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Loykie Lominé

Mar tin Muchena

Rober t A. Pierce

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3.9 Budgets (HL only)

Practice question

To answer the question below effectively, see Unit 6 pages 398–402.

3.9 Budgets (HL only)

The pupa

EEB is a small, well-known, reputable and nancially stable online hotel

reservation service. EEB employees are highly motivated and take great

By the end of this chap ter, you should be able to: Key terms
pride in their work. EEB has received recognition for its high-quality

customer service. Due to an increase in global demand, greater competition

Explain the dierence bet ween cost and prot centres

and changes in technology, the nance director, Maia, has decided to

a quantitative nancial plan

upgrade EEB’s computers and/or software. Analyse the role of cost and prot centres

that estimates the revenue

Maia has two options: Construct and comment on a budget

and expenditure over a

specied future time period

Option A: purchase new software called “Book-Fast” from a local Calculate and analyse variances

software designer.

Explain the impor tance of budgets and variances in decision-making Budget holder
stnuocca dna ecnaniF 3
stnuocca dna ecnaniF 3

Option B: purchase new computers, with installed software called “Global

a person involved in the

Reach”, from a manufacturer abroad.

formulation and achievement

budget is a quantitative nancial plan that estimates revenue and

of a budget
Option A Option B expenditure over a specied future time period. Budgets can be prepared

for individuals, for governments, or for any type of organization.

Cost $20,000 $40,000

Cost centre

Technical suppor t 24 hours onsite at EEB 24 hours online

Budgets help in setting targets and are aligned with the main objectives of

a section of a business

Further payments payable: the organization. They enable the efcient allocation of resources within

where costs are incurred and

the specied time period.

Employees No change At the end of their contract 15% of

employees to be made redundant,

The person involved in the formulation and achievement of a budget

Prot centre
cost: $15,000 in year 2
is known as the budget holder . The budget holder is responsible for

Training cost On-the-job: free Intensive: $12,000 in year 1
ensuring that the specied budget allocations are being met. Commonly a section of a business where

Maintenance cost Free $1,000 per year used budgets are sales revenue budgets and cost budgets. both costs and revenues are

identied and recorded

Insurance cost $500 per year $1,000 per year

Cost and prot centres (HL only)

The estimated return/total The average rate of return (ARR) of Option A is 46.25%.

To be able to account for the revenues generated and costs incurred,

revenue in $ per year is

Maia is considering carrying out an investment appraisal on each option.

different parts of a business are divided into cost centres or prot centres
shown below. Each option

EEB employees favour Option A, even though some of their competitors

will last for four years.

Cost centres
using Book-Fast have reported problems with the software, including

Option A Option B
security issues. However, Maia has chosen Option B, which will provide This is a part or section of a business where costs are incurred and recorded.

more up-to-date, sophisticated and secure reservation system software. It Cost centres can help managers to collect and use cost data effectively.
Year 1 10,000 14,000

will also give EEB a competitive advantage and an ability to handle a large Examples of costs collected and recorded in these sections include

Year 2 12,000 16,800

global volume of hotel reservations. electricity, wages, advertising, and insurance, among other costs. Businesses

Year 3 17,000 23,800

can be divided into cost centres in some of the following ways:

a) Dene the term investment appraisal . [ 2 marks

Year 4 20,000 28,000

By department – examples include nance, production, marketing,

b) Calculate the payback period for Option A (show all

and human resources, where each department is a specic cost centre.

your working). [ 2 marks

By product – a business producing several products could ensure that

c) Calculate the average rate of return (ARR) for Option B

each product is a cost centre. For example, Samsung produces mobile

(show all your working). [ 2 marks

phones, televisions, computers, and many more products. Each of

d) For both Option A and Option B, calculate the net present value
these products could be cost centres because costs are incurred in their

KFC has outlets all round the world

(NPV) using a discount rate of 4% (show all your working). [ 4 marks


(these two are in the Netherlands

e) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for EEB of using

By geographical location – businesses such as KFC or The Coca- and Thailand) – each geographical

the NPV method of investment appraisal. [ 4 marks

Cola Company are located in different parts of the world. Each of the area could be treated as a

geographic areas that they are located in could be cost centres. cost centre
f) Examine Maia’s choice of Option B. [ 10 marks

218 219

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Loykie Lominé

Mar tin Muchena

Rober t A. Pierce

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Introduction iv Unit 4: Marketing

4.1 Introduction to marketing 227

Introduction to concepts v

4.2 Marketing planning 235

Introduction to the Business Management

4.3 Sales forecasting (HL only) 251

toolkit vii

4.4 Market research 256

Introduction to Theory of Knowledge (TOK) x

4.5 The seven Ps of the marketing mix 270

4.6 International marketing (HL only) 308

Introduction to inquiry xii

Unit 1: Introduction to business management Unit 5: Operations management

5.1 Introduction to operations

1.1 What is a business? 1

management 313
1.2 Types of business entities 14

5.2 Operations methods 320

1.3 Business objectives 34

5.3 Lean production and quality

1.4 Stakeholders 52

management (HL only) 327

1.5 Growth and evolution 59

5.4 Location 338

1.6 Multinational companies (MNCs) 76

5.5 Break-even analysis 349

5.6 Production planning (HL only) 362

Unit 2: Human resource management

5.7 Crisis management and contingency

2.1 Introduction to human resource

planning (HL only) 374

management 80

5.8 Research and development (HL only) 378

2.2 Organizational structure 94

5.9 Management information

2.3 Leadership and management 102

systems (HL only) 385

2.4 Motivation and demotivation 111

2.5 Organizational (corporate)

Unit 6: Assessment

culture (HL only) 131

External Assessment 396

2.6 Communication 139

Internal Assessment 403

2.7 Industrial/employee relations

(HL only) 144

Index 407

Unit 3: Finance and accounts

Access your support website for the answers

3.1 Introduction to nance 149

to the student workpoints, toolkits and

3.2 Sources of nance 152

practice questions here:

3.3 Costs and revenues 166

3.4 Final accounts 170

3.5 Protability and liquidity ratio analysis 187

3.6 Debt/equity ratio analysis (HL only) 194

3.7 Cash ow 202

3.8 Investment appraisal 210

3.9 Budgets (HL only) 219


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This book is a companion for students of Business Some of the questions and activities in the book

Management in the International Baccalaureate will challenge you and you will want to learn

Diploma Programme (IB DP). It rigorously follows more. This book can act as a foundational resource

the DP Business Management Guide published by the if you plan to study business management at

IB, regarding not only the syllabus (the curriculum university, or if you want to set up your own

content) and the assessment strategy, but also the business. It also gives you the skills necessary

IB educational philosophy (the IB Learner Prole) to work in an organization and understand its

and pedagogy (the IB approaches to teaching and structure, functions and operations. Even if you

learning, especially regarding the importance of do not plan to study business management at

concepts and contexts). university or set up your own business, this book

and your IB DP Business Management course will

As IB educators, we wrote this book to help you

help you to better understand the world around

study business management, and also to inspire

you and give you valuable knowledge and skills

you to become a lifelong learner, giving you the

applicable to whatever vocation calls you.

keys to make sense of the dynamic business world

around you. In this book we also make many links to theory

of knowledge (TOK), which is at the core of

During your course, you will study a diverse range

the Diploma Programme. TOK can help you

of organizations, both for-prot (commercial) ones

understand Business Management (for example,

and not-for-prot ones, and you will learn about

the sources of knowledge we have in our subject),

many topics, from marketing to nance, and from

and in turn Business Management can help you

human resources to operations. You will discover

better understand what TOK aims to achieve in

how the concepts of change, creativity, ethics and

terms of critical thinking.

sustainability can help us understand the world of

business management as it is today, and as it will This book will help you as you study IB DP

develop tomorrow. Regarding contexts, you will Business Management, at standard level or at

explore local, national and international examples higher level, and it will also help you become an

and case studies of business organizations, and how even better IB learner!

they adapt to their environments.

The authors

The “In cooperation with IB” logo signies the content in this textbook has been reviewed by the IB

to ensure it fully aligns with current IB curriculum and offers high quality guidance and support for

IB teaching and learning.


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Concepts can be dened as big ideas that reach beyond the boundaries

of a specic subject. For example, topics such as “social media marketing”

(Chapter 4.5) and “benchmarking” (Chapter 5.3) are subject-specic: they

belong exclusively to Business Management. However, big ideas such as ethics

and creativity are not specic to Business Management: they are“concepts”.

IB DP Business Management has four key concepts: change, creativity,

ethics and sustainability.

Dening the four key concepts

There is no universally accepted denition of these terms, but the table

below gives you a solid starting point. You are not expected to memorize

the denitions; what matters is that you understand these four key

concepts, both in general and in Business Management.

Concepts Initial denitions

Change Change refers to modication or transformation from one form, state or value to another, over time or across places.

In Business Management, change is usually the result of internal or external inuences. For example, externally,

new competitors and new trends in consumer behaviour may lead an organization to adapt its objectives and opera-

tions; internally, the arrival of a new CEO may lead to a shift in the priorities of the organization’s strategic plan.

Creativity Creativity refers to the process of generating new ideas and considering existing ideas from new perspectives. It

includes the ability to recognize the value of ideas when developing innovative responses to problems. In Busi-

ness Management, creativity may lead to the incremental or radical improvement of a business idea, of a product

or of a process, in order to be more successful or more competitive. For many organizations, a key challenge is

bringing innovation and managing the process of improvement in a sustainable way that does not create conict.

Ethics Ethics refer to the moral principles and values that form the basis of how a person or an organization conducts their

activities. In Business Management, it is impor tant to realize that every decision may have moral implications,

impacting on internal and external stakeholders and the natural environment. Ethics is present throughout the orga-

nization, from marketing communication to operations, and from recruitment of new sta to accounting practices.

Sustainability Sustainability refers to the ability of the present generation to meet its needs without compromising the ability of

future generations to meet their own needs. It can be enhanced by conserving resources, nding more ecient

ways to produce or discovering new resources. In Business Management, decisions should consider the triple

bottom line of people, planet and prot, and their resulting impact, taking into account not only nancial aspects,

but also communities and the natural environment.

Why learn about the four key concepts?

There are several reasons why it is important to learn about the four

key concepts.

1. The four key concepts enable you to gain a better understanding

of Business Management as a whole by realizing how the different

topics relate to one another. For example, creativity connects research

and development, product development, and promotional activities.

You could otherwise have the impression that the elements constituting

the course are disconnected, but they are not: the concepts enable us to

make these links!

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2. The four key concepts will help you make connections to other
As IB learners we strive to be:

IB subjects. For example, ethics is one of the four components of


the knowledge framework in TOK, and creativity is at the heart

We develop and use conceptual

of all literature and artistic endeavour. Thinking through concepts

understanding, exploring
can help you learn across disciplines, which is a key aspect of the

knowledge across a range of

“knowledgeable” attribute of the IB Learner Prole.

disciplines. We engage with

3. Your conceptual understanding is assessed in your internal

issues and ideas that have local

assessment (IA), where you write about an organization from a

and global signicance.

conceptual viewpoint, ie from the perspective of one of the four

Source: IB Learner Prole

key concepts. The way you connect your chosen concept and your

chosen organization is assessed through criterionA, worth up to

5marks (one fth of your total IAscore!).

4. Your ability to think and reason conceptually will also help

you with your exams, even in the absence of a direct question

about the concepts themselves. For example, Paper 3 has a social

entrepreneurship focus; social enterprise is about ethics, creativity,

change and sustainability, so the four key concepts give you a

framework to analyse the scenario of the exam paper.

The four key concepts in this book

C oncep t
The four key concepts are not “extra topics” that would be added to

the rest of the syllabus. Therefore there is no specic chapter about

CHANGE them; they are present throughout. In many cases, you will see boxes

drawing your attention to important conceptual links, like the example

Due to changes in their external

in themargin.

environment (such as new

However, these boxes are not the only instances where you can link
competitors) and changes in their

internal environment (such as the concepts and the contents of the syllabus. As you progress through

restructuring), organizations may the book, and you learn more about Business Management, you should

need to modify their objectives

keep making links between the contents and the four key concepts.

and strategies.
Likewise, as you discover new examples and case studies, and as you

Do some research to nd learn about business issues in their context, you should keep identifying

examples of such changes in links to the key concepts. This will help you to understand the

objectives or strategies.
concepts… and the contents! Ultimately, the three aspects are linked

(concepts, contents, contexts), as shown by this diagram.


(change, creativity,

ethics, sustainability)


(Business Management:
(Case studies,

tools and theories)

real-world examples)


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The Business Management (BM) toolkit is a collection of tools designed

to help in the analysis and evaluation of the course. These tools can be

broadly categorized as either situational, planning or decision-making tools.

• Situational tools assist in examining the internal and external

factors affecting a business.

• Planning tools review the action steps that businesses need to take

while implementing their projects.

• Decision-making tools assess the possible alternatives facing a

business before a decision is made.

Despite this categorization, the tools provided in this BM toolkit do have

overlapping applications. They should be used to help you learn about

the course content, concepts and contexts. Each unit in this book contains

toolkit boxes that provide suggestions about how the BM tools are

integrated throughout the course, like the one below.

BCG matrix

The BCG matrix is a planning and decision-making tool that uses graphical

representations of a rm’s goods or services in order to help the rm to decide

what to keep, sell or invest more in.

How can the knowledge of this tool help businesses to improve their nancial


The tables on the next two pages show the BM tools used in the course as

well as their brief denitions.


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Table 1 The Business Management toolkit (SL and HL)


Brief denition

management tools

Anso matrix The Anso matrix is a tool that provides a business with a framework to analyse and plan its

(pages 48, 297) growth strategies. The four growth strategies it includes are: market penetration, market

development, product development, and diversication.

Boston Consulting Group The BCG matrix is a tool that evaluates an organization’s por tfolio potential based on relative

(BCG) matrix market share and industry growth rate factors. It helps in long-term strategic planning and

(pages 215, 276–79) decision-making with regard to what the organization should invest in, discontinue or develop

in the future. It is a four-square matrix that uses graphical representations to plot the

organization’s oerings.

