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PRACTICE TEST 100 ( 18.3.



I. Odd out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. drunkard B. postcard C. remark D. discard
2. A. kites B. catches C. oranges D. buzzes
3. A. student B. stupid C. study D. studio
4. A. wealth B. cloth C. with D. marathon
5. A. brilliant B. strip C. stripe D. tip

II. Pick out the word that is stressed differently from the others in the list.
1. A. retail B. pursue C. direct D. consult
2. A. fancy B. portrait C. endless D. require
3. A. agency B. memory C. encounter D. influence
4. A. advancement B. chemical C. conception D. deposit
5. A. similar B. Japanese C. superpose D. teenager


Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D)
in the numbered box.
1. “You’ve got a great suntan!” – “I went away for a few days to _____ my batteries.”
A. recharge B. fulfill C. surcharge D. revitalize
2. It’s a shame to fall out so badly with your own _____.
A. heart to heart B. flesh and blood C. heart and soul D. skin and bone
3. Life’s very easy for you. You were born with a _____ spoon in your mouth.
A. silver B. golden C. bronze D. diamond
4. There has been a lot of _____ surrounding the government’s proposed scheme.
A. controversy B. consent C. conformity D. consequence
5.The youth team really ............................. themselves in the semi-final.
A. surmounted B. excelled C. beat D. exceeded
6.I personally don’t believe you can ..................... of his support.
A. count B. depend C. rely D. be sure
7.He opened the account with a(n) ......................... to running up a healthy overdraft.
A. aim B. view C. purpose D. plan
8.The ........................ feeling at the meeting was that we should go ahead.
A. predicted B. pre-eminent C. predominant D. prefabricated
9.The estate agent assured us that we could ...................... the house at any time.
A. look over B. overlook C. oversee D. see through
10.There is little doubt that your daughter has a real ..................... with animal.
A. affinity B. intuition C. aptitude D. flair
11. I’m afraid I’ve completely lost the ………… of the argument.
A. stream B. thread C. trace D. idea
12. When the teacher asked Mary what the chemical formula was, her mind was a total …………
A. void B. empty C. blank D. nothing
13. If you can win his attention …………for you.
A. the so much better B. the better so much C. so much the better D. so the much better
14. No one can function properly if he or she is ………… adequate sleep.
A. took away B. deprived of C. derived from D. got rid of
15. I was so exhausted that I went out like………….
A. a baby B. a candle C. a light D. a log
16. Most of ………… archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.
A. what B. these C. which D. the
17. She ………… fainted when she heard that her child died.
A. rather than B. nothing but C. all but D. near
18. She had no chance to defend herself : the dog………… for me as soon as I opened the door.
A. ran B. went C. fell D. stood
19. John …………from social activity because he felt embarrassed with people.
A. held on B. held off C. held back D. held out
20. I’m afraid Tim doesn’t take much care over his homework. He usually does it …………
A. any how B. any old how C. how on earth D. how come

II. Make suitable expression from the following words.

1. ………………………………………………advice
Give 2. ………………………………………………a contribution
Have 3. …………………………………….……a good impression
Make 4. ………………………………………………an influence
5. ………………………………………………support
Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition or a particle to complete the following sentences:
1. The children showed no animosity __________ her step mother.
2. If you can bear__________ me a little longer, I’ll try to explain the reasons behind my actions.
3. I was completely bowled__________ by their warm reception.
4. Do you think he could be prevailed __________ to make a speech after the presentation?
5. He was cheated __________ __________ his full holiday entitlement due to a change in company policy.

III. Use the correct form of the word in italics to complete each sentence.
1. When Bill and Jean retire, they’re planning to spend all their …………….. on a SAVE
Mediterranean holiday.
2. Third time lucky! After two …………….. attempts, Mark’s finally passed his SUCCESS
driving test.
3. They’re incredibly …………….. family. You should see how much food they WASTE
throw away.
4. You shouldn’t leave …………….. things on car seats in full view of people VALUE
walking past.
5. I’ve never had the same opinions as my father. In fact, when I was younger we AGREE
were always having ……………….
6. The fact that numerous factories dumping waste into the area's rivers has led to TOXIC
high levels of ___________
7. As a gesture of___________, the commission tested our products, too. PARTIAL

8. ___________ development is the first step in rebuilding the area. STRUCTURE

9. Barack Obama is the first President of the United States with ___________ RACE
10 In his__________, Mike smashed all the breakable items in the kitchen. FURIOUS

