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I. Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. fathom B. father C. farm D. father
2. A. think B. that C. three D. thanks
3. A. thunderstorm B. greengrocer C. prefer D. louder
4. A. says B. plays C. days D. pays
5. A. seizure B. measure C. confusion D. tension
6. A. ransom B. ancient C. danger D. change
7. A. climber B. lamb C. timber D. debt
8. A. remark B. postcard C. drunkard D. discard
9. A. root B. roof C. foot D. food
10. A. horses B. rises C. houses D. chooses

II. Underline the stressed syllable of each of the words below.

dividend, diameter, significant, mechanized, circumstance, alternative, abnormality, contour, impudence, ancestor


Choose the correct answer.
1. He _______________ some unusual educational beliefs.
A. keeps B. carries C. holds D. takes
2. The old ship will be towed into the harbour and _______________.
A. broken off B. broken down C. broken in D. broken up
3. “I know that you have an appointment in ten minutes, so I shall not _______________ you long”, the professor
A. detain B. withhold C. postpone D. retard
4. Mary gives one account of the conversation, and Fred another, it’s difficult to _______________ the two versions.
A. identify B. reconcile C. adjust D. coincide
5. I am never free on Tuesday evenings as I have a _______________ arrangement to go to the cinema with a friend.
A. long-lived B. long-standing C. long-range D.long-lasting
6. I could see the tip of his cigarette _______________ in the darkness.
A. glinting B. sparkling C. gleaming D. glowing
7. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention _______________.
A. limit B. span C. duration D. time
8. Elen decided that election to the local council would provide a _______________ to a career in national politics.
A. highway B. turning-point C. milestone D.springboard
9. This map has a _______________ of one centimeter to two kilometers.
A. system B. diagram C. reference D. scale
10. I like that photo very much, could you make an _______________ for me?
A. increase B. extension C. enlargement D. expansion


I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms or tenses.
Millions of years ago, trees from now (1. vanish) _____________ forests produced a sticky substance that slowly (2.
harden) _____________ into sparkling rocks. Often, the (3. harden) _____________ sap would drip onto an unlucky
grasshopper or beetle, (4. encase) _____________ it in a premature tomb. Today, a piece of amber with such content is
worth thousands of dollars. However, not long ago, miners tossed out these pieces believing them (5. flaw)
_____________ and worthless. The preservation of creatures in amber is (6. amaze) _____________. Scientists are
able to cut the amber and expose the actual structures of a prehistoric creature’s muscles, eyes, jaws and nervous
systems. Although amber supplies (7. decline) _____________ in some areas of the world, it is doubtful that supplies
(8. deplete) _____________ any time soon. New deposits always (9. discover) _____________, (10. guarantee)
_____________ a rich link to the past.
II. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. Are all those ______________ they put in food really necessary? (add)
2. He did his work ______________. (conscience)
3. She looked in on the baby ______________ to check that it was all right. (period)
4. People used to suffer from their life time physical ______________. (normal)
5. Tourists forget their ______________ ideas as soon as they visit our country. (conceive)
6. Psychologists say that adults should not accept ______________ behaviour from their children. (permit)
7. He’s very generous and everyone admires his ______________. (self)
8. Eating fish and lots of vegetables greatly increase your life ______________. (expect)
9. Her ______________ characteristic is honesty. (dominate)
10. The ______________ has caused many so-called man-made disasters. (forest)
Fill in each blank with one appropriate word.
Today computer companies sell many different programs for (1) ___________. First, there are programs for doing
math (2) ___________. Second, there are programs for scientific studies. Third, some programs are like fancy
typewriters. They are often used by writers and business people. Other programs are made for (3) ___________ in
schools and universities. And finally, there are programs for fun. These include word (4) ___________ and puzzles for
children and adults. Computer (5) ___________ can be funny at times. For example, we say computers have a
memory. We know they do not really remember or think. But we still say (6) ___________. Also, on many computer
programs there is a (7) ___________. Of course, we are not talking about restaurants or food.
This is a different (8) ___________ of menu. Another funny example is the mouse in some computers. It is hard not to
think about a (9) ___________ mouse when you hear the word. But do not worry, there are (10) ___________ little
gray animals in the machine.


I. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before
1. The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic.
The average __________________________________________________________
2. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease.
Enormous ____________________________________________________________
3. Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh.
The very _____________________________________________________________
4. The fire led to the setting up of a public inquiry.
As a _________________________________________________________________
5. Most of the students ignored what the teacher was saying.
Few _________________________________________________________________
6. Everyone must admit that prevention is better than cure.
There is no ___________________________________________________________
7. The instruction says that you just add boiling water to the soup powder.
The soup powder ______________________________________________________
8. They didn’t get married because their parents were against it.
But _________________________________________________________________
9. She is proud of being such a good cook.
She prides ____________________________________________________________
10. The police are advising vigilance as there have been more robberies lately.
Due to _______________________________________________________________
II. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as the ones printed before
them, using the words given in brackets. You must not change the words in any way.
1. I was told the film would be good. (led)
2. You can’t get to the village in winter because of the snow. (access)
3. I think you should be tolerant of other people’s weaknesses. (allowances)
4. She is too busy to go shopping. (hands)
5. Could you watch my bag while I am away, please? (eye)
6. Unfortunately, all his efforts were unsuccessful. (nothing)
7. He began to do the homework as soon as he arrived home. (got)
8. It’s the director that will decide what to do. (be)
9. This boy’s a really nuisance. I can’t stand him. (neck)
10. It was hard not to start laughing when she started to sing. (face)


I. Prepositions and particles: Fill in each space with a correct preposition.
1. I can’t hider you ______________ taking part.
2. There is no cure ______________ baldness except a wig.
3. You will be deprived ______________ all privileges.
4. He wasn’t very good but he has come ______________ a lot.
5. I could do ______________ a drink.
6. Plants give ______________ oxygen.
7. I can’t make ______________ his writing.
8. He puts ______________ some money every week.
9. The police stood ______________ in case of trouble.
10. She can always tell artificial pearls ______________ real ones.