Business plan A business plan is a road map that provides a detailed account of a business’s goals and how it

(pages 10, 301, 324) plans to achieve those goals. It is a guide that lays out a business’s functions from nance, human

resources and marketing to operations and other elements essential to its success. It can be used

to attract investment for the business as well as keep it on track .

Circular business models Circular business models signify the diverse ways in which goods and services are produced and

(pages 42, 275, 318, 331, 391) consumed. These models explore how organizations create, oer and deliver value to their stake-

holders while reducing environmental pressure and social costs resulting from economic activity.

In this BM course the following circular business models will be studied:

• Circular supply models

• Resource recovery models

• Product life extension models

• Sharing models

• Product service system models

Decision trees A decision tree is a graphical tool that uses a branching model to demonstrate every possible

(pages 68, 342) outcome of an organization’s decision. These tree-like branches represent various choices facing

the organization, including costs, results, probabilities or risks. Businesses use decision trees to

determine specic courses of action.

Descriptive statistics Descriptive statistics are quantitative means that are used to summarize a given set of data. It is a

(pages 91, 98, 121, 126, process of using and analysing given statistical data. Descriptive statistics help to present a large

168, 369) amount of quantitative data in a simplied or manageable form. They are broken down into mea-

sures of central tendency and measures of variability. In this BM course the following measures

will be used:

• Mean • Pie char ts

• Mode • Infographics

• Median • Quar tiles

• Bar char ts • Standard deviation

STEEPLE analysis STEEPLE stands for Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical.

(pages 59–62) STEEPLE analysis is a useful tool for a business that aims to study its external environment. It pro-

vides a detailed overview of or insight into the various external factors inuencing an organization.

S WOT analysis SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppor tunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses

(pages 45–48, 83, 192, 303) are internal aspects inuencing an organization, while oppor tunities and threats are external

factors aecting an organization. In conducting a SWOT analysis, a business must examine all of

these elements as they all have the potential to impact its success or failure.


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Table 2 The Business Management toolkit (HL only)


Brief denition

management tools

Contribution Contribution in this context refers to a set of tools that are used to aid decision-making in a

(pages 168, 349–50) business after analysing and evaluating its given revenue and cost situations. Businesses need

to pay par ticular attention to the decisions they make due to their direct impact on their nancial

performance. The contribution tools studied in this case are:

• Make or buy analysis

• Contribution costing

• Absorption costing

Critical path analysis Critical path analysis is a tool that helps a business to schedule and manage complex and

(page 367) time-sensitive projects. It is used to map out all impor tant tasks that are essential to complete

a project. It helps to set realistic deadlines for a project and monitor the achievement of project

goals, providing remedial action where required. In this BM course the following will be required:

• Completion and analyses of a critical path diagram (drawing of the diagram is not expected)

• Identication of the critical path

• Calculation of free and total oat

Force eld analysis Force eld analysis is a tool used by businesses to analyse the forces for and against change to

(page 347) inform decision-making. It is useful when organizations are planning and implementing pro-

grammes on change management. The force eld analysis diagram provides a comprehensive

overview by illustrating the driving and restraining forces inuencing a given situation.

Gantt char t A Gantt char t is a graphical tool that helps to plan and schedule project tasks. It shows a given

(page 372) project schedule, including how the tasks or activities are performed over a set period of time. It

is useful in breaking down complex projects into a simpler display that is easy to understand. In

addition, where large teams of stakeholders are involved, it helps to keep tasks on track .

Hofstede’s cultural Hofstede’s cultural dimensions is a tool aimed at understanding the cultural similarities and

dimensions dierences across countries and determining the various ways that business can be conducted in

(pages 109, 311) these cultures. It is a framework that compares the dierent national cultures and their dimen-

sions as well as examining their impact on a given business setting. Countries can be classied

according to six cultural dimensions: power distance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/fem-

ininity, uncer tainty avoidance, long-term/shor t-term orientation, and indulgence/restraint.

Por ter ’s generic strategies Por ter ’s generic strategies explore how a business can obtain a competitive advantage over

(page 246) other similar businesses across its specied market scope. These strategies help a business to

determine its direction as well as how to beat its competition. The generic strategies include: cost

leadership (producing at a low cost); dierentiation (oering uniquely dierent and value-added

quality products); and focus (selling its product to specialized market segments). Focus is fur ther

subdivided into cost focus and dierentiation focus.

Simple linear regression Simple linear regression includes a set of tools that describe or predict the relationship between

(pages 253, 254, 351) two variables. They estimate how changes in an independent variable (the variable used to

predict the value) may aect changes in the dependent variable (the variable being predicted).

The simple linear regression models explored in the BM course are:

• Scatter diagrams

• Line of best t

• Correlation/extrapolation


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Every Diploma Programme (DP) student must complete the DP course

called Theory of Knowledge (TOK), which is unique to the IB. TOK is

about critical thinking and inquiry into the process of knowing. It is not

about learning a new body of knowledge. Instead it explores the nature

of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know.

TOK is taught in two ways:

• Through 100 hours of tuition (compared to 150 hours for a subject

at standard level and 240 hours for a subject at higher level).

• Through the DP subjects themselves, as they all give students

the opportunity to ask questions that contribute to their overall

understanding of TOK.

TOK in this book

TOK links

As TOK encourages students to analyse knowledge claims and explore

1. To what extent does how knowledge is constructed, each chapter in this book suggests

knowing help us in relevant TOK knowledge questions. They are meant to illustrate TOK

predicting? and ignite classroom discussion, giving opportunities to explore the

nature of knowledge and TOK connections to Business Management.

2. How do we know that

our sales predictions are

How is TOK assessed?

3. Is it ethical to knowingly
TOK is assessed in two ways:


• Through an essay (on one of the six prescribed titles issued by the

IB for each examination session, and submitted at the end of the

second year of DP for external assessment).

• Through an exhibition (normally organized in the rst year of DP,

internally marked by the teacher and externally moderated by


For the exhibition, students explore how TOK manifests in the world

around us. You will select three specic objects (or images of objects)

that connect to one of the 35 “internal assessment (IA) prompts” listed

in the TOK guide. Some of those prompts have a direct relevance

for Business Management; for example, “Who owns knowledge?”

(number29) conjures up images of copyright agreements and patents

(see Chapter 5.8) or of data centres (see Chapter 5.9).

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Links between TOK and Business Management

Name of TOK Brief denition Possible links and applications to

element Business Management

Core theme: The core theme encourages This core theme can be addressed by discussing what counts (or not)

“K nowledge and the students to reect on themselves as knowledge in Business Management; where (and how) we can gain

knower ” as “knowers”, on what shapes knowledge in this subject; and who created this knowledge, for what

their views and perspectives, purposes, with which authority. Notions of values and communities

where their values come from, and are impor tant, with regard to both the subject knowledge and

how they make sense of the world the students themselves, within their own sociocultural and

around them. economic context.

Optional themes Those themes all have a signicant The theme “knowledge and technology” is par ticularly relevant to

impact on the world today and Business Management. For example, Chapter 5.9 considers how

play a key role in shaping people’s advanced computer technologies (enabling data mining and data

perspectives and identities. You will analytics) and innovations (such as ar ticial intelligence) may impact

explore two from a list of ve: decision-making processes in business organizations, and raise ethical

issues, for example about data anonymity and privacy.

• Knowledge and technology

• Knowledge and language

The theme “knowledge and language” is relevant to Business Management

• Knowledge and politics

as some models (such as the seven Ps of the marketing mix (HL only) or

• Knowledge and religion

the ve Vs of big data) were coined in English. When translating them into

• Knowledge and indigenous

other languages, we lose the consistency of the initial letters and therefore

the overall coherence of the model. This shows that this knowledge about

the marketing mix and about big data was constructed through the English

language and is linked to that specic language.

Areas of knowledge The ve areas of knowledge (AOK) As Business Management is one of the human sciences, it is

are specic branches of knowledge, interesting to explore how research methods such as questionnaires

with their own nature and methods are trusted as reliable ways to gain knowledge (eg about a market, a

for producing knowledge: product or a business), given the challenges around neutral language,

leading questions, or sampling and selection eect. Market research

• History

is often under taken to help companies increase their prots, so it

• Human sciences

could also be wor th examining the purpose and context within which
• Natural sciences

knowledge is pursued in the human sciences in general, and in

• Mathematics

Business Management specically.

• The ar ts

K nowledge This tool helps to explore the Ethics is particularly relevant as it is one of the four key concepts

framework themes and the AOK . It is underpinning the DP Business Management curriculum. The rst aim

composed of four elements: of the course is “to develop ... condent, creative and compassionate

business leaders, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, and ... change

• Scope

agents”. Ethical decision-making is relevant in all areas of the curriculum,

• Perspectives

from the moral objectives of social enterprises to privacy issues relating

• Methods and tools

to big data and consumer proling. From a TOK viewpoint, the focus should
• Ethics

be on ethics concerning knowledge, for example about criteria used to

make judgements, who decides, and based on which values.

Perspectives is also relevant, especially as the topic of stakeholders is

recurrent in Business Management, regarding their diering viewpoints,

conicting objectives, and how they are aected by change. It is helpful

to consider the diering perspectives of stakeholder groups in order to

gain a greater understanding of issues as diverse as nancial accounts

and workforce par ticipation.


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Inquiry is a key aspect of the IB approaches to teaching (ATT) and

As IB learners we strive to be:

approaches to learning (ATL): the principles that, according to the IB,


can help you be a successful IB learner. Being an inquirer is the rst of

We nur ture our curiosity,

the ten attributes of the IBlearner prole.

developing skills for inquiry and

In Business Management, learning through inquiry can take different

research. We know how to learn

forms, especially:

independently and with others.

We learn with enthusiasm and • Inquiry through research

sustain our love of learning

• Inquiry through “inquiry questions”

throughout life.

• Inquiry through problem-based learning (PBL)

Source: IB Learner Prole

Inquiry through research

Inquiry and research go together. This book covers the syllabus of the

IB DP Business Management, but for your studies you will also need to

carry out your own research to nd contemporary examples of business

issues around you, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

For instance, after learning about franchising (Chapter 1.5) or about

crowdfunding (Chapter 3.2), you should do research to learn about

examples of franchises near you, or about recent crowdfunding

campaigns on topics that interest you. This will also help you to link

the contents of the course to the world around you, and appreciate the

relevance of our subject to business news in the media.

Your internal assessment (IA) is a research project. The task has specic

requirements regarding research activities, but research will also

be necessary throughout the course to help you contextualize your

theoretical learning.

Inquiry through “inquiry questions”

These open questions can help you to link the content of this textbook,

the key concepts (sustainability, ethics, change, creativity) and the

contexts (of the examples that you will nd through your research).

Formulating such questions is a good exercise in itself, as it makes

you create links. Answering them will also help you to develop your

thinking skills and your writing skills.


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The table below gives you some examples of such inquiry questions.

Unit in this tex tbook Examples of inquiry questions

Unit 1 • How can change lead to conicts between


Introduction to business

management • Is the impact of multinational corporations on

host countries always ethical?

Unit 2 • How can a democratic style of leadership

encourage creativity in a business?

Human resource management

• Can fringe payments sometimes be regarded as

not fair and thus not ethical?

Unit 3 • Why could nal accounts analysis be essential

in changing stakeholder perspectives?

Finance and accounts

• In some countries, the state subsidizes many

organizations in the creative industries. Does

that mean that they do not need to be nancially


Unit 4 • How can social media change an organization’s

marketing strategies?


• Are all pricing strategies ethical?

Unit 5 • Is intellectual proper ty protection only about

ethics and creativity?

Operations management

• How has digital technology enabled new

business models to ourish?

Inquiry through problem-based learning (PBL)

PBL is about analysing a real-world problem faced by an organization

and proposing solutions to it, using your knowledge of business

management tools, theories and techniques. Comparing different

investment options (Chapter 3.8) or different pricing strategies

(Chapter4.5) will help you appreciate the applied nature of our subject.

Beyond the Business Management subject itself, this can also help you

to improve other skills such as evaluation, reasoning, critical thinking,

communication skills and even teamwork, if you collaborate with



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1.1 What is a business?

By the end of this chap ter, you should be able to:

➔ Explain the nature of businesses and how they combine human,

physical and nancial resources to create goods and ser vices

➔ Dene primary, secondary, ter tiary and quaternary sectors

➔ Outline the nature of business acti vity in each sector and the impact

of sectoral change on business acti vity

➔ Examine challenges and oppor tunities for star ting up a business

The nature of business

A business aims to meet the needs and wants of individuals or

organizations through any of the following activities:

● Producing crops or extracting raw materials from the earth

● Creating a product

● Providing a service

Some businesses focus on one activity. For example, a business may grow

olives or manufacture transistors. Other businesses engage in multiple

activities. For example, a farm that grows olives may convert the olives

into olive oil for sale under its own label. Sometimes a business will cluster

several related activities or sometimes even engage in activities that are

completely different from each other.

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All of these businesses input resources and process them to generate the
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desired output. This is how the business adds value (sometimes referred to

as “added value”) to the inputs. It is rewarded by gaining revenue (sales)

and/or recognition for satisfying a want or a need.

Many activities or organizations that most people would not consider to be

“a business” operate under various business principles. All organizations

must have human, physical, and nancial resources. Thus, many charities,

religious organizations (churches, mosques or synagogues, for example)

and other types of organizations (such as clubs) are in a sense a business.

Needs and wants are different. To survive, we all need the basics – food and

water, clothing and shelter – and many businesses provide for our basic

needs. Other businesses provide for our wants. Religious organizations,

charities, clubs and so on all provide services or products that people need

or want, and in that sense they are businesses.

Business activity is summarized in the ow chart shown in Figure 1.1.1.








Resource inputs Processes to add value Product outputs

Figure 1.1.1 Summary of business activity

The resource inputs can be categorized as follows:

● Human – the right quality and quantity of people required to make the

product or provide the service. All businesses, even highly automated

ones, still require human input – even if it is only one person. Others

require many individuals, often with different skillsets.

● Physical – the right quality and quantity of materials, machinery,

and land space required to make the product or service. Even internet

businesses require some ofce space and a computer.

● Financial – the right quantity of cash and other forms of nance

required to make the product or service.

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1.1 What is a business?

