk about this anymore. I don't ever want us discussing about those boys. Okay
I brushed her stomach.
Luvuyo:"I want a little Princess that will look like you!"
Kea:"but I want a boy that will look like you!"
Luvuyo:"thanda abafana siies!" Kea laughed!
Luvuyo:"whatever the gender is , the name will be Hlelokuhle."
Kea smiled.
Luvuyo:"because she saved you! I know she did!"
Kea:"then Hlelo it is , we can do this . We can raise a child , right?"
Luvuyo:"obviously ! With you by my side, nothing's impossible babe. Now let's sleep and forget
today ever happened ."
Kea:"I love you daddy!"
Luvuyo:"say that again."
Kea:"I love you daddy!"
Luvuyo:"I love you guys , with everything I have!"
I against place my head on her stomach and she kept on brushing my hair. Again the Child appeared
and this time she was waving goodbye.
Luvuyo:"you can see her too , right?"
Kea:"yeah ....bye bye Hlehle. Until we meet again."
She disappeared meaning she will never appear again. Her soul is at peace , she's got justice. I might
have done everything the wrong way but I had good intentions. !
6 months later
Kea was at the hospital giving birth to her babies. She firstly gave birth to Her Daughter , then
Her son. She was soo tired yet happy to hole her babies. Luvuyo was helping the nurses cleaning
up the babies. He took out the clothes he had designed for them . He held her daughter in his
arms and knew he was now a father and would protect her little at any cost. He picked up his
crying Son and kissed his forehead.
Luvuyo:"hello Champ , Welcome to the Xaba clan!"
He took both his babies to their mother.
Kea took her son and he had a baby overall printed "will you marry my daddy?"
She cried tears of Joy .
Luvuyo:"is that a Yes?"
Kea:(crying)"of course it's a yes dummy!"
Luvuyo kissed her forehead as the nurses make Kea Breastfeeed her babies.
2 months later
Luvuyo and Kea were now married and adjusting to the new life of having 2 babies in the house.
Kea was pacing up and down with her crying son while her daughter was just quite!
Luvuyo:"is he sick? He has been crying the whole week!"
Kea;"I don't know but your child can cry hey , he surely takes after you because ekhaya asitefi!".
Luvuyo:"Me? There's no cry baby kwa Xaba! Nje he takes after you. Look at MY daughter , she
is peaceful , quiet like a real Xaba!"
Kea:"help me!"
Luvuyo:"Mrs Xaba I am really busy , I still need to choose the house we will be moving into!"
Kea:"so. What about everyone we love? What about Ofentse?"
Luvuyo:"Ofentse needs to take care of her so called "friend" that he made pregnant and After her
giving birth , He will Move to SA too and Mom will be fine!"
Kea:"I'm really happy we're going back to SA. At least I'll feel closer to my Mom and introduce
my babies to her!"
Luvuyo:"don't worry. Everything will go well . Just make him shut up tuu , I can't deal!"
Kea:"your daughter never cries , she cries only when hungry or sick....but this guy here , he
blinks and he will cry!
Kamva & Anelisa Gave their relationship a try , Anelisa is 7 months pregnant with Kamva's
Khumo can now WAlK and Thando is 2 months pregnant with a girl
KHABO is 8 Months Pregnant with a girl child. He made it her goal to never look back . He
even unfollowed Thando & Kamo on IG and asked Sizwe to never speak about her having a son.
THAPELO still attends Therapy and seems to have something going on between him and the
Zoey and Alex are engaged and she's 8 months Pregnant. She is happy that Kea is coming back
to SA.
Kenneth found love in Akhona and plans to marry her anytime soon.

Some wake up next to their girlfriends , wives and here I am waking up next to a chick I don't even
know. Ehh , I close my eyes and open them again and she's still here!
I get off the bed and I'm naked. Hhhayi! I open the drawer and take out the morning after pills and I
woke her up.
Zamokuhle:"Ausi we , wake up!"
She groans thinking it's her mother's house! This is my mother's house bathong!
Zamokuhle:(shooking her)" yeey wena, wake up !" She woke up and one of her eyelashes fell.
Her:"why so early vele Zamo?"
Zamo:"my parents are coming back today... enhlek why am I explaining it to you? Just drink this
now in front of me!" She drinks the pills and goes to the bathroom.
Zamo:"we sisi , whoever you are you'll bath at your mother's house. Wear your clothes and leave. I
walk to the other side of the bed to take my phone and I felt something on my feets. Yeeey I jumped
and it was her wig.
Zamo:"see what I hate !? You know what , take your wig and vaay!"
Her:"okay but last night was great , can I have your tens just incase you know, I want round 2?
Zamo:"fire Satan. I have a girlfriend and as soon as she walks on that door , you are dead! She
Speaking of girlfriend I heard her shouting downstairs " baby what the fuck!?"
Ohh shit I'm dead!
Zamo:"that's my girlfriend."
Her:" what do I do?"
Zamo:" wear your clothes and you are the cleaning lady!"
Her:"a cleaning what? Awungboni neh!"
Zamo:"fine, hide!"
Her:" hide? "
Zamo:"you are irritating, just hide and why are you still naked. She will smack you and you'll regret
why you came here and FYI I'll help her smack you because you don't listen. Dress up! You are a
I wore my jean and quickly went downstairs and damn the lounge was a mess. My friends were still
sleeping on the couches , bottles of alcohol everywhere and my mom's glass table is broken. I'm in
trouble. My girl Vanessa had her hands on her waist waiting for me to explain. She's coloured, crazy
as f*ck!
Zamo:"oh baby, you're here!"
Nessa:"what is this Zamo? Were you guys drinking? And why are you topless ? Where's that
Zamo:"baby listen, there were no whores I swear , we'll discuss about this later but firstly we need to
clean this place up my parents are coming back from that funeral!"
Nessa:"what kind of a beast are you. It's your grandma's funeral but you didn't even bother to go
there instead you invite your whoring friends and who's" we" because I am not cleaning shit! "
Zamo:"relax Nessa ,I have already invited one chick to clean I mean she was invited by Bandile , not
Nessa:" You know what, I am not going to stand this shit. Call me when y'all done and should you
not call me.. hhheee! You know what , I am not leaving. I will wait for you to finish up cleaning."
Just as I was about to celebrate that she's living and this cute thing changes its mind!
The girl came downstairs wearing her short dress and heels.
Nessa:"I thought you said she's a cleaner!"
Zamo:" she is!"
Nessa:" wearing like that?"
Zamo:"I think she works at those fancy cleaning company!"
Nessa:"fancy cleaning company? I see!"
She walks to her and gave her a broom. Yoh the girl looked at me confused.
Zamo:"sweep , that's what we pay you for. !"
She started sweeping giving me the death look. I woke my gents up and woaw they were still drunk.!
Zamo:"geez Bandile go take a shower or something . Your dad can't find you like this. I requested an
uber for the other guys because wow , they won't be able to drive like that. I had no choice but to
help that poor girl clean shame! Nessa watched us not even helping , well That's Nessa for you!
Zamo:"seriously babe, you're not going to help?"
I picked up all the empty bottles and sweeped my mom's broken table. After everything was done I
told Nessa to go make my bed and surprisingly she did. I transferred R5000 to that girl's account .
Her:"I am Nelly by the way!"
Zamo:"yah cool whatever , bye bye!"
She left , okay That was close. I walked upstairs and found Nessa on my bed.
Zamo:"I thought I told you to make my bed!"
Nessa:"I was , until I saw Morning After pills on this drawers. !"
Zamo:" well last night one of the guys used my room and yah...
Nessa:"I thought there were no whores!"
Zamo:"she's not a hoe , she's one of my hommies girl!"
"Yeee Zamo" shit , that was my mom shouting my name , I'm doomed!
Nessa:"that's your mom!"
Zamo:"I know!"
Nessa:"she's calling you!"
Zamo:"cover up for me , tell her I died last night!"
Eish uNessa naye. I walked downstairs pretending like I just woke up.
Mom:(shouting)" what happened to my table?"
Zamo:"eish ma , it broke!"
Mom:"I can see that! How did it break and why are there so many cars outside."
Shit , I looked at my dad and uncle .
Dad:"she asked you a question Zamo!"
Zamo:"we'll talk about the table later, how was the funeral."
Dad:"are you changing the topic?"
Zamo:"I'm just being a good son . Where are my sisters?"
Mom:"Zamo were you having a party in my house?"
Zamo:"a party?mom no , I would rather do that in my apartment than my parents house. !"
Dad gave me that look , with his hands in his pockets.
Zamo:"okay fine , just a couple of friends were here!"
Mom:(shouting)" All I did was say Zamo can you please stay in this house for a couple of days till
we come back and you saw this as an opportunity to host a party!"
Zamo:"mom it wasn't a party , just a couple if friends. Dad talk to your wife!"
Dad:"honestly, I'm not interested in this whole shit!"
Bandile came downstairs brushing his face.
Bandile:"ohh Bahlali, you're back!"
Mom:"you too! What's wrong with you boys!"
Zamo:"mom stop shouting , you must be tired I mean Botswana is far. Come sit down I'll make you
the nicest coffee in the world!"
My dad smiled , that's my way of calming my only mother down!.
My 9 year old little sister Thandolwethu came followed by My Twin sister Hlelokuhle.
Zano:"here come my favourite girls in the world!"
Hlelo:"what happened to the table?"
Zamo:"It's rude to just come in and ask questions you shouldn't be asking! "
She rolls her eyes and heads upstairs.
Bandile:"Dad nihambe njani?"
Uncle Ofentse:"Good , it's all over. Zamo be good to your mom and Bro , I'll see you around!"
Dad:"okay , I also need to rest!"
Zamo:"don't worry Ma , dad will buy another table. Much Bigger than this one!"
Mom:"You didn't even hug your mother , you're soo rude!"
Zano:"angisho my mom was still shouting. How can I not hug her? Come here!" I hug my mom , a
mother's touch feels so good !
Mom:"now go make the tea you promised me!"
Zamo:"ahh Ma! I was joking!"
Zamo:"okay , by the way Nessa is here!"
Ma:"I'll go say hi to her in the meantime make my coffee!"
I am Zamokuhle Xaba , 21 and welcome to My life!
Today I'm leaving home, back to my crib. Yes my home is big enough but wuuu shame I can't, I can't
live my life the way I want to infront of mom and Dad so Daddy and Uncle Ofentse bought me and
Bandile a house. It's located around town. It's a 1 floor house with about 8 rooms in total . The mess
in that house , my mom would freak out! I was cleaning don't bathing and took my bag to say
goodbye to My mom and Dad. I barge into their room and found them kissing , eeew!
Dad:"How many times do I have to tell you that there's something called Knocking in this world."
Zamo:"it's not like I don't know Kissing , and Se.... I mean the thing you do when you make babies."
Dad looks for something to hit me with and I run to my mom and stand behind her!.
Dad:"Kea , your son is messed up!"
Mom:"I can see where he takes that from!"
Zamo:"okay Zamo's parents , I just came here to tell you I'm leaving. Back to my crib!"
Dad:"and I want you at work , no excuses and no late coming."
Zamo:"okay Father!"
Dad:"I mean it Zamo!"
Zamo:"yess I heard you Baba kaZamo!"
Mom:"Okay , Mom will see you around angithi."
Zamo:"Mom, im only 10 minutes away!"
Mom:"I like having you around. "
Zamo:"I'm not a kid anymore!"
Dad:"And Zamo , please son I am begging you. Limit partying I am tired of bailing you out from
police station! Jesus , I sometimes wonder if you're my son!"
Mom:(laughs)" really son , just take it easy. For me!?"
I kissed Mom's cheek.
Zamo:"anything for you Kea!"
Mom:"hey , Don't call me that!"
My dad hugged me and Kissed my forehead. It always feels weird when he does that!!
Dad:"I love you , okay!"
Zamo:" I love you too Dad. You too mom!"
She opens her arms for me and I hug her. Call me a mama's boy but I'll always be my mom's baby!
I took my bag and head downstairs where I found the CEO of annoyance making Sausages!
Zamo:"can I have 1?"
Hlelo:"sure , you're leaving?"
Zamo:"yeah , I'll see you around neh!"
Hlelo:"okay , just take care Zamo. You may not know it but sometimes you give me mini heart
attacks when you get involved in accidents and get arrested! I get scared I mean I can't imagine life
without you!"
Whoever's fucking her must be doing a good job , I've never heard her talking like that to me
Hlelo:"take care , I love you!"
Zamo:"I love you too! Always.!" She smiles at me and continue With her sausages. Olwethu comes
running to me.
Olwethu:"you're leaving?"
Zamo:"yep , see you around little one!"
Olwethu:"When are you taking me out, you always promise me!"
Zamo:"I , uhm... yah I will make a plan. Come kiss your only brother !"
She kisses my cheek and smile. Kona they are beautiful yaz , I have very beautiful Sisters . Hlelo is
like so quiet , not quiet quiet but quiet. She likes having her own time , cooking , going out with
Mom and Dad on business trips . She's like the discipline child , yes She dates , they break her heart
she cries and date again but she's more dedicated on the family business than I am. She does go
partying but she's responsible.
I go to my car and drive to my crib finding Bandile already there. Shame he's having girlfriend
Zamo:"still fighting with your girl?"
Bandile:"bruh ,like she's not listening to shit I say! She has even blocked my calls.!
I laughed at him!
Bandile:"how do you do it? How do you always find a way to Calm Nessa down. You guys fight like
Dog and cat but still find a way to pull through!"
Zamo:" I don't know , I guess not everyone is like Nessa. Yes she gets so angry at me sometimes ,
even break up with me but at the end it's like we find our ways back to each other!"
Bandile:" well my girl is not like Nessa."
Zamo:" hard luck!"
Bandile:"no, I'm glad actually!"
Zamo:"mxm , you'll die of heart attack! How about we go clubbing today , it's Friyaaay!"
Bandile:" that actually sounds cool!"
Zamo:" great , let me text Nessa and tell her we'll meet at the club. You tell the gents!"
Bandile:"okay sir!"
Kwazi:" My dad shouldn't find out about this. "
I went to my room and put the bag on the floor.
I got a call from an unknown number
Nelly:"ohh Kwazi , it's Nelly . I was actually thinking....are you busy today?"
The ancestors are testing me neh!"
Kwazi:" yeah , I'm going clubbing today WITH MY GIRL!"
Nelly:(annoyed)" ohh , I actually wanted you to join me to the club!
Kwazi: sorry I'm booked and stop calling me. You don't call me I call you!"
Nelly:"oh , have fun!"
Kwazi:" I will!"
I hung up , what the hell!
So we are at the club . I am at the VIP section with all my boys . So let me introduce them to
Bandile~ the son of the one and only Uncle Ofentse and Aunt Ngcebo.
Phenyo~ the son of Zoe & Alex.
My white Nigga Zach - the son of Katherine Cabrera and Leroy.
Then me~ the son of Luvuyo and Keabetswe.
The four of us were in the VIP section in this club called the Billionaire club. This VIP section
has to be the biggest I've ever seen.
Zamo:"Zach , I heard your Mom used to be the queen of this club with her Brother , your
Zach:"and I heard your dad used to be the King of the streets , and probably still is!"
Phenyo:"anything you've heard about my mom & Dad?"
Zamo:" Shame no!"
Zach:"let's hit the club !
We went downstairs where everyone was. We booked a table where we bought lot of alcohol.
My girl came by , she was hot no lies.
Nessa:"hey baby!"
Zamo:"Hi, you're looking good today!"
Nessa:"I know!"
Sh*t she's going to make me Cum!
She greeted the Gents . And Sat on my lap. Boom here comes the Nelly girl with her friends.
Angezi ngapha jesu!. The demon in her is strong , she walked towards us . I pulled Nessa's face
and Kissed her . Nelly turned back and sat at the table that was next to us.
Bandile:"Hhaybo , isn't that My girl?"
Bandile's girl was with a bunch of boys. Not just any bunch of Boys , The enemies!
Sethu~ the one and only first born son of Kamva.
Khumo~ the son of Kamogelo
Sphiwe~ son of Kwazi
Tshego~ son of Kabelo
Banele~ son of Thapelo
There's bad blood between us , my blood boils whenever I see them and it always ends up bad.
Zamo:"what are they doing here?"
Bandile:" the question is what are they doing with my girl!"
Zach:"how about we go ask them!"
Nessa:"baby no! Not today , can we have peace please!"
Phenyo:"for once let's pretend as if they are not here!"
They pass us , we all shared that dangerous eye contact. They sit at the table behind us.
Bandile's b*tch spot us and come to us!
Lebo:"Baby you're here?"
Bandile:" what the hell are you doing with them?"
Lebo:" I actually live near Their house so I got a lift from them!"
Bandile:"Listen here , yabona these people on this table , are people you can get lift from. I will
not have my girl hanging out with people who despite me!"
Lebo:"chill babe , it's nothing serious!"
Bandile:"I hope I was clear enough!"
We started minding our own businesses and started dancing. Nessa and Lebo got drunk , like
Dead drunk. She was Dancing so beautifully yet losing balance.
She accidentally Bumped into Sethu who held her waist.
Bandile:"easy tiger!"
I calmly went there to Fetch her when this B*tch Nelly pushed her away that she nearly fell but I
caught her on time.
Sethu:"Hey baby!" They kissed!
Baby? So I chowed Sethu's girl? Mihlolo! I picked my baby up because wow , who wears heels
at the club?
Zamo:"ayy guys I think ww should go now!
Zach:"To your crib, we need to take this fun back to your house. Your b*tch is fucked up man!"
So we walked outside and I was carrying Nessa. Bandile was helping Lebo with walking!.
I heard a voice.
" yewena how dare you touch my girl." I turned and it was Sethu , he was with his Gaang !
Zach:"who are you talking to?"
Sethu:"are you Zamo? So shut up!"
Zamo:"Kub'hlung kuphi?
Sethi:"how dare you touch my girl!?"
Zamo:" which girl?"
I was acting dumb
Sethu:"Watch your girl's back bafo !"
I lost it , I gave Nessa to Zach who continued carrying her!
Zamo:"what did you say?"
Sethu:"you heard me!"
Zamo:"Then tell your girl to stop inviting herself where she isn't invited and ask her how she
ended up on my bed sheet! Ohh and she even called me today , you know what she said. "Round
two!" If you fucked her good then I guess she wouldn't be crying for someone else's dick now
would she?"
The Nelly girl looked down.
Nelly:"babe leave it , lets go!"
