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Creating Chemistry
For a sustainable future

Issue six 2017

Searching for new
bio-based raw
materials for industry
Focus from page 6

Free trade:
Does it still matter? “We need international
Viewpoints from page 28
cooperation to promote a
circular economy.”
Counterfeiting: Professor Du Huanzheng from China’s
renowned Tongji University
Outsmarting the fakers explains why the new economic
Feature from page 36 model will change our lifestyle.
Interview from page 22

Solar thermal energy:

Storing sunshine
Feature from page 46

Issue six 2017


and circular 4 The world in figures
economy Five minutes is all the time it 34 Old buildings enter
takes to find a bike to rent in a new era
the city of Hangzhou, China – Something can be done
plus more facts about the about the unwanted signs of
topics covered in this issue. aging, as demonstrated
by successful refurbishment
projects around the world.


26 New discoveries F E AT U R E : TAC K L I N G

This section presents inspir­ COUNTERFEITS
ing innovations that
make everyday life easier.

28 Does free trade still
6 Naturally good?
Searching for new bio-based
Karl Brauner, PhD, World Trade
raw materials for industry Organization, and Professor 36 Keeping it real
Worldwide, the bioeconomy is gaining traction. But Daniel Hamilton, Johns Hop­ Fake goods are often hard
a lot of research and development still needs to kins University, Washington, to tell apart from the genuine
be done. When are renewable resources truly good? D. C., USA, talk about the right article. Companies come
approach to meet the chal­ up with innovative ways to
lenges for international trade. keep one step ahead of the
THE GR APHIC counter­feiters.

14 Renewable raw materials in use

From car parts to detergents: We show products
42 “A significant threat”
Michael Walsh, Director
made entirely or partly from renewable raw materials. at U. S. Customs and Border
Protection, wants to stop
counterfeits entering the
THE SCIENCE country. He describes some
of the main challenges.
16 Using nature to protect plants
We take a look inside a BASF production site in
England that breeds nematodes – tiny worms that
can be used in plant protection to control pests. FASCINATING CHEMISTRY

44 The chemistry of apples

THE ISSUE Apples have rightly gained
a reputation as healthy food
20 A visionary roadmap?
In a world of limited resources, new economic mod­
because a “fruit pharmacy”
is lurking in and just below
els are needed – such as the idea of circular econ­ VIEWPOINT BASF the peel.
omy. What does it mean and how does it work?
32 Why free trade matters
Teressa Szelest, President,
THE E XPERT Market and Business
Develop­ment North America
22 Circular vision in the East
Professor Du Huanzheng, Director at Tongji Uni­
for BASF Corporation,
­explains why trade creates
versity, believes China has a few things to learn but wealth and leads to better
also a lot to share about circular economy. products and lower prices.

2 Creating Chemistry

F E AT U R E : S O L A R

46 Storing sunshine
Solar thermal power plants
can supply electricity when
the sun is not shining.
­Discover more about this
­future-­oriented technology.
With a growing global population comes increasing demand for the
products we use every day. In light of the Earth’s limited resources, meeting
these needs sustainably will be a challenge we have to take on.
FASCINATING CHEMISTRY A helpful approach is the circular economy, which is gaining support
worldwide. Circular economy is the idea of using products, materials and
52 A very special com- resources as often as possible, feeding them back into economic circu­
pound lation. Goods are shared with other users and repaired, reused or recycled,
Food is not the only thing that rather than being thrown away. In the circular economy, growth is mainly
needs a pinch of salt: It is made possible by the reuse of raw materials. For the past 150 years we
also found in soap, glass and have also been contributing to this with our BASF Verbund, which opti­
plastic containers. mizes material and energy flows in our production system and prevents
waste wherever possible.
Another part of the circular economy is the bioeconomy, the use of
raw materials from renewable sources such as plants or bacteria. For sever­
I N S P I R AT I O N al years, BASF has been conducting research on potential applications
for renewable raw materials. These often enable us to produce substances
54 A big supporter of little and products with properties that are impossible or much more difficult
scientists to achieve with fossil-based resources. In detergents, for example, enzymes
Among other things, SAP produced from fungi or bacteria can remove stubborn dirt, even in low-
founder Dietmar Hopp ­tem­perature and short washing cycles, thus saving energy and water.
­supports educational proj­ As always, evaluating sustainability is also an important issue when it comes
ects, including the “Little to the use of renewable raw materials. We have to determine on a case-
Scientists’ House.” by-case basis whether renewable or fossil-based resources are the better
solution. Are they available and competitive? How do they rate in terms
of land use and biodiversity?
We hope you find the latest issue of our magazine Creating Chemistry
INVENTION stimulating reading as it investigates these and many other interesting issues
that affect us all.
56 Pioneering thinker –
then and now Yours,
In 1800, Alessandro Volta de­
scribed the first-ever function­
ing battery. Michael Thackeray,
PhD, later paved the way for
lithium battery technology. Kurt Bock, PhD
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors


58 Maintaining a healthy
environment in flight
Removing ozone from the
cabin air makes air travel more

Creating Chemistry 3

The world in

billion metric tons

is the total mass of ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere.1

 “Maintaining a healthy flight environment” on page 58 There are estimated to be more than

30,000 types of apples

worldwide. But in all of them, three-quarters of the

healthy substances they contain are found in or
directly under the peel. These include easily digestible
carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber.3

 “The chemistry of apples” from page 44

It is forecast that the global production capacity

for bioplastics will rise from 2,053,000 to 7,848,000
metric tons between 2016 and 2019. This is an

increase of


In just over


 “Naturally good?” from page 6

the sun radiates as much energy to the
Earth as we use worldwide in one year.4

 “Storing sunshine” from page 46

4 Creating Chemistry

$ 461

is the estimated value of the annual global

trade in fake goods.5

 “Keeping it real” from page 36


Nearly half of world trade in goods and services

took place within global value chains in 2011.
The internationalization of production has led
to increasingly global production networks,
­resulting in a geographically more diverse manu­
facturing base.6

 “Does free trade still matter?” from page 28


8 – 11
is all the time it takes to find a bike to rent in the city of Hangzhou, Europeans consume
China. With over 84,000 public bicycles, it is home to the world’s
largest bike-sharing program.7
 “Circular Economy” from page 20 .

of salt per day. But the World Health Organization

recommends adults consume a maximum of 5 grams
per day.8

 “A very special compound” from page 52

1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ozone facts

2 European Bioplastics, Facts and Figures, 2015
3 Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit,
Hintergrund: Alte Sorten neu entdeckt, September 2012
4 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Die Kraft der Sonne
5 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
Global trade in fake goods worth nearly half a trillion dollars a year, April 2016
6 World Trade Organization (WTO), International trade statistics, 2015
7 EcoWatch, Eight of the world‘s best bike sharing programs, September 2015
China Daily, Hangzhou abuzz over bike sharing, September 2016
8 World Health Organization (WHO), Salt reduction, fact sheet, June 2016

Creating Chemistry 5

Fashion made of milk

Microbiologist and fashion designer
Anke Domaske creates clothing
made of milk that is no longer suitable
for consumption. Her QMilk fibers
are based on the powdery milk protein
casein. This biofiber is gentle to
skin, completely compostable – and
theoretically even edible.

6 Creating Chemistry

Naturally good?
Searching for
new bio-based
raw materials
for industry

Driving on dandelions
A car tire made of dandelions? Initial tests
have determined that the roots of the
Russian dandelion can be a raw material
source for natural rubber. These are the
findings of a joint project between the tire
manufacturer Continental and the Fraun­
hofer Institute for Molecular Biology and
Applied Ecology in Münster, Germany,
along with other partners. It will take at least
five years, though, before the first dan­
delion tires hit the streets.

Creating Chemistry 7

Autos heben ab
Den Stau einfach unter sich lassen
und abheben? Das ermöglicht das
AeroMobil, eine Kreuzung aus Sport­
wagen und Ultra­leicht-Flugzeug,
mithilfe ausklappbarer Tragflächen.
In der Luft soll das Flugauto auf etwa
200 Kilometer pro Stunde kommen,
am Boden immerhin auf 160 Stunden­
kilometer. Die Flugreich­weite wird mit
knapp 700 Kilometern angegeben.

Wood, liquefied
A traditional material creates new pos­
sibilities: Liquid wood, largely made
up of the polymer lignin, can be shaped
into any form using injection molding.
It can be used to make enclosures for
headphones like these from the firm
Audioquest, or casing for speakers and
mobile phones. Around 50 million
metric tons of lignin are generated as
waste from paper production each year.

8 Creating Chemistry

Limited resources and tures with oil­based plastics are also

a possible first step,” explains Puneet Coca-Cola plans to increase its use
a growing world popu­la­ Trehan, Material Innovation and of plastics made from renewable raw
tion require new ways Development Leader at IKEA. The mate­rials in its beverage bottles
(top picture) and LEGO wants to do the
of thinking. One example initial target, he says, is a bio­based same with its building bricks (bottom
is the use of bio-based proportion of 40 to 60 percent. picture).

products like wood Complements to crude oil

scraps, dandelions and Bio instead of petro: IKEA is not the
glucose as com­plements only company committed to bio­
to crude oil. Worldwide, based plastics. Around 100 years
after the invention and marketing of
the bioeconomy is gain­ the first entirely synthetic plastic
ing traction. But despite Bakelite®, which was soon followed
considerable successes, by thousands of others, scientists
a lot of research and and producers are now turning
their research focus in a new
development still needs direction. The products of tomorrow
to be done. When are should be high quality but made
renewable resources truly from renewable resources, plants,
good? organic waste or micro­organisms.
Toy manufacturer LEGO, for
example, has said it wants to pro­
duce its building bricks from plastic
made of alternative materials as of
2030. To do so, in 2015 the compa­
ny announced it was investing the
equivalent of around €135 million to

found its own Sustainable Materials
Center. In 2009, the Coca­Cola
Company launched its PlantBottleTM
rakta means technology and soon afterwards
transport – and that is just what it licensed the technology to other
the bag that carries this name is major companies such as ketchup
designed to do. Large, robust and producer H.J. Heinz and Ford
simple to clean, the iconic blue Motor Company. The polyethylene
shopping bag from the Swedish fur­ tere­phthalate (PET) bottle was
niture retailer IKEA can be found initially made up of 30 percent
in many households. It is used for plant­based material. Coca­Cola’s
all kinds of things, including storing goal is to produce the PlantBottle
bottles and moving house, or as ­ using only renewable resources. In
a laundry basket, shopping bag or the next decade, this should be the
even a suitcase replacement. For case for all PET plastic bottles,
now, this multi­purpose bag is made which rep­resent around 60
of petroleum-based plastic, partly percent of all of Coca­Cola’s
from virgin polypropylene. However, packaging.
this will soon change: By 2020, One solution that enables plastic
IKEA wants to manufacture all of its bottles to be made from 100
plastic products – including car­rier percent renewable raw materials is
bags, children’s toys and storage offered by the company Synvina.
boxes – from renewable and/or This recently established joint
­recycled materials. venture between BASF and Dutch
It will not be an easy task. For company
applications in sensitive areas such
as food packaging or children’s
toys in particular, health protection
requirements mean that today’s For now, bioplastics
recycled plastics are not an option. still represent a small
Alternatives are needed. “Here,
we are trying to replace oil-based
slice of the market.
plastics with those made from re­ They make up less
newable raw materials. This could than 1 percent of the
mean 100 percent bio-based
polymers such as polylactide or else
plastics produced
com­­binations of a variety of bio- worldwide each year.
based materials. In some cases, mix-

Creating Chemistry 9

Avantium produces the chemical ­ aterial Sciences at Michigan State

M this would absorb 17.2 million metric
Not every bioplastic is
building block furandicarboxylic acid biodegradable University, USA. tons of CO2 from the environment.
(FDCA) from fructose. FDCA can Oil will not be replaced complete­ That would be equivalent to about
be used to make polyethylenefura­ The prefix “bio” for plas­ ly, but even partial substitution is 40 million barrels of oil savings,”
tics is used for both
noate (PEF), which can be manu­ a positive step forward to reducing Narayan says.
the characteristics “bio-
factured into beverage bottles and based” and “biodegrad­ our carbon footprint. “If just 20 per­
food packaging. PEF bottles have able.” Bio-based plastics cent of the carbon in the 37.5 million Growing production capacity
some unique features: Not only are are made partially or or so metric tons of PET used in for bio-based products
they 100 percent bio-based, com­ en­tirely of renewable raw making bottles worldwide were to There are two phrases that con­
materials, but they are
pared to bottles made of PET they be replaced by bio-based carbon, sumers come across time and again
not necessarily biode­
offer improved barrier properties for grad­able. Biodegradabi­
gases like carbon dioxide and oxy­ lity is dependent on the Bioplastics gaining ground
gen, leading to a longer shelf life for molecular structure of the Development of production capacity worldwide
the packaged beverages. plastic rather than the
The automotive industry is also raw materials used to in 1,000 metric tons
make it. For example, 7,848
aiming to go back to the roots: In its
bio-­based PE (polyethyl­
early days, the car industry worked ene) and PET (polyethyl­
6,798 1,287
with biomaterials – as demonstrated ene terephthalate) are
by a car developed by Henry Ford just as non-biodegrad­
able as their fossil-based 1,287
in the 1930s with a body made of
hemp fibers. But after the passage equivalents, while plas­
tics made from bio-based
of the Marihuana Tax Act in 1937 polylactic acid (PLA) are
in the United States, the pressure on biodegradable. Plastics
Ford grew too great and develop­ made from crude oil can 3,412
ment was stopped. Today there is also be biodegradable: 6,561
renewed interest in the idea of low­ After a certain period of 901
time under specific tem­ 2,053
ering a car’s carbon emissions by 2,028
perature, oxygen and
reducing weight through the use of moisture conditions, and 737 762
natural materials such as hemp, with the help of micro­ 2,511
sisal, kenaf and flax. Increasingly, organisms or fungi, they 1,291 1,291
components are being made from can turn into water, car­
the relatively less expensive natural-­ bon dioxide (CO2) and 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
fiber plastics instead of the light­
biodegradable (bio- and petroleum-based)
weight building materials carbon or bio-based, non-biodegradable
glass fiber.
Source: European Bioplastics. All data are based on forecasts.

