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Valdespartera Institute´s Space Week


Unveiling the Chemistry of Spacecraft Propulsion, Life

Support, and Operations – A 4th ESO Exploration

Deadline: January 22th 2024.

Project Overview:
In this project, you will embark on a fascinating journey to explore the chemical reactions that
power, sustain, and operate spacecraft. This exploration encompasses rocket propulsion, power
generation, communication and instrumentation, life support, thermal and fire control, as well as
scientific experimentation.

Project Description:
1.- In groups of 2-3 students, choose one of the following categories of chemical reactions taking
place in spacecraft. Inform me of the category you've chosen as soon as possible, as each
category can only be selected by one group
2.- Engage in the tasks outlined for your selected category.
3.- Make a poster with the information gathered and prepare an oral presentation (10 min per
group) to communicate your findings. Of course you can add any extra information than you find
4.- Submit your work by January 22 th. Oral presentations will take place between 22-26th
January. A selection of the best posters will be held in the hall on January 26th

Rocket Propulsion chemistry:

In spacecraft rocket propulsion, chemistry is pivotal for fuel combustion and thrust generation,
enabling efficient and controlled propulsion through chemical reactions. These reactions are
fundamental to spacecraft acceleration and trajectory adjustments during space exploration .
● Research different types of spacecraft propulsion systems, such as chemical rockets, ion
drives, and more.
● Identify and analyze the chemical reactions involved in each propulsion method.
● Investigate the principles of thrust generation and efficiency in rocket engine
● Compare the efficiency, advantages, and disadvantages of various propulsion systems.
● Analyze historical developments and advancements in rocket propulsion chemistry.

Life Support Systems:

Chemistry is essential in spacecraft life support systems, facilitating air purification, water
recycling, and waste management through chemical processes, ensuring a habitable
environment for astronauts during extended space missions. Spacecrafts may include
electrochemical devices for oxygen generation, CO2 filters to remove carbon dioxide from the
breathable air inside the spacecraft, water purificators and waste management systems.
● Investigate the chemical processes responsible for maintaining life support systems in
spacecraft, including air purification, water recycling, and waste management.
● Explore how chemical reactions contribute to creating a habitable environment for
astronauts in space.
● Analyze the role of specific compounds in ensuring the well-being of astronauts during
extended missions.
● Analyze the efficiency and reliability of life support systems in long-duration missions.

Power Generation, communication system and instrumentation:

Chemistry is crucial in spacecraft power generation by enabling efficient energy conversion
through processes like solar cells and fuel cells. In communication systems and instrumentation,
chemical reactions are vital for signal processing, data transmission, and sensor functionality,
ensuring successful space missions
● Examine the chemical processes involved in generating and storing power on spacecraft:
Explore solar cells, fuel cells, and other energy storage systems and Investigate how
these systems contribute to sustained spacecraft operations.
● Study the chemical components and reactions within communication systems and
instrumentation on spacecraft. Explore how chemical reactions contribute to signal
processing, data transmission, and sensor functionality.
● Analyze advancements in communication and instrumentation technologies.

Thermal Control and fire control:

Chemistry plays a pivotal role in spacecraft thermal and fire control by providing materials and
substances that dissipate heat effectively and prevent fires in the challenging conditions of
space, ensuring the safety and functionality of the spacecraft
● Explore the chemical solutions for thermal regulation and fire control in the harsh
conditions of space such as thermal coatings and fire-resistant material
● Investigate materials and substances used for heat dissipation and fire prevention.
● Analyze the importance of chemical strategies in ensuring spacecraft safety.

Scientific Experiments:
In some scientific missions, chemical experiments may be conducted to study the composition of
celestial bodies. These chemical reactions are essential for the comprehensive functioning of
spacecraft, ensuring propulsion, life support, and the ability to conduct various scientific missions
in space.
● Explore the role of chemical reactions in scientific experiments conducted in space.
● Investigate how chemical processes are utilized in sample analysis, spectroscopy, and
other experiments.
● Analyze the impact of these experiments on our understanding of space and celestial

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