Discuss The Following Questions

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Discuss the following questions:

 Do you think it is likely to become a victim of crime in this day and

 Should any illegal substances such as cocaine be legalized to
better control their consumption?
 What is the most serious crime a person can commit and how
should it be punished?
 What can we do to make sure that future generations avoid
getting involved in criminal behavior?
 What is the most common crime in your region and have you ever
witnessed a case of it?
 Are there any cities in your country that you fear for being more
dangerous than others? Why?
 Would you ever take illegal drugs and do you think they should be
legalized like alcohol?
 Are there problems with violence where you live?
 Should people who take illegal drugs be put in jail or should
doctors try to help them?
 Are there any crimes that should not be illegal in your country?
 Have you ever committed a petty crime, such as shoplifting or
 What types of crime do you think should have the longest
 What are prisons like in your country and do they actually reform
 Are the police respectful to the general public where you live?
 Would you ever like to work as a judge, prison warden or police
Discuss the following questions:

1. Is life today better than in the past? And if not, what we

can do to make it better???Think about the following:
o Education - employment - job satisfaction
o Health: prevention, treatment, new discoveries, social security, etc.
o Comfort: standard of living (housing/transport/leisure), etc.
o Violence
o Social issues: single mothers, unmarried couples, etc.
2. Why does the generation gap exist?
What are some of the big differences between the older and younger
generations??Talk about following:
o Experiences
o Behavior
o intellect
3. Are we too age-obsessed? Why do you think so? Please
4. Is it better to work for a company or for yourself?
o How far do you agree that job satisfaction is more important than the
financial rewards?
o What aspects of a job would make it "dream job"
o What are good ways that an employee can be incentivized to do better?

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