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Hiding Libraries in Applications

1. On each XenApp Server you will need to

perform this task on each profile to hide
the Libraries from an application

2. Navigate to

3. Right click on ‘Libraries’ and open


4. Select the ‘Security’ tab followed by


5. Click on ‘Change Permissions’

6. Remove the tick from ‘Include

inheritable permissions from this
object’s parent’

7. You will see a Windows Security window

appear, select ‘Add’

8. Place a tick in ‘replace all child object

permissions with inheritable permissions
from this object’

9. Select the user and click on ‘Remove’

10. Click on ‘Apply’

11. A Windows Security box will appear

12. Click on ‘Yes’

13. Click on ‘OK’

14. Open the Libraries folder

15. Highlight all 4 Library icons, namely,

Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos

16. Right click and select ‘Properties’

17. In the Attributes select ‘Hidden’

18. Click on ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’

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