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Our name is Powerful Girls, and this team is formed by: Elena, Pedro, Marina and Irene.
The song that we have chosen is Limbo by Daddy Yankee, because we love the beat and
the lyrics of the song.

1We start in a square shape , in the first plane are Marina and Pedro, in the background are
Irene and Elena.

2When the music starts we are backwards, moving our arms in a wavy move, then the lyrics
begin and we turn around and we jump three times in a simple way.

3Next, Elena throws the rope to Marina and Pedro and Irene pass under the rope doing the
limbo dance, it is repeated again but the second time Elena and Marina pass under it.

4Due to this movement our initial positions are switched, next we jump from side to side four
times and Irene and Elena moves their shoulders and goes back , when the whole team is in
the same position we move ahead while moving our shoulders.

5 Then, we do three jumps with just one leg and other three jumps opening and closing our

6 Thirdly, the people that are in the extreme move to the background while jumping .

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