Physical Evolution

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Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have neck muscles of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking neck

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Traps: Upper trapezius, middle trapezius, lower trapezius each get the following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have trapezius muscles of steel

Have hyper masculine looking trapezius muscles

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Shoulders: Front deltoid, medial deltoid, rear deltoid each get the following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have deltoid muscles of steel

Have hyper masculine looking shoulders

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Back: Levator scapulae, serratus posterior inferior, rhomboid minor, rhomboid major, latissimus
Dorsi each get the following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have back muscles of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking back

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Chest: Pectoralis major clavicular head, pectoralis major sternal head each get the following

Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have chest muscles of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking chest

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Gyno removal

Androgen receptor stimulation

Upper arms: Supraspinatus, deltoid, teres major, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachialis,
brachioradialis, anconeus, extensor carpi radialis longus each get the following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have upper arms of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking upper arms

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Forearms: Palmaris longus, flexor digitorum profundus, pronator teres, flexor pollicis longus,
flexor carpi radialis, pronator quadratus, flexor digitorum superficialis, extensor carpi radialis
brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor carpi ulnaris each get the following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning
Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have upper arms of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking upper arms

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Abs: External abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, rectus abdominus, transversus
abdominus, serratus anterior each get the following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

Auto workout

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have abs of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking abs

Have ripped, shredded abs

The abdominal muscles protrude through the skin severely

The abdominal muscles are visible in great detail

8 pack

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Quads: Rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis each get the
following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

autowork out

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have quads of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking quads

Have very wide and thick quad muscles

Have huge quad muscles

Quad muscles can support and lift a lot of weight for a very long time

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Hamstrings: Semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris each get the following

Severe muscle growth

autowork out

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have hamstrings of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking hamstrings

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Calves: Gastrocnemius lateral head, Gastrocnemius medial head, soleus, peroneus longus,
peroneus brevis each get the following benefits:

Severe muscle growth

autowork out

fat loss

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle hyperplasia

Increased satellite cell differentiation into myoblasts

increased detail

Increased toning

Increased muscle symmetry

Severely increased muscle density

Have calves of steel

Have a hyper masculine looking calves

Have very wide and thick calf muscles

Have huge calf muscles

calf muscles can support and lift a lot of weight for a very long time

Severely increased power

entirely new muscle attachment points

entirely new muscle fibers

muscle fascicle size increased

muscle fibers get larger

Increased rotational ability

Increased flexibility

Androgen receptor stimulation

Rejuvenated skin

Firm & lifted skin (treat saggy skin)

Regenerated skin (get rid of stretch marks, keloid, etc)

Get rid of crow’s feet

Get rid of bunny lines

Get rid of wrinkles

Get rid of acne

Get rid of eczema

Exfoliation is more efficient and helps to get rid of skin imperfections

Get rid of any physical imperfection of the skin

Get rid of nasolabial folds

Skin is properly moisturized and in pristine condition

Skin becomes more resistant against cold

Skin becomes more resistant against heat

Skin is cleansed entirely

Flawless and clear facial skin

Flawless and clear body skin

clear forehead skin (heal small bumps / acne on forehead)

clear hairline skin (heal acne on hairline area)

clear periorbital skin (heal acne on eyebrows / milia on under eye / etc)

clear nose skin (treat blackheads & whiteheads)

The stratum corneum becomes unpierceable

The stratum corneum becomes tougher

The stratum corneum nullifies physical shock

The stratum corneum is more protective than ballistic armor

The stratum corneum becomes more dense without increasing in thickness too much

Your skin is covered in a protective layer of energy which halts and protects against physical

The stratum corneum becomes more resilient

Have a strong layer of protective corneocytes

The stratum corneum changes it’s fundamental structure on a structural level to that of
graphene (hexagonal structure)
These layers of straight hexagons would be so thin that they cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Yet adapting the upper layer of the skin (stratum corneum) to have this structure would lead to
various benefits
Example of the required pattern:
This is a pattern which contains zero curvature

Graphene at a molecule thick is said to be 5 times stronger and more durable than carbon steel
Even though your skin is extremely tough and resilient it won't make you look weird (this is why
the layers of the skin can’t be made to be very thick, as very thick skin would make you look
weird, thicker skin would also lead to less visible vascularisation and less visible muscles,
therefore changing its fundamental structure to be more resilient is a better idea)
To ensure that this new layer of skin maintains all its other functions besides protection to a high
degree, all its other functions are made more effective, this includes:

​ Maintaining the balance of fluids in the body: Binding in moisture when
necessary and preventing moisture loss.

​ Regulating body temperature: it insulates our body, conserves heat in cold
conditions and perspires to cool the body down when it gets hot.

​ Changes in temperature and humidity: skin helps to regulate body
temperature, control moisture loss and maintain the balance of fluids.

​ Disease: skin works to neutralize aggressors such as bacteria, viruses and
pollution and prevent them from entering the body.

​ UV rays: over-exposure to these harmful rays generates free radicals –
aggressive molecules that cause cell damage. Therefore protection against
these rays are increased

​ Chemical substances: skin is our first line of defense against the

aggressive chemical formulas that we may encounter, so its defensive
capabilities against potential chemical damage is increased

The stratum lucidum becomes unpierceable

The stratum lucidum becomes tougher

The stratum lucidum nullifies physical shock

The stratum lucidum is more protective than ballistic armor

The stratum lucidum becomes more dense without increasing in thickness too much

The stratum lucidum is covered in a protective layer of energy which halts and protects against
physical attacks

The stratum corneum becomes more resilient

The stratum lucidum (the second layer of skin) also changes its fundamental pattern to the same
hexagonal pattern as the stratum corneum, however this time it is made more densely, and also it is
energetically enhanced to be more durable

Furthermore both layers are energetically enhanced to provide nullification against the force of


Hydroxyapatite: Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a naturally occurring mineral form of calcium apatite that
shows good biocompatibility and is an excellent candidate for bone repair

Trabeculae: small, often microscopic, tissue element in the form of a small beam, strut or rod
that supports or anchors a framework of parts within a body or organ.

axial bones: The axial skeleton forms the central axis of the body and includes the bones of the
skull, ossicles of the middle ear, hyoid bone of the throat, vertebral column, and the thoracic

appendicular bones: The bones that contribute to the appendicular skeleton include the bones
of the hands, feet, upper extremity, lower extremity, shoulder girdle, and pelvic bones.

Cartilage: Cartilage is a strong, flexible connective tissue that protects your joints and bones. It
acts as a shock absorber throughout your body. Cartilage at the end of your bones reduces
friction and prevents them from rubbing together when you use your joints.

Osteoblasts: Osteoblasts are cells that form bone tissue. Osteoblasts can synthesize and
secrete bone matrix and participate in the mineralization of bone to regulate the balance of
calcium and phosphate ions in developing bone.

Osteocytes: Osteocytes are former osteoblasts that become surrounded by an unmineralized

matrix (osteoid) during bone formation; they make up 90–95% of the adult bone cell population.

Chondrocytes: Chondrocytes are the cells responsible for cartilage formation, and they are
crucial for the process of endochondral ossification, which is useful for bone development. Also,
by mimicking skeletal development chondrocytes play a critical role in fracture repair.

Thyroxine: Thyroxine controls how much energy your body uses (the metabolic rate). It's also
involved in digestion, how your heart and muscles work, brain development and bone health.

Compact bones: dense bone in which the bony matrix is solidly filled with organic ground
substance and inorganic salts, leaving only tiny spaces (lacunae) that contain the osteocytes, or
bone cells.

TSH hormone: Thyroid-stimulating hormone is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid
gland to produce thyroxine, and then triiodothyronine which stimulates the metabolism of almost
every tissue in the body.
TRH hormone: Thyrotropin-releasing hormone is the master regulator of thyroid gland growth
and function (including the secretion of the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine).
These hormones control the body's metabolic rate, heat generation, neuromuscular function and
heart rate, among other things.

Epiphysis: expanded end of the long bones in animals, which ossifies separately from the bone
shaft but becomes fixed to the shaft when full growth is attained. The epiphysis is made of
spongy cancellous bone covered by a thin layer of compact bone

Diaphysis: the shaft or central part of a long bone.

Ossification: Ossification is the process in which cartilage is transformed into bone. Bone grows
in three stages: first, tissue forms a mesh of collagen fibers, then the body creates a
polysaccharide that acts like cement to hold the tissues together. Finally, calcium crystals salts
are deposited to form bone.

Lamellae: a thin layer, membrane, or plate of tissue, especially in bone.

Cortical bones: Cortical bone is the strong and compact type of bone found on the outer layer of
the long bones and makes up about 80% of the skeleton. The femoral neck is made up of both
cortical and trabecular bone.

Osteoprotegerin: Osteoprotegerin is the decoy receptor which binds and thereby opposes
RANK ligand, another cytokine which activates osteoclasts and causes bone resorption

Rank L (receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand): Receptor activator of nuclear
factor-kappa B ligand [RANK ligand (RANK-L)] stimulates mature osteoclasts to resorb bone, a
process associated with NF-kappa

Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6): Tumor necrosis factor receptor
(TNFR)-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) is an adapter protein that mediates a wide array of
protein-protein interactions via its TRAF domain and a RING finger domain that possesses
non-conventional E3 ubiquitin ligase activity.

Sclerostin: Sclerostin is produced in osteocytes, which are a type of bone cell. The main
function of sclerostin is to stop (inhibit) bone formation.


A rapid increase in bone density

huge amounts of hydroxyapatite in your bone matrix

bones contain more trabeculae

The trabeculae in your bones is thicker and withstands enormous amounts of pressure

Both axial bones and appendicular bones grow to enormous proportions

Cartilage covering the joint surfaces will provide more cushioning and physical stress absorption

Decrease in apoptosis of osteoblasts and osteocytes

Decrease in apoptosis and senescence of chondrocytes in the growth plates

Heavily increased production of osteoblasts

Bone growth is put into overdrive

Bones offer more resistance against increased pressures

Osteoblasts secrete the bone matrix more rapidly

Heavily increased osteoblast activity, osteoblasts perform their biologically assigned tasks better

osteoblast proliferation and activity is rapidly increased

Excess fat cells being converted to stem cells, which are converted to chondrocytes and

sensitizing osteocytes to mechanical stress

promoting the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) into


increasing osteoblast expression of osteoprotegerin to decrease osteoclastogenesis

Optimal amount of osteocytes to handle bone remodeling

Thyroxine levels are enhanced

Compact bones are increased in thickness and hardness

Osteocytes send signals via dendrites to increase bone growth

The cartilage in the region of the epiphyseal plate next to the epiphysis continues to
grow by mitosis

Mitosis of this kind is severely enhanced

Cartilage growth never stops nor slows down and if it has stopped due to old age it is
restarted again

More osteoblasts in the periosteum form compact bone around the external bone
surface which is severely thickened.

