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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Emme Lesson Title: Cooking show!

Date: april 7th Grade Level:Preschool Circle one: ECE

Standard(s)/Guideline(s):1.a. Engages in new and unfamiliar experiences and activities.

Standard(s)/Guideline(s): 1.b. Completes activities with increasingly complex steps.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Before the lesson ask students if they know how the food they eat is created, indicating to them to begin
thinking about cooking and baking.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as Academic Language:
Instructional Objective(s): data to demonstrate students have met your - Engage
The student will be able to... objective(s) and skill?) - Present
- The students will be able - I will record the language used, see how well the - Cook
to create a cooking show students are able to convey their cooking show. - Host
and pretend to be a host - Look for words like, “today I am cooking”
and do a drama show - “Welcome to my cooking show”
while hosting a cooking - “To make this meal”
show! - I will take notes and film each lesson to look back
on to see if the students have met their goals.

Procedural steps:

One Assessed
Developmental Skill: Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or
compile your evidence into a class or group view?)

1) Show the students an online kid friendly cooking

Attends surroundings (e.g., show
adults/objects/sounds). • - Individually done, and each student will be 2) Ask the students if they have ever cooked
recorded and have notes taken on them 3) Explain to the students that they will be creating
their own cooking show and being the host
4) Then individually help each student with their
cooking show
5) Allow each students to present and host their
show for the class
6) Record each student and watch their show back
Differentiation: and make adjustments and accommodations if
need be

Safety Considerations: - Extended time

- Allowing students to do a private show
- Allow students to chose their food they make Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real-life,
hands-on materials.)

- Hitting himself
- Tripping on apron
- hurt with fake food

- Fake food
- Apron
- Utensils

Adult Roles:

- Monitor students
- Take photos
- Take notes
- Guide students if needed

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
Rev. 1/2024

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