● Enterprise – the least tangible input but crucially important for

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business. It is the business idea and the determination to turn that

idea into a functioning and, ideally, thriving business. Enterprise is

sometimes referred to as “entrepreneurship”, which is a term often

associated with high-tech and cutting-edge businesses dealing with

computers, smartphones, social media, etc. But enterprise exists in

all types of business, including the everyday (such as lawn-mowing

services, laundry services or brick manufacturing).

Production processes to add value can take many forms:

● Capital-intensive processes use a large proportion of land or

machinery relative to other inputs, especially labour. Sometimes the

land or machinery may have proprietary or special qualities (land rich

in a resource, or specialized equipment with unique features), or the

land and the machinery simply cost a great deal due to the scale of the

operation (a car factory, for example).

● Labour-intensive processes use a large proportion of labour relative

to other inputs, especially in relation to land or machinery. Labour-

intensive operations may involve fairly low-skilled workers but can also

involve highly skilled employees.

Product outputs can be categorized as follows:

● Goods – these are tangible products that we can physically take

home. They might be items produced in the primary sector, such as

agricultural products or other items extracted from the environment,

or they might be things made in the secondary (manufacturing) sector,

such as an iPad or a car.

● Services – these are intangible and the buyer does not physically

take them home. They include, for example, a karate class, a medical

examination, and the international delivery of a package. Retail sales

are a service: the retailer provides the service of having an array of

products for consumers to purchase.

Business functions

All businesses, from small start-ups to huge conglomerates, are organized

along the same lines, by function – what is to be done. There are four key


● Human resources (HR)

● Marketing

● Finance and accounts

● Operations management or production

The only difference between small businesses and large ones is that the

owners of smaller businesses have to deal with these functions themselves,

whereas a larger business can afford to hire specialized managers to carry

out the functions in separate departments.

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Marketing and





Marketing and





A small business
A large business

Figure 1.1.2 Business functions in a small business and a large business

The role of business depar tments

In larger businesses, “specialized” managers will focus only on their

function and in doing so help the business to achieve its overall objectives.

Some examples are set out below.

Table 1.1.1 Business functions

Function Role

HR Ensuring that appropriate people are employed to make the product or

service and that they are suitably rewarded for doing so. To accomplish

these goals, the HR depar tment must recruit people, train them, at

times dismiss them, and determine appropriate compensation.

Finance and Ensuring that appropriate funds are made available to make the

accounts product or service. To accomplish this goal, the nance and accounts

depar tment must forecast requirements, keep accurate records,

procure nancial resources from various providers, and ensure proper

payment for goods and services acquired to operate the business.

Marketing Ensuring that the business oers a product or service that is desired by

a sucient number of people or businesses for protable operations.

To accomplish this goal, the marketing depar tment must use

appropriate strategies to promote, price, package, and distribute the

product or service.

Operations Ensuring that appropriate processes are used in order to make the

management or product or service, and that the product or service is of the desired quality.

production To accomplish this goal, the operations management or production

department must control the quantity and ow of stock, determine

appropriate methods of production, and, in today’s competitive world, look

for ways to produce the good or service more eciently.

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1.1 What is a business?

All of these functions are interdependent. For example, if the marketing

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department determines that a product needs to be made differently

as a result of changes in consumer taste, the operations management

or production function must redesign its processes, at least to some

degree. That redesign may require nancial resources, which the nance

department must procure. The redesign may inuence the number

and type of people working in the business, which would have to be

coordinated with the HR function.

The character of the interdependence can change over time. Initially,

businesses typically focus on survival, with HR, nance and accounts,

marketing, and operations management or production all geared towards

that end. Once a business is established in the marketplace, its priorities

may change. For example, a business may plan to diversify (produce other

goods or services), which places new requirements on each of the four

business departments. If a business is very successful, then growth and

even control of the market might become a priority, which could require

signicant modications to the different business departments.

The strength of a particular business depends on how successfully aligned

the four functions are. Is the business producing a desired good or service

for the market it is targeting? Are the right people producing the good or

service, and are those people rewarded appropriately (nancially and


Small businesses often have an advantage in that they can respond quickly

to changes in the marketplace. On the other hand, large businesses

generally have greater resources, wider reach, and more name recognition.

However, even a business dominating a market must remain vigilant. If

they become complacent, large businesses can fail.

yduts esaC

Thomas Cook

For 178 years, Thomas Cook provided

travel agency services for the British. The

company arranged individual and group

travel rst within the UK, and then to

Europe and eventually to the entire world.

However, when the internet became widely

available, traditional travel agency services

were severely threatened. Companies

offering travel services (like Expedia, Kayak,

and Travelocity) reduced the need for

traditional travel agents.

By the beginning of the 21st century,

Thomas Cook was experiencing signicant

competition from these new online booking

services. A poorly conceived merger in 2007 with MyTravel added to Thomas Cook’s problems.

Though the company tried a number of tactical moves to retain its viability, none of them seemed

to work. According to The Guardian, on the eve of Thomas Cook’s collapse, only one in seven Brits

used traditional travel agency services. Finally, in 2019, the venerable company that had created the

phenomenon of mass tourism began laying off 22,000 employees, liquidating its assets, and leaving

150,000 travellers stranded overseas.

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Primary, secondary, tertiary, and

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Key terms

quaternary sectors

Primary sector

Traditionally, economists have grouped business activity into different

the par t of the economy

sectors, as set out in Table 1.1.2, and this activity can take place in different

engaged in extraction (such

geographic areas.

as of minerals or oil) or

Table 1.1.2 Sectors of business activity

production of raw materials

(farming, shing, forestry,

Goods Primary All raw materials are acquired in the primary sector. This can be by

raising livestock , and

extraction, mining, farming, shing, hunting, or even trapping. Today,

because of the scarce nature of many resources in the primary

sector or because of the potential to damage fragile environments,

Secondary sector

governments closely monitor activities in the primary sector.

the par t of the economy

Secondary In the secondary sector raw materials are processed, usually by

engaged in the production

manufacturing. Goods from the secondary sector can take many

of nished goods (ie the

forms, such as consumer durables, non-durable consumer goods,

manufacturing sector of the

and capital goods. For most of the 19th and 20th centuries, much

secondary sector production occurred in what are referred to today

as “developed” countries. Since the 1970s, however, manufacturers

Ter tiary sector

in developed countries have been facing increasing competition

the par t of the economy

from manufacturing rms located in “developing” countries and

engaged in the delivery of

“emerging markets”.

services, such as banking,

Ser vices Ter tiary All services are provided in the ter tiary sector, sometimes using

healthcare and restaurants

manufactured products. These services can be nancial, leisure,

healthcare, education, transpor t, security, and many others. As

Quaternary sector

manufacturing (the secondary sector) has shifted to developing

the par t of the economy

countries, the ter tiary sector has grown in impor tance in developed

engaged in the production,

countries. Services such as banking, insurance, transpor tation,

processing and transmission

retail and wholesale, and consultancy have become especially

of information. Whereas some

impor tant.

consider the quaternary

Quaternary This sector, a subgroup of the ter tiary sector, provides services

sector a subset of the ter tiary

that are focused on knowledge. Generally speaking, various types

sector, others emphasize that

of e-services and those involving IT, the media, and web-based

quaternary sector activities

services are considered quaternary. This sector is typical of “post-

are based on advanced

industrial” economies and, thus, many businesses in the developed

knowledge and include

world engage in quaternary activities.

information technology

services, consultancy, and

The four sectors are typically linked in what is referred to as the

research and development.

production chain or chain of production. A chain of production is the

steps through the different sectors that have to occur in order to turn raw

materials into a consumer good that is marketed.

Fishing is an example of an industry in the primary sector

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1.1 What is a business?

For example, many types of raw material (metals, rubber, materials to

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Student workpoint
make plastic and glass, etc) are extracted (primary sector) and processed

into the materials (secondary sector) that manufacturers turn into car parts

(secondary sector). The car parts are then used on an assembly line to

Be a thinker

make cars (secondary sector). The cars are shipped (tertiary sector) to car

Think of some everyday

dealerships, which sell the cars to consumers (tertiary sector). Car dealers

products that you use and

also typically provide after-sale services (oil changes, tune-ups, and even

imagine their production

major repairs), also in the tertiary sector. Sometimes, before consumers

chain. Consider:
buy cars, they read magazines or online reports about car features and

service records. Sometimes this information is free and provided by the

● A cherry pie you

government, but in other cases this type of information is produced by


for-prot companies that sell information. This type of business is in the

● A skateboard

quaternary sector.

● A smartphone

Sectoral change

What primary, secondary,

The size of each sector of the economy may change because, just as

tertiary, and quaternary

individuals or businesses grow and develop, so too will countries.

businesses are involved

Economists usually measure the size of each sector in terms of the number

in the production,

of people employed by the industries in that sector. The traditional pattern

distribution, and marketing

is set out in Figure 1.1.3.

of these products?

Closely related to changing economies are the complexities of social contexts.

The more advanced sectors require more complex social contexts for

businesses to thrive. Thus, whereas raw material extraction is often Less developed

possible with relatively few skilled workers and large numbers of low- (low income) economies

skilled workers, the quaternary sector relies both on highly skilled


workers (producers and managers of information) and consumers –


people and businesses that want and have the ability to make use of

ter tiary

advanced information. Thus, more developed economies typically see


social technologies and economies advance in tandem: as the economy

develops, social technologies improve; as social technologies improve,

economies develop.


However, developments are not linear. Technological innovation in (middle income) economies

one area (for example computerized word processors) and its related


workers (individuals knowledgeable about operating word processors)


can make other technologies and occupations obsolete, such as

ter tiary

typewriters and typists. Thus, while some occupations become obsolete,


new ones emerge (which are often perceived as “high skill”).

Businesses that can anticipate or adapt to the changing environment can

do well, even in industries that are perceived as “in decline”. In general,

(high income) economies

developed economies have moved away from the primary sector. In

both Canada and Australia, however, two primary sector industries have


done remarkably well: organic farming in Canada and wine production


in Australia. Another example is Germany: as one of the most

ter tiary

developed economies of the world, it has a strong quaternary sector.


However, German businesses have retained two of their long-standing

strengths: high-quality engineering and a strong secondary sector.

Figure 1.1.3 Size of sectors

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The process of shifting from one proportional weighting of sectors in an

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economy to a different weighting (shifting from an economy based on the


primary sector to an economy based on the secondary sector, for example)

can produce strains on resources, such as human resources. Secondary

sector businesses may require specialist skills that may be in short supply.

Financial resources, too, will be diverted from one sector to another.

Finally, an economy based mainly in the tertiary or quaternary sectors will

require fewer physical resources (they will not be needed as much in the

production of intangible services as for tangible goods).

Other strains can occur as well. As an economy shifts to the secondary

sector, legislation and other protections against environmental damage

are often weak, and manufacturing rms in developing countries

often do more damage to the environment than manufacturing in


Challenges and opportunities for starting

up a business

Reasons for star ting up a business or enterprise

People start businesses for many reasons, as summarized in Table 1.1.3.

Each of these reasons presents an opportunity.

Table 1.1.3 Reasons to star t a business

Rewards Working for someone else means that you do not get to keep

all the rewards yourself. Although some criticize this aspect of

capitalism, one central element is that those who put their capital

at risk (the business owners) get the rewards, whereas those

who do not put their capital at risk (employees) receive wages or

salaries that are typically less than the return on capital is to the

owners. Many millionaires own “boring” small businesses.

Independence Working for yourself means that you are your own boss and not

following someone else’s rules. Individuals with an entrepreneurial

spirit sometimes feel constrained by bosses, policies, and

procedures in large organizations. Star ting your own business

means that you can set and change the policies and procedures

as you see t.

Necessity Sometimes businesses are star ted by individuals whose positions

were made redundant or who could not nd work . The necessity of

having an income leads them to star t a small business.

Challenge Some people just want to see whether they can “make it”

themselves. Star ting a small business typically requires one

person to perform all functions of the business (HR, marketing,

accounts and nance, and operations management or

production). Over time, if the business is a success, the business

owner then has to learn new skills as his or her role changes to

accommodate a larger and more complex operation.

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1.1 What is a business?

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Interest Many interesting businesses are set up by people with a passion

for something who want to just keep doing what they enjoy doing.
C oncep t

The business producing Hawaiian Tropic suntan lotion was star ted

by a high-school chemistry teacher who liked spending time at the


beach. Many specialty shops – guitar stores, lamp stores, ballet

clothing stores, rare books stores, etc – allow their owners to work Creativity can be dened as the

in an area for which they have a passion. process of generating new ideas,

or of considering existing ideas

Finding a gap Businesses may see or nd an untapped oppor tunity in order to

from new perspectives. Setting

achieve “rst-mover advantage”. Sometimes businesses, large or

up a business involves creativity

small, stumble into oppor tunities that they were not looking for.

in numerous ways. For example,

The idea of Post-its, one of the most successful products of the 3M

entrepreneurs must be creative,

Company and which revolutionized interoce communications,

with the initial business idea itself,

was stumbled across by accident by Dr Spender Silver, a scientist

and also to prepare a business

working at 3M.
model with limited resources,

Sharing an idea If you really believe in something, you may want to sell the idea to to get the initial nance for their

others. Yoga studios, for example, are typically owned by people star t-up costs, or even to invent the

name of the business.

who themselves do yoga and want to spread the idea that yoga

enhances quality of life. Marketing the idea helps their business,

Can you think of other areas where

but often the original motivation to open a yoga studio is to spread

creativity is a key element of

the idea. entrepreneurship? This may give

you ideas for your IA.

The process of starting up a business

Two features are common to all successful start-ups:

● The business idea

● Planning

The business idea refers to the fundamental activity that the business

will do, whether it is something basic (such as a house-cleaning service)

or something more sophisticated (such as manufacturing). The business

idea can be market-driven – that is, determined by the needs of the market

or product– or service-driven, which means that in some sense the

entrepreneur or business must convince others that the product or service

is worth purchasing.

Regardless of whether the new business is basic or sophisticated, market- or

product-driven, the entrepreneur must have a basic business idea. Then

the entrepreneur should carefully plan the business in order to reduce the

many risks associated with starting up a business.