Massively increased intervertebral height and direct thickening of vertebrae

Massively increased amounts of type 2 collagen in all of the intervertebral discs

Massively increased amounts of type 1 collagen in your bones

Very powerful hypertension protection

TSH hormone production is enhanced

TRH hormone production is enhanced

TH hormone suppression is limited

The amount of these hormones your body can safely handle without any issues
occurring is increased

There will be a constantly increasing amount of cartilage between the epiphysis and the
diaphysis, the rate at which this increases is ALWAYS higher than the rate at which
ossification takes place in this region

If the growth plates are closed a big layer of cartilage is immediately placed between the
epiphysis and the diaphysis

More osteons are present in compact bones

Lamellae are stronger

cortical bones are very resilient

Osteoprotegerin is overexpressed

osteoprotegerin is more commonly produced then Rank L

Rank L (receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand) is inhibited and produced
less often

Bone mineral density is heavily increased

Your bones are made to be incredibly long, super dense and super thick, abnormally so
for a human, but at the same time they are light in weight, this is made possible by a
complex bone structure that is constantly being regulated. It being light allows you to
have bigger bones before bone weight becomes an issue, therefore resulting in you
being able to grow even taller, WITHOUT a loss of bone strength or size, this also
allows you to exert more physical strength, as you don't have to spend as much of your
muscle to carry yourself

reduced apoptosis and senescence of chondrocytes in the growth plates

Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) is inhibited to safe but low

Sclerostin is inhibited to optimally severely low levels

Sensitive GHR receptors

Body releasing massive amounts of HGH and IGF1 for rapid height growth

Body grows proportionally

Growth in frame and height

Optimally low estradiol in growth plates

Having low estradiol doesn’t promote rankL activity

Bone growth and bone thickness is prioritized by homeostasis

Bones safely and rapidly absorbs calcium more, to a degree where it can keep up with the
heavily increased growth speeds

Cartilage turns to bone quicker and more often

Unlimited supply of cartilage which constantly turns into thick, long, and strong bones

Growth plates are immune to being fused by estrogen

Reopen growth plates if closed

Bones can withstand a lot more force

Excess fat cells are being converted to stem cells, which are converted to chondrocytes and

Stronger bones

Bones are immune to breaking or fracturing

Straight, decompressed spine

Prevention and protection against all sides of high HGH

Healthy HGH to IGF conversion levels

Spinal decompression

reduced apoptosis and senescence of chondrocytes in the growth plates

hypertrophy differentiation in the resting zone of the growth plates of the long bones

Constantly, rapidly, and optimally increased speed of longitudinal bone growth every day

Desensitization of all the estrogen receptors only in the growth plates of the long bones

Heavily increased sensitivity in somatocrinin receptors

somatocrinin is produced more often, and you can produce more somatocrinin

Somatostatin also known as growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH) production is inhibited

Limited production of somatostatin to lower but safe levels of production

Severe protection against acromegaly

Immune to acromegaly
Calcium + Zinc + Phosphorus Bone absorption

High-Optimal IGFBP/IGFBP2 Production

Massive Decompression of the Spine

Massively increased space between the 23 intervertebral discs

The spine is constantly being lengthened

Bone Vascularization is more efficient

Face :
Explanations :

Defined, Down-Swung Medial Canthus + Masculine PCT :

PCT ( Positive Canthal Tilt) : medial canthus should be located at an angle below the lateral

Palpebral Fissure Length : (horizontal palpebral fissure in the picture above)

Bigonial Width : linear distance between the two gonia, which are points at the external angle of
the mandible, in posterior view

Orbital Rims, Infraorbital Rims, Supraorbital Rims :

Upper jaw and Lower jaw alignment :

Facial Thirds :
Ideal Forward Growth : Both the middle and the lower face protrude forwards

Hyaluronic acid : Hyaluronic acid helps skin stretch and flex and reduces skin wrinkles and
lines. Hyaluronic acid is also proven to help wounds heal faster and can reduce scarring

Zygomatic Bone :

Hyoid Bone : Bone situated in the midline of the neck anteriorly at the base of the mandible and
posteriorly at the fourth cervical vertebra

Centered Nasal Septum : A centered septum allows air to flow equally through each nostril

Benefits :

Positively Tilted Eyebrows

Positive Canthal Tilt

Longer Palpebral Fissure Length

Thicker Limbal Rings

Optimal Face Fat Removal

Optimal Cheeks Fat Removal

Double Chin Removal

Jawline Fat Removal

Buccal Fat Removal

Water Retention / Bloat Removal

Straighter nose
Increased sexually masculine dismorphism
Long Ramus

Masculine Sharp Strong Chin (Not too pointy and not too square)

Cheekbones Lateral Projection

Sharp High Set Cheekbones

Cheekbones projected from their peak

Cheekbones wide from the lateral wall

Lower Hairline

Predator Skull

Prominent Brow Ridge

Low Set Forward Projecting Brow Ridge (proportionate to your face)

Predator Eyes

Hollow Cheeks

Sharp Jawline

Deep Set Eyes

Compact PFL

Less Sclera Show (Under and Above the eyes)

Whiter Sclera

Straighter Hairline which is Immune To Receding

Compact Maxilla

Massesters Growth

Sharper Gonions

Outward Gonions
Ideal Forward Growth

Facial Harmony

Perfect E-Plane (a line drawn from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin)

Optimally Larger Bigonial Width

Fuller and Longer Eyebrows

Low Set, Optimal Thickness, Dense, Dark Eyebrows

Masculine PCT

Sharp Lower Eyelid

Removal Of Any Unappealing Curving (Lower Eyelid)

Straight, Angular Lower Eyelid

Neutral Lateral Canthus

Defined, Down-Swung Medial Canthus

Low Set Upper Orbitals

Straight, Angular Upper Orbitals

Wide, Vertically Narrow Orbitals

Removal of overbite, underbite

Aligned Teeth

Whiter Teeth

Healthy Gums

Optimal Palatal Expansion

Prominent Lateral Orbital Rims

Prominent Forward Grown Infraorbital Rims

High Set Infraorbital Rims

Prominent Forward Grown Supraorbital Rims

Low Set Supraorbital Rims

High Hyoid Bone

Tight Hyoid Skin

Prominent Zygos (zygomatic bones)

Hyaluronic Acid

Fixed Tongue Posture

Equal facial thirds

Centered Nasal Septum

Alignment of Upper Jaw and Lower Jaw

Eyebrows Shade is Darker than hair shade

Low set eyebrows

Eyes charged with energy to give off a supernatural feeling

Eyes radiate sadistic, sinister and insanely seductive energy

Face radiates a high SMV due to the perfection of your features

Perfectly Symmetrical Face

Facial bones easily change in shape

Face bones are still capable of changing shapes regardless of their genes and hard bones

Jaw bones can easily change in shape

Nose :
Explanations :

Olfactory Sensory Neurons : Olfactory sensory neurons, located in the nasal epithelium, detect
and transmit odorant information to the central nervous system. This requires that these
neurons form specific neuronal connections within the olfactory bulb and express receptors and
signaling molecules specific for these functions

Olfactory Receptors : Olfactory receptors are able to detect air-borne odor molecules that enter
the nasal cavity and bind to olfactory receptors. The activation of olfactory receptors results in
olfactory receptor neurons sending an impulse to the brain's olfactory system.

Olfactory Nerves : Olfactory nerves are special sensory nerves for the sense of smell. They
originate in the receptors of the olfactory epithelium and pass through the olfactory foramina in
the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, ending at the olfactory bulbs

Benefits :

Increase in amounts of Olfactory sensory neurons to increase smelling capabilities

Upregulation of olfactory receptors

Increase of functioning olfactory receptors (we have more non functioning ones)

The ability to distinguish between different smells is massively increased

the functions of pseudogenes olfactory receptors are severely increased

Nose remains unstuffed during any cold or flu

Gain the ability to smell fear in enemies and males

Gain the ability to smell lust in women

Odor detection distance is massively increased to allow you to smell from long distances even
whilst detecting and visualizing where the smell is coming from

The ability to smell through walls and other solid objects is greatly strengthened

The messages olfactory sensory neurons send to the brain become more efficient at
recognizing the smell, finding the smell and knowing its source

Ability to recall a smell and recognize it is massively enhanced

Easily remember a smell

Have a smelling sense that rivals polar bears and bloodhounds

Increase of olfactory nerve endings to smell better

Brain procession of olfactory signals is massively enhanced

Olfactory bulb procession of olfactory signals is massively enhanced

Brain interpretation of the signals location in the olfactory bulb allowing us to recognize smells is
greatly enhanced

Ability to track odor as it moves away from u even for miles

Easily able to tell where an odor is coming from

Ears :
Explanations :

Hair cells : The primary sensory receptor cells within the inner ear, convert, or transduce,
mechanical stimuli evoked by sound and head movements into electrical signals which are
transmitted to the brain

Cochlear Amplification : The cochlear amplifier is essentially a positive feedback loop within the
cochlea that amplifies the traveling wave. Thus, vibrations within the organ of Corti are sensed
and then force is generated in synchrony to increase the vibrations.

Spiral Ganglion : The spiral (cochlear) ganglion is a group of neuron cell bodies in the modiolus,
the conical central axis of the cochlea. These bipolar neurons innervate the hair cells of the
organ of corti

LIN28 Protein : Lin28 overexpression in Plp1-expressing glial cells induced expression of neural
stem cell markers and subsequent conversion into neurons. This suggests the potential for inner
ear glia to be converted into neurons as a regeneration therapy for neural replacement in
auditory neuropathy.
Benefits :

Increase of stem cells count to the ears

LIN28 Production in the ear is increased

Hair cells in the ears are repaired

Removal of ear infections or inflammations

Ears become more powerful at absorbing affirmations into the subconscious

Increased count of hair cells in the inner ear

Increase of electrical signals in the ear

Mechanoelectrical transduction by hair cells is enhanced to maximize your hearing

Cochlear amplification is greatly enhanced

Increase count of outer hair cells

Neurons in the spiral ganglion transmission of the electrical signals from the cochlea to the
central nervous system is greatly enhanced

Hearing is strong enough to detect any sort of movement around you

Hearing strengthened to the point u can visualize and detect the person’s movements



Very low pitched voice

Increased amount of vocal fry

Have a very raspy voice

thunderous bass (Your voice sounds like a raging thunderstorm)

hypermasculine voice (it'll be way above the masculine norm)

vocal authority (You speak with authority, people will obey your commands)

speaking mannerism (speak more slowly and confidently, look people in the eyes whilst speaking to

Vocal hypnosis (Be able to put people in a state of total hypnosis with your voice)

Vocal worship (get worshiped for your voice)

Vocal idolisation (get idolized for your voice)

Your voice sounds mature

Your voice sounds incredibly dominant

Have a dominant tone to your voice

Your voice sounds incredibly natural (normally when you get to the deeper vocal ranges your voice
will sound like you are forcing it even if it is entirely natural)

Your voice sounds incredibly charismatic

People get addicted to hearing your voice

People want to hear you speak for hours

Women get extremely turned on by your voice

Women obey every command you give them

Be able to vocally manipulate anyone you desire

Your voice sounds better than the voice of professional voice actors

Your voice sounds unique

Your voice sounds high quality

Talk with confidence

Your voice sounds masculine in any language

Brain :
Perception, Visualization & Vision :
(part of brain)
Explanations :

Retina : The retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eyeball. Images that
come through the eye's lens are focused on the retina. The retina then converts these images to
electric signals and sends them along the optic nerve to the brain.

Retinal Horizontal Cells : Horizontal cells are the laterally interconnecting neurons having cell
bodies in the inner nuclear layer of the retina of vertebrate eyes. They help integrate and
regulate the input from multiple photoreceptor cells.
Equatorial & Central Regions Of The Retina :

Cones & Rods Cells : Photoreceptors in the retina are classified into two groups, named after
their physical morphologies. Rod cells are highly sensitive to light and function in nightvision,
whereas cone cells are capable of detecting a wide spectrum of light photons and are
responsible for color vision.
Thalamus : The thalamus is a paired gray matter structure of the diencephalon located near the
center of the brain.

Dorsal Stream : The dorsal stream, or where pathway, describes a hierarchy of areas that
support visually-guided behaviors and localizing objects in space. It involves two main groups of
areas, which receive separate, strong projections from V1. The lateral group in the dorsal
stream consists of areas MT, MTc, MST, and FST.

Occipital Visual Cortex : The occipital lobe is the seat of most of the brain's visual cortex,
allowing you not only to see and process stimuli from the external world, but also to assign
meaning to and remember visual perceptions.

Hippocampus : Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into the temporal
lobe. It has a major role in learning and memory.

Medial Temporal Lobe : The medial temporal lobe (MTL) includes the hippocampus, amygdala
and parahippocampal regions, and is crucial for episodic and spatial memory. MTL memory
function consists of distinct processes such as encoding, consolidation and retrieval.

Prefrontal Cortex : The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the cerebral cortex covering the front part of
the frontal lobe. This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior,
personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior.

Posterior Parietal Cortex : Posterior parietal cortex is a region of the brain that has been
implicated in spatial attention and eye movements. In humans, lesions of the parietal lobe cause
patients to ignore sensory stimuli located in the contralateral half of space, a phenomenon
known as neglect.

Premotor Cortex : The premotor cortex is a crucial part of the brain, which is believed to have
direct control over the movements of voluntary muscles. The PMC is about six times larger than
the primary motor cortex. The premotor cortex motor area lies anterior to the primary motor

Cerebellum : Your cerebellum is part of your brain that helps coordinate and regulate a wide
range of functions and processes in both your brain and body. While it's very small compared to
your brain overall, it holds more than half of the neurons (cells that make up your nervous
system) in your whole body.

Basal Ganglia : The “basal ganglia” refers to a group of subcortical nuclei responsible primarily
for motor control, as well as other roles such as motor learning, executive functions and
behaviors, and emotions.
Medial Temporal Lobe : The medial temporal lobe (MTL) includes the hippocampus, amygdala
and parahippocampal regions, and is crucial for episodic and spatial memory. MTL memory
function consists of distinct processes such as encoding, consolidation and retrieval.

Object Based Spatial Transformation : Spatial transformations alter the image through rotation,
flips, scaling, and deformation, which mimics different orientations during scanning, variability of
shapes, and motion in tissue.