Khumo:"bro let's go!"
Sethu got angry and punched me on my nose. I returned the punch back on his eye and we
started fighting. The gaang tried stopping the fight until I saw Zach fighting with Banele. In no
time , the police gathered and they took all of us in! Zorro called the police damn!
2 Hours at the police station felt like a year especially with this Sethu in one Cell.
The girls were placed separately, my girl was drunk and I don't think she knows she's at the
police station. As soon as she realises , I'm dead!
Here comes the most annoying police in the entire town! Mr Metra.
Mr Metra:"nc nc nc I can't believe this! All the sons of rich business tycoons are here! Umfundisi
akamuzali umfundisi neh!... I'm sick and tired of having y'all here! Why not different people for
a change?"
We all kept quiet and looked at him.
MrMetra:"nc nc nc I wonder what will Anthony say if he sees his daughter like this!"
I looked at Nessa who had passed out on the floor!"
Zach:"just save us the Speech , are you going to call our parents or what!?"
MrMetra:"all along I've been calling all your parents one by one and luckily I know them all and
they would beg me to release you but today , I want your parents to come here and get y'all
Zamo:"you don't really mean that!"
Mr Metra:" Try me!"
He really called them starting with my dad!
I got a call from the most annoying police officer in the entire city.
Kea:"what's wrong?"
Luvuyo:"Your Son! Again!"
Kea:" what has he done now?"
Luvuyo:"he's at the police station, yabona now I am sick and tired of this thing. One day I will not
bail him out I will let him sleep in those cold cells!"
Kea:"kanti what's wrong with this child!?"
Ofentse:" angaz ! Now I have to go to the police station this late! Ayy niyazala yaz!"
Kea:"hey! Why's he my son only when he's in trouble but when he win business deals he's your son!"
Luvuyo:"it's always been like that sweetheart!"
Kea got closer to me and put her hands around my Neck.
Kea:"just be calm when talk to him , you know how he is like. He's hot headed and the more you
shout at him it's the more he seems to not listen. He just needs someone who'll talk to him nicely."
Luvuyo:"are you telling me how to raise and discipline my own son?"
Kea:"you know what! I'm coming with you!"
Luvuyo:"no , stay with my Daughters. I'll be right back I just need to solve this issue."
Kea:"okay, I'll wait up."
I kissed her and took my car keys. I am really sick and Tired of Zamo! I drive to the police station . I
take a deep breath because I don't wanna lose my cool on him. I go in and wow , I didn't expect this
at all. Thapelo , Kamva were there. Yes I've been seeing them on huge business meetings with all the
other people in this room including my bro , Ofentse. What are they doing here?
Metro:"good thing you arrived , now that we're all here can we start?"
Luvuyo:"what's going on?"
Ofentse:"apparently our Sons had a fight with their sons and it's not the first time."
How is this even possible? How did they cross paths and why didn't I know about it.?
My eyes landed on Thapelo who also gave me that death stare. Kamva was also looking at me Like
he was about to Kill me. Ofentse was also giving them the look!
I noticed the way they kept on staring at each other. I mean of course they know each other because
of business but why do I feel like there's more to it! Do they perhaps have a past together or they are
fighting for deals? But my father is not that kind of a person to fight for a deal.
Mr Metra:"I am sick and tired of Always having to deal with your children! It's annoying now!"
Dad:"what did they do?
Metra:"fighting, it's always fighting. You guys work in the same industry but why do your kids
always fight!"
Kamva:"who was fighting specifically, maybe we came here for somebody else's son's crimes!" He
looked at my dad.
Metra:"which one is your son here!?"
He looked at my dad again and hesitated to point out his son, it's like he was afraid.
Sethu:"he's my father!"
Metro:"hau , the father of the guilty one. What a coincidence!"
Anthony:"can I just take my Daughter?"
Metra:"the girls can leave , but they are always caught in this Fight nabo!"
Anthony:"I'll wait for you in the car Leroy"
Dad:"what's my Son's crimes?"
Metra:"he was fighting with this guy!"
Dad:"I see! Fighting is common , can you please release them. I don't have all night ,I have a wife
who's eagerly waiting for me!"
Again Sethu's father had that look , his facial expressions changed. Did I tell you I'm very
Not just me but I'm very sure even the others noticed the weird behaviour from our dads.
Metra:"I will release them but next time I find them fighting, I am locking them up!"
Dad:"Zamo why were you fighting?"
Zamo:"I wasn't, he punched me first and everyone here is a witness. I was defending myself!"
Dad:"so Metra, next time please arrest the REAL criminals. Who goes around punching people? but I
get it , it's Called inheritance. Now open that shitt!
Mr Metra had this look, he looked terrified but didn't wanna show it off so instead he acted like he
was going to let us go anyways.
He opened the bars and we all walked out.
I went to Handshake Zach a goodbye!"
Zach:(whispering)" I saw that too, we will investigate this don't worry!" I smiled.
Zamo:"take care champ."
His father was talking to my father and it seemed like they get along. Dad gave me that look and I
acted cool.
Dad:"let's go!"
Zamo:"actually I was going to request an....
Dad:"you'll find me in the car!"
I walked to Bandile.
Zamo:"did you see that?"
Bandile:"I did! There's some real beef going on here!"
Zamo:"dad is waiting for me , see you tomorrow neh!"
I walked to the car and got in.
Dad:"if I ever see you again with those boys , you'll see the worst of me Zamo. Matter of fact , stay
away from them!"
Zamo:"I Don't choose where they go , I mean we always meet unexpectedly on different occasions
and locations!"
Dad:"then you better make sure you don't unexpectedly bump into them , I don't ever wanna get a
call telling me you had a fight with them. Do you hear me!?
Zamo:"yes sir!"
Banele and I were in the same car with Dad and Uncle, his Dad.
Uncle Thapelo:"stay away from that Boy do you hear me!?"
Uncle Thapelo:"I won't explain anything to you , just stay the hell away from him ! Next time I will
not bail you out , you will sleep in that prison, mark my words!"
My dad on the other hand was awfully quiet and it's soo unlike him! He gets so quiet when his ego
got hurt and now...? I even noticed how they kept on staring at each other and now uncle is shouting
like a woman in this car! Something is fishy!
The thought of my son having a fight with The Ngwenya Sons reminds me of when I was young. Is
history repeating itself ? I'm just glad there's no girl involved or else I have no idea what this brat
would've done. Zamo akezwa inkinga yakhe , I'll be telling him this and he always does the opposite
but who to blame because I was like that! I curse the day he inherited everything about me , I just
pray and hope he hasn't inherited my heart!
Zamo:"what are you thinking about?"
Let me try emotional blackmailing, maybe it will work on him.
Luvuyo:"Look Son, I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you. Do you know how scared
I was when I got the call. I thought something happened to you . Stop having unnecessary fight they
are not worth it ! Sometimes it's okay to act like a fool . You won't lose anything by letting that fool
punch you without you returning back the Punch , sometimes walk away!"
Zamo:(chuckles) mhmmm."
I knew this emotional blackmailing shitt wouldn't work on him after all whose son is he! Yah neh ,
bayazala oKea!
We arrived home .
Kea:"ye Zamo! Didn't you say you'll stay away from such things?"
Zamo:"such things always find me Mother , I need to sleep!"
Luvuyo:"while you do that, I should let you know from today you'll be sleeping in this house till
further notice!"
Zamo:(chuckles)"so basically you're trying to tell me I'm grounded ?"
Luvuyo:"I need to keep my eyes on you! Azithathi lakhanda lakho!"
Kea:"Monday you're going back to work and you'll be staying in this house this weekend, living like
a normal person!"
Zamo:"Yess bazali BaHlelo!"
He kept on touching his nose , Kamva's bastardd laid his hands on my son , please God let this idiot
of mine stay awah from them!
Kea:"Penny for your thoughts?"
Luvuyo:(smiles)"let's go to sleep , and Leave this guy here! "
Zamo:"my nose hurts mom , he punched me so hard!"
Kea:"let me get the ice cubes!"
Zamo smiled and Winked at me! He did that deliberately! He's a m*therf*cker!
Waking up home is the worst feeling, especially on a Saturday , I need to find a hobby because I can't
shame! I was walking around the house helpless until I eavesdrop on my sister, shame someone
dumbed her and she was crying on the phone. I walked in and soon as she saw me she put the phone
down and wiped her tears.
Zamo:"and then?"
Hlelo:"it's nothing!"
Zamo:"why are you crying?"
Hlelo:"we're just having problems sino Khwezi , it will pass!"
Zamo:"mara I've been telling you that ,that black Mamba will dribble you!"
Hlelo:"he won't, we're just having problems like any other couple!"
Zamo:"nam uyang'bala lapho?"
Hlelo:"when are you leaving?"
Zamo:(chuckles)"hello , this is my father's house , my future house when your father becomes one of
the underground gaang!"
Zamo:"okay, I'm trying to make you feel better!"
Hlelo:"a hug will do."
She looked at me with those puppy eyes.
Zamo:"okay Fine". I opened my arms for her and she hugged me tight and started crying. Shame
kona I care , this b!tch and I shared a womb !
I was passing by Hlelo's room when I saw my kids having their own bonding session. It really a rare
moment. I secretly took a picture. I like it when I see them together and Not fighting. Hlelo is
emotional yes and it's hard for her talking to her brother because Vuyo isn't emotional . I am his
father but I have never seen him cry ever since he was 17. There's no such thing as indoda ayikhali
because everyone has a weak points & a breaking down point . Zamo is hot headed yes I give him
that and at times I worry because he loses his temper faster than I do . He might be one of the
annoying things in this world but my son has a good heart when needed. He cares about his Siblings
and Mother more than anything. He cares about his friends but when angry , there's this side of him
that reminds me of my days. I go to My room and show Kea the photo.
Kea:"awww, look at that! Since when does Zamo even care about Hlelo's feelings?"
Luvuyo:"he does, he just don't like showing it !"
Kea:"pride, just like someone's husband."
Luvuyo:"what was that?" I said picking her up and slowly made her lay on bed.
Luvuyo:"who knew that , the girl that came to my house with Ofentse will be the love of my life?
The mother of my kids and my business partner?"
Kea:" well it happened and I am happy that you're the one I built this family with."
Luvuyo:"so what do you say? We take this Love and relationship to the graves?"
Kea:"to the graves!"
I kissed her and we started taking off our clothes....
I woke up and went to make cereals for myself. My father came to me and this time he was more
Kamva:" son , we need to talk."
Sethu:"I'm listening..."
Kamva:"I want you to stay away from those boys. I don't want you going around fighting It's not
healthy for Godsake!"
Sethu:"do you guys have like a personal beef besides business?"
Sethu:"I am not having that talk with you."
Sethu:"ohh , okay I'll stay away!"
Sethu:"I said I'll back off!"
My mom came, I swear if it was possible to exchange mothers I would've done it!"
Anelisa:"Hey you 2 what are you talking about?"
Kamva:"was just telling your son to stop having fights!"
Anelisa:"who was he fighting with?"
Kamva:"Kea's son!"
Anelisa:"ohh , so that's why you want him to back off coz ohh let me guess don't want Her son
Kamva:"that's not the point, he is picking up fights over useless things and this time he picked it up
with Kea's son!"
Anelisa:"I cant believe that woman's name still dances in your mind!"
Okay I was lost , who is Kea? Okay yes I've learned he is Zamo's mom but how does dad know her?
What's mom talking about?
Kamva:"talking to you is useless , think whatever the fvck you want I don't give a sh!t."
Mom walked away Angrily.
Sethu:"and then? What's wrong with her?"
Kamva:"ayy nawe leave me alone!"
Hau what did I say wrong? Ehh I continued eating cereals.!
I woke up with my head Banging! I can hardly remember last night. I take my phone and check the
time , I drag my body downstairs. I spot my dad , he was sitting on the couches holding a glass of
whiskey staring deed into my mom's Portrait on the wall. I walk to him and sit next to him. He was
staring deep into her picture.
Anthony:"don't you miss her at times?"
Nessa:"I do , every day!"
Anthony:"do you think she's proud of your actions?"
Nessa:"no , she's not!"
Anthony:"then why do I get a call from the police station every weekend? "
Nessa:"look dad, whatever happened I am really sorry. I have no idea how I ended up at the police
Anthony:"it's because you were with the wrong crew at the wrong time!"
Nessa:"Dad, I need you to stop worry about me!"
Anthony:"how can I not worry , you're my only daughter and the last valuable thing I have . If
something happens to you , I don't think I'll forgive myself."
Nessa:"trust me, nothing will happen to me. These things always happen. Zach and His friends don't
get along with those boys so there's always some drama!"
Anthony:"but why , why did this new generation of our had to cross paths. ?"
Nessa:"y'all know each other from Childhood too?"
Anthony:"no , you know how I met Kat and Leroy right."
Nessa:"yeah, but how do you know the others?"
Anthony:"when Mine and Leroy's company started Falling... Luvuyo was our saviour , he had just
recently moved in SA and with his deal we were able to rise again . From there we became super
close with him and by close I mean on a personal level that he shared even his darkest secrets with us
, both him and Ofentse. "
Nessa:"what secrets?"
Anthony:"just something that happened between him and the Ngwenya brothers and I am surprised
that even you guys, our kids crossed paths. I feel like history is repeating itself and if that's the case
then you're not safe. I'd like you to stay away!"
Nessa:"but dad , I'm with the Good team here! I have no idea who those brats are and I'll stay away
from them. For now lemme take a shower I need to go check up on Zamo."
Dad:(rolls eyes)" you're going with Zach?"
Nessa:"no , I'm driving myself."
I was walking around the house bored when I came across my Dad at the kitchen.
Luvuyo:"could you please Put some shirt on!"
Zamo:"says someone who's also not wearing any shirts on!"
Luvuyo:"Phela this is my house!"
Zamo:"and this is my father's house , nawe go walk shirtless in your father's house!"
My dad laughed!
Zamo:"what will my girlfriend say when he see my father's Abs , she will leave me for you!"
Luvuyo:"you never stop talking, do you?"
Zamo:"no ,what are you doing here topless."
Luvuyo:"here to get my wife water."
Zamo:"were you guys..... eeeeww!"
Nessa walked in . She was wearing her black Short Mini dress hugging her body so well and
exposing her yellow thighs. She has this black long curly hair .
Nessa:"Hey Uncle Vuyo.?"
Luvuyo:"Hey Nessa, how are you.?"
Nessa:"im good , my father sent his greetings."
Luvuyo:" ohh , I appreciate it. You two have fun I'll just go. "
Zamo:"bye dad ." I looked at Nessa.
Zamo:"you're looking pretty."
Nessa:" thank you , it's getting hot in here, mind putting on a shirt?"
Zamo:"no ways!" I held her waist and kissed her. We walked to my room and closed the door.
Nessa removed her heels and sat on bed. I sit next to her and massaged her feets.
Nessa:"how did we end up at the police station.?"
Zamo:"Sethu hit me , apparently that girl that wae here the other day is his girl!"
Nessa:"so why would he fight you about that?"
Zamo:"she accused me of sleeping with her Then Sethu Hit me. I hit him back and it turned into a
fight ."
Nessa:"why do you guys hate each other so much?"
Zamo:"honestly I don't hate him and his clowns , just that I dont know....whenever we're in the same
room there's just that bad blood and from what I noticed yesterday, our fathers might have history!"
Nessa:"my father said something about your father and Uncle Ofentse having like a beef many years
ago. He said him & uncle Leroy were on good terms with your dad but there was a beef between
your father and them, something huge happened that till date they don't look eye to eye . He didn't
tell me what exactly but he just said history might be repeating itself. How come we all crossed paths
like that and he suggested I should stay away!."
Now I was more curious about this, what happened ?
After sex she started drawing circles on my chest. She's about to ask crab. Brace yourself Zamo.
Nessa:"so , uhm mind if I ask?"
Nazoke , ngitheni!?
Nessa:"did you really sleep with her?"
Eish...Zamo tell your girl the truth , okay here it goes...
Zamo:"honestly, No! I didn't. Yes I lied about her being the cleaner but I didn't sleep with her I
promise! This girl was making moves on me but I didn't give in . "
Don't look at me like that guys, wena bowuzom'tshela!?
Nessa:"I have dated for 3 years now Zamo and sometimes I feel like I've been wasting all the 3 years
with you...You're just different!"
Shame my poor baby. I covered my arms around her
She looked worried, she always doubts my love for her but I love her , just that I'm not that
affectionate like my Father. Okay here goes nothing....
Zamo:"Out of all the girls I've met , you're the only girl that gets me. Baby I love you so much and I
don't see myself with anyone else but you. Nessa never ever doubt my love for you because I love
you so much. I might act the opposite but I love you. I'm not really a sweet talker you know ......
Nessa laughed.
Nessa:"I love you too snowflake. A lot , just promise me no one and nothing will come between us!"
Zamo:"I promise!" Wait did I just promise her that! I'm not even good at keeping promises , matter
of fact I've always fucked up in this relationship and having her talk like this makes me wanna
change my ways , phela I'm going to wife this one !
Zamo:"let's go shopping or something."
Zamo:"yah , let's just go shower first!"
We showered, after that my baby applied her make up . I held her hand as we went downstairs, we
came across Father and Hlelo.
Luvuyo:"where are you going?"
Zamo:"the mall!"
Luvuyo:"ohh, Hlehle and I are also going to the mall , mind tagging along?"
Zamo:"sorry Daddy , I need some alone time with my baby "
Luvuyo:"Nessa you don't mind tagging along with Me , right? Anything you buy will be on me."
This n!gga is buying my girl.
Nessa:"yaay , baby I think we should go with them!"
Hlelo:"and it will be nice having another girl."
Luvuyo:"okay , let's go Ladies ."
Zamo:(bored) " yaay!"
I used my car while father was Using his with Hlelo. We arrived at the mall , you should've seen
Nessa and Hlelo shopping. It was insane.
Luvuyo:"see son , this is another tip of making a woman happy."
Zamo:(bored) " check"
Luvuyo:"you're annoying."
After they were done shopping we decided to go eat. I spotted Hlelo's black mamba. He saw us and
walked towards us , angrily. He grabbed Hlelo.
Khwezi:"so this is what you do? Having double dates behind my back , are you cheating on me?"
I couldn't hold it , I laughed like crazy!
Hlelo:"Khwezi this is my dad!"
Khwezi:"shocked, Dad?"
Luvuyo:"nice to meet you too ohh and should you ever grab her like will see the worst of
me. This is my princess so you better treat her like one. You kids have fun , I have work to do."