Lowering carbon emissions

The fossil-based economy is
­increasingly reaching its limits.
Climate change and the associated
need to reduce greenhouse gases
mean it is time for a rethink. “Bio-
based products are now the only
alternative. Without the bioeconomy,
the G7 countries’ long-term goal
of eliminating carbon dioxide emis­
sions is probably not achievable,”
says Waldemar Kütt, PhD, head of
the unit Bio-Based Products and
Processes at the European Commis­
sion’s Directorate-General for
­Research and Innovation. The rea­
son for this is that plants absorb
carbon dioxide from the air through
photosynthesis. “When we use this
carbon obtained from plant or
micro­bial biomass in manufacturing
our products, we are removing
CO2 from the environment, in
­harmony with the natural biological
carbon cycle. This is not the case Potato cultivation: Chinese
with oil, which has been created farmers who switched from
over m ­ illions of years and offers no using non-compostable
mulch film to the biodegrad­
advantages in CO2 reduction,”
able product ecovio® were
explains Ramani Narayan, Professor able to increase their yields
of Chemical Engineering and significantly.

10 Creating Chemistry

when it comes to bioplastic: bio-
based and biodegradable. Bio-
based plastic is made from renew­
able raw materials but is not nec­
questions for …
Nikolaus Raupp
essarily biodegradable. It can even
be just as long-lasting as conven­
tional plastic. On the other hand,
plastic made from crude oil or natu­
ral gas can be biodegradable (see
box). “We are seeing growing Since 2013, BASF has
­demand for bio-based products offered its customers the
which we are addressing with new option of replacing fossil
technologies and innovations. At
the same time, we are expanding
feedstock in the Verbund
our portfolio of biodegradable mate­ with renewable resources.
rials,” says Carsten Sieden, PhD, BASF project manager
head of BASF’s white biotechnology Nikolaus Raupp, PhD,
research unit.
For now, bioplastics still represent
explains how the biomass
a small slice of the market. They ­balance approach certified
make up less than 1 percent of the by technical inspection
300 million metric tons of plastics board TÜV SÜD works.
produced worldwide each year. But,
according to market data from the
industry association European Bio­ There is a growing interest
plastics, this figure should rise sharp­ in the use of renewable raw
ly in the coming years. The global materials – also in the
production capacity of around 2 mil­ chem­i­cal industry. How can
lion metric tons (2015) should nearly BASF’s biomass balance
quadruple by 2019 to about 7.8 mil­ approach contribute to this?
lion metric tons. The lion’s share Nikolaus Raupp: With this
(around 80 percent) consists of bio­ process, renewable raw mate­
plastics which are made from bio- rials can be used as feed­
based raw materials but are not stock in our existing Produc­
biodegradable or compostable. tion Verbund and then allo­
cated to the respective sales
products. The principle is bund. Here at the Ludwigs­ the time. A recent example is
­similar to that of “green ener­ hafen site, we have around the use of binders sold under
gy” tariffs, where the electri­ 200 interconnected plants the Acronal® brand, which were
city coming out of the socket across an area spanning processed by the architectural
does not necessarily come 10 square kilometers. And we coatings producer DAW to
from renewable energy. The can calculate exactly which make its newly launched Cap­
important thing, though, is of the various raw materials arol and Alpina interior paints.
that the volume of renewable go in and come out of each of
raw materials in the system these plants. If a customer Renewable raw materials are
overall is correct. Furthermore, buys one metric ton of a bio­ not necessarily always sus­
an advantage of this solution mass balance product, we tainable. What standards are
is that the product will reliably replace the corresponding applied?
offer the same level of quality. volume of fossil feedstock The TÜV SÜD standard
The unique feature is that with renewable raw materials. ­applied here stipulates that
the volume of fossil raw mate­ TÜV SÜD carefully monitors the process must use only
rials needed for production these calculations. Even raw materials that meet certi­
can be replaced by renewable though the raw material prices fied sustainability standards.
resources. are higher, there is a lot of It is important to BASF that
interest in our biomass bal­ the highest-possible share of
Depending on the custom­ ance approach – especially raw materials is derived from
er’s preferences, up to in the construction sector, the organic waste, such as agri­
100 percent of the fossil furniture industry and among cultural residues.
feedstock needed can producers of hygiene prod­
be replaced with renewable ucts. There are now more than
raw materials. How can 40 BASF products, such as
you prove this? plastics or superabsorbents
We can calculate all the way for baby diapers, certified
back along the raw material according to this approach.
chain in the Production Ver­ And more are being added all

Creating Chemistry 11

Biodegradable plastics are used Guangdong, yield was increased ­ biorefinery technologies as well as
in organic waste bags and in agri­ by 18 percent, which also reduced biological resources such as micro­
cultural mulch film, among other harvest costs by 11 percent. algae. The medium-term focus is
things. BASF’s compostable plastic on new industrial technologies, while
ecovio®, for example, proves its Political strategies the short-term priority is securing
advantages in the Chinese agricul­ Given the limited resources, how can Today, around bio-based energy supplies.
ture sector. In China, the conven­ a growing population be provided Last but not least, the European
tional technique of using mulch film with enough daily essentials such 45 countries Union is also an important supra­
made from non-biodegradable poly­ as food and energy? Policymakers have developed national player in this paradigm shift.
ethylene plastic is becoming a seri­ and industry are looking to the bio­ a variety of Nearly five years ago, it presented
ous environmental problem. The film economy to provide answers to a its Bioeconomy Strategy and policy
helps plants to grow by keeping key question of the 21st century. All
strategies for a plan for a European bioeconomy.
heat and moisture in the soil, but all of the G7 countries have launched partial transition Two years later, the European Com­
of the film is left behind in small, thin related initiatives and some have to a system mission launched the Bio-Based
strips on the fields. When plowed introduced very decisive strategies. Industries Joint Undertaking as a
under, the plastic pieces hinder root The U.S. government, for example,
with renewable central investment initiative in 2014.
growth and thus lower future yields. published the National Bioeconomy raw materials. Around 70 companies from the
Farmers who have switched over Blueprint in 2012, which declared agriculture, forestry, chemical and
to using biodegradable mulch film bioscience research and commer­ energy sectors are involved, as are
made from ecovio have been able cialization as a “major driver” of technology suppliers as industry
to increase their yields again. This American economic growth. That partners. Altogether, this initiative
has also been proven by large-scale same year, Japan passed its Bio­ will invest around €3.7 billion by
experiments that BASF has been mass Industrialization Strategy, an Reactor with algae to 2020 in the commercialization of
carrying out for years in cooperation action plan which sets out seven gen­erate biomass: Policy­ new bio-based products and pro­
makers and industry are
with local partners and organiza­ initiatives with clear timelines and cesses.
looking to the bioeconomy
tions. For example, in one test field targets. Japan’s policies aim to to provide answers to the It is not only the leading industrial
for potatoes in the province of advance the development of new issue of resources. nations that are planning a partial

12 Creating Chemistry

shift. A lesser known fact is that

­to­­day around 45 countries have
already developed very diverse
strategies for a partial transition to a
system with renewable resources
and bio-based production process-
es. For example, Uganda is foster-
ing the use of renewable energies,
biotechnology and biomass, while
in Malaysia the focus is on switching
to bio-based products.

The question of sustainability

Nevertheless, the move towards a
bioeconomy is also the subject of
critical discussions. Topics such as
“food versus fuel,” land use and
the corresponding resource inputs
for cultivation, and fair working
conditions play a central role in the
current debate about renewable
resources. At present, there are
signs that second-generation bio-
mass – made up of non-edible raw
materials – is becoming increasingly
important. Although this does not
mean that canola (rapeseed oil),
corn, and the like, as the first gener-
ation, have been superseded as a Microscopic image of the bacterium bio-based succinic acid – produced
Basfia succiniciproducens. This micro- Plant-powered engines
result. “Bioeconomy and bio-based from the bacterium Basfia succini­ci­
organism produces bio-based succinic
industries have the potential to pro- Biomass is not only a producens – into a commercial
acid, which is an important component
vide sufficient food, feed, fiber and raw material, it can be product. The acid is an important
for biodegradable plastics.
used as a fuel as well.
other materials to meet our needs, component for biodegradable plas-
Biodiesel is produced
if they are developed in the right from plant oils, such as tics, coatings and polyurethanes,
way,” says Joanna Dupont-Inglis, canola (rapeseed oil), which can be used to manufacture
Director of Industrial Biotechnology soybean and palm oil, mattresses, flooring and automotive
at Europa­Bio. “However, there will silver bullet or the answer to all of while bioethanol is creat­ seating. Succinity, the joint venture
be no ‘one size fits all’ answer our problems, but it can help us ed by the fermentation between BASF and the Dutch com-
of the sugar in corn,
­because the bioeconomy is incred­ tackle some of the biggest societal beets or sugarcane. It is
pany Corbion, has been operating a
ibly diverse and therefore different and environmental challenges that not without controversy, plant in Montmélo, Spain, since
feedstocks make sense in different we face,” Dupont-Inglis says, adding: however, as the “food 2014 that has an annual capacity of
regions for different applications. “All 100,000 chemicals that are cur- versus fuel” debates of 10,000 metric tons of bio-based
In addition, we are sure to see new rently in use can, in theory, be made recent years have demon­ succinic acid for the world market.
strated. The answer is
solutions for both minimizing waste from renewable carbon sources The issue of sufficient volumes
clear: Food production
and using what is unavoidable rather than from fossil carbon. How- must take precedence is also a key challenge for IKEA
more.” ever, of course we need to consider over energy generation. executive Puneet Trehan. However,
Nylon from wood, tires from dan- all three pillars of sustainability in With that in mind, there he sees significant progress for his
delions, lubricants from thistles – developing the bioeconomy of the will continue to be a role sector even at the cost stage. “Our
second-generation biomass is pre- future, which means weighing up for canola, corn and experience shows that if the value
­sugar beets in the bio­
dominately made up of non-edible the environmental, societal and eco­ chain is organized correctly in a
economy. But biofuels
plants, organic waste and residues. nomic benefits in each case.” BASF can also be made from partnership, the costs will certainly
According to the United Nations, researcher Sieden adds: “One lever organic waste, wood, be competitive,” he says. In his
around 5 billion metric tons of bio- to advance the bioeconomy is suffi- straw and algae. These view, one thing is important above
mass are created annually in the cient volumes at competitive prices. second- and third-gener­ all else: “You need partners who
ation processes, how­
form of agricultural residues. As But most importantly, a strong bio- are signed up to the same goal.”
ever, are still mostly in
these are not suitable for food, they based industry is a major opportuni- the development stage. Business as usual is not an option
can be used as raw materials. ty for innovations. We want to lever- in the world of bioeconomy. “‘In­
age this potential in our research dustrial evolution’ would perhaps
The price must be right network.” More and more customers be fitting for the transition which is
Theoretically, the bioeconomy has are asking for bio-based products. currently under way,” says Joanna
great potential: a boost to inno­ “This is a great opportunity for us to Dupont‑­Inglis. “Producing renewable
vation from a key technology, better expand our raw material base. But and resource-efficient bio-based
performance, new jobs and lower that won’t be possible from one day solutions will involve previously
carbon dioxide emissions. Never- to the next,” explains Sieden. It took ­unseen levels of collaboration across
theless, it should not be overes­ over half a decade of research and a diverse range of indus­tries and
timated. “The bioeconomy is not a development work in order to make sectors.”

Creating Chemistry 13

raw materials in use
It doesn’t always have to be crude oil. We show how products made
entirely or partly from renewable raw materials have already
established their place in our everyday lives – or will in the future.

Sportswear and underwear

Dextrose is not only good for a quick energy
boost. BASF has developed a precursor
derived from this sugar that can be used to
produce elastic textile fibers such as elas-
tane and spandex.

Car interior components

Tequila in the car? At least the by-products of its production
might be a possibility. When looking for renewable materials,
Ford teamed up with tequila producer Jose Cuervo. Together
they are testing the durability and heat resistance of agave
fibers, which are a by-product of tequila production. Agave
might one day be a component of the lightweight plastic
composites used to make wiring harnesses or storage bins.

Automotive roof frames

Flax, hemp, sisal and cotton are increasingly finding their way into
cars as natural fiber reinforced plastics. The new Mercedes E-Class Leather chairs
features the world’s first automobile roof frame made entirely of Olive leaves contain bitter compounds that protect the
natural fibers. The frame is stabilized with the BASF water-based binder plants from pests. But these compounds can also be
Acrodur® 950 L. This revolutionary frame is around 40 percent lighter used in leather tanning as a biodegradable alternative to
than a comparable one made of metal. conventional tanning agents.

14 Creating Chemistry

Detergents and formulators

Enzymes such as proteases and
lipases help to remove dirt. The BASF
protease Lavergy™ Pro for liquid
laundry detergent ensures effective
Shoe soles and heels cleaning even at low wash tempera-
A visionary twist for one of man’s oldest materials: tures and in short washing cycles.
Mixed with fine natural fibers from flax or hemp,
the lignin found in wood can be turned into “liquid
wood.” When heated and processed, it can be
used to make anything from shoe heels to speaker
and watch casings. Around 50 million metric tons
of lignin are generated as waste each year in the
paper industry.

Personal care and

cosmetic products
Palm oil, the oil of the palm fruit,
is the world’s most widely used
plant oil and an important food
source. The palm kernels are also
used to make palm kernel oil,
which can be a raw material for
the production of ingredients for
personal care and cosmetic
products such as shampoo. Oil
palms produce higher yields per
hectare than any other oleiferous
fruit. However, the clearing of
tropical forests and the loss of
biodiversity associated with palm
oil plantations have led to public
criticism. This is why more and
more companies, including BASF,
are committing to buying palm
oil and palm kernel oil only from
certified sources.

Garbage bins
Products made of bioplastics – such
as biodegradable garbage bags, coffee
capsules and foam packaging – have
become a firm fixture in our kitchens.
The feedstock for these is usually bio-
mass consisting of starch, sugar and
cellulose, which can be made into basic
chemicals. The certified compostable
polymer ecovio® from BASF is made
partly from polylactic acid derived from
corn or manioc.

