TrollContest IX

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Barcelona TrollContest′′

February 17, 2024

1. For which x ∈ R –if any– is it true that, for every positive integer n, it is possible to add
z }| {
a bunch of symbols from ⌊, ⌈, ⌋, ⌉ to the product x · x · . . . · x so that the resulting expression is
well-bracketed and evaluates to n (6 points).

2. Find all solutions of the following equation (4 points):


3. There are n printers working for H.A.U.L., each of which was given the task to print n
new printables for the company, one of each preestablished size, using the company printers,
and present them in the next meeting. Each of the n company printers can only print a specific
size of printable, and takes exactly one minute to print it. Moreover, these printers require con-
stant human contact, so a printer cannot print more than one printable at a time.

The printers like to procrastinate, so H.A.U.L. accounted for this and arranged a standard
printing procedure, so that each of them could print her printables during the last n minutes
before the meeting. However, without the company knowing, the printers decided to shuffle the
work between them: each printer has n printables, but not necessarily of different sizes, so the
standard printing procedure will no longer work for them.

The meeting starts in n2 minutes and no printable has been printed yet — they have been
procrastinating until now because they know that they still have time to print all the printables
before the meeting. Can they procrastinate longer? If so, for how much? (8 points)
4. Let be a commonly used angle and A be a point. An A-per- -diculator is a tool that,
given a line r through A and a point X not on r, drops the perpendicular line through X to r, but
then deforms space in such a way that each point on the line AX remains fixed and the line r
expands or contracts (without changing direction) so that AP X = , where P is the foot of the
recently created perpendicular. The rest of the plane deforms in a way collinearity is preserved.

Let ABC be an equilateral triangle. For every commonly used angle , prove that, after us-
ing an A-per- -diculator a finite number of times, we can construct a point that is the (current)
orthocentre of ABC (5 points).

5. Find all functions ξ : Q+ → Q+ such that for any positive integers p and q, the following
equality is satisfied (8 points):    
p q
ξp = ξ (q)
q p

6. Let ABC be an acute triangle and P be the foot of the altitude from A. Let TA , TB and

TC be the tangency points of the incircle of ABC with BC, CA and AB, respectively, and TA ,
TB and TC′ be the tangency points of the excircles of ABC with the segments BC, CA and AB,

′ ′
respectively. Assume that there exists a circle passing through A, TA , TB and TC′ . Prove that
the lines TB TC , AP and the perpendicular to TB TC from TA concur (5 points). Moreover, prove

ITB · ITC′ ⌢
, where I is the incentre of ABC and S is the midpoint of the arc BC
containing A (4 points).
Natural numbers. 0 is a natural number.

Axiom of Choice. You are supposed to assume that the axiom of choice is true in all of
the problems of this contest.

Polyverse: a verse which only has pluriverses inside. Fun fact: you can obtain any
polyverse by repeatedly colliding, in some order and fashion, a bunch of nothing. Prove it!
(2 points)

Self-reference. This TrollContest’s glossary contains a self-referential entry.

Printer: a person who prints a printable with a printer.


• When a collection of n verses

, A  collides additively, the result is a single verse

A containing all the verses in A1 , together with all the verses in A2 , and all the verses
in A3 , . . ., and all the verses in An , with the appropriate multiplicity, and we write

A = A1 + A2 + · · · + An or A = +A . i=1

• When a collection of n verses

, A

collides multiplicatively, the result is a single

verse A containing all possible additive collisions consisting of exactly one verse inside

each Ai , and we write A = A1 × A2 × · · · × An or A = ×A .


• When a collection of n verses

, A  collides exponentially, the result is a single verse


A containing all possible multiplicative collisions consisting of exactly one verse inside
each Ai , and we write A = A1 ∧ A2 ∧ · · · ∧ An or A = ∧A .

• Collisions of 0 verses yield the metaverse.

IP · IS ITB · ITC′ IP S ′′
Caveman simplification. 2
= is not equivalent to = .

Multiverse: a verse which only has polyverses inside.

Constant human contact: holding down a button. What were you imagining?

z }| {
m-fold composition: to apply a function g m times: g (m)
(x) = g(g(g(· · · (g(x)) · · · )))
z }| {
Not to be confused with m-th power exponentiation: m
 g (x) = g(x) · g(x) · . . . · g(x)
m g(x) m
Nor tetration to the m: g(x) = g(x)g(x)
Nor order m differentiation: g m) = ∂xm (x)

Nor anything else.

Pluriverse: a verse which only has universes inside.

Printer: a machine that a printer prints a printable with.

Construction. Given points are constructed points. Lines through two constructed points
are constructed lines. Intersections of constructed lines are constructed points. Outputs of
given tools are constructed objects. Only constructed objects can be inputs of tools.

Maths problem: scenario where you can suppose that planning a strategy and going from
printer to printer consumes no time.

Metaverse. For additive collisions, it’s a verse Z that satisfies X + Z = X for all verses
X. Mutatis mutandis, we define the metaverse for the other types of collision.

Printable: a document a printer prints with a printer.

Charly. There was a petition for Charly to be featured in this TrollContest.

H.A.U.L.: Hustle & Accurately Uncertain Logistics.

Incercle and excercles. Really, are you looking that up? Ask your teammates!

Universe: a verse with no verses inside it.

House functions:

• The floor of x is the only integer ⌊x⌋ that satisfies ⌊x⌋ ≤ x < ⌊x⌋ + 1.

• The wall of x is the only integer ⌊x⌉ that satisfies 2⌊x⌉ − 1 ≤ 2x < 2⌊x⌉ + 1.
• The ceiling of x is the only integer ⌈x⌉ that satisfies ⌊−x⌋ = −⌈x⌉.
• The roof of x is the only integer ⌈x⌋ that satisfies ⌊x⌉ + ⌈x⌋ = ⌊x⌋ + ⌈x⌉.

◦ ◦
Commonly√ used angle: an angle strictly between 0 and 180 whose sine and cosine are
of the form where n is a natural number.

Standard printing procedure: a procedure arranged so that the printers can simultane-
ously print their printables without interference. If you are curious, it consists of the i-th
printer printing its j-sized printable at minute j − i (mod n).

Verse. It can have anything* inside it! Even another verse!

Can you read this? Tell us about it.

Advice. It is highly recommended to solve the problems in non-increasing order.

* Actually, only verses are allowed to be inside verses, and only finitely many. If you see rectangles inside one,
well, that’s because we usually use rectangles to represent verses.

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