Nessa:"bye uncle Vee!"
Luvuyo:"Bye ."
Hlelo:(talking to Khwezi)" what was that? You embarrassed yourself in front of ny father!"
Khwezi:"he doesn't look like someone's father I thought he was your boyfriend,I'm sorry babe!"
Zamo:"while you 2 argue about my father , we're gonna go ."
Hlelo:"how about we make this a double date!?"
Couldn't this get any worse!?
Nessa:"okay , lets order!"
Se ordered food and started eating.
Zamo:" so Bla.. I mean Khwezi , what are your intentions with my sister?"
Khwezi:(cough)" uhm , , uhm love her !"
Zamo:"that's it?"
Hlelo gave me that look!..
Zamo:"anyways forget I asked something. But Khwezi , you make her cry'll bleed from your
nose and mouth."
He laughed thinking I'm kidding. When it comes to mntaka Ma , I don't joke.
We continued eating having random conversation.
After that I take Nessa's hand and excuse ourselves. These 2 are boring, they don't have that spark. I
get a text from Bandile basho HE'S here at the mall with his girl. He tells me where he is and Nessa
and I headed there.
Zamo:"hey bro!"
Bandile:"hey, hey Nessa!"
We sit down , just as we started chatting Sethu walked to us with Nelly.
He took a sit along with his girl.
Bandile:"what do we owe the pleasure of having you here?"
Sethu:"I come in peace , I would like to apologize about yesterday. "
I was surprised, since when is he nice to me.
Sethu:"look , I wanna build a new friendship with y'all instead of fighting like cats and dogs."
I almost choked!
Bandile:"you want a what now ?"
Sethu:"look I'm curious as y'all are about the history of our parents. Maybe we can change
everything. We don't have to be enemies. We need to find out what's wrong and we as The new
generation fix this. Look I know you don't trust me but what our parents had doesn't have to affect
Bandile:"makes sense, I am really curious about this."..
Zamo:"what if one of our fathers was wrong and we end up fighting about that? I just don't think it's
a good idea to dig up their past even though I am sooo curious."
Sethu:" then lets meet tomorrow, all of us as Gents . Please!"
Bandile:"please Zamo."
I don't know about this , I mean I do wanna know about their past so bad. I wanna know everything
about my father who I look up to so much. But then What if We fight, the last thing I wanna do is
fight my parent's fight.
Zamo:"okay. Come to my crib tomorrow morning , all of you."
He stood up with his b!tch and they left.
Nessa:"do you trust him?"
Zamo:"no , he wants to know about OUR parent's past. He is using this opportunity to find out
because he knows he Can't do it by himself. And we will find out everything before they do.!
Bandile:"I thought we're going to do this together with them. But we on the other side we'll dig our
own inf. I just wanna know about their Dads more than I wanna know about mine!.
Zamo:"sorry parents, but I'm leaving!"
Luvuyo:"I thought we talked about this!?"
Zamo:"I know and something came up , can't tell you about it so yah I'm leaving. See you
Monday at the office even though I don't understand why I have to come because I can work
from my MacBook but hey yah neh!"
Luvuyo:"fine! By 12:00 Monday I want all the documents uploaded."
Zamo:"now you're talking. Mom I'll see you around!"
Kea:"I hate it when you leave!"
Zamo:"relax , I'll hit someone then y'all can ground me for a month!"
Kea:"you're crazy , I don't want you fighting okay? I love you so much!"
Zamo:"I love you too Mom, you too dad!"
Luvuyo:(smiling); I know!"
I took my bags and went to my car and Nessa was already waiting for me there.
Nessa:"so you're really going ahead with this?"
Zamo:"I'm bored , I need to play detective now that's interesting!"
Nessa:"sometimes I ask myself how the hell did I end up dating you!"
Zamo:(laughs)"it's hard to ignore me sweetheart!"
I drove to the house. I manage to get Flames numbers from Dad's phone. I just need to make time
and pay thid guy a visit. A friendly one.
AMANDA (Khabo&Sizwe's daughter)
I was driving to the mall when my car had a flat tire.
No no no not now , I called my half brother Khwezi.
Amanda:"my car got a flat tire!"
Khwezi:"okay? So?"
Amanda:"I'm in middle of a road. Help me!"
Khwezi:"ayy sesi make a plan. Do you even have an extra tire in your car?"
Khwezi:"make a plan sis and you're disturbing me I'm in a date! Bye!"
Yoh! N!gga is the only brother I have yet he doesn't even help me. The sun wasn't doing any
justice on me. As I was about to give up , a ranger pulled up.a guy came out, The guy was Hot!
Hotter than this sun , he had sun glasses on , yellow bone , A neat Fade cut , very neatly dressed.
I see what you're doing God.
Him:" Hi , uhm do you have any problem here?"
I was still lost in his cute self.
Amanda:"ohh sorry, you were saying?"
Him:"I was saying stop undressing me with your eyes!"
Amanda:"I tend to uhm forget to blink and staff don't mind me!"
Him:"a flat tire I see!"
Amanda:"yah , I was actually heading to the mall when my tire decided to be dramatic!"
Him:I can help you with that , do you gave a spare tire?"
Him:"are you kidding me!?"
Amanda:"and No!"
Him:"fine , I'll give you mine!"
Amanda:"ohh, thAnks that's nice of you!"
Him:"but you owe me!"
Amanda:you name it!"
Him:"just put your numbers on my phone and I'll call you when I have thought about your
Amanda:"okay cool!"
He took out tools from his car and started changing the wheel which didn't take that long!
Him:"done , I'm Khumo by the way."
Amanda:"I am Amanda!"
Khumo:"nice to meet you, next time please have a spare wheel ,!
He smiled at me and went back to his car. You should've seen me jumping up and down. He has
my numbers oh my gosh! I am never getting rid of this wheel , it's my present !
I was still with Khwezi at Wimpy's outside tAbles.
Khwezi:"THAT was my sister Amanda calling."
Khwezi:"baby look, I am sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to cheat on you...just that you
didn't have my time!"
Hlelo:"I was handling my Mom's business for the month because she was out on a business trip
with Aunt Katherine and I couldn't leave my responsibilities and come see you."
Khwezi:"fine I understand!"
Hlelo:"but that didn't give you the right to cheat. You broke my trust Khwezi."
Khwezi:"but I said I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. Tonight!"
He licked his lips.
Hlelo:"no , Tonight I need to be home... I'm Helping my Sis with her assignments."
Khwezi:"see , you're doing it again. You're neglecting me for what? a homework!"
Hlelo:"why do I have to come with you when you're in the mood, I want you to fix your life first
and be committed maybe then we'll start having sex again!"
Khwezi:"ohh so you think I just only want to have sex with you?"
Hlelo:"that's all you ever do. You don't call, you don't do sh!t but too quick to accuse me of
cheating. If I wanted to cheat on you I would've done it a long way back but no , I choose to
respect you but what do you do? "
Khwezi:"what is that even supposed to mean?"
Hlelo:"exactly how you heard it!" I got up and requested an uber. I went out the mall with
Khwezi still following me.
Hlelo:"stop following me!"
Khwezi:"we are not done talking!"
I was hurting, I wanted to cry. I mean I love this guy but he cheated on me! Not once but
multiple times!
The uber arrived , Khwezi pulled me by my hair and slapped me real hard!
Khwezi:"don't ever turn your back on me whenever I am talking to you!"
Hlelo:"go to hell!"
I opened the car door and he closed it , he strangled me and I started crying.
Khwezi:"you're still my girl so learn some respect.
Hlelo :"let go of me! "
He let go of me and started rubbing his face.
Khwezi:"I am trying to reason with you here!"
Hlelo:",by doing this? Wow, you know what, I deserve better and you cant give me that! Just
leave me alone Khwezi!"
Khwezi:"what do you mean?"
Hlelo:"it's over!"
I opened the car door and got In and closed it.
Hlelo:"sorry for keeping you waiting."
The uber driver drove off!"
Zamo and his friends were waiting for Sethu and his gaang to arrive. In no time they arrived ,
greeted each other.
Zach:"so , what's the plan?"
Sethu:"the plan is to get along first because honestly we've got no reason to keep on fighting ."
Khumo:" while we're at that, I don't think it's a good idea digging up out parent's pasts.!"
Zamo:"true !"
Zamokuhle was acting like he isn't interested in all of this.
Bandile:"uhm , drinks everyone?"
Sphiwe got up to help Bandile with the drinks while Zamo was keeping an eye on Sethu.
Zamo:"so whose parent are we investigating first?"
They all started looking at each other , no one was really sure whose parent to start with.
Zamo:"since you came up with this idea Sethu , how about we start with yours!?"
Zach:"I mean it was your idea....
Zamo:"perfect, we're starting with SETHU's father's past.!"
I woke up , took a shower and applies make up on my neck and cheeks to hide the bruises. he really
left some marks on my Neck. My throat was even painful.
I got a call from him.
Hlelo:"what do you want?"
Khwezi:"to talk , please!"
Khwezi:"I'm outside your house!"
Hlelo:what the fvck!
Khwezi:"just come out, please!"
I went out and indeed he was outside in his car. I got in and he drove off.
Hlelo:"what is it that you wanted to talk about? I've ended things with you , you don't know how to
treat a woman and clearly you're still full of playing!"
Khwezi:"just shut up, it's not over until I say so!"
Hlelo:"you don't own me , I have the right to end things with you. Go to that girl you've been
cheating on me with , maybe she has something I don't!"
Khwezi:"ngithi it's not over until I say so, now save your voice ...You're going to need it!"
We were passing by my brother's house , glad he doesn't know that!"
Hlelo:"stop the car!"
He stopped. I got out.
Khwezi:" where are you going?"
Hlelo:"somewhere I'm appreciated, yaz I'm a fool. For a second I thought you called me out because
you wanted to apologize but no !"
Khwezi:"apologize for what? ye Hlelo ngazonginyanyisa neh , enhlek get inside!"
I walked away. He got out of the car and dragged me by my clothes.
Khwezi:"where are you going?"
Hlelo:"away from you!"
Khwezi:"ungafun ngik'force go back to the car! Now!"
He held my wrist tightly and dragged me to his car. He pushed me against it that I hit my head on the
car boot.
Khwezi:"now look what you have done. Just quit this act and get inside!"
Hlelo:"leave me alone Khwezi I said I'm done with you. Don't make me scream for help."
He backed off.
Khwezi:"if you change your mind , you know where to find me!"
He drove off. I felt dizzy , I touched my hairline and realised I was bleeding. I ignored it and wiped
off the blood.
Why are there so many cars outside my brother's house? The guard opened the gate for me and I
walked in. All eyes on me , faces I've never see before were all over except for my brother's friends.
Zamo:"Hlelo what are you doing here?"
Hlelo:"I , I was....
Zamo:"time up , Guys this is my twin sis Hlelo."
They smiled and greeted me.
Zamo:"is this blood?" Sh!t.
Hlelo:(acting surprised)" where?"
He zoomed me.
Zamo:"what's this?(pointing at my Neck!)
Hlelo:"uhmm it's...
He legit fetched a dishwashing cloth and wiped my Neck forcefully .
Zamo:"what the he|| , are these bruises?"
Hlelo:"no actually...
Zamo:"what happened?"
Bandile and Zach got closer.
Zach:" woaw!"
Bandile:"who did this to you?"
I started crying.
Hlelo:"it's Khwezi , we were arguing and.... and he strangled me...
Zamo:"son of a b!tch." He took his car keys.
Hlelo:"Zamo wait... don't hurt him!"
Zamo:"Bandile keep the guys company, I'll be right back. And wena why are you still standing there?
Get your a$$ in my car now!"
I followed him as we both get into his car.
Zamo:"how long has he been doing it?"
I didn't respond.
Zamo:(shouting)"Answer me!"
Hlelo:"He started a month ago. I caught him cheating but he hit me instead !"
Zamo:" You'll show directg me to his house!."
I've never seen him this angry.
Who the hell does he think he is , raising his hands on my sister.
We arrived at his house. Indeed his car was outside.
Zamo:"stay here!"
Hlelo:"but Zamo...
I locked the car and opened the gate. I opened the door and found traces of clothes going all the way
to the bedroom. This guy just hit my sister yet he's already hitting another pvssy!?
The door was wide open and indeed he was with another b!tch. I saw a box of cigarettes and a
lighter. I lid one cigarette. They both screamed when they saw me.
Khwezi:"wtf man , you almost gave me a heart attack!"
I didn't respond him , I offered him a new cigarette and a lighter. He took it and started smoking.
The girl:"I , I will leave!"
Zamo:"what's the hurry? Just sit down, it's not my first time seeing a naked woman and obviously not
the last time....I've even seen way better bodies."
Khwezi:"look man, I don't know how you got here but please, your sis shouldn't know."
Zamo:(laughs)"you're sick in the head if you think I'll applaud you for what you're doing. I don't care
about you fvcking b!tches , YOU HIT MY SISTER. How dare you?"
Khwezi:"we were just having a mis...(I punched him on his face. I saw hand cuffs next on the
Drawers. )
Zamo:"at least you've got my freaky mind. Hey wena sfebe , letha la lezinto."
She passed me the cuffs and I threw them on Khwezi!
Zamo:"cuff yourself!"
I continued smoking! He looked at me!
Zamo:"you don't want me to tell her , right? Cuff yourself on that bed. "
Shame , he cuffed himself. I asked the girl to help him and she did.
Zamo:"I pressed "unlock" on my car keys . I knew Hlelo will quickly come inside ende vele she
came. She saw the girl and Khawezi naked. I saw tears in her eyes , she cried.
Khwezi:"baby we can still fix this!"
Hlelo:"I can't believe this!" She went out crying , prolly she went back to the car.
Zamo:"wena , wear your clothes and leave!"
Zamo:"Did you see that , she was crying! I said to you if you make her cry , blood will come out
from your nose and mouth. I wasn't kidding!"
I stated punching him on his face multiple times till my hands were painful and bloody.
Khwezi:(spitting blood )"this is between me and Hlelo!"
Zamo:"the same Hlelo who happens to be my sister!you can cheat for all I care....but DO NOT
RAISE YOUR HANDS ON MY SISTER! Oopsie , you just did!"
I kept on Ashing the cigarette on him. And he would scream.
Zamo:" did you know that I do not smoke? Well it happened that I was enjoying the scene that I
ended up consuming wrong things. I don't see an ashtray."
I put the cigarette on his peeing hole until it went off! He screamed so much!"
Zamo:" you should've peed. Too bad you think with your dick. Anyways , let me get going... next
time you hit my sister, I'll make sure you leave this house in a body bag!"
Khwezi:"remove the cuffs! "
Zamo:"ohh , about that....make a plan." I smiled and lid the candle that was on his drawer and threw
it on his bed.
Zamo:"just pray it goes off!"
I left the house with his bed already catching fire. I closed the door and went to my car and found my
sister sobbing.
Zamo:" don't worry I spoke to him. He's sorry."
I drove off.
Hlelo:"I'll never forgive him!"
Zamo:"I see you near him again, I will beat him up so bad. For his safety, stay away from him!"
After the long day at the mall , I drove back home . Well I wanted to go check up on my brother
Khwezi but then again he might be with his girlfriend.
Khabo:"you look happy for someone who's coming from the mall!"
Amanda:"I got a flat tire but this nice gentleman helped me , he even gave me his tire!"
Khabo:"why are you blushing then?"
Amanda:"he took my numbers mom, he said he'll call me! How can I not be happy? He's soo cute!"
Khabo:"look at you speaking like that!"
Amanda:"let me be mom, I just can't wait for that call."
Khabo:"ayy angizingeni , let me go rest!"
If only he could call nje , just call please!
*on a phone call*
Luvuyo:"what? Are you sure it was my son? "
Flames:"my boys never make a mistake cheetah!"
I hung up!
Ofentse:" what's wrong?"
Luvuyo:"Zamo, I got some few people to spy on him because I suspected something when he left
here yesterday and guess what?"
Luvuyo:"today he had a huge meeting at his house with the Ngwenya cubs , that I will deal with it
later . What's worse is he went somewhere with Hlelo , left Hlelo in the car , he beat up the poor boy
who was in the house , cuffed him to his bed and ...I'm even scared to say this..he burnt his d!ck with
a cigarette and when you've thought you've heard it all , he burnt his bed and left him cuffed on that
bed! What the hell is wrong with that child!"
Luvuyo:"this is not funny, he could've died. "
Ofentse:"ohh , he's not dead?"
Luvuyo:"I told the boys to help him , What the hell is wrong with that child. Who does that to
Ofentse:"says a guy who forced another guy to poke his peeing hole with a needle!"
Luvuyo:"that's not funny Ofentse!"
Ofentse continued laughing.
Luvuyo:let me call this Idiot son of mine!"
Luvuyo:" ye Zamo!"
Luvuyo:"Get your arss here Now!"
Luvuyo:"hhay bayazala oKea!"
Ofentse:"don't blame Kea ,yabona bro like it or not ....Zamo is the same version of you when you
were in his age! Sometimes I'd look at him and feel like I am looking at you."
Luvuyo:"And that's not a good thing , is it?
Ofentse:"we both know the answer to that question.!"
I got a call from Zamo.
Zamo:"I already know why you have called me , to save petrol I'll just tell you. He beat Hlelo up!"
He hung up.
Ofentse:"admit it , if you were the one who found that out you would've tortured the poor boy...and
prolly killed him. Zamo just did the half of what you would've done."
Luvuyo:"that son of a b...of Kea is something else!"
Ofentse:"whose son is he anyways...!"
[This insert is not Edited, excuse my errors please]
Zamo told Hlelo to request an uber and go home because he's busy. They shared a hug and separated.
Hlelo was devastated ,Khwezi was the niqqa she ever loved.
Zamo arrived home and the gents were waiting for him. Zach walked to him.
Zach:"I hope you killed him!"
Zamo:"he was already a dead man , my father saved him."
Zamo sat down on his couches.
Sethu:"so...How are we going to find out?"
Bandile:"I have a feeling what happened to our parents was huge , the question is what are we going
to do when we found out everything?"
Sethu: I don't know , but we don't have to fight our parents battle. We should change everything and
do good!"
Zach:"shall I make the call ?"
Zach pressed his phone put it on his ear.
Some boys walked in with Flames. They were pointing guns at him, he had his laptop bag with him.
Flames:"what's going on? Why have you brought me here?"
Zamo:"because you are going to narrate a story."