4 Establishing

1 Organizing 2 Researching 3 Planning 5 Raising the 6 Testing the


the basics the market the business nance market


Figure 1.1.4 Steps for star t-ups

1. Organizing the basics. The entrepreneur starting a new business

must address several basic questions: Where is the business going to

be based? What will the entrepreneur call the business? What will

be its legal structure? What will be its operational structure? Is there

a sufcient business infrastructure to make the business feasible –

suppliers, potential customers, and government services?

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2. Rening the business idea through market research. Once the

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entrepreneur has determined that, in broad outline, the business concept


is feasible, they should do market research to determine how the business

will distinguish itself from others in the market. Rarely is a gap in the

market obvious. If that were the case, it would be easy to start a successful

business. However, new businesses have very high failure rates. While

precise rates of failure are difcult to determine, as many business are

so small and so short-lived that they elude detection in surveys, failure

rates in the United States, for example, are between 50 and 80% in the

rst four years of operation; 25% fail in the rst year alone. In Europe,

another developed economy, failure rates are also high.

Thus, once the basic business idea is determined, the business must

then do market research to determine the precise market segment it

will target, and the entrepreneur must answer some basic questions:

How will they conduct market research? Who will be the target

market? Can the new business test its concept? What will be its “unique

selling proposition” (USP)? How will the business communicate with

the market?

Let’s consider the example of the entrepreneur who wants to enter the

grocery business. The idea is very attractive. After all, food is one of the

basic necessities of human existence. However, market research may be

very revealing. A market may have too many competitors, or a segment

of the grocery market (high volume, low cost, for example) may be

saturated. Market research might reveal that a small niche market (such

as for organic products or specialized meats) is where there is a gap in

the market. Thus, researching the market has narrowed and rened

the basic business idea (a grocery store) to a signicantly more precise

idea: a speciality grocery store that offers either organic products and/or

specialized meats.

Student workpoint


Be a researcher

Imagine that you are an

Market research could lead an entrepreneur to sell only local, organic groceries
entrepreneur seeking to

start a for-prot social

3. Planning the business. Once the concept has been narrowed, the

enterprise. Develop a

entrepreneur should write a business plan, which is a document that

basic business plan for a

addresses all the issues that need to be planned before operations begin.

business with which you

The business plan will be of use to multiple stakeholders, especially

could make a prot and

potential owners of the business and nancial institutions (banks,

full a social purpose.

lending companies) that may provide capital. tup-failure-by-industry/


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1.1 What is a business?

The composition of the business plan requires the entrepreneur or

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people starting the business to think through most of the specic

elements of how the business will operate. For investors and nanciers,

the business plan can provide some condence as it indicates that the

business has foreseen potential issues and is trying to address them.

4. Establishing legal requirements. All businesses operate in countries

that have laws that can inuence the legal organization of the business,

its labour practices, and its operational practices, as well as determine

tax obligations. In most countries, businesses must be registered, even

if they are sole traders (which are not legally separate entities from the

operator of the business). Other types of business – corporations, for

example – are legal entities that must be established in accordance with

the laws of the host country. In many countries, businesses must have

specic licences and/or pass certain inspections before they can operate.

These legal requirements can be extensive and costly.

Finally, the business must investigate the tax requirements of the

country. These taxes would include not only income taxes, but also

various sorts of payroll tax that must be paid, such as for employees’

pensions from the government, unemployment and sickness benets,

or even medical insurance.

5. Raising the nance. Once the basic business idea has been rened,

abusiness plan written, and legal requirements met, the business must

then raise nance – money – to get the business started and to support

the business until it can sustain operations from prots, which can

often take years. (Even if the business is protable from the beginning,

its cash requirements may be greater than the prots.) Any investor or

Student workpoint
lender must have condence in the accounting and auditing procedures

of the business. Who will prepare accounts in the business and who,

external to the business, will verify that they are accurate?

Be a thinker

The business must attract start-up monies. Some or all may come from Choose one of the

the entrepreneur, or other investors may be required. When someone following businesses:

provides equity capital, it means that person is a partial owner of the

● Local delicatessen

business. Most entrepreneurs who start up a business do not want to

and café

lose control of the business, so some of the capital will be in the form of

● Manufacturer of a
investment – selling shares – but some of the capital may be loans to the

new energy drink

business. Who will the lenders be? What kind of terms will they want?

● Travelling hairdresser
6. Testing the market. The nal stage is the launch of the business.

and beautician
How will that occur? Will the business begin on a small scale (a

“pilot”) to test consumer reaction? What will the criteria for success

● After-school sports club

of the pilot be? In some types of business, especially capital-intensive

Work in groups to discuss

manufacturing, the initial launch is extremely expensive and the rm

the challenges and

can respond to market reactions in only a limited and slow way. Other

opportunities that you

types of business – restaurants, for example – can often respond quickly

would face when opening

and easily, by changing the menu, changing recipes, or changing other

up such a business.
aspects of the business.

Write down at least

The purpose of testing the market is to verify that the business idea will

ve challenges and ve

be received well enough by consumers to suggest that the business has


a reasonable chance of success.


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Challenges that a new business may face

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Even when the six steps outlined above are followed, start-ups still have

a high probability of failure. Businesses that fail often do so because of

what they did before the business even opened. For example, the business

had problems in basic organization, its products or services were based

on insufcient or poor-quality market research, planning was poor, it

was unable to convince investors or lenders, legal requirements were not

properly satised, accounts were poorly kept and/or the business had

insufcient funds to operate, or the launch was unsuccessful and sales did

not materialize. All of these problems can cause a business to fail.

If a start-up has a good business idea and develops a strong business

plan, the business may still fail. Sometimes failure results from a lack of

Student workpoint recognition of the business name in the marketplace. Other times failure

1.4 stems from the inability to recruit labour with the right skills. In other

cases, it is because the business cannot accurately anticipate the reactions

Be an inquirer

of competitors (and certainly a start-up cannot control the actions of its

Go to Kiva or one of
competitors). New businesses generally have less capital to rely on if the

the other micronance

economy weakens. When a business is put under stress, often problems

lending sites. Find three

between managers or executives surface which would not be present if

businesses that you

the business were operating successfully. Therefore, many things outside a

nd interesting and

business’s control can cause it to fail.

compelling. What is it

Table 1.1.4 Reasons why star t-ups fail

about these businesses

that interests you? Why

Organization ● The location of the business was inappropriate.

do you think they could

● The structure of the business did not work .

be successful? Would you

● Supplies were unreliable.

consider making a small

donation to one of these Market research ● The market research was poor.

● The target market wasn’t appropriate.

● The test was too optimistic.

● Channels of communication were weak .

TOK discussion

Business plan ● The business plan did not convince.

1. Is business management
● Goals were too vague or contradictory.

an ar t or is it a science?

Legal requirements ● Labour laws were not addressed.

2. As a business can

● Registration was too dicult.

operate in more than one

● Tax obligations were not addressed.

sector, why do we need

the categories called Finance ● The accounts were not kept properly – cash ow,

“sectors” (primary sector, in par ticular, was a problem.

secondary sector, etc)?

● Raising star t-up capital was too dicult.

3. To what extent can

● Raising medium-term to long-term nance was dicult.

entrepreneurs know in

The market ● The launch failed.

advance the challenges

● The pilot was inconclusive.

they may encounter when

● Success was limited – the product failed to inspire.

star ting up a business?


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1.1 What is a business?

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Revision checklist

✓ Businesses combine human, physical and nancial resources to produce

goods and services.

✓ Human resources are the people needed to carry out the aims of the

organization. Physical resources include buildings, machinery and raw

materials. Financial resources include the money needed to make the

product or service.

✓ Business activity is categorized into one of four main sectors:

✓ The primary sector generally involves the acquisition of raw


✓ The secondary sector involves processing raw materials, usually to

create a product.

✓ The tertiary sector is where most service businesses sit.

✓ The quaternary sector provides services that focus on knowledge.

✓ Business offers many opportunities, which is why so many people start

businesses. Steps involved in starting up a business include researching

the market, planning the new business, establishing legal requirements,

raising nance, and testing the market.

✓ A new business might face challenges at each stage. The business will be

able to control some of the challenges but not all of them.

Practice question

To answer the question below effectively, see Unit 6 pages 398–402.


Starbucks, a large coffee store chain with its headquarters in the United

States, has been protable for years and thus has considerable cash and

other resources. Starbucks wants to open coffee shops in India, which

has a large population and is a potentially large market. The laws of India

regarding foreign businesses operating in the country present an obstacle to


To get around this legal obstacle, Starbucks is considering working with

Tata Coffee, a major Indian company that has its own coffee shops and is

involved in aspects of the coffee business besides retail.

In addition to coffee shops, Tata Coffee also owns coffee farms where coffee

is grown. Its labour force on these farms is trained and knowledgeable.

a) With reference to Starbucks and Tata Coffee, explain the role

of businesses in combining two of the following: human

resources, physical resources, or nancial resources to create

goods and services. [4 marks]


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1.2 Types of business entities

By the end of this chap ter, you should be able to:

➔ Distinguish between the pri vate and the public sectors

➔ Outline the main features of the following types of organizations:

● sole traders

● par tnerships

● pri vately held companies

● publicly held companies

Key terms
➔ Outline the main features of the following types of for-prot social

Private sector

the por tion of an economy ● pri vate sector companies

not controlled or owned by

● public sector companies

the government

● cooperati ves

Public sector

➔ Outline the main features of the following type of non-prot social

those por tions of the


economy owned or controlled

● non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

by the government, such as

government services, public

schools, and state-owned

Dierence between the private and public sectors


Public sector refers to those parts of the economy controlled by the

Sole trader
government. The term “public sector” can be used in a broad sense,

a business owned and meaning any type of activity (including the military, police, and public

operated by one person. education) that is run by the government and has meaningful economic

No legal distinction exists implications. However, in business, “public sector” generally has a narrower

between the business and usage. A public sector company is one that the government owns. Common

the owner. Thus, the owner types of public sector companies include utilities, telecommunications

has unlimited liability for the companies, and public transport.

liabilities of the business, and

Private sector refers to those parts of the economy not controlled by the

the business ceases to exist

government. The private sector is managed by individuals and companies

when the owner dies.

that are not owned by the government. Most private sector businesses are

Par tnership

a business owned and

operated by two or more Main features of the most common types of

people. No legal distinction

prot-based (commercial) organizations

exists between the business

Prot-making businesses come in various types of legal organization, but

and the par tners, each of

the most common are:

whom are legally responsible

for 100% of the liabilities of

● Sole traders

the par tnership.

● Partnerships


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1.2 Types of business entities

● Privately held companies or corporations

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● Publicly held companies or corporations

One of the main aims of all of these types of business is to generate prot.

The prots a business receives can be shown using the following formula:

Prots = total revenues total costs

Total revenues, often called “sales” or “sales revenue”, are all the income

received by the business in a specied period of time. Total costs are all the

costs incurred by that business in the same period of time. (The way that

revenue and expenses are measured is actually more complex than this

simple formula suggests, but for now the simple form is enough.)

Sole trader

Most people starting their own business typically begin with a limited

budget and a simple organization. Facing these constraints, they often

choose to operate as a sole trader (sometimes called a sole proprietor),

which is the simplest form of business to organize.

Being a sole trader fullls many of the reasons why people start a business:

being their own boss, seeing a gap in the market and wanting to respond

quickly, creating their own product, serving the community, or just living

their dream.

The main features of a sole trader business include the following:

● The sole trader owns and runs the business. Sole traders may

employ other people, including those empowered to make some of the

decisions, but the sole traders themselves make management decisions

and have ultimate responsibility for the business.

● No legal distinction exists between the business and the sole

trader. The sole trader is the business and, thus, is liable for all the

debts of the business or other claims (such as the outcome of a lawsuit).

In other words, sole traders have “unlimited liability”.

● The nance is usually limited. Here, nance refers to the money

that the business has available for use. It can come from the personal

savings of the sole trader or from other sources, such as a loan from

family and friends or from a bank. Regardless, sole traders typically

have limited nance, either because their personal savings are limited

or because family, friends, banks, and other nancial institutions may

be reluctant to lend the sole trader money because of the high failure

rate of start-up businesses.

● The business is often geographically close to the customer. A sole

trader is usually a small business that allows the sole trader to interact

with each customer. Sole traders get to know their customers on an

individual basis, which allows them to provide a more personalized

service than larger businesses.

● The sole trader has privacy and limited accountability. Most of

the time, sole traders do not have to declare their nances to anyone

except the tax authorities, which want to know how much prot the

business has made for tax purposes. Sometimes sole traders borrow


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money or enter into a nancial contract (such as a lease), and lenders

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or lessors may need to see nancial statements. In general, however,


sole traders have a high degree of privacy.

● Registering the business is generally relatively easy and

inexpensive – and quick. Although laws vary from country to

country, starting and operating as a sole trader is generally simpler than

for other types of legal organizations. Sole traders usually have less legal

paperwork to ll out and le. Sole traders make all decisions themselves

and therefore do not have to devote time to discussion and to building

consensus for decisions.

Monique owns and runs her own

café business – she is a sole trader

Advantages of sole traders

One of the greatest advantages of being a sole trader is that all prots from

the business belong to the sole trader, as no legal distinction separates

the owner from the business. Other advantages of operating as a sole

traderinclude the following:

● Complete control over all the important decisions.

● Flexibility in terms of working hours, products and services, and

changes to operations.

● Privacy, as sole traders generally do not need to divulge information.

● Minimal legal formalities.

● Close ties to customers, which can give a competitive advantage.

Disadvantages of sole traders

The success of businesses operating as sole traders depends on the drive,

enthusiasm, and health of the sole traders themselves. Any of these

can falter. Sole traders also have other disadvantages, which include


● Competing against established businesses all by yourself can be a

daunting challenge.

● There may be stress and potential ineffectiveness because the sole trader

makes all the decisions, often with limited time to make them and

limited opportunity to seek advice from others.

● There will be a lack of continuity in the event of a serious accident or

the owner’s death – the business itself may not continue.

● There may be limited scope for expansion as the owner spends all their

time running the business.

● Generally there will be limited capital, which may also create a burden

on the business. The focus will be more on having sufcient cash for

day-to-day operations than on looking to the future.

● There is unlimited liability of the owner for any faults, debts, or

mistakes made.

