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Name and last name: Date:

Group: Grade /25

Writing evaluation
Instructions: In today’s activity, you are asked to write down a comparative essay of 150 words.
Your objective is to compare the three candidates described on the sheet “Live and learn” in
order to take a decision in terms of the candidate to hire. To do so, first introduce the topic by
providing a general overview of the situation and the criterion you plan on using to compare the
three candidates. Second, write three paragraphs; one for each candidate, to describe and
showcase the good and bad sides of each. Finally, conclude your essay by choosing one
candidate and explain why you chose him/her.

Chosen candidate:


Paragraph 1
__karine is 19 year old, she is at the cegep and and she works well with the other employees.

Exept that she tends to talk with her friends and she put provocated clothes. _

Paragraph 2
_George is 21 he has a lot of experience but he forgets a lot of things like tying his

Paragraph 3
_Marcus is 18 years old, he is never late he didn’t need to tell him what to do but he always
chews gum. Ay be

___as a final choice i would take marcus beaucauseif he get warned several times he may be

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