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Tutorial Letter 104/1/2024

Strategic Marketing

Semester 1

Department of Marketing and Retail


This tutorial letter contains the assessment questions for
Assessment 03. Please remember that all assessments for this
module can only be submitted online.


1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3
2 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY ..................................................................................................................... 3
3 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 3
ADDENDUM A – ASSESSMENT 03 .......................................................................................................... 5
ADDENDUM B – RUBRIC FOR ANSWERS FOR ASSESSMENT 03 ....................................................... 9


Dear Student


This tutorial letter contains the assessment for Assessment 03 of MNM3709.


Non-compliance to academic integrity policies and student rules will result in unmarked
assessments, zero percent and or disciplinary action.

Turnitin are used in this module, therefore:

 Only typed written assessments will be accepted (no handwritten assessments allowed).
 The Turnitin End User License Agreement (EULA) needs to be accepted.
 The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools is not allowed for this assessment.
 All sources used should be referenced.
 Individual work needs to be produced (no group work)
 No outsourcing of assessment answers will be tolerated.

Please refer to the following policies for more information:

 Students' Disciplinary Code (PDF)
o Guidelines for a student disciplinary hearing
 Unisa rules for students (PDF)
 Policy for Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism (PDF)


This is an individual assessment. The assessment contributes 25% towards your final mark, and the
assessment is in the form of a written assessment. Assessment 03 is included as ADDENDUM A of this
tutorial letter.

Assessment 03 covers the following:

 Chapters 8, 10 and 11 in Wiid, JA & Cant, MC. 2020. Strategic marketing. 3rd edition. Cape Town:
 Read the Yuppiechef Premium Kitchen Tools case study in the Business Cases from South African
Companies prescribed book. (Niewenhuizen, 2021)
 Read the case study in the Business Cases from South African Companies prescribed
book. (Niewenhuizen, 2021)
 Conduct extra research online.

Assessment 03 must only be submitted online via myUnisa.




Your assessment needs to be a neat academic document typed in your own words. Follow the instructions
closely to make sure that your assessment meets the technical standards and structure required.

4.1 Technical standards

This is an INDIVIDUAL assessment (no group work is allowed), and you are expected to read and research
beyond your prescribed books. Please take note of the technical standards below:

Technical standards
Typed in Arial 11 font with 1.5 line spacing in black text (no handwritten assessments will be accepted).
Adhered to 2.5 cm page borders and paragraph text justified.
Neatly structured with headings and subheadings for the different sections.
Clearly spellchecked before handing in (English UK or SA).
In-text references are completed correctly and are provided in the body of the assessment.
A reference list is completed correctly and is provided at the end of the assessment.
Plagiarism: All sources consulted should be fully referenced (in-text citations and reference list) and
you should phrase the discussion in YOUR OWN WORDS. Under NO circumstances may you copy and
paste verbatim from any source, including your prescribed book. The use of artificial intelligence (AI)
tools is NOT ALLOWED in this assessment, even if you reference using it. YOU WILL RECEIVE ZERO

4.2 Plagiarism

Plagiarism is presenting other people or tools’ ideas and writings as your own and is NOT allowed. This is
one of our greatest frustrations and is also where many students fall short, especially in the case of written
assessments. You are expected to submit a written assessment that you can proudly say is your OWN
work. Yet, many students in the past have simply copied major sections from a variety of different sources
(particularly from the web or their prescribed book) and pasted it as their own work; sometimes with a
reference. Some students seem to think that if they provide a reference, they are allowed to copy and
paste whole sections of text. However, this is plagiarism and is not allowed. In the academic world, it is
one of the most serious offences to copy the work of others and present it as your own. If you are guilty of
plagiarising, I will return your work with a zero percent mark. If you plagiarise excessively, I may take
further action in this regard. The University has special software to detect plagiarism and the use of artificial
intelligence tools, and I use this software for each assessment. If you copy and paste, you are likely to fail.
You must create your own voice when putting forward your discussion.

Do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail or telephone should you experience any challenges or are unsure
of anything.