Most sole traders remain small businesses and typically the business comes

to an end when the sole trader retires or dies. Sometimes, sole traders

want to stay small, which allows them to make a decent living and not

have to manage and worry about the many complexities of operating on a


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1.2 Types of business entities

larger scale. Sole traders often have a niche in the market and see no need

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When sole traders want to expand, the challenges are sometimes too great.

Their prots are not large enough to support growth, or the risks of growth

are too great. Just surviving may be the chief goal of a sole trader: many

sole traders give up or fail within the rst few years of existence.

Par tnerships

An alternative type of business is that of a partnership. This type of business

is formed by two or more people. They could be friends, associates,

or people with similar or related skills. Partnerships are popular with

professional people who have related qualications, such as doctors,

lawyers, accountants, or even business consultancy rms.

The main features of a partnership business include the following:

● Decisions are made jointly by the partners , who own and run the

business together. Partners may employ other people, but they make

all the management decisions. Partners also own the business, each

partner having a percentage ownership.

● The business is owned and managed by more than one person.

Although the number of partners is technically unlimited, getting

agreement is more difcult as the number of partners increases. Most

partnerships have between 2 to 20 partners.

● No legal distinction exists between the business and the

partners, who are liable for all of the partnership’s debts and other

obligations. Partners have unlimited liability and legally can be called

upon to pay for 100% of the partnership’s debts, even if a partner owns

only a small percentage of the business.

● Finance is usually more available than for a sole trader business.

All partners contribute some capital to start up the business or to

“buy into” the business, which usually means there is more capital

than if provided by only one person. Also, banks and other nancial

institutions are usually more willing to provide nance to a partnership

than to a sole trader, as a partnership is considered more stable than a

sole trader.

● Some partners may be “sleeping partners” , which means that

they provide some nance (their investment in the partnership) and

expect a share of the prot. A sleeping partner performs no other role

in thebusiness.

● The business operated as a partnership can often offer a more

varied service than a sole trader. Different partners may bring

different expertise, and the product or service offerings of the business

can vary. This situation is especially true in the case of partnerships of

professionals such as lawyers or doctors. For example, a law rm could

have lawyers specializing in criminal law, commercial law, international

law, and civil law.

● Partnerships typically have a greater degree of accountability

than a sole trader. Although in most countries partnerships are not

legally required to draw up a deed of partnership, partnerships oftendo.


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Having a deed of partnership makes good business sense because it is

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a legally binding document that sets out the rights and duties of the

partners. It includes information about:

■ responsibilities

■ nancing

■ division of prots

■ liabilities

■ procedures for changing circumstances.

With a deed of partnership, partners know their rights and

responsibilities within the partnership, and the likelihood of a major

disagreement between the partners reduces.

● Partnerships are typically more stable than sole traders and

have a higher likelihood of continuity. Drawing up a deed of

partnership will slow down the registering of the business, but it will

help the organization in the long term.

● Partners do not necessarily share all of the prots equally.

Usually, prots are allocated and paid out according to each partner’s

percentage ownership of the business. If one partner has provided a

substantial amount of nance, then that person may expect a greater

proportion of prots than the other partners are allocated. In addition,

in partnerships with “sleeping partners”, the active partners may get

agreed-upon salaries or drawings that are considered expenses for the

purpose of determining the partnership’s prot. Then, after the prot

is determined, the prots are allocated to partners according to their

percentage ownership.

Advantages of par tnerships

Partnerships have certain advantages compared to sole traders:

● As partners often bring different skills and qualities, partnerships may

have more efcient production as a result of the specialization and the

division of labour.

● In general, partners bring more expertise to a business than one


● As partnerships are perceived as having greater stability and lower risk,

they generally have access to more nance.

● Partners can help in emergencies or when others are ill or on holiday.

● Partnerships have more chance of continuity as the business will not

necessarily end if one partner dies.

Disadvantages of par tnerships

Partnerships also have certain disadvantages:

● Each partner has unlimited liability, which means that each partner

is legally responsible for all of the business’s debts or the actions of

any other partner. The one exception to this liability is when, in the

deed of partnership, a partner or certain partners are declared “limited


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1.2 Types of business entities

partners”. Although the laws vary according to country, in general,

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limited partners have limited liability but also limited control (both

specied in the deed of partnership).

● Compared to businesses that operate as companies (corporations),

partnerships usually have less access to loans from banks and other

nancial institutions. Limited nance can often prevent a business from

expanding or maximizing opportunities for making prots.

● An individual partner does not have complete control over the business

and has to rely on the work and goodwill of others.

● Prots must be shared among the partners.

● Partners may disagree, which in the worst case could lead to the break-

up of the partnership.

In summary, partnerships are safer than sole traders but they are more

complex organizations. As multiple partners can typically raise more

nance than sole traders, and because of the greater inherent stability,

partnerships have a greater chance of surviving changing market conditions

and have more chance to expand if the conditions are right.

yduts esaC

Brown Brothers Harriman

Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH)

is one of the largest and oldest

private banks in the United States.

Unusually, the bank operates as

a partnership. Businesses legally

organized as a partnership are

usually relatively small, but BBH,

headquartered in New York City, has approximately 6,000 employees

and ofces around the world. Founded in 1931, the bank has grown

and has revenue in excess of $1.3 billion. Despite this growth and size,

the owners of the business have decided to remain a partnership.

Companies or corporations

The main categories of companies (also called “corporations” in North

America) are privately held companies and publicly held companies. Their

similarities and differences are examined below.

You can recognize a company as it may have the following abbreviations

after its logo:

● INC – Incorporated (USA/Canada)

● LLC – Limited Liability Company (USA)

● PLC – Private or Public Limited Company (UK)

● LTD – Limited Company (various)

● SA – Sociedad Anónima (Latin America except Brazil and Mexico)

● SA – Sociedades Anônimas (Brazil, Portugal)


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● SpA – Società per Azioni (Italy)

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● AB – Aktiebolag (Finland, Sweden)


● Bhd – Berhad (Malaysia, Brunei)

● GIE – Groupement d’Intérêt Economique (France)

● GmbH – Gesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung (Austria, Germany,


Other countries have other designations and abbreviations. Whichever is

used, this type of designation means the same thing: that the business is

a limited liability company. This type of business is the only one that can

be called a “company” (corporation) to distinguish it from the other types


A business can become a company by a simple but very powerful process–

the business and the owners of the business are legally separated and the

liability of the company is distinct from the liability of those who own it.

Another feature of a company is that, typically, it has multiple owners, each

owning a fraction of the company in the form of shares (shares of stock or

equity shares) in the company.

The business – the company – has legal existence in its own right. The

company employs executives to manage the business and workers who

handle the day-to-day operations.

Just like sole traders and partnerships, a company has certain

responsibilities in the community: it must obey the laws of the land and

pay taxes. Unlike sole traders and partnerships, companies keep the prots

from their business activities – unless the owners (also called shareholders)

decide to pay all or a portion of prots (past or present) to the shareholders

in the form of dividends.

Shareholders receive a proportion of the prots as dividends at the

discretion of the company, and their proportion of the dividends is

determined by their proportion of the shares of stock. For example, if a

company makes a prot of €1,000,000 and decides to pay total dividends

of €600,000, the total payout (€600,000) will be divided by the number

of shares of stock issued and outstanding. If that gure was 100,000, the

owner of each share of stock would receive a dividend of €6 for each

share the person owned. If one person owned 20,000 of the issued and

outstanding shares, that person would receive €120,000.

Often individual shareholders own only a part of the business. When

that is the case, in theory individual shareholders do not control the

business unless they own a majority of the shares. In practice, sometimes a

shareholder who owns a smaller percentage can still have a deciding say in

the decisions of the company and can, therefore, control it.

In the case of very large companies, it is rare for one person to own all or a

A large company like Walmar t majority of the shares. With smaller companies, it is not uncommon for one

might have hundreds of thousands person to own 100% of the shares, or for a small group of family members

of shareholders or friends to own 100% of the shares.


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1.2 Types of business entities

Advantages of being a shareholder

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Shareholders are rewarded for investing in a company in three ways:

● The price of the share(s) they hold may increase in value if

the company is performing well. In theory (though not always

in practice), the value of a company is based on its prots. As prots

increase, so too should the total value of its shares. Therefore,

individual shares of stock in the company should increase in value at

the same rate.

● The company issues a portion of the company prots as

dividends. The amount of money each shareholder receives depends

on the number of shares they own. With small or new companies,

dividends are often not paid or are relatively small. With large,

established companies, dividends are often paid regularly – once every

three months (quarterly) – and individuals invest in the company partly

because they want the regular dividend income that comes with share

ownership in that particular company.

● The shareholder has limited liability , which is one of the single

most important features and benets of owning stock in a company.

Unlike sole proprietors or partners in a partnership, shareholders in a

company are not responsible in any way for the company’s debts. If the

business fails, then all the shareholders can lose is their investment in

the company, but no more.

For example, if a company goes into receivership (bankruptcy) owing

millions to individuals, banks, and other companies, the shareholders

do not have to pay any of those debts. The shareholders’ liability is

limited to their investment. (However, in the event of liquidation of

a company, the shareholders are the last party to receive any monies

from the sale of the assets of a business; all debts will be paid rst).

Disadvantages of being a shareholder

The costs to the shareholders of investing in a company are as follows:

● The price of the share(s) they hold may decrease in value if

the company is not performing well. As noted above, in theory

the value of a company is based on its prots. If prot declines, so too

(typically) will the value of individual shares.

● The company may choose not to issues dividends if it does not

have to. Businesses need funds for many reasons. Companies that

are doing poorly may not have sufcient cash on hand to be able to

pay dividends. Businesses that are growing rapidly also need money

to support the growth (to pay for more investment in equipment and

working capital). As a result, many companies rarely or never pay

dividends. The entire measurement of the value of the investment is

based upon the rise or fall in the stock value.

● As “owners” often own only a fraction of the shares of the company,

owning shares in a rm may not mean that an individual

shareholder has any meaningful say in decisions about the

business. In April 2021, Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) in Japan

hadmore than 2.14 billion issued and outstanding shares of stock.


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Anindividual investor owning 100 shares would, practically speaking,

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have no say at all in a giant company such as MC. To own even 1%


of the company (and thus have a 1% say in who the executives are)

would require an investment of approximately $606 million dollars.

Typically, businesses initially choose to become a company because the

owners of the business want the business to have a separate legal existence

from them personally, thus giving the owners, as shareholders rather than

as a sole trader or partners, limited liability.

There are also other reasons for becoming a company:

● The enhanced status of being a company is generally recognition that

the business has been successful.

● Selling shares is a good source of nance for a business, especially one

with growing working-capital requirements.

● Being a company increases the stability of the business, as a company

has a legal existence separate from its owners. If a shareholder or

shareholders die, the business continues. In the case of small businesses,

the death of a major shareholder (if that person is also an active

executive in the rm) can cause some disruption. Nevertheless, the

business does continue.

Key terms

● Companies typically have improved chances of gaining further nance,

Privately held company especially loans, from nancial institutions and governments.

an incorporated business
Achieving company status is often a turning point in the evolution of a

oering limited liability to

business. Up until the point that a business becomes a company, some

the owners. Owners’ liability

questions exist about the survival of the business and its continuity

is limited to their investment


in the company. In most

As with any legal organization of a business, the choice to become a

countries, shareholders of

company has advantages and disadvantages. To take full advantage of

privately held companies

becoming a company, a business will have multiple investors and thus a

cannot sell their shares unless

major infusion of capital. However, when this occurs, the original business

they have rst been oered

owner loses some control over the business and could even lose personal

to existing shareholders; the

involvement in the company. When a business becomes a company, its

shares cannot be traded on

new owners (the shareholders) may hire executives to make all major

a stock exchange; and there

decisions. The original business owner (as sole trader or partner) may now

are limits on the number of

be merely an investor.


Publicly held company

Privately held companies and publicly held companies

an incorporated business When a business reorganizes as a company, it can choose to become either

oering limited liability to of these types of organization:

the owners. Owners’ liability

● Privately held company

is limited to their investment

● Publicly held company

in the company. The shares

of the company are traded

The main difference between the two forms of company is that the

on some public exchanges,

privately held company can only sell shares in the company privately:

and publicly held companies

to people known to the owners (such as friends, family, and associates).

must disclose or make public

Although the number of shareholders permitted in a privately held

considerable information
company varies from country to country, generally it is low (around20). As

about the company, including

a result, becoming a privately held company limits the amount of nance

audited nancial information.

available but allows more control to be maintained.


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1.2 Types of business entities

Another difference is that, in most countries, privately held companies

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have less onerous disclosure and reporting requirements than publicly held

companies. For example, publicly held companies must produce audited

nancial statements once a year, whereas in many countries privately held

companies do not have to.

If the business decides to become a publicly held company (and the phrase

typically used is “the company is going public”), then it has to offer its shares

in a public place, such as a stock exchange in one of the major nancial

centres (London, New York, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Shanghai or Singapore), or

online. For example, the FTSE, Wall Street, the Nasdaq, theNikkei.

Going public opens up the possibility of securing large sums of capital. In

2012, for example, Facebook acquired $16 billion from its “initial public

offering” (IPO), or rst sale of shares to the public. More recently in 2020,

The shares of a publicly held

for example, Airbnb acquired $3.51 billion from its “initial public offering”

company can be bought by

(IPO), or its rst sale of shares to the public.

anyone through a stock exchange

When a company goes public, it does lose some privacy. Publicly held
or “over the counter ”, via a

companies have to allow potential investors to see their accounts, which

dealer network

become open to everyone. Further, the business itself has no control over

who buys their shares.

Assessment ad vice
The main features of a company include the following:

● The shareholders own but do not necessarily run the

Do not confuse the term

business. Their purchase of shares provides nance, but otherwise

“public sector ” with “publicly

the shareholders have little input into the day-to-day running of

held company”, or “private

the business (unless they are very small privately traded companies
sector ” with “privately

with a small number of shareholders who also serve as managers).

held company”.

Instead, professional managers are normally employed to make all the

management decisions.

● The business and the owners are legally separate entities. The

shareholders are not liable for any of the debts of the business. The

shareholders’ liability is limited to their investment in the company.

As the business and the owners (shareholders) are legally distinct, the

owners can change. A person owning shares in the company can decide

to sell the shares for any reason whatsoever.