Creating Chemistry 15

Nematodes ( 1 ) Site manager Mark Downing

(left) and fermentation manager
are ideal for Tom Goddard discuss the ser­
vicing of the fermenter tanks.
plant protection. ( 2 ) Petri dishes with cultures
They actively of symbiotic bacteria (see info­
box on page 18): They natu­
seek pests like rally occur in the n­ ematode’s
slugs, weevils gut, but at the lab nature is
given a helping hand by intro­
or caterpillars, ducing the bacteria into the
vessel in which the nematodes
invade and will be bred.
devour them.

16 Creating Chemistry

Using nature to
protect plants
Biopesticides offer a way of using nature against
itself. We take a look inside a BASF production
site that breeds nematodes – tiny worms that can
be used in plant protection to control a wide
variety of pests.

with increasing demand for organic 3
production and tougher regulations,
we are getting a foothold.” Downing
t’s not often you is joined by fermentation manager
get to look inside a huge tank filled Tom Goddard and formulating and
with eight trillion tiny worms. The packaging scientist Sarah James,
worms in question are beneficial PhD, to give us a tour of the factory
nematodes, bred in one of BASF’s floor.
crop protection sites to be sold as The first room is filled with shiny
a biological pesticide. Nematodes cylindrical tanks and a bewildering
are ideal for plant protection. They array of pipes that snake their way
actively seek pests like slugs, weevils around the site. The process starts
or caterpillars, invade and devour by passing nematodes through an
them. The site has been located in insect. “This is to prove their effi­
Littlehampton on the English south cacy,” explains Goddard. Only the
coast for more than 30 years and is nematodes that kill the host insect
now the largest nematode produc­ are used. They are transferred to a
tion facility in the world. flask, where they are encouraged
Site manager Mark Downing to feed on nutrients and then used
oversees a team of 35 employees. to seed smaller tanks. The process
“We’re not out to replace chemical is scaled up in ever larger vessels
pesticides, there is a need in the until the nematodes have multiplied
market for both,” he says. “But from a few thousand to trillions. 4

5 ( 3 ) Aerating the nematodes

can create a lot of foam,
which has to be removed.
Tom Goddard checks foam
levels in “El Gordo,” the
102,000-liter custom-built
fermenter tank that stands
about 12 meters high.
( 4 ) Each batch of nematodes
starts out in a flask ­culture.
These cultures are then used
to seed the s­ maller fermenter
( 5 ) Fermen­tation technician
Raj Ganthaji checks the
number of bacterial cells of
the nematode product.

Creating Chemistry 17
What is a nematode?
Nematodes are multi-
cellular worms, around
1 millimeter in length.
They live in soil and a
wide range of other
land and marine environ-
ments. Each species
has its own symbiotic
bacteria which live in its
gut. Once a nema­tode
­invades a pest, it regurgi-
tates the bacteria, which
then digest the host. The
resulting material has a
distinc­tive color – from
bright yellow to rusty red.
The color can identify
the species. They find
their food by “chemo­
taxis,” their movements
re­spond­ing to chemical
stimulation. After devour-
ing one host, they look
for more, but can survive
for up to 10 days without
a meal. There are nearly
20,000 known species
of nematodes, and esti-
mated to be many more.

( 6 ) Sarah James, PhD,

counts how many nematodes
are in 1 gram of the product.
( 7 ) Quality control: A bio­
assay is examined to check
how effective the nematodes
( 8 ) An enlarged image of the
nematodes on the computer
screen is used to check
which stage of their life cycle
they have reached. 6

7 8

18 Creating Chemistry

The nematode lifecycle has five

stages. Those that go on the market
are the infective juveniles – the only
stage where they can survive outside
a host. Currently the facility produces
six different species of nematodes
to target different kinds of pests.
Some are ideal for managing fungus
gnats, root flies and western flower
thrips in horticulture and vegetable
production. Others provide control
of slugs, codling moths and red
palm weevils. BASF works with local
and international researchers to dis­-
cover new, potentially useful species.
In the middle of the production
facility stands “El Gordo,” Spanish
for “the fat one.” A 102,000-liter
vessel, about 12 meters high, it is
used to brew the Steinernema feltiae
species, which is marketed under
the brand name Nemasys®. “That’s
our biggest selling product,” says
Goddard. “We sell trillions of these
nematodes a year.”
Once brewed to the right stage,
the nematodes are mixed with a
special formulation and packed into 9
what look like microwave dinner
trays. Goddard shows two packs
containing over 1.5 billion nema­ “The market for
todes which are destined for Florida, nematodes
to help tackle pests that are threat­
ening orange groves. “This will cover
started small
something like 15 acres, or around but is growing
nine soccer pitches. It’s diluted in a every year.”
tank with water, then sprayed on the
crop,” he says. Mark Downing, site manager
James works in the formulating
and packaging lab finding ways to
overcome problems like overheat­
ing. The heat comes from the nema­
todes’ metabolism as they feed.
With the tanks containing up to
200,000 nematodes per milliliter, this 10
is a serious concern. She shows
three containers of new formulations
( 9 ) Mark Downing (right) and 11
she has mixed as an experiment to Tom Goddard assess a bac­
find out what will improve the shelf terial plate in the laboratory.
life of a living product. James joined ( 10 ) The nematodes are
BASF as she was finishing her PhD. sealed in trays with a micro­
“I was studying ways of using nature perforated film lid which
allows sufficient oxygen
against itself. I like the idea of using through to keep them alive.
a natural predator to target what we The product has a dough-
consider pests,” she says. The like, open structure so that
Nemasys product typically kills 60 to air can get in.
80 percent of the pests on plants. ( 11 ) Roxana Halalau (left)
and Kristina Bandzinaite
“The market for nematodes start­
pack the product. Each tray
ed small but is growing every year,” contains around 1.5 billion
says Downing. “We like to think nematodes.
we’re providing the technology of
the future.”

Creating Chemistry 19

Circular economy:
A visionary roadmap?

In a world of ­ nvironment Program at the U. S.
E another. BASF has incorporated this
Cham­ber of Commerce Foundation idea from its very beginning in 1865.
limited resources,
Corporate Citizenship Center. “The BASF Verbund is designed for
new economic lobally, we are She sees businesses embracing the efficient use of energy and resourc-
models are facing the pressures of climate ­cir­cular economy approach as an es. The excess heat produced in one
needed. The change, population growth and lim- ­opportunity to drive innovation within production facility can be re-used
ited resources. The bioeconomy the broad sustainability framework. as energy in other plants. Offgas or
circular economy
(see cover story from page 6) is part The aim of the circular economy reaction by-products from one plant
is an idea that of a larger, holistic concept: the cir- is to use fewer resources by effi- work as raw material for another. It
is gaining ground. cular economy, which aims to trans- cient processes, waste prevention, means we are able to reduce emis-
What does form the way we live so that we do re-use, repair, remanufacture and sions and waste, while conserving
not exceed our planet’s boundaries. recycling. It focuses primarily on resources,” says Uwe Liebelt, PhD,
it mean and how
The fundamental idea is to decou- material cycles and relies on energy President, European Site and Ver-
does it work? ple growth from resource ­depletion from renewable sources. Design bund Management at BASF.
by developing innovative business for durability ensures that technical Another pillar of the circular econ-
models. Moving away from the line- products last as long as required, omy concept is growing fast: the
ar “take-make-dispose” to a more are easily maintained and have new “service economy,” where shar-
circular approach in production and high second-hand value. Design for ing and leasing replaces ownership
consumption could be the biggest disassembly means that the prod­- and consumers become users. For
economic transformation since ucts and their components can example, the shift from individual
the industrial revolution. “The linear be repaired, remanufactured and ownership to car sharing will lead to
model, which has been very suc- recov­ered as raw material for more intense usage over the car’s
cessful in delivering economic growth another manufacturing process. service life, requiring new, highly
in the past, is no longer viable for Through “industrial symbiosis,” durable and recyclable materials
continuing progress,” says Jennifer by-products from one industrial and technologies. Chemical innova-
Gerholdt, Senior Director of the ­process become the feedstock for tions are essential for achieving this.

Closing the loop – circular economy thinking from past to present

Pre-industrial societies Peasant farming Industrial evolution Take-make-dispose Service economy Industrial ecology

From hunter-gatherers Subsistence Efficient mechanized factory Pioneered by U. S. scien-

to empires, the human farming was the systems led to the mass tist Professor Thomas
desire to create value norm for many production of ever-cheaper Graedel in the mid-
through making and centuries. goods, thus accelerating 1990s, this growing field
consuming things has Farmers grew the integration of a global explores the flow of
always been linked enough food to economy. With rising compe- energy and materials
to the availability of feed their fami- tition, companies looked through complex human/
natural resources and lies and used into more and more efficient natural systems, and
labor, but with bio­ their resources ways of production. how economic, political,
degradable goods, sustainably. regulatory and social
there was no waste in In 1932, boosting impacts might transform
today’s sense. consumption through Walter Stahel founded them.
“planned obsoles- the Product-Life Institute
cence” was suggest- in Geneva, Switzerland,
ed as a solution to in 1982, arguing that
the U. S. Depression. ex­tending the life of
By the 1950s, the goods creates jobs,
dawn of the “Plastic saves energy and pre-
Age” was coupled vents waste. In his per-
with an increasing formance model, con-
dependence on oil sumers become users,
and mounting waste buying services not
problems. products.

20 Creating Chemistry
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation,
which aims to support and accel­
erate the transition to the circular
economy, estimates that these
­ideas could save at least $1 trillion
in materials annually by 2025 and
create jobs through remanufactur-
ing and recycling products.
The strategic potential of the
circular economy to use as few
resources as possible while support-
ing growth means that it is being
rapidly incorporated by some of
the world’s leading companies and
regional economies. For Gerholdt,
this way of doing business is,
simply, the “new normal” in the
21st century.

Car sharing, as an alter­­-

native to car ownership,
leads to more intense usage
over the vehicle’s service life,
requiring new, highly durable
and recyclable materials.

Cradle to cradle Project mainstream Global governance Global challenges Thinking into the future

Global companies In 2007, China made

working with organ­ a circular economy
izations like the an over-arching
World Economic goal, and initiatives
Forum and the Ellen are underway in
MacArthur Foun­ Japan, South Korea,
dation aim to scale France, Scotland,
up the circular Canada and Scandi-
economy by tackling navia. In 2015, the Which ideas will lead the
challenges too big European Union way to developing new
or complex for indi- made “Closing the industries and technolo-
vidual businesses. Loop” a key policy gies that enable us to
of the world’s largest live within our planetary
trading region. boundaries without limiting
The 2002 book “Cradle to growth?
Cradle: Remaking the Way
We Make Things” by German
chemist Professor Michael We use 1.5 times the world’s natural
Braungart and U. S. architect resources annually, the population is set
William McDonough chal- to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050, and
lenges designers to consider global temperatures are predicted to rise
a product’s impact across its by an average of 3 degrees Celsius in
entire life cycle. the next 100 years.

Creating Chemistry 21

Circular vision
in the East
As China’s economy grows, its approach to circular economy
thinking matters to us all. Professor Du Huanzheng, his country’s
foremost promoter of the idea, believes China has a few things
to learn but also a lot to share about this new economic model.

Creating Chemistry: How do you products, responsible consumption waste to address the problem of
define a circular economy? and recycling, all with the ultimate insufficient resources. Then at the Professor Du Huanzheng
Professor Du Huanzheng: In a line­ goal of achieving sustainable devel­ beginning of 21st century, we started
ar economy you proceed from raw opment for human society. to think about resource recycling in Professor Du Huanzheng
materials to products, then to waste. terms of the impact on the environ­ has been the Director
In a circular economy, there is a com­ How did you personally first ment. This is in contrast to Germany of the Circular Economy
Research Institute of Chi­
plete circle from raw materials to become interested in circular and Japan, which started from envi­
na’s renowned Tongji Uni­
products and then back to renew­ economy thinking? ronmental concerns and are now versity since its founding in
able resources. Here in China, we go In 1985, I took some students to a also including resource issues. 2014. He is also the Vice
further and think about the circular small city near Wenzhou, one of the Director of the Center for
Chinese Circular Economic
economy as a new economic model biggest manufacturing bases for From a Chinese perspective, which
Assessment and Environ­
that changes both our production low-voltage electrical apparatus in areas of circular economy thinking mental Forecast of the
methods and lifestyle. The tradition China. They collected old transfor­ are most urgently needed? influential Chinese Acad­
has been one of mass production, mers from all over China, repainted To guide the transformation, leaders emy of Social Sciences
(CASS). In 2005, he found­
mass consumption and mass waste. and sold the good ones. From the need to change their way of thinking. ed the Yangtze River Delta
What we need now is eco design at rest, they split out the silicon steel The central leadership has already Research Academy of Cir­
the beginning of production, environ­ sheets and made them into new, done that. Now local government cular Economy, one of the
mentally friendly production, includ­ smaller transformers. So in China in leaders need to follow. China has earliest circular economy
research institutes in China.
ing recyclable and biodegradable the 1980s, we wanted to avoid devel­oped so fast in the past 30 years

In China, a great deal of

industry is concentrated in
industrial parks. One exam­
ple is the integrated produc­
tion at the BASF-YPC Ver­
bund site in Nanjing. Its effi­
ciency demonstrates the
potential of circular economy
thinking for China’s chemical

22 Creating Chemistry

“In China, we
think about
the circular
economy as a
new economic
model that
changes both
our production
and lifestyle.”