Mrs Letitia Fourie

012 429 3799
Department of Marketing and Retail Management, Unisa



Assessment Units
Semester Due date Contribution
number covered
1 03 8, 10 and 11 23 April 2024 25%

QUESTION 1 – How to answer a practical question
Some tips on how to approach essay questions as the majority of students did not get (6)
this right in Assessment 2:
 Theory discussion: Theory is the information that you have studied in the Strategic
Marketing prescribed book. The theory is there to explain the concepts to you. On the
first and second-year levels, we require that you explain the theory. On the third-year
level, which is this module, we want you to apply this theory practically so that we can
see if you understand it. Therefore, no marks are awarded for naming and listing or
rewriting the theory from the prescribed book. Even more unacceptable is if you copy an
answer from an AI tool or an internet source. You need to discuss what you understand
in paragraph format in your own words.
 Practical application/examples: Practical application is the examples that you provide
to show that you understand the theory based on the case study. No marks will be
awarded for naming or listing examples. Examples or practical application needs to be in
full sentences. For this assessment, you will need to provide examples based on the
case study you are referred to. In this example now, it will be the For A Kid case study
from the Business Cases from South African Companies prescribed book.
 Evidence (references): You need to give credit to the sources that you use and consult
in your answers. This is referred to as the evidence or references. You need to give both
in-text citations (where you give your examples) as well as a list of references at the end
of your assessment. Copying from websites like Studco, Coursehero and from tools like
Chat GPT or Quilbot are not appropriate, even if you give a reference to these sources.
You are not producing your own work but presenting someone else's work as your own
for marks.
 Length: Do not expect a good mark if you do not follow instructions in terms of the
volume of content or do not practically apply the theory.

Now that you know how to approach an essay question, do the following:
Step 1: Access the following sources online:
 Referencing and plagiarism:
 CEMS Harvard Referencing Style:

Step 2: Read the following source on how to make notes:


Step 3: Study the section on demographic segmentation on pages 89 to 90 in the Strategic

Marketing prescribed book.

Step 4: Close the book and write down what you understand demographic segmentation to be in
your own words (make notes).

Step 5: Now read the “Target market” section in the For a Kid case study on pages 88 to 89 in
Business Cases from South African companies. Highlight the demographic segmentation
variables that you just studied in the theory as you read (make notes).

Step 6: Answer the following questions (your answers need to align with what you learnt
regarding answering essay questions in step 1 to 5):

QUESTION 1.1 (1 point)

Explain, using examples, which demographic segmentation variables For a Kid uses to segment
their target market (100 words maximum).

QUESTION 1.2 (1 point)

Which option describes the process you followed to answer the essay question?

a. I typed the question into Google and found a website with a similar answer. I copied the
b. I did not study the theory before I answered the question. I searched for the information as I
answered either in the study guide or in prescribed books.
c. I relied on an AI tool to help me answer the question.
d. I studied the theory in my Strategic Marketing prescribed book and made notes on how I
understood the concept of demographic segmentation.

Question 1.3 (1 point)

Which option describes how you used theory in your answer?

a. I did not use any theory on demographic segmentation in my answer, as I needed to give
practical examples only.
b. I used the theory I studied to identify the demographic variables in the For a Kid case study
which I used to formulate my answer.
c. As part of my answer, I wrote down what demographic segmentation is from the prescribed
book or a website.
d. I used the case study on For a Kid to get the necessary theory in order to answer the question
on demographic segmentation.

Question 1.4 (1 point)

Which option describes how you structured your examples or practical application in your

a. As I read the case study, I highlighted demographic segmentation variables, I combined this
with the theory I learnt and provided detailed examples from the For a Kid case study.
d. I provided a one or two-word example from the 4aKid case study in the line of “parents” or
“females” or “young parents” etc.
c. I provided an example for the variables that I could remember or found in the prescribed
material or that are my own examples not relating to the 4aKid case study.
d. I provided a general discussion on the 4akid case study but did not link a specific example to
the specific variable.
e. I did not provide any examples.

