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Career & succession planning

What is career??
Job vs. Career Job What can I do now to make money? Career Chosen Profession for your life. Requires a willingness to get the training needed to build your skills for the future. A career is the work a person does. It is the sequence of jobs that an individual has held throughout his or her working life E.g. occupation of nursing. It is the life- long process a person goes through to learn about himself such as purpose, personality interests skills talents Develop a self- concept, learn about careers, and work situations Make a career choice, while developing and coping social skills A career is the pattern of work-related experiences (e.g.; job position, job duties, decisions, and subjective interpretations about work-related events) and activities over the span of the persons work life.

Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals. Career development is those personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan. Career management is the process of designing and implementing goals, plans and strategies to enable the organization to satisfy employee needs while allowing individuals to achieve their career goals. So, due to this career planning and development is necessary to each and every employee in an organization. The need of career planning and development is felt in each and every organization of todays global world.

CAREER PLANNING is a process whereby an individual sets career goal and identifies the means to achieve them. Career planning is not an event or end in itself, but a continuous process of developing HR for achieving optimum results. Organization also help the employees in career planning so that both can satisfy each others needs

Exploration Stage:
Usually ends in ones mid twenty, for the individual, this is the stage of selfexploration seeking answer to various puzzling questions about career. Has the least relevance from the organization point of view, but can still track the minds of young people by offering internship to them or offering on-the-job training.

Establishment Stage:
One begins the search for work and picks up the first job. First experience on the job, peer group evaluations, personal tensions and anxieties etc

Mid Career Stage:

There is Continuous improvement in performance, organization place the person that requires experience and maturity.

Late- Career Stage:

Plays the part of an elder statesperson. The persons experience and judgment are greatly valued. One can teach other and share the experience with others.

Decline Stage:
Final stage of ones career, marked as Retirement


Getting the right number of people with the right skills, experiences, and competencies in the right jobs at the right time. Succession planning is a means of identifying critical management positions starting at manager and supervisor levels and extending up to the highest position in the organization.
William J. Rothwell Effective Succession Planning (2001)

Succession planning should not and must not stand alone.

It must be paired with succession management which creates a more dynamic environment.

Need for Success Planning

Need for future growth and skill development Proactive approach to fill key potential vacancies Aligns mission with workplace planning strategy

Youre Role In Succession Planning

As a manager, its your role to ensure: Identify key replacement needs and the high-potential people and critical positions to include in the succession plan Clarify present and future work activities and work results Compare present individual performance and future individual potential Establish individual-development plans (IDPs) to prepare replacements and to develop high-potential workers


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