Question Bank 6sem

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Question Bank


1. Explain the Introduction of Computer Graphics and its application.

2. Explain DDA and Bresenham’s Mid-point line Drawing Algorithm.
3. Differentiate Raster Scan and Random Scan
4. Explain Video Display Devices and Input Devices.
5. Explain Circle and Ellipse Drawing Algorithm.
1. Explain 2-D Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm.
2. Explain polygon clipping using Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon
Clipping and Liang Barsky algorithm.
3. What is 2-D Viewing transformation Pipeline? Explain Window-to-
Viewpoint Coordinate Transformations.
4. What is Curve Clipping and Text Clipping?
1. What is 3-D Transformation?
2. Explain 3-D Projections.
3. Explain Filled Area Primitives and its types.
1. Explain Curved Line and Surfaces.
2. Explain Bezier Curve and its properties.
3. Explain Blobby Objects.
4. Explain Cardinal and Hermite Splines
5. Explain the Spline Representation of an object.
1. Explain the Classification of Visible Surface Detection Algorithms.
2. Explain Basic Illumination Models.
3. Explain Transparency And Shadows.
4. Explain the Intensity Attenuation and Color Consideration.

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