Flames looked at Zamo and knew whose kid is he.
Flames:"what do you want to know?"
Sethu:"I am Sethu , my father's name is Kamva & my Mother is Anelisa. These are my cousins. This
is Banele his father is Thapelo , this is Sphiwe the son of Nthabiseng and Kwazi , this is Khumo he is
Uncle Kamogelo's son, this is Tshego he is Kabelo's son."
Flames nodded.
Flames:"I can see the resemblance."
Zamo:"and this is Zach the son of...
Flames:"Katherine Cabrera."
Zamo:"right., and this is Phenyo he is the son of Zoe and Alex. Then this is Bandile he is...
Flames:"Ofentse's son and you are the young cheetah , what else do you want me to know?"
Zamo:"well actually, now it's your turn to talk."
They were pointing guns at him.
He took out his Laptop and played a Video. It was a video The Ngwenya family made years ago ,
their happy memories when Kea was just a new bride , Kea and Hlehle memories."
Sethu:"that's my dad!"
Kamva:"and this is my mom!"
Flames:"yes , Your Mom Kea and your dad Kamva were born and raised in the same village. When
Kea's mother passed on , she was left with a huge responsibility...her young sister Hlelokuhle."
Zamo:"my mother has a sister?"
Flames:"not anymore. "
Zamo:"What happened?"
Flames:"Kea got married to Kamva..."
Sethu and Zamo looked at each other.
Flames:"Kea and Kamva loved each other very much. One day , Kea got pregnant with Kamva's
Flames:"yes...Grandpa Ngwenya gave Kea his wealth as a gift to her. And that's when everything and
everyone changed including Kamva. Everyone was jealous of her and that made her reject the gift
but grandpa insisted. Everyone including Kamva was eyeing on that wealth so it wasn't easy for them
to accept this. On that day Kamva cheated on Kea with Anelisa who afterwards claimed she was
Sethu:"my mother?"
Flames:"yess. Kea found out that Kamva impregnated someone and that caused miscarriage , she was
taken to the hospital."
Zamo:"I cant believe this."
Everyone was listening very carefully.
Flames:"The matter got worse , Thapelo planned to kill Kea for the wealth."
Banele:"woaw? My dad?"
Flames:"yes , Him , Thato and Kenneth's wife Buhle tempered with Kea's car brakes and wheels.
When Kea came back form the hospital, she was sad. Khanyi offered to take her out for ice cream. It
was Khanyi , Khanyi's little sister and Kea's little sister including Kea. They went out using Kea's car
but on the way something happened. The car lost control and it crashed."
Zamo:"Then what happened?"
Flames:"Kea's 5 year old Sister died."
Banele:"I can't believe this!"
Flames:"Kea lost her unborn baby and also lost her only Sister she loved more than anything all
because of The Ngwenyas! She went to live with her best friends Zoe and Alex for few days until she
decided to Leave this country . Her sister died for the wealth and in return Kea kept her gift from
Grandpa who also died from heart attack."
Zamo:"so much cruelty!"
Flames:"your mother moved to Botswana , she had to transfer her business from SA to Botswana and
she needed a Lawyer. That's where Ofentse and Luvuyo came in. She met them .Luvuyo being
Luvuyo was suspicious, he asked me to dig information about Kea! I also got a call from Thapelo ,
he planned a hit on Kea for 1million. "
Zamo:"to do what?"
Flames:"kill her but my loyalty lies With Luvuyo. When I told him about this he did everything to
protect her without her knowing she was in danger. She moved in with Luvuyo so she'd be safe and
that's when he fell in love with her so hard. They fell for each other until 1 day The Ngwenya family
came to Botswana for a business conference. Kea's emotions were mixed up , she didn't know how to
react but at the end she chose Luvuyo over Kamva which made Kamva upset. He was obsessed with
Kea. A month passed and Kamva kidnapped Kea and brought her back to SA. "
He played a Video where Kea was in that cold room being forced to drink something.
Zamo:"what's he forcing her to eat?"
Flames:"abortion pills , Kea was pregnant with you and your sister and that's when Kamva lost it!"
They watched the video, Kea was cursing Kamva blaming him for killing his own child and blamed
the others for her sister's death."
Zamo:"wait , they left her all alone in that place!"
Zamo's eye's got teary when he saw his mom shivering in cold and bleeding.
Zamo:"she , she was carrying us."
They all saw when Luvuyo came in and Helped Kea.
Zamo:"how did dad find her?"
Flames:"your dad gifted her a necklace and that necklace had a tracker!"
The continued watching the video. They saw Ofentse and Flames hanging Thapelo and Kamva
upside down, they heard and watched everything , from Thapelo piercing his own Dick to him
Killing His own wife. Luvuyo shooting Richard and Spider, Luvuyo forcing Buhle to Eat coins and
seeing Flames Shooting her.
They were all shocked.
Zamo:"was that my father?"
Flames:"your father and Ofentse were 2 brothers who wouldn't let anything happen to them. Your
father was and still is the most feared man on the streets, they worship him and fear him. He is loving
but also dangerous. He is the cheetah , that one enemy no one wants , he didn't do anything to the
Ngwenya's ...I have seen him doing worse. After that torture, the Ngwenya's stayed away from Kea
and Luvuyo. After Giving birth Luvuyo proposed, they got married and they moved to SA. That's all
I know about the Ngwenyas and Xabas."
Bandile:"I can't believe this, the Ngwenyas were in the wrong. They wronged aunt Kea , they robbed
her a sister !
Flames:"and you Young Katherine , your mother was the most dangerous female I've come across
with. After Kea moving in here they formed a really good friendship along with your Uncle
Andrew's wife Melissa and Zoey. Your mom killed her own grandpa and cut her own father's legs ,
she had anger and I still believe she's still the Katherine everyone knew , same as Luvuyo."
Zamo:"thank you for Telling us everything, you can leave!"
Flames took his staffs leaving Zamo numb. He thought about everything his mother went through , if
it wasn't for his father he wouldn't be in this world. They tortured her a lot."
Sethu:"I didn't know my father and uncles were capable of doing that! This is ruthless!"
Zamo:"I know I said I won't let our families past come between us but Please, I would love y'all to
Leave because I don't wanna form a friendship with you."
Sethu:"but Zamo...
Zamo:"please, I don't have any grudge or whatsoever against you but I will not befriend the family
my mother suffered in. Yes I will greet you when we meet but I'd like it to stay like that. Please."
Sethu nodded , him & his brothers left.
Zach:"you're right, this shouldn't bring hate...
Zamo:"that's why I don't want anything to do with them , that surname brought pain in my mother's
life and whatever concerns my mother I easily FORGET my morals. If you'll excuse me , I need to
go check up on my mother."
Bandile:"are you okay?"
Zamo:"I'm fine."
He took his car keys AND drove OUT. He went to his house. His Father was watching him from the
He came inside and looked for his mother , he found her in her room.
Kea:"ohh Zamo , I didn't know you were coming."
Zamo:"yeah , I didn't know too."
Kea:"what's wrong? You look down."
Zamo just sat next to his mom and put his head on her lab and started crying.
Kea:"hey what's wrong?."
Zamo:"I love you so much mom , I appreciate you each and every day. "
Kea started crying too seeing her son so emotional. She has never seen Zamo cry. Luvuyo was
standing at the door of the balcony watching the moment which made him shed tears too."
Kea:"you guys are my everything...I will always love you."
He held his mom tight allowing the tears to flow. Hlelo was at the door looking at them . Luvuyo
signalled her to keep quiet.
Kea:"you and your sisters are my everything , everything baby. Mom will always love you no matter
Zamo:(sniffing)"I know mom , I know!"
Hlelo smiled and walked away.
Luvuyo smiled and slowly walked to the door leaving them
Zamo is so sensitive yet he hides it , he loves and cares about his mom so much and seeing him get
emotional like that moved me. I went to Hlelo's room and found her sitting on her bed.
Luvuyo:"why were you in an abusive relationship?"
Hlelo:"I swear he wasn't abusive before, he just gets carried away and...
Luvuyo:"have you ever seen me raising my hand on your mother?"
Luvuyo:"that's because I have never , and I will never! Love is not supposed to hurt , as soon as he
lays his hand on you....he already broke the chain of Love. You don't beat someone you love and
fuvk that " if he loves you he will beat you" mentality that's not true. If he loves you he will only
show you love , respect you and appreciate you. You are a queen do you hear that? You are a very
precious gem not someone's punching bag . Delete him, that niqqa doesn't hold the key to your
happiness. You deserve better and don't rush it my baby , don't chase love but rather let love find
you. You deserve someone better. Stay away from him, make him see what he lost .
She hugged me tight.
Hlelo:"thanks daddy."
Luvuyo:"you are beautiful , don't forget that." I kissed her hair and got up. I went back to my room ,
Zamo was sleeping on his mother's lab and Kea kept on brushing his hair.
Luvuyo:"what's wrong with him?"
Kea:"I don't know , he just got emotional....definitely his father's son."
Luvuyo:"that's my champ you're talking about."
Kea:"so now I've got to take care of Olwethu the real baby , Zamo the big baby....
Luvuyo:"and daddy.."
I sat next to her and put my head on her shoulder.
Kea:"my boys."
This dude will never ever call me , why did he take my numbers then!? Mxm! I was pacing up and
down to even think last night I barely slept. I threw my phone on my bed and it rang. I checked the
caller ID and I didn't know the numbers. I answered.
Voice:"wear something sexy , heels and send me your location I'm picking you up in an hour. Ohh
try wearing black. "
He hung up on me before I could even answer, I screamed and jumped up and down. Okay Amanda
be cool. I sent him hy location.I took a shower...After that I wore my tight Black dress , well no lies
I'm a thin b!tch with no Arss but it's whatever. I wore my black heels, sat infront of the mirror and
did my art magic. Perfume ..Not too much , took a snap and waited.
My phone beeped and it was a message. " im here "
I went out of my room, found my mom and Dad and Khwezi on the couches.
Amanda:"what happened to him?"
Khabo:"he doesn't wanna tell us too ."
Amanda:"are you okay?"
Khwezi:"I'm fine!"
Khabo:"where are you going dressed like that?"
Amanda:"a date , see you when I get back!"
Sizwe:"abo Amanda Jesu."
I walked out and walked to the gate , he was leaning on his car wearing a black shirt that was half
buttoned , a black jean and super white sneakers. He had his transparent glasses and I don't think they
are for eyes. He was pressing his phone but stopped when he saw me. He smiled and that alone made
me wanna cum.
Khumo:"hi, you look beautiful."
Amanda:"thanks , you look good too."
He smiled, sh!t , he has those sexy small eyes and when he smiles he becomes more cute and to even
think I have small eyes too but his are cute.
He opened the door for me and I got it , he closed it and went around the car to the driver's seat.
Amanda:"so , uhm where are we going?"
Khumo:"to one of my favourite places."
He drove off as we continued talking about random things, getting to know each other basically.
We arrived at a restuant . OMG this was my dream restaurant but never afforded to eat out here. I
kept my cool , acting like I wasn't surprised at all. He held my hand and we went in to the table he
booked. We ordered and gave the waitress the menu. After our order arrived we started talking.
Amanda:"thank you for helping me out that day "
Khumo:"it's nothing much actually. I would've done it to any other lady."
I felt jealous.
Khumo:"so , you said you're studying Law?"
Khumo:(sipping his champagne)" why Law?"
Amanda:"I kind of fell in love with it , I see myself already defending someone in court and I believe
in fighting for the truth. There are so many innocent people behind bars just because they didn't have
that voice to fight for them."
Khumo:"mhmm I see , that's actually a great thing and don't worrt you will make a great lawyer."
We continued talking
after Khumo left to wherever he was going...I went to the kitchen to get myself food. My mother was
already in the kitchen making food.
Anelisa:"hey Sethu, you're hungry?"
Sethu:"yeah , uhm mom can I ask?"
Sethu:"don't you think it's your fault Kea lost the baby in the first place...I mean if you stayed away
from dad then they would've been happy and prolly she would've been my mother and dad wouldn't
be forced to Stay with you."
She dropped the kitchen cloth.
Anelisa:"where the h3ll did you hear that?"
Sethu:"does it matter?"
Anelisa:"I am not responsible for anything, your dad was my high school sweetheart , yes things
didn't go as planned but we found our way back to each other."
Sethu:"ohh , is that why you're still not married after so many years?"
Anelisa:"what's that supposed to mean?"
Sethu:"all I'm trying to say is , dad didn't waste time marrying Kea but spent more than 22 years with
but still isn't proposing.... anyways I'll go eat out."
I woke up and I was alone in mom's room , I checked the time and I've been sleeping for 2 hours ,
damn. I saw Nessa's missed calls.
I called her back.
Zamo:"hey babe?".
Nessa:"so finally he remembers he has a girlfriend?"
Zamo:"don't be mean, I was sleeping hau!"
Nessa:"yah cool whatever I just wanted to ask how it went."
I narrated Nessa everything.
Nessa:"im proud of you baby , you handled this better than I anticipated."
Zamo:"thanks. Im going to my crib , how about you sleep over?"
Nessa:"okay, I'll be right there."
Zamo:"Kay cool , see you later I love you."
Nessa:"I , uhm love you too!"
I laughed because I knew she was with her father. Nessa never hesitate to say she loves me..
I walk downstairs to find all my favourite ladies together.
Zamo:"Hey Ma , where's dad?"
Kea:"he went out to meet someone. How are you feeling?"
Zamo:"all good! What are you all doing?"
Hlelo:"cooking, you know just to have a nice home cooked meal today."
Zamo:"someone's in a better mood "
Hlelo:"because this someone is a born again."
Zamo:"who did the talk with her?"
Mom:(laughs)"your father!"
Hlelo:"mom are you jealous? Cant a daughter have a talk with her dearest Daddy?"
Kea:" don't forget you also have a dearest mommy too!"
Hlelo and I laughed. Hlelo hugged mom
Hlelo:"my sweet mom, who wouldn't be happy to have you as a mom."
Kea:"is that supposed to make me feel better?"
We laughed.
Zamo:"ayy mom I'm leaving."
Kea:"ain't you going to eat supper with us?"
Zamo:"I would but Nessa must be on her way to my house. Can't disappoint her."
Hlelo:"ymi wonder why it's so easy for Zamo to speak out about her relationship and so hard for me."
Zamo:"there's only 1 Zamo in this house Sis "
Hlelo:"not fair!"
Kea:"no one is stopping you from talking about your relationship, you choose not to."
Hlelo:"I know."
Olwethu:"you're leaving Zaza?"
Zamo:"yeah , why?"
Olwethu:"when are you coming back?"
Zamo:"I Don't know , why?"
Olwethu:"I have a science project and....
Zamo:"pshhh , your dad is super good at science. How about you ask him I mean of course if you
want to pass."
Kea:"Zamo, what does your dad know about Science?"
Zamo:"dad has many hidden talents ."
I took out R200 and gave it to Olwethu. Mom gave me that look , she doesn't want us to spoil
Olwethu but b!tch is my little sister.
Zamo:"let's pretend like your mom didn't see me giving you that money!"
Olwethu Winked at me while mom had her arms crossed looking at us. We all laughed. I kissed
Olwethu's forehead.
Zamo:"bye bye , I love you!"
Olwethu:"love you too'"
I hugged Hlelo and kissed my mom's cheek.
Kea:"I'm a phone call away , okay Son?"
Zamo:"okay mom, bye family.!"
I went out and drove off. I called Nessa.
Zamo:"how far are you?"
Nessa:"I'm at McDonald's drive thru, you want some food?"
Zamo:"yeah sure."
I hung up and went to my room waiting for my baby. I have no idea where Bandile is , prolly with
his b!tch .
I was with Ofentse meeting Flames in my warehouse.
Flames:"all done boss, why did you want me to tell him everything?"
Luvuyo:"because he deserves to stop and he wasn't gonna stop until he finds out ."
Ofentse:"how did you even find out he was searching for Flames?"
Luvuyo:"I knew it , he once borrowed my phone and knowing him I just knew he wanted Flames
numbers. How did he find you so easily?"
Flames:"I don't know , few boys arrived at my crib and pointed guns at me."
Luvuyo:"Zach! He has connections. "
Ofentse:"That boy really takes after his mom, how did Zamo react when he found out everything?"
Luvuyo:"he came straight to his mom and gave her a hug , he cried telling his mom how much he
appreciates her. Now he knows why there's so much tension and probably he will stay away from
that family. I don't want them in our lives again , they've costed Kea so much.!"
Having your son to tell you that hurts more than a knife cut. My own son wishes I wasn't his mother ,
my own son blames me for Kamva's mistakes. Where the hell did he hear that from. I take the food
upstairs to Kamva. I found him lost in his thoughts.
Anelisa:(clears throat)
Kamva:"say whatever you want to say and Leave me alone."
Anelisa:"why ni so vele? You guys have punished me enough for my past sins and can't you get over
it already?"
He stood up.
Kamva:"get over it? Huh? Are you insane? The fact that I'm still keeping you under this roof is me
tolerating you. "
Anelisa:"it's been a year now and all I get is a cold shoulder !"
Kamva:"that's what you get for sleeping with my brother."
I swallowed hard.
Anelisa:"I thought we're over that!"
Kamva:"I'll never be over that! Anelisa I tried loving you and treating you like a queen but all I got in
return was your whoring scandals. To say I am tired of you would be an understatement."
Anelisa:"that's what you get for staying with someone's daughter for over 20 years and not marry
Kamva:"I know women who deserve marriage, not you Anelisa. I am keeping you here because
you're the mother of both my kids and nothing more!"
Anelisa:"speaking of Kids, your son Said some mean things to me. He said I am to be blamed for
Kea's miscarriage , he said if it wasn't for me Kea would've been his mom."
Kamva:"who told him that story?"
Anelisa:"I don't know and that's not the point. He still hates me , he hates my guts , he cant stand me
Kamva:"and whose fault is that? You slept with my brother in this house , your son caught you and
how do you expect him to feel?"
Anelisa:"Thato is no longer staying in this country, why do you all have to bring that up?"
Kamva:"just leave my room. Please!"
I put the food next to him and went out.
The next morning I woke up and got ready to send those documents to my father since I didn't
physically go to work. Vanessa was still sleeping. After my work I uber eats some meal.
Zamo:"baby wake up , here's some food."
She walked to the sitting room rubbing her eyes looking so cute. Her phone rings and she answers
Nessa:"morning dad."
Nessa:"yeah I just woke up."
