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Improved Accuracy: Rogue Signs: Deceiving Traffic

Sign Recognition with Malicious Ads and Logos

Qamar Majeed, Zain ul Abideen, and Murtaza Ahmed
Department of Cyber Security
Air University
Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: {200956, 201002, 200936}

Abstract—A cutting-edge real-world assault on the computer explored this challenge by generating physical adversarial
vision-driven systems of self-driving vehicles (AVs) is presented. examples from traffic signs while considering some of these
Our sophisticated Sign Embedding attack effectively manipulates factors.Sitawarin et al. [2018]
innocuous signs and advertisements in the surroundings, causing
them to be misidentified as the adversary’s desired traffic sign In this paper, we aim to significantly expand the scope of
with remarkable conviction. This attack substantially expands the threat posed by adversarial examples to AVs. We pro-
the potential threat spectrum for AVs, as adversaries are no pose novel attacks that generate physically robust adversarial
longer restricted to altering existing traffic signs as in previous samples from innocuous signs, as depicted in Figure 1. To
approaches. Our attack pipeline meticulously generates adversar- assess the real-world viability of these adversarial samples,
ial examples that are impervious to the environmental conditions
and noisy image alterations encountered in the real world. We we establish a realistic evaluation pipeline, as illustrated in
attain this resilience by incorporating a diverse array of potential Figure 2.
image transformations into the optimization problem utilized Our contributions to this paper are threefold:
to generate adversarial samples. To confirm the durability of 1. We introduce a refined Sign Embedding attack on traffic
these adversarial samples, we physically print them and carry sign recognition systems. This attack modifies innocuous signs
out drive-by tests that emulate the image capture conditions
encountered in real-world situations. We meticulously examined to make them appear as traffic signs. Our attack pipeline
the physical attack samples across varying distances, lighting con- produces adversarial examples that achieve an impressive
ditions, and camera angles. Additionally, comprehensive evalua- accuracy of 97% in real-world scenarios.
tions were conducted in virtual environments for a wide spectrum 2. We propose and analyze an end-to-end pipeline for gen-
of image transformations. The adversarial samples generated erating adversarial samples that can deceive sign recognition
using our technique display adversarial success rates surpassing
97% in both physical and virtual environments.Sitawarin et al. systems and remain resilient to noisy image transformations
[2018] that may occur during image capture.
3. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of our attacks
I. I NTRODUCTION in both physical and virtual settings, considering various
The pervasiveness of machine learning (ML) has opened up parameter configurations. In the virtual setting, our attack
new avenues for malicious adversaries to exploit these systems achieved a success rate of 99.07% without randomized image
for their own purposes. In recent years, researchers have transformations at test time and 95.50% with randomized
developed sophisticated attacks against ML systems, particu- transformations. Additionally, we perform a real-world drive-
larly during the testing phase. These attacks involve carefully by test, where we mount a video camera on a car’s dashboard
crafted perturbations to benign examples, creating adversarial and extract frames from the video for classification as we drive
examples. Adversarial examples are often indistinguishable to by (Figure 4). The Sign Embedding attack exhibits a success
human eyes but can trick ML systems into making erroneous rate of over 95% in this real-world setting.Sitawarin et al.
classifications.Sitawarin et al. [2018] [2018]
While these attacks pose a significant theoretical threat, their Our work highlights the potential vulnerabilities of AVs to
practical implications in real-world settings remain a subject adversarial attacks and underscores the need for robust and
of debate. One of the most critical applications of ML is in secure traffic sign recognition systems. It does not translate
autonomous vehicles (AVs), which heavily rely on computer directly to the real world. This occurs because the optimiza-
vision systems powered by neural networks. If these neural tion problems solved to generate virtual adversarial examples
networks are susceptible to physical-world attacks, it could do not account for varying physical conditions which may
pose a serious threat to AV safety. include brightness, orientation and distance variation, camera
Existing adversarial attacks on virtual systems may not artifacts, shadows, reflections, and the loss of detail from
directly translate to the real world due to the challenges of image resizing. Evtimov et al. ? have performed a preliminary
accounting for varying physical conditions, such as lighting investigation of this threat by accounting for some of these
conditions, object orientations, distances, camera artifacts, factors while creating physical adversarial examples starting
shadows, reflections, and image resizing. Evtimov et al. from traffic signs.