Egocentric Perspective Transformation : Egocentric perspective transformation is associated

with the process of spatial transformation which depends on the egocentric reference system.

Efference Copy Mechanism : Efference copy is thought to reflect the predicted sensation of
self-produced motor acts, such as the auditory feedback heard while speaking.

Photoreceptors : Special cells in the eye's retina that are responsible for converting light into
signals that are sent to the brain. Photoreceptors give us our color vision and night vision. There
are two types of photoreceptor cells: rods and cones.

Suspensory Ligament : The suspensory ligament of the eye forms a support hammock below
the globe extending from the lateral orbital tubercle to the medial canthal tendon. It is formed by
the fusion of the capsulopalpebral fascia just

Corneas : The transparent part of the eye that covers the iris and the pupil and allows light to
enter the inside.

Anterior Chambers : The anterior chamber is the front part of the eye between the cornea and
the iris.

Posterior Chambers : The posterior chamber is between the iris and lens.

Optic Nerves : The optic nerve is a bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibers that carry visual

Optic Discs : The optic disc represents the beginning of the optic nerve (second cranial nerve)
and is the point where the axons of retinal ganglion cells come together. The optic disc is also
the entry point for the major blood vessels that supply the retina.

Foveas : The fovea centralis, or fovea, is a small depression within the neurosensory retina
where visual acuity is the highest. The fovea itself is the central portion of the macula, which is
responsible for central vision.

Maculas : The macula is the part of your eye that processes what you see directly in front of you
(your central vision). It's part of your retina and is key to your vision. The macula is the round
area at the center of your retina, at the back of your eyeball.
Choroids : A thin layer of tissue that is part of the middle layer of the wall of the eye, between
the sclera (white outer layer of the eye) and the retina (the inner layer of nerve tissue at the
back of the eye).

Ciliary Bodies : A part of the middle layer of the wall of the eye. The ciliary body is found behind
the iris and includes the ring-shaped muscle that changes the shape of the lens when the eye
focuses. It also makes the clear fluid that fills the space between the cornea and the iris.

Irises : The iris is the colored part of your eye. Muscles in your iris control your pupil — the small
black opening that lets light into your eye. The color of your iris is like your fingerprint.

Vitreous Humors : The vitreous humor (also known as vitreous fluid) is a transparent, colorless,
gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina within the eye.

Hyaloides Canals : a transparent canal that runs from the optic nerve disc to the lens traversing
the vitreous body. It serves as a perivascular sheath surrounding the hyaloid artery in the
embryonic eye.
Benefits :

Have a huge amount of photoreceptors in your eyes

The amount of photoreceptors in your eyes are steadily increasing

The retina is modified to contain more photoreceptors

Photoreceptors can create a clear image even with the slightest amount of photons

The brain can easily turn the slightest amount of light my retina receives into a clear image

The amount of rods the retina contains is severely increased (allows for vision in the dark)
The suspensory ligament of my lenses is now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and
simultaneously also increased in function.

pupils are restored and regenerated to perfect health and simultaneously also increased in

corneas are restored and regenerated to perfect health and simultaneously also increased in

Anterior chambers are restored and regenerated to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

posterior chambers are restored and regenerated to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

optic nerves are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

retinal blood vessels are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously
also increased in function.

optic discs are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

foveas are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also increased
in function.

Maculas are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

retinas are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also increased
in function.

choroids are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

ciliary bodies are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

irises are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also increased in
vitreous humors are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

Hyaloides canals are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously also
increased in function.

All parts of my eyes are now restoring and regenerating to perfect health and simultaneously
also increasing in function.

The visual resolution of the eyes is steadily increasing

The eyes can see at a much higher frame rate (in reality the eyes don't use a frame rate but it
works somewhat similar)

The eyes can efficiently operate at much higher speeds then normal

The eyes can keep up with inhumane speeds

The frame rate of the eyes is constantly getting faster

The blood flow beneath the rods and cones beneath the subjects retina is severely enhanced

Have 20/4 vision (this is often regarded as eagle vision)

Retinal horizontal cells signals receiving from cones and rods is greatly enhanced

Neurons (Retinal horizontal cells) response to distinct features of visual content (object
direction of motion, brightness, size) is greatly enhanced

The sensitivity of the Central region of the retina to color and shape is enhanced

The sensitivity of the Equatorial region of the retina to moving objects is massively enhanced
to allow you to see any moving objects regardless of its speed

The Distribution of cone cells in the retina is greatly enhanced

The Interconnection structure between neurons in the retina is massively enhanced and

The Preliminary information transmission to the thalamus is greatly enhanced and accelerated

The Information classification and mix during the transmission to the thalamus is increased,
enhanced and accelerated

The Information arrival to the occipital visual cortex is greatly enhanced and increased
The Information procession in the dorsal stream in the V2 and V4 areas is greatly enhanced and

The Information passage from V2 and V4 areas in the dorsal stream into the middle temporal
visual area is greatly enhanced and accelerated

In the v4 area, the neurons receival of axons from the v1 area is enhanced and accelerated

In the v4 area, the neurons identification of specific graphics and objects is greatly enhanced
and increased

The Information passage from V2 or V5 and collection into the posterior parietal cortex is
greatly accelerated and enhanced

Information extraction from the graphics and organization of it as the description of the action
is greatly enhanced and accelerated to make you see every single detail of an action and motion

The Information sent from the dorsal stream to the prefrontal lobe arrives more rapidly and is

The Hippocampus activation based on information is greatly enhanced to activate even better
the whole ventral stream

The Neurons in Medial Temporal Lobe acceptance of information from V1 and V2 via inferior
longitudinal fasciculus (white matter) is greatly enhanced and accelerated

The Identification of images of faces, animals, objects or scenes is greatly enhanced and

The Auditory objects conversion to Audio-Visual concepts is massively increased and enhanced

The Information summary into the prefrontal cortex is massively enhanced and accelerated

The Process repetition is massively enhanced and accelerated

The Commands received by the motor cortex from the prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal
cortex are greatly enhanced and increased

The Commands enter the premotor cortex more effectively through the motor thalamus

The Commands circulation between the motor thalamus and premotor cortex is enhanced

The Commands regulation by the nucleus in basal ganglia and the cerebellum during circulation
is greatly enhanced, increased and accelerated

The Commands transmission to the muscles through motor cortex and nucleus in brainstem is
massively increased, enhanced and accelerated
The function of the Secondary visual cortex, medial temporal lobe, posterior parietal cortex,
associative cortex and entire brain in visual imagination is greatly enhanced

The Information felt through the eye passage to the thalamus is accelerated and enhanced

The information passage from the thalamus into the primary visual cortex is enhanced

The Visual information entrance to the medial temporal lobe is accelerated and enhanced

The Information procession in the V2 V4 and V5 areas in the dorsal stream is greatly
accelerated and enhanced

The Auditory information participation in the construction of images is greatly enhanced by an

activation of hippocampus and prefrontal lobes

The Connection between visual cortex, associative cortex and premotor cortex is greatly
enhanced and strengthened to increase visualization greatly and enhance it

The Additional information input to the primary visual cortex through inferior longitudinal
fasciculus is greatly enhanced and increased to allow you to have a greater visualization and
imagination (also done when eyes are closed, absence of external stimuli)

The Mechanism by which the ventral stream actively recognises the object is greatly upgraded,
enhanced and strengthened

The Object based spatial transformation is greatly enhanced allowing u to strengthen your
visual motor imagination

The Egocentric perspective transformation is greatly enhanced allowing u to strengthen your

visual motor imagination

The Efference copy mechanism is greatly enhanced

The Efference copy of the movement of the self body sent to the visual related cortex by the
premotor cortex to correct visual perception and keep it unaffected by body movement is
massively enhanced and accelerated

Become Consciously capable of perceiving and noticing every detail in any movement noticed
by your eyes in the smallest angles even

The Visualizing ability is massively increased, enhanced and upgraded up to the point where you
can visualize an entire scene for a longer period of time, in higher details

Vision is massively upgraded to the point where you can notice the slightest details from short
to long distances on any target whether its in motion or not
The Motion perception is insanely enhanced and upgraded allowing you to perceive every detail
in any sort of motion which could be moving at any speed, whilst also being able to consciously
process the motion

The Imagination becomes massively enhanced allowing you to imagine all sorts of things in
massive details

The Brain part responsible for imagination is enhanced allowing you to take your imagination to
an entirely new level in details, clarity and duration

Visualization is greatly enhanced to the point where you can create vibrant images and videos
with the highest details and motions in your mind’s eye

Brain part responsible for visualization is massively enhanced allowing you to achieve the most
detailed, vibrant and clear images and motions in the process

The Ability to visualize images and videos is greatly enhanced allowing you to see those almost
as if they were right in front of you in the highest detail

The Ability to imagine things is greatly increased allowing you to come up with even greater,
more creative, clear, vibrant and detailed scenarios
Extra stuff brain:
Simple explanation:

Arbor vitae: brings sensory and motor information to and from the cerebellum, the arbor vitae is
located deep in the cerebellum

Broca’s area: is a region in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere, usually the left of the brain,
with functions linked to speech production

rostral fastigial nucleus: The rostral fastigial nucleus interprets body motion and places it on spatial
planes to estimate the movement of the body through space. It deals with antigravity muscle groups
and other synergies involved with standing and walking

Neocortex: involved in higher-order brain functions such as sensory perception, cognition,

generation of motor commands,spatial reasoning and language

posterior parietal cortex: plays an important role in planned movements, spatial reasoning, and
Damage to the posterior parietal cortex can produce a variety of sensorimotor deficits, including
deficits in the perception and memory of spatial relationships, inaccurate reaching and grasping, in
the control of eye movement, and inattention.


The cerebellum’s function of maintaining balance is severely enhanced

The cerebellum is able to detect more shifts in balance and movements now

Signals send by the cerebellum to adjust and move upon detecting a disbalance are severely

The cerebellum times muscle actions more efficiently

The cerebellum is improved to make our movements smoother

The cerebellum is upgraded to let me learn and fine tune movements and motor skills more

The cerebellum is upgraded to the point where it offers immediate physical mastery of any
movement or motor skill
My cerebellum provides more speed for repetitive actions overtime

My muscle coordination increases

The cerebellum coordinates eye movement better

The arbor vitae is more effective at bringing sensory and motor information to the cerebellum

Cure dysmetria

Cure dysdiadochokinesia

Cure intention tremors

Cure delayed movement initiation

Cure hypotonia

Broca’s area is upgraded to provide fluent flawless speech

Upgrade in broca’s area removes any existing speech impediment

The fusiform gyrus facial recognition is now more effective and efficient

The ventral stream is now more potent at facial recognition

The ventral stream’s ability to affect object and facial recognition is increased

The posterior parietal cortex’s ability to handle spatial senses and dimensions are increased

posterior parietal cortex has all its functions increased

The rostral fastigial nucleus has an increased amount of spatial sense

The rostral fastigial nucleus’s ability to estimate the movement of the body through space is vastly

The rostral fastigial nucleus is better at interpreting body movement and placing it on the spatial

The rostral fastigial nucleus more potently handles the antigravity muscle groups, and offers an
increased amount of gravity resistance
The neocortex is upgraded to increase the ability to mentally manipulate 2-dimensional and
3-dimensional figures.

The neocortex has all its functions upgraded

Intense desire to train

Intense desire to attain more power

Intense urge to become more masculine

Care for and protect your masculinity

All of your masculine potential is unlocked

Become severely more masculine

Any mental, subconscious, or conscious barrier/blockade that tries to/blocks your

results is entirely erased from the roots (dragon’s fire)

Any mental, subconscious, or conscious barrier/blockade that tries to/blocks your

potential masculinity is entirely erased from the roots (dragon’s fire)

Calm mind

Hard working mentality

Ability to get up and do the work

Removal of laziness

Elimination of procrastination

Ability to get out of bed within seconds of waking up

Continuously improve your quality of life everyday

Continuously improve your strength everyday

Continuously increase your masculinity everyday

More productivity

Immunity to burnouts

Removal of mind clutter

Removal of intrusive thoughts

Be present

Always be in the moment

Increased focus
Spine :
Explanations :

Facet Joints : joints located on the top and bottom of each vertebra that connect the vertebrae
to each other and permit back motion.

Vertebrates C1->C7 : Your seven cervical vertebrae (C1 to C7) are connected at the back of the
bone by a type of joint (called facet joints), which allow for the forward, backward and twisting
motions of your neck.

Vertebrates T1->T12 : Your thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae numbered T1 to T12. Each
number corresponds with the nerves in that section of your spinal cord, as well. These nerves
branch off of your spinal cord and supply sensation (feeling) and movement to certain areas of
your body.