Creating Chemistry 23

because county leaders were pro­ admirable and surprising. Why

moted to mayors and mayors to is China, which is still catching up
vice governors on the basis of gross with western economies, already
domestic product (GDP). But this embracing these ideas?
has led to a waste of resources. In the West, industrialization took
Construction is GDP, demolition too. “In the West, indus­ almost 200 years. Here in China, we
We need to adopt “resource pro­ trialization took almost have had to compress this develop­
ductivity,” which is GDP divided by ment into a much shorter period of
consumption of main resources,
200 years. Here in just three decades, solving not only
as a new assessment method for China, we have had to the problems that developed coun­
leaders. In China, these are repre­ compress this devel­ tries encounter, but also those that
sented by the 13 most widely used, developing countries face. As a
main raw materials, like coal, steel
opment into a much re­spon­sible power, China should play
Employees disassemble and copper. shorter period.“ a leading role in global sustainable
electronic scrap at a waste development by being at the fore­
recycling factory in Wuhan, China has announced ambitious front of wind, solar and other clean
Hubei province. The plastic
plans to promote a circular econo­ energies. We want to find a way
parts will be reused for the
production of wood-plastic my and written them into its of making a great leap forward in
composites. recent Five Year Plan. This is both development that can be an exam­
ple for other developing nations.

While China is very good at plan­

ning and formulating goals, it
often seems to have a harder
time implementing them. In many
­cities there is not even basic
garbage separation and recycling
of consumer waste. What are
you doing about this?
It is a big issue. We started a gar­
bage separation pilot program in
2000 in eight cities including Beijing
and Shanghai. Sixteen years later,
it still hasn’t succeeded. There is
always a call-to-action by the gov­
ernment, then a document issued,
followed by media coverage and
leaders showing up at the scene.
But there is no long-term mecha­
nism. We are now working on a sys­
tem solution for urban waste in
Guangzhou that includes initial gar­
bage separation, collection and
sorting, followed by classification and
disposal by class. With the system
in place, we will invite private sector
enterprises to participate and make
it sustainable.

In order for the circular economy

to work well, partners along the
value chain have to work closely
together to create and implement
solutions. How does China sup­
port such cooperation?
The circular economy solves both
environmental and resource prob­
lems. Environmental problems are a
public issue. The resource issue,
however, is a market one. Resource
recycling is only accomplished
through cooperation between gov­
ernment and the market. If we want
to recycle discarded milk cartons
or glass waste, for example,
the government can provide the
missing part of the value chain by

24 Creating Chemistry

Professor Du Huanzheng subsi­dizing low-added-value waste partnered with the Coca-Cola Com­
walks past the South or by Extended Producer Responsi­ pany to promote manufacturing eco-­
West Dormitory, one of the
­oldest buildings on the bility solutions. friendly bottles with local agricultural
­campus of Tongji University waste rather than petroleum‑based
in Shanghai, China. Undeniably, China’s environmental ingredients. We have worked with
efforts do not only concern China Japan on recycling urban waste, and
alone, but have implications for launched a project with Germany on
the whole world. Is there enough “With leadership from recycling batteries. We also organize
international cooperation? annual training courses on circular
governments, the par­
We strongly feel that we need inter­ economy in developing countries so
national cooperation to promote a ticipation of the public, as to share successful case studies.
circular economy. We need to learn and implementation
from other countries, but also need Looking to the future, are you
through private enter­
to show the world our good case optimistic about achieving a
studies. That is why we have set up prise, I firmly believe circular economy?
various international cooperation that the circular econo­ I think it is something we absolutely
platforms with major developed have to develop if mankind wants
my can be achieved
countries such as the United States, to exist and develop sustainably.
Japan, and Europe. The U.S.-China in China and globally.” With leadership from governments,
EcoPartnerships Program, under the the participation of the public, and
U.S.-China Strategic and Economic implementation through private
Dialogue, is one of these platforms, enterprises, I firmly believe that the
and has launched 42 EcoPartner­ circular economy can be achieved
ships so far. The Yangtze River Delta in China and globally.
Research Academy of Circular Eco­
nomy, of which I am the director, has

Creating Chemistry 25

New discoveries
Inventive minds wanted! This section presents inspiring innovations
that make everyday life easier while improving sustainability.

Clear messages
When a train rattles by, it is often very hard to
understand announcements in the train station.
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital
Media Technology (IDMT) in Oldenburg, Germany,
have developed a software that significantly
improves speech intelligibility – it works for loud-
speaker announcements, for the voices of speak-
ers at conferences or conversations on mobile
phones. The software uses a microphone to ana-
lyze the background noise and adjust the speech
in real-time. It is not sufficient to just make the
voice louder. Instead, algorithms prioritize certain
frequencies and selectively boost those that
are particularly disturbed by the ambient noise.
As well, loud parts of speech are systematically
subdued while quiet parts are amplified. So you
always know where to catch your next train.

How polymer beads cut utility costs in laundry

Our daily laundry consumes huge amounts of water and energy. Researchers
at the pioneering start up Xeros in the United Kingdom have developed a
revolutionary solution addressing saving potential as well as quality improve­
ments in laundry. Xeros uses polymer-based beads with a diameter of 4 to
6 millimeters to substitute large parts of the water used: The fabric massag-
ing effect of the up to 1.5 million reusable polymer beads in a 25 kilogram
commercial laundry machine can reduce water and detergent use by more
than 50 percent. Xeros and BASF have been working together since 2013
to optimize the beads’ effectiveness. Their ellipsoidal shape, their specific
density and their smart functionalization provide for a gentle but efficient
wash and have made them very popular among hotel launderers.

Personal wind power

A wind turbine you can pack in the back of your
car and take with you – nemoi, developed by
Argentinean company Semtive, stands 1.5 meters
high, weighs 25 kilograms and is easy to assemble.
That makes it ideal as a backup for conventional
generators in remote areas or for saving energy
costs at home. Its vertical axis design means it
can work even with light breezes. Made of 95 per-
cent recyclable materials, it can be equipped with
a solar panel and generate up to 450 watts per
hour. A deep cycle battery stores energy for when
the wind doesn’t blow.

26 Creating Chemistry

Harvesting water from the air

The tower invented by Italian designer Arturo Vittori
can collect an average of 50 to 100 liters of drink-
ing water per day. Around 10 meters high and made
of woven rushes, the delicate structure collects
rain and harvests fog and dew from the air. How
does it work? Water from the air condenses and
raindrops are collected on a fine mesh made of
bioplastic fixed inside the woven shell of the tower.
The harvested water drips down, runs through a
filter and is then collected in a 3,000-liter water
tank. The Warka Water system has a one-time
cost of around $1,000. A prototype has been tested
in Ethiopia since May 2015 and mass production
is scheduled to start in 2019. Only around one-
third of all Ethiopians have access to clean drink-
ing water.

Light from saltwater

Bringing light into Philippine huts and houses ­
with saltwater is an idea developed by Aisa and
Raphael Mijeno and their Asian startup SALt.
They want to replace kerosene lamps, which are
dangerous to human health and the environment.
In their lamp, a battery generates electricity from
water and salt. With each filling of saltwater, the
lamp has enough power to shine for eight hours
a day for six months and can also charge a mobile
phone. After that, the Philippine inventors’ battery
needs to be refilled. In coastal regions, this can
be done simply with seawater. Series production
started recently.

The color of hope

Almost half a million people died of malaria last year,
many in Africa. Worryingly, the parasites from the
Plasmodium genus that cause malaria, have devel-
oped resistance to most current medicines. A 19th
century dyestuff, methylene blue, could provide an
answer. First synthesized by BASF over 100 years ago,
recent studies have shown it to be a safe and effec-
tive treatment against one malaria parasite, Plasmo­
dium falciparum. In 2016, the German universities of
Heidelberg and Munich and Jimma University in
Ethiopia started a clinical study to test a methylene
blue-based combination therapy to treat patients with
another malaria parasite, Plasmodium vivax. This
study was developed together with BASF scientists
and will be supported by BASF.

Creating Chemistry 27

Does free trade

still matter?
28 Creating Chemistry

Multilateral or regional agree-

ments? Professor Daniel Hamil-
ton (left) and Karl Brauner, PhD,
talk about the right approach ­
to meet the challenges for inter-
national trade within our com-
plex globalized world.

Trade is an engine of growth, promoting innovation and increasing standards

of living. For the past 20 years the World Trade Organization (WTO) has
led the way to trade liberalization. But with the progress of negotiations
slowing, major countries are now pursuing regional agreements. Is this the
right approach to meet the challenges of our complex globalized world?
Creating Chemistry asked Karl Brauner, PhD, from the WTO, and Professor
Daniel Hamilton of Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D. C., USA.

Creating Chemistry 29

Creating Chemistry: better paying jobs for their workers. of rules that are almost universally
Why is global trade important? Consumers benefit because they accepted and respected. Its dispute
can choose a wider variety of goods resolution system remains a gold
Karl Brauner: Trade is the instru- and services at lower prices. All of standard and tariffs today are quite
ment by which companies and that tends to increase standards of low on the majority of trade. But the
countries engage on the world mar- living. organization is now facing a whole
ket. The evidence shows that the series of crises that will really chal-
more a country engages on the What are the WTO’s major lenge its role.
global level, the higher the standard achievements?
Daniel Hamilton
of living is in that country. You can What are those challenges?
see this very clearly if you compare Brauner: We are the organization
Daniel S. Hamilton is the the Northern European countries or that sets the rules multilaterally for Hamilton: The nature of trade has
Austrian Marshall Plan
North America with North Korea. trade globally and we can enforce changed significantly in recent years.
Foundation Professor and
Executive Director of the them. Our dispute settlement system Think about the digital economy.
Center for Transatlantic Daniel Hamilton: Trade has impor- has handled more than 500 cases; By some measures digital trade
Relations at Johns Hopkins tant effects within countries as well we have a compliance rate of more has eclipsed trade in real goods.
University’s School of
Advanced International
as between them. It encourages than 90 percent and you get a court What are the right rules to govern
Studies in Washington, competition, which tends to promote decision in a much shorter time span that sort of trade? Then there’s the
D.C., USA. He previously more innovation. It means compa- than you would get in national courts. devel­opment of global value chains,
served as U.S. Deputy nies need to be more efficient, and where trade is a series of tasks that
Assistant Secretary of
that usually leads to better products. Hamilton: I absolutely agree that the are performed in a whole range
Over time, more open societies have WTO presides over a global system of c
­ ountries. Today, you can’t really
say that something is “made in
Germany” or “made in China.” You
need different rules to take account
of these new realities, which are
about regulatory regimes and how
differences between countries affect
those flows.

Brauner: There are many more

­relevant players today. In the past,
you might have been able to reach
agreement with maybe four coun-
tries, and they would be able to
move the rest of the membership
along. Now this is no longer possible.
You have to consider a much wider
group. And the involvement of civil
society is more intense than it was
in recent years, with the anti-globa­
lization and trade-critical trends.
Democratic governments cannot
take positions against a highly vocal
civil society.

“If you negotiate a deal

and your society isn’t
ready to embrace it, it’s
all for naught.”
Professor Daniel Hamilton

30 Creating Chemistry

“It’s true that bilateral

negotiations allow you to
be more focused, but
these approaches have
important limitations.”
Karl Brauner, PhD

Why do trade agreements cause


Brauner: The benefits of trade, just

like any economic or technological
change, affect different parts of the
economy and different stakeholders
in different ways. Certain industries
come under completely new com-
petitive pressure. It could make them
more efficient or it could put them
out of business. I think where we
have failed in the past is that we
have not acknowledged that there
are losers. We have only looked at
aggregated figures and shown that
the national economy, if it’s open,

Hamilton: It used to be that negoti-

ations took place in closed rooms.
But if you negotiate a deal and your
society isn’t ready to embrace it, it’s
all for naught. Given that so many
different parts of the economy are
affected by these negotiations, there Brauner: It’s true that bilateral ne­ make these offers exclusively to their
needs to be a way for citizens and gotiations allow you to be more partners. However, the way that Karl Brauner
various parts of the economy to ­focused, but these approaches have these agreements encourage coun-
have a voice in this, including critical important limitations. In the case o
­f tries to remove certain obstacles ­ Karl Brauner, PhD, has
voices. extended global value chains, for in their trade may also make it easier been Deputy Director-
example, each agreement may have to bring this level of liberalization to General of the WTO since
2013. Previously, he
How are trade negotiation strate- its own protocol on proof of origin, the multilateral scene. Once prob-
was Director General for
gies evolving in the face of these and managing all those protocols lems have been overcome in bilateral external economic policy
challenges? eventually becomes so burdensome agreements, countries can negotiate in the German Federal
that companies don’t attempt to the same subjects at a multilateral Ministry of Economics,
and Germany’s member
Hamilton: The new trade agenda ­­ make use of the deal. Nor must we level more easily.
in the European Union’s
is emerging more in bilateral and forget that these big regional deals Trade Policy Committee.
plurilateral agreements, such as the have not been concluded yet. Hamilton: The political dynamic has He has attended all WTO
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) changed fundamentally. Brexit has minis­terial conferences
since 2001.
between the United States and Asia Can regional trade agreements be sparked a new debate about the
and the Transatlantic Trade and a stepping stone to multilateral United Kingdom’s future trading rela-
­Investment Partnership (TTIP) be- free trade, or are they a barrier to tions. Donald Trump wants to rene-
tween the United States and Euro- progress? gotiate NAFTA, kill the Trans-Pacific
pean Union, with the sort of deep Partnership, raise tariffs on China,
­integration that goes beyond tariff Brauner: I think they are both. When and strike bilateral trade deals. The
reduction and finds ways to deal a regional or bilateral agreement is United States and European Union
with non-tariff barriers: new kinds concluded, you generate freer trade need to reposition themselves to
of rules to deal with concerns like among those partners. But during compete in the changing global eco­
the environment and climate these negotiations, the countries nomy, but the outlook for regional
change, labor, food scarcity, animal ­involved cannot offer anything on the ­or multilateral trade agreements now
welfare and consumer pressures. multilateral level because they must looks cloudy.

Creating Chemistry 31

Stock prices on display in

the financial district of Tokyo,
Japan. Many industries are
built on global trade, including
the chemical sector.

32 Creating Chemistry

Why free trade

Teressa Szelest, President, Market and Business Development North America for
BASF Corporation, believes that trade creates wealth and spurs innovation,
leading to better products and lower prices. As a global exporter and importer,
BASF supports comprehensive trade liberalization that goes beyond the removal
of tariffs and addresses wider issues such as standards and regulation.

