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into party organizational structure, party ide-

Ormrod, Robert P., ology and tools and concepts from political
Henneberg, Stephan C. M. and marketing. Stephan Henneberg is Professor
O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas J.: of Marketing and Strategy at Manchester
Business School, University of Manchester.
POLITICAL MARKETING. His research is focused on issues of inter-
THEORY AND CONCEPTS. organizational strategy, business relation-
ships and networks, and political marketing.
Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Nicholas O’Shaughnessy is Professor of
Singapore, Washington DC: SAFE Communications at Queen Mary, University
Publications Inc, 2013. 224 pages. of London. His research focus is on political
marketing and propaganda. O’Shaughnessy’s
DOI: 10.5817/PC2014-2-151 work has led to a more general curiosity
about the social impact and significance of
There are many new publications each year marketing. All of the authors have written
dedicated to political marketing. But these many papers, chapters and books crucial to
deal mostly with a single concept or specific the discipline of political marketing, which
case studies, whether they involve election have been inspirational for academics around
campaigns in general or selected aspects of the world.
them. Only a few aspire to capture political The book Political Marketing. Theory
marketing efforts from varying perspectives and Concepts provides a critical, valuable
and offer a more holistic picture of the disci- understanding of how political parties use
pline to readers. This would be understand- marketing to attain their aims. The textbook
able were there a number of similar books places an explicit focus on theoretical un-
published in previous years and/or if there derpinnings and the cutting-edge concepts
were consensus among academics as to how employed by political parties. The text’s
to approach the discipline. But such is not language is clear and easily accessible for an
the case with political marketing. And Rob- audience of students and novice researchers.
ert P. Ormrod, Stephan C. M. Henneberg and As indicated by its title, the book is divided
Nicholas J. O’Shaughnessy have decided to into two sections to do with theoretical issues
rectify this lack with their new publication in political marketing and conceptual issues
Political Marketing. Theory and Concepts. in political marketing.
The book may be seen as simply responding Chapters in the first section of the book
to the call for a more coherent view of the are devoted to the definition of political
entire political marketing area. The ambi- marketing, basic political marketing theories
tions of the book are high. The trio of authors and concepts, the political market and the tri-
already suggests it will make for highly inter- adic interaction model of political exchange,
esting reading. All are academics with a glo- a critique of political marketing at both the
bal reputation in political marketing theory. level of practical application and theoretical
Robert Ormrod is Associate Professor of definition and how researchers have worked
Business Economics at Aarhus University with it, the relationship between the use of
in Denmark. His primary research focus is political marketing and the quality of democ-
on strategic political marketing, that is, how racy and ethics in political marketing. The
political market orientation can be integrated authors’ focus is not restricted to political

marketing per se, but also includes broader area. It may also be recommended as a basis
questions such as the influence of marketing for undergraduate- and graduate-level lec-
on the functioning of political parties and the tures on political marketing theory, since the
shape of democracy. features noted above aid comprehension and
The second half of the book deals with understanding of the content and stimulate
the various concepts one often encounters discussion among students.
in the theory of political marketing. The The authors of Political Marketing. Theo-
reader is acquainted with the concepts ry and Concepts have achieved the objective
behind political relationship marketing, they set themselves at the beginning of the
strategic political postures, political market book to take the essential elements of the
orientation, marketing strategy and partly academic study of political marketing and
organizational structure, as well as the use of make them more accessible. A big advantage
symbolism in political marketing. The final of the chapters is that they are not limited
chapter is devoted to research agendas for by tedious introductions to the phenomenon
political marketing and political marketing or concept in question. Each chapter offers
management. the chief arguments given by critics of the
The book adds up to more than simply phenomenon or approach. This makes for
the sum of the basic theoretical and con- a really great textbook from which readers
ceptual issues present in the authors’ ear- will gain the maximum of information that
lier work. Readers are also presented with can be fit into 224 pages. The publication
concepts derived from the writings of other may be recommended to those wishing
authors. A good example would be the work to become familiar with the fundamental
of Jennifer Lees-Marshment described in theoretical definition and broad concepts of
Chapter 10: Political Market Orientation. political marketing.
Robert Ormrod and Stephan Henneberg are
probably the most salient critics (Henneberg Sources:
2003, Ormrod 2006) of some portions of her
Comprehensive Political Marketing Model Henneberg, Stephan C. M. 2003. Generic Function
of Political Marketing. Working Papers Series.
(Lees-Marshment and Lilleker 2005). But
University of Bath (
the model is nevertheless introduced in the management/research/pdf/2003-19.pdf).
textbook free of normative commentary. Lees-Marshment, Jenifer and Lilleker, Darren G.,
A point of great added value for the publica- eds. 2005. Political Marketing: A Comparative
tion lies in the style and formatting of each Perspective. Manchester: Manchester Univer-
chapter. Each contains a brief chapter intro- sity Press.
Ormrod, Robert P. 2006. “A Critique of the Lees-
duction featuring a list of key terms to con-
Marshment Market-Oriented Party Model.”
sider, along with discussion questions, learn- Politics 26, no. 2, 110–118.
ing summaries and annotated suggestions for
Miloš Gregor
further reading. The book is thus suited not
Department of Political Science
only to those with an explicit interest in the Masaryk University

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