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Name : M Wisnu Dwimahatma

NPM : 22012010471
Class : English G637


First Conversation

The conversation is about the student that ask teacher about the test. the test that helped
by the teacher or Professor will be happen a week After the conversation, and the test will be
and an open notes test. Jack who asks the lecturer (Professor Taylor) about a test to be
conducted with the open book system. Jack asked Professor Taylor on Friday in campus. He
asked how the system opened the book. Is it okay for him to open the book as a reference?
Because he had never done a test by opening a book. Professor Taylor said yes, but she was
worried because Jack had never done a test with the open book system. The open book
system is not as easy as imagined and many students do not have enough time to complete
the test because their time is wasted searching for each answer. According to Professor
Taylor, the purpose of this open book test this to tell so that we can answer in detail or make
some of our own statements. The test time is one hour with a total of 20 questions, so that
students must do 10 questions in half an hour. The first thing to do to prepare to the open
book tes tis to organize your notes in subject categories, so that you can refer to an easy topic
and then study your book just like any other test. The reason Professor Taylor created the
open book test was because she tought the open book test provided an opportunity for real
learning. Many of her students use small rote memorization for exams and then forgot all
about broad concepts. She preferred them to learn the concept, so they left her class with a
general perspective they wouldn’t forget. And because this is a psychology class not a
memorizing class.

Second Conversation

In an economics class, the professor said that the tax reduction would allow employers
to invest their tax savings and create more jobs and profits which would ultimately allow
additional employers and employees to pay more taxes even if the rates were lowered. In his
explanation, there were two presidents of the United States who used tax cuts as a solution to
grow the economy, namely John F. Kenedy and Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan cut taxes
and increased spending on the military. Milton Friedman said overseas investment will lead
to temporary unemployment, but the money will eventually come back in income and be used
to buy things that will generate jobs. Dr. Barry said the economic improvements that occurred
in the United States were due to technological changes and increased productivity. So there
will be temporary unemployment because the workforce will be replaced by technology that
leads to increased productivity of price reductions. For example, he uses dishwashers. Profit
from goods at a lower price, people will have more money left to make purchases of other
goods, and this will create jobs. But if people invest their money, then they also create more
jobs that support the economy.

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