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Types of texts Main concepts Language devices Intonation devices

action pitched high,

verbs of physical action Descending Stepping Head
slow tempo
Narrative Fall-Rise or Low Rise
time adverbials of time wide range
adverbials of place slow tempo
Description Evaluation evaluative adjectives & The Sliding Head
adverbs High Fall +High Fall
(оцінка, аналіз)
Parenthetical words Fall Rise or Low Rise
wide range, slow tempo
Argumentation Modality Falls or Rise Fall
Мода́льність — категорія, що
Verbs of mental activity the main point - the DSH
характеризує спосіб дії або
відношення до дії. rebuttal – the Ascending Head
take place in
time and be
linked by a

to present
be agent
events, settled
in some time
and space


Time and
1st or 3rd action are
person seen as basic
reference to the
, structure of

Here is an example of the narrative text.

Exactly three years ago my aunt's husband and her two young brothers walked out through that window. They went shooting and
never came back. When they were crossing the river their boat probably turned over and they were all drowned. Their bodies
were never found (The Open Window after H. Munro).
adverbials (three years ago, never,
of time through that window)
and place

verbs of
(walk out, go, come
NARRATIVE physical back, cross, turn over

adverbials of time and

place form separate
sense-groups and are said
DSH with falling, rising or
falling-rising tone
some object
(a person, a
thing, a


at some
fixed time of it

e.g.: He was shivering, his face was white, and he walked slowly as though it
ached to move.
His face was very white and there were dark areas under his eyes. He lay still in
the bed and seemed very detached from what was going on (A Day’s Wait after
E. Hemingway).
appealing to adjectives (white, dark,
the senses &
still, detached)
are intensifying adverbs (very,
fundamental slowly)

Description figurative epithet, simile (as though it

language ached to move), metaphor

Sliding Head
are short


thoughts & over some

reflections problems

e.g.: So we decided to have a special celebration of Mother's Day. We thought it

a fine idea. It made us all realize how much Mother had done for us for years,
and all the efforts and sacrifice that she had made for our sake.
So in the end it was decided that Mother would stay home and just have a lovely
restful day round the house, and get the dinner. It turned out anyway that Mother
doesn't care for fishing, and also it was just a little bit cold and fresh out of
doors, though it was lovely and sunny, and Father was rather afraid that Mother
might take cold if she came (How We Kept Mother’s Day after S. Leacock).
verbs of mental activity
(decide, think, realize) and
modal verbs (might, would).
a great number of
parenthetical phrases (so in
the end, anyway, also).

DSH or Sliding Head

Argumentation Ascending Head or The Low
Head are used to insert
ation rebuttal.

parenthetical the Fall-Rise, the High Fall.

phrases the Rise Fall

Thus, each type of text has its own set of intonation phenomena.

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