Cumtm101 - March 2024 - June 2024 Sup Supp

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CHINHOYI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY | a SCHOOL OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS | DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUs CUMT101 FEBRUARY 2024 INTER-SEMESTER EXAMINATION DURATION: 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE ‘Answer ALL Questions in Section A and any THREE Questions from Section B. 1. Start each question on a fresh page. 3. Show All your working. CUMT 101 Al. A2. A3. A4. SECTION A [40 marks| Answer ALL Questions being careful to number them Al to A3. (a) Find all the values of 2 for which 2+ 2v3i42=0. (b) If f(a) = V+, find the derivative of f using the first principles of differentia- tion. 6.5] (a) Solve the inequality 2x > [3x ~ 10]. (b) |sinne| 2 (i) Is this function even, odd or neither? ir} (ii) Determine the following limits: (a) jim fle), (b) Jim, f(2). 2.21 (iii) For which values of a € R is f everywhere continuous ? 2 page 3 of 4 CUMT 101 B7. (a) Solve the Bernolli equation ry +2y=—2'0y? , subject to the condition y(—1) = 2. (5) (b) (i) Show that sin 40 = 2sin 20 —4sin 20sin? 0. (5 (ii) Let 21,2 € C, prove that [21 + 22] < |z1| + |2al- il (c) Find the square roots of 12 + 5i and represent the solutions on an Argand dia- gram. {5] Bs. (a) Let f(z) = ore, #3, Evaluate f"(2) from the definition. (al 3-2 =i 1 (b) Determine whether v = [ 1 | js a linear combination of vectors 4) = [0 |: 10 1 2 -6 w= [3 ]aan-[ 7] [8] -2 5 (©) Let Jn = f (1 +az2)"de. Show that (2+ 1)In = 2nkua +a(t+az?)". (8) END OF EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPER. page 4 of 4

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