The chemicals sector is built on But its latest round of negotiations This duplication of work and cost
global trade. In 2015, international has come to a halt. Furthermore, could be eliminated through an
trade in chemical products was the challenges we face today are agreement between the two sides
worth €1.6 trillion. Much of that multi-dimensional, addressing not without affecting standards. The
trade is within the value chains that only the need to further reduce tariffs, proposed bilateral trade agreement
transform raw materials into con- but reaching greater international between the United States and the
sumer products. Around 80 percent alignment on standards and regula- European Union – the Transatlantic
of all chemical products are sold tions, and developing solutions to Trade and Investment Partnership
to other chemical companies, and new non-tariff barriers. These com- (TTIP) – would provide just such a
much trade takes place between plex issues are not currently cov- framework for the authorities to
different units of the same company. ered by the WTO, so other answers recognize each other’s inspections.
Encouraging trade through the have to be found. A pragmatic Achieving this degree of trust and
reduction of tariffs and other barriers ­global solution can only be achieved alignment between the two sides
helps BASF, its customers and the through a “bottom up” process, is a complex undertaking. That is
chemicals industry. It reduces the beginning with bilateral or regional why we need to think small first to
Teressa Szelest
cost of inputs and the price of end agreements. achieve something big in the end.
products, and opens access to new To give an example for the impor- Bilateral trade agreements may
growth markets. At the same time, tance of regulatory harmonization, well prove the most feasible and Teressa Szelest began her
current role as President,
increased competition through trade take BASF’s pharmaceutical ingre- pragmatic way to strengthen free
Market and Business Devel-
accelerates the pace of innovation. dients business. The production trade and benefit society – serving opment North America for
That keeps us focused on finding plants must comply with strict qua­ as guardians against the recent BASF Corporation in 2015.
new ways to manage our costs, lity standards. This means the pro- rise in protectionist policies around She is responsible for
BASF’s strategic business
improve our operations and deliver duction plants are regularly inspect- the world. For such agreements to
development and market-
additional value to our customers. ed by both the European Medicines succeed, however, they must ulti- ing across the region. She
The best route to achieve multi- Agency and the U. S. Food and mately be open for countries to join joined BASF in 1988 and
lateral trade liberalization has tradi- Drug Administration (FDA) using the and to shape the way the world held a variety of technical,
management and business
tionally been negotiations at the same international standards. does business. leadership roles through­
World Trade Organization (WTO). out her career. Szelest
holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in chemical engi-
neering from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute in Troy,
New York, USA.

“Encouraging trade through the

reduction of tariffs and other
barriers helps BASF, its customers
and the chemicals industry.”
Teressa Szelest, President,
Market and Business Development North America for BASF Corporation

Creating Chemistry 33

Shuttling between the Atlantic

Peru and Pacific
Puente Continental
In January 2016 the world’s longest bus line, the
Trans­oceánica, started offering service between Rio
de Janeiro and Lima. It takes 102 hours to travel the
6,200 kilometer route between the two cities. Planning
for the Transoceánica started in the 1980s. It was
meant to serve as a connection between the Pacific
and the Atlantic, via Peru and Brazil. The construction
materials and bridges were purchased and streets
were constructed. But when funds ran out in the mid-
dle of the 1980s, only 21 of the 22 planned bridges had
been built, so crossing the Madre de Dios River near
Puerto Maldonado in Peru required taking a ferry. The
construction materials for the 22nd bridge, the final
link, were put in storage until 2007 when work resumed.
Many of the components required a complete over-
haul: The supporting steel cables were replaced, any
damage was repaired, and finally, the structure was
also strengthened. The Puente Continental, the longest
hanging bridge in Peru, was finally opened in 2011 and
completed the connecting route between the Atlantic
and the Pacific.

United States
U.N. headquarters

Completely refurbished head-

quarters of the United Nations
It is the most expensive renovation of a public building
ever: It cost $2.15 billion to update the U.N. headquar-
ters in New York, which opened in 1952. The building
complex with the world-famous green-blue shining
glass façade was designed by renowned architects
such as Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer and Wallace
Harrison. The renovation was 30 times more expensive
than the original cost of the building. The radical over-
haul – including gutting the building, energy efficiency
measures and technical updates – began in 2008. It
was high time, since not only did the building have
crumbling plaster, drafty windows and ancient heating
systems, it also contained asbestos and outdated
building protection and fire safety technology. The
complex does not officially have protected building
status because the supranational organization does
not fall under the jurisdiction of any authority. Never-
theless, the historic identity of the iconic building
had to be maintained. Instead of taking five years as
planned, the work was only completed in 2016.

34 Creating Chemistry

Award-winning restoration
Like a castle adorned with battlements, towers, columns and little
round arches, the JN Petit Institute with its library and reading room is
a jewel in the historical center of Mumbai. The building was donated
by the mother of Jamsetjee Nesserwanjee Petit and dedicated in
memory of her only son. The restoration project lasted more than two
years, meticulously eliminating all traces of the serious disintegration
both inside and outside the building, using materials very similar to
those it was originally built with. The plaster used for the decorative
ceilings, for example, was imported especially from Paris. UNESCO
JN Petit Institute
granted the project an award of merit in its Asia-Pacific Awards for
Cultural Heritage in 2015.

Old buildings enter

a new era
Not everyone ages equally well – this is also true for buildings and
roads. But something can be done about the unwanted signs
of aging and material fatigue, as these successful refurbishment
projects from around the world demonstrate.

Long-term treatment
against aging
The clear, cubist forms of the gleaming Spain
white Fundació Joan Miró building soar Fundació Joan Miró
into the blue skies over Barcelona. The idea
for this museum came from the Catalan
artist himself. It was completed in 1975 by
his friend, the architect Josep Lluís Sert,
a student of Le Corbusier. However, the
quality of the concrete, compounded by its
exposure to the salty sea climate, caused
the building to age rapidly. It developed
corrosion damage in many places, and
this meant that repair work had to be started
in May 2005. BASF tackled this with Master­
Protect® 8000 CI. To this day, this silane-­
based corrosion inhibitor protects the steel
reinforcement in the concrete of the restored
building against new damage. At the same
time, it forms a barrier to ensure that less
water can penetrate into the concrete. This
is also demonstrated by long-term measure­
ments: In 2015, 10 years after its treat­-
ment, the building was still free of corrosion

Creating Chemistry 35

“I am the real one.”

Identical only on the surface:

Aktion Plagiarius e.V. annually
awards an anti-prize to the most
flagrant imitations. In 2013, a
Dubai-based company received
the award for its imitation of the
“McEgg” egg cup. The original
(on the left) is made by the Ger-
man company WMF.

36 Creating Chemistry

Keeping it real
Fake goods are hugely profitable, increasingly sophisticated
and often hard to tell apart from the genuine article. The economic
impact, brand damage and even potential risk to human health
are driving companies to come up with innovative ways to keep
one step ahead of the counterfeiters.

“Hey egghead – too bad for

you that I just don’t care.”

Creating Chemistry 37

“ t’s the real thing”
may be one of the most famous
advertising slogans ever, but how
can consumers be sure that the
products they buy are genuine, or
companies ensure that the parts
and materials they use really are
what suppliers claim them to be?
Whether it is imitation designer
goods, or the dangerous trade in
counterfeit pharmaceuticals or vehicle
parts, fakes are big business.
Criminals are drawn by a tempting
combination of big profit and small
risk. “Almost every consumer item
and most industrial components
can and have been counterfeited,”
says Pottengal Mukundan, Director
of the International Chamber of
Commerce’s Commercial Crime

Registering rights is key

According to the European Union’s
law enforcement agency Europol,
the most significant enabler for
distributing counterfeit goods is the
internet. Consumers are attracted
by low prices and direct delivery,
and some sites are hard to distin­
guish from those owned by the
Around 80 percent of global
genuine rights holder. “It’s easier trade by volume is carried
today to close down sites selling or issued by intellectual property offices. by sea. With the market for on sales networks and distribution
distributing counterfeit products, For trademarks, registration is a fake goods growing, new channels as a matter of course.
anti-counterfeiting technolo-
but on the other hand it’s just as prerequisite to be protected in most “In the process of market monitoring
gies are constantly needed
easy to immediately replace them,” jurisdictions, and an essential ele­ to tackle the problem. for any IPR infringements, customer
says Mukundan, and as it is an ment of proof for designs.” By regis­ feedback and information from
­activity that transcends national tering their rights, companies can business partners have been identi­
jurisdictions, legal action can be also use the EUIPO enforcement fied as the most reliable and relevant
difficult. database, a secure tool providing sources of information on infringe­
To protect their brand, companies direct communication between ments among small businesses
should formally register trademarks rights holders, customs and police notably,” says Maier. Collaboration
and designs, stresses Paul Maier, to fight counterfeiting. between public and private sectors
Director of the European Observa­ Businesses should also regularly on enforcement operations, and
tory on Infringements of Intellectual monitor the internet for fake sites or knowledge sharing with enforcers
Property Rights (IPR) at the Europe­ products, and make sure that they are also essential.
an Union Intellectual Property Office are fully up to speed with the legal Pharmaceutical, crop protection,
(EUIPO). “It’s vital for companies framework in all the territories where cosmetics and technical products
to have rights which they can prove they operate. It helps to make like car parts and household appli­
belong to them, through certificates re­gular test purchases and check ances can all be counterfeited.

38 Creating Chemistry

The world’s
There are also fake versions of food “There is grow- shore supply chains – with prod­
and beverages. When even the ucts coming back with 20 percent
most counterfeited ­materials used for production can
ing demand compliance or below – to achieve
goods 1 be susceptible, tackling counterfeits for laser marking. 100 percent compliance, based on
is an issue for all kinds of manu­ The possibilities more than 1,000 DNA tests.
facturers. ­Furthermore, the amount of DNA
1 it offers to tackle ­required is only one part to a trillion
Footwear Smart anti-counterfeiting counterfeits are parts of cotton fiber. “It is so minis­
­technologies almost limitless.” cule that there’s no impact on ­­
In the textile industry, for example, any fiber, whether it’s synthetic or
market surveys have revealed that Steffen Ehrenmann, PhD, natural,” says Hayward.
27,119 some retail labels misrepresent the Product Manager at TRUMPF Laser marking is another tech­
percentage and identity of cotton nology helping companies prove that
Leading sneaker brands are
among the world’s most infringed fiber, according to James Hayward, their products and parts are genuine.
trademarks PhD and CEO of U.S. firm Applied TRUMPF, a global high-tech com­
DNA Sciences (ADNAS). Customers pany headquartered in Ditzingen,
were not getting the quality they Germany, produces lasers that can
2 had paid for, so his company devel­ mark many materials quickly and
Knitted or oped a clever solution to this prob­ durably, including metals, plastics
crocheted clothing lem, using markers based on plant and organic materials like leather.
genetic material deoxyribonucleic A mobile phone or hand scanner
acid (DNA) to authenticate content. linked to a database reads the en­
“We think of it as kind of diagnosis coded information. The marking
17,995 and then therapy,” he says. “Our itself might be hidden within the
‘fibertyping’ technology tells us what product or so tiny as to be almost
Fake versions of designer type of cotton you have in your invisible. Lasers can even mark
items are becoming ever more product, and the therapeutic part is under the surface or make a local
to DNA-mark the fiber during pro­ change to the material composition
duction.” The raw cotton is marked of the top layer.
Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

3 at the cotton gin stage, and followed “There is growing demand for ­
Leather goods through the spinning and weaving this technology,” says Steffen
processes right up to the point when Ehrenmann, PhD, Product Manager
it reaches the retailer or consumer. at TRUMPF. “We have customers
The technology is able to with­ in automotive, aerospace, medical
stand extreme temperatures, abra­ devices and the food industry,
17,960 sion and even ultraviolet radiation. TRUMPF’s lasers can be among others. The possibilities it
used to mark a wide range of
Luxury handbag designs can be
It has enabled companies that offers to tackle counterfeits are
products, such as medical
one of the most lucrative products had difficulties controlling their off­ devices, to show they are almost limitless.”
for counterfeiters genuine.

Electrical machinery
and equipment
1  By number of customs seizures. Quantity of product per seizure varies.

Low-priced fakes frequently
contain faulty parts that can over­
heat or deliver electric shocks


Premium brand names are among
the counterfeiters’ favorite targets

Creating Chemistry 39

The Grand Egyptian Museum

in Giza is the largest archae-
In China, the impact of counter­ ological museum in the Even the cement production i­ndustry according to Ambrosini. “It’s still
feits on the crop protection market world. BASF provided the has attracted counterfeiters. “A pro­ manual work, but one day you’ll be
special concrete mix that
is estimated to be between 10 ­and ducer can open cement bags, take able to take simple equipment to
contributes to its stunning
15 percent. “A pretty substantial appearance – a look that out 10 percent, and put in sand your building site, point it at your
slice,” says Mark Shillingford, BASF’s could not have been instead, or not use the right amount concrete wall and scan.” He believes
Head of Marketing Crop Protection achieved with an inferior of cement needed in concrete, for similar labeling technology could
in China. What is harder to estimate example,” explains Lorenzo Ambro­ also be used for other premium,
is damage to crop production, farm­ sini, Segment Manager at BASF high-performance products such as
ers’ yields, their land and, poten­ Construction Chemicals in Zurich, paints or cosmetics.
tially, to human health and product Switzerland. In the world of counterfeits, one
reputation. Cement production is highly com­ thing is sure: Fast-changing tech­
“Imagine you plex and, once the product has left nologies and disruptive develop­
Anti-fake labels and invisible have a bridge the plant, it can be difficult to track. ments such as 3D printing are likely
tracers that’s collapsed However, BASF has developed a to mean that the threat will require
To address this, BASF has devel­ tracer that uses a dispersion of ever more ingenious responses.
oped a color additive labeling
and you want acrylic co-polymer particles dyed Businesses are likely to find that
­process, launched in late 2014. to trace whose with fluorescent material that stick investing in doing all they can to
Genuine products feature a water­ cement it was – to the cement particles. “The com­ protect themselves, and choosing
mark that is invisible indoors but bination of colors means we can trustworthy partners, will pay for
displays Chinese characters when
you can do that, create a code for the cement, like a itself many times over. In the mean­
exposed to sunlight. Within six as well as find barcode. But it’s hidden, so you time, there’s a very simple rule for
months of launching, however, the out if the com- need the right equipment to see it,” all to bear in mind, says Mukundan.
technology was being copied. ­ says Ambrosini. It allows the cement “Be wary of products that appear
“We were already planning for ob­
pany used a to be measured after years in hard­ cheaper than they should. There’s
solescence,” Shilling­ford explains. sufficient quan­ ened concrete. “Imagine you have a usually a reason why they are.”
“This year we launched a new tity of premium bridge that’s collapsed and you
counterfeit technology, involving want to trace whose cement it was
cement in the
different codes, which we hope will – you can do that, as well as find
keep us one step ahead of the concrete.” out if the company used a sufficient
counterfeiters. This new technology quantity of premium cement in the
Lorenzo Ambrosini,
is on the inside and outside of the concrete,” he says.
Segment Manager at BASF
packages and you need special Construction Chemicals The technology for measuring
equipment to read it.” Zurich, Switzerland the particles is not yet automated,

40 Creating Chemistry

A barcode for cement

For some jobs only a premium cement will do. That’s why BASF has developed a way to
­label cement with an invisible chemical tracer. Like a barcode, it stays with the cement
throughout the distribution chain, helping protect customers from counterfeit products.