Question 1.5 (1 point)

How did you approach references in your answer?

a. I compiled a list of all the websites and books I used at the end of my assignment.
b. I decided not to include any references because I crafted the answers myself without relying
on external sources.
c. I followed the guidelines outlined in the CEMS Harvard Referencing Guide, which provided
instructions on both in-text citations and compiling a reference list.
d. Citations and a reference list are the same thing. I don’t need to provide both.


Question 1.6(1 point)

How did you compile your answer, considering plagiarism?

a. I directly copied sections from various sources without providing citations and references.
b. I paraphrased information from different sources in my own words and included citations.
c. I “borrowed” an answer that was already available on a website.
d. I changed the text by finding synonyms for words.

Now use the skills you just learnt in answering the rest of the questions in this assessment and
Assessment 4.

Using what you have learnt in question 1, read the Yuppiechef Premium Kitchen Tools case (10)
study in Business Cases: From South African Companies (Niewenhuizen 2020:221-224). You
have been appointed to assist the business in utilising the competitive advantage using the
sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Discuss how you would use any five (5) sources
to obtain a competitive advantage for Yuppiechef Premium Kitchen Tools.
Marks will be allocated only for practical examples, and no marks will be provided for theoretical
explanations. Provide one (1) practical example for each. Two (2) marks will be allocated per each
practical answer.

Using what you have learnt in question 1, Yuppiechef moved from clicks to bricks by opening brick- (10)
and-mortar stores. Conduct research on Yuppiechef and its physical retail stores.

Critically analyse Yuppichef’s physical retail stores' position according to the product life cycle
 Explain in which stage Yuppiechef’s brick-and-mortar store strategy finds itself currently
with supporting evidence. One (1) mark will be allocated.
 Also, explain why the Yuppiechef brick-and-mortar-store strategy is not in the other three
life cycle stages with evidence. One (1) mark will be allocated per reason.
(3 marks).
 Then recommend three strategies that Yuppiechef can use in the life cycle stage they
currently are in with their brick-and-mortar stores to increase the value to customers and
in turn increase turnover. Two (2) marks will be allocated per strategy. (6 marks)
Marks will be allocated for practical examples, and no marks will be provided for theoretical
Using what you have learnt in question 1. (6)
Pioneer strategy
A pioneer is a company that enters the market first. It is the first entrant before any other
competitors. The pioneer strategy offers a company several advantages.
Read the case study in Business Cases: From South African Companies
(Niewenhuizen 2020:110-112). And provide practical examples of the following advantages of
being a pioneer in the market:

 The first choice of market segments and positions

 The pioneer defines the rule of the game

 High switching costs for early adopters

Marks will be allocated only for practical examples, and no marks will be provided for theoretical
explanations. Provide one (1) practical example for each. Two (2) marks will be allocated per each
practical answer.



This addendum provides a marking rubric for each question. The purpose of this is to guide you to think
critically when you apply the theory that you have studied in your prescribed book to the case studies.
No marks will be awarded for theory.


Segmentation base 0 Marks 1 Mark 2 Marks

Per source of competitive No examples are given Gives a basic example of A clear but brief example
advantage (10 marks) that explains the source a source of competitive of a source of
of competitive advantage Example is competitive advantage
advantage. related to Yuppiechef but related to Yuppiechef is
Did not connect to the lacks detail and given with evidence.
Yuppiechef case study. evidence. Tried to Connects the source of
Did not show evidence of connect the competitive the competitive
thinking critically or advantage to Yuppiechef advantage to Yuppiechef
applying knowledge. but connections are effectively showing how it
weak. Shows some impacts their specific
critical thinking but is strategy. Demonstrates
limited. The explanation critical thinking and
is too long (more than application of practical
100 words). knowledge in a clear,
concise manner.


