Post-Op Ankle: Home Exercise Programme

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Home Exercise Programme

Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Hospital

The aim of these exercises is to help you recover and return to your normal activities as
quickly as possible

Lie or sit with your knee straight

Ankle Pumps
• Move your foot and toes all the way up
and down.
• Repeat 30 times every hour while awake.

Ankle Holds
• Move your foot and toes all the way up.
• Hold for a few seconds.
• Repeat 10 times every hour.

Knee: Active Flexion -

• Bend and extend your knee as tolerated by
sliding the foot on the bed.
• Repeat 10 times every hour.

Walking with elbow crutches – Partial Weight Bearing
• Move the two crutches together along with your injured leg.
• Touch heel down and keep your injured leg firmly straight while stepping
• Step through with your good leg while weight bearing with the crutches
and your injured leg.
• Bend your injured leg and swing the leg forward by pushing off with your
Walking with elbow crutches – Non-Weight Bearing
• Your injured leg should not touch the floor
• Place the crutches about one step’s length in front of you.
• Push down on the hand grips with your elbows straight.
• Squeeze the top of the crutches between your body and your upper
• Swing your good leg forward around one step length in front of the

Stairs Non-Weight Bearing Weight Bearing Weight Bearing

Upstairs with 2
elbow crutches or
1 elbow crutch and
the handrail
• Stand close to the edge of the first step.
• Push down on both crutches with your
elbows straight and close to your body (use
one crutch and the handrail if available).
• Hop one step up with your good leg.
• Bring your injured leg and the crutches up
together beside your good leg on the same

Remember: your good leg goes up first and your injured leg always moves together with the crutches.

Non-Weight Bearing Weight Bearing Weight Bearing

Downstairs with 2
elbow crutches or
1 elbow crutch and
the handrail
• Stand close to the edge of the first step.
• Push down on both crutches with your
elbows straight and close to your body (use
one crutch and the handrail if available).
• Step down the stairs together with your
injured leg and the crutches.
• Bring your good leg down to the same step.

Remember: your injured leg goes down first and always moves with the crutches.
Recommendations & key points
1. Positioning:
• Keep your leg straight and elevated when sitting or lying down.
• Maintain a pillow between your knees when sleeping on your side.
• Avoid standing or walking more than 10 minutes every 2 hours.
• Pray in a chair.

2. Ice application:
• 10 minutes every 2 hours.
• Use a thin towel between the skin and the ice to avoid skin irritation.
3. Exercises:
• Should be performed without an increase in resting pain.
4. Weight Bearing:
• Additional specific instructions will be given regarding weight bearing status and use of any support
needed (Brace/Boot/Darco shoe)

5. Red Flags: contact your physiotherapist if you note any of the following:
• Increased redness.
• Increased swelling.
• Increased heat around the surgical area.
• Increased body temperature above °37.5C.
• Wound discharge or excessive drainage.
• Severe pain in the calf muscle.

Rehabilitation Department
Male reception: 4413 2588 / 4413 2589
Female reception: 4413 2590

Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Hospital


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