A chemical tracer is a milky liquid dispersion of poly- Chemical tracer

mer particles dyed with a fluorescent material invisible
to the naked eye. The chemical tracer particles can
be dyed with a single color or a number of colors, creat­
ing millions of potential combinations.

Millions of potential
color combinations

Fluorescent dye +
polymer particles

Cement works

At the cement works, the dispersion with the tracer is dosed onto the
cement clinker through a screw pump. The clinker is milled, producing an
even distribution of the tracer particles.
Samples can be collected at any point in the
distribution chain and sent to a lab for analysis.

Construction site


The tracer particles are analyzed by flow

cytometry, a process more often used in
medical diagnosis, such as counting human
Thanks to their hydrophobic
cells. They are passed through a narrow
character, the tracer particles
stream of flowing liquid and then excited by
stick to the cement particles
a laser beam which causes them to emit
and stay with them wherever
their fluorescent light. The fluorescence
they go. They are extremely
ranges of the emitted light are visualized in
durable, withstanding high
a cytogram, enabling the different particles
grinding forces, temperatures
to be identified and counted. If the con-
of up to 180 degrees Celsius
crete has been watered down with a ­lower
and weathering, and are 100
quality of cement, it will become obvious at
percent recoverable for up to
this stage.
10 years.

Creating Chemistry 41

10 percent of medicines are

estimated to be counterfeit. In
many cases, fakes can only be
detected by chemical analysis.

42 Creating Chemistry

“A significant threat to our

economy, health and safety”
U. S. Customs and Border Protection is on the frontline in the battle against the
counterfeiters. Based in Washington, D. C., USA, the department’s Director of Intellectual
Property, Michael Walsh, heads up a staff of international trade specialists and
oversees the Los Angeles-based National Targeting and Analysis Group for intellectual
property rights. In an interview, he describes some of the job’s main challenges.

Creating Chemistry: How big a What is a typical day for a What are the department’s most
problem is counterfeiting? customs officer? effective tools?
Michael Walsh: It’s a significant Officers have their primary respon­ I think it’s the coordination and
threat to our economy, as well as sibility at the border working with coop­eration with the private sector,
health and safety. We’re very dedi- passengers, but if they’re working letting us know about areas of con-
cated in terms of enforcement with trade then it’s looking for cern, providing good product iden­
­actions to try to stop as many of all the different potential violations. tification guides, and making sure
the counterfeit goods coming in as That means ensuring all our trade we can rely on them when we have
we can. and intellectual property agreements questions. We have a lot of sophisti-
are complied with, or looking out cated tools in our laboratory and
Which goods tend to be the most for concerns with regard to safety. scientific services, but the work with
counterfeited? All of that’s part of their day-to-day the private sector is critical. We’re
Over the past five years we’ve seen work. The part relating to intellectual looking to continue to evolve as
a continued trend where fashion, property rights is important because counterfeiting techniques evolve,
consumer electronics, footwear, many of the goods that violate these and we’re continuously giving new
Michael Walsh
watches, handbags and optical rights have the potential to do harm instructions to our folks on what
media have been among the most to the American public. to look for, how to look for it, and
seized items. what to do about it. As Director of IPR Policy
and Programs at U. S.
How are officers being trained
Customs and Border Pro-
On a day-to-day basis, what are and do they specialize in specific Will you reveal to us some of the tection’s Office of Trade,
the main challenges? market sectors or goods? more unusual measures counter- Michael Walsh is national
It’s the ever-increasing flow of goods That’s an ongoing issue. We work feiters take to import their goods? coordinator of efforts to
stop counterfeits entering
into the country, and trying to use very closely with the rights holders People will go to great lengths. the United States. A 25-year
our resources as effectively as we to provide continuous training to We’ve seen outer shells on hand- customs veteran, he is a
can. The counterfeiters have become frontline personnel. Our frontline offi­ bags that, when taken off, have graduate of Harvard’s
very sophisticated, and trying to cers make the initial determination brand names underneath, or labels John F. Kennedy School’s
Senior Executive Fellows
determine if goods are counterfeit and work with industry specialists sewed over the tags on sneakers program. In 2015 his
becomes quite a challenge. at our Centers of Excellence and that can be removed to show the department seized more
Expertise to make further determi- counterfeit label afterwards. People than 28,000 counterfeit
nations. It is a combination between can be very creative. items with a value of over
$1.3 billion.
making the initial determination and
specialists making the final deter­
mination, working closely with the
rights holders themselves. We try to
expedite that as quickly as possible
to make sure we’re not holding up
legitimate goods.

“The counterfeiters have become

very sophisticated, and trying
to determine if goods are counterfeit
becomes quite a challenge.“
Michael Walsh, Director of IPR Policy and Programs
at U. S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Trade

Creating Chemistry 43

The chemistry
of apples

The water molecule H2O is one of

around 300 substances contained
in an apple.

Glucose Magnesium
Fructose Manganese
Sucrose Sodium
Lignin Pectin
Pro vitamin A Phosphorus
Thiamine (vitamin B1) Sulfur
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Zinc
Niacin (vitamin B3) Aspartic acid
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Cysteine
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) Glutamic acid
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Uric acid
Folic acid (vitamin B9) Leucine
Tocopherol (vitamin E) Lysine
Vitamin K Cumaroylquinic acid
Chlorine Caffeoylquinic acid
Iron Phloretin
Potassium Procyanidin
Calcium Quercetin (flavonol)
Copper Formaldehyde

44 Creating Chemistry

blocks are contained in apples and

what effects do they have? “The
­apple cells’ molecules are distin­
guished from each other by many on humans and animals have pro­
Wild apples have been factors, depending on variety, vided indications,” di Stefano adds,
­harvesting time and method. All “that quercetin has a possible thera­
growing for millions of
apples have almost identical DNA peutic role in the treatment of hyper­
years and there is evi- sequences, but they differ from ­ tension.”
dence that they were one variety to another,” says Luca Two-thirds of the effective antioxi­
cultivated in Asia as ear- ­Sebastiani, Professor of Horticultur­ dants in an apple are contained in
al Science at the Istituto di Scienze and just below the skin, so eating it
ly as 4,000 years ago.
della Vita in Pisa, Italy. But one thing unpeeled is a good idea. “All apple
From there, apples they have in common is that every varieties are healthy and their con­
spread across the world apple is mostly (85 percent) made sumption is important for humans’
and gained a reputation up of water and contains roughly
Three-quarters well-being,” says Sebastiani. Apples
11 – 14 percent sugar, primarily fruc­ are a great source of nutrients –
as a healthy food – and of the valuable
tose. Various other substances in even though the seeds contain
for good reason: A “fruit the apple account for the remaining substances amygdalin, which human metabo­
pharmacy” is lurking in few percentage points. These
­contained in an lism turns into hydrocyanic acid.
and just below the peel. include polyphenols as antioxidants,
apple are found
There is no risk of poisoning if you
which are important for the apple. eat every part of the apple, but eat­
They are responsible for the color in or directly ing only the seeds is not advisable.
and aroma of the fruit, regulate the Even just a small volume – around
­under the peel.
metabolic activities of the apple ­ 10 grams of chewed apple seeds –

and protect it from damage, such can be harmful to the human body.
as damage caused by intense solar One kilogram of apples can also
radiation. contain as much as 20 milli­grams of
t is said that a fall­ formaldehyde, the common name
ing apple inspired Isaac Newton Rich in nutrients for the chemical compound metha­
circa 1660 to come up with his rev­ People benefit from the same prop­ nal. Formaldehyde, like many other
olutionary idea of gravity. Today, erties: The positive effect of anti­ substances, is a necessary com­
apples are the world’s most culti­ oxidants appears to help prevent ponent for the metabolism of organ­
vated fruit – and still a source of illnesses such as asthma and cancer. isms – and not just of apples.
inspiration for scientists, for exam­ More than 200 milligrams of these A great deal of research has been
ple, because of the wealth of sub­ polyphenols can be contained in done, but the complex contents
stances they contain. 100 grams of apple. One of these is of the apple, their interaction and
An apple contains nearly all of the the plant pigment quercetin, which their effects still leave some scope
vitamins that humans need for their is “being researched as a natural for scientific activity. “More large-
metabolic processes, including E 101 therapeutic agent against high An apple contains nearly scale, randomized and well-con­
and E 300. Riboflavin (E 101), also blood pressure,” says Sebastiani’s all of the vitamins that trolled h
­ uman intervention studies
known as vitamin B2, is a natural colleague, Professor Rossella di humans need for their meta- are r­equired to explore the potential
bolic processes and it pro-
dye and is important for protein and Stefano, who is investigating thera­ mechanisms,” di Stefano says. For
vides around one-tenth
energy metabolism. Ascorbic acid pies for cardiovascular illness at the of our ­daily requirement of now, the fruit still holds some secrets
(E 300) is better known as vitamin C University of Pisa. “Various studies potassium. under its red and green skin.
and is one of the most effective anti­
oxidants. On average, 100 grams
of apple contain 12 percent of the
recommended daily intake of Vita­
min C.
As well, minerals and trace ele­
ments based on calcium, magne­
sium, sulfur, phosphorus and chlo­
rine are found in apples. Even just
one small apple provides around
one-tenth of your daily potassium
requirement – this is good for fit­
ness and concentration and helps
to improve muscle tone. Munching
on an apple also seems to help
people lose weight. This slimming
effect is attributed in part to the
pectin contained in the apple – due
to its water-binding properties, it
makes you feel full faster.
But what exactly is in and under
the peel? Which chemical building

Creating Chemistry 45

Storing sunshine
Solar thermal power plants turn the sun’s energy into elec­
trical energy. Their major advantage: With heat storage
systems, they are also able to supply electricity when the sun
isn’t shining. Discover more about this environmentally
friendly technology which experts predict has a bright future.

The largest solar thermal power

plant in the world is being built
on the edge of the Sahara: By
2018 it should supply electricity
to more than 1.3 million people.
The first plant, Noor I, is already
up and running – day and night.

46 Creating Chemistry

H undreds of
thousands of mirrors – arranged in
800 rows, each hundreds of meters
long – glisten in the desert sun on the
red earth of Ouarzazate in southern
Morocco. What looks like a mirage
in the shimmering light of the desolate
plains is a power generating station
worthy of superlatives. The solar ther-
mal power plant in Ouarzazate will
become the largest in the world, roughly
as big as 4,000 soccer fields. Since
it started up in February 2016, the first
phase Noor I (“noor” means “light” in
Arabic) has been operating with a nom-
inal output of 160 megawatts (MW)
of electricity. This is enough to supply
350,000 Moroccan households. “Solar
thermal power plants concentrate the
sun’s light to generate high tempera-
tures. In sunny regions, they can gen-
erate environmentally friendly electricity
from a renewable source on a large
scale,” explains Professor Robert Pitz-
Paal, Director of the Institute for Solar
Research at the German Aerospace
Center (DLR) which has been conduct-
ing research into solar thermal power
plants for nearly 40 years.
Concentrating solar power (CSP) is
most suitable for countries with high solar
intensity, according to solar e ­ xperts.
Sites with high energy yield where
solar thermal power plants are being
built or already operating can be found
in southern Europe, North Africa and
the Middle East, South Africa, ­China,
the southern United States and Aus-
tralia. The Moroccan solar park has a
perfect location: The solar radiation
intensity in the area around Ouarzazate
reaches more than 2,500 kilowatt hours
(kWh) per square meter and per year –
one of the highest levels worldwide.

Sun as a source of energy

Just like sunflowers, the 537,000 com-
puter-controlled parabolic mirrors
rotate to always follow the sun. At the

Creating Chemistry 47

Noor I plant, they act like a magni­

fying glass, concentrating the sun’s
rays and turning them into heat
­energy. Each of these slightly bent
mirrors is more than 10 meters high
and has pipes running through its
middle that contain a circulating
thermal oil. The synthetic liquid, which
can be heated up to 393 degrees
Celsius, is sent to the power plant
at the center of this giant field of
­mirrors. Here, steam is gener­ated
which is used to drive the enormous
turbines of the power plant and
­generate electricity.
To make electricity available even
after the sun goes down, large heat
storage units were installed. Solar
thermal power plants thus have a
decisive advantage in the renewable
energy mix: Electricity can be used
around the clock. “Energy can be
saved here in the form of heat at
a relatively low cost. With thermal
storage units, such as large salt
tanks, these power plants can there­
fore also provide a reliable source
of electricity even in the evening and
at night when the sun is no longer
shining,” explains Pitz-Paal.
The sun reaches temperatures of
Solar mecca up to 15 million degrees Celsius.
The heat storage units at Noor I are Only a mere fraction of this radi-
ant power reaches the earth – yet
made up of two giant steel tanks:
it would still be enough to meet
“These contain a special salt mix- the energy demand of everyone
ture made with potassium and sodi- on the planet.
um nitrate, which liquefies at tem-

Global Direct Normal Irradiation

The resource for solar

thermal plants is meas-
ured as Direct Normal
Irradiation, which is the
energy received on a
Ouarzazate, Morocco surface perpendicular to
the sun’s rays. The best
conditions are found in
semi-arid, hot regions.