Vertebrates L1->L5 : Your lumbar vertebrae, known as L1 to L5, are the largest of your entire
spine. Your lumbar spine is located below your 12 chest (thoracic) vertebra and above the five
fused bones that make up your triangular-shaped sacrum bone.

Vertebrates S1->S5 & in the coccyx :The sacrum is made up of 5 fused vertebrae (S1-S5) and 3
to 5 small bones fuse creating the coccyx. Both structures are weight-bearing and integral to
functions such as walking, standing and sitting. The sacrum and coccyx are weight-bearing
spinal structures.
Benefits :

The Spine’s protection of the nerves and spinal cord is massively enhanced

The Spine is capable of handling the entirely new body weight post upgrade

The Spine’s function in posture is greatly enhanced allowing you to stand up more upright

The Facet joints provide an massively increased amount of stability and flexibility to the body

The Intervertebral disks become massively strong and capable of nullifying any amount of
damage coming to the spine

The Intervertebral disks become massively strong and are capable of protecting the nerves
more efficiently

The Nerves in the spinal canal carry messages between the brain and muscles at light speed

The Neural signal speed is efficiently increased up to light speed

The Vertebrates from C1 to C7 in your cervical spine are strengthened and enhanced to allow
you to properly turn, tilt and nod your head

The Vertebrates from T1 to T12 in your thoracic spine are strengthened and enhanced to
increase the control over sensory signals (mostly for abdomen, upper back, chest)
The Vertebrates from L1 to L5 in your lumbar spine are strengthened and enhanced to allow
you to lift more weights, lessen lower back pain caused by lifts or carrying weights and handle
your upgraded bodyweight

The Vertebrates from S1 to S5 in your sacrum are strengthened and enhanced

The Vertebrates in your coccyx are strengthened and enhanced

Acetylcholine :
Explanations :

Acetylcholine : Acetylcholine is an organic chemical that functions in the brain and body of many
types of animals as a neurotransmitter. Its name is derived from its chemical structure: it is an
ester of acetic acid and choline. Parts in the body that use or are affected by acetylcholine are
referred to as cholinergic.

Acetylcholine in the brain alters neuronal excitability, influences synaptic transmission, induces
synaptic plasticity and coordinates the firing of groups of neurons.
Benefits :

The Acetylcholine synthesis from choline and pantothenic acid is greatly increased by 30x to
have high levels of acetylcholine during combat

The Acetylcholine amounts in the central nervous system, the glandular and the muscular
synapses are increased by 30x during combat

Acetylcholine role in cognitive functions is massively enhanced

Acetylcholine role in memory is massively enhanced

Acetylcholine role in concentration is greatly enhanced

Acetylcholine role in logical reasoning is greatly enhanced

Gain predominance of the acetylcholine molecule

The Acetylcholine involvement in muscle control is increased and strengthened by 30x during

The Acetylcholine involvement in muscle stimulation is increased and strengthened by 30x

during combat

During combat, the calcium channels are forced to open and conduct an influx of calcium which
will then release huge amounts of acetylcholine the amount of which is increased by 30x
compared to normal, from the vesicles into the synaptic cleft, which then enhances all combat
aspects with no side effects

The Acetylcholine form is massively enhanced to increase its potency and strength

The Huge amounts of acetylcholine make you capable of having the fastest reflexes possible
during any form combat

The Acetylcholine levels spike by 30 times more than the normal levels during any sort of
combat to give you an even more massive advantage with reflexes over

The Acetylcholine involvement in logical thinking is greatly enhanced allowing you to think in a
more efficient and rapid way whilst also giving you the best possibility

The Acetylcholine involvement in judgment is greatly enhanced

The High Acetylcholine levels during combat allow you to think quickly and logically making you
come up with multiple perfect strategies simultaneously to demolish your opponent

The Acetylcholine logical involvement during combat allows you to perfectly and efficiently utilize
your environment to your best advantage
Lungs :
Explanations :

The lungs are roughly cone shaped, with an apex, base, three surfaces and three borders. The
left lung is slightly smaller than the right – this is due to the presence of the heart.

Apex – The blunt superior end of the lung. It projects upwards, above the level of the 1st rib and
into the floor of the neck.

Base – The inferior surface of the lung, which sits on the diaphragm.

Lobes (two or three) – These are separated by fissures within the lung.

Surfaces (three) – These correspond to the area of the thorax that they face. They are named
costal, mediastinal and diaphragmatic.

Borders (three) – The edges of the lungs, named the anterior, inferior and posterior borders.


The right and left lungs do not have an identical lobular structure.

The right lung has three lobes; superior, middle and inferior. The lobes are divided from each
other by two fissures:

Oblique fissure – Runs from the inferior border of the lung in a superoposterior direction, until it
meets the posterior lung border.

Horizontal fissure– Runs horizontally from the sternum, at the level of the 4th rib, to meet the
oblique fissure.

The left lung contains superior and inferior lobes, which are separated by a similar oblique

Left atrium: After the lungs fill blood with oxygen, the pulmonary veins carry the blood to the left
atrium. This upper chamber pumps the blood to your left ventricle.

Left ventricle: The left ventricle is slightly larger than the right. It pumps oxygen-rich blood to the
rest of your body.
Diffusion Process : Oxygen diffuses to the cell membrane, where it is either consumed by the
terminal oxidases or diffuses further into the cell interior. Several processes are able to remove
oxygen from the cell interior

Tidal Volume : Tidal volume is the amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs with each
respiratory cycle.

Inspiratory Reserve Volume : The extra volume of air that can be inspired with maximal effort
after reaching the end of a normal, quiet inspiration.

Residual Volume : Residual volume is the amount of air that remains in a person's lungs after
fully exhaling.

Inspiratory Capacity : The maximum volume of air that can be inspired after reaching the end of
a normal, quiet expiration.

Total Lung Capacity : Lung capacity or total lung capacity (TLC) is the volume of air in the lungs
upon the maximum effort of inspiration.

Vital Capacity : It is the total amount of air exhaled after maximal inhalation.

Function Residual Capacity : Functional residual capacity (FRC), is the volume remaining in the
lungs after a normal, passive exhalation.

Alveoli : Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs). The
alveoli are where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the
process of breathing in and breathing out.
Benefits :

The Diffusion process is enhanced to allow us to take in more oxygen

Massive increase in tidal volume

Massive increase in inspiratory reserve volume

Massive increase in residual volume

Massive increase in inspiratory capacity

Massive increase in total lung capacity

Massive increase in vital capacity

Massive increase in function residual capacity

Ability to inhale only oxygen

Oxygen inhaled is completely pure and clean

Red blood cells become more efficient at delivering oxygen throughout the body

Carbon dioxide exits the body more rapidly

Oxygen gets inhaled into the body more rapidly

Brought in air is increased up to 15 liters (outside of working out) per one breath

Cellular respiration process is massively enhanced allowing us to produce massive amounts of


Blood Oxygen Levels remain high at all times to keep producing more energy

Oxygen gets diffused into the blood more efficiently

Oxygen becomes more efficient at helping increase energy production

Oxygen is available and delivered in high quantities throughout the body

Oxygen is highly efficient and is delivered rapidly throughout the body

High oxygen amounts are capable of maintaining upgraded body functions

High oxygen amounts are capable of making the body grow rapidly and more efficiently

Inhaled oxygen becomes more potent than regular oxygen

The Alveoli act as a filter that converts toxic/polluted oxygen and regular oxygen into a pure
clean and more potent oxygen

The Pulmonary veins carry more oxygenated blood to the left atrium

Left atrium pumps more blood into the left ventricle efficiently

Left ventricle is massively enhanced in pumping oxygen rich blood to the rest of the body

The Alveoli provide more surface area for gas exchanges

The Lobes become more efficient at bringing in more oxygen into the bloodstream

The Lobes become more efficient at removing carbon dioxide

Fissures facilitate the uniform expansion of lungs during respiration more efficiently
allowing us to take in more air

The Alveoli become more capable of storing bigger amounts of oxygen for hours

Lungs remain undamaged from smoking and are instantly healed

Ability to smoke without having it damage your lungs

Increase in amounts of upgraded alveoli to make oxygen more efficient in our bodies

Body can handle massive amounts of atp without strain

Heart :
Explanations :

Red Bone Marrow : Red bone marrow contains blood stem cells that can become red blood
cells, white blood cells, or platelets.
Hemorrhage : loss of blood from damaged blood vessels. A hemorrhage may be internal or
external, and usually involves a lot of bleeding in a short time.

Blood Pressure : measure of the force that your heart uses to pump blood around your body.

Blood Pumping Force : the force that blood exerts upon the walls of the blood vessels or
chambers of the heart.

Erythropoietin : a hormone secreted by the kidneys that increases the rate of production of red
blood cells in response to falling levels of oxygen in the tissues.

Hemoglobin : Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen to your body's
organs and tissues and transports carbon dioxide from your organs and tissues back to your

Right Atrium : one of the four chambers of the heart. The right atrium receives blood low in
oxygen from the body and then empties the blood into the right ventricle.

Circumflex Artery : The circumflex artery is one of two branches of your left main coronary
artery. It delivers oxygenated blood to the back and side of your heart's left pumping chambers.

Coronary Arteries : Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. Like all other tissues in
the body, the heart muscle needs oxygen-rich blood to function. Also, oxygen-depleted blood
must be carried away. The coronary arteries wrap around the outside of the heart.

Right Coronary Artery : The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right ventricle, the right
atrium, and the SA (sinoatrial) and AV (atrioventricular) nodes, which regulate the heart rhythm.

Interventricular Septum : The interventricular septum, also known as the ventricular septum,
refers to the triangular wall of cardiac tissue that separates the left and right ventricles (i.e., the
lower chambers) of the heart.

Aortic Valve : The aortic valve controls the flow of blood out from the heart to the rest of the

Left Ventricle : one of the four chambers of the heart. The left ventricle pumps blood full of
oxygen out to the body.

Right Ventricle : one of the four chambers of the heart. The right ventricle pumps blood low in
oxygen to the lungs. In the lungs, the blood then gets a "refill" of oxygen.

Left Coronary Artery : The left main coronary artery supplies blood to the left side of the heart
muscle (the left ventricle and left atrium).

Left Anterior Descending Artery : The left anterior descending artery (LAD) is the largest
coronary artery runs anterior to the interventricular septum in the anterior interventricular
groove, extending from the base of the heart to the apex.
Aorta : The aorta is the largest artery of the body and carries blood from the heart to the
circulatory system. It has several sections: The Aortic Root, the transition point where blood first
exits the heart, functions as the water main of the body.

Superior & Inferior Vena Cava : The superior vena cava carries blood from the head, neck,
arms, and chest. The inferior vena cava carries blood from the legs, feet, and organs in the
abdomen and pelvis. The vena cava is the largest vein in the body.

Pulmonary Artery : The pulmonary arteries function to transport deoxygenated blood from the
right side of the heart to the lungs for oxygenation. These vessels serve as the conduit between
the right side of the heart and the lungs.

Sinoatrial Node : The SA (sinoatrial) node generates an electrical signal that causes the upper
heart chambers (atria) to contract. The signal then passes through the AV (atrioventricular) node
to the lower heart chambers (ventricles), causing them to contract, or pump. The SA node is
considered the pacemaker of the heart.

Atrioventricular Node : The atrioventricular node (AVN) is a complex structure that performs a
variety of functions in the heart. The AVN is primarily an electrical gatekeeper between the atria
and ventricles and introduces a delay between atrial and ventricular excitation, allowing for
efficient ventricular filling.

Purkinje Fibers : Purkinje fibers are networks of fibers that receive conductive signals originating
at the atrioventricular node (AVN), and simultaneously activate the left and right ventricles by
directly stimulating the ventricular myocardium.

Pericardium : The pericardium is a membrane, or sac, that surrounds your heart. It holds the
heart in place and helps it work properly

Fibrous Pericardium : Fibrous pericardium: This is the tough, outermost layer of your
pericardium. It's made of connective tissue that prevents your heart from expanding too much. It
attaches to your great vessels (at the top of your heart) and to the central tendon of your
diaphragm (at the bottom of your heart).

Myocardium : The muscles of the heart, termed the myocardium, make up the middle and
thickest layer of the heart wall.

Endocardium : the thin, smooth membrane which lines the inside of the chambers of the heart
and forms the surface of the valves.

Epicardium : The epicardium, or the innermost layer of the pericardium, is the outermost layer of
the heart itself. It is composed of mesothelial cells, fat, and connective tissue. It is adjacent to
the myocardium, the middle muscular layer.