11. ‘Have you got any ___________about the cooperation?’ ‘Oh no, I’m sure it will GIVE
be successful”
12. The project went over budget because of ……… the planning stage. CALCULATE

13. Next week, the Sunday mass will be held to ____________the victims of the MEMORY
14. That bicycle lacks a few spokes in the wheels, but I think you can ignore such a SHORT
minor ____________and buy it at the low cost offered.
15. The pain became ___________ during the night, so I called the doctor. ENDURE


I. Choose a word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. _______________ I’m worried about something. I usually go to sleep instantly. (Because/ Provided that / Unless)
2. _______________ many people take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bedtime. (Unlike / While /
3. I heard strange noises in the street last night, so I looked out of the window to see what was going
_______________ (on / off / in).
4. I felt awful about breaking my friend’s glasses. Afterwards, I offered _______________ them. (replace / to
replace / replacing)
5. Men and women should be given the same job opportunities. _______________, they should be paid equal salaries
for the same work. (Furthermore / Therefore / However)
6. My friends constantly encourage me _______________ (to think / thinking / should think) more about how to use
my English in reading.
7. My classmate told me to watch movies in English _______________ learn spoken English better. (so that / in
order to / in order that)
8. Children’s programmes on TV are seldom considered _______________ educational and entertaining. (both /
neither / too)
9. Is it wrong for women _______________ have children to work outside the home? (who / whom / whose)
10. I feel _______________ there is never enough time in the day. (as if / like / if)
11. Dogs are good traveling companions. They will go _______________ you take them. (whatever / wherever /
12. My brother didn’t telephone me while I was out, _______________? (has he / did he / didn’t he)
13. The more you know about art, _______________ you are likely to enjoy looking at paintings. (the more / the
fewer / the much)
14. Without a doubt, my most memorable teacher was Mr. Hill. He was a teacher who made us feel
_______________ comfortable in class. (most / almost / the most)
15. I feel it is very important for families _______________ regular meals together. (which have / to have / having)

II. Use the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

I woke up while the flight attendant (0) ___________ (serve) breakfast. The plane was crossing the Channel, and
when I (1) ___________ (look) out of the window, I could see ships far below. I (2) ___________ (come) home after
a long time abroad. I had been away for over twenty years. I didn’t know what (3) ___________ (expect). I wondered
whether things (4) ___________ (change) much.
The plane landed and the bus (5) ___________ (take) us to the terminal building. After I (6) ___________ (collect)
my luggage, I walked out of the baggage hall. I didn’t know whether anyone (7) ___________ (be) there to meet me.
But when I appeared, I had a big surprise. Almost half my family was there. It was wonderful.
“You (8) ___________ (not recognize) the old town,” my sister told me. “ Almost everything (9) ___________
(change) since you last saw it. They’ve built a new shopping centre near the park. The old town hall (10)
___________ (destroy) by a fire about five years ago. They’re building a new one at the moment. They (11)
___________ (build) it for the past three years in fact, but they (12) ___________ (not finish) it yet.”
I’ve been back for nearly a month now. And my sister was right. The place (13) ___________ (look) very
different, but strangely enough it still (14) ___________ (feel) the same, because the people that I love are here. I’m
leaving again in a few weeks’ time, but I know that even if I’m away for twenty years again, this (15) ___________
(be / always) my home.


I. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
When we are children, our siblings - that is, our brothers and sisters - are our first friends and first enemies. At the
end of life, they are often our oldest friends and oldest enemies. The effect of sibling relationships in childhood can
last a lifetime. Many experts say that the relationship among brothers and sisters explains a great deal about family
life, especially today when brothers and sisters often spend more time with one another than with their parents.
Studies have shown that sibling relationships between sister-sister pairs and brother - brother pairs are different.
Sister pairs are the closest. Brothers are the most competitive. Sisters are usually more supportive of each other. They
are more talkative, frank, and better at expressing themselves and sharing their feelings. On the other hand, brothers
are usually more competitive with each other.
Experts agree that the relationship among siblings is influenced by many factors. For example, studies have shown
that both brothers and sisters become more competitive and aggressive when their parents treat them even a little bit
differently from one another. But parental treatment is not the only factor, gender characteristics, life events, people,
and experiences outside the family all shape the life of siblings. Recently, one researcher demonstrated another factor
in sibling relationships. It was discovered that children dislike watching their siblings fight. In fact, they respond to
arguments by taking sides - supporting one sibling and punishing the other.
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Siblings are our oldest friends in life.
B. Some siblings have good relationships, but other siblings have bad relationships.
C. Siblings are among the most important relationship in life.
2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Sisters get long better with their sisters than with their brothers.
B. Females and males generally have different sibling relationships.
C. Siblings spend a lot of time together because they have to.
3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph ?
A. There are many causes of good and bad sibling relationships.
B. Research has shown that siblings hate to fight.
C. Siblings often support or punish one of their brothers or sisters in an argument.
II. True or false.
1 . Sister- brother pairs are the most competitive.
2 . When parents treat each child a little differently, the children get along better.
3 . Parental treatment is not the only factor that influences sibling relationships.
4. Children avoid arguments that their siblings have.
III. Read the passage carefully then do the tasks that follow( 15p)
Questions 1-7
Reading Passage 2 has eight paragraphs (A-H). Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the list of
headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-xi) in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them. You may use any heading more than
List of Headings
i .Gathering the information
ii. Cigarettes produced to match an image
iii. Financial outlay on marketing
iv. The first advertising methods
v. Pressure causes a drop in sales
vi. Changing attitudes allow new marketing tactics
vii. Background to the research
viii . A public uproar is avoided
ix .The innovative move to written adverts
x . A century of uninhibited smoking
xi .Conclusions of the research