< 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 and more
Long-term average of annual sun

Source: Solargis, modified


48 Creating Chemistry

peratures of around 240 degrees Just prior to the First World War, a
Celsius,” says Matthias Hinrichs, China’s Solar Valley pilot plant was built in North Africa
PhD, Manager Solar Business and The various ways the sun’s energy can be used are demonstrat- that concentrated the sun’s rays.
New Business Development Inor- ed by the city of Dezhou in China, where the sun heats water in After the Second World War, the
ganics at BASF. For more than households and photovoltaic installations generate electricity. green technology experienced a
90 years, the chemical company Dezhou, a model city for solar power, is just one of the numerous revival, more pilot power stations
eco-cities that are being built in China right now, prompted by
has been producing storage salts, were built, and in the mid-1980s the
the law on renewable energies that entered into force in 2006.
focusing on ultrapure synthetic first commercial solar thermal p ­ ower
sodium salts. By releasing the heat Dezhou takes advantage of its location: This sunny city in the plant went online in southern Cali-
from the stored salt, the CSP power east of China is the world’s largest production site for solar water fornia. Spain and the United States
plant can maintain its full perfor- ­heaters. The many solar heating systems are another hallmark are the world leaders in terms of
of Dezhou’s “Solar Valley”: Around 90 percent of all of the residen­
mance overnight. One advantage of tial buildings in the newly built district have their hot water heat­
CSP capacity right now, but other
the synthetic sodium salts made ed by the sun. Dezhou is the headquarters of Himin Solar Corpo­ countries are catching up. By
by BASF: “Thanks to their high purity ration, a pioneer in the solar thermal field which makes the 2020, China wants to start up solar
and quality, these can be used eco-friendly water heaters affordable for poor households, too. thermal power plants with a total
to make salt mixtures that can be The cheapest model costs around €200. Company founder Huang capacity of 10 gigawatts (GW) and
Ming has been harnessing the power of the sun since 1995. For
heated up to a temperature of Saudi Arabia is planning to have
his solar innovations, “China’s Sun King” received the alternative
565 degrees Celsius with minimal Nobel Prize, the Right Livelihood Award, in 2011. 25 GW of CSP capacity by 2032.
corrosion. And if there are careful The Solar Valley project was initiated by Dezhou’s local govern­ In order to successfully create a
controls of the chemical conditions ment in 2005. It has largely been planned and built by Himin future energy system based on
in the CSP power plants, the mix- Solar. This solar model city shows that solar energy can be an renewable sources, the technology
tures can even get hotter,” Hinrichs alter­native to conventional energy when the weather condi­ shift will have to be accelerated,
tions are right. The sun’s rays power the stoplights that direct
explains. Enormous volumes are asserts the IEA in its technology
traffic and the streetlights that illuminate the city, while visitors
required for the salt mixtures in the can ride on solar-powered buses and boats. Solar collectors roadmap. Solar thermal power
storage tanks: BASF produced have been mounted on factories, rooftops and façades and are plants will play an important role,
around 27,000 metric tons of sodi- even an eye-catching architectural feature: The low-emission according to the IEA. But for now,
um nitrate in Ludwigshafen just for high-rise development Utopia Gardens is crowned by giant float­ the reality is different. At the end
this plant in Morocco. ing sun sails made of solar modules. The landmark of Solar of 2015, there were solar thermal
Valley is the Sun-Moon Mansion, the world’s largest solar-oper­
Noor I is only the beginning: ated building with an area of 75,000 square meters.
power plants with a capacity of
The model project is designed to 4.9 GW operating worldwide. To put
have four power plants and a capa­ this in perspective: The electricity
city of around 500 MW by the end generated from renewable energies
of 2017. According to the study at that point was 1,985 GW. One
“Solar Thermal Electricity – Global reason for the slow growth is
Out­look 2016,” countries such as increased cost pressure. The spe­
Morocco are thus making an im­ cific investment costs per installed
portant contribution to reducing kilowatt of solar thermal power
emissions of greenhouse gases. By plants were initially cheaper than
2020 the countries in the “sun- photo­voltaic systems. But this
belt” – those located between 40° ­advantage has reversed as a result
north and south of the equator – of the sharp price decline for solar
could avoid 32 million metric tons modules since 2011. This down-
of CO2 by using CSP. The study, ward price trend was made possi-
which was commissioned by Solar- ble in part by high subsidies.
PACES, a technology program of Luis Crespo, PhD, president of
the International Energy Agency ­ESTELA, thinks it is pointless to
(IEA), Green­peace and the Europe- do a pure cost comparison of pho-
an Solar Thermal Electricity Asso­ tovoltaic and CSP: “Renewable
ciation ­(ESTELA), also found that ­energies can complement each
the use of this climate-neutral ener- ­other. The fact that solar thermal
gy source in these countries would power plants allow energy to be
create investments worth €16 billion stored is what makes the further
by 2020 and 70,000 new jobs in ex­pansion of renewable energies
the future. possible.” New hybrid projects, for
example, combine photovoltaic
Modest start, and CSP technologies. And al-
promising outlook though growth has lagged the pro-
The principle is not new. According jections made in the past, the
to a legend from ancient Greece, above-mentioned study on the
Archimedes concentrated sunlight future of solar thermal electricity,
using burning lenses in order to fend China harnesses the power of the sun: The Sun-Moon Mansion in which was co-authored by Crespo,
off a Roman invasion. But, over time, Dezhou is the world’s largest solar-operated building (top picture). foresees a bright future for solar
the technology has been refined Collectors are inexpensive and in the cities many residents use thermal power (see infographic on
warm water that has been heated by the sun (bottom picture).
(see infographic on page 51). page 50).

Creating Chemistry 49

The higher the temperature, the

more efficient the plant
In the view of solar experts, one
major prerequisite for making solar
thermal power plants more com­
petitive is higher operating tempera-
tures: As the process temperature
increases, the plants can generate
proportionately more power from
the heat provided. “A very promis-
ing solution is the power tower
where tracking mirrors, known as
heliostats, direct the sun’s rays
very precisely to a high-temperature
­receiver at the top of the tower,”
says Mark S. Mehos, head of the
research and development depart-
ment for solar thermal power plants
at the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) in Colorado, USA.
The strong concen­tration of solar
radiation results in operating tem-
peratures of more than 550 ­degrees
Celsius. An NREL study on the
­future development of solar thermal
power plant techno­logy shows that
this can improve the efficiency
of today’s plants, resulting in lower
costs for delivered energy. Solar towers achieve the break down at temperatures of
highest thermal efficiency. From solar cannons to Olympic
torches – a look back at the more than 400 degrees Celsius.
The PS20 power plant
Higher operating temperatures belonging to the company beginnings of solar thermal power And if salts could replace oils as
with salt Abengoa Solar in Seville, heat transfer media, the power
Spain, has an output of The history of solar thermal energy
BASF researchers are also working plants would be able to operate
20 megawatts. is almost as old as human history.
on increasing the operating temper- By around 800 BC, the Egyptians at even higher temperatures and
atures. They are investigating the had created basic solar mirrors therefore more efficiently.
chemical behavior of the salts at which they used to light up dark To ensure that the salt chemistry
high temperatures in order to identi- rooms. The mirrors could also is taken into consideration from
focus the sun’s rays so that they
fy measures that would enable the the initial planning stage for a CSP
warmed up a container with water.
storage salts also to be used direct- An even more spectacular appli­ power plant, BASF not only offers
ly as a heat transfer medium. The cation is the device that the solar the storage salt, it also provides
thermal oils that are usually used pioneer and famous mathema­ consulting services for the planning,
tician Archimedes reputedly construction and operation of the
­designed in 212 BC. According to plant. Another boost to the com­
Amount of energy from solar plants will legend, during the siege of Syra­
petitiveness of CSP has been the
grow – Forecasts under three scenarios cuse he used the sun’s rays and
decline in costs for components
a highly polished bronze shield
The amount of solar thermal electricity from concentrated solar as a mirror to set fire to the entire such as mirrors and pipes in recent
­power plants is expected to grow over the coming years. ­Roman fleet, causing it to sink. years. And the more solar thermal
Students at the Massachusetts power plants go online, the more
in thousand megawatts Institute of Technology (MIT) rebuilt this trend will intensify, says ESTELA
Archimedes’ apparatus in 2005 to
test whether the legend was true.
president Crespo. However, he
1,600 They found that it works in princi­ feels there are not enough new
ple, but they were only able to start CSP projects in the pipeline right
1,200 a small fire at a very short distance now: “The obstacles are political,
of 25 meters away. But one ancient not technology-related.”
781 sun-related ritual is still carried out:
800 The association is therefore call-
To this day, every four years the
Olympic torch is lit with the help of ing for stable political framework
400 the sun using a parabolic mirror. con­ditions and reliable planning
91 ­pro­cesses for investments in the
0 ­expansion of solar thermal electri­
2015 2020 2030 2040 2050 city. Crespo asserts: “If everyone
involved acts in concert, concentrat-
ing solar power could be the most
reference moderate advanced scenario
important form of climate-­neutral
Source: International Energy Agency (IEA)
energy in the 21st century.”

50 Creating Chemistry

Sun in the mirror

A concentrating solar power (CSP) plant is a thermal power plant that uses the sun’s energy
to produce e
­ lectricity. Mirrors concentrate the sun’s rays in order to warm up a heat
transfer medium to high temperatures. One difference between the various types of solar
thermal power plants is the shape of the collectors that ­capture the sun’s energy.
Using the example of the popular parabolic trough technology, we will show you how it works.

The curved mirrored surface

of the collectors concentrates
the solar rays onto a pipe
through which thermal oil flows.

Heated oil

Cold oil

Heat exchanger

The heated oil flows to Excess heat from the thermal oil
a steam generator. Here, is transferred to a liquid salt
the heat from the oil is mixture by a heat exchanger. This
transferred to water and heat can be stored for many
steam is produced. Warm salt tanks
hours in the salt and later turned
Finally, the cold oil flows into electricity. How this works:
back into the solar field
Cold salt tanks
The salt from the cold tank trav-
where it warms up again. els via the heat exchanger to the
warm tank, picking up the heat
from the thermal oil on its way. To
discharge the heat from the salt,
the hot salt mixture is sent back
to the cold storage tank. On the
way, it passes through the heat
exchanger where it heats up the
Steam Steam generator thermal oil flowing by. That oil
then carries the heat energy to
the steam generator.

The water vapor is then liq-

uefied again in a condenser
and pumped back into the
circulating water system.
Particularly in barren desert water
regions with scarce water
resources, it is important to
minimize water losses.

Generator Condenser

The steam moves a turbine that

drives the generator which
produces electricity and feeds
it into the grid.

Source: German Aerospace Center (DLR), modified

Creating Chemistry 51

A very special

Rich in white gold: Salar de

Uyuni in Bolivia is the Earth’s
largest salt desert and is
well known for its distinctive
salt mounds.

52 Creating Chemistry

Salt is much more than dorants because of its disinfectant On average, our not end up on our table – instead,
properties. Salts can taste spicy, it is used as an industrial raw mate-
just a condiment. And bodies contain
such as ammonium chloride, a rial for numerous products, ranging
food is not the only thing component of salty licorice. Or salts 150 – 300 grams from aluminum to pulp.
that needs a pinch of can also taste sweet, like lead ace- of sodium chlo- Salt has very special properties
salt: It is also found in tate (also known as lead sugar)
ride. Without salt when it is moving, i. e., in liquid form.
which is poisonous but was never- “Ionic liquids are made up of elec­
soap, glass and plastic we would be
theless used as a sweetener until trically charged molecules,” explains
containers. the 19th century. Some salts are unable to live. Professor Barbara Kirchner from
even highly toxic, such as potassi- the Mulliken Center for Theoretical
um cyanide, which is used in gold Chemistry at the University of Bonn,
extraction. Germany. Surprising reactions are

The best-known salt is sodium possible in these kinds of liquids.
chloride. But around 95 percent of “From the various combi­nations of
global table salt production does molecule ions, you can get an end-
areful – it’s less variety of new liquids,” the
easy to get confused. Have you researcher explains. “Right now, for
ever had to spit out your first sip of example, research is being done
coffee in the morning because you into their energy storage properties
accidentally added salt instead of in the field of lithium-air batteries.”
sugar? But aside from taste, what And in solar thermal energy, ionic
does salt have that sugar doesn’t, liquids play an important role as heat
even though the two look so similar? storage media.
Salt’s electrostatic forces are what
make it a very special raw material Enjoy in moderation
in all its forms and facets. When we No living creature is able to survive
talk about salt in an everyday con- without the physiological functions
text, we mean sodium chloride, also of salt. On average, our bodies
known as table salt. But from a contain 150 – 300 grams of sodium
chemistry perspective, it is just one chloride. Whatever salt we lose by
of many salts, since “salt” covers all flushing out or by sweating, we
of the ionic solid compounds. They have to replace through our food
often form stunning crystal shapes, consumption – as a rule, up to
but not every crystal is a salt. 6 grams per day. This is because
Each salt has a positive and a sodium ions act as a sort of uni­
negative charge and thus the desire versal regulator in our bodies: They
to bond. This property is what are vital for nerve and muscle func-
makes salt so multi-talented. For tion and for regulating our hydra-
example, in the bathroom, where tion and blood pressure. Without
salt in the form of soap (in chemistry salt we simply would be unable to
terms, the sodium and potassium live. The astounding thing is that
salts of fatty acids) is waiting to bind only a factor of 20 separates the
with the fats on our skin and the amount that is physiologically nec-
particles of dirt they contain. It is essary and a fatal dose. If a person
also practical that some plant pig- consumes around one gram of salt
ments are just as eager as salt per kilogram of body weight in a
to make electrostatic bonds – the day, depending on his or her physi-
red wine stain on the flokati rug cal condition there is a 50 percent
­becomes invisible when rubbed with chance that the person will die. An
salt because the salt and the pig- adult weighing 60 kilograms can
ment are attracted to each other. therefore die by consuming around
60 grams of salt within 24 hours; for
Not all salt is the same a small child weighing 15 kilograms,
Salts can be white or colorful, like a deadly dose could be just a large
the purple-colored potassium tablespoon with 15 grams.
­permanganate which is used in deo­

Ibexes lick at rocks containing

minerals, including sodium
which is also essential
for animals to survive (top
picture). Salt is also found in
soap (bottom picture).