Myocyte : A myocyte (also known as a muscle cell) is the type of cell found in some types of
muscle tissue. Myocytes develop from myoblasts to form muscles in a process known as
myogenesis. There are two specialized forms of myocytes with distinct properties: cardiac, and
smooth muscle cells.
Systole : the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the
chambers into the arteries.
Benefits :

Stem cells differentiation into red blood cells is increased

Stem cells are committed into becoming red blood cells

Increased stem cell production in the bone marrow

Red Bone Marrow production of red blood cells is massively increased

stem cells apoptosis is reduced

Kidneys signaling to create more red blood cells is enhanced

Bone marrow production of red blood cells is increased by over 10 times

Blood storage is increased and enhanced

The amount of blood that your body can safely hold is continuously increased

The quality of your blood continuously becomes higher

Blood release during hemorrhage is massively enhanced and accelerated to maintain

systematic circulating volume

Release of Hormones that regulate blood pressure is increased during any case of blood
pressure problems

The Control of red blood cells production is enhanced to maximize the production

The Blood filtration is enhanced

Blood Pumping force is greatly increased whenever blood pressure becomes low

Erythropoietin secretion by the kidney is enhanced to keep the red blood cells production
increasing and ongoing

Massive increase in amounts of hemoglobin

Hemoglobin capable of carrying huge amounts of oxygen

Right atrium is capable of receiving more deoxygenated blood from the systemic circuit
Circumflex artery supply of blood to the outer side and back side of the heart is increased and

Coronary arteries blood supply to the heart is enhanced and increased

Right coronary artery blood supply to the right side of the heart and the interventricular septum
is enhanced and increased

Aortic valve always maintains its function at not letting the blood go back into the heart in
between heart beats

(aortic valve opens when the left ventricle squeezes to pump out blood)

Left ventricular contraction forces more oxygenated blood through the aortic valve to be
distributed throughout the body more efficiently

Right ventricle pumps out deoxygenated blood into the lungs more efficiently

The Left coronary artery blood supply to the heart is increased and enhanced

The Left anterior descending artery blood supply to the front of the left side of the heart is
increased and enhanced

The Aorta’s distribution of oxygenated blood to all body parts through system circulation is
massively increased and enhanced

Superior and inferior vena cava empty deoxygenated blood into the right atrium more efficiently

Right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs by the pulmonary artery more efficiently

Pulmonary artery transports deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs more

Lungs reload the blood with massive amounts of oxygen at a faster rate

Arteries’ carriage of oxygen rich blood to the body is massively enhanced

Veins’ carriage of oxygen back to the heart is massively enhanced

Exchange of oxygen rich and oxygen poor blood in the capillaries is massively enhanced
allowing us to hold on to way more oxygenated blood

Sinoatrial node’s function is massively enhanced to keep the heart beating

Atrioventricular node’s function is massively enhanced to keep the heart parts related

Atrioventricular node sends impulses to Purkinje fibers faster, more rapidly and enhanced
impulses to strengthen the function of the fibers

Purkinje fibers make the heart ventricles pump out blood in higher amounts, more efficiently

Pericardium becomes more efficient at protecting the heart from infections and prevents
excessive dilation in cases of acute volume overload

Pericardium becomes more efficient at setting the heart in mediastinum, lubricating it and
limiting its motion

Fibrous Pericardium becomes more efficient at protecting the heart against blunt forces and
sudden pressure change from the outside

Myocardium facilitates the contraction and relaxation of the heart walls more efficiently so that
the heart can receive and pump out more blood into the systemic circulation

Endocardium becomes more protective to the valves and heart chambers

Epicardium becomes more efficient in protecting the heart, producing factors that help the
cardiac cells properly develop, and ensuring proper response to cardiac cell injury

Force of myocyte contraction is massively increased to make the heart push more blood out and
increase the stroke volume

Passive stretching of the heart muscles is increased to contract the ventricles with more force
and pump out more blood

Amount of blood in the ventricles immediately before systole is massively increased

Whenever the heart muscles inevitably grow to make the heart stronger, the rest of the heart will
proportionately grow with it. This means that ironically enough you cannot get enlarged heart
disease, as it isn't just a single portion that grows anymore, it now grows in scale entirely.
Therefore it cannot grow too big to the point where it cannot function properly anymore. This
way it will always be able to contract

(know that your heart is going to grow muscle wise anyways if you do any form of cardio
vascular training at all for prolonged periods of time. However normally it only grows certain
parts, the problem appears when said parts become so large in comparison to the rest of the
heart that the heart cannot contract properly or at some point contract at all, this mostly occurs
in the left or right atrium, or in the ventricles. By making everything else grow with them
proportionately when this growth occurs, neither of the before mentioned parts can become
overgrown compared to the rest of the heart anymore since everything is equally as grown.
Therefore contraction will continue as normal)

Contraction support is offered energetically if for some reason the heart fails to contract properly

Energetic life support (energy would take over the beating of your heart if it were to stop

Heart is always able to contract properly

The heart’s ability to contract efficiently is enhanced

Heart is kept healthy and in prime condition

Stomach :
Explanations :

Digestive Juices : Digestive juices contain enzymes—substances that speed up chemical

reactions in the body—that break food down into different nutrients.

Stomach Enzymes : Digestive enzymes are a group of enzymes that break down polymeric
macromolecules into their smaller building blocks, in order to facilitate their absorption into the
cells of the body.

Hydrochloric Acid : Hydrochloric acid, also known as muriatic acid, is an aqueous solution of
hydrogen chloride. It is a colorless solution with a distinctive pungent smell. It is classified as a
strong acid. It is a component of the gastric acid in the digestive systems of most animal
species, including humans.

Gastric Acid : Gastric acid, gastric juice, or stomach acid is a digestive fluid formed within the
stomach lining. With a pH between 1 and 3, gastric acid plays a key role in digestion of proteins
by activating digestive enzymes, which together break down the long chains of amino acids of
Mucus Protective Wall : In the stomach several mucosal defence mechanisms protect the
stomach against hydrochloric acid and noxious agents. The pre-epithelial protection is made up
by the mucus-bicarbonate barrier. Mucus and bicarbonate, secreted by mucus cells, create a pH
gradient maintaining the epithelial cell surface at near neutral pH

Benefits :

Massively increased food absorption

Stomach is capable of dissolving anything but our flesh and bones

Stomach is capable of deriving nutrients from stuff humans don’t normally eat

The Digestive Juices break down food more efficiently into smaller molecules

The Stomach Enzymes that break down protein become more efficient at doing it

The potency of the Hydrochloric acid and Gastric acid components is increased to the point
where it can dissolve anything
The potency of the mucus protective wall that covers the stomach area is massively increased

It's impossible for gastric acid to leave the stomach

Liver :

Explanations :

Cellular Mitochondria : Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion,

singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical

Acetaldehyde : When you drink alcohol, your body breaks it down into a chemical called
acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde damages your DNA and prevents your body from repairing the
damage. DNA is the cell's “instruction manual” that controls a cell's normal growth and function.

Bile : Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

Glycogen : a substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates. It is a

polysaccharide which forms glucose on hydrolysis.

Protein Synthesis : Protein synthesis is the creation of proteins by cells that uses DNA, RNA,
and various enzymes.
Glucose : a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms and is a
component of many carbohydrates.

Glycerol : Glycerol is a precursor for synthesis of triacylglycerols and of phospholipids in the

liver and adipose tissue. When the body uses stored fat as a source of energy, glycerol and fatty
acids are released into the bloodstream. Glycerol is mainly metabolized in the liver.

Hypoglycemia : A low blood sugar level, also called hypoglycaemia or a "hypo", is where the
level of sugar (glucose) in your blood drops too low.

Hyperglycemia : High blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) is where the level of sugar in your blood is
too high.

Ammonia : Ammonia is also produced in the human body and is commonly found in nature. It is
essential in the body as a building block for making proteins and other complex molecules.

Immune Factors : The immune factors are a sort of small molecule polypeptide which mainly
secretes the biological activity immunocyte, such as transfer factor, distinguishing factor and so
on. Immune factors mainly make regulatory roles in the immune recognition and immune

Bilirubin : Bilirubin is a red-orange compound that occurs in the normal catabolic pathway that
breaks down heme in vertebrates. This catabolism is a necessary process in the body's
clearance of waste products that arise from the destruction of aged or abnormal red blood cells.

Prothrombin : a protein present in blood plasma which is converted into active thrombin during

Fibrinogen : a soluble protein present in blood plasma, from which fibrin is produced by the
action of the enzyme thrombin.

Clotting Factors : Clotting factors are substances in the blood that help stop bleeding when a
blood vessel is damaged.

Ketoacids : Ketones and keto acids are alternative fuels for the body that are made when
glucose is in short supply.

Kupffer cells : Kupffer cells are resident liver macrophages and play a critical role in maintaining
liver functions. Under physiological conditions, they are the first innate immune cells and protect
the liver from bacterial infections.

Pathogens : a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.

Immune Complexes : An immune complex, sometimes called an antigen-antibody complex or
antigen-bound antibody, is a molecule formed from the binding of multiple antigens to

Liposomes : Liposomes are small artificial vesicles of spherical shape that can be created from
cholesterol and natural non-toxic phospholipids.

Endotoxins : a toxin present inside a bacterial cell that is released when it disintegrates.

Phospholipids : a lipid containing a phosphate group in its molecule.

Albumin : Albumin helps move many small molecules through the blood, including bilirubin,
calcium, progesterone, and medicines. It plays an important role in keeping the fluid in the blood
from leaking into the tissues.

Cytokines : Cytokines are a broad and loose category of small proteins important in cell
signaling. Cytokines are peptides and cannot cross the lipid bilayer of cells to enter the
cytoplasm. Cytokines have been shown to be involved in autocrine, paracrine and endocrine
signaling as immunomodulating agents.

Eicosanoids : Eicosanoids are signaling molecules made by the enzymatic or non-enzymatic

oxidation of arachidonic acid or other polyunsaturated fatty acids that are, similar to arachidonic
acid, around 20 carbon units in length.

TGF-Alpha : TGF-α is a transforming growth factor that is a ligand for the epidermal growth
factor receptor, which activates a signaling pathway for cell proliferation, differentiation and
development. This protein may act as either a transmembrane-bound ligand or a soluble ligand.

EGF : EGF is one of the most important growth factor proteins in our skin and plays a vital role
in the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to maintain skin's healthy, dense, and
youthful appearance.

HGF : Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a pleiotropic cytokine that promotes cell proliferation,
motility, survival, and morphogenesis, and enhances cell growth for tissue regeneration.

Insulin : a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the
amount of glucose in the blood.

Glucagon : Glucagon is a peptide hormone, produced by alpha cells of the pancreas. It raises
concentration of glucose and fatty acids in the bloodstream, and is considered to be the main
catabolic hormone of the body.
Parathyroid Hormone : Parathyroid hormone, also called parathormone or parathyrin, is a
peptide hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands that regulates the serum calcium
concentration through its effects on bone, kidney, and intestine.

ATP : Adenosine triphosphate is an organic compound that provides energy to drive many
processes in living cells, such as muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, condensate
dissolution, and chemical synthesis.