Nessa:"he's here."
Nessa:"no he didn't go to the office."
Nessa:"okay Dad, love you too."
Zamo:"what's he saying?"
Nessa:"just checking up on me, you know how dad is. He sent his greetings to you."
Zamo:"thanks , any plans for today?"
Nessa:"I'm gonna shower for now and go out to meet my Friend Alicia."
Zamo:"who's Alicia again?"
Nessa:"Zach's cousin , Uncle Andrew's daughter"
Zamo:"I thought her name was Asia."
Nessa:(laughs)"no "
Zamo:"okay , I'll just go shopping with my mom."
Nessa:"we might meet at the mall."
Zamo:"okay lemme shower and
2 hours later
I arrived home and my mom was looking Hot. You'd swear she's 25.
Kea:"ohh , I was about to leave."
Zamo:"I know, I'm tagging along."
Kea:"oh wow , that's great. Come on then , we deserve some time alone."
I smiled and follow her to her car . She drives to the mall and from there we walk to this mini
Kea:"I remember when I was soo obsessed with shisanyama ribs , Alex was the one who got me
obsessed with shisanyama."
Zamo:"You had great time huh!?"
Kea:"haha, should've seen how my ex husband was so jelou... ( she stopped talking.)
Zamo:"it's okay mom , let's rather not talk about that."
We ate our ribs damn they were so good. Mom and I walked to different clothing shop. My mom and
clothes obsession . Speaking of Clothes I should buy Nessa something.
I started walking around the clothes aisle to buy her something. She's a mini skirt , jeans fan. Crop
tops and hoodies , basically she wears everything. I even know her size but then I'm just too
Voice:"confused huh?"
I turned to look at the person talking. It was this young good looking girl. She is black , beautiful ,
Afro , she was wearing a simple short summer dress that looks so good on her.
Zamo:(clears throat)"yeah uhm I'm tryna buy something"
Girl:"okay , how about some cute Necklace and these bracelets , and this purse."
Zamo:"I was tryna BUy clothes actually...
Girl:"I know but jewellery is every girls obsession. Trust me she will like it."
I picked a Necklace I likes and some bracelets , a purse and way too many clothes.
Girl:"wow , who's that lucky girl who get's to have so much clothes."
Zamo:"someone special , thanks for helping me out."
My mom came.
Kea:"im done, is that for Nessa?"
Zamo:"yah mom."
Girl:"mom? That's your mom? I thought...?"
Zamo:"yeah , uhm thanks . Bye."
Girl:"was glad to help."
I was with Alicia & her boyfriend Trevor at wimpy having drinks. They are a cute couple no lies .
The guy is cute but my baby takes the cup.
Alicia:" so Ness tell me. Why didn't you bring Your Baby here?
Nessa:"he's around shopping with his mom, he might join us."
Trevor:"great. I mean you guys talk girly staffs that I cant relate to."
We laughed.
I noticed those beautiful earings she was wearing.
Nessa:"wow , your earrings are so cute."
Alicia:"ohh, Trevor got them for me."
Nessa:"they are beautiful."
Alicia:"my baby always thinks about me whenever he's shopping."
Trevor:"that's Because you get angry if I dont bring something for you'"
Trevor:"hope you don't do that to your Nigga."
Nessa:(giggles)"no , I buy my own things and
If he feels like it, he does buy me just this and know food , skirts , sneakers.
Alicia:"wuu shame , is he financially stable mara....?"
I like Alicia but one thing about her , she brags a lot. Just as I was about to answer her . Zamo spoke
behind me.
Zamo:"hey babe?"
Kea:"imma go , you guys have fun. Will you use my car?"
Zamo:"no , Nessa came with hers "
Kea:"okay , you're looking gorgeous today Nessa."
Nessa:"thank you."
Kea:"you guys have fun I'll leave."
Zamo:"bye mom."
His mom left . I saw lotta paper bags behind us."
Zamo:"hey guys ...
Trevor:"hey bro...( he got up to handshake Zamo. )
I introduced them.
Nessa:"baby whose are these?"
Zamo:"ohh , I bought these for you."
Alicia's jaw dropped
Nessa:"wow baby? Thank you."
Zamo:"just to appreciate you."
I know Zamo wants to say happy women's day but his pride is not letting him. That's why he wanted
to join his mom, just to appreciate her. This mans of mine will be the death of me. I got up to hug
him and he kissed me.
Zamo:"I love you okay?"
Nessa:"I love you too.."
Trevor:"okay love birds , enough. We should hang out sometime."
Zamo:"uhm , yeah. Let's leave baby. Today we're sleeping at my home."
Nessa:"okay , uhm Alicia I'll see you around."
She didn't respond...that's cool baby and Trevor helped us with the paper bag...along with
Alicia following us.
2 Days Later.
It was late night, I was in a club with my boys having some drinks. The Ngwenya Cubs walked in.
There's no beef between us so I had no problem with them walking to us plus I was a bit tipsy. They
walked to us and joined us at the corner.
We greeted back and shared some handshakes. They ordered their drinks too and settled down.
Zach:"where are your girls today gents."
Zamo:"Nessa must be on her way."
Sethu:"Nelly is around "
Khumo:"y'all are lucky to have girls...
Sethu:"don't talk as if you haven't been seeing someone. I have been watching you."
Zamo:"spit it out."
Khumo:"okay okay , it's just a girl I met few days ago. We ain't dating yet "
Banele:"but you like her?"
He smiled revealing his gold tooth.shame boy boy is in love. The gents were talking when I spotted
this girl who was staring at me. She was sitting at a table with some girls who kinda look fancy.
Those typa girl crews . I remember this girl , I met her at The Fix...
I ignored her stares and continued drinking. I texted my b!tch and asked her where the hell is she ,
she responded and said she's outside I should come get her.
I got up.
Zach:"where you're going?"
Zamo:"Nessa is outside, by the way she's typing she might be drunk...I'll be right back."
I walked out. The girls kept on looking at me , one thing I know about me is that I am a ladies
magnet . Most of the guys don't like me and my gents because they have this mentality that I would
steal their girls , yes I would if I want but that's not the point. I kept on walking minding my sh!t .
Haa imihlolo, Nessa was drunk...she can barely walk. She was with this Alicia girl , Lebo who is
Bandile's girl, Diana who's Zach's girl and My sister Hlelo, since when does Hlelo drink like that and
who drove them here? There were 2 cars, Nessa's car and Diana's car. I walked to her and she hugged
me. She was wearing her Peach velvet tight dress that's soo short with black heels. I don't understand
women , why wear heels when going out clubbing. They were all wearing short dresses with heels. I
swear I wasn't ready for this.
Hlelo:"twin bro!" Sh!t they both hugged me....
Alicia:"you're so cute...fuvk!"
Zamo:"who drove you here?"
Nessa:"I have a driving licence, duh!" They laughed.
Zamo:"wtf , do you understand the danger of drinking and driving. You guys would've had an
Hlelo:"but we didn't!"
They laughed again.
Their eyes were sooo red!"
Zamo:"weed and alcohol don't mix , babe!"
Nessa:"okay I'm sorry , we might have just a little to drink now lets go inside the NIGHT IS STILL
YOUNNG!" She said that screaming.
They were wearing heels which made it hard for them to walk properly.
Zamo:"eish , Give me your phone Alicia I need to call your boyfriend!"
Alicia dialled his numbers and I called him and told him to come to the club , his girl is fvcked up
and it would be better if he was around her and he said he was on his way.
The girls were already on the entrance. Jesus Christ.
That guy I met 2 Days back was in this club, it's funny how my brother Sethu always talked about
this club but the girls and I never bothered to come. Maybe this is my time to have myself a cute
boyfriend I mean look at him over there, he even has dimples just like me. Is this a sign God?
Nhlanhla:"they are soo hot!"
Amanda:"tell me about it."
After some time , my brothers walked in and went straight to those boys.
Amanda:"what's Khumo doing here?"
Enhle:"how do you know Khumo?"
Amanda:"he's the guy I've been telling you about."
Enhle:"my brother is the guy you are falling in love with?"
Amanda:"wait , he's your brother? I didn't even know that!"
Nelly walked to us.
Nelly:"hey girls...
Nhlanhla:"hey...uhm since my brother , your boyfriend is about you take us there you
know to chill with them?"
Enhle:"yeah , it would be nice being with the cool guys."
Nelly:"you guys wake up from that dream , I once was in that dream and look at who I ended up
dating...Sethu instead of One of the cuties."
Nhlanhla:"you can't talk about that infront of me!"
Nelly:"no offense sweetheart your brothers are hot no lies but have you seen those cuties? Yah neh!"
I was looking at him , I found Myself lost in my thoughts. In my head we were dating and he would
do anything for me. How I wish his strong arms could cuddle me.
Nelly:"hey wena , stop day dreaming and drink up."
I continued drinking, I could feel myself slowly getting tipsy. The guy got up , we all looked at him
and he looked at me back , does he still remembers me? He continued walking with his hands in his
pockets looking so yummy.
Nelly:"ayy guys I'm going to join my mans.
Amanda:"please don't leave us , we also wanna go there."
Nelly:"you guys aint dating no one lapha."
Enhle:"yah but our brothers are there."
Nelly:"okay fine let's go. We got up all and I realized I was getting drunk. The heels were not doing
any justice to us. We walked to them, they were sitting at the corner sofas that makes a huge round
and a glass table in between. Our brothers saw us.
Sethu:"what are you doing here?"
Nhlanhla:"does it matter?"
Zach:"introduce us to the beautiful ladies ."
Khumo:"these two are my sisters. Enhle is my biological sister, Nhlanhla is Sethu's biological sister
and this girl here is Amanda the girl I said I met few days ago, I didn't know she also goes clubbing?"
He looked at Amanda who got shy. Khumo dragged her hand and made her sit next to him. We also
sat down. If only that cutie could come back and sit next to me. Nelly sat ontop of Sethu and kissed
him. Now that's my Sbwl. The guys introduced themselves to us and wow , they are hot. Even this
white guy Zach is wow.
Zach:"what?" .
It was some few girls , they were drunk. I saw the guy walking behind the girls and they were
coming towards our way. I really hate it when other b!tches join in our territory. They were looking
hot no lies , I never thought shot dresses looked so good with heels.
Zach got up and walked to some girl , he helped her sit down next to him.
Zach:"babe wtf?"
Ohh it's his girlfriend. The girl is coloured.
Bandile:"wtf Lebo , nawe Hlelo!? Zamo where did you find them?"
So his name is Zamo.
Hlelo:"you guys are so mean. Firstly my brother shouts at me and now you!"
That was a relief, I thought she was his girlfriend. This Lebo girl threw herself on Bandile. And the
Hlelo girl just joined in the sofas and sat next to Enhle. Now there were 2 cute b!tches and I didn't
know whose girlfriends are they . They are so beautiful and that makes me so jealous. B¡tches are
coloured. Ssup with this niqqas and coloured girls.
Phenyo:(laughing)"yow, you girls are fucked up. Where have you been drinking and what's Zach's
cousin doing here?"
Zamo:"I have no idea ,but I called her boyfriend and he's coming."
So he's not dating that girl .
Phenyo:"Alia you're soo fucked up."
Alia:"I want my baby"
Zamo:"he's on his way."
The other girl hugged Zamo and he hugged her back , B!tch what!? He even closed his eyes and
picked her up and made her sit on his lab.
Zamo:"mara baby, why did you drink like that?"
Nessa:"im sorry."
B!tch made a puppy face that looked so damnn good on her that Zamo baby kissed her. How I wish I
was her, this is not fair.
Nessa:"Waiter bring some more shots ."
The waiter looked at Zamo and he nooded.
Sethu:"I have a feeling today we're gonna get fvcked up!"
Zamo:"my baby is in the mood so why not."
B!tch was even wearing a necklace I made Zamo buy. I felt like crying
Zamo:(looking at me)"we meet again."
He smiled at me and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Nhlanhla:"yeah, I'm sethu's sister and this is Kamo's sister"
Hlelo:"and this is Amanda , Khwezi's sister!"
Who in the world is Khwezi. We only have known Amanda for 2 weeks so we don't know much
about her vice versa.
Zamo:"Khwezi's sister and you girls said you're the Ngwenya sisters?"
Zamo:"it's a small world huh!"?
Zach:"this is My sis , Alicia ."
Nhlanhla:"I can see the resemblance ."
Trevor walked in and Alicia got up to hug him. Niqqa looked so hot , damnn.
Trevor:"wtf ,Diana you're here...what are you doing here?"
Okay I'm confused.
Zach:",so when she said her bro is Trevor she meant you."
Zamo:" Small world."
Okay now im confused.
Enhle and I are related to our brothers. Zamo is Hlelo's brother who happens to be Bandile's brother
too. Now Diana is Trevor's sis . Hlelo once dated Khwezi who happens to be Amanda's brother. Who
else? Amanda and Khumo know each other , Zach and Alicia are siblings. Wow small world indeed.
Everyone started dancing.
Enhle:"this phenyo guy is single!"
Nhlanhla:"we don't know that all That I know is that , that Nessa b!tch is some lucky Hoe."
I watch how Zamo has his arms around her waist and looking deep in her eyes. If that could be me.
Nessa whispers something in his ears and he smiles. Nessa drags him outside. I feel like punching
everyone but again the guy is not mine. I follow them and watch everything from a distance. How
my heart broke. This guy is cuffed by why wasn't it me , Nhlanhla you're an idiot, you met him once
and here you are thinking about happily ever after. I watch them fucking and turned back inside to
drink some more! He might not be mine but I swear to y'all he will. SOON!
We get in the backseat of Nessa's car. She starts kissing me passionately and that turned me on. I
have taken my clothes off already and her dress was way up her breasts.
Zamo:"baby stop... you're too drunk.
Nessa:(whispering)"please , please...
Zamo:"no, let's go back inside and party. I'll make it up to you I promise."
Nessa:"(whispering)"please make love to me , I want you right now."
She was shaking, her heart was beating up so fast. Her eyes were now small and she looked sexy.
Zamo:"no babe...
The way I was soo horny, yeses! We are both drunk so I don't wanna take advantage of her.
I look her deep in her eyes. She had those puppy eyes. I slid my hand on her cootchie and damnnn
she was tsunami wet.
I kissed her and opened her thighs, I slid it in and she moaned. The way I was feeling her , it was
beyond everything. It's safe to say that I love this hoe. My hoe. We fvcked slowly with our eyes
closed. The hot air in the car made the Windows all steamy .we fvcked for the longest tine until I felt
myself Cumming as I cursed out loud.
Zamo:FUCK I love you so much.
Khwezi has begged me to meet up with him , I've been refusing him until I finally gave in. I was
done with my make up . I went to the kitchen when I came across Nessa.
Hlelo:"hey Nessa?"
Nessa:"ohh hey.?"
Hlelo:"where are u going?"
Nessa:"I was just leaving, I don't know coz Zamo is at work."
Hlelo:"great I'm going to a cafe."
Nessa:"who are you meeting dressed like that."
Nessa:"your abusive boyfriend?"
Nessa:"yah whatever...I'm not gonna judge anyways because I don't know your feelings toward the
Hlelo:"thanks , so I'm leaving."
Nessa:"I'm leaving too."
We both went out while she went to her car and I went to mine.
I drove to the cafe and Khwezi was already waiting for me. I sat down.
Hlelo:"make it quick."
Khwezi:"firstly I'll like to apologize for how I treated you. I shouldn't have done that to you.
Hlelo:"not just me , you don't do that to anybody. You don't hit people you love."
Khwezi:"yeah , and I'm sorry."
Hlelo:"Not only did you hit me , you cheated on me. I gave you my love And in return you cheated
on me!? Wow!"
Khwezi:"I'm trying to change my ways Hlelo , I'm trying to be a better person. I know I made
mistakes but I'm willing to rectify them ."
Hlelo:"give me one reason why I should forgive you?"
Khwezi:"because I love you and wouldn't wanna be with anyone else but you. You showed me Love
Hle and for that I'll forever love you."
I looksd at him. He looked sincere . I love Khwezi I don't wanna lie but the way he treated me was
Hlelo:"you do know that my brother will never allow you next to me."
Khwezi:"I know, but I love you and I'm willing to sacrifice myself for you."
Hlelo:"my father will break your neck if he sees you near me...
Khwezi:"I don't care okay , I just want you back. Please."
Hlelo:"okay , have to prove yourself to me and my family. Just because I'm giving us
another try it doesn't mean I have forgiven you. You have to make up for your mistakes."
He held my hand and smiled.
Khwezi:"thank you."
I was at the mall shopping some new underwears in my favourite shop when Nessa came in. She
didn't see me but I saw her.... the hate I have for her is too much. Why do I hate her , she hasn't done
anything to me. Arrg be cool Nhlanhla. She then saw me and walked to me with a huge smile. B!tch
is beautiful and that's one of the reasons I don't like her.
Nessa:"I think I remember you...
Nhlanhla:"yah I'm Sethu's sis..."
Nessa:"ohh Hey. You're good?"
Nhlanhla:"I'm good."
Nessa:" it was a crazy night, right?"
Nhlanhla:(faking a smile)" yeah."
This was soo awkward, it was like I'm having a conversation with my boyfriend's side chick , except
she's the main and im ...nothing."
She was busy looking at the lingerie , I bet they look so cute on her clear yellow body , small waist
and thighs. Arrg I'll never beat that. I hate this huge ass and thighs.!
She dropped the lingerie and touched her head.
Nhlanhla:"are you okay?"
Nessa:"yeah uhm, I just need to go to the bathroom."
Nhlanhla:"you don't look fine , let me take you."
We went to the bathroom. She did her thing and washed her hands. She took out some pain killers
and drank them."
Nessa:"I have this terrible headache."
Nhlanhla:"you'll be fine." She had the urge to throw up , she ran to the toilet and Threw up. Ohb god
please, let it be a stomach bug not some human bones. She can't fall pregnant to this guy ,my guy!
She came out to wash her mouth when suddenly she collapsed on ths floor. I panicked.
I rushed to her and she was out , her pulse was weak ...does she have some sort of a heart problem.?
Ohh no what to do. I sprinkled some water on her but nothing happened. But it always work in
movies. What to do Nhlanhla?call for help... I ran to the door but something In me said I should stop.
I mean if she dies here then maybe I'll use this opportunity to get closer to Her Mans.. I looked at her.
I dragged her to the toilet and closed the door. I fixed myself and went out.
