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Submitted To: Submitted By:

Dr. Giovanni Merola Jayshree Thakur
Nivedita Girish
P Jashwanth
Nishant Arya
Tanmay Dadheech


We, Nivedita Girish, Jayshree Thakur, Nishant Arya, P Jashwanth and

Tanmay Dadheech do hereby declare that this project report submitted
by us, is a partial fulfilment of the MBA of Alliance University,
Alliance School of Business, Bangalore is exclusively prepared and
conceptualized by us and is not submitted to any other institution or
published anywhere before.

Date: 16-04-2023

Place: Bangalore

Alliance University, Alliance School of Business, Bangalore


With the completion of our Research Report entitled “Online Sales

through E-Commerce”, we would like to extend our sincere
gratitude and a word of thanks to Dr. Giovanni Merola who inspired
us to think beyond and to always look for better solutions. We are
deeply inspired by his profound thoughts, which took us to light
whenever the path became difficult for us to grasp.

We are also thankful to those whose supported us towards the

completion of our report and to give it the final shape.

We would also like to thank all our friends who have helped us do this

Finally, we would like to thank our parents for always being our

Background and Problem Statement:


Online sales refer to the process of selling products or services through the
internet. With the rapid growth of e-commerce, online sales have become an
essential part of the modern business landscape. Online sales can take many
different forms, from simple transactions on an e-commerce platform to
complex sales funnels involving multiple channels and touchpoints.

Online sales have many advantages over traditional brick-and-mortar sales. For
one, online sales are accessible 24/7, meaning customers can make purchases at
any time of day or night. Online sales also offer a greater degree of
convenience, allowing customers to browse and buy products from the comfort
of their own homes. Additionally, online sales can often be more cost-effective
than traditional sales, as they eliminate the need for physical storefronts and
other overhead expenses.

Despite the many advantages of online sales, there are also challenges and risks
involved. Online sales require businesses to have a strong digital presence and
to constantly adapt to changing technologies and customer behaviors. They also
require a strong focus on cybersecurity and data protection, as online sales
involve the collection and storage of sensitive customer information.

Overall, online sales represent a significant opportunity for businesses of all

sizes to reach new customers and drive growth in the digital age. However, they
require careful planning, execution, and ongoing management to be successful.

Problem Statement

The sales manager of a furniture producer is considering whether to start selling

retail online to add to their reseller distribution. You are requested to investigate.

a) consumer’s attitude towards e-commerce

b) whether the prediction for online sale for furniture is positive.

Research Questions
Study Explanation:

Regarding the problem statement, we must make a research plan on the topic
and our problem statement.

To investigate and do the research, we have made a questionnaire with the

answer options (Likert scale) to find out our desired result regarding the given
inputs. The questionnaire has 12 questions and the answer to those will
determine the result of the research.

Basically, we are following a type of research method i.e., Questionnaire which

will help us in finding out our desired output according to the given inputs.
Questionnaire is a commonly used research method which includes questions
which are asked to a group of individuals/peoples to find out the desired result.
The questions asked in a questionnaire are of two types.

 Open ended questions

 Close ended questions

In our study, we have formed the questionnaire using the close ended questions
as it will help us to find and get our desired result which are supposed to

Literature Review
Online sales have become a crucial part of modern businesses as more people
prefer to shop online due to the convenience it offers. Here is a literature review
on online sales that highlights the different aspects of online sales.

1. Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping: This literature review

examines the consumer behavior of online shoppers, including their
motivations, perceptions, attitudes, and preferences. The authors provide
insights into how consumer behavior affects online sales and offer
recommendations for improving online shopping experiences.

2. E-commerce and online consumer behavior research: This literature

review provides an overview of the current research on e-commerce and
online consumer behavior. The authors examine the different factors that
influence online shopping behavior, including product attributes, website
design, trust, and online reviews.

3. Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior: This literature review

focuses on the factors that influence online shopping behavior and the
mediating role of purchase intention. The authors examine the impact of
factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, and
perceived risk on online shopping behavior.

4. Impact of Online Shopping Experience on Customer Satisfaction and

Loyalty: This literature review provides a meta-analysis of the impact of
online shopping experience on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The
authors examine the different aspects of the online shopping experience,
including website design, ease of use, product information, customer
service, and security.

5. Online sales performance: This literature review examines the factors
that impact online sales performance, including website design, pricing
strategies, online advertising, and social media. The authors offer
recommendations for improving online sales performance and highlight
areas for future research.

Overall, the literature review on online sales highlights the importance of

understanding consumer behavior, improving the online shopping experience,
and implementing effective marketing strategies to increase online sales



"We define H1 as a set of all negative responses to the questionnaire we made.

Thus, if H1 gets accepted from the survey, then it will show negative attitude of
consumers towards e-commerce and the sales manager should not consider
selling furniture retail online."

“We define Ho as a set of all positive responses to the questionnaire we made.

Thus, if Ho gets accepted from the survey, then it will show positive attitude of
consumers towards e-commerce and the sales manager then should consider
selling furniture retail online.”

Describing the research design and methods that will be used to answer the
research questions.

Specifying the data sources, sampling techniques, and data collection methods.

Identifying the analytical techniques that will be used to analyze the data.

Data Collection
Collecting data from relevant sources, such as surveys, and secondary data

Ensuring that the data collection process is ethical and follows appropriate

Data Analysis
Analyzing the data using appropriate statistical or qualitative methods.

Interpreting the findings and drawing conclusions.

Based on the research findings, providing recommendations for businesses.

Discussing the implications of the research for future practice and research.

Summarizing the findings and contributions of the research.

Discussing the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research

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