Benefits :

The Cellular Mitochondria becomes completely undamaged by acetaldehyde

Nutrients’ storage becomes way bigger whilst also massively increasing the positive efficiency of
each stored nutrient

Toxic and harmful drugs become entirely harmless in your body whilst still getting the positive
tripping effects from it: example take cocaine and not get addicted, no chance at overdosing

The Removal of toxic byproducts is massively optimised to leave no toxic effects on the body
Nutrients break down for energy is massively enhanced to give you insanely high amounts of
energy that stacks up to make you have enough energy for multiple days and even weeks.

bile production is optimised to enhance the absorption of good fats

Complete removal of harmful toxins and immunity against harmful combating infections

Glycogen and Vitamins storages are massively increased

Fats breakdown by the liver is enhanced to produce massive amounts of energy

Protein synthesis is insanely accelerated, enhanced, increased to make use of every single bit
of protein

Hormones regulation and manufacturing are massively enhanced

red blood cells decomposition is optimised

metabolism is increased

Deamination of amino acids becomes 100x more efficient

Plasma proteins production is massively increased

Iron storages are increased massively

Glucose release or removal in the blood is massively optimized to stabilize blood sugar levels in
cases of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia

During glycogen shortages, glycerol and amino acids transformation to glucose is massively
enhanced to the point where it’s impossible to run out of glycogen

Alcohol metabolism has no negative effects on the liver (complete immunity against broken
down toxins; hydrogen and acetaldehyde)

Blood levels of amino acids are massively upregulated

Enzymes activation becomes 100x more efficient

Blood becomes completely detoxified and purified

Excess glucose is completely transformed into glycogen for storage

Stored glycogen can be reversed into glucose when needed for energy

Glucose Storages are massively enhanced

Hemoglobin processing is massively enhanced to maximise the oxygen delivery throughout the

Poisonous ammonia is instantly converted into urea

Massively increased production of immune factors to resist harmful infections and entirely
remove harmful bacterias

Normal healthy levels of bilirubin

blood storage is increased and enhanced

Prothrombin, fibrinogen and clotting factors synthesis is massively enhanced to properly help
your blood clot in response to an injury at the injured spot

Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D storage time increased from months to years whilst still avoiding
vitamin poisoning

Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D storages are increased whilst still avoiding vitamin poisoning

Vitamin A, E, K storages are increased whilst still avoiding vitamin poisoning

The release of Iron stored as ferritin when needed for red blood cells production is enhanced
and increased

Keto Acids production is increased to be used as more energy for liver cells and in fatty acid

Vitamin D becomes entirely activated and way more efficient

T4 to T3 conversion is enhanced to increase the metabolism

Natural Testosterone production is drastically enhanced via biosynthesis of cholesterol

Antigen presentation is massively enhanced to ensure adaptive immune responses are initiated
to invading microorganisms

Phagocytosis by Kupffer cells is massively enhanced to engulf pathogens, immune complexes,

liposomes, lipid microspheres, tumor cells, endotoxins, and various other particles
The Entire process of toxins inactivation is massively enhanced and accelerated (Phase 1 :
Oxidation, Reduction, Hydrolin / Phase 2 : Conjugation, Cytochrome P450 System)

Blood release during hemorrhage is massively optimized, enhanced, accelerated to maintain

systematic circulating volume

Kupffer cells entirely remove harmful bacteria and foreign particles

Kupffer cells’ destruction of the intestinal bacteria and prevention of infections is massively
enhanced to prevent any harmful bacteria or infection from affecting the body

Hydrolyzation of the triglycerides in the liver to glycerol and free fatty acids which then turn to
more ATP (energy) is massively enhanced and accelerated

Hydrolyzation of the triglycerides in the liver to glycerol and free fatty acids to release into the
bloodstream as lipoproteins is optimized

Cholesterol synthesis is massively enhanced and optimized

Phospholipids synthesis is massively enhanced and optimized

Hepatic production of bile salts, testosterone

Serum enzymes and amino acids synthesis is drastically increased (Aspartate,

Aminotransferase, Alanine Aminotransferase, Lactate Dehydrogenase, Alkaline Phosphatase)

Fats synthesis is massively optimized, increased and enhanced

Insoluble lipids instantly get converted to soluble forms

Liver modification of GH’s function is massively optimized and enhanced to boost GH’s effects

Ketone bodies synthesis becomes 100x more efficient with a massive enhancement

Albumin production is massively enhanced

Enzymes detoxification is entirely optimized and accelerated

Cytokines and eicosanoids secretion by endothelial cells is massively enhanced and optimized

Harmful xenobiotics are entirely detoxified in the body

Anabolism is drastically enhanced

Liver regeneration is massively accelerated at supernatural speeds (this is done by having the
TGF-Alpha, EGF, HGF peptides bind to their receptors on hepatocytes and through myriad
transcription factor, gene transcription will be accelerated which will lead to an insanely rapid
liver regeneration and increase in cell numbers

Nutrients storages are drastically increased

Nutrients conversion into usable substances is increased to support the cells when needed

Toxic substances procession, storage, alteration and detoxification is massively enhanced to

rapidly release them out of the body leaving no side effects

Blood glucose remains constant

Amino acids break down into energy by the liver is massively enhanced to have more energy

Liver cells conversion of ammonia to urea (which is less toxic) is enhanced

Levels of ammonia in the blood always stay in a healthy range during any type of liver damage

Bleeding remains prevented by the increase of clotting factors

Albumin production is increased to prevent excess fluid from leaking into surrounding tissues

Massively and optimally increased Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2 absorption

Naturally produce optimally high amounts of Vitamin K2 MK-4

Ammonia synthesis is increased

Removal of harmful drugs from the body is at an accelerated rate

Body fluids balance is increased when needed

Hormones that regulate blood pressure release is increased during any case of blood pressure

Active form of Vitamin D that promotes strong and healthy bones production is massive
increased, whilst avoiding vitamin poisoning

Control of red blood cells production is enhanced to maximize the production

pH regulation is optimized to maintain a healthy and stable pH

Excretion of wastes and toxins is massively enhanced and accelerated the time it would take

Blood filtration is enhanced

Maintain electrolytes and water content of the body constant

Elimination of waste products of metabolism is enhanced and accelerated

Degradation of polypeptide hormones like insulin, glucagon, parathyroid hormone is enhanced

Synthesis of substances that affect renal blood flow and Na+ excretion is enhanced

Increase in the amounts of minerals whilst maintaining the balance

Kidney becomes immune to Mitochondrial dysfunction

Kidney remains undamaged by poor blood flow

Kidneys can withstand a high total amount of toxins

Kidney becomes completely immune to any damage done by harmful toxins

Kidney becomes immune to any harmful internal gut toxins

Kidney becomes immune to any external harmful chemicals

Kidney’s ability to excrete drugs is massively enhanced, to the point that the drug or
metabolite become water soluble instantly

Kidneys functions do not decline with age and rather get better

Kidneys can withstand any amounts of drugs and medications

Extracellular fluid maintenance of a stable composition of salts, potassium, sodium and a stable
pH is enhanced

Renin amount remains in healthy levels and increases only when needed during lower blood

Erythropoietin secretion by the kidney is enhanced to keep the red blood cells production
increasing and ongoing

Activated form of Vitamin D in the kidney becomes massively efficient at helping calcium
absorption, enhancing bone structure, enhancing muscle growth and function
Active toxin excretion pathway’s capacity becomes unlimited thus allowing the kidneys to get rid
of huge amounts of harmful toxins rapidly

Body’s ATP levels and production are massively increase for a constant release of energy so
that kidneys can pump out toxins out of the body

Kidney’s mitochondria are working well at all times and remain unaffected by any harmful

ATP Levels and production remain massively increased to maximize all body functions

Intestines :
Explanations :

Enzymatic Digestion : the act or process in living organisms of breaking down ingested food
material into easily absorbed and assimilated substances by the action of enzymes and other

Intestinal Cells : Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) line the surface of intestinal epithelium, where
they play important roles in the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and protection of the
human body from microbial infections, and others.

Bacteria Fermentation : Bacterial fermentation is a set of anaerobic catabolic reactions that

produce ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation. Fermentation is a process that is carried out in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes and is considered to be the oldest of the metabolic pathways. The
term 'anaerobic' means without oxygen.

Microvilli Cells : Microvilli are finger-like membrane protrusions, supported by the actin
cytoskeleton, and found on almost all cell types. A growing body of evidence suggests that the
dynamic lymphocyte microvilli, with their highly curved membranes, play an important role in
signal transduction leading to immune responses.

Benefits :

Enzymatic digestion of ingested nutrients is enhanced to accelerate the absorption of nutrients

Absorption of water, electrolytes, products of nutrients digestion is enhanced to maximize the
efficiency of in body functions

Secretion of mucus and digestive juices is enhanced to optimize and safely accelerate digestion
whilst also absorbing all nutrients

Exclusion of indigestible material and its delivery into the colon is enhanced to assure the
correct consumption of nutrients

Intestinal cells absorption of building blocks with vitamins, salts and water then the entrance of
the nutrients to the bloodstream to be carried to the rest of the body is enhanced

The function of Bacterias in large intestine of breaking down protein in the food to produce
protein amino acids and making vitamin B and K is enhanced whilst also avoiding vitamin

Reabsorption of mineral ions is enhanced

Bacterial fermentation of indigestible materials is enhanced

Increase intestinal CA++ Absorption

Limit CA++ excretion

Microvilli cells absorption of nutrients is enhanced

Small intestine walls absorb massively increased amounts of food broken down nutrients

Bigger hands

Stronger hands

Longer fingers

Thicker fingers

Have sharp fingernails

Stronger and thicker phalanx bones

Increased grip strength

Increased grabbing strength

Increased holding strength

Increased pinching strength

Increased squeezing strength

When you grip or hold something or someone said thing or person cannot escape your grasp
until you let it

Increased force in opening and closing of the hand

Increased pulling strength

Hand looks more masculine and dominant

Severely more vascular hand

Hand is more efficiently turned into a fist

Harder knuckles, knuckles of steel

When fighting your fist automatically lands where you wanted it to land (aim assist)

Have more control over where you want to hit

Have more control over your hand in general

Ability to catch anything

Punching power is severely enhanced

More appealing hands

Hands will protect you automatically (break your falls, catch things, reflect things, block incoming
hits) etc
Healing of any issues with the hands (arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dupuytren’s Disease)

In general keeping the hands in healthy and prime condition

Increased ability to lift things against gravity

Hands are enchanted to do more damage when you punch someone

Hands are energetically strengthened

Hands have a layer of energy that knocks someone out if they come into contact with your fist


Have a monstrously sized cock

Penis gets substantially bigger everyday

Have a massive penis that is constantly growing in length and girth

Genetic predisposition to have a gigantic penis

Have an extremely long penis

Have an extremely thick penis

Penis gets extremely large in physical dimensions

Have a penis that is larger then every male pornstar combined

Healthy penis

Get rid of any penile bumps and extreme penile curvatures

Huge increase in testosterone

Body can continuously increase natural testosterone production without shutting down
testosterone production

continuous increase in natural testosterone production

Severe Increase in free and total testosterone

The limit of testosterone the body can handle is severely heightened

Severely grow corpus cavernosa

Severely grow corpus spongiosum

Severely increased Krt33b mRNA

Optimal increase of PDGF

Upregulated IGF, HGH, and Androgen receptors in penis

Massively increased amount of ar transcription factor molecules in penis

Massively increased size of balls

Severely increased 5AR Type 2

Severely increased hypersensitive mTOR

Prenatal High amounts of dht exposure

nitric oxide synthase activity in penile tissue upregulated

low cortisol and serotonin

Huge amounts of nitric oxide in the penile tissue

Severe dilation of the corpora cavernosa of the penis

Optimally flexible tunica

Fat Pad disappears to reveal as much of your penis as possible

wider blood vessels in penis which are free of plaque

Extremely high stem cell differentiation for increased penis growth

Have a very vascular penis

Extremely high blood flow through the cavernosal arteries

New blood vessels are constantly being formed in your penis

complete immunity to any form of Erectile Dysfunction

cure erectile dysfunction on a physiological and mental level

completely immunity to any form of premature ejaculation

cure premature ejaculation on a physiological and mental level

Ability to control when you ejaculate

Ability to hold ejaculation indefinitely if so desired

Unlimited sexual stamina

Penis safely has constant and hyper rapid cell division and growth (safe and no cancer)

Optimally less sensitive 5HT1A receptor and lower binding affinity for the receptor

Penis is totally free of oxidative stress

Massive penis while flaccid and erect

Penis physically too big

Penile glans gets thicker

Penile glans gets bigger

Have a huge penis head

Females love your huge penis

Females are totally obsessed with the huge size of your dick

Females get heavily addicted to your dick

G spot seeker (penis always hits a girls g spot no matter how you thrust or in what position with
what sort of curvature you have it will always hit her g spot CONTINUOUSLY as long as your dick
is in her it will never miss the g spot since it will look for and automatically aim for it and guide
you to it, like how a heat seeking missile always hits its target)

Have the best dick

pelvic, hypogastric, and pudendal nerves seeker (ability to continuously hit the most possible
amount of nerve endings within a girl’s vagina with every stroke, it will touch all her nerve
endings all the time)
A girl’s pelvic, hypogastric, and pudendal nerves are stimulated with extreme pleasure when in
contact with the listener’s cock

The listener’s cock is able to utterly hypnotize any girl and turn them into a nympho for their
personal use

The listener’s cock has heavy addictive properties, any female that sees, feels, tastes, or smells
it is immediately hypnotized by it and enslaved

Extremely dilated penile blood vessels

Maintain strong and high blood flow even with the dilation

Severely increased penile blood flow (seen as a priority)

Always achieve erections harder than your previous hardest erection (continuously get a harder
dick overtime)

Penis when erect is only comparable to the hardest of metals in existence

The penis get’s over engorged when it becomes erect

Penis gets ridiculously hard when erect

Able to reach 200% hard erections (double your normal size and girth)