After me & Khwezi talked about this whole relationship staff. I went to get myself some new bras
because the ones I had were all sports bra. I need some real bras now. I picked the bras I liked , paid
for them. As I was about to go out I remembered I needed to go to the toilet because this toilet is free
if you bought something from this shop. I turned back and went to ths toilet. I came across this girl I
met at the club , she looked nervous that she bumped into me.
Nhlanhla:"ohh I'm sorry...I .
Hlelo:"just watch where you're going , jeez!"
Nhlanhla:"im really sorry."
Hlelo:"it's fine...
I went into the bathroom and firstly looked myself in the mirror. I then went to the toilet.I tried
opening the door but something was blocking it. I used the little open space to go in when I
mistakenly stepped on someone's Leg. Hhaybo. This is Nessa she was unconscious.
There was no response. I started panicking and called my dad.I told my dad our location and he
called an ambulance from private hospital.
I checked her pulse and it was faint. This is bad , this is really bad. I sat down and put her head on my
lab and covered her with my jacket. She was getting cold.
After Hlehle's call I called the ambulance and strictly told them make sure the girl is fine. Zamo
walked in with Bandile.
Zamo:"okay dad im done for the day. Shall I... ( he read the worry written on my face) dad what's
I faked a smile.
Luvuyo:"nothing I...(my phone rang.
Hlelo:(crying)"daddy her pulse is faint and she's getting cold.
Luvuyo:"don't cry baby the ambulance is on its way."
Zamo:"who's that?"
Zamo:(worried)" what's wrong with her , what ambulance?"
Luvuyo:"she's fine...she
Zamo:"can you please tell me what's going on?"
Okay , it's now or never.
Luvuyo:"she found Nessa on some shop bathroom on the floor. She had collapsed and by the look of
things something is really wrong. Hlelo said her pulse is faint and her body is getting cold...
Zamo balanced himself on the dest and he gasped for air. Wow , I didn't know he cared so much
about the girl.
which shop?
Luvuyo:"the ambulance must have reached by now...
Zamo:which hospital are they taking her?"
Luvuyo:******** private hospital.
He ran with Bandile following him. I called Anthony to let him know.
**At The Hospital**
Zamo arrived and ran to the reception to get information about Nessa. He then went to the Third floor
where Nessa was. She found Hlelo sitting at the benches. Hlelo saw him and got up to hug him.
Zamo:"what's going on?"
Hlelo:"I don't know, I found her at 'Spice your night' in the bathroom on the floor."
The doctor came out.
Zamo:"is she okay?"
Doc:"yeah she's fine....and awake , you can see her but only 1 person.I'll be right back."
Zamo walked in and closed the door. Nessa smiled and attempted to get up.
Zamo:"don't.... you , yoy scared me."
Nessa:(smiles)" I'm not dying anytime soon , you can't get rid of me."
Zamo smiled revealing his One dimple.
Zamo:"what happened?"
Nessa:"I don't know, I felt dizzy while I was focusing on that I felt my body getting weak."
Zamo:"Hlelo found you at the toilet."
Nessa:"toilet? I wasn't in the toilet I was.....
The doctor came in.
Nessa:"am I getting discharged?"
Doc:"well no...
Zamo:"she is getting discharged, no girlfriend of mine will sleep here. People died in here for god
Doc:"you need to take it easy , don't do it for you but do it for the child."
Nessa:"I don't follow...
Zamo:"what child?"
Doc:"I thought you knew, you're 1 month and a week pregnant."
Nessa got up.
Nessa:"I'm what?"
Zamo:"no no no doc , there must be some mistake."
Doc:"nope , congratulations."
Both Nessa & Zamo were shocked.
Zamo:"uhm okay thankd Doc , can we have a moment."
The doctor went out.
Zamo:"I thought you were on birth control."
Nessa:"I am , I have no idea how I got pregnant."
Zamo:"you're 20 years !"
Nessa:"you think I don't know that?"
Zamo:"okay , don't shout at me , I'm just confused. What do we do now?"
Nessa:"you're asking me? I don't know!"
Zamo:"okay I didn't plan for this at all. Jeez!"
Nessa:"so it's my fault?"
Zamo:"no I didn't say that...don't put words in my mouth."
Nessa:"what am I gonna tell my dad?"
Zamo:"forget about your dad , I'm going to be a dad!..OMG I'M GOING TO BE A DAD.!
He said picking up Nessa from the bed and spin her around. Nessa was still confused .
Nessa:"you were angry just now now!"
Zamo:"I wasn't angry, I was shocked. I mean it's done now and there's nothing we can do about it.
Besides we're both financially stable and I , I love you."
Nessa was smiling.
Zamo:"jeez we're still young though."
The doctor came in , Zamo had Nessa on his arms.
Nessa:"how did I get pregnant, I was in birth control."
Doctor:"birth controls are not 100% depending on the body ofcourse. Your body might have cleaned
it out . It's normal which means now you'll have to stop taking them . That's why you ended up
The doctor prescribed them with medicines and discharged them.
Zamo held Nessa's hand as they both walk out.
Zamo:"where's Hlelo?"
He takes his phone to call her but she already sent a message that she's leaving.
They drove back to Zamo's crib after Fetching Nessa's car.
Zamo:"I want us to talk about the way forward. "
Nessa:"we still need to tell our parents. "
Zamo:"you want us to do it together? "
Nessa:"no , I will have a daughter& father talk. My father will be so disappointed but I don't wanna
hide it from him."
Zamo:"good , are you feeling okay?"
Nessa:"yeah, are you?"
Zamo:"just a little shocked."
Nessa:"I am going home , I want to talk to my father and probably he's so worried about me."
Zamo:"best of luck , I'll tell my parents too."
Zamo got up and knelt in front of Nessa.
Zamo:"I want you to know that I'll always be with you in every step of a way , yes I've done some
things in the past but still you didn't leave me and I appreciate you for that. I will support you babe
and we will both raise that little fella inside you. I love you okay."
Nessa:"I love you too ."
He hugged her and kissed her cheek.
Nessa took her bag and car keys while Zamo also took his car keys and locked the house.
The drive to the office seemed long. I mean Nessa and I have been dating since we were both teens .
She's my 3 years girlfriend but for her to be pregnant so young wasn't the plan. I really messed up but
my father always taught me to stand up for my mistakes. I arrived at the office and I walked in the
Bandile:"how did it go ?"
Zamo:"she's okay now , is my father still around?"
Bandile:"no , you just missed him. He went home."
Zamo:"eish , okay"
Bandile:"is everything okay?"
Zamo:"Nessa's pregnant."
He looked at me for like 10 seconds without saying anything hoping that I'll change what I said.
Bandile:"you're serious?"
Zamo:"why would I lie about that?"
He shrug his shoulder.
Zamo:"I'll talk to you later."
I went back to my car and drove back home and indeed my father's car was parked outside. I exhaled
really hard and took the courage to go in .
My mom was giving my Dad a massage. They both saw me and Mom walked to me.
Kea:"is Nessa okay?"
Zamo:(sigh) " yeah she's fine , she even got discharged."
Luvuyo:"that's great news, why do you look so Down.?"
Zamo:"can we sit down?"
Luvuyo:"sounds serious."
They sat next to me , I was sitting in between them.
Zamo:"you know that I love you guys , right?"
Kea:" we know that..."
Zamo:"and whatever happened I'll always love you and nothing will change the fact that I'm your
Luvuyo:"are you leaving the country?"
Zamo:"no dad, I uhm..Nessa is...
Luvuyo:"ohh no , please don't say she's pregnant."
Zamo:"unfortunately she is."
Luvuyo:"are you kidding me Zamo?She's 20!"
Kea:"is this a prank?"
Zamo:"I wish it was..but look on the bright side, you guys are going to be grandparents."
Luvuyo:"that's not the point son, Vanessa is young. You both are...
Zamo:" trust me , we never planned for any of this to happen. She was on birth why
aren't you saying anything?"
Kea:" because I'm afraid that My kids are walking on my footprints. I was 21 when I got pregnant
Zamo and now you...
Zamo:"mom this has nothing to do with you. I will take responsibility and raise my child , I will
support Nessa as much as I can."
Dad brushed off his face.
Kea:"we are not proud of this but what's done is done , now you will have to step up as a father to be
and take responsibility of your mess."
Zamo:"yes mom."
Kea:"being a young parent is really hard , whether you have money or not , it's draining at times and
Nessa will need all tge support she can get. She recently lost her mother and she will need motherly
Zamo:"what's mine is hers mom."
Mom smiled at me and I hugged her.
Luvuyo:"congrats Son , just please try not to make baby numbers 2."
I laughed. Olwethu walked in , in her school uniform.
Zamo:"hey Princess , come here. How was school?"
Olwethu:"good ."
Zamo:"how's the science project.?"
Olwethu:"I'm still mad at daddy for that, I failed it with flying colours."
I Laughed.
Zamo:" dad should pay don't you think?"
Olwethu:" he should!!"
Kea:"Heh , don't team up on my husband."
Olwethu:"whose mommy are you ? Dad's or mine?"
Olwethu:" then you should be on my side, dad made me fail and I got detention. "
Luvuyo:"I'm sorry Princess. Dad will make it up to you."
Olwethu:"you should."
We all laughed.
Kea:"let's go change Olwethu."
My sis and mom went upstairs leaving me and my dad alone. I felt his hand on my shoulder.
Luvuyo:"man up son , man up! Nessa is your responsibility and you should make sure she's safe and
happy , when your mom was pregnant I made sure I got rid of every threat."
Zamo:"but you didn't kill Kamva !"
My dad stood up.
Luvuyo:"yes , if I did your mom would've been shuttered. That man was her first love and at some
point she did care about him , I can't kill someone my wife cares about."
Zamo:"I hear you."
Luvuyo:"if something is a threat to Nessa , you know what to do. "
I looked at him.
Luvuyo:"you have a family now, protect it!" My dad walked away.
I walked into the house . My dad suffocated me with a hug.
Anthony:" are you okay?
Nessa:"I am fine daddy , I'm fine."
Anthony:"you scared me!"
The worry in my father's eyes said a lot. I walked to the couches and sat down.
Nessa:"Im pregnant."
I saw tears forming in his eyes , the anger hidden behind those tears. I hate seeing my father's tears ,
they remind me of how broken he was when my mother passed away. He didn't say anything but
instead looked down. I felt it , I felt everything he was feeling, I heard every word he said by heart.
I stood up and walked to him , he looked deep in my eyes and chuckled. I held his hand that was now
Nessa:"say ssomething."
Anthony:"I have no words , my Baby is pregnant and ...You're still young Nessa. Why did you do
that?! Why Nessa!"
Nessa:" it was not intended ...
Anthony:"your mother wouldn't be proud of this.!"
I turned back and looked at her big portrait. I walked to it and touched it.
Vanessa:"you remember before her accident , she said Nessa you're 19 now...I need you to know that
life isn't a fairy tale , it's reality out there.... I remember she was in a hurry to go somewhere....
I walked to her room.
Mom:"don't wait for me and your dad , there's a huge business meeting that will end after midnight ,
I'm late and your dad is already there."
Nessa:"wait imma be alone in this huge house ?"
Mom:"hhayno Nessa , you're 19."
I started crying because I was really scared of being alone.
Mom:"hey baby, it's not like I'm not coming back. You'll just be alone here for only few hours."
Nessa:"it's dark outside and this hhouse is too big."
Mom:"fear is an illusion , get rid of it. One day I will die sweety and what will you do? Who will you
run to? Your daddy might die too and then what? You need to learn to live by yourself , you're old
enough now.
Nessa:"don't talk about death."
Mom:(laughs)" death is part of nature, it's an accurate fact. One day I'll leave this world baby and if
your dad is still around , don't be afraid to tell him everything. He's the only man that will never
judge you for your mistakes. He's your protector , your guardian angel for life. Nothing will happen
to you in this house, trust me."
Nessa:"I don't like it when you talk about that."
Mom:"I won't then, can I go now? You'll be fine? Or go to Katherine's house I think Zach is there."
Nessa:"better that way."
Mom:(laughs)" coward!"
She took her car keys.
Mom:"bye I love you."
Nessa:"I love you more."
My mom walked out , little did I know it was my last time seeing her. I walked to Zach's house and
found him with my boyfriend Zamo. I was happy , we chilled and talked and after 2 hours...I got a
call that changed my whole life.
**end flashback***
Nessa:(sniffing)" You are the only person I can run too whenever in trouble dad. Now that I am in
trouble , who do I run to?"
Dad gave me a hug.
Anthony:"to your dad."
I was getting ready because Khumo today officially invited me to his apartment, we haven't labelled
what we have yet but we once kissed before.
He called me to come out , I took my bag and bid goodbye to my parents. Indeed his car was outside
, I let myself in and he drove off. The way I feel around him is so unique. It's like we have known
each other for years . We arrived at his apartment, it wasn't big but a chilly place , so beautiful for a
person who lives alone. Everything here is almost made out of glass. It is in the third floor.
Amanda:"you live here?"
Khumo:"not everyday , I just come here whenever I need my alone time."
Amanda:"ohh cool."
Khumo:"how are your studies going?"
Amanda:"good , thank God I have no assignment till further notice.,"
Khumo:",now what's great news. Would you like anything to drink?"
Amanda:"Alcohol would be nice."
He smiled at me. He took out 2 glasses and took out a wine.
Khumo:"soo should we order in ...or?"
Amanda:"it's still early, I've already eaten breakfast. "
We drank only 1 glass each person and went to his room that looked so cute. I attempted to remove
my heels but these nails were not letting me.
Khumo:"I don't understand you ladies and nails."
He bent down and helped me remove the heels.
Khumo:"you know what...wear something that will allow you to move , stretch , to breathe maarn."
Lesoskhath I only brought Jeans.
Khumo:"see if something suits you in that closet."
Yaay , I opened his closed , there were sweat pants and tracksuit , I wore one of his Sweat pants and
a t-shirt. I love how his clothes smell.
Khumo:"that's more like it."
He threw himself on his bed and got busy with his phone. I got on top of him , he put his phone away
and placed his hands on my ass. I kissed him , he rolled me over and now he was ontop of me. He
looked at me and Kissed me , things were getting heated up . I found myself removing his shirt , the
way I was so hungry for him was shocking. I couldn't help but be amazed by muscle arms , he's
missing tatooes though.
He took off the t-shirt and my bra and started kissing me all over. I was in the mood , I wanted him
so bad. He slid down as he removed my pants down. " damn" was the word that came out. He went
down to muff town. The way he moved his tongue around my cookie sent me straight to cloud 9. He
was using a finger and tongue at the same time which made me go insane. I was screaming so bad .
Amanda:"shit I'm Cumming."
Khumo:"cum for me!"
I felt a huge urge to pee .
Khumo:"don't fight it , let it out."
He was still using his fingers , I felt my toes curling up and finally I let it out as it sprays everywhere.
I have never squirted in my whole life and today I felt the most satisfying feeling. He took a trowel
and wiped his face.
Khumo:"you did great."
He kissed me on my cheek. And went to shower.
I'm 2 months and a week Pregnant and wow it has been a hard journey and when is 3 months. I was
in my Home , Dad was at Uncle Leroy's house. I had just showered , wore Zamo's clothes haha I love
how they smell and I've been taking his clothes. It was a White Trackpant and his oversized tshirt , I
wasn't in the mood for make up or make my hair . All I did was just spray my curly long hair. My
baby was at work and I missed him so much. I was soo bored in the house that I finally decided to go
to the mall and spoil myself. I deserve it. I took my car keys and went to my car. I saw Alicia at the
gate ,I swear I mentally rolled my eyes. I opened it for her and she walked In.
Alicia:"woaw , you look Ghetto today, where arw you going?"
Nessa:"to the mall , just to spoil myself."
Alicia:"lucky you , you are working. I don't even have to do a single thing, Trevor literally buy
everything for me. He never let me chow my parent's money."
Nessa:"then what will happen if you and Trevor break up, will you go back being Daddy's girl? I
work for myself even though I don't necessarily have to but I love it and ohh no , Zamo transferred
R50 000 for me to spend today."
Nessa:"yeah, he sends me money almost everyday. If you can excuse me , I have to go somewhere."
Alicia:"uhm can I come along?"
Nessa:"uhm I would love that but I also have a personal business meeting soo not today dear , maybe
some other time."
Alicia:"okay then , I'll leave."
Nessa:"yeah , you do that."
I got inside my car and she walked away. I reversed and after she was the gate closed. I drove to the
mall and parked my car. This mall is always Packed with cars that I sometimes forget where I parked
I went to the ice cream shop and bought just a tiny ice cream. I was craving for it. I went to the
beauty shop , I needed new Eyelashes and Nails.
When I got there , there was a girl who was also doing her nails . I sat next to me as The nail artists
attended me. I couldn't help but eavesdrop on her conversation on the phone.
Girl:" I told you to stop calling me , you don't have the right in my life. You left me, no one forced
you but you abandoned a small baby now can you please stay away from me, I have a father and I
love him a lot."
With those words , she hung up. I could read the pain in her eyes.
I minded my own business . After a whole hour , we both were done . I got up and took my bag and
walked out. Seemed like we were going to the same direction. I couldn't help but notice her wiping
tears. I don't know why but I just walked to her and gave her a hug. She hugged me back Sniffing. I
broke the hug.
Her:"do I know you?"
Nessa:"no , but a hug doesn't require us to know each other. You seemed like you needed it."
Her:"thank you."
Nessa:"mind talking about it? I mean a stranger might be the best person you share your problems
with because strangers don't judge."
She smiled a little.
Nessa:"I am Nessa , Vanessa."
Her:"Nice to meet you , I am Ruth. So how about we talk about it over some sushi?"
Ruth:"great idea."
We walked to the restaurant and ordered. I ordered 2 dishes for myself. A sushi and a dagwood.
We started eating whilw having a conversation.
Nessa:"I couldn't help but eavesdrop, who was that?"
Ruth:"my father, my biological Father. He wants a daughter and father relationship after abandoning
me when I was born!"
Nessa:"do you know why he left? It could be a really Valid reason."
Ruth:"My biological mother died after she gave birth to me , she had cancer . My mom's cousin and
her husband raised me besides the fact that they have triplets . My biological father never checked up
on me nor looked at me in the eyes infact he left the country and now he's back. He said he left
because he wasn't strong enough to look at me in the eyes, I remind him of my mother."
Nessa:"ohh Ruth, I am so sorry to hear that. I'm really sorry you went through that , no one deserves
that. I also lost my mom a year ago. "
Ruth:"I'm really sorry."