● The details of the company’s formation are legally recorded and

are matters of public record. To form a company, owners of the

business must have two documents drawn up and registered with the

appropriate government agency, which varies in name from country to

country (as do the names of the documents):

■ Memorandum of association – this document records the

key characteristics and the external activities of the company

being created. For example, the memorandum will provide basic

information on the objectives of the business and record the share

capital initially required.

■ Articles of association – this document species how the company

will be regulated internally. For example, it will explain the initial

organization of the executives of the company, with their titles and

areas of responsibilities (chief executive ofcer, chief nancial ofcer,

etc), and the rights and responsibilities of each shareholder.


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● Greater nance is generally available. The initial offering of shares

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represents a one-time injection of capital to the business. Once the


business sells its shares, it receives the price paid at the IPO. Thereafter,

the initial shares and any future gains (or losses) in price are to the

benet (or cost) of the shareholders only, unless the company issues

and sells additional shares to raise more capital.

● A company is held to a high degree of accountability. The

owners and the company are separate entities, so from time to time the

company must provide information to the shareholders so that they can

understand the condition of their investment, and so that the company

and its management are seen as being held accountable. Information on

a company is generally provided by:

■ published, audited annual company reports (and in some countries,

unaudited quarterly reports)

■ an annual general meeting (AGM) open to all shareholders

■ an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) if called by the


● Compared to other forms of business organizations, companies

have greater stability and a higher chance of continuity. When a

shareholder dies or sells shares, the company continues to operate. The

death of a shareholder or the sale of shares has no direct impact on the

company. All that happens is that one partial owner of the business is

replaced by another partial owner. A company can theoretically last for

ever because it is independent of the shareholders.

The oldest company in the world is a Japanese construction company,

Kongo Gumi, which was founded in 578 CE and began operations

by building a Buddhist temple. In 2006, the Takamatsu Construction

Group acquired the shares of Kongo Gumi, which nonetheless

continues to operate.

Advantages of companies

Advantages of operating a business as a company include the following:

● Finance is more readily available than for sole traders and

partnerships. Companies are perceived as having greater stability

and lower risk than sole traders and partnerships. Individuals

and institutions are more likely to invest, and banks and nancial

institutions are more likely to make loans to companies.

● The investor has limited liability. Investors can lose only the value

of the shares and nothing else. By owning small numbers of shares

in many different companies, investors can build up relatively safe

investment portfolios. Each individual investment is limited, and thus

their risks are spread out among many companies.

The companies also benet from this. Many companies have a huge

number of “small” investors (individuals or institutions that own a very

small number of shares). However, the sum of the investment of all

those small investors can add up to a large amount of nance.


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1.2 Types of business entities

● There is continuity. The business will not necessarily end if a

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shareholder dies or sells their shares, or if any of the directors leave.

Companies can go bankrupt and be liquidated (with all the assets sold

off to pay off the liabilities), thus terminating their operations. However,

companies have a greater chance of continuity than a sole trader


● There are possibilities for expansion. Companies have more

opportunity to expand because generally they last longer and have

more access to nance. For a business to grow, it often needs to invest

money in equipment, marketing efforts, or new activities. With fewer

opportunities for nance, many small businesses, including sole traders

and partnerships, cannot take advantage of business opportunities to

expand. Often companies can.

● An established organizational structure exists. Managers and

workers do not have to change every time a shareholder sells shares.

This stability can help the business develop long-term relationships

with customers and suppliers alike. It can also allow the business to hire

individuals with expertise for individual positions who will enhance the

performance of the business.

Disadvantages of companies

Disadvantages of operating as a company include the following:

● Setting up a company can take time and cost a great deal of

money to full the necessary legal requirements. Whether

reorganizing into a company or starting a business as a company, the

owners must retain lawyers, have legally required paperwork lled out,

and le papers with the appropriate government agencies.

● Selling shares, especially if the company “goes public”, does

not guarantee that the desired or intended amount of nance

will be raised. Sometimes IPOs are unsuccessful, and a business has

sold itself for relatively little cash. Thus, reorganizing a business as a

company or starting up a company involves risk.

● Owners risk partial or entire loss of control of the business. If

a business decides to become a company, especially for a publicly held

company, the owners must give up some control of their business. Even

if, during incorporation, former owners still retain 51% of the shares,

they must still answer to the new owners (other shareholders). In the

case of public companies, loss of control can be signicant. Original

owners can have a very small percentage of the shares after the rm

has gone public.

● There is a loss of privacy. A publicly held company is required to

full a number of legal obligations, including publishing its accounts

publicly. Many business people unaccustomed to sharing information

with others dislike publishing their accounts. Further, if the company’s

performance has been weak – sales are down or prots are negative –

the future performance can be further jeopardized. Some customers

A publicly held company’s

may not want to purchase from or do business with a weak company,

accounts can be scrutinised by

a situation that can be particularly damaging to those businesses that

those outside the business

offer product warranties or after-sales service on products.


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● A company has no control over the stock market. Share prices

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may fall, which can damage the image of the company. Such a loss of

C oncep t

share value can sometimes occur not because the business has done

anything wrong, but simply because of an external factor: an election,

negative news about another business in the same industry, a downturn

in the economy, or a natural disaster.

Business entities sometimes

change the legal status of their

● A company has limited control over who buys its shares. For

business. The common examples

example, a competitor may want to take over the business. If the

are a sole trader who decides

shareholders are willing to sell their shares, the company cannot

to register as a privately held

prevent a takeover. Companies are especially vulnerable to being taken

company, or a privately held

over if their share price falls, which, as noted above, sometimes occurs

company that “goes public”

through no fault of the business itself.

(becomes a publicly held company

and sells its shares in a public

In general, privately held companies are smaller than publicly held

place, like a stock exchange).

companies. However, many small public companies exist, and some

Do some research to nd privately held companies are huge. Mars, Incorporated – which

examples of such changes of legal

manufactures many different types of sweets, food and petcare – is a

status – in the case of sole traders

privately held company with annual revenues in the billions of dollars.

and privately held companies, it

Mars is a multinational enterprise and one of the larger companies

may be businesses around you.

headquartered in the United States.

yduts esaC

Tsuen Tea

Tsuen Tea in Kyoto, Japan, is the thirteenth oldest company in Japan.

Founded in 1160 CE, Tsuen Tea is over 800 years old. Though the

building it operates in is not the original, the location is, just east of the

Uji Bridge. Currently, Yusuke Tsuen manages the business. He is the

twenty-fourth generation of the Tsuen family to run the shop and tea

house. The business is organized as a private company, one feature of

which is legal continuity.

For-prot social enterprises

The term “social enterprise” has a slightly different meaning or legal

standing in different countries. Scholars and business people have not

settled on a universally agreed denition. In general, the term “social

enterprise” refers to a form of business that has a social purpose. “Social

purpose” generally means that the organization aims to improve human,

social, or environmental well-being.

Although social enterprises should and typically do operate to a

professional standard (regarding legal existence, proper accounts,

management structure, reporting procedures, etc), the social aim

nevertheless takes priority over any other aim – such as growth,

maximizing sales, or making prots, which are typical objectives of

for-prot organizations.

For-prot social enterprises aim to make a prot. However, they do not

want to maximize prots if doing so compromises their social purpose.


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1.2 Types of business entities

Private sector companies

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Key terms

Social enterprises vary in their legal organization. Some take the form

Social enterprise
of one of the three models examined above (sole trader, partnership, or

company). Some for-prot social enterprises operate in the private sector.

a business that advances a

social purpose in a nancially

One example of a for-prot social enterprise organized as a company and

sustainable way. While aiming

operating in the private sector is TOMs. For every pair of shoes that TOMs

to do social good, social

sells, the company donates one pair of shoes to underprivileged children in

enterprises rely on business

developing countries and emerging markets.

models, have sales revenue,

Public sector companies and reinvest what prots they

make in the business. Social

Some social enterprises, typically organized as companies, operate in the

enterprises generally do not

public sector. Examples are for-prot companies that make meals and

depend on philanthropy.

deliver them to older people who for nancial or physical reasons are

unable to prepare their own meals. Such for-prot social enterprises bid for
For-prot social enterprise

contracts with local or regional governments.

an organization with many

Another common area where for-prot social enterprises operate in the

similarities to a normal social

public sector is services related to recycling.

enterprise, except that it

often earns a prot, some of

which might be distributed to

Some social enterprises are organized as cooperatives. A cooperative is owners. The primary aim of a

a form of partnership where the business is owned and run by all the for-prot social enterprise is to

“members”. Unlike partnerships, which in most countries have limits on provide a social service.

the number of partners, cooperatives typically have many members. Each

member participates actively in the running of the business.

business organization owned

Cooperatives can take many forms:

and operated by its members,

● A nancial cooperative is a nancial institution with ethical and

who share any prots.

social aims that take precedence over prots. Sometimes, for example in
Cooperatives exist in many

the case of credit unions, the social aims might mean lending money at
industries but are common in

lower rates of interest or providing non-lending services at a lower cost


than banks or other nancial institutions. Or a nancial cooperative

may provide nance (loans) to its members who otherwise might not

be able to borrow money.

● A housing cooperative is run to provide housing for its members (as

opposed to providing rent for private landlords). A common activity of

a housing cooperative is owning an apartment building in which each

“member” is entitled to one housing unit in the building. The members,

through the cooperative, own the building, and surpluses are reinvested

in the building and its operation, so costs to individual members


In addition, housing cooperatives typically have control over who can

become a member, thereby ensuring that all members agree to rules

and conditions and thus increase the likelihood of social harmony in

the building.

● A workers’ cooperative is a business that is owned and operated

by the workers themselves, and the wages of the managers and the

workers are similar. Providing employment to workers is a priority.

Often, a workers’ cooperative emerges when a business is about to fail.

Workers, fearful of losing their jobs, take over the business, sack the


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managers (or drastically reduce their pay), and reinvest all of the prots
ssenisub ot noitcudortnI 1

in the business (rather than paying them out as dividends).


● A producer cooperative is where groups of producers collaborate

in certain stages of production. Producer cooperatives are particularly

common in agriculture, such as grape farmers having a cooperative

wine-production facility, or olive producers having a cooperatively

owned press to produce oil.

With producer cooperatives, often the aim is to maximize the utilization

of an expensive piece of equipment that individual members by

themselves could not afford. At other times, cost efciencies can only

be achieved when a stage of the production process is carried out on

a large scale. Thus, many producers pool their resources to obtain the


● A consumer cooperative provides a service to its consumers who are

also part owners of the business. In Europe and the United States, a

common type of consumer cooperative involves certain grocery stores.

Grape farmers and wine producers Individual consumers become “members”, which entitles them to

can form a producer cooperative purchase groceries at the cooperative, often at lower prices than

together for-prot grocery stores.

In many cases, the cooperative’s priority is not to make prot. Rather, the

cooperative sells or offers its products or services typically at as close to cost

price as possible, thereby lowering the costs to members. However, if its

prices are too low, the cooperative runs the risk of failure by not reinvesting

in the business (and thus not updating its products or services), or not

having a signicant nancial cushion to weather a difcult period or an

unexpected expense. Thus, cooperatives generally aim to make some prot,

but maximizing prot is not their main aim.

The main common features of for-prot social enterprises include

the following:

● Prot is important but not the priority – social aims take

precedence. These aims may vary, and for-prot social enterprises

need to generate prots to ensure the survival and growth of the

business. The aim, however, is not to maximize prots but to earn

prots sufcient to sustain the business.

● A high degree of collaboration between the business and

the local community exists. For-prot social enterprises usually

signify a desire for cooperation between the business community and

government because both recognize a need being met by ordinary

business activity or by government.

● Cooperatives are more democratic than other typical for-prot

companies or organizations. In for-prot social enterprises, decision-

making tends to be more consultative and transparent. This style of

governance reects the spirit of social enterprises, which is typically to

do good and not devise aggressive business strategies (such as to take

market share from competitors or to maximize prots).

This style of governance also stems from the nature of social enterprises,

which often rely on support or aid from others (such as workers willing

to work for lower wages, or landlords willing to lease properties at


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1.2 Types of business entities

discounted rates). Consultation and transparency convey the social

ssenisub ot noitcudortnI 1
spirit and generate greater willingness on the part of stakeholders to

be supportive.

● The business operates the same functions as any other business.

For-prot social enterprises are businesses, and must attend to

production, marketing, HR, and nance decisions, just as in any other

business. In some respects, areas of the business have to be run with

more care than other businesses, which often have greater prots


Advantages of for-prot social enterprises

Advantages of for-prot social enterprises compared to traditional sole

traders, partnerships, and companies include the following:

● A favourable legal status is achieved. Anyone can engage in

activities that are good for humans, society, or the environment. The

legal structure of a for-prot social enterprise allows individuals to

engage in those activities without being personally liable or accountable

to shareholders with traditional business interests (maximizing prots).

● A strong communal identity exists. For-prot social enterprises

often have highly motivated employees and other stakeholders working

together with a common sense of purpose. Employees often report a

high degree of satisfaction, knowing that they are doing something

positive for society.

● The stakeholder community benets. For-prot social enterprises

help many stakeholders, including the direct beneciaries of their

products and services. They may help the government more,

because for-prot social enterprises typically tackle human, social, or

environmental problems that a government is not addressing, and so

help reduce problems in the community.

Disadvantages of for-prot social enterprises

Disadvantages of for-prot social enterprises compared to traditional sole

traders, partnerships, and companies include these:

● Decision-making is complex and time-consuming. In being

consultative and transparent, for-prot social enterprises often take

a long time to make decisions. If many parties are involved with the

decision, which is often the case, this extended decision-making time

can limit the effectiveness of the business.

● Capital may be insufcient for growth. The business model for a

for-prot social enterprise may not be sufcient in the long term. Most

businesses rely on healthy prot margins and prots, much of which

are retained, for investment in property, plant, and equipment, and

to provide working capital as working capital requirements increase

with the size of the business. Without large prots, for-prot social

enterprises may struggle to survive and expand.

● Capital may be insufcient for nancial strength. For-prot

social enterprises tend to have lower prot margins and prots than

traditional for-prot businesses because they often try to make their


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no related content on Scribd:
tariff act have been proclaimed with Portugal, with Italy and
with Germany. Commercial conventions under the general
limitations of the fourth section of the same act have been
concluded with Nicaragua, with Ecuador, with the Dominican
Republic, with Great Britain on behalf of the island of
Trinidad and with Denmark on behalf of the island of St.
Croix. These will be early communicated to the Senate.
Negotiations with other governments are in progress for the
improvement and security of our commercial relations."

