Nitham - CH 4 - 6 - Submission 02

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Chapter 4 The way to carry the Islamic Dawah


Muslims declined because they abandoned the intellectual leadersip of Islam, neglected
its dawah and misapplied its rules.

The true revival will come when muslims establish the Islamic intellectual leadership in a
form of a state.

No regard is given to the time because the human being’s nature does not change over

- carrying the dawah demands frankness/courage

- chanllenge all the that contridict this fikrah/tareeqa of islam

The sovereignty belongs to Allah(swt) whether people agree or disagree. The way to
achieve this is through ideological struggle/challenge.

Rasul(saw) challenged the quraysh in every form. We need to follow his example

Estalishment of Islam requires a complete implementation not partial implementation

without compromise.

Actions for Islam dawah should be linked with specific objective/s.

When things were saturated for the dawah in makkah Rasul(saw) looked at madinah.

Islamic sawah is carried to create radical change in the society.

The dawah carrier needs to scrutinize all that they know in order to understand what they
carry. This will ensure purity and clarity in thought which will result in Islam’s success.

Dawah should be carried as an obligation from Allah(swt) not for any other reason.

Chapter 5 The Islamic Civilisation

Civilisation:- concepts about life
Material progress:- material objects
The differentiation needs to be made between these two terms.

We cannot take anything from the western civilization because its build upon western
secular thought which contradict Islamic thought/doctrine.
However we can take from madiniyyah because these are universal objects not linked to
specific civilization.

Islamic civilization is unique. Allah’s(swt) pleasure is the driving force instead of benefit.
Western civilization considers certain things as norms whereas Islamic civilization
considers those as forbidden.

Western civilization adopts separation of religion from life. This is a contradictory idea
and its causes misery wherever its implemented. Benefit is the driving force behind

If we look at the Islamic civilization in the past when Islam was implemented, it never
implemented colonialism policy like the west. Islam treated everyone as equal. The
reason for this is because Islamic civilization is build upon spiritual basis. Only Islamic
civilization can treat the problem surrounds the world today

Chapter 6 The system of Islam


Islam is a deen revealed by Allah(swt) upon muhammed(saw) to organize the relationship
of man with his creator, with with himself and with the society.

Islam is an ideology addressing all matters. Its different to theology.

Reality of man dictates that he is incapable to create a system of life due to his limited
and dependent mind/nature. System of life can only come from the creator.

Directing one’s actions according to the commands and prohibitions of Allah(swt) based
on the comprehension of this relationship is mixing matter with spirit. This understanding
does not apply to the non-muslims as they may actions according to shariah of islam but
without believing in Allah(swt) as the creator/legislator.
Some religions have said that the universe has two aspects; sensorial and unseen. Life
includes materialistic and spiritual aspect. There two ideas conflict with each other. One
cannot mix between the two.

Any muslim carrying this idea is an agent or ignorant. Islam views objects created by the
creator and this relationship is the spiritual aspect. Man have needs and instincts and he
satisfies these by the orders of Allah(swt). Separation between matter and spirit is not
possible. Islam is a complete system of life. It deals with spiritual and political aspects of
life. Also the process of ijtihad deals with any new issue which needs to the dealt with.

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