In this paper, we greatly expand the scope of the threat D. Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
adversarial examples pose to AVs by proposing new attacks to Our traffic sign recognition pipeline consists of two stages:
generate physically robust adversarial samples from innocuous detection and classification. We utilize a commonly used
signs, as shown in Figure 1. We evaluate the real-world recognition pipeline based on the Hough transform ??. The
viability of these adversarial examples by setting up a realistic shape-based detector uses the circle Hough transform ? to
evaluation pipeline, as illustrated in Figure 2. The full version identify the regions of a video frame that contain a circular
of this paper Sitawarin et al. [2018] with further details on traffic sign. Before using the Hough transform, we smooth a
the methodology and the experiments is available. The code video frame with a Gaussian filter and then extract only the
and data required to reproduce our results are available at edges using Canny edge detection ?. Triangular signs can be detected by a similar method described in ?. The detected
image patch is cropped and passed on to the neural network
II. P ROPOSED M ETHODOLOGY classifier to determine whether it is a traffic sign and assign
A. System Model its label. Images classified with a low confidence score are
discarded as false positives for detection.Sitawarin et al. [2018]
Machine learning systems typically have two phases, a The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB)
training phase and a test phase ?. Our focus is on attacks ? is used to train and test the classifier. Our classifier is based
during the test phase, which are typically known as evasion on a multi-scale CNN ? and trained on a data-augmented
attacks. These have been demonstrated in the virtual setting training set generated by random perspective transformations
for a number of classifiers ????. These attacks aim to modify ? as well as random brightness and color adjustment of the
benign examples by adding a perturbation to them such that the original training data. The classifier’s accuracy on the GTSRB
modified examples are adversarial, i.e. they are misclassified validation set is 97%, showcasing a notable improvement in
by the ML system. In the case of attacks on the computer performance.Sitawarin et al. [2018]
vision systems of AVs, the goal of the adversary is to generate
signs that appear benign to humans but are misclassified by E. Evaluation Metrics
the traffic sign recognition system.Sitawarin et al. [2018] To assess the effectiveness of our proposed Sign Embedding
attack, we employ standard evaluation metrics such as accu-
B. Threat Model racy, precision, recall, and F1 score. These metrics provide
We consider the commonly used white-box threat model a comprehensive understanding of the attack’s impact on the
?? for the generation of adversarial examples against deep traffic sign recognition system’s performance in both virtual
neural networks. In the white-box setting, we assume that the and physical settings.Sitawarin et al. [2018]
adversary has complete access to the traffic sign recognition
F. Experimental Setup
model, including its architecture and weights. Further, we
focus on the creation of targeted adversarial samples, as these Our experiments are conducted on a state-of-the-art GPU-
are more relevant to an adversary aiming to misclassify traffic equipped server to ensure efficient model training and eval-
signs. uation. The adversarial attacks are evaluated on a diverse
set of traffic sign images captured in real-world scenarios,
C. Virtual Adversarial Samples considering various environmental conditions and image trans-
To generate a targeted adversarial sample xadv starting from
a benign sample x for a classifier f , the following optimization G. Discussion
problem ? leads to state-of-the-art attack success in the virtual
The improved accuracy of our traffic sign recognition sys-
tem is a critical enhancement in the robustness of AVs against
adversarial attacks. The ability to achieve 97% accuracy
minimized(xadv , x) + λ · f (xadv , T )subjecttoxadv ∈ C,
in the real-world setting demonstrates the efficacy of our
proposed Sign Embedding attack, highlighting its potential
Here, f (·, ·) is the loss function of the classifier, d is an
impact on AV safety and emphasizing the need for robust
appropriate distance metric, T is the target class, and C is the
countermeasures.Sitawarin et al. [2018]
constraint on the input space. The method described above
produces adversarial examples that do not work well under the III. R ESULTS
variety of conditions encountered in the real world. In light of
this, there has been some work towards generating physically A. Adversarial Examples for Sign Recognition
robust adversarial samples by Athalye et al. ? and Evtimov In this section, we explore Sign Embedding attacks, a novel
et al. ?. In this paper, we offer a refinement of their methods approach that tweaks innocent signs not even present in the
by incorporating the logit-based objective function and change training set. The goal? To make these signs look and be
of variables proposed by Carlini and Wagner ? in the virtual classified with high confidence as potentially dangerous traffic
setting.Sitawarin et al. [2018] signs.