The question of the ratification of all these treaties was

pending in the Senate when the term of the 56th Congress
expired, March 4, 1901. Opposing interests in the United
States seemed likely then to defeat their ratification. On the
last day of the special session of the Senate, March 5-9, an
agreement extending the time for the ratification of the
French reciprocity treaty was received and referred to the
committee on foreign relations. On the 15th of March,
Secretary Hay and Lord Pauncefote signed protocols extending
for one year the time of ratification for four of the British
West Indian reciprocity treaties, namely, Jamaica, Bermuda,
Guiana and Turks and Caicos islands.


Naval strength.

See (in this volume)



State of Indian schools.
Recent Indian policy.
Indian population.

See (in this volume)

INDIANS, AMERICAN: A. D. 1899-1900.
Report of the First Philippine Commission.

See (in this volume)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A. D. 1900 (January-March).

The outbreak of the "Boxers" in northern China.

See (in this volume)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A. D. 1900 (February).

Negotiation of the Hay-Pauncefote Convention relative
to the Nicaragua Canal.

See (in this volume)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A. D. 1900 (March-December).

Passage of the Financial Bill.
Settlement of the question of the monetary standard.
The working of the act.

Legislation in the direction sought by the advocates of the

gold standard and of a reformed monetary system for the
country, whose agitations are referred to above, was attained
in the spring of 1900, by the passage of an important
"Financial Bill" which became law on the 14th of March.

See (in this volume)


The provisions and the effect of the Act were summarized at

the time by the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Gage, in a
published statement, as follows:
"The financial bill has for its first object what its title
indicates, the fixing of the standard of value and the
maintaining at a parity with that standard of all forms of
money issued or coined by the United States. It reaffirms that
the unit of value is the dollar, consisting of 25.8 grains of
gold, nine tenths fine, but from that point it goes on to make
it the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain all
forms of money issued or coined at a parity with this
standard. It puts into the hands of the Secretary ample power
to do that.
For that purpose, the bill provides in the Treasury bureaus of
issue and redemption and transfers from the general fund of
the Treasury's cash $150,000,000 in gold coin and bullion to
redemption fund, that gold to be used for the redemption of
United States notes and Treasury notes. That fund is
henceforth absolutely cut out of and separated from the cash
balance in the Treasury and the available cash balance will
hereafter show a reduction of $150,000,000 from the figures
that have heretofore prevailed. This $150,000,000 redemption
fund is to be used for no other purpose than the redemption of
United States notes and Treasury notes and those notes so
redeemed may be exchanged for the gold in the general fund or
with the public, so that the reserve fund is kept full with
gold to the $150,000,000 limit. If redemptions go on so that
the gold in this reserve fund is reduced below $100,000,000,
and the Secretary is unable to build it up to the $150,000,000
mark by exchange for gold in the general fund or otherwise, he
is given power to sell bonds and it is made his duty to
replenish the gold to the $150,000,000 mark by such means.

"The 'endless chain' is broken by a provision which prohibits

the use of notes so redeemed to meet deficiencies in the
current revenues. The act provides for the ultimate retirement
of all the Treasury notes issued in payment for silver bullion
under the Sherman act. As fast as that bullion is coined into
silver dollars Treasury notes are to be retired and replaced
with an equal amount of silver certificates. The measure
authorizes the issue of gold certificates in exchange for
deposits of gold coin, the same as at present, but suspends
that authority whenever and so long as the gold in the
redemption fund is below $100,000,000 and gives to the
Secretary the option to suspend the issue of such certificates
whenever the silver certificates and United States notes in
the general fund of the Treasury exceed $40,000,000. The bill
provides for a larger issue of silver certificates, by
declaring that hereafter silver certificates shall be issued
only in denominations of $10 and under except as to 10 per
cent. of the total volume. Room is made for this larger use of
silver certificates in the way of small bills by another
provision which makes it necessary as fast as the present
silver certificates of high denominations are broken up into
small bills to cancel a similar volume of United States notes
of small denominations and replace them with notes of
denominations of $10 and upward. Further room is made for the
circulation of small silver certificates by a clause which
permits national banks to have only one third of their capital
in denomination under $10.

"One clause of the bill which the public will greatly

appreciate is the right it gives to the Secretary to coin any
of the 1890 bullion into subsidiary silver coins up to a limit
of $100,000,000. There has for years been a scarcity of
subsidiary silver during periods of active retail trade, but
this provision will give the Treasury ample opportunity to
supply all the subsidiary silver that is needed. Another
provision that the public will greatly appreciate is the
authority given to the Secretary to recoin worn and uncurrent
subsidiary silver now in the Treasury or hereafter received.

"A distinct feature of the bill is in reference to refunding

the 3 per cent. Spanish war loan, the 2 per cent. bonds
maturing in 1907 and the 5 per cent. bonds maturing in 1904, a
total of $839,000,000, into new 2 per cent. bonds. These new 2
per cent. bonds will not be offered for sale, but will only be
issued in exchange for an equal amount, face value, of old
bonds. This exchange will save the Government, after deducting
the premium paid, nearly $23,000,000, if all the holders of the
old bonds exchange them for the new ones. National banks that
take out circulation based on the new bonds are to be taxed
only one half of 1 per cent. on the average amount of
circulation outstanding, while those who have circulation
based on a deposit of old bonds will be taxed, as at present,
1 per cent. There are some other changes in the national
banking act. The law permits national banks with $25,000
capital to be organized in places of 3,000 inhabitants or
less, whereas heretofore the minimum capital has been $50,000.
It also permits banks to issue circulation on all classes of
bonds deposited up to the par value of the bonds, instead of
90 per cent. of their face, as heretofore. This ought to make
an immediate increase in national bank circulation of
something like $24,000,000, as the amount of bonds now
deposited to secure circulation is about $242,000,000. If the
price of the new 2s is not forced so high in the market that
there is no profit left to national banks in taking out
circulation, we may also look for a material increase in
national bank circulation based on additional deposits of
bonds. National banks are permitted under the law to issue
circulation up to an amount equal to their capital. The total
capital of all national banks is $616,000,000. The total
circulation outstanding is $253,000,000. There is, therefore,
a possibility of an increase in circulation of $363,000,000,
although the price of the 2 per cent. bonds, as already
foreshadowed by market quotations in advance of their issue,
promises to be so high that the profit to the banks in taking
out circulation will not be enough to make the increase
anything like such a possible total."

Upon the working of the Act, during the first nine months of
its operation, Secretary Gage remarked as follows, in his
annual report dated December 14, 1900:
"The operation of the act of March 14 last with respect to
these two important matters of our finances has well
exemplified its wisdom. Confidence in the purpose and power of
the Government to maintain the gold standard has been greatly
strengthened. The result is that gold flows toward the
Treasury instead of away from it. At the date of this report
the free gold in the Treasury is larger in amount than at any
former period in our history. Including the $150,000,000
reserve, the gold in the Treasury belonging to the Government
amounts to over $242,000,000, while the Treasury holds,
besides, more than $230,000,000, against which certificates
have been issued. That provision of the act which liberalized
the conditions of bank-note issue was also wise and timely.
Under it, … there has been an increase of some $77,000,000 in
bank-note issues. To this fact may be chiefly attributed the
freedom from stress for currency to handle the large harvests
of cotton, wheat, and corn. In this respect the year has been
an exception to the general rule of stringency which for
several years has so plainly marked the autumn season.


"Nevertheless, the measures referred to, prolific as they have

been in good results, will yet need re-enforcement in some
important particulars. Thus, as to the redemption fund
provided for in said act, while the powers conferred upon the
Secretary are probably ample to enable a zealous and watchful
officer to protect fully the gold reserve, there appears to be
lacking sufficient mandatory requirement to furnish complete
confidence in the continued parity, under all conditions,
between our two forms of metallic money, silver and gold. Upon
this point further legislation may become desirable. As to the
currency, while the liberalizing of conditions has, as previously
noted, found response in a necessary increase of bank-note
issues, there is under our present system no assurance
whatever that the volume of bank currency will be continuously
responsive to the country's needs, either by expanding as such
needs require or by contracting when superfluous in amount.
The truth is that safe and desirable as is our currency system
in many respects, it is not properly related. The supply of
currency is but remotely, if at all, influenced by the ever
changing requirements of trade and industry. It is related
most largely, if not entirely, to the price of Government
bonds in the market."

Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1900,

pages 72-73.


Speech of Senator Hoar in denial of the right of the
government of the United States, under the Constitution, to
hold the Philippine Islands as a subject state.

On the 17th of April, the following joint resolution was under

consideration in the Senate: "Be it resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, that the Philippine Islands are territory
belonging to the United States; that it is the intention of
the United States to retain them as such and to establish and
maintain such governmental control throughout the archipelago
as the situation may demand." Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts,
spoke in opposition to the resolution, and some passages from
his speech are quoted here, because they are notably
representative of the ground and spirit of an opposition which
existed within the party controlling the government to the war
of subjugation in the Philippine Islands, to which the party
and the government were finally committed by the adoption of
this Congressional declaration. The attitude and argument of
parties on the question are set forth below, in the platforms
and manifestos of the presidential election. This speech
exhibits a feeling on that question which was overridden in
the winning party, and it has an importance both forensic and
"The American people, so far as I know, were all agreed that
their victory [in the Spanish American war] brought with it
the responsibility of protecting the liberated peoples from
the cupidity of any other power until they could establish
their own independence in freedom and in honor. I stand here
to-day to plead with you not to abandon the principles that
have brought these things to pass. I implore you to keep to
the policy that has made the country great, that has made the
Republican party great, that has made the President great. I
have nothing new to say. But I ask you to keep in the old
channels, and to keep off the old rocks laid down in the old
charts, and to follow the old sailing orders that all the old
captains of other days have obeyed, to take your bearings, as
of old, from the north star,

Of whose true fixed and resting quality

There is no fellow in the firmament,

and not from this meteoric light of empire.

"Especially, if I could, would I persuade the great Republican

party to come back again to its old faith, to its old
religion, before it is too late. There is yet time. The
President has said again and again that his is only an ad
interim policy until Congress shall act. It is not yet too
late. Congress has rejected, unwisely, as I think, some
declarations for freedom. But the two Houses have not as yet
committed themselves to despotism. The old, safe path, the
path alike of justice and of freedom, is still easy. It is a
path familiar, of old, to the Republican party. If we have
diverged from it for the first time, everything in our
history, everything in our own nature calls us back. The great
preacher of the English church tells you how easy is the
return of a great and noble nature from the first departure
from rectitude:—
'For so a taper, when its crown of flame is newly blown off,
retains a nature so symbolical to light,
that it will with greediness reenkindle and snatch a ray
from the neighbor fire.'

"I, for one, believed, and still believe that the pathway to
prosperity and glory for the country was also the pathway to
success and glory for the Republican party. I thought the two
things inseparable. If, when we made the treaty of peace, we
had adhered to the purpose we declared when we declared war;
if we had dealt with the Philippine Islands as we promised to
deal, have dealt, and expect to deal with Cuba, the country
would have escaped the loss of 6,000 brave soldiers, other
thousands of wrecked and shattered lives, the sickness of many
more, the expenditure of hundreds of millions, and, what is
far worse than all, the trampling under foot of its cherished
ideals. There would have been to-day a noble republic in the
East, sitting docile at our feet, receiving from us
civilization, laws, manners, and giving in turn everything the
gratitude of a free people could give-love, obedience, trade.
The Philippine youth would throng our universities; our
Constitution, our Declaration, the lives of Washington and
Lincoln, the sayings of Jefferson and Franklin would have been
the textbooks of their schools. How our orators and poets
would have delighted to contrast America liberating and
raising up the republic of Asia, with England subduing and
trampling under foot the republic of Africa. Nothing at home
could have withstood the great party and the great President
who had done these things. We should have come from the next
election with a solid North and have carried half the South.
You would at least have been spared the spectacle of great
Republican States rising in revolt against Republican
policies. I do not expect to accomplish anything for liberty
in the Philippine Islands but through the Republican party.
Upon it the fate of these Islands for years to come is to
depend. If that party can not be persuaded, the case is in my
judgment for the present hopeless. …

"The practical question which divided the American people last

year, and which divides them to-day, is this: Whether in
protecting the people of the Philippine Islands from the
ambition and cupidity of other nations we are bound to protect
them from our own. … In dealing with this question, Mr.
President, I do not mean to enter upon any doubtful ground. I
shall advance no proposition ever seriously disputed in this
country till within twelve months. … If to think as I do in
regard to the interpretation of the Constitution; in regard to
the mandates of the moral law or the law of nations, to which
all men and all nations must render obedience; in regard to
the policies which are wisest for the conduct of the State, or
in regard to those facts of recent history in the light of
which we have acted or are to act hereafter, be treason, then
Washington was a traitor; then Jefferson was a traitor; then
Jackson was a traitor; then Franklin was a traitor; then
Sumner was a traitor; then Lincoln was a traitor; then Webster
was a traitor; then Clay was a traitor; then Corwin was a
traitor; then Kent was a traitor; then Seward was a traitor;
then McKinley, within two years, was a traitor; then the
Supreme Court of the United States has been in the past a nest
and hotbed of treason; then the people of the United States,
for more than a century, have been traitors to their own flag
and their own Constitution.

"'We are presented with an issue that can be clearly and

sharply stated as a question of constitutional power, a
question of international law, a question of justice and
righteousness, or a question of public expediency. This can be
stated clearly and sharply in the abstract, and it can be put
clearly and sharply by an illustration growing out of existing

"The constitutional question is: Has Congress the power, under

our Constitution, to hold in subjection unwilling vassal

"The question of international law is: Can any nation

rightfully convey to another sovereignty over an unwilling
people who have thrown off its dominion, asserted their
independence, established a government of their own, over whom
it has at the time no practical control, from whose territory
it has been disseized, and which it is beyond its power to

"The question of justice and righteousness is: Have we the

right to crush and hold under our feet an unwilling and
subject people whom we had treated as allies, whose
independence we are bound in good faith to respect, who had
established their own free government, and who had trusted us?

