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1. 12GTRA_04_A_2020-21_Lengua B Inglés 4
2. Actividades
3. Revisar entrega de examen: EXAMEN PRIMERA CONVOCATORIA

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12GTRA_04_A_2020-21_Lengua B Inglés 4


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Revisar entrega de examen: EXAMEN PRIMERA

Usuario Simón Saavedra Casanueva
Curso 12GTRA_04_A_2020-21_Lengua B Inglés 4
Iniciado 12/01/21 20:04
Enviado 12/01/21 20:47
Estado Completado
Puntuación del intento 27 de 30 puntos
Tiempo transcurrido 43 minutos de 1 hora

 Pregunta 1
10 de 10 puntos

Write a paragraph 200 - 300 words long.

In the paragraph you must include 2 idioms from column 1, two phrasal verbs from column 2, two transitional
phrases from column 3

To ensure you get a point for each chosen item, make sure you underline the chosen words or phrases.

Any paragraph SHORTER than 200 words will NOT BE GRADED.

The paragraph must start.. It seemed to everyone that….

Save for a rainy day came down to Nevertheless
no news is good news talked into Despite
It's just/right around the taken in However
Three strikes and you are out put it behind On the other hand
just around the corner played down In spite of
That's news to me. picked up on Further more
no time to lose picked out As result of
 Pregunta 2

9 de 10 puntos

Write a paragraph 200 - 300 words long.

Choose 3 idioms, 3 collocations and 2 phrases and write a paragraph incorporating these
idioms/phrases/collocations. To ensure you get a point for each chosen item, make sure you underline the

(Please note you have to MATCH correctly the collocations first, currently they are mixed up, for example "rule
out the possibility" is the correct collocation)

that's news to me Save for a rainy day Re-write history To go pear-shaped
Politically correct in the near future ancient history Under the weather
Pardon my French All mouth and no Light years ahead Hit the panic button
face for office
Extensive suspiciously Only by.. were Never before had..
a terrorist attack Not once did.. Not only does it.. but it..
run difficulties
act damage
 Pregunta 3

8 de 10 puntos

“Food fraud”

“Food fraud” is the term now being used to describe the crime of altering food products ir food labels illegally in order to make money. Sometimes this
involves replacing a more expensive ingredient with a cheaper one or not revealing which country the food comes from. Another example is when false
claims are made about the food, for example, that something is organic when it isn’t.
Food fraud frequently seems to involve altering a more expensive food item, such as diluting pure olive oil with a cheaper vegetable oil. While mot
consumer would not notice and difference in tastes, this can be dangerous if someone is allergic to the cheaper ingredients, which, of course, are not
typically itemized on the list of ingredients. Although it is important that food be tested fro ingredients that are not listed on the packaging, this can be
problematic if the containment is something that nobody would expect to find in the food in the first place. Once a dangerous substance has been found in
food, however food safety laboratories will always test for it as a safety precaution. Most retailers selling these goods are completely unaware that they are
doing so. They are also victims of fraud, as they themselves are paying more for the product than they should be. It also costs retailers a great deal of time
and money clearing fraudulent products from their shelves.

Write a summary of the article. Approximately 50 words.

martes 26 de marzo de 2024 17H28' CET


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