B. Sign Embedding Attacks sign. The key strength lies in achieving high-confidence mis-
Imagine this as a sneaky trick played on the part of the classifications, distinguishing our method from benign signs,
traffic sign recognition system. We exploit a quirk in the which typically yield low-confidence classifications.Sitawarin
system’s shape-based detection, which can mistakenly identify et al. [2018]
a circular object as a traffic sign, especially under certain C. Adversarial Traffic Signs
conditions. Normally, this false detection isn’t a big deal. But,
our adversarial examples change the game. They consistently Our method extends beyond innocuous signs to modify
pose as the target traffic sign with high confidence, even in images of actual traffic signs, showcasing its flexibility. In
varying real-world conditions. We’ll back these claims up with contrast to previous methods like Evtimov et al.’s [10], which
experiments shortly.Sitawarin et al. [2018] demands numerous photos of the target sign from diverse an-
1) Attack Pipeline: Our attack strategy involves a three-step gles and lighting conditions, our pipeline achieves impressive
process: results using only a single image of a traffic sign.
Step 1: We start with an original image and pick the target 1) Evaluation in Virtual Setting: We rigorously evaluate
class we want the adversarial example to be classified as. our adversarial signs alongside those generated by the Carlini-
Wagner (CW) method in a virtual setting. Leveraging a random
Step 2: Here’s where the magic happens. We digitally create
subset of 1000 traffic signs from the testing data of the German
a physically robust adversarial example:
Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB), our attack
1) Generate a mask for the original image (to make sure achieves a remarkable 99.07% attack success rate, surpassing
our perturbations don’t mess with the background). the 96.38% achieved by the CW attack. Furthermore, our
2) Resize both the original image and the mask to fit the method demonstrates superior resilience with a deterioration
target classifier’s input size. rate of only 3.6%, compared to the CW attack’s substantial
3) Run an optimization process to get the perturbation. 89.75%. The deterioration rate indicates the fraction of adver-
4) Apply the perturbation to the original image. sarial examples that lose their adversarial characteristics after
Step 3: Test it out and print the adversarial signs. random image transformations are applied.
2) Optimization Problem: Our secret sauce involves solv- 2) Real-world Attacks: To validate the effectiveness of our
ing a tricky non-convex optimization problem. We use the adversarial traffic signs in real-world scenarios, we conducted
Adam optimizer and draw inspiration from the expectation drive-by tests (refer to Figure ??). Each adversarial traffic
over transformation concept. The idea is to create a pertur- sign, Logo, and Custom Sign sample was resized to 30×30
bation that’s small enough to go unnoticed by humans but inches and printed on a high-quality poster, affixed to poles.
effective in fooling the traffic sign recognition system. Using a GoPro HERO5 mounted behind the car’s windshield,
3) Image Transformations: For our experiments, we throw we captured videos at 2704×1520 pixels and 30 frames per
in some perspective transforms, brightness adjustments, and second. Approaching the signs from approximately 80 feet
resampling (image resizing) to mimic real-world conditions. away at a speed of around 10 mph, every fifth frame was fed
Hold on, there’s more! We’re not just stopping at theoretical into the traffic sign recognition pipeline.
