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11 – HUMSS

1. What are the common cyber security risk, threats and vulnerabilities do SMEs face?
Common cyber security risk, threats and vulnerabilities do small and medium-sized enterprises are
facing new threats in the digital age. These threats take the form of Cyber Attacks and must be prioritized by
SMEs. Large corporations are likely to have plans in place in the event of a Cyber Attack. Unfortunately, many
small businesses believe they are too small to be targeted by cybercriminals, leaving them extremely vulnerable.
According to recent government reports, one in every five SMEs that experienced a Cyber Attack lost a day of
revenue while recovering. Small businesses that see themselves as too small to be targeted by cyber criminals
are putting themselves at direct risk. In fact, small businesses are at an equal, if not greater risk of being victims
of Cyber Crime – two thirds of small UK firms were attacked by hackers between 2014-2016, according to a
report from the Federation of Small Businesses. Cyber Crime can cause massive damage to a young business’s
reputation, result in loss of assets and incur expenses to fix the damage caused. These attacks could mean the
difference between cutting a profit, or going bust.
A Cyber Attack can be devastating, especially for a small or medium-sized business. The primary cause
of irreversible damage is revenue loss, which results from the theft of sensitive financial information and the
loss of suppliers. As a result, the costs of recovering and reinstating your business could be enormous,
especially if suppliers are lost. A cyber Attack can also have an impact on the reputation of your company. All
businesses rely on consumer and supplier trust, and if they believe cyber security is not a priority, they may
look elsewhere.
To expedite recovery, you must have a backup procedure in place. It is easier to restore and get back up
and running if your company files are encrypted. Updating systems on a regular basis is critical to reducing
vulnerabilities in your company's network. Ensure that all computers are running the most recent installation
process and communicate the importance of doing so, especially to staff who ignore update notifications. SMEs
can prevent Cyber Attack by Installing software updates and patches as soon as possible: Timely operating
system updates and patches to software applications, designed to address the most recent known threats and
vulnerabilities, are critical to protecting company assets.
2. What cyber threat concerns you the most?

The cyber threat concerns me the most is Viruses on computers. A computer virus, perhaps the most
well-known computer security threat, is a program written to change the way a computer operates
without the user's permission or knowledge. A computer cyber or cybersecurity threat is a malicious act
that seeks to damage data, steal data, or disrupt digital life in general. Cyber threats include computer
viruses, data breaches, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and other attack vectors. A virus replicates and
executes itself, usually causing damage to your computer. Some computer viruses are programmed to
harm your computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard drive. Others simply
replicate themselves or flood a network with traffic, making it impossible to perform any internet
3. What is your opinion regarding the word “SANA ALL” on social media sites is it a good or a
bad habit?

The word Sana all is good for me and there is nothing bad, because it is a combination of a Filipino
and an English word means All Hope. The word "Sana" means "hope" or "wish." They mean "I hope
everyone is like that" or "I wish everyone had that" when combined. That expression has several
contractions, including "naol" and "na all," as well as its own hashtags on social media. On Facebook,
for example, the hashtag #Sana all has become a trending topic.

Nowadays when there is a trending on social media it is very popular among Filipinos, similar to the
use of Sana all because it has become a slang word and very popular used in hashtags on twitter,
Facebook, and Ig. . #SanaAll past. Example when we stick to a routine, it becomes ingrained in our
daily lives, and we sometimes do it without thinking about it. The same is true when using "Sana all."
Every time you use that expression when there is a positive event in someone's life, it has a negative
connotation. We cannot have it all because we were raised in various ways culturally, socially,
intellectually, psychologically, and financially. The expression does not leave us with a positive
impression, but rather with feelings of envy and resentment. After all, if every human being possessed
that particular thing, we would not even consider wishing for it, so logic prevails.

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