Increased erection quality

Increased penile vascularisation

Have multiple penile dorsal veins

The listener’s penis appears larger from every angle

The listener’s penis appears utterly huge in dick pics

Listener’s cock makes women orgasm nonstop

Bigger visible bulge in underwear or pants

Bigger dick print

Supernatural strength:

Supernatural strength (these are things BESIDES the already implemented biological changes)

Have higher levels of superhuman strength

Body is energetically enhanced to receive levels of abnormal strength

Body has several form of energy enchantments that enhance your now already supernatural

Physical strength multiplies daily

Have a severely higher amount of life force (this not only makes you severely more powerful
physically but also more healthy in general)

Life force gets generated more quickly and efficiently

Be able to progress through physical training at superhuman rates

Ability to punch things with a supernatural amount of force

Ability to generate physical force at will

Physical limiter removed

Power limiter removed

Physical power is excelled to unknown heights

Your overwhelming physical force is a power that keeps growing constantly

Easily use your strength to work against gravity (lift things up against gravity without effort, for it
cannot hold you. Be able to move objects in any direction without any form of effort)

Carrying power is continuously severely increased

Lifting power is continuously severely increased

thrusting power is continuously severely increased

Kicking power is continuously severely increased

Have power way beyond the human species

Supernatural strength (these are things BESIDES the already implemented biological changes)

Have levels of superhuman strength

Body is energetically enhanced to receive levels of abnormal strength

Body has several form of energy enchantments that enhance your now already supernatural

Physical strength multiplies daily

Have a severely higher amount of life force (this not only makes you severely more powerful
physically but also more healthy in general)

Life force gets generated more quickly and efficiently

Be able to progress through physical training at superhuman rates

Ability to punch things with a supernatural amount of force

Ability to generate physical force at will

Physical limiter removed

Power limiter removed

Physical power is excelled to unknown heights

Your overwhelming physical force is a power that keeps growing constantly

Easily use your strength to work against gravity (lift things up against gravity without effort, for it
cannot hold you. Be able to move objects in any direction without any form of effort)

Carrying power is continuously severely increased

Lifting power is continuously severely increased

thrusting power is continuously severely increased

Kicking power is continuously severely increased

Have power way beyond the human species

General good luck and fortunes:

Life becomes continuously easier

Everything goes your way

Receive massive luck

Receive massive wealth

Receive massive strength

Receive continues good news

Ability to climb up the ranks faster and more efficiently

Nothing is able to stop you

Have your goals clearly in mind

Feet :

Benefits :

Feet capable of bearing entire body weight no matter how high said body weight is

Right rearfoot is massively strengthened to handle body weight

Forefoot has a massively increased force output to run faster

Midfoot has a massively increased force output to run faster

Heel has a massively increased force output to run faster

Feet size is bigger to increase feet ability to handle any amounts of weights

Feet can handle any amount of weights

Stamina :
Explanations :

VO2max : the maximum or optimum rate at which the heart, lungs, and muscles can effectively
use oxygen during exercise, used as a way of measuring a person's individual aerobic capacity.

Aerobic Metabolism : During aerobic metabolism, your body creates energy through the
combustion of carbohydrates, amino acids, and fats in the presence of oxygen. Combustion
means burning, which is why this is called burning sugars, fats, and proteins for energy.

Lactate Threshold : The lactate threshold is the point at which, during incremental exercise,
lactate builds up in the blood stream at a level that is higher than resting values. The lactate
threshold is a good predictor of submaximal fitness (e.g. what exercise pace can maintained
over a prolonged period of time without fatigue).

Cardiorespiratory : The cardiorespiratory system consists of the heart and blood vessels, which
work with the respiratory system (the lungs and airways). These body systems carry oxygen to
the muscles and organs of the body, and remove waste products, including carbon dioxide.
Lactic Acid Buildup : Lactic Acid Buildup Causes Muscle Fatigue and Soreness.

Lactate Clearance : The purpose of the lactate clearance tempo is to spike lactic acid
production with the faster miles and then train your body to efficiently process the lactate while
still running

Aerobic Threshold : your aerobic threshold (AT) is a steady-state effort that you could perform
for hours. If you're working out in an aerobic range, your breathing will be light, and you should
feel like you can keep moving for hours.

Anaerobic Threshold : The anaerobic threshold is the highest exercise intensity that you can
sustain for a prolonged period without lactate substantially building up in your blood.

MCT-4 : MCT4 is a member of the SLC16 family of solute transporters and functions as a
proton-coupled lactate transporter (9). MCT4 is primarily expressed in glycolytic cells including
fast twitch muscle, neural retina and activated macrophages where it facilitates the efflux of

MCT-1: Transport can be stimulated by a pH gradient (low to high). The predominant role of
MCT1 is to facilitate the unidirectional proton-linked transport of monocarboxylates across the
plasma membrane.
Glycolytic Fibers : Glycolytic fibers primarily create ATP through anaerobic glycolysis, which
produces less ATP per cycle. As a result, glycolytic fibers fatigue at a quicker rate. Slow
oxidative fibers have structural elements that maximize their ability to generate ATP through
aerobic metabolism.

Benefits :

Aerobic metabolism providing for energy and fat burning duration is massively increased to
enhance endurance
VO2max is massively increased to enhance endurance

Massive increase of your lactate threshold which will give you inhumane endurance

Ability of the Cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to the exercising muscle is massively
increased to maximise VO2

Lactic acid accumulation is completely inhibited to allow the muscles to keep performing without
getting tired

Fat oxidation is enhanced to provide energy for the contracting muscles

Mitochondrial enzymes activity is massively increased to utilise fats which results in a massively
improved endurance

Massive increase in mitochondria to produce more ATP and Energy

Oxygen usage during exercise is increased which allows you to produce more energy and atp in
your cells to last hours without fatigue
Lactate clearance is massively increased

Aerobic threshold is massively increased to allow you to train at a higher intensity without
lactate build up (Massive endurance)

Anaerobic threshold is massively increased to increase endurance massively

MCT-4 Amounts in fast twitch muscle fibers are massively increased to transport lactate away
from the fibers

Massive increase of MCT-1 in slow twitch muscle fibers to take lactate inside the fibers

mLDH function of converting lactate into pyruvate in the mitochondria is massively enhanced
(then is synthesised into ATP for energy)

Glycolytic fibers machinery is massively improved

Upregulation of glycolytic enzymes

Massive increase in endurance to perform for hours

Stamina allows you to maintain top performance for hours at a high intensity

Stamina allows you to maintain your top speed and strength without feeling tired for hours

Regen :
Explanations :

Cardiomyocytes : a cardiomyocyte is the cell responsible for the contraction of the heart –
utilizing an intricate network of contractile proteins and ion transporters for this work – with the
main purpose of effectively executing the contraction-relaxation cycle.

Cardiomyocytes Necrosis : Necrotic death of cardiac myocytes is a major contributor to heart

failure associated with several cardiac pathologies such as ischemia and reperfusion injury.

Macrophages : A type of white blood cell that surrounds and kills microorganisms, removes
dead cells, and stimulates the action of other immune system cells.

Hepatocytes : The hepatocyte is an important cell type in parenchymal tissues of the liver and
involves in many liver functions, such as detoxification, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid
metabolism, secretion of albumin, clotting factors, and complements.
Hepatocytes Proliferation : Hepatocyte proliferation is the principal mechanism for generating
new hepatocytes in liver homeostasis and regeneration.

Epithelial Cells : Epithelial cells are a type of cell that covers the inside and outside of the
surfaces of your body. They are found on your skin, blood vessels, and organs, including your
urinary tract. Epithelial tissues are widespread throughout the body. They form the covering of
all body surfaces, line body cavities and hollow organs, and are the major tissue in glands. They
perform a variety of functions that include protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, filtration,
diffusion, and sensory reception.

Stem Cells : Stem cells are the body's raw materials — cells from which all other cells with
specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem
cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.

Progenitor Cells : Progenitor cells are descendants of stem cells that then further differentiate to
create specialized cell types. There are many types of progenitor cells throughout the human
body. Each progenitor cell is only capable of differentiating into cells that belong to the same
tissue or organ.

Mature Cells : a mature cell is a cell that has differentiated, which means it has acquired a
specific rather than a generalized function. In developmental biology, cell differentiation is the
normal process by which a less specialized cell develops or matures to possess a more distinct
form and function.

AT2 Cells : AT2 cells are smaller, cuboidal cells that are best known for their functions in
synthesizing and secreting pulmonary surfactant. In addition, AT2 cells serve as alveolar stem
cells and can differentiate into AT1 cells during alveolar homeostasis and post injury repair
AT1 Cells : AT1 cells are large squamous cells that cover 95% of the alveolar surface area and
form the epithelial component of the thin air–blood barrier. At the late embryonic stage, both AT1
and AT2 cells differentiate from alveolar progenitor cells and form distal epithelial saccules

Vasoconstriction : Vasoconstriction is the narrowing (constriction) of blood vessels by small

muscles in their walls. When blood vessels constrict, blood flow is slowed or blocked.
Vasoconstriction may be slight or severe. It may result from disease, drugs, or psychological

Proteoglycan : a compound consisting of a protein bonded to mucopolysaccharide groups,

present especially in connective tissue.

Benefits :

Heart :

Cardiomyocytes life expectancy is increased massively

Immunity to cardiomyocytes necrosis

Tissue resident macrophages in the heart induce tissue restoration and function improval at a
faster rate during any damage to the heart

Cardiomyocytes gain the ability to divide and replace dead cells

Cardiomyocytes gain the ability to repair themselves at a massive rate

Cardiomyocytes gain a high capability of proliferation during any damage done to the heart

Tissue resident macrophages in the heart amount is massively increased

Cardiomyocytes cell cycle re entry is activated during any damage done to the heart to allow the
cardiomyocytes to divide and regenerate the heart

Liver :

Unipotency of hepatocytes is massively increased to rapidly regenerate the liver until its normal

Proliferation of hepatocytes is massively enhanced to rapidly and effectively regenerate the liver
until its normal size

Liver rapidly regenerates from an injury

Any part of the liver gets rapidly healed and restored on any level of damage

Liver is completely immune to toxicity damage

Kidneys :

Kidney stem cells become more efficient at regenerating the kidneys at a faster rate

Epithelial cells become more efficient at regenerating the kidneys at a faster rate

Mature cells in the kidneys become more efficient at regenerating the kidneys at a faster rate

Activation of kidney progenitor cells remains safe to avoid unwanted side effects

Kidneys become able to regenerate at a way faster rate

Lungs :

AT2 cells differentiating into AT1 cells is increased to accelerate lungs regeneration

AT2 cells expand in numbers then differentiate into AT1 cells during any damage done to the

Lungs regenerate and heal at a faster rate

General :

Cells divide but maintain their differentiated functions. Then they produce cells similar to
themselves and do not form a mass of undifferentiated tissue.

Remaining cells in the lost limb area reconstruct what was lost of the limb

During any wound, vasoconstriction happens at a faster rate only around the injured area

Clotting factors are released at a faster rate to prevent blood loss during an injury

High amounts of white blood cells and enzymes enter the wounded area to rapidly remove any
bacterias or infections

Granulation tissue and blood vessels formations happen at a way faster rate

Wound contraction and epithelialization happen at a way faster rate

Production of collagen proteins by fibroblasts at the regenerated spot is accelerated massively

to remove the redness or pink in the appearance of the new tissue

Scar tissue formation is completely revamped into making the skin the same way it was pre

Ligaments :

Retraction of disrupted ligament ends is accelerated

Blood clot formation is accelerated then subsequently resorbed and replaced with a heavy
cellular infiltrate
Hypertrophic vascular response between the disrupted ends is accelerated which leads to an
increase in both vascularity and blood flow

Matrix and cellular proliferation is accelerated by hypertrophic fibroblastic cells

Collagen alignment with the long axis of the ligament is perfected rapidly

Increase of collagen fibrils diameters in proliferating tissue to rematch the injured ligament
instead of having a weaker tissue

Ligament is entirely restored at a rapid rate

Ligament is restored without any defects

Ligament is entirely restored to a stronger version of its original form

Removal of differences such as :

removal of Altered proteoglycan and collagen types after ligament recovery

removal of the Failure of collagen crosslinks maturation after ligament recovery

removal of the Persistence of small collagen fibril diameters after ligament recovery

removal of Altered cell connections after ligament recovery

increased vascularity is inhibited after ligament recovery at the recovered spot

removal of Abnormal innervation after ligament recovery

Increased cellularity is inhibited after ligament recovery at the recovered spot

removal of Incomplete resolution of matrix flaws after ligament recovery

Spinal Nerves :

Neuroregeneration is greatly enhanced and promoted during an injury of spinal nerves

Reconnection of damaged neural circuits is greatly enhanced and accelerated during an injury
of spinal nerves
Massive amounts of stem cells sent into the site of the injury to rapidly heal it and regain any
function lost during a spinal nerve injury

Genes :
(all these genes are energetically stripped of any negative effects firstly before they are inserted,
also do note that some of these genes do not exist yet, if there is no specific gene listed and
there are just words listed that means that we ourselves have created said gene through various
forms of energy work)

DEC2 mutation (sleep is worth more per hour example: 6 hours of sleep now is as effective as
10 hours)

DEC2 P384R (immunity to sleep deprivation)

Gln82Tr gene (ultra endurance, never tire)

Hsp70 DXXD mutation (heat resistance)

Frost immunity gene (whilst the actual gene is currently partly unknown and undocumented in
detail and therefore too dangerous to put in here, energy can substitute for it and mimic or
search for the effects these genes would have then implement them without ANY negative
effects, just the positive ones)

Fire immunity gene (total fire immunity, this is a step up from heat resistance and does not exist
yet, therefore we will make it exist)

Monster cock gene (Will make your dick huge, because bigger is better)

Giant gene (I don't mean regular gigantism, actual giants. People much larger than normal)

Poison immunity

Venom immunity (for all the people in australia)

Resilience gene (be more resistant against various forms of damage)

Ligaments & Tendons :
Explanations :

Fibroblasts : A fibroblast is a type of cell that contributes to the formation of connective tissue, a
fibrous cellular material that supports and connects other tissues or organs in the body.
Fibroblasts secrete collagen proteins that help maintain the structural framework of tissues.