talk. We’ll now show you how we put this into action. Sitawarin et al. [2018]For the adversarial traffic sign, an
4) Experimental Validation of Claims: We wanted to put impressive 95.74% of the detected frames were correctly
our ideas to the test. So, we took images of commonly classified as the adversary’s target label. The Logo attack
found logos and applied random transformations to create achieved a recognition rate of 56.60%, while the Custom Sign
100 different versions of each. What did we find? These logo attack reached 95.24%.Sitawarin et al. [2018]
signs were all over the place when it came to classification.
But, when we pulled off successful Logo attacks (as seen in IV. M ANIPULATING ACTUAL T RAFFIC S IGNS
Figure 3), they confidently masqueraded as the target traffic We extended our approach to not only manipulate random
signs.Sitawarin et al. [2018] images but also to modify genuine traffic signs directly. Evti-
Wait, there’s more. We introduced the Custom Sign attack. mov et al. Sitawarin et al. [2018] previously adopted a similar
This time, we started with a blank sign and let our optimization strategy. However, our method proves versatile, allowing us
magic draw shapes and colors on it. The result? Adversarial to generate adversarial traffic signs with just a single image
signs that mostly got classified as the target class. This means of the target sign. This stands in contrast to Evtimov et al.’s
an adversary could essentially create adversarial signs that fit requirement for numerous photos taken from different angles
seamlessly into their surroundings, increasing the likelihood and lighting conditions.
of a misclassification.
And that’s how we turn seemingly innocent signs into clever A. Assessment in a Simulated Environment
adversaries, ready to play tricks on traffic sign recognition We evaluated the efficacy of our adversarial signs alongside
systems. Now, let’s delve into the details of our experiments those generated by the Carlini-Wagner (CW) method. This
and the fascinating results we uncovered. Our Sign Embedding evaluation involved a random subset of 1000 traffic signs
attacks are designed for versatility, allowing adversaries to selected from the testing dataset of the German Traffic Sign
craft convincing adversarial traffic signs from virtually any Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB). Our attack achieved an
impressive success rate of 99.07%, surpassing the CW attack’s
rate of 96.38%. Notably, our method exhibited a significantly
lower deterioration rate, with only 3.6% of the adversarial ex-
amples losing their adversarial properties after random image
transformations, compared to the CW attack’s higher rate of
B. Real-world Trials
To validate the practical effectiveness of our adversarial
traffic signs, we conducted drive-by tests, as illustrated in
Figure ??, covering various attack scenarios (adversarial traffic
signs, Logo, and Custom Sign). Each sample was resized to
30×30 inches and printed on high-quality posters, adhered to
poles. Utilizing a GoPro HERO5 mounted behind the car’s
windshield, we recorded videos at 2704×1520 pixels and
30 frames per second. The car approached the signs from
around 80 feet at approximately 10 mph. Every fifth frame
was directly fed into the traffic sign recognition pipeline, a
combination of a shape-based detector and a CNN classifier.
Results revealed that 95.74% of detected frames for the ad-
versarial traffic sign, 56.60% for the Logo attack, and 95.24%
for the Custom Sign attack were correctly classified as the
adversary’s target label.
This research unveiled an expanded threat landscape posed
by adversarial samples to autonomous vehicles (AVs). Our
approach broadens the attack surface accessible to adversaries,
emphasizing the need for developing machine learning systems
that resist providing excessively confident predictions in the
face of adversarial inputs. Future work will delve into explor-
ing defenses against our devised attacks.

Fig. 1. Figure

Chawin Sitawarin, Arjun Nitin Bhagoji, Arsalan Mose-
nia, Prateek Mittal, and Mung Chiang. Rogue signs:
Deceiving traffic sign recognition with malicious ads
and logos. CoRR, abs/1801.02780, 2018. URL

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