"The question of public expediency is: Is it for our advantage

to promote our trade at the cannon's mouth and at the point of
the bayonet?

"All these questions can be put in a way of practical

illustration by inquiring whether we ought to do what we have
done, are doing, and mean to do in the case of Cuba; or what
we have done, are doing, and some of you mean to do in the
case of the Philippine Islands.

"It does not seem to me to be worth while to state again at

length the constitutional argument which I have addressed to
the Senate heretofore. It has been encountered with eloquence,
with clearness and beauty of statement, and, I have no doubt,
with absolute sincerity by Senators who have spoken upon the
other side. But the issue between them and me can be summed up
in a sentence or two, and if, so stated, it can not be made
clear to any man's apprehension, I despair of making it clear
by any elaboration or amplification. I admit that the United
States may acquire and hold property, and may make rules and
regulations for its disposition. I admit that, like other
property, the United States may acquire and hold land. It may
acquire it by purchase. It may acquire it by treaty. It may
acquire it by conquest. And it may make rules and regulations
for its disposition and government, however it be acquired.
When there are inhabitants upon the land so acquired it may
make laws for their government. But the question between me
and the gentlemen on the other side is this: Is this
acquisition of territory, of land or other property, whether
gained by purchase, conquest, or treaty, a constitutional end
or only a means to a constitutional end? May you acquire,
hold, and govern territory or other property as an end for
which our Constitution was framed, or is it only a means
toward some other and further end? May you acquire, hold, and
govern property by conquest, treaty, or purchase for the sole
object of so holding and governing it, without the
consideration of any further constitutional purpose? Or must
you hold it for a constitutional purpose only, such as the
making of new States, the national defense and security, the
establishment of a seat of government, or the construction of
forts, harbors, and like works, which, of course, are
themselves for the national defense and security?

"I hold that this acquisition, holding and governing, can be

only a means for a constitutional end—the creation of new
States or some other of the constitutional purposes to which I
have adverted. And I maintain that you can no more hold and
govern territory than you can hold and manage cannon or fleets
for any other than a constitutional end; and I maintain that
the holding in subjection an alien people, governing them
against their will for any fancied advantage to them, is not
only not an end provided for by the Constitution, but is an
end prohibited therein. … It is an end which the generation
which framed the Constitution and the Declaration of
Independence declared was unrighteous and abhorrent. So, in my
opinion, we have no constitutional power to acquire territory
for the purpose of holding it in subjugation, in a state of
vassalage or serfdom, against the will of its people.

"It is to be noted just here that we have acquired no

territory or other property in the Philippine Islands, save at
few public buildings. By every other acquisition of territory
the United States became a great land owner. She owned the
public lands as she had owned the public lands in the
Northwest ceded to her by the old States. But you own nothing
in the Philippines. The people own their farms and dwellings
and cities. The religious orders own the rest. The Filipinos
desire to do what our English ancestors did in the old days
when England was Catholic. The laity feared that the Church
would engross all the land. So they passed their statute of
mortmain. You have either got to let the people of the
Philippine Islands settle this matter for themselves, or you
must take upon you the delicate duty of settling it for them.
Your purchase or conquest is a purchase or conquest of nothing
but sovereignty. It is a sovereignty over a people who are
never to be admitted to exercise it or to share it. In the
present case we have not, I repeat, bought any property. We
have undertaken to buy mere sovereignty. There were no public
lands in the Philippine Islands, the property of Spain, which
we have bought and paid for. The mountains of iron and the
nuggets of gold and the hemp-bearing fields—do you purpose to
strip the owners of their rightful title? We have undertaken
to buy allegiance, pure and simple. And allegiance is just
what the law of nations declares you can not buy. …

"I have been unable to find a single reputable authority more

than twelve months old for the power now claimed for Congress
to govern dependent nations or territories not expected to
become States. The contrary, until this war broke out, has
been taken as too clear for reasonable question. I content
myself with a few authorities. Among them are Daniel Webster,
William H. Seward, the Supreme Court of the United States,
James Madison.
"Daniel Webster said in the Senate, March 23, 1848: 'Arbitrary
governments may have territories and distant possessions,
because arbitrary governments may rule them by different laws
and different systems. We can do no such thing. They must be
of us, part of us, or else strangers. I think I see a course
adopted which is likely to turn the Constitution of the land
into a deformed monster, into a curse rather than a blessing;
in fact, a frame of an unequal government, not founded on
popular representation, not founded on equality, but on the
grossest inequality; and I think that this process will go on,
or that there is danger that it will go on, until this Union
shall fall to pieces. I resist it to-day and always! Whoever
falters or whoever flies, I continue the contest!'

"James Madison said in the Federalist: 'The object of the

Federal Constitution is to secure the union of the thirteen
primitive States, which we know to be practicable; and to add
to them such other States as may arise in their own bosoms, or
in their neighborhood, which we can not doubt will be

James Madison,
Federalist, Number 14.

"William H. Seward said: 'It is a remarkable feature of the

Constitution of the United States that its framers never
contemplated colonies, or provinces, or territories at all. On
the other hand, they contemplated States only, nothing less
than States, perfect States, equal States, as they are called
here, sovereign States. … There is reason—there is sound
political wisdom in this provision of the Constitution
excluding colonies, which are always subject to oppression,
and excluding provinces, which always tend to corrupt and
ultimately to break down the parent State.'

Seward's Works
Volume 1, page 122.

'By the Constitution of the United States, there are no

subjects, Every citizen of any one State is a free and equal
citizen of the United States. Again, by the Constitution of
the United States there are no permanent provinces or

Seward's Works
Volume 4, page 167.

"The Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of

Fleming vs. Page, said: 'The genius and character of our
institutions are peaceful; and the power to declare war was
not conferred upon Congress for the purposes of aggression or
aggrandizement, but to enable the Government to vindicate by
arms, if it should become necessary, its own rights and the
rights of its citizens. A war, therefore, declared by
Congress, can never be presumed to be waged for the purpose of
conquest or the acquisition of territory; nor does the law
declaring the war imply an authority to the President to
enlarge the limits of the United States by subjugating the
enemy's country.'

"Our territories, so far, have all been places where Americans

would go to dwell as citizens, to establish American homes, to
obtain honorable employment, and to build a State. Will any
man go to the Philippine Islands to dwell, except to help
govern the people, or to make money by a temporary residence?

"When hostilities broke out, February 5, 1899, we had no

occupancy of and no title of any kind to any portion of the
Philippine territory, except the town and bay of Manila.
Everything else was in the peaceful possession of the
inhabitants. In such a condition of things, Mr. President,
international law speaks to us with its awful mandate. It
pronounces your proposed action sheer usurpation and robbery.
You have no better title, according to the law of nations, to
reduce this people to subjection than you have to subjugate
Mexico or Haiti or Belgium or Switzerland. This is the settled
doctrine, as declared by our own great masters of
jurisprudence. You have no right, according to tho law of
nations, to obtain by purchase or acquisition sovereignty over
a people which is not actually exercised by the country which
undertakes to convey it or yield it. We have not yet completed
the acquisition. But at the time we entered upon it, and at
the time of this alleged purchase, the people of the
Philippine Islands, as appears by General Otis's report, by
Admiral Dewey's report, and the reports of officers for whom
they vouched, held their entire territory, with the exception
of the single town of Manila. They had, as appears from these
reports, a full organized government. They had an army
fighting for independence, admirably disciplined, according to
the statement of zealous advocates of expansion.

"Why, Mr. President, is it credible that any American

statesman, that any American Senator, that any intelligent
American citizen anywhere, two years ago could have been found
to affirm that a proceeding like that of the Paris treaty
could give a just and valid title to sovereignty over a people
situated as were the people of those islands? A title of
Spain, originally by conquest, never submitted to nor admitted
by the people of the islands, with frequent insurrections at
different times for centuries, and then the yoke all thrown
off, a constitutional government, schools, colleges, churches,
universities, hospitals, town governments, a legislature, a
cabinet, courts, a code of laws, and the whole island occupied
and controlled by its people, with the single exception of one
city; with taxes lawfully levied and collected, with an army
and the beginning of a navy.

"And yet the Senate, the Congress enacted less than two years
ago that the people of Cuba—controlling peaceably no part of
their island, levying no taxes in any orderly or peaceable
way, with no administration of justice, no cabinet—not only of
right ought to be, but were, in fact, a free and independent
State. I did not give my assent to that declaration of fact. I
assented to the doctrine that they of right ought to be. But I
thought the statement of fact much calculated to embarrass the
Government of the United States, if it were bound by that
declaration; and it has been practically disregarded by the
Administration ever since. But the question now is a very
different one. You not only deny that the Filipinos are, but
you deny that they of right ought to be free and independent;
and you recognize Spain as entitled to sell to you the
sovereignty of an island where she was not at the time
occupying a foot of territory, where her soldiers were held
captives by the government of the island, a government to
which you had delivered over a large number of Spanish
prisoners to be held as captives. And yet you come here to-day
and say that they not only are not, but they of right ought
not to be free and independent; and when you are pressed you
answer us by talking about mountains of iron and nuggets of
gold, and trade with China.

"I affirm that you can not get by conquest, and you can not
get by purchase, according to the modern law of nations,
according to the law of nations as accepted and expounded by
the United States, sovereignty over a people, or title to a
territory, of which the power that undertakes to sell it or
the power from whom you undertake to wrest it has not the
actual possession and dominion. … You cannot buy a war. More
than this, you cannot buy a tyrant's claim to subject again an
oppressed people who have achieved their freedom. …

"Gentlemen tell us that the bill of the Senator from Wisconsin

is copied from that introduced in Jefferson's time for the
purchase of Louisiana. Do you claim that you propose to deal
with these people as Jefferson meant to deal with Louisiana?
You talk of Alaska, of Florida, of California; do you mean to
deal with the Philippines as we mean to deal with Alaska and
dealt with Florida or California?

"I have spoken of the Declaration of Independence as a solemn

affirmation of public law, but it is far more than that. It is
a solemn pledge of national faith and honor. It is a baptismal
vow. It is the bedrock of our republican institutions. It is,
as the Supreme Court declared, the soul and spirit of which
the Constitution is but the body and letter. It is the light
by which the Constitution must be read. … There is expansion
enough in it, but it is the expansion of freedom and not of
despotism; of life, not of death. Never was such growth in all
human history as that from the seed Thomas Jefferson planted.
The parable of the mustard seed, than which, as Edward Everett
said, 'the burning pen of inspiration, ranging heaven and
earth for a similitude, can find nothing more appropriate or
expressive to which to liken the Kingdom of God,' is repeated
again. 'Whereunto shall we liken it, or with what comparison
shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed,
which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the
seeds that be in the earth. But when it is sown, it groweth
up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out
great branches, so that the fowls of the air may lodge under
the shadow of it.' This is the expansion of Thomas Jefferson.
It has covered the continent. It is on both the seas. It has
saved South America. It is revolutionizing Europe. It is the
expansion of freedom. It differs from your tinsel, pinchbeck,
pewter expansion as the growth of a healthy youth into a
strong man differs from the expansion of an anaconda when he
swallows his victim. Ours is the expansion of Thomas
Jefferson. Yours is the expansion of Aaron Burr. It is
destined to as short a life and to a like fate. …

"There are 1,200 islands in the Philippine group. They extend

as far as from Maine to Florida. They have a population
variously estimated at from 8,000,000 to 12,000,000. There are
wild tribes who never heard of Christ, and islands that never
heard of Spain. But among them are the people of the island of
Luzon, numbering 3,500,000, and the people of the Visayan
Islands, numbering 2,500,000 more. They are a Christian and
civilized people. They wrested their independence from Spain
and established a republic. Their rights are no more to be
affected by the few wild tribes in their own mountains or by
the dwellers in the other islands than the rights of our old
thirteen States were affected by the French in Canada, or the
Six Nations of New York, or the Cherokees of Georgia, or the
Indians west of the Mississippi. Twice our commanding
generals, by their own confession, assured these people of
their independence. Clearly and beyond all cavil we formed an
alliance with them. We expressly asked them to co-operate with
us. We handed over our prisoners to their keeping; we sought
their help in caring for our sick and wounded. We were told by
them again and again and again that they were fighting for
independence. Their purpose was as well known to our generals,
to the War Department, and to the President, as the fact that
they were in arms. We never undeceived them until the time
when hostilities were declared in 1899. The President declared
again and again that we had no title and claimed no right to
anything beyond the town of Manila. Hostilities were begun by
us at a place where we had no right to be, and were continued
by us in spite of Aguinaldo's disavowal and regret and offer
to withdraw to a line we should prescribe. If we crush that
republic, despoil that people of their freedom and
independence, and subject them to our rule, it will be a story
of shame and dishonor. …

"But we are told if we oppose the policy of our imperialistic

and expanding friends we are bound to suggest some policy of
our own as a substitute for theirs. We are asked what we would
do in this difficult emergency. It is a question not difficult
to answer. I for one am ready to answer it.
"1. I would declare now that we will not take these islands to
govern them against their will.

"2. I would reject a cession of sovereignty which implies that

sovereignty may be bought and sold and delivered without the
consent of the people. Spain had no rightful sovereignty over
the Philippine Islands. She could not rightfully sell it to
us. We could not rightfully buy it from her.

"3. I would require all foreign governments to keep out of

these islands.

"4. I would offer to the people of the Philippines our help in

maintaining order until they have a reasonable opportunity to
establish a government of their own.


"5. I would aid them by advice, if they desire it, to set up a

free and independent government.

"6. I would invite all the great powers of Europe to unite in

an agreement that that independence shall not be interfered
with by us, by themselves, or by any one of them with the
consent of the others. As to this I am not so sure. I should
like quite as well to tell them it is not to be done whether
they consent or not.

"7. I would declare that the United States will enforce the
same doctrine as applicable to the Philippines that we
declared as to Mexico and Haiti and the South American
Republics. It is true that the Monroe Doctrine, a doctrine
based largely on our regard for our own interests, is not
applicable either in terms or in principle to a distant
Asiatic territory. But, undoubtedly, having driven out Spain,
we are bound, and have the right, to secure to the people we
have liberated an opportunity, undisturbed and in peace, to

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