Extracellular Matrix : In biology, matrix is the material in between a eukaryotic organism's cells.
The structure of connective tissues is an extracellular matrix.

Type 1 Collagen : Type I collagen is by far the most abundant protein in all vertebrates. It
assembles into fibers that form the structural and mechanical scaffold (matrix) of bone, skin,
tendons, cornea, blood vessel walls and other connective tissues.

Collagen Fibrils : Collagen fibrils are semi-crystalline aggregates of collagen molecules. These
are actually bundles of fibrils. Each of the tissues has a different arrangement of these fibrils to
give it different structure, shape and tensile strength.
Benefits :

Increase in fibroblasts and extracellular matrix

Components of the extracellular matrix synthesis by fibroblasts is massively

strengthened to add insane strength to the tendons and ligaments

Massive increase in collagen fibers in tendons and ligaments

Collagen fibers synthesis by fibroblasts is massively enhanced and strengthened to add insane
strength to the tendons and ligaments

Elastin synthesis by fibroblasts is massively enhanced and strengthened to add insane strength
to the tendons and ligaments

Tendons and ligaments now capable of experiencing large tensile amounts of force without
sustaining injury
Massive increase in Type I Collagen in tendons and ligaments

Increase of collagen fibrils in tendons and ligaments

Increase in diameter of collagen fibrils in tendons and ligaments

Increase in fibrils packing density

Tendons and muscles get stronger at the same rate

Increased blood flow to tendons and ligaments

Tendons become incapable of losing strength

Increased tendons and ligaments recovery

Ligaments strengthening of the joints is massively enhanced

Ligaments stabilization of the bones and muscles is massively enhanced

Ligaments protection of the joints and bones is massively enhanced to avoid any possible

Joints :
Explanations :

Synovial Membrane : A layer of connective tissue that lines the cavities of joints, tendon
sheaths, and bursae
Benefits :

Joints allow the body to move in an even more smooth and swift manner

Joints ability to bear weights is massively increased

Synovial membrane around the joint produces more fluid to maximize the joints functions

Blood flow to the joints is increased to enhance the amounts of oxygen and nutrients arriving to
the synovial membrane
Joint strength is maximized throughout the entire range of motion of any exercise to prevent

Increase of high molar hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid

Size of hyaluronic acid molecules does not decrease overtime which maintains the strength and
joints support

Healthy strong joints

Joints remain completely protected

Joints maintain their strength even as you age older

Presence :
Benefits :

Air literally vibrates in the presence of ur power

Presence embodies prestige and glory

Presence shows an extremely high value

Presence makes people view you as an extremely superior, conqueror and godly leader

Presence is insanely strong to the point people become extremely loyal to you

Aura and presence of a universe conqueror

Presence echoes in any room you enter to show off your power

Dominant aura makes every male in the room submissive to you and never try to compete with

Dominant aura makes every female in the room submissive to you, lust for you and fight for your

Magnetic aura allows you to attract an insane amounts of girls who are willing to be insanely
loyal to you
Presence makes people view the user as a powerful entity

Intense, lustful presence that makes any female wet, attached, begging for your attention and

Sadistic aura lures all females into bed with you

Heavily charismatic presence that charms women into begging for your attention whilst making
men extremely loyal to you

Massively seductive presence that seduces every woman around you with a simple glance

Sinister presence sets fear into every man around you thus forcing them into respecting you and
becoming loyal to you

Presence radiates authority

Presence makes people respect you immensely

Presence makes women know that you're the perfect male for breeding

Presence allows you to befriend anyone with absolute ease

Presence makes people vulnerable and easy to manipulate

People are forced to agree with you

People always obey you

Presence allows you to lead entire armies of soldiers

Presence massively authoritative and convincing to the point people instantly listen to you
Skills :
Benefits :

Manipulation :

Always easily manipulate anyone

Master at manipulation

Never get manipulated by anyone

Easily lie to anyone and have them believe u

Confident body language which allows u to not get caught in lies

Manipulate people into doing whatever u want

Have no problems about manipulating anyone

Have no empathy whilst manipulating someone

Massive charisma in your words

No one can tell your true intents

Ability to use intimidation to manipulate anyone

Superior to everyone else

Fighting :

(note that these are not biological advantages, these are ingrained skills, the biological
advantages for combat take place in multiple areas of enhancing your physique)

Easily fight and destroy multiple people at the same time

Master at fighting
Never flinch during any fight

Impossible to miss a punch or a kick

Ability to unconsciously go for a vital punch or kick to destroy opponent

Instantly knock anyone out during a fight

Easily paralyse anyone during a fight

Presence alone in a fight terrifies every single one of your opponents

Never waste any movements during a fight

Automatically Dodge any attack

Master at Boxing

Master at Karate

Master at Kickboxing

Master at Judo

Master at Jiu Jitsu

Master at Kung Fu

Master at Taekwondo

Master at Wrestling

Master at Japanese Martial Arts

Master at Kenjutsu

Master at Stick fighting

Master at Sojutsu

Master at Naginatajutsu

Master at Bojutsu
Master at Kyudo

Master at Tessenjutsu

Master at Bajutsu

Master at Muay Thai

Master at Real Aikido

Master at Archery

Master at Shooting

Master at Bare Knuckle Boxing

Master at Gouging

Master at Grenades

Master at using Swords

Master at Knifing

Master at using RPG’s

Master at Machineguns

Master at using Snipers

Master at Guns

Master at Self Defence

Master at Dodging (punches, kicks, bullets)

Master at throwing stuff at massive speeds (even humans)

Climbing :

Master at climbing mountains

Master at climbing rocks

Master at climbing cliffs

Master at ice climbing

Master at climbing buildings

Master at climbing poles

Master at climbing trees

Swimming :

Master at front crawl

Master at breaststroke

Master at backstroke

Master at butterfly

Master at sidestroke

Master at elementary backstroke

Master at combat side stroke

Master at trudgen
Sexual Skills :

Master at fucking women

Last for hours

Always make women cum multiple times without effort

Women bend to your sexual prowess

Master at thrusting

Severely increased thrusting force

Increased thrusting power

Increased thrusting control

More explosive thrusts

Ability to thrust faster

Ability to thrust slower

Alternate thrusting speed at will

Ability to thrust in multiple ways

Ability to alternate between each way of thrusting at will

Ability to use your sexual skills to get what you want from women

Be able to make women addicted to you and your dick

Be fully in control during sex

Be fully in control during any sexual encounter

Be fully dominant during any sexual encounter

You always dick girls down perfectly

Your movements during sex are without error

Every thrust or other movement during sex with women is executed perfectly

Physical sexual stamina to have sex for literal days

Always say the right thing during sex

Know perfectly how to verbally turn each women on

Know perfectly how to verbally taunt and humiliate women during sex

Master at pulling a girl’s hair during sex

Master at sexually dominating women

Master at always maintaining masculine frame subconsciously

Master at sexually punishing women

Ability to make any women want to have sex with you

Ability to get out of the friendzone with ease

Increased deeper understanding of female anatomy and a women’s pleasure spots

Enjoy dominating women more

Ability to put every female in their place

Ability to bring the sexual nympho out of every woman, even the most shy and pure ones

Higher capacity of ‘’game’’

Know how to talk to women

Easily manage to talk and bang hundreds of women

Severely increased sexual confidence

Severely increased sexual masculinity

Be able to easily ammass a harem of loyal women who want to have lots of sex with you

Always have a multitude of women to choose from who you can have sex with
Take pride in your masculine sexual prowess

Be able to fully control and dominate women during sex

Immediately know what type of women you are dealing with with a mere glance or purely at the
sound of her voice

Immediately know what kind of kinks a woman is into

Ability to turn dominant women into your submissive sluts

Dominance aura (your aura forces women in your direct vicinity to bend to your will and it forces
them to utterly submit to you)

Women automatically highly trust and respect you

Be highly respected by all women both from a sexual and social standpoint

Women become immensely sexually interested in you

Continously give women the best sexual experience they have ever had in their entire life

Master at foreplay

Know how to entirely skip foreplay if so desired

Master at kissing women

Know how to kiss perfectly

Master at sexually slapping women

Master at spanking women

Master at sexual timing (instinctually know when and how to do what)

Fuck women with a higher intensity

Be rougher with women during sex

Show no mercy during sex

Have an unlimited amount sexual encounters with hot women

Wherever you go you find opportunities to have lots of sex with women

Be able to give girls multiple orgasms in a row (at least 10)

Be able to give girls multiple orgasms simultaneously

The orgasms you give girls last for literal minutes

Increased sexual control

Be able to hold back your ejaculation without any effort

Be able to hold back your ejaculation indefinitely until you want to cum

Sex with women becomes more enjoyable for you

Intelligence :

Master at Critical Thinking

Master at Solving Problems

Master at Thoughts Processing

Master at Decision Making

Master at Analytical Thinking

Master at Quick Thinking

Master at Planning

Master at Perception

Master af Photographic memory

Master at Persuasion

Master at Outcome consideration

Master at Deduction

Master at Predicting

Master at Anticipation

Master at Memorising details

Master at Mental performance

Master at Outsmarting everyone

Master at Absorbing information

Increased Pattern Recognition

Increased Capacity For Information

Increased IQ

Understanding languages becomes way easier

Easily learn languages in short amounts of time

Sports :

Master at Chess

Master at Basketball

Master at Bowling

Master at Cards

Master at Ping Pong

Master at Cycling

Master at Tennis

Master at Table Tennis

Master at Golf

Master at Paintball

Master at Airsoft

Master at Games

Master at Skiing

Master at Snowboarding

Master at Board Games

Change :

Master at Changing

Master at Changing reality

Master at Adaptation

Master at Changing your fate

Master at Changing your destiny

Master at Changing your looks

Social Skills :

Master at Socialising

Master at Public Speech

Always be social in huge groups

Social Dominance :

Master at Dominating all social situations

Dominate every group of people or friends

Master at dominating all people

Leadership :

Master at leading a huge group

Master at leading a whole army

Master at leading in all fields of life

Always respected

Master at being a leader

Charisma :

Master at coming off as charismatic

Master at doing amazing first impressions

Master at Charming

Master of Attraction

Mastering :

Master at Learning Skills

Easily Copy Skills

Quickly Adopting New Movements

Master at Mastering things

Ability to become the best at new things instantly

Master anything from the first try

Master at adapting to high competition and beating it

Eating :

Master at Eating

Master at consuming huge amounts of calories to gain energy

Easily consume more energy per minute

Easily consume food in huge amounts

Capable of eating loads of food

Professionalism :

Master at being professional in all tasks

Master at doing all tasks efficiently

Master at being professional in all meetings

Master at being professional in all sports

Master at being professional in all businesses

Master at being professional in all works

Creativity :

Master of Creativity

Have loads of Creative thoughts

Precision :

Master at being precise

Always do precise work efficiently

Master at doing all works precisely

Master at precision
Persuasion :

Master at persuading people

Master at persuading clients

Easily persuade others to do what u want

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