Criteria 0 Marks 1 Mark 2 Marks

Identification of product No attempt or incorrect Provides a basic Clear explanation with
life cycle stage response. No link to explanation but it is evidence relating to
Yuppiechef’s physical somewhat unclear or Yuppiechef’s physical
retail stores. inaccurate. The retail stores.
explanation is relevant to
Yuppiechef’s physical
retail stores.
Reason why No attempt, incorrect or Clear explanation with
Yuppiechef’s physical too basic explanation of evidence relating to
retail stores are not in life why Yuppiechef is not in Yuppiechef’s physical
cycle stage X this lifecycle stage. retail stores as to why
they are not in this
lifecycle stage.
Reason why No attempt, incorrect or Clear explanation with
Yuppiechef’s physical too basic explanation of evidence relating to
retail stores are not in life why Yuppiechef is not in Yuppiechef’s physical
cycle stage Y this lifecycle stage. retail stores as to why
they are not in this
lifecycle stage.
Reason why No attempt, incorrect or Clear explanation with
Yuppiechef’s physical too basic explanation of evidence relating to
retail stores are not in life why Yuppiechef is not in Yuppiechef’s physical
cycle stage Z this lifecycle stage. retail stores as to why
they are not in this


Criteria 0 Marks 1 Mark 2 Marks

lifecycle stage.
Recommendation of No attempt or incorrect Gives a basic example of A clear but brief
Strategy 1 response. No link to a recommendation that is recommendation is
Yuppiechef’s physical related to the product life provided related to
retail stores. cycle stage and Yuppiechef’s physical
Yuppiechef’s physical stores and the product
retail stores. However it life cycle stage with
lacks detail and evidence. Demonstrates
evidence. Shows some critical thinking and
critical thinking but is application of practical
limited. The explanation knowledge in a clear,
is too long (more than concise manner.
100 words).
Recommendation of No attempt or incorrect Gives a basic example of A clear but brief
Strategy 2 response. No link to a recommendation that is recommendation is
Yuppiechef’s physical related to the product life provided related to
retail stores. cycle stage and Yuppiechef’s physical
Yuppiechef’s physical stores and the product
retail stores. However it life cycle stage with
lacks detail and evidence. Demonstrates
evidence. Shows some critical thinking and
critical thinking but is application of practical
limited. The explanation knowledge in a clear,
is too long (more than concise manner.
100 words).
Recommendation of No attempt or incorrect Gives a basic example of A clear but brief
Strategy 3 response. No link to a recommendation that is recommendation is
Yuppiechef’s physical related to the product life provided related to
retail stores. cycle stage and Yuppiechef’s physical
Yuppiechef’s physical stores and the product
retail stores. However it life cycle stage with
lacks detail and evidence. Demonstrates
evidence. Shows some critical thinking and
critical thinking but is application of practical
limited. The explanation knowledge in a clear,
is too long (more than concise manner.
100 words).


Advantage 0 Marks 1 Mark 2 Marks

First choice of market No examples are given Gives a basic example A clear but brief example
segments and position that explain the related to Hippo but lacks of the step is given
advantage. detail and evidence. related to For a Kid case
Did not connect to Hippo Shows some critical study with evidence.
case study. thinking but is limited. Connects the step to
Did not show evidence of The explanation is too Hippo effectively
thinking critically or long (more than 100 demonstrating the
applying knowledge. words). advantage Demonstrates
critical thinking and
application of practical
knowledge in a clear,
concise manner.

Advantage 0 Marks 1 Mark 2 Marks

The pioneer defines the No examples are given Gives a basic example A clear but brief example
rules of the game that explain the related to Hippo but lacks of the step is given
advantage. detail and evidence. related to For a Kid case
Did not connect to Hippo Shows some critical study with evidence.
case study. thinking but is limited. Connects the step to
Did not show evidence of The explanation is too Hippo effectively
thinking critically or long (more than 100 demonstrating the
applying knowledge. words). advantage Demonstrates
critical thinking and
application of practical
knowledge in a clear,
concise manner.
High switching costs for No examples are given Gives a basic example A clear but brief example
early adopters that explain the related to Hippo but lacks of the step is given
advantage. detail and evidence. related to For a Kid case
Did not connect to Hippo Shows some critical study with evidence.
case study. thinking but is limited. Connects the step to
Did not show evidence of The explanation is too Hippo effectively
thinking critically or long (more than 100 demonstrating the
applying knowledge. words). advantage Demonstrates
critical thinking and
application of practical
knowledge in a clear,
concise manner.


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