II. Complete the following sentences using the verbs given in the box. You have to use the correct tenses of the
verbs and the appropriate particles.
look turn wake shave fall
cross knock try break pick
1. Be careful on that horse! Don’t ______________.
2. Sorry I’m late. The car’s ______________ on the way here.
3. The radio is a bit loud. Can you ______________ it ______________ a bit, please?
4. There was a ten-dollar bill lying on the pavement, so I ______________ it.
5. The children are asleep. Don’t ______________ them ______________.
6. If you make a mistake, just ______________ it ______________.
7. I saw a jacket which I liked in the shop. So I went in and ______________ it ______________ to see if it fitted me.
8. There were a few words that I didn’t understand, so I ______________ them ______________ in my dictionary.
9. He had a beard for a long time but he got fed up with it. So he ______________ it ______________.
10. A stone fell on my head and ______________ me ______________ I was unconscious for half an hour.


Read the passage and choose the best answer.
The potential of computers for increasing the control of organizations or society over the members and for invading the
privacy of those members has caused considerable concern.
The privacy issue has been raised most insistently with respect to the creation and maintenance of data files that
assemble information about person from a multitude of sources. Files of this kind would be highly valuable for many
kinds of economic and social research, but they are bought at too high a price if they endanger human freedom or
seriously enhance the opportunities of black-mailers. While such dangers should not be ignored, it should be noted that
the lack of comprehensive data files has never before been the limiting barrier to the suppression of human freedom.
Making the computer the villain in the invasion of primacy or encroachment on civil liberties simply diverts attention
from the real dangers. Computer data banks can and must be given the highest degree of protection from abuse. But we
must be careful, also, that we do not employ such crude methods of protection as to deprive our society of important
data it needs to understand its own social processes and to analyze its problems.
Perhaps the most important question of all about the computer is what it has done and will do to man’s view of himself
and his place in the universe. The most heated attacks on the computer are not focused on its possible economic
effects, its presumed destruction of job satisfaction or its threat to privacy and liberty, but upon the claim that it causes
people to be viewed themselves, as “machines”.
What the computer and the progress in artificial intelligence challenge is an ethic that rests on man’s apartness from
the rest of nature. An alternative ethic, of course, views man as a part of nature, governed by natural law, subject to the
forces of gravity and the demands of his body. The debate about artificial intelligence and the simulation of man’s
thinking is, in considerable part, a confrontation of these two views of man's place in the universe.
1. Why is it important to prevent the abuse of computer data banks?
A. to protect the rights of the individual.
B. to maintain discipline in society.
C. to encourage economic and social research.
D. to collect wide-ranging information.
2. Too much caution in the use of computers will _______________.
A. prevent the solution of economic problems.
B. cause more suppression of human freedom.
C. lead to clumsy methods of protection.
D. interfere with our study of society.
3. What lessons can be learned from the past in this debate?
A. Crime has always associated with progress.
B. Attacks on freedom are nothing new.
C. The accumulation of data encourages oppression.
D. Privacy has been a neglected issue.
4. The arrival of computer has made man
A. have more difficulty understanding himself.
B. think more like a machine.
C. look at himself in a different way.
D. gain less satisfaction from his work.
5. If you had to split this passage into two sections, where would be the best place to make the division?
A. After the first paragraph.
B. After the second paragraph.
C. After the third paragraph.
D. After the fourth paragraph.

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. A

dividend, diameter, significant, mechanized, circumstance, alternative, abnormality, contour, impudence, ancestor
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B
6. D 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. C

1. vanished 2. hardened 3. hardening
4. encasing 5. to be flawed 6. amazing
7. are declining 8. will be depleted
9. are always being discovered 10. guaranteeing

1. additives 2. conscientiously 3. periodically
4. abnormalities 5. preconceived 6. impermissible
7. selflessness 8. expectancy 9. predominant
10. deforestation

1. computers 2. problems 3. courses
4. games 5. language 6. memory
7. menu 8. kind/ type/ sort 9. real 10. no

1. The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is greater than that of the Atlantic.
2. Enormous efforts have been made (by scientists) to find a cure for this disease.
3. The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh.
4. As a result of the fire, a public inquiry was set up.
5. Few students paid attention to what the teacher was saying.
6. There is no denial / denying that prevention is better than cure.
7. The soup powder just needs boiling water added to it according to the instructions.
8. But for their parents’ objection, they might have got married.
9. She prides herself on being such a good cook.
(She prides herself on her good cooking).
10. The police are advising vigilance as there have been more robberies lately.
Due to an increase in the number of robberies, the police are advising vigilance.
1. I was led to believe the film would be good. / I was led to the belief that the film would be good.
2. There is no access to the village in winter because of the snow.
3. I think you should make allowances for other people’s weaknesses.
4. She has her hands full so she cannot go shopping.
5. Could you keep an eye on my bag while I am away, please?
6. Unfortunately, all his efforts came to nothing.
7. He got down to (doing) the homework as soon as he arrived home.
8. It’ll be up to the director to decide what to do.
9. This boy’s is a pain in the neck.
10. It was hard to keep a straight face when she started to sing.

1. from 2. or 3. of 4. on 5. with
6. off 7. out 8. away 9. by 10. from
1. fall off 5. wake…up 9. shaved…off
2. broken down 6. cross…out 10. knocked…out
3. turn…down 7. tried…on
4. picked up 8. looked…up

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C

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