Nessa:"it's nothing compared to you , atleast god gave me time to spend with her. Why don't you
give your father a chance? If he wants a relationship with you then clearly he has the best interest of
heart. "
Ruth:"It's hard , it's really hard. Growing up without my Real m and Dad was a punishment for me. I
sometimes wish they never told me about my real parents."
Nessa:"hey, don't be like that. Everything happens for a reason."
Voice:"Yess Ruth, everything happens for a reason."
I turned to look at the girl who was talking. She looked mixed race.
Ruth got up and hugged her.
Ruth:"when did you come back?"
The girl:"just yesterday, I missed you so much."
Ruth:"of course you did , you've been gone for a month."
The girl:"well I'm back now ...
Ruth:"ohh I'm sorry , this is Nessa . I just met her."
The girl:" just met her? I thought you guys were like best friends."
Ruth:"haha, uhm Nessa this is my cousin Faith."
Faith:"Nice to meet you girls , now tell me what were you both talking about?
She sat down.
Ruth:"my biological father is back , he wants a relationship with me."
Ruth:"and I said no."
Nessa:"and I was telling her to give her father a chance "
Ruth:"he left me , just when I needed him the most."
Faith:"My mother abandoned me when I was born , she didn't even bother to hold me not to mention
breastfeeding me. I still wish to see her, to know what kind of a woman she is and You're lucky your
dad came back for you."
Wow , these girls have the most heart breaking stories and here I was thinking that God hates me. I
am lucky I got to stay with both my parents for a long time.
Their Journey 15
My girl being pregnant made me open my eyes , it made me realize that maybe I love her more than I
thought. Nessa is something else, when she's sick she cries like a baby ; when she's sad she gets lost
in her own thoughts and when she's hurt she makes decisions she tends to regret. When she's happy
she shares it with me , in my worst days she brings all the light to my heart. I sometimes feel like I
am way too different from her. I am Zamokuhle, I make my own decisions , I do whatever the fuck I
want and out of all people she understands me. I have done the worst while in this relationship , some
she doesn't even know and sometimes she caught me red handed. When I thought she'll leave me ,
she stayed. I felt guilty because this woman loves me with my flaws and all I do in return is to hurt
her. She's not stupid for always giving me another chance but I was stupid for chasing glitters when I
had a Gold in my house. I never thought I'd change my ways for a woman but this ain't just an
ordinary woman. This is my Woman , my Love , The mother of my child.
We were in my house and I was watching her ironing our clothes , she was sucking a lollipop ,
wearing my shirt that covered her underwear. She loves wearing my clothes these days. There was a
knock on the door.
Zamo:"I'll get it "
I went to open the door and it was Hlelo and Olwethu. .
Zamo:"ohh ,hey."
Zamo:"what brings you here guys?"
Nessa:"baby who's here?"
Hlelo:"are you gonna let us in or what?"
They both get it , I close the door. Nessa was done with the clothes.
Nessa:"Hi Hlelo , and Hello Olwethu."
Olwethu:"you're looking beautiful Nessa."
Nessa:"oh am I ?Thank you but you're looking way too pretty."
Hlelo:"we are coming from the mall so we thought we could check up on you guys. How are you
Nessa:"ever since that incident I've been fine. Just morning sickness."
Hlelo:"tell me vele , how did you faint at the toilet?"
Nessa:"I wasn't at the toilet , I was in the washroom . I had already used the toilet then I went in front
of the mirror and....yah I think that's when I Fainted , what I don't understand is why are you saying
you found me at the toilet and how come you called the ambulance because I wasn't alone."
Zamo:"what do you mean you weren't alone?"
Nessa:"there was a girl , I Fainted in front of her."
Hlelo:"oh yeah I remember , when u went to the washroom I came across her. She was coming out
from a washroom and that's when I found you in the toilet. I think it's the same girl we were with the
other night."
Hlelo:"Sethu's sister , so what was I doing in the washroom."
Zamo:"are you both dumb? You said you were with her , clearly after you fainted she dragged you to
the toilet and left you there. I mean what other explanation do you have?"
Hlelo:"and she looked uncomfortable, it was as If she saw a ghost or something."
Nessa:"but why would she do that?"
Hlelo:"that's so cruel ."
Zamo:"ahh it's in the past now , let's leave it. How about you girls catch up and I'll go check up on
My friend."
Hlelo:"okay cool."
Each and every Secknd with Amanda felt so wrong. Whenever she was ready for sex I would just
hold back . Something doesn't feel right. I walked to her.
Khumo:"listen uhm , I think you should leave."
Amanda:"but I was supposed to leave tomorrow."
Khumo:"yeah, about that...Something came up."
Amanda:"are you chasing me out?"
Khumo:"no , not at all. Just that something came up and I have to go."
Amanda:"but we didn't even...
Khumo:"I know and...
Amanda:"then atleast lets do it, I'm not leaving here without us having sex."
Khumo:"about that , I...
She looked down and kind of felt embarrassed.
Amanda:"am I that bad?"
Khumo:"no you're not , uhm I ..
Amanda:"fine , I'll leave."
Now she's mad. She took her bag and left.
I sighed and threw myself on my bed. Like what the hell was that? Yes we haven't labelled what we
have but still, what's holding me from sleeping with her.?"
I took my keys and locked the apartment and drove back home. My mother was just her sweet self ,
baking something.
Thando:"hey you?"
Khumo:"hey Ma?"
Thando:"what's wrong?"
I sighed.
Khumo:"why do you love me?"
Thando:"hey, what kind of a question is that?" My Mom went to the sink to wash her hands , she
dried them and walked to me.
Khumo:"my own mother didn't love me, she left me so why do you love me?"
I saw tears forming in her eyes. She put her warm hands on my cheek.
Thando:"your mother loved you , she just wasn't in a situation to raise a child so she gave you to your
dad . "
Khumo:"do you know
What she's like?"
Thando:"no, but if I knee I would've told you. Don't worry yourself about anything. You have a
mother and it's me , I love you & I always will."
Khumo:"thanks mom."
I hugged her because this woman is my hero.
I was with my brother, mom & At our personal house having a meal when a guy I didn't think I'll see
came. He didn't even knock.
He landed his eyes on me. I saw anger.
Zamo:"I Don't mean to disrespect anyone in their house but I've come here to make something clear.
He bent down ro be on my height level and looked at me straight in my eyes.
Zamo:"what you did was wrong, you are a woman and how do you do that to another woman. Not
just any woman but my woman.! How dare you!
Nhlanhla:"w-what have I-I done?"
Zamo:"don't you dare act dumb! Ny girlfriend fainted in front of you and instead of helping her you
dragged her to the toilet and closed the door after that!"
Sethu:" what?"
Zamo:"you're lucky you're a female , we would be talking a different story now!"
Anelisa:"kahle , how is it my daughter's responsibility to take care if your girlfriend?"
Zamo:"it wasn't her responsibility so why did she hide her? So that no one else will find her? What
do you have against her?"
Nhlanhla:"I , I didn't me..
Zamo:"she's 100times better than you do you hear me. You are not even half of what she is."
How could he say that to me ? I looked at my father and he didn't say anything.
Zamo:"stay away from us! Please."
Sethu:"Zamo I am really sorry...
Zamo:"just stay away from us , all of you. Please! I wouldn't wanna come back here or you wouldn't
wanna file a missing person report!"
Sethu:"is that a threat!?"
He walked away leaving me all broken. But what was I thinking, why did I do that? I felf their eyes
on me.
Sethu:"why did you do that?"
Nhlanhla:"I'm sorry, it was a mistake."
Sethu:"I can't believe you're my sister. " he took his car keys and clicked his tongue .
Kamva:"can you stay away from those people? Please!"
Nhlanhla:"yes I will"
Kamva:"jeez , I wonder why she has to inherit her mother's evilness." He said that getting up and
leaving the table.
Anelisa:"now your father will blame me all because of you."
Amanda walked in crying, she threw herself under my arms and cried. Her first heartbreak , my First
heartbreak was when I gave away my only Son.
Khabo:"what's wrong?"
Amanda:"he doesn't want me , he , he...
Khabo:"shhhh, a boy shouldn't be the reason you're crying. There are plenty of boys out there and 1
boy shouldn't be your downfall. You're stronger than that."
I listened to her crying and wondered who pacify my son when he cries , does he cry ? He probably
hates me with everything he has
2 weeks later
It's been 2 days since Khwezi held me hostage in his house. He has beaten me up in all sorts of way
that my body is sore . My bones are aching .
I remember I came here to check up on him and caught him cheating. He beat me up infront of that
girl then blamed me for him cheating , he blamed me for coming over without announcing and when
I told him it's over , he lost it. He broke my phone and held me hostage in his house treating like dirt.
I heard footsteps , he opened the door and put food on the bed.
Khwezi:"here , eat."
Hlelo:"I am not hungry! How long will you keep me here?"
Khwezi:"until I get my passport. You and I will leave this place for good."
Hlelo:"you are insane, you are an obsessed freak. I tolerated YOUR broke ass and now you want to
take me along with you and starve , never! You rather kill me that take me along with you."
Khwezi:"shut up and eat!"
Hlelo:"enjoy it while it lasts , my father will find you and you will regret the day your momma
pushed you out!"
Khwezi:"I would keep quiet if I were you!"
Hlelo:"the truth hurts? You need therapy Khwezi, something is not connecting in that head of yours.
Khwezi:(shouting)"shut up!"
Hlelo:"no , I won't, I have every right!"
Khwezi:"you know what, forget it. You can stay here hungry!"
Insert 16 continuation.
Shame , Amanda has been posting some sad things on her whatsapp , maybe I should apologize to
her. I might have hurt her feelings .
I took my phone and called her.
Khumo:"fuck , I deserve that."
Amanda:"what do you want?"
Khumo:"to talk , please?"
Amanda:"I don't wanna talk to you."
Khumo:"please, at my apartment. Please I want to apologize."
Khumo:"please, I know you want to come ."
Amanda:"okay fine, I'll come."
I hung up and waited for her, after a whole hour she knocked. "Come in" I said.
She was wearing a really short skirt . I walked to her and kissed her, she melted and gave in to the
kiss. I slowly pushed her to the bed and took off her clothes. Bitch was ready for me ...
Khumo:"you were mad because I didn't wanna fuck you? Now watch this....
I got a call from my dad , he asked if Hlelo is around and I said no , he said she hasn't come home in
two days and I told him I'll look up to it.
Nessa:"maybe she's with her boyfriend "
Zamo:"which boyfriend? What boyfriend?"
Nessa:"she got back with her abusive ex."
Zamo:"she what?!"
Nessa:"I thought you knew!"
Zamo:"no , I didn't! If I knew I wouldn't let it happen ."
Zamo:" why am I hearing this now?"
Nessa:"ay I'm out, I didn't tell you shit and I don't know shit!"
Zamo:"you think she's with him? But why would she close her phone?"
Nessa:"all I know is that she's afraid of being judged, that's why she didn't tell you. Maybe she
switched her phone because she doesn't wanna be disturbed. Give your sis a break , she's old enough
and she knows what she's doing."
Zamo:"I still don't approve of her relationship with that idiot "
Nessa:"unfortunately that's not your decision to make. "
Zamo:"so no what? I must let her be!"
Nessa:"just give her time, she's trying to make their relationship work!"
Zamo:"if she's trying then definitely he's not the one!"
Nessa:"she will learn one day."
Zamo:"okay, at least let me let my father know."
After he was tired beating me up , he took something white from a plastic . He also took a card and a
pipe. Are those drugs? Is he on drugs? Why didn't I know? I watched him sniff a stack . Where does
that shit go as soon as he inhales is. He turned back to look at me and I quickly closed my eyes
pretending to be out.
He dragged me by my hair and made me stand.
Khwezi:"have you ever taken Coke?"
Khwezi:" relax , now's your chance."
Hlelo:"no I don't want it!"
Khwezi:" I wasn't asking you. I wanna show you how sex is after sniffing coke!"
Hlelo:"no please, I don't want it."
He dragged me by my hair and pressed my face on his drugs.
Khwezi:"you love the smell?"
He gave me a pipe and pointed me with a knife. I looked at him and he was sweating. Why is he
acting like this?"
Khwezi:"do it!"
I took the pipe and sniffed. I sneezed a lot.
Khwezi:"you'll get the hang of it!"
Hlelo:" please!"
Khwezi:"now sniff this last line ."
I did as he said and dropped the pen pine. He walked to me and teared up my t-shirt. He liked my ear
and all I was thinking about is how did he end up here!?. I felt different, I wasn't myself . My body
was a little numb and my head was thinking way much than normal. He pushed me to the bed , I had
no strength to fight him. The way he hit me already took all my strength. I watched him on top of me
fucking me the way he pleased.
I thought I knew Sex but I was wrong, Khumo proved me wrong. The guy has got moves. I was in
the shower lost in my own thoughts when he came in , he kissed me on my shoulder.
Khumo:"what are you thinking about?"
Amanda:"what's next? I mean you're done with me , are you gonna ditch me again?"
Khumo:"why would I do that? I'm Not a fuck boy."
Amanda:"Khumo I love you for damn sake , I have fallen in love with you and You're taking
advantage of that! How dare you call me here just because you want to fuck me!! Huh!?
I was hitting him on his chest.
Khumo:"woaw chill, look I appreciate you being honest with me. What was I supposed to do when
you walked in mini skirts , you're damn sexy!"
Amanda:"Khumo I'm Serious!"
He laughed and kissed me.
Khumo:"how about we give it a try."
I jumped on him, he carried me to the room again .
Khumo:"how about round 2?"
Amanda:"are you eveb asking?"
He bit his lower lip and smiled.
I was just chilling in my house with my children when out of nowhere ....
Kamva:"I can't do this , I really tried."
Anelisa:"be specific what you're talking about.
Kamva:"I want you to leave my house. Find an apartment or something I'll rent it but I just don't
want you under my roof."
Kamva:"I once loved you Anelisa but those days are gone. You became something else , something I
don't like and I can't always be uncomfortable in my own house. To tell you the truth I Don't love
you Anymore Anelisa. There was only 1 woman I loved and I have accepted that I've lost her but that
will never change the fact that I will always love her no matter what. My mistake costed me my
happiness , I just want peace. Please don't fight it. Just leave."
My worst nightmare has come to live. I always feared that one day he's going to cjase me out. I got
speechless even though I knew this day would come but I still had hope that maybe he will love me
again. ..
Kamva:"I don't wanna end up being mean, just go live your life and leave me live mine in peace. I
can't do that with you here because I still respect you. "
Sethu:"let him go mom, you can't force dad to be in your life. Nhlanhla and I have grown and we can
make our own decisions on who we want to stay with. Your relationship with dad is traumatizing. It's
not healthy. Maybe someone out there will love you for you."
I couldn't believe this , even my own son is taking his father's side. I couldn't pretend as if those
words didn't hurt me because they did. Even My ex friend Akhona told me straight in the eyes that
one day Kamva will have enough of me and he will tell me to live. Is her curse coming true.?
If I used muti on him he would've been fine, why didn't I think of that?"
Kamva:"when I come back , I want you gone.
My body was sore , I never thought I would want to die like this because at this moment I just wish
to die. Why didn't I listen to my Father. Can't blame a girl for loving a bad boy. Khwezi was
somewhere in the house , he keeps on beating me up for saying I'm going to leave him. My phone
was on the floor cracked. Does it still work? Maybe it does . With every strength I have , I crawled to
it. I pushed the power button and it opened. The face I had was priceless. I went to recent calls and
pressed my Mom's numbers since it was at the top. It rang when khwezi walked in. I prayed my mom
picked it up.
Khwezi:"what are you doing?"
He took my phone and dropped the CALL. This time he broke it for real . He took a belt and started
beating me up.
Khwezi:"you want to leave me? Huh? You're not going anywhere matter of fact we will get married!
We will have kids do you hear me."
Thank God I was on contraceptive pill. My skin even got used to the pain of the belt.
Hlelo:"just kill me already!"
Khwezi:" what do you mean kill you, we have our whole life together baby!"
I cried so much, what have I gotten myself into!? He dragged me by my hair and took me to the
kitchen .
Khwezi:"cook something nice!"
Bitch has ran out of money to buy food. Broke ass!.
He went to the door and Went out , he locked it after that.
I started looking for something to put in the food , I don't care...I'd rather die than to have him beating
me again. It's too painful. I didn't even have the strength to stand but he will beat me up when he
comes back saying why didn't I cook. I cooked Rice and Stew. There was a rat poison I found behind
his cupboard. I was holding it thinking whether to pour it or not.
Hlelo:(crying)"I'm sorry mom and Dad , if only I listened I wouldn't be in this situation, I brought
this on myself. I am really sorry but I cant take it anymore. I just cant! "
I poured the poison and stirred. I put the pots away waiting for my death to come back. We will both
eat the food and we will both die.
I saw Hlelo's missed call.
Kea:"babe your daughter finally called."
Luvuyo:"Thank God , is she okay?"
Kea:"I don't know I just got a missed call."
Luvuyo:"okay this is enough. I am not going to stay here and not do anything. I don't even know if
my daughter is okay."
Kea:"I'm also getting worried. This is so unlike her!"
Luvuyo:"at first I didn't wanna interfere on her love life because I was letting her live her life but this
is too much. She cant stay with a boy for so many days without calling us. How can I be so careless ,
I mean I made sure my men keep a close eye on Zamo so I'd know his steps. Why didn't I do the
same with Hlelo?"
Kea:"maybe it's because you don't trust Zamo out there , you know what your son is capable of. You
didn't Think Hlelo will need eyes because she's the responsible one!"
Luvuyo:"I'm going to look for her. I hope she's fine."
Kea:"okay , I'll go check my doctor at the mall today."
Luvuyo:"what's wrong?"
Kea:"Insomnia. I just couldn't sleep for the past 3 days."
He walked out , I took my bag and drove to the mall.
2 hours later.
My doctor said it's nothing , maybe I drink too much coffee before sleeping. Although he gave me
sleeping pills. I walked out and went to buy just a Pie at King Pie. I felt his presence , I can never
forget how his presence feels when he's around me. I closed my eyes and felt his hand on my
shoulder, my heart started pounding so fast.
Kamva:"Hi Kea."
I turned back .
Kea:"Hi , Kamva "
Kamva:"look I know I shouldn't be here...
Kea:"you shouldn't...
Kamva:"I just cant do this anymore , I cant live peacefully ...
