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Madison Nadeau

During one of the LAW days, Late Arrival Wednesdays, all of the teachers met

together to talk about students who may be falling behind or not meeting their

standards. So teachers were tasked with calling home to certain students' homes who

were failing their standards or were chronically absent. In this meeting, it was also

talked about how we should talk to the parents. We should talk to them in a tone that

fosters collaboration, and how we all can work together to further help the student.

One of the students that my mentor and I had to call home about was chronically

absent. They haven’t been to school since before December Break. We decided to call

home since they were falling behind and missing a lot of work from the current quarter

and the previous quarter. We found out during our call that this student was very sick

and they had to stay home until they could feel better and healthy enough to make it to


We collaborated with the parent on what work the student was missing and how

we could get the student to complete that work while at home. The parent was very

glad to hear about this since they noticed the student was very bored at home. So my

mentor and I printed out all of the work that the student was missing and modified the

workload so the student would be able to feasibly complete it all.

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