1 Paragraph A ……….....
2 Paragraph В ……….....
3 Paragraph С ……….....
4 Paragraph D ………….
5 Paragraph E ……….....
6 Paragraph F ……….....
7 Paragraph G ……….....
Example Paragraph H Answer xi

Looking for a Market among Adolescents

A In 1992, the most recent year for which data are available, the US tobacco industry spent $5 billion on
domestic marketing. That figure represents a huge increase from the approximate £250 million budget in 1971, when
tobacco advertising was banned from television and radio. The current expenditure translates to about $75 for every
adult smoker, or to $4,500 for every adolescent who became a smoker that year. This apparently high cost to attract a
new smoker is very likely recouped over the average 25 years that this teen will smoke.
В In the first half of this century, leaders of the tobacco companies boasted that innovative mass-marketing
strategies built the industry. Recently, however, the tobacco business has maintained that its advertising is geared to
draw established smokers to particular brands. But public health advocates insist that such advertising plays a role in
generating new demand, with adolescents being the primary target. To explore the issue, we examined several
marketing campaigns undertaken over the years and correlated them with the ages smokers say they began their habit.
We find that, historically, there is considerable evidence that such campaigns led to an increase in cigarette smoking
among adolescents of the targeted group.
С National surveys collected the ages at which people started smoking. The 1955 Current Population Survey
(CPS) was the first to query respondents for this information, although only summary data survive. Beginning in
1970, however, the National Health Interview Surveys (NHIS) included this question in some polls. Answers from all
the surveys were combined to produce a sample of more than 165,000 individuals. Using a respondent's age at the
time of the survey and the reported age of initiation, the year the person began smoking could be determined.
Dividing the number of adolescents (defined as those 12 to 17 years old) who started smoking during a particular
interval by the number who were "eligible" to begin at the start of the interval set the initiation rate for that group.
D Mass-marketing campaigns began as early as the 1880s, which boosted tobacco consumption sixfold by 1900.
Much of the rise was attributed to a greater number of people smoking cigarettes, as opposed to using cigars, pipes,
snuff or chewing tobacco. Marketing strategies included painted billboards and an extensive distribution of coupons,
which a recipient could redeem for free cigarettes .... Some brands included soft-porn pictures of women in the
packages. Such tactics inspired outcry from educational leaders concerned about their corrupting influence on teenage
boys. Thirteen percent of the males surveyed in 1955 who reached adolescence between 1890 and 1910 commenced
smoking by 18 years of age, compared with almost no females.
E The power of targeted advertising is more apparent if one considers the men born between 1890 and 1899. In
1912, when many of these men were teenagers, the R.J. Reynolds company launched the Camel brand of cigarettes
with a revolutionary approach. ... Every city in the country was bombarded with print advertising. According to the
1955 CPS, initiation by age 18 for males in this group jumped to 21.6 percent, a two thirds increase over those born
before 1890. The NHIS initiation rate also reflected this change. For adolescent males it went up from 2.9 percent
between 1910 and 1912 to 4.9 percent between 1918 and 1921.
F It was not until the mid-1920s that social mores permitted cigarette advertising to focus on women. ... In 1926
a poster depicted women imploring smokers of Chesterfield cigarettes to "Blow Some My Way". The most successful
crusade, however, was for Lucky Strikes, which urged women to "Reach for a Lucky instead of a Sweet." The 1955
CPS data showed that 7 percent of the women who were adolescents during the mid1920s had started smoking by age
18, compared with only 2 percent in the preceding generation of female adolescents. Initiation rates from the NHIS
data for adolescent girls were observed to increase threefold, from 0.6 percent between 1922 and 1925 to 1.8 percent
between 1930 and 1933. In contrast, rates for males rose only slightly.
G The next major boost in smoking initiation in adolescent females occurred in the late 1960s. In 1967 the
tobacco industry launched "niche" brands aimed exclusively at women. The most popular was Virginia Slims. The
visuals of this campaign emphasized a woman who was strong, independent and very thin. ... Initiation in female
adolescents nearly doubled, from 3.7 percent between 1964 and 1967 to 6.2 percent between 1972 and 1975 (NHIS
data). During the same period, rates for adolescent males remained stable.
H Thus, in four distinct instances over the past 100 years, innovative and directed tobacco marketing campaigns
were associated with marked surges in primary demand from adolescents only in the target group. The first two were
directed at males and the second two at females. Of course, other factors helped to entrench smoking in society. ...
Yet it is clear from the data that advertising has been an overwhelming force in attracting new users.
From "Looking for a market among adolescents" by John P. Pierce and Elizabeth A. Gilpin .
Questions 8-10
Complete the sentences below with words taken from the Reading Passage. Use NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 12-14 on your answer sheet.
Tobacco companies are currently being accused of aiming their advertisements mainly at... (8)...................................,
Statistics on smoking habits for men born between 1890 and 1899 were gathered in the year ................................
(9)...The ..................................... (10)... brand of cigarettes was designed for a particular sex.


Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it keeps the meaning exactly the same as the sentence
1. I think you should tell the police about the accident.
If I ____________________________________________________________
2. “Have you got any free time next week, Tommy?” Mandy said.
Mandy asked ____________________________________________________
3. Six cars were stolen from the car park. A teenage boy is responsible.
A teenage boy is responsible ________________________________________
4. It was such a cold day yesterday that I wore my winter coat.
I felt ___________________________________________________________
5. The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow.
I ______________________________________________________________
Use the word(s) given in brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such a way
that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of the given word
1. I don’t want people to order me about any more. ( ENOUGH )
à ………………………………………………………………………………...
2. They will consider age and experience when they decide the salary. ( ACCOUNT)
3. As my roommate continues to give me a lift to work, I shan’t learn to drive. ( STOP )
à ………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Did the football team play any better last weekend? ( IN )
à. ………………………………………………………………………………..
5.I need a calculator to arrive at the total. (OUT)
à ………………………………………………………………………………..


1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B
Part 1: 1p ( 0,1 / each correct answer )
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A
11.B 12.C 13.C 14B 15C 16A. 17C 18B 19C 20B

1. give advice 2. make a contribution
3. make a good impression 4. have an influence
5. give support
II. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition or a particle to complete the following sentences (1p for each)

1. towards/ against 2. with 3. Over 4. upon/on 5. out of

1. savings 2. Unsuccessful 3. wasteful 4. valuable 5. disagreement
6. toxicity 7. impartiality 8. Infrastructural 9.multiracial 10.fury
11. misgivings 12. miscalculation 13. commemorate 14. shortcoming 15. Unendurable

1. unless 5. Furthermore 9. who 13. the more
2. While 6. to think 10. as if 14. the most
3. on 7. in order to 11. wherever 15. to have
4. to replace 8. both 12. did he
0. was serving 6. had collected 11. have been building
1. looked 7. would be / was 12. haven’t finished
2. was coming 8. will not recognize 13. looks
3. to expect 9. has changed 14. feels
4. had changed 10. was destroyed 15. will always be
5. took

I. 1. C 2. B 3. A
II. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F
1 iii 5 ix 8. adolescents
2 vii 6 vi 9. 1955
3i 7 ii 10. Virginia Slims

1. If I were you, I should tell the police about the accident.
2. Mandy asked if Tommy had any free time the following week.
3. A teenage boy was responsible for six cars stolen from the car park.
4. I felt so cold that I wore my winter coat.
5. I’m going to have my roof mended tomorrow.
1. I’ve had enough of people odering me about.
( I’ve had enough of being ordered about.)
2. They will take age and experience into account when they decide the salary.
( Age and experience will be taken into account when they decide the salary.)
3. Were my roomate to stop giving me a lift, I would learn to drive.
( I shan’t learn to drive unless my roomate decides to stop giving me a lift.)
4. Was there any improvement in the way the football team played/ performed last week?
5. I need a calculator to work out the total.

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