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Q1. When was the Constitution of India finally adopted?

Ans. Constitution of India was adopted on 26 November 1949

Q2.Where are the powers of government clearly stated?

Ans. The powers of Government are stated in Constitution of India

Q3. At the time of independence, how many British provinces and princely states
were there?

Ans. At the time of independence, there were 11 British provinces and 566 princely

Q4. Under whose prime minister ship was the Tashkent Agreement signed?

Ans. Under Lal Bahadur Shastri’s prime minister ship the Tashkent Agreement was

Q5. Which Government dropped the fifth five-year-plan?

Ans. The plan was dropped at the end of fourth year in March 1978 by Janata


Q1. Why was the Ministry of Rehabilitation set up?

Ans: The newly formed government had to encounter its first enormous challenge,
that of rehabilitating the refugees. A Ministry of Rehabilitation was formed to
handle the situation, which looked into:
1. Providing food
2. Building houses
3. Establishing schools
4. Allotting land to the farmers for cultivation
5. Generating employment
6. Fighting diseases

Q2. Discuss the salient features of the Constitution of India.

Ans: The constitution of India was adopted on 26 November 1949 and it came into
effect on 26 January 1950. Some pf the salient features of the constitution of
sIndia are as follows:
1. Universal adult suffrage: It refers to the right of every citizen of a country
to cast a vote in elections irrespective of their caste, class, creed, religion, or
2. Parliamentary system of government: A parliamentary system of
government is a democratic form of government where the party with the
greatest representation in the parliament forms the government, and its leader
becomes the prime minister.
3. Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy:Fundamental
Rights are human rights of the citizens of India, while Directive Principles of State
Policy are ideals that are meant to be kept in mind by the State when it
formulates policies and enacts laws.

Q3. Write a note on the linguistic reorganisation of states.

Ans: In 1948, the first linguistic provinces commission headed by S.K. Dar was
appointed by the constituent assembly to enquire into the possibility of linguistic
provinces. Another committee known as JVP committee consisting of Jawaharlal
Nehru, Sardar Vallabhai Patel and Pattabhi Sitaramayya did not favor the division
of provinces based on languages.
There were popular movements and demands for state organisation and it was
intensive in Andhra. Therefore, in 1953, Andhra Pradesh was created as a
separate state and was the first linguistic state of India.
The linguistic reorganisation of states was a significant step towards the
recognition of linguistic and cultural diversity in India.

Q4. How did Jammu and Kashmir come under the Indian union?
Ans: The state of Jammu and Kashmir bordered India and Pakistan. Its ruler was
Raja Hari Singh. In the beginning, he too claimed independent status. When the
pathan tribes led by Pakistani officers invaded Kashmir, Hari Singh sought the help
of India.Nehru pointed out that under the prevalent international law, India could
send its troops only after the state accession to India.
Therefore, on 26 October 1947, Raja Hari Singh signed the ‘Instrument of
accession’ and Jammu and Kashmir became an integral part of India.

Q5. What progress did India make with the implementation of the New Economic
Ans: One of the greatest achievements in the economic sector has been the
transition into the adoption of the New Economic Policy in the 1990s through the
policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation.
Through this policy, the country’s economy has integrated with the world
economy. Since then, the economy has developed tremendously and the growth
rate has also gone up.

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