Kea:"look, this city is too big for the 2 of us . Just make sure you walk far from me and changes
direction when it happens you see me. I hate seeing YOU.
Kamva:"look Kea , I need you to know that I am truly sorry for everything me and my family put
you through. I am really sorry you lost so much because of us. I haven't forgiven myself for the pain
I've caused you. Everything happened so fast and in a blink of an eye I lost you....
Kea:"Kamva just..
Kamva:"please let me talk. I am truly sorry amd I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me . My
mistakes costed me you and that is something I will never forget in my whole life. I want you to
know that no matter what , I will always admire and appreciate the woman you are. I want you to
know I am happy for you although I'm so jealous of Luvuyo because my love for you is endless. I
will love you till my last breath and I pray that in my next life God reunites me and you because
honestly I will do just about anything to have my KEA back."
Kea:"why are you saying this....
Kamva:"I'm leaving the city , I can't see the woman I love with another man everyday, it's torture to
me. It's soo painful that it feels like slow death. Goodbye Keke."
I looked at him walk away. I didn't even realize I had tears in my eyes. That man was my first love,
the man I gave my innocence to, why do I feel like he's taking a part of me with him. I am happy
with Luvuyo and that's a fact but is it possible that I still Love Kamva? Is it possible to love 2 men?
Is my heart betraying me?
Voice:"maam , your pie."
I even lost appetite. I took the pie and paid. I walked to my car and drove back home.
The devil himself came back , what shocked me is he came back with another woman.
Khwezi:"Dineo please do feel at home , are you hungry?"
I was at the corner in the sitting room , scared to even move because he might kick me!
Khwezi:"Are you hungry baby?"
Dineo:"ohh yess!"
Khwezi:"hey wena, did you cook like I told you to? My woman is hungry. Get up and dish for us!"
It was really hard to even stand up. I slowly stood up, he dragged me by my hair.
Khwezi:"don't be slow, make it snappy!"
Hlelo:"Khwezi my body is sore."
Khwezi:"and whose fault is that?"
I looked at him. Hw slapped me across the face and I fell down. I cried. He kicked me on my
stomach and I felt my lungs losing air.
Khwezi:"now get up and dish up!!"
I couldn't help but feel something is wrong. My dad called me.
Zamo:"yes Dad?"
Luvuyo:"I think your sis is at her boyfriend's house. "
Zamo:"how do you know that?"
Luvuyo:"because I know everything. Now go get her because if I do , I don't know what I'll do , I
might end up killing her too!"
Zamo:"yess Dad ."
I hung up , Hlelo doesn't listen. I told him to stay away from that shit but no ,she goes back to him
and now she forgot her family.
Nessa:"where are you going?"
Zamo:"to fetch Hlelo."
Nessa:"what if she's still enjoying?"
Zamo:"I Don't care. Even if she doesn't wanna come along I'll drag her by force!"
Nessa:"okay can I come with you?"
Zamo:"okay. Im still going to teach that motherfucker a lesson. I told him to stay away from my sis."
Nessa:"but your sis is the one who went back to the motherfucker "
Zamo:"I Don't care!"
I dished up for the girl and myself since he said he's not hungry. At this point I really dont care who
dies. The poison is meant for me and Khwezi now that she's here , what can I do?"
Khwezi:"what are you doing?"
Hlelo:"Dishing up for myself."
Khwezi:"put the food down , you're punished which means you won't eat today! Dineo baby eat!"
The Dineo girl started eating . So Khwezi saved the both of us from dying without even knowing
about it.
He dragged me to his room and threw me on bed. He took out his drugs , ohh God not again!"
Khwezi:"please what?"
Hlelo:"I don't want your stupid drugs , rather kill me if you want. I'm tired okay , I hate you so
He punched me on my face and I bled , he kicked me on the floor repeatedly until I felt my soul
leaving my body , I knew I was dying. I was dying in the hands of a man I loved. I closed my eyes
and he stopped. I heard him talking..
Khwezi:"baby wake up, I'm sorry. Please sweetheart wake up....
Dineo:"babe someone is at the door!"
I didn't care who it was , I didn't even had the energy to scream. I was weakkkk!
Khwezi:"hold on baby , I'll be right back."
He left , I heard my brothers voice. This could be my chance to be saved. I couldn't move nor do
Anthing . I cried on the floor hearing my brother ask about me and he denied everything. I cried
because my brother is gonna leave and he'll finish me off. With the strength I had , I coughed and
that was it. My eyes shut!
We arrived at Khwezi's House , we knocked and after some time the door opened. We got in. Dude
was with another bitch , how dare he!
Khwezi:"how can I help you?"
Zamo:"where's my sister?"
Khwezi:"how am I supposed to know , as you can see im with my new girlfriend. Your sister
dumped me remember?"
Zamo:"Yewena I know you guys made up , so I'm gonna ask you again...Where is she?"
Khwezi:"hey wena , I'm not a GPS !"
The other girl on the couches kept on touching her stomach. No wonder she has a stomach ache ,
who eats from a pot?"
Zamo:"You better be telling the truth because if I come back here... shit will get lose ! Let's go
As we were leaving, I heard a cough .
Zamo:"who else is here?"
Khwezi:"that's non of your business."
I tried walking to where the sound was coming from and he stopped me. I took out my gun and
pointed it on him.
Zamo:"don't you ever touch me, Nessa lock the door!"
Nessa locked the door and brought the Key to me. I walked to his dirty room and on the floor there
was so much blood. My eyes landed on my sister who was on the floor looking lifeless. I felt my
knees getting weak.
Nessa walked in and she screamed.
Zamo:(crying) Leave this room Nessa , call my Father."
She left the room , I picked her up. She was so bruised you couldn't tell it was her.
The Khwezi guy was just standing at the door.
Khwezi:"it was an accident man!"
I put Hlelo on a Sofa and called .
In no time my father arrived , he knocked and Nessa opened up for him. He walked to the couches
and immediately turned to Khwezi and punched him so hard that he fell down.
Luvuyo:"Kamva carry Hlelo to your car and Nessa drive her to the hospital. I picked her up and put
her at the back seat. Nessa looked shocked.
Zamo:"hey, it's okay. Just drive carefully. It's okay babe." I kissed her on her forehead and wiped her
She got in the car and drove off. I walked back inside the house. My father had already tied him up to
the chair. The girl on the other hand was vomiting non stop.
Zamo:"what's wrong with you?"
Dineo:"something's wrong with the food , I think she poisoned us."
I was panicking, did she eat the food?
Zamo:"did she eat?"
Dineo:"no, the food was meant for the both of them and I ate it all."
So my sister was ready to sacrifice her life? She was ready to kill herself? Did he torture him that
much? I was looking at my father and I saw anger written on his face. He turned tge house upside
down looking for accessories to use on Khwezi.
Luvuyo:"you're going to die the most terrible death , you'll regret crossing paths with my daughter."
He took an Iron that was already on and placed it on Khwezi's cheek. He screamed so much. He went
to the cupboards , he took out Peri-Peri and Spirit and poured in on his wound.
I went to the room leaving my dad handle everything. I saw drugs , so he's also using drugs. I took
them and walked back to the sitting room. My father forced the girl to overdose herself. She was
going to die anyways. He kept on feeding Khwezi His own drugs. So this is what they mean when
they talk about the taste of your own medicine. What a best way to die , high!"
Luvuyo:"you know what, I've got no time to play games with you. I wanna see your heart , the heart
that lied to you and said you own my daughter.! Zamo bring the knife!"
Khwezi:"I'm sorry!"
He couldn't even talk , he was too high.
Luvuyo:"I said bring a knife"
Wait, he's not really gonna do it....
I took a knife and gave it to him.
He pointed it on his chest , he pushed it in and I looked away . I could hear his bones cracking. I
looked back and my father had opened a line on his chest. Khwezi was screaming. He put his hands
on the open wound and stretched the to open up his chest. He screamed that even I started feeling
sorry for him. He put his hand in and forcefully dragged his heart out.
I nearly threw up , the Khwezi guy died! THE girl was on the floor releasing white foam from her
My father made a phone call.
Luvuyo:"clean up for me ,make it look like they were fighting. Tge girl killed her boyfriend and also
killed herself."
Luvuyo:"let's go from here.
I was still stunned , remind me not to hurt Hlelo ever again. We went to the hospital.
Hlelo was getting discharged
Amanda called me few days ago and told me she's pregnant. I don't even know how to react, I wasn't
ready for this. Today my father and I are going to her house to pay for the damages. I am ready to
step up and be responsible after all I love the girl and promised to take care of her.
We arrived at her house .
Kamo:"I'll do the talking, you shut up."
Khumo:"yes Baba!."
We walked out of the car . My father walked in first and he was greated by Amanda's father.
Sizwe:"AMANDA , woza!"
She walked out with her mom who was holding a tray with tea. Immediately she saw us , she
dropped the tray. My father stood up!"
Kamo:"I can't believe this!"
Amanda and I were both lost. We didn't know what's going on.
Khabo:"nooo, what have you done Amanda!"
Amanda:"what have I done?"
Khumo:"can someone tell me what's going on?"
Kamo:"this cannot be possible, she-she cannot be your daughter."
Khabo:(crying)"-forgive me my girl! "
I was getting scared.
Amanda:"mom what's wrong?"
Khabo:"he cannot be your baby's father!"
Amanda:"he is!"
I felt my legs getting numb and my heart beating like it was going to come out. I knelt down shaking.
The last thing I heard was Amanda screaming!
I woke up on a hospital bed. I still couldn't believe what was happening. My mom was next to me
,I'm talking about my hero mom.
Thando:"hey , you scared me!"
Khumo:"tell me it all was a dream."
Thando"it wasn't, I'm sorry Amanda lost the baby due to shock."
Khumo:(crying)"I've been dating my sister? I've been chowing my sister all this time mom? Why the
secrets and Lies I , I ...
Thando:"shhh , it's okay baby. You didn't know. You had no idea, if only you knew you wouldn't
have done it. Don't blame yourselves she's also a victim in this."
At this point I didn't know what to say , the guilty and shame was All over me.
Thando:"come , let's go see her."
I walked with my mom to Amanda's room. She was staring at the thin air not talking or moving. I
couldn't even look at her. The Woman who's my biological mother came. She started crying infront
of me.
Khabo:"it's all my fault, I am sorry Son. I am really sorry, I don't how it turned out like this but I am
sorry. I didn't know Amanda was seeing you if I knew I would've prevented it"
Khumo:"don't touch me , I hate you so much. You are not my mother so don't claim to me , you are
Just a surrogate mother do you hear me , you and I have no connection whatsoever. Why was it hard
to be in your son's life, just check up on me once a month but no, you shut all doors . You stayed
awAy and because of your lies , I ended up dating my own sister. This is disgusting and
unforgivable. "
I just started crying.
I raised my head up.
Amanda:"Leave Mom,I dont wanna see or talk to you!"
Khabo:"but Amanda. .
Amanda:"you have no idea how I'm feeling right now, so leave!
Khabo:"before I leave I want to thank you Khabo for raising my son like your own. He deserved a
mother like you. I will always be grateful.
Amanda:"I don't ever wanna see you."
I was feeling her pain , I screwed my own sis, this is disgusting and heartbreaking.
Khabo:"I never meant to leave you but I had no financial support and my parents would've accepted
you. I am really sorry and there's no explanation in me not checking up on you. It was a worst
mistake but I want you to know that I love you and I always did."
Khumo:"don't! Just save it & Leave. I will never forgive you."
Amanda started crying in shame , this is probably tge worst day of my life. How do we lookat each
other from now on?"
I couldn't even eat thinking about all the nasty things I did with my brother! How could mom
hide such a thing. I now realized that our parent's pasts and secrets may affect us as children. I
ended up falling in love with my brother , he impregnated me . How doss life go on after this.
My mother has apologized a million times, I understand her point but only if she involved herself
in my brother's life none of this would've happened. How does one forgive their parent after so
much damage and lies , how do we get over this. I am ashamed of myself right now, I hate
myself for sleeping with My brother. I started crying when Khumo walked in. Tension filled the
room , it was awkward and to eveb think I was happy for carrying his child because I loved him
more than any souk on earth. I really loved him and this whole thing broke my heart. I am just
broken .
He sat down on bed next to me.
Khumo:"Dont feel bad , it's about time we stopped crying now "
Amanda:(sniffing)"how do we move on from this?"
Khumo:"Amanda I genuinely loved you, I was ready to be a dad and this whole thing broke my
heart to million of pieces I mean it's soo awkward that we fucked many times and you and I
come from the same womb. It's not our fault , we had no idea and atleast our intentions with each
other were pure."
Amanda:"this is painful."
Khumo:"I know but she's not my mom,she's your mom! My mom Is Thando and that woman is
nothing but a surrogate. She's not somehow linked to Me."
Amanda:"no matter how much you convince yourself, it wont change the fact that she carried
Khumo:"we are not from the same sperm but from the same womb. I don't know how to justify
this but Amanda I love you. Yes I found out you're my sister now what? What do I do with the
genuine love I have for you? Where do I take it?"
Amanda:(sniffing)"I love you too but what will the society say?"
Khumo:"let's leave the country Then , where no one will judge us! We will be happy together. I
don't care who says what but I genuinely love you. "
Amanda:"then let's leave and forget about this place!"
He hugged me so tight and I felt his hot lips on mine . It didn't feel wrong!
Khumo:"I'm sorry about your brother's death."
Guess who's carrying a girl. I swear my baby is gonna be the cutest thing in the world. Today I
had plenty of plans for Nessa, she deserves it I don't care.
I took her to the airport straight to my dad's private jet. Her bump was now visible but the
dressed suited her perfectly. We took a lot of Pictures and posted on our instagram. We got in the
jet and poured champagne, hers was non alcoholic. The plane took off.
Zamo:"so have you thought of baby names?"
Nessa:"not yet but we'll both come up with one. Just don't spoil my daughter too much!"
Zamo:"are you kidding me? I love baby girls , just like're my baby girl and I love you!"
Nessa:"stop doing that face , you look so cute." We both laughed.
I took her to the bed and kissed her. I shoved the ring that was in my mouth inside hers.
Nessa:"wait something....No ways!
Zamo:"will you marry me?"
Nessa:(crying)"are you for real?"
Zamo:"I mean you're that woman I wanna spend my entire life with."
Nessa:I thought you said you hated marriage.
Zamokuhle:"my parents have the dream marriage so why would I hate it , I love you Nessa and
I'm really to make you mine forever. Even your father agreed."
Nessa:"Zamo where are we going dressed like this?"
Zamo:"you're going to your wedding Bitch!"
Nessa;"are you serious?"
Zamo:"do I ever joke!?"
She screamed so much.
Zamo:"Jeez you're going to scare the baby!"
Nessa:"I can't believe this!"
The whole family was already at Our wedding Venue waiting for us. I'm cuffing this bitch
Zamo got married to Nessa. They came back home as a married couple. Both their fathers bought
them a house where they'll start their own family.
Nessa's friendship with Ruth grew and good news, Ruth allowed her father back.
Khumo and Amanda really left the country.
Hlelo hates relationships in the moment but her mother told her to take time healing as much as
possible. The right one will come at the right time.
Luvuyo and Kea were cuddling in their house.
Luvuyo:"thank you."
Kea:"for what?"
Luvuyo:"for bearing me beautiful children. We are going to be grandparents and your son is
married. I still remember the first time I held him and he cried non stop."
Kea:(laughs)"hey , you're the love of my life. In all these years you've only given me love and
nothing else. I love you so much and wouldn't exchange you for anything else."
A day later.
I have no words to describe my happiness. I have found myself a guy who loves me
unconditionally. I have found a new family in his family. Sisters and A mother I never had. Kea
is like my mom, she loves and cares about me like her own daughter. With her around, I don't
miss my mom. I am so happy that I cant explain it.
Kea was at the mall shopping baby stuffs for Zamo's coming baby.
As she was about to leave she came across Kamva .
Kea:"you're still around?"
Kamva:"yeah,but im leaving today. Just wanted to see you before I go."
Kea:"uhm , okay. Travel safe. Where are you going?"
Kamva:"years ago , my wife left the country and never told me where she was going. I made it
my goal to find her."
Kea:"JUST know that I'm greatful I met you , but things change and I met someone who is a
perfect match for me. Goodluck on your new journey."
Kamva:"thank you"
Kamva shed a tear as soon as he turned away, little did he know that Kea also shed a tear.
Kamva:"Kea wait! We still have time to fix what we had. I know you Love me , I know I hold a
special place in your heart. Open your heart for me, let me in. Let's make it happen , we can start
after just like before. Kea and Kamva ,JUST like how it was meant to be.
He leaned over his hand forward.
Kamva:"Take my hand . Let's forget about everything and start afresh Far."
***THE END***
5 years later
Nessa and Zamo are a happily married couple with their 5 year old Daughter Ntando. Nessa is
8months pregnant with a baby boy
Amanda and Khumo came back home to SA. Khumo still wants nothing to do with Khabo as he
consider Thando his mom. They have a 2 year old Son.
Khabo accepted the fact that he is not Khumo's mom although seeing her children married still pains
her and haven't accepted the fact that they are married and have a son!
Nhlanhla is Dating Bandile and it has been 3 years. Everything is going out great for them , she
found the man she was looking for , a man who will treat her with so much respect , she is pregnant
and Bandile is planning on wifing her.
Anelisa ended up apologising to Kea for everything even though Kea wasn't holding any grudge
against her , she's seeing Nessa's father Anthony and for once , she found someone who genuinely
cares for her.
Kamva really left the country to start afresh , he has met someone else and things are going great for
him although he will never forget Kea.
Hlelo is Dating Sethu , who knew one day the 2 families will be united by their children. Hlelo is an
engaged woman at the moment and is happy she is with a guy who loves her for Her.
KEA and Luvuyo's love is still strong , they are still happy together. They Have a beautiful family.
Kea thinks about that silly day Kamva asked her to go along with him
Kea:"No , I am not a coward. I do not run away from my responsibilities , the fact that you asked me
this made me lose respect for you. I have children who I love , how do you expect me to leave them
behind and besides children I have a husband. A man who would leave everything for me , a man
who loves me with all his soul , a man of his words. Why would I go with you? You're my past
Kamva and yes you did hold a place in my heart but today I want you to listen to me carefully. That
part is dead! It doesn't exist anymore. You mean nothing to me. My heart is with my children and
husband , my family. Goodbye Kamva , wishing you nothing but the best."

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