Creating Chemistry 53

A big supporter BASF project “Curiosity Plus Pipette”

Childcare center as laboratory

The BASF project “Curiosity Plus

of little scientists
Pipette” takes children between
the ages of four and six on a jour­
ney of discovery into the world
of science. Under the supervision
of BASF apprentices, the children
dissolve salt or chalk in water. They
Seizing opportunities is something Dietmar Hopp does a screen, filter and pipette to build
a real magnetic stirrer. The ap­pren­
lot – and he wants to give others the chance to do the same. tices regularly visit the childcare
The SAP founder has been a philanthropist for more than centers over a period of sev­eral
weeks. They provide exciting
20 years, supporting educational projects among other things. ­in­spiration to awaken scientific
curiosity among children, parents
One of these projects is the “Little Scientists’ House” which and educators. At the same time,
fosters children’s natural inquisitiveness. the apprentices strengthen their
social skills and increase their own
tech­nical knowledge by conveying
information in a child-friendly way.
The project is part of the educa­

tion initiative “Offensive Bildung,”
experienced shaped my life. But in which BASF and partners have
every era has its own special chal- been actively promoting diverse
early childhood education in the
lenges. How one addresses them Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region,
“ was a ‘little ultimately depends on the indivi­dual Germany, since 2005. Besides
scientist’ when I was a child,” says and the opportunities that one scientific education, the 17 proj­
Dietmar Hopp. “Since there were takes advantage of.” That is why it ects also focus on areas such
“I immediately as language skills, inclusion and
hardly any toys 70 years ago, is important to him to improve the
nature was our playground and we tried out the ‘tor- chances of disadvantaged people
strengthening emotional resilience.

used natural materials to make nado in a bottle’ as well as support youth.

things, build and experiment.” This at home with my
curiosity and flexibility had a lasting Awakening curiosity
impact on the communications grandchildren.” This is the reason why Hopp also
engineer Hopp, particularly in the played a role in establishing the
formative stage of his career. “Later, Berlin-based foundation Little Sci- The offerings of the Little Scientists’
House are also available to daycare
as we built SAP, I also thought of entists’ House 10 years ago.
centers. The “tornado in a bottle”
myself as a scientist in some ways. Throughout Germany, the founda- is fun way to teach children how to
I was open to new ideas and tion aims to foster children’s natural best empty a bottle.
wanted to try things out, understand
them and move them forward,”
adds Hopp, who was one of the
­co-founders in 1972 of what is still
today the youngest German global
conglomerate. The SAP founder is
proud that this attitude made him
so successful, but he is certainly
not cocky. Quite the opposite: The
businessman and biotech startup
investor has remained humble, and
this humility combined with his
incredible drive has also made him
a successful philanthropist and
patron. Founded in 1995, the Diet-
mar Hopp Foundation has already
distributed more than €500 million.
Originally it was started to help chil-
dren suffering from cancer as well
as their families, but today the foun-
dation also supports projects in
the areas of medicine, sports, edu­
cation and social programs. Hopp
says this corresponds with his own
“personal understanding of a holis-
tic approach,” adding: “As a child in
the postwar period, the things I

54 Creating Chemistry

“I was open
to new ideas
and wanted to
try things out,
­understand them
and move them

Dietmar Hopp

Born in Heidelberg, Germa-

ny, in 1940, Dietmar Hopp
started his career 26 years
later at the IT corporation
IBM in Mann­heim. Together
with four former colleagues,
he founded the company
Systemanalyse und Pro-
grammentwicklung, now
known as SAP, in 1972. The
company listed on the
stock market in 1988. Hopp
established the Dietmar
Hopp Foundation in 1995.
So far it has distributed
around €500 million to
charitable causes, mainly
in the Rhine-Neckar metro-
politan region. Further-
more, Hopp is an investor.
Soccer fans will know
the 76-year-old as a backer
of the club TSG 1899 Hof-
fenheim. Having played
for the team in his youth,
inquisitiveness in the areas of sci- all across Germany, including muse- of cakes. And 76-year-old Hopp is he later helped it rise up
into the Bundesliga, the top
ence, mathematics and techno­ ums, organizations, childcare center not immune to joining in the fun. German league.
logy. McKinsey and the Helmholtz operators, youth welfare offices and “At the 20th anniversary of my foun-
Association approached the Diet- companies. One cooperation part- dation, the Little Scientists’ House
mar Hopp Foundation with this idea, ner is Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen demonstrated the ‘tornado in a bot-
where it fell on sympathetic ears. für Deutschland e. V. (Knowledge tle.’ I immediately tried that out at
To­gether with the Siemens Founda- Factory), in which BASF and around home with my grandchildren,” Hopp
tion, Hopp provided the seed capi- 120 other companies and founda- says. Using two plastic bottles, an
tal for the educational initiative and tions are active. adaptor and tap water, the experi-
has been supporting the Little Sci- ment shows how to best empty
entists’ House as a foundation part- Discover, research and learn a bottle – by rotating it when it is
ner ever since. So far, the Dietmar The Little Scientists’ House sup- upside down.
Hopp Foundation has directed ports educators and teachers to Educators from more than
around €4.1 million to the project, guide children as they discover, 26,500 childcare centers, after-
which is now also receiving signi­ research and learn. It provides sug- school programs and elementary
ficant support from the German gestions for child-friendly experi- schools have already taken advan-
Federal Ministry for Education and ments in 15 subject areas – ranging tage of the continuing education
Research. The foundation currently from astronomy to magnetism and offerings of the Little Scientists’
has 136 employees. The Little Sci- time. For example, children can House. This makes it the largest
entists’ House has built up a net- make rockets out of straws, mag- initiative offering early childhood
work with more than 225 partners nets out of spoons and clocks out education training in Germany.

Creating Chemistry 55

Pioneering thinker – then

Alessandro Volta
Electricity from chemistry: The Italian physicist
described the voltaic pile, the first-ever functioning battery,
to the Royal Society in London in 1800.

The Italian scientist Ales-
sandro Volta (1745–1827)
is the inventor of the
battery and the namesake
n Europe at the of the electrical unit
end of the 18th century, the gen- of measurement the volt.
eration of electricity was a mys-
tery, even considered magical.
Carnival entertainers created
a fascinating spectacle with sim- It was here in 1787 that his career
ple electrostatic generators. But reached its zenith. Alessandro
it was Alessandro Volta who Volta combined various metals
achieved the breakthrough that and realized that when they come
ushered in the electric age. The into contact with one another,
scientist and inventor developed the metals become charged to
the first apparatus which enabled differing degrees – and this cre-
electricity to flow for a longer ates electric potential. He put this
period. knowledge into practice with his
Volta knew from an early age voltaic pile (see box).
what he wanted. As a teenager Volta’s invention was the first
he taught himself the fundamen- practical, usable source of electri-
tals of electricity. At the age of 18 cal current. Our entire electrified
he decided to study experimen- world – including the lightbulb,
tal science, against the wishes of electricity generators and electric
his uncle and guardian. It was motors – is based on it. His work
the right decision. He later carried formed the foundation for the
out groundbreaking work, espe- first mass-produced battery in
cially in the area of electrical sci- 1802. Alessandro Volta became
ence. Volta developed a usable famous: The London-based
electrophorus, a simple device to ­Royal Society awarded him the
generate an electrostatic charge Copley Medal, the highest scien-
from static electricity. As a phys- tific honor of that time. Napoleon
ics teacher at the local high also admired the scientist and
school in Como, Italy, in 1776 he appointed him as a senator and
discovered the combustible gas later also made him a count. But
methane and used it to construct Volta did not live to experience his
a device known as Volta’s pistol. highest honor. In 1881 – 54 years
The pistol creates an electric after his death – the first Inter­
spark which causes the methane national Exposition of Electricity
The voltaic pile
to combust – a predecessor of in Paris named the unit of electric
the gas lighter. Two years later, Alessandro Volta discovered metals as a source of electricity. This find- potential after him: the volt.
ing enabled him to develop the voltaic pile, which was made of zinc and
Volta became a professor for
copper discs layered over each other and separated by cardboard
experimental physics at the Uni- soaked in brine. This “galvanic cell” produces electrical voltage as the
versity of Pavia in Italy. zinc discs give off electrons, creating an excess of electrons and thus a
negative charge. The copper, on the other hand, absorbs the zinc elec-
trons, creating a shortage of electrons and a positive charge. When the
plus and minus poles (the two ends of the voltaic pile) are connected,
an electrical current flows. Even today many batteries still work on this
principle, such as small-scale hearing aid batteries.

56 Creating Chemistry

Pioneering thinker – now

Michael Thackeray
The South African-born chemist is a leading
scientist in the development of lithium batteries – a key
technology in harnessing clean energy.

Thackeray found himself fas­
Spinels explained
cinated by the possibilities that
Spinels are crystals that have a cubic structure, through which lithium lithium offered and applied to work
ions can move in three dimensions. This structure considerably speeds
rowing up with Professor John ­Goodenough,
up the charging and discharging process in a battery as the ions shuttle
in Pretoria, South Africa, Michael back and forth between the two electrodes. At the University of Oxford a world authority on metal oxides,
Thackeray, PhD, was interested in England, Michael Thackeray, PhD, discovered that lithium could be at the University of Oxford in
in science from an early age. He inserted into iron oxide and manganese oxide spinels at room tempera- ­England. In 1981, he moved with
first caught the chemistry bug ture, a finding that has resulted in inexpensive and safer electrodes. his family to Oxford and began
in his second year at the Univer­ ­investigating the behavior of spi-
sity of Cape Town after discover- nel oxide electrodes at room tem-
ing the beauty of crystals. “A light perature (see box). His research
went on,” says Thackeray. on lithium insertion reactions led
“I r­ emember saying, I can see to the use of a variety of spinel
myself working in this field.” electrode materials in lithium-ion
After graduating with a Master batteries – today’s dominant
of Science in chemistry in 1973, recharge­able tech­nology in elec-
the thought of a career in “messy tronic devices and electric cars.
batteries” was farthest from his Since 1994, Thackeray has
mind. However, when he joined headed a team at the non-profit
the Council for Scientific and Argonne National Laboratory
Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pre- in the United States. They have
toria, the Middle East oil crisis developed materials for a ­solid-
had erupted, triggering a world- state lithium-polymer battery for
wide race to develop recharge­ stationary energy storage and
able batteries. Johan Coetzer, designed composite electrode
Thack­eray’s mentor at CSIR, had structures that improve the per-
begun researching crystalline formance and safety of lithiumion
silver-ion-conducting solid elec- batteries.
trolytes, giving Thackeray his first At 67, Thackeray is still work-
insight into relationships ­between ing on advancing composite
crystal structures and electrical electrodes by including a spinel
energy. Together, they worked to component in the structure.
create new high-temperature “This a­ pproach looks promising
sodium and lithium battery tech- indeed,” he says. “We’re also
nologies. seeking to exploit the energy
from the oxygen in metal oxide
­structures – a more formidable

Michael Thackeray, PhD,

is a Distinguished Fellow
in the Electrochemical
Energy Storage Depart-
ment at Argonne National
Laboratory in Illinois, USA.

Creating Chemistry 57

Ozone exposure can lead to
discomfort and adverse health
a healthy
effects in airplane passengers
and crew. Removing it from
the cabin air makes air travel
more comfortable. in flight

Deoxo® protects flight passen-

gers by converting harmful
ozone to oxygen.

You cannot see ozone, but even small quantities can be hazardous ­
How much ozone (O3 ) is hazardous? to your health. Atmospheric ozone is caused by the photochemical
The effects on people increase with the concentration of ozone conversion of oxygen by solar ultraviolet radiation. Ozone levels vary
and length of exposure. with season, altitude, latitude and weather systems. On the ground,
ozone concentrations as low as 120 micrograms per cubic meter can
O3 in micrograms per cubic meter of air be the cause of upper respiratory symptoms, dry eyes and head-
aches. At altitudes where commercial airplanes regularly cruise, ozone
(average over eight hours) 240 reaches significantly higher concentrations. When this enters the air-
craft through air conditioning ducts, passengers and crew can feel quite
160 uncomfortable.
For over 30 years, BASF has supplied Deoxo® ozone converters
100 to airlines and aircraft manufacturers to help combat air pollutants
within the aircraft. The Deoxo converter removes ozone from the cabin
air by catalytically converting it into oxygen. In addition, BASF offers
Deoxo ozone/VOC converter technology, which reduces unpleasant
smells that are generally associated with Volatile Organic Compounds
Safe level for most Exposure to this Significant health
people, though the level of ozone could effects are felt (VOC) generated by aircraft engine exhaust, thus making for a safer
young and more lead to inflammatory by a substantial and pleasant aircraft cabin flight experience.
susceptible may effects in the airways proportion of vulner-
start to suffer nasal able populations. More Information:

and throat irritation Extended exposure
increases suscepti-
bility to respiratory

Sources: WHO, U.S. EPA, BASF

58 Creating Chemistry
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Creating Chemistry 59

Creating Chemistry
For a sustainable future

Issue six 2017

Searching for new
bio-based raw
materials for industry
Focus from page 6

Free trade:
Does it still matter? “We need international
Viewpoints from page 28
cooperation to promote a
circular economy.”
Counterfeiting: Professor Du Huanzheng from China’s
renowned Tongji University
Outsmarting the fakers explains why the new economic
Feature from page 36 model will change our lifestyle.
Interview from page 22

Solar thermal energy:

Storing sunshine
Feature from page 46

Issue six 2017

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