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Friday 1st October 2021

Interpretation- 16 marker

How far do you agree with interpretation 2 about the extent of German recovery in the years 1924-
1929? Explain your answer using both interpretations and your own knowledge of historical context.

Interpretation 2 supports the view that the recovery was built on ‘quicksand foundations’. It states
the economy was reliant o high interest loans from the USA that had to be paid in a rapid amount of

The recovery of the Weimar republic seemed way too much dependant on the USA. Loans were
expected to be paid off or renewed within 3 months and if they weren’t it would sink Germany into
even more debt. This economical gain was only felt by big companies as ‘small firms struggled, and
many went bankrupt’. Additionally, from my own knowledge, I know that having massive debts for
only 1 country is extremely dangerous, as if the country in debt gets into conflict, the Weimar’s
economy could be doomed.

On the other hand, Interpretation 1 objects to Interpretation 2 in which it suggests the different
political parties managed to work together and the German people were better off and more
contented. It also suggests the German people feel safer.

The Weimar economy seemed to prosper from loans from the USA: the city was able to be rebuilt
and create new accommodation for millions of citizens, people were able to pay off their debts as
well as the industry was improving from extra funding. Furthermore, wages for the average citizen
increases but working hours didn’t- in fact, some people’s working hours decreased. Despite the
high interest loans, the boost in the economy allowed them to be paid off as quick as possible.

In my opinion, I disagree with Interpretation 2 because I feel that the Germans benefitted more from
the loans from the USA than it hurt them. They were able to rebuild their country from these loans
and pushed even more for economic gain. However, I can see that the loans were of very high
interest and if they weren’t dealt with correctly, it would have been a huge problem for the Weimar
Republic. Overall, I still disagree with Interpretation 2 as the loans helped the country build up their
economy which allowed them to put up a good fight in WW2 a decade later and a country without
that economic support would have been no where near that.

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